Author Topic: Not So Bleak Anymore  (Read 531 times)

Offline BellaMadison

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Not So Bleak Anymore
« on: March 27, 2020, 11:58:23 PM »
 ~*~*~*~When the world around you has gone nuts,
Depend on those that love you to make your world right.~*~*~*~

Sunday March 22rd
New York, NY

Quarantine hell. We have been home for almost 2 weeks now and instead of traveling like we have become so used to, we were told to go home and don’t come out unless it was absolutely necessary. Thankfully we have had access to a private gym, ring and whatnot to get out of this house besides just going to get the necessities...but life has been pretty damn quiet...except for me constantly bugging Malachi for what he wants to do for his birthday. The more I ask, the more he ‘hmm’ and ‘haws’ and the more frustrated I get. This has led to me just burying myself in projects around the house.

Piles upon piles of books stacked on the floor of the apartment Bella Madison and Malachi where we see Luka laying down in the middle of it. This time though, the mess is not of her doing. From off a bit in the distance we hear footsteps and Bella’s voice “Ok, I found the two I was missing, somehow ‘North and South’ and ‘Love and War’ got stored away which how that happened I have no idea.” she steps into the room, dressed in a grey shirt and ripped jeans with her long hair pulled up in a bun, rocking her glasses. She stops and looks around, “Well, Luka, whatta think...genre, or library form?

Luka just looks at her and tilts her head, “I know! I know...not like you can read any of these anyways, I just want to be better organized. Trying to find anything has been a pain and if I’m in the mood for it, just boom at my fingertips. And yes I know, I’d save so much more room if I just went digital but I am not staring at my phone hours upon hours when having a good hardcover book just feels so much better. Call me a purest or old school...I don’t really care.” Luka barks loudly at Bella as she gets to work putting the books back on the shelves, “Gotta keep my mind occupied somehow...daddy is pissing me off. I know things are sideways right now with the world going to hell but a little help or a CLUE would be nice for tomorrow. Stubborn ass.

Behind Bella, during her last rant, the door cracks open ever so slightly and it catches Luka’s attention and she takes off through the door as Bella keeps putting the pile of books away. Bella notices it’s quiet and looks around and notices the pup is gone and sees the door open. “OH COME ON!” she quickly runs over to her phone, “You better freakin have your damn phone...


With that Bella quickly throws on her shoes and screams out the door, quickly looking around and only sees the door to the stairwell open wide. “LUKA!” screaming into the stairwell, she hears barking coming from above and she goes running up the stairs, skipping 2-3 at a time, seeing the top floor door closed she keeps going, almost out of breath chasing after the pup. She finally reaches the roof access where the door is wide open. It’s there where she stops in her tracks when she sees on the roof, lit up.

And Malachi standing there with Luka sitting proudly at his side. “Hey! Took you long enough.

Where the hell have you been?” she said crossing the rooftop.

Me? Oh...up here, staying out of striking distance of you throwing one of your books at me.” Mal smiled at her.

She stops and glares at him, “You really should have thought this out better. ‘Not that far away’? I could push you off this roof, ya know?

While I wouldn’t blame you, I was up here, setting things up.” Mal motions to the side of him as we see a nice little dinner set up, “I figured since we’re about to head to Vegas tomorrow for the foreseeable future, a nice anniversary dinner was called for. Not exactly what I had in mind but you deserved something.

Bella walks slowly over, looking at it, “Looks like Marie’s tacos.

Your favorite as I recall, thankfully they are still doing the carryout during this insanity. Figured it was a nice night, the sun is setting...romantic?” he says sounding hopeful.

Yeah, it is. So I take it you were responsible for the door?” and Mal just shrugs.

Had to get you up here somehow to surprise you. That’s a hell of a cardio workout too.” Mal laughs and sits down on the bench.

Smart ass.” Bella looks out as the sun begins to set and sits down next to Mal, “I almost forgot what the sun looked like, been cloudy and rainy for so damn long. Feels perfect.

With that she lays her head on his shoulder and wraps her left arm around his right, and they just sit there in silence for a bit taking in the spectacular sight as Luka lays at their feet. We see Malachi reach into his pocket and he carefully grabs Bella’s hand and slides a beautiful ring onto her ring finger. Bella feels the difference and looks down and notices what he has done. She looks up at him and before she can even say anything, “Well, what do you say?

