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« Last Edit: July 05, 2021, 01:44:16 PM by Christian Underwood »

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Krystal Wolfe

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“Highway Robbery!”
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2021, 03:32:20 PM »
(Mark Ward was used with permission from his handler as was Gabriel)

Krystal had managed to avoid falling into the trap that so many of her fellow champions had after winning a title, namely losing the title on the first defence as she managed to defeat Maki in a Mudpit Match at Climax Control 304 securing the fact that she was entering Summer XXXTreme IX as the Bombshell Roulette Champion in the process, however Krystal wouldn’t get to enjoy her success for very long as Bea Barnhart, who was watching the match from the entrance ramp, took it upon herself to steal the Bombshell Roulette Championship whilst Krystal was still in the mudpit!

Come Climax Control 305 Bea would claim that she took it to have Char Kwan disinfect it, but no one was buying it, least of all Krystal who attacked Bea as she was returning to the backstage area taking back the title in the process, now the stage was set for Krystal’s second title defence as she was facing Maki and Bea Barnhart in SCW’s annual Ultimate X Over the Pool Match, can Krystal keep her winning ways alive and win her second defence?

Backstage at Climax Control 304, Las Vegas, Nevada
Sunday the 27th of June 2021, 21:00pm

Where the fuck is she?!

I won my first title defence, I pinned Maki in that fucking Mudpit match, yet I’m not walking back to the cafeteria to hang out with Ari for the rest of the night because Bea stole the title from me! And after everything I went through to get to this point in my career? I’m not standing for this shit.

The moment I get my hands on Bea will be the moment she starts praying that she’ll be healthy enough to make it to Summer XXXTreme IX!

“BEA!” I called out to the empty hallways of The Foundry as I stormed through the halls ready to kick her ass, after I had returned to the back following the mud-pit match I headed straight for the showers, both to get that stuff off my body and out of my hair but to get my ring gear into the duffel bag so that I could get it straight on the wash as soon as I returned home, as a result of that my hair, whilst clean, was soaking wet as I hadn’t had a chance to dry it but that was the least of my worries.. “WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!” I added as I stormed through the halls, however after a while I found someone blocking my path, namely one of the co-owners. “Get out of my way Mark!” I demanded as I glared at the Englishman who shook his head.

“We both know that’s not going to happen Krystal.” Mark told me plainly as he stood his ground. “Don’t bother looking for Bea, she went straight to the parking lot and fled in a car before I could stop her.”

“Fucking typical!” I growled as I started pacing back and forth. “She has what is rightfully mine! This place has security staff, you couldn’t stop her before she reached the parking lot?!”

“Trust me Krystal, I’m not happy about this either!” Mark assured me as I glared right past him. “But I was putting together the card for the Summer XXXTreme IX Go Home Show with Christian when it happened, and before you ask, no, you’re not in action next week.”

“You know what they say Mark, Card Subject to Change and all that.” I responded as I folded my arms. “Give me a match next week, I don’t care if it’s an intergender match against The Troll, I want a match next week.”

“If you had asked me earlier, I would’ve indulged you, but it’s out of the question, besides, after what happened tonight, I’m worried that you’ll seriously injure your next opponent before Summer XXXTreme IX.” Mark responded and I started letting out deep breaths. “Besides, we’re not even sure if The Troll is still alive after Bobbie’s attack on him!”

“That idiot survived an attack by Fenris after insulting him! I think he can survive being suffocated by Bobbie’s tits!” I grunted and for the first time in this conversation, Mark grinned as he chuckled at my blunt statement. “What the hell am I supposed to do now?!”

“Go home.” Mark responded and I glanced up at him. “You’ll get your chance to take back the title next week at the Go Home show, but I can’t risk one of my wrestlers being this angry at a show, regardless of how justified it is! Ari is waiting for you in the parking lot and Makayla has been calling your number trying to get through to you.”

“I did leave my phone with Ari because I didn’t want to risk it getting damaged during the match.” I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair. “Just know that once I get my hands on that bitch, there’s no guarantee that Bea will make it to Summer XXXTreme IX.”

“I will have security on standby, I don’t want to risk one of the marquee matches.” Mark responded and as much as I hated to admit it, he had a pointed and he stepped aside to let me pass. “One other thing, you requested that Makayla be your plus one for the Cruise, right?” Mark asked and I nodded as I went to walk past him “Consider it done, and I’ll try to make sure no one interrupts you and your girlfriend if you decide to celebrate your potential win with a round of sex.”

“Thanks.” I thanked Mark after letting out a deep breath before I walked past him.

Backstage at Climax Control 305, Las Vegas, Nevada
Sunday the 4th of July 2021, 18:00pm

Would I lie to you?

I had been waiting for the perfect opportunity to take back my title from Bea Barnhart and when she went out to try to explain her actions in the ring I initially planned to cut her off in the ring and take the title back that way, those plans only slightly changed when Bea threw a strop and stormed to the back but that just meant that Bea had my fist waiting to have an intimate meeting with her face the moment she returned to the backstage area.

And like I said, I won’t lie to you, taking back my title from Bea felt damn good! And I’m sure there’s a few jokes that could be made about a foreigner living in America “stealing” something from an American on Independence Day! Extra points for each time I’ve been mistaken for British instead of Australian.

That aside, there’s only one thing on my mind right now and you don’t need to be a mind reader to know that I’m talking about my next title defence, the Ultimate X Over the Pool Match at Summer XXXTReme IX and given everything that’s happened between me and my challengers (Maki and Bea Barnhart) I feel more ready than ever heading into my first PPV as champion.

After I returned to where Ari was waiting for me in catering, I couldn’t keep the grin off my face as I slung my title over my shoulder, and then I saw the look on her face.

“I get that you were angry at Bea because she stole the Bombshell Roulette Title from you last week.” Ari stated as she motioned to the championship belt. “But spitting in her face? Gabriel told me that doing so was………”

“The ultimate insult and should never be done?” I finished her sentence for Ari and the Greek-American woman paused before nodding. “Don’t forget Ari, I graduated from the Go Gym as well and I learned that lesson in week one at the Gym.” I added before taking a sip from my drink. “But tell me, what’s the biggest insult? Spitting in Bea’s face or Bea stealing the title from me because she knows she can’t beat me?” I asked my friend and she paused.

“As a graduate of the Go Gym, I want to say spitting in her face, as a former champion?” Ari asked before shifting her weight. “Stealing the title from you, but two wrongs don’t make a right and an eye for an eye…….”

“Makes the world go blind, any other cliches you want to throw my way?” I asked rhetorically and Ari paused before shaking her head. “I’ll deal with any fallout from that when I go to the Go Gym tomorrow to start training for Summer XXXTreme IX, I survived my first defence last week but that was just the warm-up, the Ultimate X Over the Pool Match against Maki and Bea will be my main focus for the next couple of weeks.”

“Speaking off, I was looking at the stats for that match from the Bombshell side of things.” Ari responded before she got her phone out and I gave her a curious look. “The title has mostly been defended in the Ultimate X Match with three exceptions, the first Summer XXXTReme in 2012, 2015 and 2018 where it was defended in a “I Quit” Match, Barbed Wire Massacre Match and a First Blood Match respectively, you attended the 2015 edition as a fan didn’t you?”

“Yeah, me and Makayla as something of a late nineteenth birthday present.” I nodded as I thought back to that year. “We spent most of the day before the cruise set sail traveling to Brisbane by car and basically crashed into our hotel room the moment we checked in, since we were still in the closet at the time, we told anyone who asked that we were merely friends from college attending the show as a graduation present.”

“Did it work?” Ari asked and I nodded.

“It helped that Makayla was legitimately a college student, studying the culinary arts in case you’re wondering.” I responded with a shrug before brushing some hair over my shoulder. “And then we had sex for the first time the Friday before the event but that’s a story for when you’re older.”

“I might be the youngest Go Gym graduate on the roster Krystal, but I’m still twenty!” Ari protested with a grin, and I shook my head with a laugh. “Soon to be twenty one at that.”

“And I’m turning twenty six this year, don’t remind me.” I responded as I shook my head and Ari’s grin grew wider. “Let’s get back to the stats before I feel any older.”

“Good idea.” Ari nodded in agreement before returning to her phone. “Since the first show in 2012, the title has been mostly defended in the Ultimate X Over the Pool Matches and defending champions don’t have a great track record in these matches as the title’s only been successfully defended once, and that was last year where Seleana retained the title over Keira, Jessie and Maki.”

“As if the odds weren’t stacked against me already, now I’ve got to make sure that Seleana retaining the title wasn’t a one off thing for the defending champs.” I responded with a sigh and Ari shook her head in response. “Off course, Seleana had it a slightly more difficult than me, she had to deal with four challengers whilst I only have three challengers on my plate and one of them has made an enemy out of both me and Maki!”

“Yeah, Bea Barnhart pissing off both of her opponents in an elimination match was a bold strategy.” Ari scoffed not noticing the surprised look I was giving her. “But just because it’s bold doesn’t make it a smart strategy, especially when elimination is as easy as throwing your opponent into the pool.” Ari added before noticing the look I was giving her. “What? Is something on my face?”

“Nah, I was just surprised that you used a swear word like that.” I responded and Ari laughed. “I mean, that’s the tenth time you’ve used a naughty word since your debut in 2019?”

“Pretty sure it hasn’t been ten times! Besides, I only save those words for when someone has really angered me, whether it be Teddy Warren basically telling the Bombshell roster to stay in the kitchen or Veronica Taylor being Veronica Taylor.” Ari added as she flipped some hair over her shoulder. “And whilst I don’t like the fact that you spat in her face, Bea stealing the title from you earned her a spot on my shitlist!”

“Kinda tempted to see it now, though I doubt it’s very long knowing you.” I responded with a grin and Ari laughed before we watched the rest of the night’s action.

Go Gym, Las Vegas, Nevada
Monday the 5th of July 2021, 14:00pm

Can’t say I didn’t see this coming.

