Author Topic: Sam's return...but from where and what injury?  (Read 525 times)

Offline Sam Marlowe

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    • Samantha Marlowe
Sam's return...but from where and what injury?
« on: July 10, 2020, 11:41:46 PM »
 She had won, she had submitted Tallyn on Climax Control.  Her win loss record was on an upward swing…She should be on cloud nine.  

And that is just when Murphy and his silly law happened.  And before you say it, we are not talking about Connor Murphy because he doesn't have any laws that we know of.

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Two days after Sam Marlowe had beaten Tallyn, she stepped into the hotel gym where she moved towards the furthest treadmill.  She was dressed in a pair of black shorts with a Sam tee.  Her socks slouched into a pair of black Converse hightops and the glint of something silver on her left wrist blinks in the gym lights.  She sets a bottle of water and a towel on the bench to the side of the treadmill and then putting her earbuds in her ears, she mounts the exercise equipment.  Before stepping on the treadmill, she reaches up to set the speed and timer on the treadmill.  As she pulls her hand away, she makes note of the slight shaking of her hand which she wipes down on her side.  

Stepping onto the treadmill, Sam begins to run with the slight speed.  As she does, she begins to sweat right away as if she had been running for a while.  Getting into a rhythm, Sam seems to be a little off kilter as she struggles to keep the pace.

Pussy Willow walks into the room as she sees Sam bring a hand up to her head to hold it in pain.  Sam fades slightly, enough for her feet to trip under her and she goes down only to be slingshotted of the track of the treadmill to land in a heap against the wall.  Pussy goes running over as she brings out her cell phone and calls nine one one.

“I need an ambulance at the Saxon Hotel in the gym there.  I have a woman down and she is unconscious,” Pussy cries into the phone as she drops beside Sam.  She tucks the phone between her shoulder and ear as she is talking to the operator.  “It’s my friend Sam, she tripped on a treadmill and I don’t know if she injured herself or what.  Send someone fast please!”

Pussy remains with Sam, her hand holding Sam’s as she waits.  Around the bombshell and interviewer is a crowd of wrestlers and staff as one of the trainers drops on the other side of Sam to check on her.  She groans in pain as the trainer runs his hand along her side.  Her eyes flutter slightly but doesn’t open them.

What seems like hours later, a paramedic team rushes into the gym and moves towards the downed bombshell.  They push Pussy and the trainer out of the way as they begin to look at the redhead.  The trainer is telling them that she seems to be tender to the touch around her chest and midsection.  The other paramedic is look at the left wrist of Sam and sees the bracelet that is there. Noting the medical alert emblem, he turns it over to see that she is diabetic.  Pawing through his bag, he pulls out a blood sugar tester and then uses it to test the blood he had taken from a finger.

“She’s diabetic and her blood sugar is two point one.  We have to get her to the medical center,” he tells his partner who nods and begins to clean off the gurney as he replies with a “I think she’s got some internal bruising and might have a broken rib.”  The first paramedic grabs a glucagon kit and administers a shot to the downed redhead.

Pussy watches as they put Sam on the gurney and then buckle her down.  They thank the trainer as they wheel Sam out of the gym and towards the ambulance that is waiting outside of the hotel.  The last thing seen is the gurney being put inside where the paramedic has an IV that he starts.

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At the hospital, Sam slowly opens her eyes with a moan as she clutches at her stomach.  The sting of antiseptic tickles her nose as she looks around in wonder.  

“Good morning miss,” says the nurse who is checking on Sam, her hand putting a clip on the finger of Sam and wrapping the blood pressure cuff onto her arm.  Soft beeps can be heard as she presses the buttons then the cuff begins to inflate.

“G’mornin’, what is going on?” demands Sam as she tries to sit up.  The nurse motions for her to stay lying down.  “Why am I here?”