Bella seems to be speechless looking at him and down at the ring he put on her finger. “Mal...I...What?” is all she could muster out.

Malachi turns and faces her and holds on to her hand, “Bella, you took one hell of a chance on me, and I never took that for granted. You’ve stuck by me through everything, and this past year with you has been the happiest I’ve been in a long time. So, I’m asking you to take one more chance...Elizabeth Marie Madison, will you marry me?

Bella can’t help herself, one of the most romantic things ever, tears are forming. Malachi just stares at her, and she looks up at him, “Aren’t you supposed to get on one knee when you do this?” Mal just sighs in frustration and she giggles.

I swear to God woman, I am just gonna jump the fuck off this roof....” Mal goes to stand up and she pulls him back.

Yes.” she smiles at him brightly, “Yes I will marry you!

Mal can’t stop himself as he smiles broadly and grabs her, pulling her into him and kisses her deeply.

And just like that...the whole world doesn’t feel so damn bleek.

~*~*~*~Hello, Vegas~*~*~*~
Friday, March 27th

We’re under strict orders, don’t go out if you don’t have to. Considering we have spent practically the last week celebrating that has not been a problem. And I gotta say the accommodations have been more than enough. Mal and I just want to enjoy this time, we made the choice to not plan much of anything with one exception, the honeymoon. Believe me, when he told me the original plan was to go back to the city where we met and propose there...needless to say I could have probably destroyed this stupid virus with amount of pissed I was. Luka has also taken to her new home away from home, she loves to visit everyone she can with her daily escapes. ...sorry about that everyone. ANYWAYS, this week our plan for the future shifts. We got our chance at becoming #1 Contenders in the upcoming PPV for the Mixed Tag Titles.

But either way, Trenton Tigers....sounds like a reject 80s movie written and produced by John Hughes. We haven’t come up with a name yet....but it’ll be much better than that.

Wrestling Daniela at a set up like Staggs Dungeon is going to be a trip in that 6-sided ring. We gotta follow protocol though, and we can only hope that this is only temporary. I miss the roar of a crowd already. ....fucking virus taking everything from us.

Doesn’t mean that I am not going to bring it to Ms. Rodgers because I am pretty damn tired of getting told I’m doing a great job. It’s time to prove exactly how great I really am and throw a W into that column and get that one up before going into Blaze of Glory VIII.

Caught her!” Mal says coming in. “She managed to get to Lach and the girls. Thankfully they were distracting her a bit. I swear, who the hell needs cardio with you, you crazy mutt.

Luka quickly makes her way to her make-shift bed and lays down. “Now you know how I feel chasing her up those stairs.” Bella, dressed in her workout clothes, smirks at him as she sets her phone down.

Har har, sass master,” Mal says smacking her on the rear on the way through, “Everyone ok?

Yeah, they are all checking in, making sure we don’t do anything while we’re here.

What can we do? Everything is closed, hell we’re on a schedule just to use the gym. Thankfully, plenty of time to get you primed for your opponent this week. I am actually very interested to see how these guys are going to look at us....” Mal tosses her a bottle of water and she catches it.

If she’s smart, she will not underestimate me. I’m in the mood to beat someone’s ass since the last time I was in the ring. I don’t mind staying put, but being told to do so...not really my thing.

Mal rolls his eyes, “Oh the hell you say, I remember when you were sick before Christmas. I thought I was going to have to tie you to the bed.



Well not for the usual reasons. But hey, we can go again, if you’re feeling up for it.

Bella just shoves him playfully to the side, “Calm down smart ass. You’re gonna have me around for the rest of your life, don’t want you to get sick of me. And besides, I think my time preparing for Daniella Rodgers is better spent in the gym. We got a lot of mother fuckers to prove wrong.

That we do...we really should get a t-shirt with that on it.” Mal says holding the door open for his fiancee.

...I’ll have to have a chat with Mark and Christian...provided Christian doesn’t make me want to put his head through a wall.

OOHHH look who’s feisty! Man, I cannot wait to see you take this girl on. She’s not going to know what the hell hit her.

Actually the plan is for her not to forget just who the hell hit her.