It was the day after Climax Control 305 and I was at the Go Gym to start my training for the Ultimate X over the Pool Match at Summer XXXTreme IX when Adrienne told me that Gabriel wanted to see me in his office, it didn’t take me along to figure out what he wanted to talk to me about as I cast my thoughts back to last night’s episode of Climax Control and that was confirmed when I saw the look on Gabriel’s face as I entered the office.

“Week one, day one of your training here at the Go Gym.” Gabriel commented bluntly once I closed the door behind me and sat down in front of his desk. “What was the first thing I taught you and the rest of the 2016 class?”

“Always show respect to my opponents unless it’s personal and never spit in their faces.” I sighed once I made myself comfortable. “If this is about the Bea Barnhart thing last night, she made it personal by stealing the belt from after I retained the title against Maki in the Mud Pit Match, the only reason she made it out to the ring in the first place was because I didn’t catch her backstage!” I added before adjusting the title over my shoulder.

“That maybe true but two wrongs don’t make a right, the last thing I want is for SCW to suspend you for trying to take out your opposition before a title match, I know you don’t want your first reign to end like that.” Gabriel added and I let out a deep breath. “You’ll get your revenge of Bea at Summer XXXTReme IX, you cleared the first hurdle that many of your fellow champions, past and present, have fallen at.”

“And I will retain the title at Summer XXXTreme IX as well! Besides, I got my belt back in the process, the only way she’s getting her hands on it again is IF she beats me and Maki at Summer XXXTreme and that’s not going to happen.” I added before looking at the Roulette Title. “As for my challengers after that, well my offer to Bella Madison is still out there for one thing.”

“And I’m sure Mark and Christian are eager to book a rematch between you two, but for now don’t overlook Maki and Bea.” Gabriel warned me and I nodded once I got where he was coming from. “You made that mistake against Maki and if it weren’t for Bea, Maki might have won her first title in SCW.”

“In my defence, that was before I knew that I was defending this thing in a Mud-Pit Match!” I pointed out as I rubbed the title with my free hand. “At least the Ultimate X Match is the only Roulette Rules Match of the year where the stipulation isn’t up in the air, so to speak.”

“Knowing the stipulation in advance is an advantage, but it won’t apply to every title match Charlotte.” Gabriel pointed out and I nodded. “And the only way it could come up again is if an episode of Climax Control or a PPV was taking place at a location with a pool.”

“Not to mention finding a big enough pool to set up the structure over.” I pointed out as I shifted my weight. “Maki and Bea Barnhart wouldn’t concern me even if I weren’t, Maki only had the advantage on me in the mud-pit due to the confined space and, well, muddiness favouring her brawler style, in a more open space like the Ultimate X Match? It should be a lot more even!”

“True enough, you were at a disadvantage in that match.” Gabriel nodded in agreement before shifting his weight. “What about Bea?”

“She was one of the two Bombshells I beat to earn my shot at this belt in the first place!” I responded as a big grin on my face. “So yeah, as far as my second defence is concerned?” I’m not worried!” I added as I leaned back. “I already proved certain people wrong when I beat Maki to retain the title in my first defence, getting past my second defence will solidify the fact that this title win was no fluke.”

“Don’t get too overconfident, that has been the downfall of many former champions.” Gabriel added before he motioned to me that the meeting was over, and I stood up. “I know your working both Supernova and Summer XXXTreme IX but try to think of the cruise as a time to relax.”

“Should be easy enough considering that Summer XXXTreme III was a vacation for me and Makayla.” I responded before I went to the door. “Especially since Makayla will be my plus one.”

“Let’s hope that no one walks in on you two having sex.” Gabriel nodded before I left his office.

Krystal’s home, Las Vegas, Nevada
Monday the 5th of July 2021, 19:00pm

*Promo time*

Been a long time.

“Summer XXXTreme III, the one and only Summer XXXTreme to be held in my home county of Australia and as I said at last year’s show, me and my girlfriend attended that show as fans, so yeah Summer XXXTreme is a show that holds a dear place in my heart for a lot of reasons and in two weeks at Summer XXXXTreme IX I’m defending the SCW Bombshell Roulette Championship for the first time on a Supercard in the Ultimate X Over the Pool Match! I don’t think I need to bring this up, but my opposition is Maki and Bea Barnhart!”

Ooh boy.

“And anyone who’s been paying attention to Climax Control over the past few weeks knows that I’ve had my issues with both, whether it was Maki serving as my first ever challenger for this title in a Mud Pit Match where, even if I lost, I would’ve gone on to challenge for the belt at Summer XXXTreme IX regardless or Bea Barnhart deciding to jump the que by stealing the SCW Bombshell Roulette Championship from me after I successfully retained it, it all added up to the same thing: this was going to be a lot more heated than a regular title match!”

To say the least.

“As I said in my opening for my promo against Maki a few weeks back, I was under the initial impression that this match was going to be my first defence, instead that match was my first defence and in spite of the Bea Barnhart sized hiccup along the way, I ensured that I was entering Summer XXXTreme IX the champion when  I won that match, the only thing left for me to do at this point is talk about my opponents and I do have a lot to say about the bitch who stole this title from me!”

That’s right, I’m starting with Bea.

“How appropriate that the woman who’s married to “Bulldog” Bill Barnhart turned out to be such a bitch! Bea, did you honestly think you were fooling anyone when you said that you had taken this title to be disinfected?! If anything, I needed to get it disinfected after you got your grubby hands on it because I didn’t want the stench of a perpetual loser ruining this title and giving Andrea Hernandez even more fuel for her fire!”

You heard me.

“And yes, by perpetual loser I do mean you Bea because aside from your brief reign as Mixed Tag Team Champion where you and Bill somehow pulled out the win against Ignorant Discord at Into the Void X your practically SCW’s punching bag! And I know what your thinking, didn’t it take six months for me to pick up my first win in SCW? First off, unless you want to anger me further Bea, don’t bring that up to me.”


“Second, whilst that MAY be true, that same losing streak was broken when I got that Double DQ draw against Char Kwan thanks to bad officiating and since the battle royal on the Into the Void X pre-show? I haven’t suffered a single loss, in fact that winning streak started when I beat you and Candy in that Roulette Title qualifier and how appropriate is it that you are now serving as one of my first challengers on a Supercard? Well, spoiler alert Bea: history’s about to repeat itself when I defeat you in a Triple Threat Match!”

Albeit one with different rules.

“I don’t know if my reference to the fact that Summer XXXTreme IX gave it away, but this event holds a special place in my heart, why? Because I was an SCW fan long before I started training to become a wrestler, much less join the SCU and eventually the SCW roster officially, meaning that I know what the rules of the Ultimate X Over the Pool Match entail like the back of my hand and Bea? That’s bad news for you, especially when you’ve made an enemy of both me and the woman I’m about to talk about!”

And now onto the other challenger!

“And now from someone who will never hold this title, to the person who stood a good chance of beating me for this title up until Bea decided to get involved, that’s right Maki your up next! And I will admit, you did have the advantage over me in the Mud Pit Match because the confined spaces played more to your brawler style than my all rounder style but now? We’re out of the mud-pit and in the pool area of the cruise ship.”

What does that mean for you?

“Now the balls in my court because I have more room to manoeuvre and avoid your strikes Maki and more importantly, the Makihouse kick and since the only way to lose this match is by being thrown into the pool well, there’s no surprise roll ups in play here! Only a surprise dip into the pool and that’s it for your title aspirations but then again, you should really be used to this by now Maki, after all you’ve been here before!”

Many times.

“You made your SCW debut around this time last year Maki and it didn’t take long for you to be added to that year’s Ultimate X Over the Pool Match! Your loss in that match lead into a feud with Jessie but after that you went on to challenge Myra Rivers for the Bombshell Internet Title at the Halloween Show only to become yet another name in the list of Bombshells who’ve failed to win the title from Myra, then there was your lethal lottery tag team with Miles Kasey which lasted almost as long as my team with Mark Cross, my point is that you seem to be allergic to winning titles in SCW!

How tragic!

“And our title match two weeks ago was just another example of that and whilst we do have a mutual enemy in Bea, once she’s out of the match all bets are off! Only one Bombshell can win this match and the title, and I have no intention of losing this title any time soon so bring me your best Maki because frankly? You’re my only decent competition in this match but it will still end the same way as our last title match!”

It’s that simple.

“I knew that holding onto this title wasn’t going to be easy once I won it from Royal Purple, or Faith Simpson if we’re using her real name now, and it seems that the first obstacles in my path as Roulette Champion are Bea Barnhart and Maki, Maki because she was my first ever challenger for this belt and in SCW in general and Bea because she tried to steal the belt from me but combined? They are my fist challengers on PPV, and they won’t be my last either!”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

“Can’t say that I’m that excited over defending my title against two perpetual underachievers but I guess I’ll have to take what I can get! Maki may have been my first challenger but the second time for her won’t be the charm and Bea>? You should’ve been more honest about your attempted highway robbery because that is the closest that you’ll ever get to winning this belt! And whilst the stipulation means that I can’t beat either of you with the Down Under Thunderbomb you will both be sent flying into the pool by me, “Down Under Thunder” Krystal Wolfe! Your SCW Bombshell Roulette Champion, long may I reign!”

I went to start me stream as the scene fades.

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« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2021, 08:10:27 AM »

Narrator:  Everyone doubted Bea Barnhart when she said she was going to earn her spot in the Ultimate X Over The Pool match at Summer XXXTreme IX. Now that Bea won her match to challenge for the Bombshell Roulette Championship people are still doubting her. Oh well people are allowed to believe whatever they want. With those opening comments out of the way I turn you over to Bea Barnhart who is at her home in Lawrenceville, Georgia, along with her husband Bill Barnhart and their English Bulldog Iris.


The scene switches and the camera person assigned to present Bea’s comments pans around the backyard at the home of Bill and Bea Barnhart in Lawrenceville, Georgia. We see Bea, Bill, and Iris, relaxing in their backyard. Bea is dressed in white shorts and  white tee shirt that accent her brown Filipina skin. Bill is wearing khaki shorts and a blue Old Navy shirt. Bill is annoyed by the flies buzzing around. The flies cannot help what they are doing because they smell food they are just doing what flies do but they are still annoying Bill. Iris is trying to catch the flies as they come near her but she’s too slow to catch them. Bea sits down in a chair next to Bill.

