Author Topic: SCU Underground Ep. 63 (Results)  (Read 4481 times)

Offline Tad Ezra

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SCU Underground Ep. 63 (Results)
« on: June 23, 2020, 12:49:14 AM »

SCU Presents Underground Ep. 63
We are coming at you from the GO Gym, Las Vegas, Nevada. In front of a live audience of 100 (SCW stars if they wish to attend. GRIME and SCU wrestlers SCW, SCU ring crew, production teams) June 21st, 2020 at 11:59 pm PST


A moment or two passes before exist†trace’s “Futatsu no Koe” begins to play throughout the arena. That song ushers forth Merlot Ayano. The Sin City Underground TV Championship is fastened to her waist, while the Combat Championship is draped over her shoulder. The double champion reveals a microphone as she makes her way down to the ring. Ms. Ayano quickly wipes her boots before she rolls underneath the bottom rope.

Merlot Ayano: How doing?

The music begins to fade as Merlot makes her way to the center of the ring. She turns in the camera’s direction and flashes a smile before she continues on.

Merlot Ayano: Truth be told, has been very long week for Merlot. Why? Well, Merlot been heavy in thought. Hai. Reason shouldn’t come as secret.

She paces around the ring a little bit.

Merlot Ayano: As can see, Merlot is in possession of SCU Combat Champion and TV Championship. Am on short list of people to ever do so within SCU. Is big honor. Is major honor…

Merlot pauses for a second or two.

Merlot Ayano: However, regulations state that Merlot cannot defend both championships at one time. Have make choice.

Her eyes shift down towards the belt around her waist.

Merlot Ayano: Went through a lot of hell to get to TV Championship. Was a lot of ups and downs. Was a lot of sacrifices. And honestly? Was a lot of pain attached as well. However, Merlot do what always do. Merlot put smile on face; Merlot endure. That endurance afforded Merlot another opportunity at TV Championship. And as all know, didn’t let that one pass by.

She nods her head.

Merlot Ayano: Is been few times in career where Merlot win championship, but no defend it. Sometimes, belts were retired. Other times, promotion closed before first defense could occur. Is terrible feeling, hai. As champion, desire to go out there and defend. Desire to prove that Merlot worthy of such honor. So when win SCU TV Championship, wanted to do everything could to build it up. Wanted to fight hard. Wanted to prove to world that TV Championship was just as important as Combat or Underground Championship. Is reason why Merlot fought way did in matches; is reason Merlot was so passionate when talking about championship belt. Is important.

She uses her free hand to run her fingers through her hair as she continues to paces around. In the midst of that, her eyes shift over to the belt that’s on her shoulder.

Merlot Ayano: Aye. Then is SCU Combat Championship. Belt has been held by some of SCU’s greatest wrestlers. Holding it is massive honor. However, holding it has other implications.

She nods her head.

Merlot Ayano: Not just anyone can hold and defend Combat Championship. Requires someone who is willing and able to adapt to situations. Requires someone who has great versatility. Requires a true warrior! Halo has all those traits. Is why she was able to defend belt for so long. Want to thank her for fight that she brought. Was a mighty test of Merlot’s skills and resolve. And, was good to fight a true warrior again. Hai.

Her pacing stops as she ends up back in the center of the ring.

Merlot Ayano: What’s right choice? What’s right choice?

Afterwards, Merlot places both championship belts on the mat before she sits down in front of them. Merlot gazes at the both of them for a good long time. Afterwards, she lays a hand on the TV Championship.

Merlot Ayano: Wanted to show Merlot was worthy of being champion in SCU. Wanted to defend belt with great honor. Wanted to prove that being TV Champion was just as special as being Combat or Underground Champion. And, think Merlot proved those things. Hai.

Merlot carefully folded the TV Championships straps underneath it.

Merlot Ayano: Merlot took TV Championship to new heights. But now? Think is time to do same for Combat Championship.

She leans down and kisses the TV Championship. Afterwards, she places the microphone next to it before she stands to her feet. Merlot nods her head. Afterwards, she exits the ring.

In the office area, we see Gianni Di Luca talking with a few stagehands quietly.  He sees something from the corner of his eyes and he dismisses them.

Gianni:  Just make sure that blue haired one don’t get near her.  It’s for Krystal’s protection, not Veronica’s…

Gianni takes a few steps forward and is met by Donna Beauchamp, who looks a little flustered.  Gianni has a good idea why.  He holds his hands up, ready to defend his actions, but Donna shakes her head.

Donna:  No need.  I’m not here to yell at you.  I actually wanted to say that I’m happy with the way you handled the situation.

Gianni:  You don’t underst… wait, what?  Seriously?

Donna:  Yeah. It’s not the way I would have done it, but I definitely understand your choice.  Thankfully, now that I’m here to back you up, we don’t have to succumb to Tad’s bullshit.

Gianni:  So after Supernova, we put our foot down and…

Donna shakes her head.

Donna:  No.  Right now.  I really like the idea of qualifying matches, but GRIME will not be taking part in it. And to show Tad who is really boss around here, I’m effectively canceling the Network Exclusive matches featuring his GRIME stars. See how he likes that.

Gianni:  But I already signed for the Mayhem Survival.  It’s a done deal.

Donna:  You signed under duress, and any judge worth his weight is going to see that and throw out their case if it even made it to trial.  The Mayhem Survival will take place, and I look forward to seeing Valentina or Krystal taking up the first spot.

Gianni hears everything that Donna is saying, and he thinks about it for a second.  He shrugs his shoulders.

Gianni:  Coo’...

And with that, Gianni gets back to work, while Donna sighs a breath of relief, a confident pose as we fade elsewhere.

Opening Match
Damian Dark vs Grimaldi

Darlyn:  The following contest is scheduled for one fall!  Iiiiiiiiiiiiintroducing first, from Mexico, standing at 5’9” and weighing in at 250lb, he is “The Psycho” Damian Dark!!!

The lights go off and you here let me in the devil's here and out comes Damian Dark in a casket wheeled down to the ring with red liquid on top of it.

Darlyn:  Aaaaaaaaand his opponent, he is… Grimaldi!!!

The lights in the arena slowly dim and flicker before finally going out. “Game of Survival” begins to play out of the PA system and the spotlight shines on the stage, where Darhk stands with a sly smile on his face and his arms outstretched, he then steps aside and Grimaldi steps forward into the spotlight. Laughing manically as the lights come back on within the arena and Grimaldi methodically walks along the aisle, head tilted at the fans nearby, Darhk follows behind telling Grimaldi to ignore them and focus. Grimaldi steps up the ring steps and along the ring curtain, Darhk follows him up and climbs into the ring and sits on the middle rope and pushes the top rope up, Grimaldi laughs and steps through the rope assisted ropes and wonders carelessly around the ring. The referee and ring announcer look confused and move out of his way if he wonders towards them. Darhk stands in his assigned corner and ushers Grimaldi over and takes off his purple coat and gives Grimaldi a last few minute words before stepping out onto the ring apron and jumping down. The music fades away leaving Grimaldi resting his shoulders against the top turnbuckle pad, grabbing the top rope and laughing, glancing over each shoulder at the audience and towards the referee before stopping abruptly and glaring at his opponent.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena: The two men lock up with each other struggling to get the advantage. Grimaldi capitalizes and whips Damian into the ropes hitting a clothesline on the rebound. Grimaldi stalks his opponent and moves toward his feet.

Chad:  Grimaldi grabs his right leg and locks in a heel lock. Damian reacts quickly while showing a look of discomfort on his face as he pulls himself toward the ropes and once he is able to reach out and grab the bottom rope the referee steps in and breaks the hold.

Gena: Grimaldi lets at the three count. Damian uses the ropes to pull himself up as the referee warns Grimaldi about letting go of holds when told to do so. As Damian gets to his feet, Grimaldi brushes past the referee and hits Damian with an elbow to the back of the head.

Chad: Damian holds the back of his head and as he turns to face Grimaldi. He gets kicked in the midsection and Grimaldi plants Damian into the mat with a DDT and cover. ..


Gena: Grimaldi has a slight look of frustration on his smiling face. Grimaldi moves in and grabs Damian as he gets to his feet. Damian performs a standing switch and hits a belly to back suplex and follows that up with a knee drop to the head.

