Author Topic: Sleep Sweet  (Read 567 times)

Offline Candy

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Sleep Sweet
« on: March 05, 2021, 11:52:16 PM »
Scene One: Tales from Candyland

Location: Marcus and Candy’s house, Baby Ruby’s room
When: Friday, March 5th. Bedtime.

**The scene fades up inside a beautifully decorated baby room in the home of Marcus Cage and his wife, Candy. It was decorated in all sorts of pink, did you expect any less? Honestly? In the bassinet in the corner was Baby Ruby. She had been in the foster care of Marcus and Candy for 2 weeks now, and she was finally becoming comfortable with them and their home. Sitting next to the bassinet, one on each side, were Hero and Fluffy. These two were very protective of Ruby and rarely left her side. Candy stood at the end of the bassinet, as Ruby fussed around in it.**

Candy: Sweetie… it’s bedtime… you gotta go night night…

**Candy looked a little… well let’s call it ragged. Her makeup was minimal, her hair was swept back in a messy bun… it’s NEVER in a messy bun like this! She was wearing a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt of Marcus’s that was too big on her. She looked… let’s face it… exhausted. Ruby continued to fuss in the bassinet as Candy tried different toys.**

Candy: I know you don’t wanna go to sleep right now and you just wanna keep playing and being cute but… momma Candy is sleepy. And I have a big match coming up and I need sleep so I can win and keep moving on in the tournament. My partner is depending on me. And you got a biiiiig weekend ahead! You are gonna get to meet you Auntie Bella, and Uncle Mal… He’s a bit grumpy but that’s ok. So you gotta get your beauty sleep… and so do i...

**Ruby fusses a bit, but in more of a playful manner with the cooing and everything. Candy smiled softly at her as Hero got up on his hind legs and put his front paws at the edge of the bassinet, sticking his head and snout into the bassinet a little bit. He licked at her hands and she smiled and giggled a little bit. At this point Marcus came in the room.**

Marcus Cage: Everything ok?

**Candy turned to him with a desperate look on her face.**

Candy: Nooooo she just wants to play and fuss and I’m tiiiiiiiiiiired………

**Marcus chuckled a little as he walked up to the bassinet and when Ruby saw him, she reached out for him with a smile on her face and the cutest little giggle you have ever heard.**

Marcus Cage: Did you feed her?

Candy: Yeah… she took a whole bottle. She was soooo thirsty.

Marcus Cage: That’s good, so she has a full belly, she should be getting sleepy.

Candy: Nooooo she just wants to be cute and fuss and play and be so cuuuuuuute

**Marcus paused for a minute, thinking, as Ruby kept reaching for him.**

Marcus Cage: Did you burp her after she ate?

Candy: No… I forgot…

**He grinned as he picked up baby Ruby and placed her on his chest with her head over his shoulder. He gently patted her back a few times and she let out a good burp.**

Marcus Cage: See? She had a little gas in her belly and needed burped. She should go to sleep now.

**He started to put her down, and she began to cry. She didn’t want to be put down. He cradled her back in his arms and looked at Candy.**

Marcus Cage: I have an idea. Why don’t I cuddle her in the rocking chair while you tell her a story. You know how she loves listening to you talk.

**Candy’s eyes lit up**

Candy: That’s a great idea! What story should I tell her? Beauty and the Beast? Cinderella? OH WIZARD OF OZ???

Marcus Cage: Wizard of Oz might be a little scary for her. What about Sleeping Beauty?

**Candy got excited at this.**

Candy: YEAH!!! That’s perfect.

**Marcus got comfortable in the rocking chair with Ruby laying across his chest. Candy pulled up a foot stool and sat on it next to them and began telling her story.**

Candy: Once upon a time… there was a beautiful queen named…. Candy! And her very handsome husband… Marcus! And they had a beautiful little baby named… Ruby.

**She continued the story, and by the end she looks over at Marcus and Ruby, both sound asleep.**

Candy: And they all lived happily ever after. The end.

**She smiles as she everrrrrr so gently lifts Ruby off of Marcus’s chest and places her in her bassinet again, covers her up with a blanket, and tip toes out of the room. Fluffy follows her, but Hero decides to stay right by Ruby’s side. Candy goes to her room and plops down on the bed. Fluffy jumps on the bed after her and starts licking her face. Candy giggles a little.**

Candy: Stop it, Fluffy. That tickles and when i’m tickled I laugh and I don’t wanna wake the baby.

**Fluffy pulled back and sat on the bed, quietly. Candy stayed laying down.**

Candy: This parenting thing is really really hard. But I love her so much I hope I never ever have to give her back. She’s so beautiful. And she loves us so much… especially Marcus. And finding a balance between her and everything else and work is so hard. Like I got my round 2 match for Blast From The Past coming up this weekend and I haven’t even had a chance to train this week or anything. I hope I don’t let my partner down.

**She pouted a little bit and Fluffy laid down next to her, nuzzling up to her a bit.**

Candy: This is a huge opportunity for both of us. I got really lucky drawing Coby as my partner. He’s really really nice and really really good. And I want to win this soooooo much. But we have to face Despy and he’s kinda nice too. Even though he wouldn’t let me get my Glitter Bomb match on the wheel. But that’s ok! Cuz Despy is pretty nice. But I don’t know much about Amber Ryan… but I know she’s really good.

**Laying there, Candy’s words got a little slower as she let out a yawn, and her eyes slowly closed.**

Candy: I just… *yawn* … hope I don’t let anyone … *long yawn* … down …

**With that final word, her heads drooped and she began to lightly snore. A moment later Marcus walked in the room and saw her and Fluffy curled up across the bed, sleeping. He gently picked her up and put her on her side of the bed and tucked her in, before crawling in bed himself. He reached over and turned on the baby monitor before turning off the lights as the camera went black.**
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