Bill:  Let me take a look at your head.

Bea:  Okay but don’t tap on my head or squeeze it as it still hurts from when Krystal whacked me with the Roulette Championship belt last week at Climax Control 305.

Bea leans over to let Bill inspects her head. He rubs his hand lightly over Bea’s head and he feels a bump on her head where the Roulette Championship hit her.

Bea:  Ouch!!! I told you not to press hard on my head!!!

Bill:  I’m not touching you hard. I barely touched your scalp. That blow on your head must have been harder than it looked on television.

Bea:  I don’t know the exact weight of Title Belts in Sin City Wrestling but I’m sure they’re around seven to ten pounds and getting hit in the head with the Bombshell Roulette Championship by Krystal Wolfe darn sure left a mark and the bruise is still hurting.

Bill:  I promise when you win the Roulette Championship at Summer XXXTreme IX your head won’t be hurting any longer. Amazing what a pain reliever earning a Championship is.


Bea:  So, Krystal, you didn’t accept my honest explanation of why I snagged the Roulette Championship Belt from your match with Maki at Climax Control 304.  I explained that I wanted to clean it up and sanitize it before I returned it to you. I guess when I took the Championship to clean it you immediately forgot you were just in a Mud Pit Match against Maki. Not only was the Championship Belt muddy it had some nasty stuff on it from Maki so I wanted to clean it up and sanitize it before I handed it back to you. It was a friendly gesture but you decided not to accept what I said. Once again I told the truth and once again you and others don’t want to believe the truth. You perpetrated an attack on me, at Climax Control 305, as I was returning to the backstage area. I promise everyone that I’ll pay you back for that attack by winning the Ultimate X Over The Pool match at Summer XXXTreme IX and this time when I walk away with the Bombshell Roulette Championship Belt it will be because I’m the newly crowned Champion. What really pisses me off, Krystal, is that you claim to be a good girl, with good intention s, with a good attitude, and a person who follows the rules and regulations, then you viciously attack me when I went into the backstage area to hand you the sanitized Bombshell Roulette Championship belt. Nice going presenting yourself as one thing then proving you’re an asshole as we’ve been claiming you are. Gawd I hate hypocrites.

Bill:  Oooooo somebody’s a bit upset eh?

Bea:  You would also be upset if what happened to me happened to you. I want revenge on Krystal and I’ll get it at Summer XXXTreme IX.

Bill:  You know that I’ve had my share of jerks attacking me before, during, and after matches, so I feel your pain. I’m going to take Iris for a walk around the neighborhood so you continue with your presentation for Summer XXXTreme IX and I’ll see where you’re  at in your presentation when we get back.

Bill and Iris leave the backyard to go on their walk. The cameraman follows them until they exit the gate then they return their focus on Bea.

Bea:  I wish to lay it out for Krystal and Maki. I’ll start with you Maki because you’re one of those wrestlers who has stuff handed to you when you haven’t earned them. Unlike you who gets stuff handed to you without proving you deserve it I’ve earned every Roulette match and Championship match I’ve been assigned to. As you clearly saw I earned my spot in the Ultimate X Over The Pool Bombshell Roulette Championship match at Summer XXXTreme IX. I didn’t get assigned to this match by kissing the asses of others. I didn’t get assigned to this match because I smile and make sexy eyes at others. I got assigned to this match because I earned my place in this match. You’re welcome to talk all the smack you want about me but when I walk away as the Bombshell Roulette Champion you’ll become a believer in me. You’re a lot like Krystal in that you try to portray yourself as a good girl, who has good intentions, but you act like you hate the world. Nothing like saying one thing then contradicting yourself with your words and actions.

Bea smiles into the camera.

Bea:  Now I return talking to you Krystal. I previously mentioned that you make the claim to be a good girl, with a good attitude, and a person who follows the rules and regulations, then you viciously attacked me when I went into the backstage area to hand to you a sanitized Bombshell Roulette Championship belt. You need to know several things. I hate fake people. I hate people who claim to tell the truth but all that comes out of their mouths are lies. I hate people who claim they’re nice mild-mannered people then they run up on another wrestler and perpetrate a vicious blindsided attack on them. I hate people who smile to my face then when they turn away a demonic look comes on their face. I hate hypocrites like you. I’ll get revenge at Summer XXXTreme IX. Oh, Krystal, you can be one hundred percent sure I’ll get my revenge.

Bea again smiles into the camera.

Bea:  Let me lay it out for you two victims. Yes I refer to you two as victims because you’ll be victims when I win the Ultimate X Over The Pool match at Summer XXXTreme IX. Will I go easy on you two? Hell no! I’m coming into this match as a challenger and leaving as the Champion. I plan on coming into the match full speed and I’ll be non-stop in attacking you two. Both of you disgust me. Both of you make me want to puke. Both of you make me want to hurt you to the point where you’ll consider retiring from wrestling. I’m not coming into this match to take it easy on you two. I’m coming into this match to beat you two so hard that you’ll hate me for the rest of your pathetic lives.

Bea smiles into the camera a third time but this smile is an evil one.


Bea:  Summer XXXTreme IX is MY event. MY time to shine. MY time to earn the Bombshell Roulette Championship. I deserve to represent Sin City Wrestling as Bombshell Roulette Champion. When you two walk away as losers I see several things happening. Maki when I win the Bombshell Roulette Championship I see you becoming more sad, depressed, and doubtful of your wrestling abilities. I see you walking away from the sport of wrestling to try some other sport that you might actually be able to be successful in. As for you Krystal I see something different. When I win the Bombshell Roulette Championship I see you becoming more determined, and desperate, to have matches with me to attempt to earn the Championship back. The problem is you can have all the desire, determination, and desperation to earn back the Championship but since you were unable to successfully defend it against me what the hell makes you think you can earn it back? Don’t worry Krystal I’ll give you the one required re-match so that you can have a few more minutes before the camera to prove to the world you’re not as great as you claim you are. As for me I’d find it beyond hilarious to soundly defeat you at Summer XXXTreme IX for the Bombshell Roulette Championship then soundly defeat you again when I give you the required rematch as the former Champion. It’s a lose-lose situation for you and a win-win situation for me.

Bill and Iris return from their walk. Bill takes a seat at the patio table and Iris sits on the patio deck next to Bill’s chair.

Bill:  How did your presentation go?

Bea:  I clearly laid it out for Maki and Krystal. I made sure they know how pathetic and worthless they are. I made it clear that I’m becoming the next Sin City Wrestling Bombshell Roulette Champion and there’s nothing they can do to stop me.

Bill:  You’ll make a great Roulette Champion Bea.

Bea:  Damn right I will.

Bill:  Are you almost done with your comments? I’m not rushing you to end your presentation but the camera person is here for only a specific amount of time so once you’re done I need to air my presentation.

Bea:  I’m done with my comments. I’m going inside to take care of stuff in the house so the remaining broadcast time belongs to you.

Bea excuses herself and walks into the house. The camera person informs Bill they will take a break for about fifteen minutes then return to air Bill’s comments for his match at Summer XXXTreme IX.

The camera person cuts his camera feed and the Network returns to regularly scheduled programming until the camera person’s break is over.

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« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2021, 10:53:26 AM »
The Brittleness of Confidence

Life has been very dramatic in recent weeks for the one born with the name Melissa Aki despite having no Japanese lineage. Her mother thought it sounded more unique than the traditional Korean names and her father just agreed with everything her mother said.

Back to the thoughts of the last few weeks. Her mind had always been on retirement. She had mulled it over, spoke with her parents, her friends, her wife Yuki but that damned demoness always prevented her from taking that step towards it. She had planned on facing Crystal as her last ever match, in her own crazy stipulation. What better way to bow out than to beat the five time Women’s champion, the most overhyped, overrated moron she had ever known. Yet, Crystal bowed out, feigning injury and now just stayed out of her way. Didn’t mention her. Didn’t interact with her and just did her own thing but at what cost to Maki’s plans?

After such a horrid run of poor performances in the meantime, she managed to actually get a win and thus she was now in a roulette’s title match in a week, stuck on a boat against two morons. Bea was a nobody and not even fit to tie her laces and this was the one Krystal was going on about and not even thinking like Maki was a challenge. It was all about her and Bea. Seriously! Bea, the one that has NEVER beaten Melissa. The one that has been so easily beaten that it makes Candy look like a star.

This pathetic waste of skin and blood could never match up to her high standards and even with the most indifferent form she had ever had, she was still able to vanquish her but no matter how many times she squashed that roach she keeps coming back. Then there is Krystal, a woman Maki should defeat every damn day of the week, but she failed. Like all her past failures in the last year.

So, this would be her retirement. This match will be the last seen of Maki in a ring.


Unless she actually bleeding went and won the damned trinket!

Ha! Only fools can dream bigger than their talent allows. Her talent had also never been in question until this last year. It felt like 50/50 booking but was more like 70/30. Only 30% wins in all this time. She had made her name, fighting, scratching and clawing her way to the top of her profession. She became a superstar when all she wanted was to compete and challenge the best in the world like Alicia Lukas. She found a new star in this time and Amber was the best in the world there was no doubt but to lose to some of the names she had made her wonder if she had been overperforming. Maybe she was the one that was overrated, the one that was confident despite her limited skillset and she needed a god damned demon to help her.

Confidence has been crippled. Eroded to the point she didn’t even know how she had won the championships she had, how she had become the name she had, how she was the poster girl for fighting for your dreams. She was a shell of that person now. All the injuries, the pain, the myriad of concussions maybe had taken their toll, or she was just not that talented to begin with.

She mused all of this while she was in a soapy bubble bath, awaiting the return home of her wife, as she tried to relax her muscles after a hectic gym session. Then everything began to shimmer as if she was being taken into a dream or she had once again visited the astral plane she liked to reach when meditating.

She looked around the room and it was curving, starting to spin, like some weird ghost ride at a theme park and then an almighty crash as this unreal being stood in the middle of bathroom. The candles around the bath had gone out and this light hit her eyes worse than being in an opticians.