Chad: Damian then proceeds to give Grimaldi the Garvin Stomp as he moves around his opponent. Damian then runs to the near corner and hops up on the top turnbuckle and delivers a 450 splash and he floats over for the cover…


Gena: As Grimaldi gets to his feet, Damian whips him into the corner and runs in hitting Grimaldi with a clothesline in the corner. Damian takes a few steps backward as Grimaldi staggers out of the corner. Damian lines him up and hits a Bodyslam. Damian goes for a cover…


Chad:  Grimaldi gets a shoulder up.  Damian drags him up to his feet and throws him into the corner, doing a ground and pound as he goes berserk.  The crowd boos until Damian drags Grimaldi back up to his feet.

Gena:  He goes for his finishing Lariat, but Grimaldi ducks underneath and pokes Damian in the eyes.  He bounces off of the ropes, looking for a Clothesline, but Damian hits the Lariat and then goes down for the cover!


Darlyn: The winner of this match, the Honor champion, Damian Dark!!

The scene opens backstage at Underground where we see Australian Go Gym Graduate Krystal Wolfe playing on her Nintendo Switch and from the sound of things, she is playing Super Mario Maker 2.

Krystal: God damn it! Softblocked again!

Krystal grumbles to herself before she is approached by Marissa.

Marissa: Krys, do you have time to talk about your match tonight?

Krystal looks at the timer on her Switch before nodding and pocketing it.

Krystal: I’ve got just under five minutes until I time out, seriously who puts a softblock right next to CP1?!

Marissa gives Krys a confused look and she shakes her head.

Krystal: Troll level stuff, don’t worry about it, anyway you’re here about my opportunity to compete in the Mayhem Survival Match, right?

Marissa: That’s right and you are facing Valentina.

Krystal nods before grinning.

Krystal: Frankly I’m just glad that I’m facing someone who knows how to wrestle and won’t resort to cheating unlike Veronica, if Valentina wins tonight’s match then it’ll be her second time in the match but unfortunately for her I think that’s one time to many and she will be struck down by the Down Under Thunderbomb as I secure my spot in the Mayhem survival match.

Marissa: And what about Veronica?

Krystal: What about her? If you are asking if I’m expecting her to interfere, off course I am! She may as well have tweeted “I AM TOTALLY GOING TO SCREW KRYSTAL WOLFE OUT OF HER OPPORTUNITY TO COMPETE IN THE MAYHEM SURVIVAL MATCH BECAUSE SHE IS INFINITELY MORE TALENTED THAN ME AND BETTER LOOKING AND I CAN’T HANDLE THAT, SORRY, NOT SORRY!” and the moment she does is the moment she gets fisted by me!

Marissa: Err, phrasing?

Krystal blinks before covering her face with both hands.

Krystal: First that gaff with the punching bag and now this!

Krystal groans before running both hands down her face.

Krystal: Just to set the record straight, pun not intended, I am bi but I have no interest, sexual or otherwise, in women like Veronica, what I meant to say was that if she does interfere the only thing she’s getting is another broken nose!

Marissa walks off and Krys resumes playing on her Switch as the scene fades.

We are taken backstage to where Gemma Frost stands with Mark "The Dragon" Cross. He is standing in his usual ring attire, with the addition of some white strapping to his left knee.

Gemma: I guess first off, how's the knee? I'm surprised to see you back in action so soon.

The Dragon: It's a ligament sprain, so I have to keep it moving as part of the recovery. I've looked at my training regime and my scheduling, namely whether SCW and SCU double-duty is the best idea for the next month or so, and made some changes with management on that front.

Gemma: Will it affect your ability to perform in the ring though?

The Dragon: Probably, but I'm not too concerned. In a business like ours it's hard not to have some kind of niggle, or soreness. Pushing through it and still performing at a high level is what we have to do...either that or consider a career change.

Gemma: Into the Void - That couldn't have been much closer, but I guess I have to ask what now? How do you come back from another failed attempt at a main brand championship?

The Dragon: That's cold Gemma...Frosty even…

Gemma: I'm impressed it's taken you a year to…

The Dragon: ...right through the heart…

Gemma: Please, just answer the question. And don't use that again.

The Dragon: I rebuild. I pick myself up, I learn from my mistakes, I get back to full fitness and I go again. Ben Jordan will probably tell you that's the closest he has been to defeat in defending that belt. It's hardly a consolation of course, the result didn't come, but it's an indication of the level I'm already working at. I'm not done getting better, far from it, my time will come again, and I'll have plenty of practice matches to tool up while I win myself back into some position of contention.

Gemma: Has the thought of moving on ever crossed your mind?

The Dragon: From Sin City you mean? Not at all. I see it a lot in this business, try, fail, move on to somewhere far enough away that they dont remember, but no. I earned my shot. I'll earn my shot again.

Gemma: You left ringside pretty quickly, but what did you make of the events in the aftermath, about the man holding the belt that was yours for nearly six months?

The Dragon: I didn't think it was possible to pull a Teddy Warren in the World Heavyweight title match...but O'Malley has done exactly that, we've got another cheapshotter in our ranks. For anyone with short memories, the guy who's too good to answer his own Tweets half the time TANKED his opportunities for Ben's World Heavyweight title, or what was my Underground title. Straight up, one-on-one, he didn't have what it takes to take either one of us out. He had to wait for the two real champions in that match to put on a barnstormer, soften each other up before he took his shot.

Gemma: Can't argue with that.

The Dragon: Now O'Placeholder has something of mine. Something he doesn't deserve, and something that he isn't worthy of holding either. I'm grateful we didn't have to wait long for respect to be restored to the division.

Gemma: So say you do take the belt, what then? Back on the quest for unification, or something closer to home?

The Dragon: Close to home?

Gemma: Maybe something tag team related?

The Dragon: Wait...which tag team thing?

Gemma: ...there's more than one?

The Dragon: ...No...hey look over there!

Gemma: What?

As Gemma's head turns to look, Mark takes his opportunity to bolt out of shot and away before she's able to turn back.

Gemma: Nooooo! Not like this! Come back!

We see Gemma set off to give chase as the scene fades away.

We go to the back of the GO Gym building, a back entrance to the building where the staff park their cars is being taken over for the time being by OTE as they have themselves a tailgate party.

We see Michi over seeing the grill. Eyesnsane on the phone face chatting with his son. Dax, Kaos and Mickey are having a beer talking to the side. We see a few other superstars in the background. A big screen is set up in the back of someone’s SUV.

Dax: It wasn’t the way we wanted it to go last week, huh?

Kaos: We roll together to the ring going forward, I bet no one gonna try that again.

Mickey: Alright? theFAME was dumb enough to try. They bollocksed a good’un, bruv. A mistake they’re gonna pay for when the time is right, yeah?

Michi: Handle shit now or moveon. Talking ain’t doing nothing.

Michi says a bit loud so they can hear her over the rest of the noise.

Kaos: She got good ears.

Dax: She's not wrong, bruh.  We need to make a move sooner rather than later, or else we’re gonna look like some... bitches.

Dax looks around, as if waiting for Tatsu to pop up somewhere. Eyesnsane hangs up his call and heads towards Michi.

Eyesnsane: Burgers smelling pretty good.

Michi: Well yeah, what did you expect?

Eyesnsane: Good point.

As they talk they look around to see the Fox Brothers grandma Martha Fox walking towards them with a big tray that takes her both hands to hold.

Eyesnsane: Welcome, Jason and Mason are in front of the TV like some little kids.

Martha leans left to yell of them as if they are kids.

Martha: Those two boys are determined to go blind between sitting that close to the TV, and the masturbation...  

Martha sighs and then looks at Michi and Eyesnsane.

Martha: Happy Father's Day. I made this for you. A pound of brownies for you to share and a pound of brownies you may want to before who you share with.

Eyesnsane: Ah, I’m sure Winter will thank you later.

Martha: I made the cookies she asked for so I’m sure she’ll be just fine with those. You kids are so sweet.

Eyesnsane: Nice.

Martha: As for you Michi, I made the cookies you wanted. It’s been a while since I’ve made a good macaroon and, I must say, they came out really well.

Michi: Cool, next, when you can, some pineapple mango fruit bars.

Martha: I’ll get right to work on that. I found this cute little recipe in a Martha Stewart article for them, but then I got to thinking. What about a pineapple mango cheesecake bar?

Martha rubs her stomach, imagining the flavor already.

Michi: Perfeito.

Martha:  You kids are too precious. Spread the word, and let me know if you want anything else, okay?

Martha gives Michi a one sided hug and then gathers up Mason and Jason as they walk toward the doors. Mickey, Kaos, and Dax walk over to Eyesnsane and Michi.

Michi: Burgers are ready.

Dax: Nice, looks like the Hardcore Tag title match is about to start.

Kaos: We don’t even need to watch it on the big screen. Just cut the corner and we got front row seats to it.