“I can answer that,” says another voice as a doctor moves through the doorway and towards the bed.  He looks down at the chart then smiles at Sam.  “You passed out due to low blood sugar and took a fall from a moving treadmill into a wall.  You have bruised ribs and we thought a dislocated shoulder.  Luckily, the shoulder was just sprained.  What happened that your blood sugar got that low?”

Sam looks guilty as she begins to toy with the blanket covering her lower section.  “I guess I was letting myself go.  I mean this lockdown was really getting to me and I wasn’t really taking care of myself properly.  Eating right wasn’t really a priority,” replied Sam.

“I see,” replies the doctor with a slow nod.  “We have to get you back on a routine and I am going to suggest an insulin pump if you can’t take care of yourself better.  Do you realize that you could have gotten in big trouble if there weren’t people around you in the gym.”

Sam nods slowly and then looks up.  “So, um, what is this going to mean for me.  I am a wrester and I am sure that my bosses will want me ready to wrestle,” begins Sam only to have the doctor stop her by holding up his hand.

“You won’t be wrestling for a while.  We have contacted Mr. Underwood to let him know that you are not cleared to be in the ring due to the bruised ribs you suffered.  We will take it easy then you will start up physio in a couple of weeks.  Then we will check on you and if you respond well, we will reinstate you,” replies the doctor as he finishes annotating the chart then sliding it into the chart holder outside of the room.  

Sam watches him leave as the nurse motions for Sam to sit up and then wheels over the table where a meal can be seen.  “You will be with us for tonight miss so you just eat up,” says the nurse.

Sam sighs as the scene fades on her slowly picking up her fork to poke at the meal on the tray.

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Last week, Sam Marlowe was at Climax Control where she was handed the card for Climax Control that she stuffs into her back pocket and forgetting it as she watched the title match of her friend Ben.

Later in the week, Sam was cleaning up when she found the card in the back pocket of her jeans.  Looking down at it, she immediately sees her name that is beside Violet Hold.  For only being back and cleared the week before, Sam was thrown right into the deep end against a former Roulette champion.  

The redhead smiles as she looks up once more into the mirror.  Her pale skin was still very light but she looked healthier.  Moving to the door of her hotel room, she grabs up her bag and heads to the elevator.  When she gets inside, she pushes the button to the floor where the gym is located.  The door opens again and Sam moves into the gym where she spies the physiotherapist that had been recommended to her.

“Hi Will,” she calls out.  “How goes it?”

The young man smiles back and waves as he comes closer.  “It goes slowly and kinda to the left.  I think I need an alignment,” he jokes.  “And speaking of alignments…how’s the ribs?”

“They are better with barbeque sauce,” teases Sam.  The pair laugh at the jokes as Will puts the chart on the bench beside the pair and then motions for Sam to show him the range of movement she has.  Twisting and bending, Sam fights to not show the pain but when she pushes it too far, she can’t hide the pain.  “Looks like you still have a bit of a problem with the left side Sam,” Will says as he runs his hand along it which makes Sam giggle.  “Ticklish?”

“Very,” she replies as she moves away from the hands.  “Listen Will, I need something to help me get my flexibility back double quick.  This week I am in my first match back and I tend to pretty active in the ring.”

Will nods as he moves to grab a current generator and then prepares it for placing on Sam’s side.  “We’ll get some current going then we give you some heat to put against it.  Have you been keeping up with the icing and heat?”

“Yes, I have,” replies Sam as she notices the door open and Pussy sticks her head into the room.  Waving her friend into the room, Sam smiles.  “Hey Pussy, what’s up?”

“I’m here to see if you wanted to cut a promo about your match this week,” offers Pussy with an embarrassed smile at Will who nods at Sam.  “Can she?”

Will smiles as he sets the current generator humming against the skin.  A gentle hum can be heard as he walks away.  Pussy sits across from Sam who is holding a heated pad against her side.  “I’m ready when you are Sam,” says Pussy who pulls a cell phone from the bag beside her.  Pointing it at Sam, she hits record then motions at Sam who looks up and smiles into the camera.