The figure was black, daunting and started to shrink in front of her eyes until he reached the optimal height to talk to her. She hadn’t met this fella before but something demonic about the way he stared at her in amusement, lust and pity.

“I am Serephim.” He boomed as she stared at him. “Daniela is with someone more deserving than you. Persephone sent me as is her want to do. Seems the little demonic recruiter of souls is having a crisis of confidence, yes?

She stared at this figure in his human form and was quite struck by his good looks. “Seraphim you say? Aren’t you a bleeding angel? You aint here about me confidence. What is it you want? Wanna thrash in the water with me, big boy?


She was taken aback, not by his shouting but what her called her breasts. So very rude. “Whoa there pepperoni stick! I have you know men and women lust after my boobage. I mean, like, you can probably see my front bottom from there and you didn’t even mention it! I can show you more fat if you want? I can bend over all seductively for your angelic wand. Who doesn’t want a celestial orgasm? Am I right?”

“I am not an angel. I didn’t agree with some of god’s ways and he punished me for a little bit so I am stuck to doing manual errands for the likes of Persephone. I digress. Sit back down in that unholy water. Now, you are hiding your shame, your failures with human humour or is it whoring, I cannot tell. I am a top tier being and I improve the confidence of you little beings. So let me tell you, that you have been tormented for a very long time by your own need for gratification and your blasted human ego! Let go of it all.

Melissa smiled at the last part and decided to sing at the top of her lungs “Let it go, let it go, Can't hold it back anymore, Let it go, let it go. Turn away and slam the door, I don't care what they're going to say, Let the storm rage on, The cold never bothered me anyway.”

He seemed enraged, “That blasted song! Every time I tell some smartass to let it go the same crap comes out. You’re not unique or clever, little thing. Oh the demons told me you were annoying but not this much. No wonder that vile Daniela leaves when it gets too much for it. I will tell you one thing and then I am gone. You leapt before you could walk. You surrounded yourself with this unbeatable mystique, the great Maki. The eater of souls. The demonic possession. You rode that wave for as long as you could. The wins, the gold you held, the aura of excellence you had changed who you were. You believed in yourself above all else but when that wave turned into still salty water your idiom could not take it, you had to create something to atone for the malaise of your career but when that failed also you failed without seeing the core of who you are and how everyone else sees you. You’re a warrior. You fight wars, you defend the honour of your ancestors and you are always victorious. Remember who you are.

With that he vanished, and all was still again, leaving Maki to her thoughts and his words of encouragement which was weird for a fallen angel. Yet, maybe this is what she needed. To be the warrior she was once again. It did, however, bring up a curious thought that swam around her mind. Why had the evil incarnate Serephone sent him to build up her confidence?

The Psyche of a Champion

Cardio had never been the friend of Melissa Aki. She hated it but knew she had to do what she needed to in order to be who she was and who she will always be. Leg day was her favourite so she could work on those muscles to give her the optimum in her striking ability and tomorrow she would be in her element kickboxing; for now she was tired but duty calls and she needed to post something to HQ about her roulette’s title match next week. The life of a wrestler. Maybe not so far from never having to cut another promo again. She didn’t see the point in it with this match. It had been why she had been so quiet recently, not appearing on the televisual sets or electronic mobile devices. These two were not even close to her level. By being in the match itself she brought the glitz and the glamour, the eyes to the event and her match itself would be watched because Maki was in it. We all knew that and if only they knew this could be her last match ever in Sin City, they would be buying the pay per view by the truck load. Yet, for all the might of her opponents or at least what they thought they brought to the dance, they did not have the championship psyche or killer instinct where it mattered most.

Suddenly Melissa sprang into view, in a lacy purple kimono, just about covering herself up. She had no makeup on, but her hair was set up in bunches. She was ready to start the journey to self-isolation.

“Yes, here I am kiddies for your viewing pleasure. The beautiful sociopath back once more to regale you all with the horrors and psychology you need to win a title match. This week’s episode is all about the championship psyche. What is that, pray tell? You see someone like Amber. She has it. Someone like Alicia Lukas. She had it. Someone like Crystal? She didn’t have it. Krystal Wolfe? She definitely doesn’t have it. Bea right back? Never heard of it. I had it.

There is a certain mentality needed to become a champion, a mentality needed to fight for it and win it and then excel in being champion. It is more than the killer instinct you see me possess. It is what some call the big match experience. I am aware that the Roulette’s title is a lesser title to Amber’s but this is down to the poor failures of past champions and our current one.  Okay a little sceptical are we? Let’s break it down for you. Crystal as champion. Failed to ignite the women’s division that she was the leader of as champion. Failed to put it at the same level as the men’s. Failed to beat all comers to prove herself as a dominant champion. Amber. Did all those things that Crystal couldn’t. As did Alicia. As did Evie.

 That is how a championship is made and becomes relevant.

Now let’s take a look at Krystal. She beat me. The one true challenger. Yeah, some shady shenanigans happened, and I lost. She won. Big flubbing bravo to her.   You see title matches are interesting fellows. To be a true champion you do not win the title on any old climax control. Like, anyone could do that and I went a bit half arsed about it because, like, the title isn’t properly pushed and the women’s title is what I always wanted. Then a thought came to me, like when you hit that paper too hard, what if it wasn’t the title that was downtrodden but the champion. You all sit out there like ‘look at me, I am the best in the world, I am roulette champion’ but that is not the case. A title is only as good as it’s holder, the leader of it’s division and this title could do with a proper champion, who is the face of all the divisions and one of the faces of the company.

A thin smile spread on her face, feeling contentment in what was to come. She loves the adulation and hates it at the same time of these promotional videos.

“So you see, when you are a champion you need a champion’s psyche, a champion’s mentality. Whenever I have been champion I have built or rebuilt that division, I have faced everyone and beaten them until one rose, due to my leadership to take it from me and then I moved on knowing I had created a vastly superior product to when I started out. Can you say the same Krystal? You have had one real challenge and you overcame that but now there is one more part of the psyche you have failed again at attaining. You see, love, flub me sideways I am here in all my natural glory and still you seem to be looking past me because you have some beef with that loser Bea? This is champions psyche rule number one. How do you not get this? This is not about you and Bea. I mean seriously no one gives a motherjamming flub about you two. The most lacklustre feud I have ever known and then thrown into the mix makes me incredulous with anger.  Yet, I sense a real opportunity here. While you two are duking it out on the top of that structure as the boat swings from side to side I will be the one pushing you both off into the pool and will bring back some order, decency and most of all eyes to the title. You think of me as an afterthought? Both of you? Well YOU are the afterthought and even though a big part of me wouldn’t mind be pushed off to enter retirement, there is also a big part of me that walked into this company to do one thing and that is win a title and by gawd almighty I aim to do just that and then you both can witness what a real championship psyche is all about!

She bent over the laptop and blew a kiss as she shut it to end the scene

Offline Krystal Wolfe

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“Ship of Dreams!”
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2021, 08:21:57 AM »
(Os was used with Mark’s permission, Carter and Aron were used with Chris’s permission)

It was the week of Summer XXXTreme IX and for Krystal. It was not just her first Summer XXXTreme as a member of the SCW Roster but her first PPV as a champion! But Krystal would have to fight to keep that title around her waist as Maki and Bea Barnhart were eager to wrestle that title from around her waist! Maki had served as Krystal’s first challenger at Climax Control 304 in a losing effort whilst Bea had stolen the title from Krystal following the match only for Krystal to take things into her own hands and take back the title the following week, can Krystal retain?

Krystal’s balcony suite, Sun Princess Cruise Liner, the high seas
Sunday the 11th of July 2021, 18:00pm

Ugh! If I hear that fucking chorus one more time I’d be half tempted to jump overboard!

In case it wasn’t obvious, me and Makayla are now checked into our balcony suite on board the Sun Princess Cruise Liner ready for a week of rest and relaxation before I defend the Bombshell Roulette Title at Summer XXXTreme, or at least I will be once the fucking football’s over.

“Just our luck that we got the suite next to the football fans.” Makayla sighed as she got her laptop set up, I was on my gaming/streaming PC (because I’m not about to let this cruise stop me from streaming) making sure my equipment was in working order.

“Tell me about it, the rest of the roster doesn’t know what a real sport is.” I responded as I rolled my eyes before double-checking my mic. “By which I off course mean, Rugby.” I added before I heard that guitar lick again. “That’s it!”

“You’re going to complain to them about the noise?” Makayla asked as I got Grove Music on and searched for Within Temptation, I looked up and shook my head.

“Knowing my luck? We’re next door neighbours with Mark Ward and before I know it, I’m stripped off the title, taken off the card and slapped with a title shot ban that makes Jessie’s ban look like a slap on the wrist!” I responded as I started playing the live double album “Elements”. “So instead, I’m combatting that shit song with Within Temptation!”

“Seems like overkill if you’re using that to combat a poorly sung song about football!” Makayla scoffed with a laugh before I made sure to put it as loud as I could. “Everything set up for the stuff we discussed earlier?”

“D&D and the retro video game tournament?” I asked before motioning to a suitcase in the corner. “My retro consoles, games and associated stuff is in there, Mark Cross has already said that he’s going to crush everyone at Street Fighter.”

“Real question is, which version?” Makayla asked as she turned to me.

“I brought as many versions as possible that I could find in my collection, I’ve already cleared both that and the live show with the cruise staff.” I responded as I typed away at my computer. “Each console has its own TV that I tested to make sure that it works on it, barring any technical issues this should go smoothly.”

“Don’t jinx it, we both know that if anything can go wrong with tech, it will.” Makayla reminded me and I nodded before I picked up from where I left off.

Sun Princess Cruise Liner, the high seas
Monday the 12th of July 2021, 18:00pm

Oh, the fun we’ve had.

It didn’t take long to get a set-up close to what Critical Role used for live shows set up in one of the lower decks and well, the only requirement for fans/fellow wrestlers who wanted to check it out was that they’d wear masks during the show, which was being live broadcast to my Twitch channel, largely because I had been considering this idea for a while and this seemed like a good place to test run it.