Mickey: Oi! Best seats in the house right there.

Michi starts to serve them burgers as the cameraman start walking around the building to join another cameraman to help film the hardcore match.


Hardcore Tag Team ChampionshipMatch
Street Fight
The Good Shepherds vs Kawaii Dragons, Alex Rush and Edwin Robert

As the cameras come into position, a black Escalade rolls around the corner, with silver crosses painted down the sides of it.  As it parks in place, the driver’s side door opens and Brother David steps out.  The passenger’s door opens and Virginia steps out.  Mavis and Gerald roll down their windows, but stay seated.

Darlyn:  The following contest is a Street Fight scheduled for one fall, and is for the Hardcore Tag Team Championships! Iiiiiiiiintroducing first, from Tulsa, OK, they represent The Church of the Good Shepherds… Brother David and Sister Virginia!!!

The two walk toward the center where they are met by referee Jade Pham.  Father Gerald leans out of the window and points across the lot.

Gerald:  Keep that derned thing away from me!!!

The camera moves in the direction he’s pointing, and we see Alex Rush and Tatsu Ikeda, walking alongside Lucha Rhino, with Winter Elemental on his back.  They move toward the middle of the street, and Jade Pham holds up two fingers.  After a round of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Alex and Tatsu step to the starting point.

Darlyn:  Aaaaaand their opponents, they are your Hardcore Tag Team Champions… Tatsu Ikeda and Alex Rush!!!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena: Tatsu and Alex Rush will take part of the match on behalf of the champions… David and Virginia run right at Tatsu. Alex grabs David from behind but lets go after a hard elbow to the face.

Chad: Virginia gets Tatsu up to slam her to the pavement but Tutsu lands on her feet. Alex grabs his face as David turns around to face him.

Gena: David goes for a punch but misses as Alex moves out the way. Tatsu grabs Virginia to tie up. David goes for another punch but misses again as Alex moves out the way and gets behind Tatsu and Virginia.

Alex: Excuse me ladies.

Gena: Alex walks between them, Virginia goes to tie up again but Tatsu kicks her in the midsection. David grabs Tatsu to tie up but gets broken up as Alex kicks David on his asscheek.

Chad: Virginia grabs Alex by his hair and pulls. Tatsu lands a high kick on Virginia's hand to get her to let go of Alex’s hair.

Gena: David runs and nails Tatsu with a hard clothesline. Alex grabs David by his left ear and pulls down. Virginia nails Alex with a forearm to the lower back.

Winter: Tatsu, end this already, Martha arrived, she has my cookies!

Chad: Alex turns around to face Virginia, She goes to slap Alex but he ducks, she smacks the side of David’s head instead.

Gena: Kawaii Mist from Tatsu to Virginia! Alex goes to grab David as Tatsu grabs Virginia's head and drops her with a ddt on the pavement!

Chad: Tatsu turns Virginia around as we see her forehead bleeding. Tatsu goes for the cover.


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Cameras turn around to see Le Coven outside the Go Gym Building, finished watching the Hardcore Tag Team title match.

Celeste: You know Jenifer, I have always been a fan of the Hardcore matches. Unlike The Monstimals that seem to have a problem with them, I like to see Hardcore matches because the style still has wrestling involved. I get they want more violence in the matches but anyone can be violent. There's no skill in that.

Jenifer nods as she agrees with Celeste

Celeste: Tonight, we have the first qualifying match for the Mayhem Survival. I like that, nice little add on to make it feel even more special.

Jenifer shrugs as it does not matter to her. Jenifer points at Celeste's Underground title.

Celeste: Yes, the men had an all mens show and tonight the men also defend the Underground and TV titles while I sit and wait. Hopefully they can provide me with the opponent who keeps accusing me of ducking her, next week, and Krystal Wolfe the week after that. And Alexis the week after that. You know what? Give me the entire roster.

Celeste and Jenifer look on as the Hardcore tag team champions walks towards them to head into the building. They get to Le Coven and stop, Tatsu looks at Celeste.

Tatsu: Bitches!

Jenifer puts her hand in Tatsu's face to give her a slight shove as she looks at Alex Rush.

Jenifer: Bonjour Alec!

Alex: Cheers mate.

Winter: Enjoying what we did to the Good Shepherds eh bud?

Celeste: It was fine.

Winter: Just fine? What do you know about Hardcore anyways?

Alex: Lots, I’m sure.

Alex says as he smiles at Celeste. Tatsu gets Jenifer's hand away from her face...

Tatsu: Bitches!

Jenifer: Alec, Puis-je monter le rhinocéros?

Alex: You want to ride my Rhino? Bloody hell, how about dinner first mate.

Alex says as he smiles and winks. Jenifer smiles as well as she shakes her head with a slight giggle.  

Jenifer: Silly Alec!

Jenifer says giggling.

Winter: So, GRIME bitc....

Tatsu stops Winter mid sentence to finish it for her.

Tatsu: Bitches!

Winter: Causing trouble since we've been out here.

Celeste: No, they've been hiding wherever it is that they like to hide.

Winter: Yeah, I hear my Buddy Lord Raab feels like he needs me to give him a spanking like no woman has ever given him bud.

Celeste: Well, as long as they stay in GRIME they can’t go for the titles.

Winter: Yet, Donna let you pick two GRIME…

Tatsu: Bitches!!!

Winter: To compete for your Underground title.

Celeste: Yeah but... we all knew how that was going down.

Winter: What The Holy Fuck Is That Suppose To Mean?

Tatsu walks up to Celeste.

Tatsu: Bitches!

Celeste: Well, you and Tatsu don’t have the best winning record and Alex Rush is teamed with a fucking Rhino for crying out loud.

Jenifer slaps Celeste in the arm.

Celeste: Oh, I mean that in a good way.

Alex: My Rhino ain’t hurt nobody, he’s a lovable rhino. You want to ride the rhino again Celeste.

Celeste: Maybe some other time.

Winter: Well Tatsu and I are gonna head back to the hotel and get some drinks before everyone else returns. Are you going to join us Alex?

Jenifer points at the rhino.

Alex: Soddy Jenifer, he’s our ride back to the bloody hotel mate.

Jenifer gives Alex a sad face. A car pulls up in a spot next to them. The door opens up, Coby Quik comes out of the car.

Winter: You’re late!

Tatsu: Bitches!

Coby slams the door of the car shut, and makes his way over to the group.

Coby: Car trouble. Filled it up this morning, was empty tonight. Seems like I can’t catch a break.

Despite the run of bad luck, Coby seems like he is taking it in stride. He blows off the negativity with a shrug before Winter piles it back onto him.

Winter: Ah, funny, if you need gas, Kris is inside, he’s selling about 12 gallons of it!

Coby shakes his head.

Coby: Yeah, that makes sense...

Coby looks towards the building but before he can head off to find Kris, Winter stops him.

Winters: Anyways, you remember me right? We met many moons ago in KCW. It was a 30 man royal rumble… Not to be confused by the awesome SCU 30 wrestler Mayhem Survival.

Coby: Yeah, I think I was the one who threw you out, not that we would be able to prove it. Not sure anything from that place exists anymore.

Coby laughs it off.

Winter: Maybe, but if not I say we go with it anyways, tells a better story.

Coby: I have to wait until next week, but hopefully I qualify for the Mayhem Survival match, and put this Andrew Borg guy in the rear view.

Celeste: You will, no doubt. Anybody who runs with those Troglodytes for Christ needs divine intervention to advance anything.

Jenifer seems confused by something, until Celeste whispers in her ear. She chuckles and shoves Celeste.

Jenifer: Tu es si mauvaise, Celeste! Mais qu'en est-il de Frère David?

Celeste:  Sometimes a caveman is sexy. It’s rare, but it happens.  But even then, he still didn’t win that match, so that just proves my point.

With that, Coby shakes hands with Celeste, Jenifer, Winter, Tatsu, and Alex before taking his leave.  The group sees a bit of light smoke coming from the tailgate party, and the rest start to make their way over to it.

The scene opens backstage at Underground where we see one half of the Pride Tag Team Champions Ariana Angelos standing by waiting to be interviewed by Dev.

Dev: Ari, tonight you are defending the Pride Tag Team Titles against The Blades, are you and Carter ready for them?

Ariana: It’s not the first time Carter has faced off against Big Match John, but it is my first time facing his wife, but it doesn’t matter because at the end of the night me and Carter will still be the Pride Tag Team champions!

Dev: And what about Veronica?

Ariana: She seems to be preoccupied with Krys right now so I would dismiss her as a threat, if she hadn’t already interfered in a Pride Tag Team Title Match, if she does interfere, she’ll just run straight into my fist.