“Well well, this week is the return once more of Sam Marlowe.  I bet people are really getting tired of seeing me comeback again and again.  I am pretty sure that when it comes down to it, I am sure that people would just wish for me to stay gone,” Sam offers to the camera as Pussy narrows her eyes at her friend before shaking her head no.  “But staying gone is something that just isn’t in me.  Wrestling for SCW is one of the things that I love to do and so once more, I am back.”

Taking a slow breath against the heat of the pad, she uses her other hand to brush a few stray curls of red hair behind her ear before she speaks again.

“This week I make my return after being cleared from an injury that I gave myself.  And you know, one would think that they would want me to start out easy but then, one would be wrong.  I don’t want easy and as if he read my mind, Christian Underwood made the match against Violet Hold this week for Climax Control.  And I am good with it,” says Sam as she looks upward as if looking for something to add.

“Violet is a former Bombshell Roulette champion.  That means that is right up there as championship material and I for one will give her props because she beat the person that took the title from me,” suggests Sam.  “Granted, Candy was able to beat me and Violet was able to beat Candy, Violet has never challenged me in a match and I am sure as much as she is confident about her ability, I am that much more confident in mine.”  Sam looks directly into the camera once more.  “You see Violet, that title you held for such a short time has a very storied history.  And if you look at the record books, when it comes to that title, the name beside every major record is mine.”

“I won’t doubt your skills, I know what it takes to hold that title and I know that when it comes to the Bombshell Roulette title, that is the first step in moving up the ranks of bombshells.  And I know you are a second-generation wrestler and that too is something to be proud of.  So, no doubt you are going to be coming into the match with something to prove.  But so am I,” says Sam, her smile fading slightly.

“I am on the road back to a place where I am the most comfortable and that is right in the thick of the title scene, be it the Bombshell Roulette title, the Internet title or goodness forbid, challenging for the Bombshell World title.  And before anyone says it, I know I am not there yet but I will get there eventually and when I do, whoever is the champion will need to watch out,” she says as a beep is heard.  

Will moves into the shot and pulls the heated pad away and then begins to peel the electrodes from the ribs of Sam before handing her a cloth to wipe away the gel from her skin.  He moves out of the shot as Sam wipes her side.  She sets the cloth to the side and once more addresses the camera after offering Will a wave as he leaves.

“I bet seeing me like this right now is building your confidence to know that my ribs might be a bit tender and trust me I know that but I know how to fight through the pain.  I know how to reach the ends of my limits then take that dive over it.  When it comes to being in that ring, that is where I excel and if I want it bad enough, there isn’t anything that will stop me from getting it. So, you may want to step in the ring and think that you have a chance to beat me,” says Sam softly before her voice gets low and deadly.  “You have no chance of beating me because Violet, I have set myself some goals and you are the first hurdle to get over on my way to fulfilling them.  Sadly, that means that I will have to step all over you to move on.  I’m sorry but that is the simple facts of the matter.  Come Sunday and you are looking at me across that ring, just know that I am coming for the win and nothing is going to stop me getting it.”

Pussy stops recording as Sam slowly works her way to a vertical base then moves closer to Pussy.  She looks slightly sweaty which has Pussy concerned.  Sam reaches down for her bag and pulls out a small container and a small bag.  Opening the bag, she pulls out a small monitor then holds it against a small white disk on her arm.  A beep later and Sam looks down to see that her blood sugar is going low.  She opens the container and pours out two large disks which she puts into her mouth and chews.  

“You okay Sam??” demands Pussy.  

“Yeah, getting it under control,” replies Sam.  “But just means that I need to get something to eat.  Wanna join me for lunch?”

“You betcha,” says Pussy as Sam moves to shoulder the bag she has.  The two friends move towards the door, pushing their way out of the room.  They can be seen walking to the elevator until the door closes.