“Okay, you guys are in the castle waiting for the king to grant you access to the dragon’s mountain top lair.” I explained to the party as I went over my notes, Carter was sitting next to Ari and Makayla was sat next to me with Os and Aron sitting on the far side of the table. “As you enter the king’s court, you see that he is accompanied by his beautiful queen and his offspring, Prince Erick and Princess Eloise, what do you want to do?”

“How is the prince?” Ari asked and the party collectively groaned, she was still playing her bard Meri though now she had multiclassed into Cleric, don’t ask. “Looks wise I mean?”

“He has clearly inherited his mother’s good looks but if he has noticed you, he seems more concerned with stately matters.” I explained before putting on my best authoritarian male voice. “You have entered my lands to slay a dragon? Why would we rely on foreign adventurers when our armies are just as capable?”

“Your highness, if I may.” Carter chimed in as he cleared his throat. “We believe this dragon to be an adult blue dragon, if not an ancient one, if you send your men after this beast your armies may be decimated.”

“Make a persuasion roll.” I informed Carter out of character, and he did so, picking up his D20 and rolling it.

“That’s a sixteen on the die with no bonuses.” Carter informed me and I nodded before checking the DC.

“Luckily for you, that matches the DC.” I responded before getting back in character. “Very well, I will need to consult with my war council but as you have travelled far, I will allow you to stay in the castle for the night.” I responded in character and the party nodded. “Several hours pass and you are escorted to your rooms on the second floor of the castle, what do you want to do?”

“What floor is the prince on?” Ari asked and I sighed, it was part of her characters backstory that she would seduce every prince she came across in search for her prince charming and when I started the campaign, I had no idea how literal Ari was being.

“He’s on the fourth floor.” I responded before getting a map of the castle out. “Prince Erick and Princess Eloise sleep in their private quarters up here, the king and queen sleep on the sixth floor at the very top of the castle right here.” I added as I pointed to the floor in question and then I saw the gleam in Ari’s eyes. “I’ll remind you that the king posted guards outside your door, and they are not going to let you go up to the prince’s quarters!”

“Fine, guess I’ll climb up the side of the castle, Spider-Man style.” Ari responded and I gave her an odd look.

“Ari, that would require an athletics check with disadvantage, your strength stat is so low that it’s a Negative 3 penalty.” I reminded her as I messaged my forehead with my free hand. “You are welcome to try but if you fail, that’s a lot of damage.”

“And before you ask, I won’t cast featherfall on you if you fail.” Aron chimed in after checking his character sheet, but Ari was determined as she rolled two D20s.

“Okay, first role was a natural twenty, but this is disadvantage so that’s probably going to waste.” Ari responded before she rolled her other die, and when it stopped her jaw dropped. “NO WAY!”

“TWO NATURAL TWENTIES ON A DISADVANTAGE ROLL?!” Carter exclaimed as he stared at Ari’s die in disbelief. “Where was that luck when we were fighting the Troll in the last session?!”

“Luck of the draw sometimes, and just to clarify, the Troll was a Dungeons and Dragons monster long before Gabriel Thomas Wank joined the SCW Roster to avoid being kicked out by his mom.” I responded before turning to the audience briefly to clarify that. “Okay, so you manage to scale the outside of the castle wall, there is considerable difficulty because you are not the most physically adapt member of the party.” I added before turning to the others. “Everyone except Ari, roll perception checks to see if you hear Meri climbing the castle wall, I’ll do the same with the guards outside her door.”

You have got to be kidding me. “Okay, that’s a five from me, with bonuses, so I’m fast asleep by this point.” Makayla responded as she and the others made their roles, Os held up a card that simply said “what Makayla said” whilst Aron and Carter rolled high enough to hear her. “What about the guards?”

“They are probably losing their jobs in the morning because I just rolled a Natural One.” I responded with an exasperated sigh and the crowd laughed as Aron and Carter mimicked poking their heads out the window.

“Meri, what are you doing?!” Carter called out to her in character as Pussy Galore, the Tabaxi fighter,

“I’m off to seduce my true love!” Meri called back and I got my dice ready to have the guards do another perception check with advantage because there was no way they weren’t shouting this.

“You’re going to hurt yourself!” Aron called out as Kristjan, the party’s wizard. “Physically and emotionally! It’ll be the last castle all over again!”

“Okay, Ari, keep making athletics checks as you climb up the castle walks, I’ve got another perception check to do, with advantage because you guys are clearly shouting these words.” I instructed the party and they nodded as I rolled my die. “ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!” I yelled out as I rolled a one and a two.

“You want me to put those dice in dice jail babe?” Makayla offered as she held up a box that had been marked “dice jail” and I wasted no time in passing the die down the table so that Makayla could put them in the box, meanwhile as I grabbed two fresh D20s Ari kept succeeding in her roles somehow until eventually.

“Okay, Ari, you have somehow made it to the fourth floor with no one hearing or spotting you.” I told Ari as I messaged my forehead in annoyance. “But you’re not at the prince’s window yet, you have to pass these windows first.” I said as I pointed to the three windows between Ari and the prince, it was then that I saw Carter and Aron chatting in character before they turned to me.

“I’m going to cast invisibility on myself and Carter’s character, then we’re going to sneak up to the fourth floor.” Aron informed me and Carter nodded to confirm it. “Because we’re basically along for the ride at this point!”

“Considering what Ari’s trying to do, that could’ve been worded better!” I pointed out and the crowd laughed as did Makayla. “Fine, make stealth checks with advantage, Ari, what are you doing?”

“I have no way of knowing which room the prince is occupying right?” Ari asked and I nodded as I started to get a sense for where she was going. “I’m going to peak into each room until I find the right one.”

I’m going to need alcohol for this. “Okay, make stealth checks as well as athletics checks Ari whilst I check my plans for each room.” I said before looking at the plans, whilst that was going on Carter and Aron successfully made it up the stairs. “The first room is Eloise’s room, make a perception check.”

“Got it.” Ari responded before rolling her die. “Nineteen with bonuses.”

“You see Princess Eloise all right, her royal garments are spread across the room, and you can hear moaning from the bed as Eloise is having a threesome.” I explained before rolling my D12, anything above or below six would determine the outcome and I rolled above. “With two of her handmaidens, I won’t go into detail, but it is a very steamy session.”

“Hmm, Eloise is a closet lesbian? Might be useful for blackmail later…….” Ari trailed off before noticing my raised eyebrow. “Not saying that out loud by the way.”

“That could’ve ended badly.” I mused before motioning Ari to move on. “Carter, Aron, where are you guys?”

“We are just passing Eloise’s room do we hear the noises?” Aron asked as he checked the castle’s map, I motioned for them to make a perception roll and they did. “Nope, I don’t hear shit!” Aron added as he held up his natural one.

“I, on the other hand, hear it clear as day.” Carter said as he held up the natural twenty. “Are there any guards posted outside her room?”

“No, it seems that Eloise gave them the night off, likely so she wouldn’t be interrupted.” I responded as I shook my head. “Why?”

“First I’m going to peak in to confirm that I’m not hearing things.” Carter explained before rolling high on the stealth roll and doing so. “And I’m going to lock the door so that she doesn’t get disturbed.”

“Not where I thought that was going, I’ll admit.” I admitted as Carter rolled high enough to go undetected. “Ari?”

“I make a leap to the next window.” Ari responded before making her roll, and then her face dropped. “Oh no, oh no, OH NO!”

“Don’t tell me you just rolled a one?” I asked and Ari nodded reluctantly, and I quickly turned to Aron. “Aron, Kristjan is a Divination Wizard, if he knows where Ari is approximately, he can save her from more than a few broken bones.”

“Just putting it out there that if he does fuck this up, I’m not healing her unless she gets knocked out.” Makayla chimed in as she shifted her weight. “Besides the fact that Keyleth’s asleep, this was bound to happen sooner or later.”

“Ahh, some of the old tough love huh?” I asked and Makayla nodded. “Aron, can you save her?”

“We’ll soon find out.” Aron responded before rolling his perception check with disadvantage. “Lucks on your side Ari, that’s a nineteen and an eighteen, I’m using my divination magic to turn that one into a sixteen.”

“You haven’t even reached Erick’s room and you’ve gotten lucky.” I joked getting a laugh out of my players and the crowd. “Okay, at first it looks like you’re going to slip but then you are caught by a familiar face. Price Erik.” I explained before putting on my best surprised male voice. “You’re that bard from the adventuring party, what are you doing?”

“I came up here to save you,” Ari responded before picking up her dice. “I’ve been in search for my prince charming all my life and I know you’re the one!”

“You’re trying to seduce him, whilst he’s trying to save you from a painful fall?” I asked Ari and she nodded without hesitation. “Make a seduction check, disadvantage because I can’t think of anything less romantic than this!”

“Hopefully, I’ve used up my last Natural One of the night.” Ari commented before rolling her die. “Nineteen and……...” Ari trailed off as her face lit up. “Natural twenty!”

I swear, the dice gods are laughing at me right now. “Then come inside, quickly, it’s not like my sister is the only one who can have flirtations.” I said as Erick before succeeding on a strength check to pull her into the room. “You find yourself in what looks like a study, there are numerous books lining the bookcases and a desk in the far corner which Erick indicates that he wants to plunder your cave of wonders on.”

“Her what?!” Aron and Carter asked simultaneously, and I shook my head.

“Me and Makayla watched a musical parody of Aladdin last night, would be the funniest thing I’ve ever seen if it weren’t for Bea Barnhart’s promos for my title match.” I responded getting a laugh out of the players and crowd. “Okay, let’s get this “performance” check over with.”

We made the rolls and stared at them for a good minute before looking up. “Please tell me you rolled higher than a one?” Ari asked and I shook my head.

“Sorry, used my last roll to save you from a painful fall.” Aron said as he threw his hands up. “So, do they even get passed the “over the clothes action” stage?”

“One way to find out.” I responded before rolling my D12, nope. “The mood is quickly soured when you notice a stain on the prince’s trousers, in the area that you were hoping to ride all night.” I explained before I started to portray a mortified Erik.

“I try to calm him down, that’s a charisma check, right?” Ari asked and I nodded before she made the roll. “This dice is going to dice jail.” Ari quickly announced as she held up her natural one and Makayla reached over with the box.