Dev: And now for the elephant in the room.

Ariana: I thought Bobbie was working the SCW show tonight?

Dev snickers at Ari’s comment before she shakes her head.

Ariana: I guess Krys has been rubbing off on me, wait no………

Ari quickly covers her mouth as she blushes like a madwoman.

Ariana: Thar’s about a thousand miles away from what I meant! What I meant was that you mean the hotel fire, right?

Dev nods and Ari sighs.

Ariana: Much as I hate the current president, I’m going to have to quote him ion this, that was fake news! Yes, there was a fire in the kitchen, but I was on a different station to where the fire started, and the cook tried to blame me because of my reputation.

Ari adds before smirking.

Ariana: The chef saw through his crap and made him apologise, as for me being banned from hotel kitchens, nothing but rumours!

Ari walks off as the scene fades.

« Last Edit: June 23, 2020, 12:51:12 AM by Tad Ezra »

Offline Tad Ezra

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SCU Underground Ep. 63 (Results)
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2020, 12:58:43 AM »

Mayhem Survival Qualifying Match
Krystal Wolfe vs Valentina

Darlyn:  The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is your first Mayhem Survival Qualifier Match!

The guitar intro to “When Destinies Align” by Lovebites hits the speakers and Krystal makes her way onto the entrance ramp wearing a black t-shirt with the words “Critical Hit” companied with a D20 that has landed on a Natural Twenty over her ring gear.

Darlyn: Introducing first, from Adelaide, Australia, Krystal Wolfe!

Krystal makes her way down the ramp whilst occasionally slapping hands with the fans before she rolls into the ring and poses for the fans, as her music fades she removes her shirt and hands it to a ring attendant as she waits for her opponent.

Flashes like cameras go across the stage and the audience as the sound accompanies it. “Boss Bitch” by Doja Cat begins on the PA as pure beauty walks through the curtains. Her hair blows in the wind as she looks up at the ceiling. She places a hand on her hip as she lets the crowd admire her despite getting a mixed reaction.

Darlyn: Please welcome, on her way to the ring from Merida, Spain. She stands at 5'11" and weighs in at 125 pounds, she is pure perfection... Valentinaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

Once Valentina is officially announced, she turns and begins walking down the ramp. She pushes her hair out of her face as she vogues, showing off her face to it's full capacity. She steps up to the ring steps and looks around with a majestic smile. She takes to the steps as she comes to the apron. She looks around for a moment, stomping her foot in protest as a scantily clad man runs down the ramp and climbs onto the apron. He sits on the middle rope, opening it for her. Valentina then takes off her Loubotins and hands them to the man as she prances barefoot around the ring. She refuses to let go of the spotlight.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena: Val and Krystal stare at each other from across the ring as the bell sounds. After a moment, they approach each other in the middle of the ring. A quick handshake as a sign of good sportsmanship ensues, and the crowd cheers.

Chad: They back up a couple paces and begin to circle each other. Val makes the first move, tying up with Krystal. Val uses her size advantage to back Krystal into the corner. She tries to overpower Krystal.

Gena: Krystal ain’t having none of that. She knees Val in the side, but Val still doesn’t give. She then knees her in the other side, giving her a bit of space.

Chad: Krystal then holds onto the top ropes and jumps up to kick Val in the chest with both feet, sending her back several paces.

Gena: Krystal comes forward with a series of kicks, but Val blocks each attempt. With the final high kick, Val grabs Krystal’s leg and sweeps her off of her feet. She drops and elbow and hooks the leg.


Chad: Kickout just after one there. Val mounts Krystal and begins to punch away. Krystal holds her arms up to block, but Val’s speed and force begins to be too much.

Gena: With Val focused on the face, Krystal uses her agility and flexibility to raise her legs under Val’s chest, using everything she’s got to kick Val off of her.

Chad: Krystal gets to her feet and she regroups. Val is breathing heavily as she and Krystal circle each other once again. Val tries for the tie up, but Krystal ducks, catching Val with a hard Back Heel Kick.

Gena: Krystal then connects with a Spinning Back Fist to Val’s chest. Val stumbles back and Krystal hits a Dropkick to Val’s knee, bringing her down to one knee.

Chad: Krystal is on fire right now. Val breathes heavily as Krystal bounces off of the ropes, looking for a Dropkick to the face, but Val spins out of the way!

Gena: Val grabs onto the back of Krystal’s head and drops down into a Reverse Neckbreaker, flipping Krystal over onto her stomach. She grabs on with a One Arm Chickenwing Crossface.

Chad: Krystal doesn’t have anywhere to go now! Val is wrenching the arm, holding it in place over the face as she leans in, trash talking to Krystal.

Gena: Krystal uses her free hand to try to inch her way toward the ropes, little by little. Val does her best to ground her weight, but Krystal’s determination is just a bit stronger.

Chad: She is about to grab onto the ropes when Val wrenches tighter and scoots back a couple of feet! The crowd is electric as Krystal raises her hand to tap!

Gena: The crowd is behind her, on the edge of their seats. This is enough to inspire Krystal not to tap. She instead gets another surge of energy and makes it to the ropes and grabs on!

Crowd: *POP!*

Chad: The referee calls for the break, and Val is none too happy about it. But, she obliges. She gets to her feet first and she begins stomping away at Krystal.

Gena: Krystal fights through it, trying to get to her feet until Val clubs her across the back. She stumbles back down to her knees.

Chad: The lack of experience by Krystal in the competitive wrestling circuit is showing, and Val is all too happy to exploit it.

Gena: Val lifts Krystal up and then sends her barreling across the ring. As she rebounds, Val goes for a Discus Clothesline, but Krystal ducks and rams a knee into Val’s stomach!

Chad:  As Val doubles over, Veronica Taylor rushes into the ring.  Krystal shouts in frustration.

Krystal:  Are you fucking kidding me?!

Gena:  Veronica laughs and points at Krystal, who is ready to charge.  However, Veronica pulls her diamond necklace off and chokes Val with it, before dropping her with the Uggo Remover (Implant DDT)!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Darlyn:  As a result of a disqualification… here is your winner, advancing to the Mayhem Survival… Valentina!

Veronica rolls out of the ring, leaving Krystal huffing and puffing in the middle of the ring.  Veronica blows a kiss at her and starts to walk up the ramp until Krystal rolls outside and charges right behind her.  However, before Krystal can put a finger on Veronica, GM Gianni Di Luca gets in the way and stops her from making a move.  Krystal tries to get around him until Gianni has security team members stop her.  Veronica points and laughs before Gianni wraps his arms around her and they walk backward through the curtains, leaving Krystal trying to get around security.

O’Malley and Darcy are seen walking backstage. O’Malley has his SCU Underground Championship belt draped over his right shoulder and his left hand holds Darcy’s as they walk quickly, trying to find someone. Eventually they stop and O’Malley stares forward as the camera pans back to see Gemma Frost just in front of them. She turns her attention to the both of them, noticing their annoyed expressions as they stare at her.

Gemma: What’s the matter? Night not going the way either of you expected?

Darcy rolls her eyes and O’Malley snarls.

O'Malley: Answer me somethin’, Gemma. As a backstage reporter, aren’t ye supposed to be...impartial? Unbiased?

Gemma nods, but has a confused look on her face.

Gemma: Uhh...yeah? What’s your point, exactly?

Darcy: As if you don’t—

O’Malley turns quickly to Darcy, signaling he has a handle on this. Gemma rolls her eyes at Darcy’s near outburst and O’Malley turns his attention back to her.

O'Malley: My point, Gemma, is that I saw yer little interview with Mark Cross earlier. Ye didn’t seem to be too impartial, did ye? “Can’t argue with that”?? Why is that, exactly?

Gemma: Are you serious? Did that kick to the head from Austin James Mercer give you brain damage or something?

Darcy attempts to lunge at Gemma but O’Malley holds her back. Darcy steps back, though she clearly is not happy about it. Gemma laughs as O’Malley turns and waits for her response.

Gemma: Look, I am unbiased here. I’m just pointing out that the way you cashed in that briefcase is one of the most unpopular and hated ways to do it. It’s why briefcase wins aren’t well liked because of that possibility. And not only that, you literally hit Ben Jordan in the back of the head with the briefcase. Can’t say I blame people for being unhappy with how you won that title.

O’Malley laughs.

O'Malley: And what if I had cashed in without hittin’ Benny Boy in the back of the head? Think people would have been happy that way either? Face it, people are findin’ any excuse to be pissed about it. And Cross is still tryin’ to make himself look better when he’s the very defintion of lazy champ.

Gemma: How so exactly? He put in the work for six months.

O’Malley shakes his head.

O'Malley: No, he didn’t. He showed up, wrestled and defended the title. Got lucky in retainin’, and that was it. Did he show his face at the shows otherwise? Feck no he didn’t. But now that he’s not the champ anymore, he’s suddenly doin’ what he was supposed to before. I don’t give a shite what ye people think of how I won the belt. The fact is that I’m the champ and I’m gonna defend this title for the foreseeable future and do a hell of a lot more than Cross ever did.

Gemma grins and looks to Darcy.

Gemma: With help from her, of course, right?

Darcy snarls, and O’Malley even frowns.

O'Malley: Piss off with that. I don’t need Darcy’s help to win. I’m gonna prove every single one of ye wrong. I’m the best thing that has graduated from this gym and ye all will see that goin’ forward. And after tonight, Crossy is gonna regret runnin’ his mouth like he did. He shoulda stayed home and rested that knee a little longer. No worries, though. Maybe after tonight, he’ll have no choice…

Gemma: You don’t need her help, but how many times has she interfered on your behalf? If you ask me, it seems as though she doesn’t think you’re capable of getting the job done without help.

Darcy: Go to hell! You have no idea what you’re talking about you little—

O’Malley spins around and gently nudges Darcy back, trying to calm her down. Darcy is fuming but after a few moments he turns back around

O'Malley: Darcy and I have already discussed that. I don’t need her to interfere on me behalf, and she’s not gonna do that anymore. We made a deal, and if she wants me to agree to what she wants...she’ll start listenin’ to what I want.

Darcy is about to respond, but she stops when his words really sink in. Gemma looks confused, but she just shakes her head.

Gemma: Clearly I’m missing something here, but I don’t even really care. I guess whether or not that is true remains to be seen, doesn’t it?

O'Malley: I guess it does. Ye see, everything is starting to fall into place fer me, and tonight I’m gonna prove that I’m better than I was last time I faced Cross. I’m gonna show everyone watchin’ that Mark Cross isn’t gonna get anymore wins over me, and he sure as shite ain’t gonna win back the Underground title. Those are just facts, Gemma.

Gemma just nods. Darcy’s mood has drastically changed as she steps forward and grips O’Malley’s arm with a bright smile on her face.

O'Malley: Now, if ye’ll excuse us. I’ve got a match to get ready fer. Nice talkin’ to ye, Gemma.

O’Malley then leads Darcy away. Darcy snarls at Gemma as they walk past her, but Gemma remains unphased by it as she turns around.

Previously Recorded

Leaning against the rail of their back patio Gail Weston wearing tight shorts and a camo bikini top smiles into the camera.

Gail: You were expecting someone else correct, don’t worry Stewart will be along in a bit. I'd like to take this time to address what happened at Into the Void IX.

Gail takes a drink of water, with a few drops falling on her ample chest.

Gail: At into the void, one Shooter Reed put his hands one in an attempt to get Stewart to snap, but didn't happen did it, you see Shooter, Stewart has seen men bigger and better than you put their hands on me and wind up face down in the dirt, I didn’t get to be half of the world’s greatest bounty team by being soft, or being afraid, pussies like you, Shooter don’t scare me at all.

Stewart checks out his girlfriend before joining her. Stewart smirks.

Stewart: Shooter, you’re a dump mutherfucker aren’t you, you actually think you achieved something at Into the Void, well you did, and the outcome isn’t going to be something you’re going to come back from, you ran from me in the champions battle royal, and this week I have no doubt you’ll try and do it again because you know you have an ass whipping coming, and being the great bounty hunter I am, I’m coming to collect, and rest assure son, I’ll be paid in full, just like always, and as an added bonus I’ll be a double champion, and there ain’t a goddamn thing you’ll be able to do about.

Gail smiles and kisses Stewart.

Gail: Say you at 63, Shooter.

Camera shows Husband and Wife of Chanelle Martinez in John Martinez is talking to each other to discuss in the back while Marissa Henry stops him.

Marissa: John. last Sunday on Underground your match got canceled because of interference, which is why you will be booked in a tag match with your Wife Chanelle Martinez. to take on Helluva Bottom Carter and Ariana Angelos for the Pride tag team Champions on SCU any request John.

Blade: when i wasn't at SCU I thought to myself that where have I been for almost a decade when I was fighting for my life that the woman that I loved when I was teaming up with Jamie Staggs once again until me and him end up losing again to The Fame on the SCW network and then we get to fight Helluva Bottom Carter and Ariana Angelos. for there Pride tag team Championship on SCU.

Marissa: but what if you two can't survive your tag match on Underground?

Chanelle: to be honest with you Ms Henry. my Husband and I will be Crowned as the new SCU Pride tag team Champions after we get rid of Ariana Angelos and Helluva Bottom Carter. in our tag team match on SCU. For the titles.

Marissa: can you even defeat Helluva Bottom Carter and Ariana Angelos this Sunday?

Chanelle: only hows the tag match gonna turn out cause once me and my Husband John. take out Ariana Angelo and her overly sexualized partner, Helluva Bottom Carter. then we will be your new Pride tag team Champions in our tag team match on Underground.


Chanelle and John Martinez kiss and walks away from Marissa Henry when she continues talking.

Marissa: there u have it folks cause in two days John and Chanelle Martinez. will be teaming up once again but this time they will face Ariana Angelo and Helluva Bottom Carter. for the Pride tag team Championship on SCW.

Marissa: and we hope that Chanelle and John Martinez. can win the match when they let them become the new SCW Pride tag team Champions on Underground.

Scene fades when John and Chanelle Martinez headed straight towards the ring before the tag match even begins this Sunday


Pride Tag Team Championship Match
Helluva Bottom Carter and Ariana Angelos vs John Blade and Chanelle Blade

Darlyn: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!!! Iiiiiiiiiiiiiintroducing first, the team of John and Chanelle… Martinez-Blllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaade!!!

John Blade’s music begins to play as he walks out on stage with Chanelle close in his arm. He talks to the camera man and bounces a little as she turns around and shakes her ass-ets. He holds up his “Never Give Up” logo flag and tosses it to the fans. He salutes and they both run straight down towards the ring. They slide inside as hee bounces off the ropes side to side and he holds up his “Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect” shirt. He takes off his hat and tosses his shirt to the fans and hands his Chain to the ref and he kisses his wife tenderly as they settle into their corner.

“I Know What Boys Like” by The Waitresses begins to play and Carter steps through the curtains, holding an ankle length, sleeveless black robe closed in front of him. he then whips it open, revealing his ring attire of a printed belly t, booty shorts and thigh high boots. He holds one hand behind his head while running the other hand down his body while grinding his hips to the music.

Darlyn: From Seattle, Washington, weighing 176 pounds, he is the "Hardcore Bottom" -- Helluva Bottom Carter!

Carter drops the robe to the stage and runs toward the ring, slapping hands offered out to him all around the ringside area. He then hops up onto the ring apron in a split and slides beneath the bottom rope. He crawls seductively on all fours until he arrives in his corner. He pulls himself up and then lays across the top corner, awaiting the start of the match/his opponent's introduction.

The intro to “Fortune Favours the Bold” hits the speakers and once the vocals hit Ariana comes out to a modest reception, the young wrestler claps hand with the fans at ringside as she makes her way down to the ring.

Darlyn: Introducing, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania “The Greek Angel” Ariana Angelos!

Ariana rolls into the ring and poses for the crowd before waiting for the match to start.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena: Chanelle and Ariana start things off as Chanelle grabs Ariana’s hair and begins shaking her around. Referee Dylan Roberts admonishes her, and she tosses Ariana across the ring with a Hair Biel.

Chad: Chanelle holds her hands up in the air, twerking for a moment before turning back around to look at Ariana who boots her in the gut. Ariana then drops her with a DDT. She rolls her over for the pin.


Gena: Chanelle gets a shoulder up, just before Blade can get in the ring. Chanelle crawls over to the ropes, but Ariana is on top of her, hammering away. Chanelle blocks as much as she can, holding her arms up.

Chad: Oh, and a poke to the eye! Ariana holds onto her face as Chanelle turns back around and slams her fist into the side of Ariana’s head. She begins throwing wild punches as she shouts at Ariana.

Chanelle: Now tha’s what I’m talkin’ about, baby! Stay in your lane!

Gena: Chanelle whips Ariana across the ring, and as she comes back, she jumps up and hits a Rear View!