“Okay, I think it’s time that me and Pussy intervened!” Aron announced before making a kicking motion. “We’re kicking down the door, grabbing Meri and taking her back to her room before things get worse, and just to make sure that we get her back to her room safely, I’m casting Pass Without Trace on the three of us.”

“Okay, that’s a plus ten to any stealth rolls you make but I’ll still need you and Carter to make stealth check with triple disadvantage because his sister and two handmaidens are in this room, and two guards are posted outside his room.” I instructed them and they nodded before motioning that they were carrying Meri over their heads. “I’m going to see how the prince takes this in the meantime.” I added before picking up the D12 and rolling it to see how the prince took the whole event.

Oh, sweet mother fucking Jesus on a pogo stick. “Can I get some numbers from Aron and Carter? And a strong alcoholic beverage?”

“Do I even want to know?!” Os’s card read as he held it up and I shook my head.

“No Os, but you’re gonna find out anyway!” I sighed as Aron and Carter borrowed one of Os’s cards to write down their results, all higher than my set DC because I’m the plaything of the Dice Gods today! “So, Meri, I take it you’re protesting loudly to literally being carried back to your room?”

“Loud enough to probably interrupt his sister and the handmaidens.” Ari responded as she folded her arms and I chuckled. “I want to be there for the prince.”

“Yes, and if you are caught with the prince, we’ll be thrown into the dungeon faster than you can say “horny jail”!” Carter responded and I doubled over with laughter at his statement causing my head to briefly disappear behind my DM’s screen. “What’s on the third floor Krystal?”

“The third floor is mostly servant’s quarters, ranging from the kitchen cooks to the guards’ quarters.” I explained as I pointed to the third floor. “If there are any guards on this floor, they are off duty and likely fast asleep.”

“So, no need for a stealth roll?” Aron asked and I nodded before they made their way to the second floor. “Are the guards still posted outside Meri’s room?”

“Yep, and what they see is our favourite bard floating towards them with a pouty look on her face.” I explained and the crowd laughed at that mental image. “One guard was drinking on the job and he’s going to spend the rest of the night looking at his drink with a bewildered look on his face, the other is fast asleep because that’s my best explanation for why they failed their saving throw earlier.”

“Okay whilst the guards are distracted, we open the door, throw Meri onto the bed, barricade the window with the dresser and lock the door.” Aron explained and I nodded. “I take it that’s a strength check?”

“It is but you might want to leave that to Pussy since she’s the fighter and all.” I responded and Carter made his roll, off course it was a natural twenty. “Okay so you yeet Meri onto the bed so hard that she almost misses the bed entirely, then you effortlessly move the dresser in front of the window without much trouble and then lock the door.” I added before moving things forward to the next day. “Okay, you guys get your long rest and all your stuff back, however Carter, Aron and Ari are getting inspiration points.”

“Why Meri? She was the one who started that whole mess?” Aron pointed out and whilst Ari gave him a mock death glare, I shook my head.

“Because in all my time playing D&D, either as a player or a DM, that was some of the funniest shit I’ve ever seen!” I explained and Carter and Aron shared a look before shrugging as if to say “works for me” before they and Ari marked that on their sheets. “Even if the dice gods seemed to have it out for me in the worst way possible!”

“I’m almost afraid of what’s coming next.” Makayla sighed as I got ready for the next morning.

“Okay, so after you guys wake up and after you presumably unlock the door to Meri’s room.” I stated and Carter quickly nodded. “You hear a scream coming from the fourth floor.”

“All the way down here on the second floor?” Carter asked with a look of disbelief on his face. “I didn’t realize that The Troll’s mom lived in your game world.”

Oh, if only it was that simple. “Is anyone going up to investigate the noise?” I asked and Meri quickly shot her arm up. “You make it as far as the bottom of the stairs to the next floor before the guards stop you.” I added before putting on my best gruff male voice. “Visitors aren’t allowed past the second floor.”

“I want to investigate that scream.” Ari responded before picking up her dice. “So, Meri’s going to put on her best “puppy dog eyes” face to try to persuade them, I do have decent charisma so this should work.”

“Go ahead.” I nodded and Ari made her persuasion roll, it was good but not good enough. “Sorry lady, king’s orders, the prince has been found hanging from the ceiling of his study with a suspicious stain around his crotch.”

“Ugh, fine………. wait, what?!” Ari asked as her jaw dropped and the others shared her sentiments. “My attempt at comforting him was so bad that he killed himself?!”

“Yep, blame the dice on that one!” I responded with a sigh and the players shared a look. “What do you want to do because you can see the guards who were posted outside Meri’s door being read the riot act down the hall.”

“We’re leaving!” Carter quickly decided and the others nodded in agreement just as quickly before they quickly left the castle. “We don’t need the king’s permission anyway!”

This is just the first session off the week, these shows will be held daily until we depart from the ship, I need a strong drink for the next session.

Krystal’s balcony suite, Sun Princess Cruise Liner, the high seas
Monday the 12th of July 2021, 21:00pm

*Promo time*

Needed to unwind after that session so here we are.

“As I said last week, Summer XXXTreme has been my favourite SCW event for years for personal reasons, and now I have my first ever PPV title defence at the show this Sunday night on the Ship of dreams against Maki and Bea Barnhart in what will likely be my toughest title defence to date for one reason, the Ultimate X Over the Pool Match! Now that I’ve had some time to think about it, I realize that all it’d take for me to lose this title is a simple splash in the pool!”

I stated before hoisting the Bombshell Roulette Title over my shoulder.

“But at the same time, that applies to Maki and Bea Barnhart! Hell, Maki is practically a case study in how easy it is to lose this match because all she did was lose her footing in last year’s match against Seleana, Jessie and Keira eliminating herself and Jessie in the process, now history has already repeated itself this year as Maki failed to dethrone me in my first defence just a few weeks ago but even with only three competitors in this match, can history repeat itself again?”

I wondered to myself.

“Then again, that raises another question, if Maki and Bea eliminate themselves from the match, does that mean I automatically win the match and retain the title, or do I still have to climb across the structure as a formality? Either way, I boarded this ship with the Roulette Title and, if Bea doesn’t learn from her mistakes the last time that she tried to steal the title from me, I’ll depart from the ship with the Roulette Title!”

And speaking of Bea.

“Bea, Bea, Bea, you think you can go about calling ME a fake person after you stole this title from me?! Who the fuck do you think your fooling? Your equally idiotic husband?! There’s a movie quote that I’d like to throw at you right now so listen closely: what you just said, is one of the most insanely idiotic things I’ve ever heard, at no point in your rambling idiotic response where you close to anything that resembled a rational thought, everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it! I reward you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul!”

Taken from the only good Adam Sandler movie!

“Disinfect the title by taking it to Char Kwan? That excuse is so idiotic and brain dead that it makes The Troll look intelligent! Bea, I used to think that you were a smart person, even in comparison to Bill, but whilst Fenris wanted to buy your husband a bear after you and him finally won the Mixed Tag Team Titles at Into the Void X, I only want to get you so drunk that your promos are actually fun to watch, especially since that Mixed Tag Title win will be the closest, you’ll ever get to another title win!”

Where does SCW find these people?!

“Let me make one thing as clear as day, when I attacked you to take back the title that is rightfully mine at Climax Control 305, it wasn’t me showing you my true colours, in fact, if anyone was showing their true colours in that whole event it was you, Bea! No, instead, it was me showing two things, one: steal my title again and you’ll get worse than a simple punch to the face and two, you for the coward and bullshit artist you are!”

I added before shaking my head.

“Besides, if I wanted this title disinfected, I’d have taken it home, not to another Bombshell who’s had her eyes on this tittle since I won it at Into the Void X! Hell, I had to disinfect it myself when I returned home to get the stench of a perpetual loser off it! At the end of the day Bea, this whole episode of our SCW careers showed you for what you truly are, a coward and a snake! You know you can’t beat me for the Roulette Title, you know you can’t beat Maki for the Roulette Title and you sure as hell know that I’ll succeed in my second title defence! That was why you stole the Roulette Title and THAT is why you’ll fail to win a title again!”

And now onto Maki.

“Don’t think I forgot about my opponent with the shit taste in sports! Maki, you did come close to beating me for the title at Climax Control 304 and even I’ll admit that I don’t know how that Roulette Title defence would’ve gone if Bea wasn’t there to stick her nose in someone else’s business, but the facts remain the same! The history books will remember that Krystal Wolfe retained the Bombshell Roulette Title in her first defence against Maki!”

But enough about the past!

“But tell me Maki, have you ever heard the phrase “almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades”? Because whilst it is true that you were a hair’s breadth away from beating me for the Roulette Title it won’t count until you beat me for the Roulette Title and much like England in the Euros Final against Italy at Wembley Stadium last night, you may have come close but in the end, it’ll be your foreign opposition that takes the win!”

That’s right, I’m going there!

“What? Did you think I was ignorant of the Euros Final happening in England just because I bad mouthed the sport? Please, on Facebook I’m friends with several people that I first met on UK/European tours back before the world went to shit and on Twitter? Good luck escaping over half your fellow SCW employees losing their minds over the football game! Including you Maki, and whilst you will fail to win a title yet again in SCW, I do have one thing to say that will connect this little tangent about the world’s most overrated sport to my wrestling promo!”

There is a method to my madness.

“Let me put it this way, my room is right next to a passionate football fan’s room, and they were playing a certain song over and over in the lead up to that final, how does it go again? Oh yeah, football’s coming home, it’s coming home, it’s coming! Pathetic, that song is one of the worst I’ve heard in a long time! But back to my point Maki, you see England didn’t bring Football home last night, did they? Instead, it’s going Rome, and this title is coming home with me and not you Maki but again, your used to failing to win a title in SCW by now, aren’t you?”

It’s that simple.

“I have one opponent obsessed with exposing the real me and one opponent obsessing over the inferior version of Rugby, yet they are more concerned with that than the one thing that SHOULD be their priority and that’s the title that I’m currently holding over my shoulder, the SCW Bombshell Roulette Title and this Sunday will be my second defence since I won it at Into the Void X, but it won’t be my last!”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

“Bea, Maki, I’ve worked too hard over the past seven months for my first title reign to end after my second defence and at Summer XXXTreme IX on board the ship of dreams, this match will be a nightmare for the two of you! Bea can shout to the high heavens all she wants about how she didn’t steal the title from me and was going to give it back but if you believe her then I have a sweet deal on a bridge, just for you! And Maki? Her football team failed to win the Euros last night and this Sunday she’ll fail to win the title from me in much the same way, only this sport isn’t about kicking around a ball and falling to the floor at the slightest touch, it’s about kicking ass and after I send you both flying into the pool, I’ll retain the SCW Bombshell Roulette Title!”

I went to start my stream as the scene fades.

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« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2021, 10:21:09 AM »

Narrator:  Bea Barnhart is on a roll and she continues to make references to how pathetic her opponents in the Ultimate X Over The Pool match for the Bombshell Roulette Championship are and how easily she will defeat them. I now turn you over to Bea Barnhart who will lay it out for you.

The scene shifts to Bea Barnhart, who is in her trademark wrestling attire, standing in front of a graphic of the setup for an Ultimate X Over The Pool match. This is a trademark match of Sin City Wrestling for their Summer XXXTreme Super Show for Roulette Championship matches. We are not sure where Bea is located but it appears to be a small broadcast studio or a small conference room on the Sun Princess cruise ship. Bea looks into the camera with a stern look as she launches into her comments for today.


Bea:  I wish to run down, for those of you who are uninformed or just damn stupid, what my history in the wrestling ring is with Krystal Wolfe and Maki. I start with Maki. We had a match at Climax Control 275 on July 19, 2020, and you defeated me by pinfall. Now, Maki, before you puff out your chest, beat your chest with your fists, utter grunting noises, and start bragging, I need to remind you I was very new to the sport of wrestling at the time we had our match. If you think you’re better than me now, after one year has passed since out match, you’re going to be shocked when you realize I’ve improved way more than you’ve anticipated  that I could. Trust me, Maki, you’ll not win our match.

Bea gives an X sign into the camera to indicate to Maki that she will be X’d out by Bea and lose in the match.

Bea:  Now I address you Krystal. You have more to lose than Maki does. Whereas Maki will lose her pride and followers when I win the match you not only lose your pride and followers but you lose the Bombshell Roulette Championship to me. Our previous match was April 11, 2021, at Climax Control 296. I can’t use the same logic that I’ve improved a lot since our match. That’s because our match wasn’t from a year ago, it was from three months ago. In that match you pinned me for the win and I admire what you were able to accomplish against me. However, Krystal, at Summer XXXTreme IX things are different and I’ll explain that shortly. All you need to know is the same thing I told Maki and that is you’ll be X’d out of the match by me.

Bea stares into the camera while pointing to herself.


Bea:  Now is the time for me to rectify those losses to you two. Yeah, okay, I already know what you two will say. Both of you will try to claim that you have. . .well you HAD anyway. . .better wrestling skills than I did when we had our previous matches. Although comments like those sound nice to the uneducated viewers, who you can dupe with canned statements, the truth is that our match has little to do with wrestling and more to do with the physical and athletic aspects of the match. We’re not performing in a normal wrestling ring. We’re not wrestling on a mat. We’re not rebounding off the ropes to run into each other. We’re on a platform, in the shape of an X, over the pool, and we have to make sure not to lose our grasp or we fall into the pool which eliminates us from the match. This match is won by the wrestler, me of course, who can hang onto the X platform without losing my grip while at the same time beating the shit out of you two and knocking you off the platform. So the winner. . .ME. . .will win by eliminating both of you by knocking you off the X, into the pool, then grabbing the Championship Belt.

Bea lets out a sinister laugh.


Bea:  Bill, and those he hired to help me learn the sport of wrestling, taught me a lot but there’s one thing Bill taught me that is the most important thing for every wrestler to know and understand. Bill explained that many wrestlers were intimidated when having to wrestle against opponents who wore a mask. Their excuse for being intimidated was they were unable to see the face of their opponents to know how much damage, if any, they were inflicting upon them. Bill said he knew to look into their eyes as their eyes are exposed. He said a person can hide their hurting by hiding behind a mask but their eyes tell the truth that they are hurting. Krystal. . .Maki. . .recently Bill asked me what I see when I watch you two spewing forth boasting statements. I told Bill I see fear in your eyes. I told Bill that I hear statements of doubt coming from Maki which means she’s no longer sure of her abilities. I hear boastful statements from Krystal but when I look into her eyes I see the doubt. That day I saw one of the biggest smiles on Bill’s face when he realized I understood what he taught me. So, Maki, so Krystal, no matter how you try to hide your pain and your fear of facing me in this match I can see in your eyes if you are hurting or scare or both. Once I see any, or both, of those indications I’ll go totally off on you and eliminate you from the match. Can you two do that to me? Nah! I know how to keep my emotions in check and I don’t allow my eyes to expose me. Have fun trying and failing.

The camera person gets an extreme close up of Bea.

Bea:  I want you two victims to listen carefully so everyone will know what I said and what I meant and when you two try to deny it they will get in your face and call you out for lying about what I said. Maki all I’ve heard from you for months is how doubting you are of your abilities in the wrestling ring. You’ve commented that you feel like you are failing in matches and you question why you continue to accept matches since you just chump yourself out. If you doubt yourself in the ring that much then why are you still in the sport? Why are you still on the roster? Why do you keep accepting matches? For damn sure you’ll know that your wrestling ability next to nil when I easily take you out of this match. As for you, Krystal, it is a bit of a different situation but the result will be the same. You talk so much shit no wonder your breath stinks. You also lie about others like when you lied on why I snagged the Roulette Championship to clean and sanitize it before I handed it back to you. Your problem is the same problem most wrestlers have and that is, deep down, you doubt your abilities in the ring so you have to counter that doubt by lying about others. You may think I don’t have the abilities to defeat you and Maki but when I walk away as the newly crowned Bombshell Roulette Champion you two will no longer have doubt about my abilities. Remember what I’m about to say so that when you try to deny what I said I can replay the video of my comments to prove I was telling the truth again and you were lying about me again. Maki. . .Krystal. . .while you two are arguing with each other during the match on who you believe has the better ring skills between the two of you I’ll have already won the match. By the time you hear the announcer proclaim me the winner of our match, and as the newly crowned Sin City Wrestling Bombshell Roulette Champion, I’ll already have possession of the Championship Belt and I’ll be on my way to my dressing room. Sorry to rain on your parade girls but I’m in this match to win and there’s nothing you two can do to stop me.


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« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2021, 09:59:05 AM »
Room 13B

The Swaying motion as you travel can make the hardiest of souls weak in the intestinal tract, yet, almost like sea hardened veterans, the old and infirm actually take great joy in it, as do the little ones, giggling and swaying in overly dramatic ways. We all need to feel more like a child or an OAP and dispense with the struggles of adulthood and judgement it brings.

Melissa, strode across the upper deck of the Sun Princess, her red bikini hugging tightly to her body, she swayed with the boat and almost fell off the deck when one disgraceful wave hit and she felt her stomach lurch. She bounded down the steps, eyeing up the ridiculously tanned men and women rushing past her. She held her stomach in a self-conscious fashion as she found the pool.

She scanned around her and saw some very delicious men and women; some little nippers racing around and being told off by her parents. She managed to find a table free and a handsome waiter gave her a rum and root beer which was nice. She sipped it, sparked up her vape and looked up to where the structure will be placed. Her thoughts immediately sprang to the previous year and that damned Jessie Salco pulling her off and they fell into the pool and thus ruining her roulettes title shot. Not going to happen this year, she thought as she sipped her drink again. She was always destined for greatness and she NEEDED that title like a junkie for gold.

As she day dreamed about winning the roulettes title on this stupid boat in a few days time, someone stepped up to her table and leaned on it and her drink almost tipped over as she blasted the person with a full exhale of caramel vapor. She grabbed her drink just in time and lowered her sunglasses.

“Mind what you’re doing you stupid wanker!” She felt a grumble from her stomach and the oddly enjoyable cramps from below that signalled the awakening of Daniela.

The person currently, taking an age to sit opposite her, was an old lady in a one piece bathing suit, with a rinsed blue wig and chattering false teeth.

“Mind if I sit, my dear.  Well, Melissa thought, she already taken it, haven’t you? She could be unkind to this lady, but she was old and she would feel bad about it. Then again, she is probably racist but it is always better to be kind in these situations with the general public. You do not want a rumble with a virtually dead person to get to the dirt sheets.

She continued to vape and sip her drink while she appraised the old lady who was waffling on about something or other. “…I get lost see and you look like a lovely young woman, are you a jap? Well, back in my day we always said to be nice to japs as they make lovely food but so many hated them. I felt bad for your lot, you see. Wonderful food. Weird alien eyes but your eyes are lovely. Anyway, it’s so hot isn’t it? My word. They call that global change. We have ruined the world. Yes, love, I know but we need factories and back in the war my mom was in one of those factories making uniforms for our boys.

And on and on it went. From being racist to talk of wars. She just nodded at her while Daniela was piping up about bludgeoning her head on the side of the pool and Melissa wondered if she could get away with it, she probably would do just that to stop her incessant monologue.

It was time to put an end to this, “Thank you for the lovely chat. Now I am going down to level three so I will have to say so long, honeylove.”

“What about your drink? My Lester says never to leave a drink abandoned. There shall be no friend left behind” She grabbed it and slobbered it all over her hairy face the damned infidel! No, she must remain calm. Too many witnesses but Daniela was craving for a soul to reap. It would have to wait. She smiled at the old lady and then was about to bid a hasty retreat when the old lady grabbed her arm as they began to walk and the image in her mind was a big red FML sign. To top it all off she had suddenly started using a god damned southern accent!

“You’re so very tall. Most japs are short. This world! My dear, did you say deck three? That is where my art class is supposed to be starting but I couldn’t find it anywhere. It is 13B but when I went into 13B it was so crazy. People in diapers, playing some sort of cowboys and Indians game, riding each other, and walking around. A person cannot be a horse! Someone seemed to have split some milk and they were all trying to drink it and help clean it up. What a room of nonsense!”