Chad:  Ariana goes down. Chanelle goes for a Split Legged Somersault, but Ariana moves out of the way at the last second.  Chanelle lands hard. Ariana jumps up and does a Moonsault off of the ropes!

Gena: Ariana drops down over Chanelle, nodding her head as the referee counts along.


Chad: Chanelle gets her shoulder up at the last possible second. She starts to crawl over to her corner, but Ariana grabs onto her ankle. She pulls her back to the center of the ring.

Gena: Chanelle kicks up at Ariana. She gets up and jumps on top of Ariana as she grabs onto her hair and shakes wildly as she pounds her face into the mat!

Chad: Referee Dylan Roberts pulls her off, which causes John Blade-Martinez to shout at him in defiance.

Gena: That’s how a man protects his wife. Kinda like that time a guy was getting rough on me in a club, and you showed him how it really felt by doing it back to him.

Chad: Yeah… that’s what happened. Blade shakes his head as he gets back inside of the ring as Chanelle goes for a Chick Kick to Ariana, but Ariana ducks it and dives at her corner to tag Helluva Bottom Carter in.

Gena: Blade and Carter charge at each other with a flurry of punches. Blade gets the upper hand at first, until Carter ducks a punch and digs a knee into Blade’s stomach. He then falls back with a DDT.

Chad: Carter picks Blade up and sends him into the ropes. As Blade comes back with a Clothesline, Carter ducks it and follows him to the ropes with another knee to the gut. He then hits a Dropkick that causes Blade to crumble to the mat. Carter then does the 69 pin, getting awfully comfortable there.


Gena: Ope! Chanelle picks up Blade’s foot and places it on the bottom rope. The referee calls for the break. Ariana argues with him a bit as Carter gets off of the mat. He begins stomping on Blade until Blade grabs onto his foot.

Chad: He raises up with one foot in his grip. He then sweeps Carter off of his feet and down to the mat. He goes for a Sharpshooter, but Helluva Bottom slides out of it. He crawls over to the ropes, and as Blade goes to pick him up, he hits an elbow to his face!

Gena: Carter then hits another, causing Blade to go backwards. A crescent kick puts Blade on the ground. Chanelle and Ariana begin arguing again, even getting into the ring to fight. The distraction allows Carter to come off the top ropes with Fruit Fly (Eclipse)!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam: Here are your winners and STILL Pride Tag Team Champions… Team GO!!!

Donna is seen standing back in the office area, and it doesn’t take long for a smile to creep upon her face.  Within a few seconds, Tad comes rushing onto the scene.  He looks around and flips off a stagehand who was trying to keep the peace.  He then turns back around and looks right at Donna with fire in his eyes.

Tad:   You!

Donna:  That would be me, Thaddeus.  How might I help you?

Tad:   Oh, I think you know exactly how you can help me, by falling in line. I’ve got the power here, not you!

Donna looks shocked, and even a little hurt, as she places her hand onto her chest and scoffs.

Donna:  Come now, Tad.  You thought you could just flex those muscles and swing that thing between your legs and get your way?  You can fake qualifier matches all you want, but unless you’re going to have your own Mayhem Survival Match, it means nothing.

Tad:   Oh?  I can do whatever I see fit, with my position with WGN.

Donna:  On WGN, yes.  That’s why I can’t stop you from faking qualifier matches.  But Supernova is on the SinCityNetwork, and you can’t do a damn thing there. You’re powerless.

Tad taps his chin as he listens.  He then puts an arm around Donna, who immediately shrugs it off of her, causing Tad’s face to sour a little.

Tad:   I could just as easily start a Purge right now.  You remember what those are, right?  And, you did kind of cancel my Exclusive Matches.

Donna:  Go ahead?  Melissa Ruin isn’t just sitting in a hotel room this week.  She’s ready to kick some ass, and maybe end the careers of some of your masked cowards.

Tad:   Then she wouldn’t mind if I were to…

Tad raises his fingers, ready to snap, and Donna bows, as if giving him permission.

Tad:   I’ll do it.  And you’re going to be made to be a liar to the fans, who you promised 4 title matches to.  I guess I’ll have to save you once more when Max Burke and Vixen Staggs defend their titles.

Donna:  Thank you, Tad. That’s so kind of you. I’ll just move the next two matches to next week.

Tad laughs at the idea.

Tad:   Oh, honey. As soon as I snap my fingers, the Purge is on until you come to your fucking senses.  So good luck promoting your Mayhem Survival and pay-per-view,

Donna:  You’re not going to bully me like you did Gianni.  My roster is ready this week, and we’ll take the punches as they come.

Tad:   We’ll see about that…


The three sirens blare as the lights in the GO Gym flicker.

”This is not a test. This is your WGN broadcast system announcing the commencement of the Purge sanctioned by the G.R.I.M.E. Wrestling. Weapons of class 4 and lower have been authorized for use during the Purge. All other weapons are restricted. SCU officials and medical team have been granted immunity from the Purge and shall not be harmed. Commencing at the siren, any and all attacks, will be allowed until the end of Sin City Underground programming. Emergency medical services will be unavailable until the Purge concludes. Blessed by our new WGN Head of Quality Management.  SCU, a federation reborn. May God be with you all.”

Tad sneers at Donna.

Tad:   Happy purging, bitch.

Donna waves her hand at Tad as he storms off.

\'user Vs \'user

GRIME Rules - Mayhem Survival Qualifier Match
Jim the Clown Vs Yellow

The scene opens up with music of Jim the clown and he runs to the ring in a creepy way and gets into the ring. He grabs a microphone.

Jim: I'm issue a open challenge to anybody on GRIME roster who think there more twisted and insane then me Jim the clown. So who has the balls to come stop me and take my challenge here tonight at GRIME. I'm not going to wait for y'all to come out. I'm gonna get a chair…

He goes to get a chair and he threaten to crack the skull of the ring announcer if someone does not come out and accept his challenge to a match. Then he put the chair down and sit in it and does a creepy smile.

Jim: I will fucking wait, I guess. I'm not that crazy…

He puts the mic down and as he’s about sit back down, masked member Yellow rushes into the ring.  Liam speaks into his headset, shaking his head from side to side, mouthing the word “No.” over and over again until finally, he raises his microphone to his mouth.

Liam:  The following contest is an Inferno Tables Match, and is a Mayhem Survival Qualifier Match!  Iiiiiiintroducing first, the clown with the chair… Jim the Clown!!! Aaaaaand his opponent, representing the masked members of GRIME, he is Yellow!!!

Javier Gonzalez pulls a cart full of tables and gas cans toward the ring, with a sadistic smile on his face before flinging tables up and open, ready to get the match underway.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Tad: The tables are set up all around the ring, thanks to Javier Gonzalez. He stands around the outside of the ring, making sure there are plenty of gas cans and matches before he leaves.

Liam: Jim storms over at Yellow, looking for a Spear and he gets it! Jim watches as Yellow crumbles to the ground. Jim stomps away at Yellow.

Tad: Yellow grabs onto Jim’s foot and then stands up. He shoves an elbow into Jim’s knee cap and then Clotheslines him to the mat.

Liam: Yellow goes to the outside of the ring and picks up a table. He slides it inside of the ring. He grabs a gas can and turns around just as Jim dives through the ropes with a Suicide Dive!

Crowd: YEAH!!!

Tad: Gas goes all over the place as the audience moves to try to avoid getting hit by it. Jim shakes it off like a dog before putting the boot to Yellow again.

Liam: Yellow rolls out of the way and crawls toward the ring apron. He lifts it up, but Jim grabs onto his ankle. As Jim pulls Yellow away…


Tad: Yellow sprays Jim with a fire extinguisher. Jim stumbles back as the powder expands and clings to the tables on this side of the ring. He then swings the extinguisher at Jim’s head.


Liam: Jim stumbles back against the barricade. He slaps against a table to push himself up. He grabs onto Yellow’s head and flings him right into the table, cracking it in half!

Tad: That doesn’t count because it wasn’t on fire. Jim looks around at the fire suppressant and shakes his head. He picks Yellow up and goes to drag him around the ring.

Liam: As they round the second corner, Yellow plants his feet on the ring steps and pushes back, taking Jim down with a sort of modified Russian Legsweep.

Tad: Yellow pulls himself over toward the table nearby and he slowly sets it up. Jim slips on the fire suppressant when getting up the first few times.

Liam: He makes it over to Yellow and clubs him across the back. He then whips him back and bangs the back of his head on the barricade.

Tad: Yellow is out cold now! Jim picks up a nearby can of gas and brings it over to the table. He picks Yellow up and puts him on the table and pours gas all over Yellow and the table.

Liam: He strikes a match on his boot and holds it up as the fans begin shouting loudly for the idea of it all going up in flames. He drops the match and Yellow quickly catches fire!

Tad: Jim climbs onto the ring apron as Yellow jumps off the table. He picks Jim up from behind and drops him back with a High Angle Suplex right through the table!!!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam: Here is your winner advancing to the Mayhem Survival… Yellow!!!

Yellow quickly sprays the fire extinguisher down his back as he moves toward the rampway.  He turns and holds his arms up as he stares at Jim.

Cameras go to the medical room as Eric Weaver and Javi Gonzaloz are seen talking to Dr. Weaver.

Javier: So, you got the results of Eric’s test yet or what homez?

Dr. Weaver: Yes I do.

Javier: Let me tell him, the test proves that you are indeed a pincha puto homez!

Dr. Weaver: Would you stop.

Eric: Ignore him, what’s up.

Dr. Weaver: Well, according to the results Eric, you are indeed a Pincha Puto!

Javier: OOOHHHH SNNNAAAAPPPP!!!! I fuckin love your sister homez!!!! Sick burn on you vato!!!!

Eric: Why!? Why must you encourage him?

Javier: The results don’t lie homez!

Eric: Dude, shut up.

Dr. Weaver: Well, look like a good doctor, I has someone look at it, and the second opinion confirmed that you are a pincha puto!

Javier: YES!!!! Becky is the shit homez…

Dr. Weaver: Okay, for real, the results showed that you’re fine, the cut on your finger is not too bad but it could have been very bad... So now I have to ask, why were you and Javi playing five finger fillet again?

Javier: GRIME Business homez, you should join us, we can use a doc like you little mama.

Dr. Weaver: Yeah, no, I’m good. Next time you get my brother to do something stupid, I’ll cut you myself, you undertsnad?

Javier: You promise?

Dr. Weaver: Get the hell out of my office?

Javier: Let’s go homez, I think your sister wants me. I can’t take her in front of you homez, that’s not cool vato, I’ll wait till you're not around like a real friend vato!

\'user Vs \'user

First Blood Match - GRIME World Nightmare Championship Match
Andrey Azarov Vs Max Burke

Liam:  The following contest is a First Blood Match, and it’s for the GRIME World Nightmare Championship!!!

The lights flash around the audience as it searches for the faces. Andrey and Esther Azarov jump over the barricade. “Problem” by Natalia Kills plays over the speakers as Andrey and Esther circle the ring.

Liam: Representing GRIME Wrestling, under the Red Mask, from Chelyabinsk, Oblast, Russia, he is the Siberian Shadow Cyclone… Andrey Azarov!!!

Andrey helps Esther onto the ring apron and then jogs up the ring steps. They meet for a kiss. Esther then sits on the middle rope and Andrey enters. He waves his arms around and roars, showing off his boxing gloves. He settles into his corner and waits for the match to start.

Jared James Nichols opening vocals on "Nails In The Coffin" cuts through the silence, as a fog fills the SCU entrance. A light from below reveals the current G.R.I.M.E World Nightmare Champion, Max Burke.

Liam: On his way to the ring, from Dorchester, New Brunswick Canada, standing at 6' and weighing in at 220lb, current G.R.I.M.E World Nightmare Champion, Max Burke!!!

As the music intensifies, “The Destroyer” reaches the edge of the squared circle. He turns on his heel, and makes his way to the ring steps. Once on the ringside apron, Burke glides his finger over the top rope as he walks to the center. He turns, his head bowed. Spotlights hit him from all directions as his music reaches a crescendo. Max swiftly removes his Abaddon mask and cackles into the camera, lifting his championship above his head.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam: Andrey and Max look across the ring at one another. They step toward the middle of the ring to get things started. The fans are expecting raw brutality tonight and these two get to set the tone.

Tad: Andrey meets Max in the midsection with a punch to the gut. Max hits an uppercut, and Andrey stumbles back into the ropes. He does a Baseball Slide and nails Max right in the nuts.

Liam: Max goes down to one knee, holding onto his crotch. Andrey stands up and begins throwing punches at Max’s forehead, trying to bust him open.

Tad: Max’s seeing stars now and he keeps taking the shots like a champ. He finally grabs Andrey’s wrist and twists. He gets up to his feet and then picks Andrey up and drops him over the top rope, crotch first.

Liam: These two seem to be obsessed with each other’s crotches. I could really get behind this match. Max then gives the top rope a few hard shakes until Andrey tumbles off and bounces off the apron.

Tad: Max climbs to the apron and then drops off with an elbow to Andrey’s head as he’s standing up. Max goes to whip Andrey into the ring steps, but Andrey reverses it with all his might.

Liam: Max collides with the steps and falls over them. Andrey then throws up the apron and begins pulling out objects from underneath. He throws a trash can, a set of wrenches, a broomstick, and a sledgehammer.

Tad: Sledgehammer it is. Andrey begins walking over toward Max and he slams the sledgehammer down over Max’s head… but Max moves and the steps are dented.

Liam: Max scoots back as Andrey goes to swing it once more. He barely escapes the blow this time. He gets up to his feet and he takes the sledgehammer from Andrey.

Tad: He hits Andrey in the gut with the handle. He then wraps it around Andrey’s throat and chokes him with it. There are no rules so he’s fully allowed to do this.

Liam: He begins grating Andrey’s forehead over the metal barricade. Andrey finally hits an elbow to Max’s face. Max holds onto his nose and the fans roar in anticipation.

Tad: Max slowly pulls his hands away from his nose to reveal… no blood! The fans boo as Andrey picks up one of the larger wrenches and swings it at Max, but Max moves.

Liam: Max then grabs onto Andrey’s head and hits four fast and hard Headbutts until Andrey’s nose begins gushing blood!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam: Here is your winner by first blood draw, and STILL your GRIME World Nightmare Champion… Max Burke!!!

Outside in the parking lot, the grill is still going, and the members of Over the Edge (Eyesnsane, Kaos, Michi, Dax, and Mickey) are seen sitting around in folding chairs, enjoying the food and beer, along with plenty of Jack Daniels.  They are joined by Celeste North and Jenifer LaCroix of Le Coven, and Winter Elemental and Tatsu Ikeda of the Kawaii Dragons, who are sporting their Hardcore Tag Team Championships, while Edwin Robert and Alex Rush are with a few fans, taking pictures and Alex signing autographs.  Celeste shakes her head while looking at her phone.

Celeste:  This nonsense going on inside of the building is just too much.  Why do these jackasses think they can bully us around?

Mickey:  Because so far, they’ave.  We’ve sat back and taken it for so long that it’s just commonplace.

Jenifer: Nous devons nous révolter!

Tatsu: Wait for it… Bitches!

Kaos:  We got to figure this out. I know I’m new around here, but I ain’t stupid. We need a plan.

Martha Fox rounds the corner once more, by herself this time.  She begins putting a few things into her Dodge Ram.  A town car limo pulls up in the parking lot and parks next to Martha’s red Dodge Ram.

Martha: Someone is coming to work late.

Dax: Maybe, but everyone booked in matches I seen in the building.

Eyesnsane gets up and grabs a beer bottle.

Eyesnsane: Let it be some of them GRIME fools.

OTE gets more alert as they stare at the town car.  Celeste cracks her knuckles and stands up, ready for a fight.  Jenifer is right there, almost jumping over Celeste to get into the fight.

Martha: Why does that car smell like my kitchen?

The front door window lowers halfway. A thick white cloud pours out from the car.

Martha: Ah, that’s why it smells like my kitchen.

Eyesnsane: Oh shit! My homie, it’s good y'all It’s Blasted Monk.

Monk leans forward and points at Celeste.

Celeste: Hey, you want me?

Monk waves Celeste over to the car. Celeste and Jenifer start walking to the car. Celeste holds Jenifer off. As Celeste walks towards the car the back door opens up.

Eyesnsane: Mother fucker, I know yo ass is gonna get out the car and show some love.

Celeste gets in the backseat and closes the door, Monk raises his window then opens his passenger door to come out. He exits the car with a bottle of Chinese rice wine in his hand.

Eyesnsane: That's what I’m talking about yo!

Blasted Monk: Happy Father’s Day man.

Monk hands Eyesnsane the bottle.

Michi: Hide the label, no need lawsuit with Jack Dainels.

Eyesnsane: Having a fighter with a law degree I see is gonna come in handy.

In the car Celeste is greeted by an Elder member and old friend of Celeste, Orchid.