Melissa’s ears perked up as did her chest. If only her wife Yuki was here, they would have so much fun in that room, but it wasn’t cheating if you just watched. She watched porno all the time when her wife was away, and this was just amateur dramatics with a twist. She put that room away in her knowledge vault for later. Daniela was getting excited too and they both felt that familiar rush of warmth spread over her, but she had to put it to one side and find a way to lose this geriatric bitch!

She took off her glasses and put them in her case in her clutch and brought out her spectacles and adorned them as the lady pointed to the door that said 13B. A wave of optimism and yearning came over her, wanting this to be the sex room the lady mentioned. As the door opened a buxom young woman with brown wavy her smiled.
“Margaret! There you are. I thought we lost you. Ooh and you have brought a beautiful young woman with you. Is she your granddaughter? How marvellous.”

Melissa couldn’t keep her eyes off the woman’s bouncing breasts and they started to hypnotise her as Margaret spoke, “Hardly. She is a jap. How could she be my granddaughter!
The lady with the bouncy appendages told Margaret that no racism was allowed on the cruise, told Margaret where to sit and then turned to Melissa who was now in the midst of hypnosis. “My apologies. I am Tiffany. I am the art teacher. You know how these people get. Hard to educate them at their age but it’s a job you know.

Still dazed as the cleavage was coming dangerously close to her and she feared she might get injured before her title match.


“Oh I have a fabulous idea, if you don’t mind. Would you mind being still life for the class?”
What the flub did that mean? If it meant time with those breasts…no. Snap out of it! Daniela started to curse and was mentioning many unspeakable violent and depraved acts on Tiffany.

“I am Melissa. I am a part of the wrestling show on Sunday. Dunno what the flub still life is but why not I got an hour to kill.”

Tiffany smiled and hugged her and her chest felt so heavy with the wait of those pillows so she pulled away but the woman took her to a chaise lounge and started to take off her bikini. Melissa’s eyes went wide and for a moment she wondered if she had entered the sex room after all.

Tiffany placed her palm to her face as soon as she had Melissa naked and covering her vital places. “Oh sorry, Melissa. It is a nude one. Your body is so yummy, and I know all of us here are happy to paint your exquisite form. Aren’t we everyone?

The loudest murmurings came from the old men as they ogled her. She despised this damned cruise. One salient point is that they were all filled with lusty eyes at her and not in the way on the upper decks they looked at her body with disdain and obvious body shaming in mind. 

“Good now lay on your side here on the chaise. Oh what has happened to your face, Melissa? Oh no is it some kind of reaction…

The whole room looked hazy and felt oppressive.

Outside the door. Melissa found herself here and heard screams of pain and anguish. She wondered if she had dreamt it all. Security guards ran to her, she was covered in blood. They checked on her and then opened the door to a scene they never thought they would witness on a cruise ship. Melissa looked in and thought to herself, well they were half dead anyway.
Blisters on my Fingers

For 24 hours Melissa Aki had been detained, locked in her cabin, under room arrest while the captain investigated what happened in room 13B. She had been cleared of any wrongdoing, but the rest of the guests aboard were shaken up. She didn’t care and spent her time downing beverages, thinking about that sex room, and strumming her acoustic guitar. She was strumming along to Call Me by Shinedown in her frilly pink pyjamas and humming out of tune with it. Her mind was filled with so many thoughts least of all was the fact that Daniela had escaped her body and from the shivers she felt she knew the demoness was jumping from one soul to another. She couldn’t do anything about that.

As her thoughts raced her mind settled on the task at hand. She had many things to do and she needed to win that title and get some things off her chest.

“There is a goal that we all aspire to in this game. We want the golden title. We want the world title or the women’s championship if you are of the better sex. We strive every day, every flubbing day to attain a belt. We are in pain in an almost constant basis but to say we do this for the people is blatantly a fallacy that we all want you to believe in. We do it for ourselves. We are all narcissists of various degrees. We want the attention, the adulation, to grand stand and to laud it over the others who have not attained such glorious stature. We want to be respected is another line I have heard a lot because of Crystal harping on about it all the damned time. I do not give one flub if you respect me, if you adore me, if you want me to succeed. If you give me all of that will it help me win matches? Will it bring titles to me? No. Of course our need for attention is high on our mental list but we get that just from being in a fight, so it is of no consequence.

Some might say that I am superstar, that I am the best signing the company ever made, that my Maki Express is more over than Alicia ripping apart Jessie on twitter. Again, it is nice, and it fuels my control and attention seeking but it does not win matches. I know my form has not been the paramount that I expect out of myself and I will not carry on fighting these numpties if I am not getting the result I should get. I will retire if this is the case and when I have been ready to throw in the towel something inside me has changed, the old fire in me returns and I win. I beat Char and she is one of the hottest up and comers in Sin City. I beat Candy. Who hasn’t really? It enabled me to be the first challenger to Krystal’s title but then again I wonder…I really wonder if this title is good enough to be around my waist…is it deserving of one of the all time best to ever get in that ring? I cannot tell but what I do know is that I am addicted to championships and this would be my first here in this company and that is something that fuels me beyond belief.

She strummed some more and this time it was from the alt-rock band One Less Reason called Life in A Way.

“You see these strings, they vibrate when you touch them, they create beautiful or horrendous music, depending on your knowledge of chords and your ear drums. This is how a match is won or lost. Can you vibe with the vibrations? Can you feel the rhythm of the fight? Can you make elegant music or make cats vomit? This is the true essence of any match but won in an ultimate X setting over a pool makes it even more important. It brings about a question – have either Krystal or Bea ever been in a setting like this before? Do they even know what to expect? I highly doubt it. I have. I battled until that damned Salco…but anyway I know what balance is required. I know every little detail about it because I LIVED it.

There is an even more important part to this roulettes title equation. Everyone has been sleeping on the fact that Krystal does not care about the championship. She does not care about promoting it, about raising the relevance of it like it was a year ago when I fought for it. All she cares about is the adulation she gets as a champion. I CARE. I want to win this title so badly just so I can bring prestige and glamour to it, so I can mould the division into something worth fighting for, so I can improve the women here. As I mentioned a week ago, when I am champion people rise up to face me, they want to beat the ever living shib out of me and so they should. No champion is worth their Himalayan salt unless they have worthy challengers and for once Krystal does in me.
I get it. She beat me and as I have told you ingrates time and time again it does not matter who wins what battle in a war, what matters is who the victor is and whose head ends up on a spike. Krystal Wolfe gets away with a lot in that ring but on the X oh you will have never met a striker like me and when you are up high and I boot you into the pool, Krystal, you will realise that you were just a handover champion, a paper champion, a nobody that never deserved this beautiful title.

Last night I was visited by butterflies, shimmering in the darkness, they formed the roulette title and it is destined to be mine and no two-bit moronic follower of Salco will stop me from attaining it.

She noticed the blisters on her fingers, exploring the little bump and using her the nail on the index finger of her right hand to pop them, that beautiful release when the puss oozes out.

“I seen what you said about our prior match and I have seen what you have had to say about this match. I get it, I really do but you’re failing to grasp is that a promo is a promotional tool to help bring in viewers, get more buys for the show and is not just a foil for your propaganda about your self-entitlement. We all need to big ourselves up, we all need to believe that we can beat the women in front of us, that as a champion you are greater than your foes but also as said champion you are held in higher authority and have shown your baselessness as a so-called champion. I do not follow the same wayward path. I know how great I am, I know what the rest of the world knows but I also know you are not a champion by happenstance and you have various fighting characteristics that make you tough to beat but I beat you I shall. Not because I am on your arrogance train but because I have more inner belief than you had cocks in your mouth.

You see, Krystal, no matter how much bravado you like to pour out into the world, it doesn’t cover up that insecure little girl that screams at you. She tells you to be scared of what you will encounter, she pleads with you to not fight me because she knows, oh she feels the terror within you and I will strip you of everything you hold dear and not because I have to but because I want to take your soul and wrench it from your disgusting body. You have been right, though, you have made it clear that this is not about me and it isn’t. This is about you and Bea. The vegan beef between you too can be seen from a mile away but be careful because everyone that has underestimated me has had to dig their own graves. I am all for threesomes and hell, I have been known to enter them, take what I want and leave so you better keep an eye on me!

 Another blister, she flicked her tongue over it and felt a release of joy as she prodded the blister much like she had prodded and cajoled these two wankers into doing what she wanted.

“Bea oh Bea. Much like the maligned Krystal Wolfe your focus has been purely on Krystal and tell you the truth I hope you knock each other off the X structure as would make my task in dethroning her a lot easier. It is once again me and you, sunshine. Maybe the third time is the charm for you, eh? I have knocked you out TWICE! Yet, here we are again, babe. Maybe those concussions got the better of you or maybe your anger at little Krystal means you will go through hell again but the outcome will be the same. It’s a kin to Samantha Marlowe or Candy, you just have this dream that one day you will be victorious against the Demoness but sadly that’s all it is and we all know dreams are just the subconscious dealing with your paranoia at failure against me. I mean, seriously, ten women have beaten me here and you cannot even do it after two attempts? That must really get on your grill, chica. I have looked at myself many times in the last few months and wondered if I would ever get back to the psychotic winning machine I was. I have contemplated retirement because of my lacklustre record but what about you? How in the blue blazes have you EARNED a title shot? Oh yeah because you think Krystal is a big meanie pants and you must overcome that wicked witch. Gosh, you are a trailblazer alright.

GROW THE FLUB UP! Everyone hates everyone. I hate you and I don’t even know you except to see your eyes roll in the back of your head. I hate Crystal, she hates me. The same for you two morons. That is just how life works. Hell, I hate all of humanity equally so what gives you the nerve to decide you want or warrant a title shot because that ignoramus pissed you off? Well, you know what, I don’t give a flub. Your funeral be it. Three and zero for me against you and you soaking wet in the pool as you look up and the glittering gold is raised by yours truly. You deserve what you will get, and it won’t be pretty. I am the new roulette champion because I am destined for greatness.

She throws her phone down and strums to Papa Roach’s Last Resort as we fade.