Celeste: What a nice surprise.

Orchid: What’s not nice is someone using my likeness in GRIME. I come to you because I see one if also Celeste. I must ask, why is someone using my name in that company. I have the rights and have it trademarked. I can and will sue if I have to. So what’s going on?

Celeste: Your guess is as good as mine. Seeing you here had me wanting to ask you the same question. I know they claim that they choose those as we have names that happen to be shades of color in the crayon world.

Orchid: Yes, I know. I can assure you that I’m not that GRIME member under that damn Orchid mask.

Celeste: I can promise you that I’m not the one under the Celeste mask.

Orchid: Well, I don’t know how you feel but I have a problem with this.

Celeste: We have a problem with this then because I already called them out. I’m guessing you missed that part of the show?

Orchid: Hey, some parts are pee breaks for a reason.

Celeste: Oh, I walked into that one. Good to see you around Orchid.

Orchid: Yeah, you may be seeing more of me if GRIME refuses to cease and desist from using my likeness.

Celeste: Thinking about joining SCU? Not sure they’ll sign you, SCU can only air so many pee breaks in one show.

Orchid smiles and lets out a quick laugh at Celeste's comeback.

Celeste: We could call them out to a match?

Orchid: Yes we could but then we would be encouraging them to continue to use our likeness.

Celeste: I suppose you make a good point there. So then what?

Orchid: Well, from what I been watching, a Purge started and not ending till Donna gives in. You’re the champion right? Tell Donna do not give in. I’m sure most SCU stars will stay home next week if Donna stands firm. You tell her to stand firm because You the SCU Champion will be there and you won’t be alone. I’ll be here since the show being a GRIME show would mean that their Celeste and Orchid will be around. We find them, we then figure out how we’ll handle those two.

Celeste: GRIME has a lot of numbers, Jenifer will be with me. We got this.

Orchid: I’m sure Eyesnsane and his group will be around. If not, Song I’m sure will be with me and well…

The dividing window between the front and back seats go down. Celeste looks at who’s driving the car. The window goes back up.

Celeste: Well then, that changes things a bit. I’m sure Jenifer would love to meet her.

Orchid: I’m sure the same can be said on her end as well.

Celeste: Alright, I’ll chat with Donna, I’ll see you next week.

Orchid: That you will.

Celeste and Orchid share a slight bow before Celeste opens the door and exits the car. Monk waves them off as he decides to stay and chill with the OTE group.

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TaiPei Deathmatch - GRIME World Nightmare Championship Match
Queen of Apathy Vs Vixen Staggs

Liam:  The following contest is a TaiPei Deathmatch, scheduled for one fall, and is for the GRIME World Nightmare Championship!!!

The lights dim down as the opening beat of "Tear You Apart" begins playing. Once the words begin, a shadow emerges from the back as a slow strobe of white light shows off her curves. As the music picks up, the lights come on to see Apathy standing at the top of the ramp, her hands on her hips, and an expressionless face glowing in the light.

Liam: Making her way to the ring by way of Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 125lb and standing at 5'10" she is... Queen of Apathy…

As she is announced, she struts down to the ring, hearing the fans trying to goad emotion from her. She doesn't give in as she slides under the bottom rope. She turns over on her back and worms her way across the ring before pulling herself part way up in the corner as she waits.

The haunting opening notes of Joke’s on You begin to fill the venue as the lights lower to a crimson light that plays over the ramp where Vixen Staggs can be seen standing at the entrance dressed in dark tights and crimson halter under a studded black leather jacket. Walking to the beat, her lips smirking slightly as she avoids the reach of the crowd until she reaches ringside. Stopping at the side of the ring, she reaches up and pulls herself onto the apron and turns to offer a cocky salute to the fans before sliding between the ropes.

Liam: Introducing from Ottawa Ontario, she is the current World Nightmare Champion Vixen STAGGS!

Vixen climbs the turnbuckle to slowly peel off the leather jacket and hang it from the ringpost. She turns and relaxes on the top turnbuckle as she waits for the bell.

Erik Staggs brings the ladies rolls of tape. They wrap their wrists as they approach a tray with a bowl of glue and broken glass. They each take their turns dipping into the glue and glass as Erik keeps them separate. Apathy makes sure to roll her hands around in the broken glass to get the most that she can on her fists. Erik orders them to take a few steps back toward their corners as he moves the tray out of the ring. However, Apathy darts forward and smashes Vixen’s face right into the bowl of glass, knocking it over! Glue and glass cover the corner as Erik quickly backs away. He shakes his head and calls for the bell...

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam: Vixen is already cut above her eyebrow as he dusts the glass off of her face. She clears around her eyes as Apathy charges forward with a fist.

Tad: Vixen dodges it, and grabs onto Apathy’s neck, digging her knuckles in as she drops down with a Neckbreaker.

Liam: Vixen sizes Apathy up as she drops a knuckle across Apathy’s forehead, cutting her open in the process. Apathy holds onto her face as Vixen begins punching Apathy rapidly.

Tad: Apathy is sporting gashes on her cheek and on her temple. I wonder if she is regretting volunteering for this match.

Liam: If so, she needs to get the fuck out of GRIME. As Vixen drops down for a Double Fist Smash, Apathy rolls out of the way and kicks her in the back of the head. She grabs onto Vixen’s hair and begins rapidly punching her in the face.

Tad: I take back what I said earlier, as both ladies are already busted open in the first two minutes of this match.

Liam: Apathy flings Vixen into the ropes, and as she returns, Apathy boots her in the gut. She then runs the back of her fists down Vixen’s back as Vixen screams out in pain.

Tad: Apathy picks Vixen up and Bodyslams her onto the glue and glass that was spilled earlier as Vixen arches her back.

Liam: Apathy climbs to the top rope and hits a Springboard Leg Drop, hooking the leg.


Tad: Vixen took a second to breathe, and give her diehard fans a collective heart attack, but she gets a shoulder up. You can tell that she’s feeling the pain right now.

Liam: Apathy pulls Vixen up to her feet, but Vixen hits a Drop Toe Hold, planting Apathy’s face right into the bowl of glass. Turnabout is fair play!

Tad: Vixen holds onto the top rope as she reaches back to pull out a piece of glass, and her husband is shuddering at the sight, as we see from the front row. Apathy crawls up the ropes, steadying herself.

Liam: Apathy turns around and punches Vixen in the back of the head, and then yanks her hair so hard that the back of her head bounces off of the glass on the ground.

Tad: Vixen is feeling it for sure now as she rolls to the outside of the ring. She crawls over toward Spike, but as she gets to her feet, Apathy hits a Suicide Superman Dive to Vixen, causing her to tumble into Spike.

Liam: As both ladies struggle back to their feet, Apathy has the wherewithal to grab onto the back of Vixen’s head, and begins raking her fist across Vixen’s face, right in front of her husband!

Tad: Talk about harsh. Spike threatens to come out of the crowd. Apathy shrugs with her signature “meh” as she flings Vixen into the ring steps. She charges forward, looking to use her fist to ram Vixen’s head into the steps.

Liam: But Vixen moves, slamming Apathy into the steps, and then grabbing onto the back of Apathy’s hair, yanking her down and then ramming her fist into Apathy’s face on the way down. Vixen stumbles as she crawls up the ring steps slowly.

Tad: As Vixen gets to the apron, she steps inside. As Apathy gets up, Vixen returns the favor of a Suicide Superman Dive to Apathy, but they both collide hard with the barricade in the process! They are a bloody heap on the arena floor…

Liam: Vixen gets to her feet first as she slowly crawls inside of the ring. Apathy tries to shake it off as her hair is matting to her head and face. She can barely see as she moves her hair from her face. She crawls inside of the ring after Vixen.

Tad: Both ladies have put their bodies on the line for the GRIME World Nightmare Championship, and both ladies are spent. However, only one will walk out as the champion.

Liam: Vixen stands up to her feet first, wobbly as she feels the blood loss. Apathy nestles in the corner as she tries to keep herself upright. Vixen charges at her as best as she can, but Apathy ducks it.

Tad: Vixen  ducks under the back swing.  She positions just right to be able to nail The Joke’s on You (Sonia Deville’s Hellavator) on Apathy, and then she hooks the leg!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  Here is your winner and STILL GRIME World Nightmare Champion… Vixen Staggs!

Vixen rolls out of the ring and snatches her title along the way.  She walks toward Spike, but can’t help crashing into his arms as she passes out.  Spike immediately picks her up and carries her to safety, in search of a medical professional.

« Last Edit: June 23, 2020, 02:33:16 AM by Tad Ezra »