Author Topic: Sam...main event for Bombshell Internet title OMG  (Read 586 times)

Offline Sam Marlowe

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    • Samantha Marlowe
Sam...main event for Bombshell Internet title OMG
« on: March 20, 2020, 11:47:27 PM »
 Walking along a street, Sam Marlowe has her hands inside her pockets as she moves towards a small hotel in the city of Canterbury.  She can be heard softly humming along to music that only she can hear from a pair of earbuds that are tucked into her ears and are invisible to the world, hidden by her bright curls.  

Just as she walks into the hotel lobby, a soft beeping interrupts her song and she pulls out her phone to see who it might be.  Smiling, she hits the answer button as she heads for the stairs.  “Hello you,” she says as she answers the call.  The response can’t be heard but the smile on Sam’s face reveals that it is someone special.  

She makes her way to the door of her room then pats herself down for her room key.  Finding it, she slides it into the lock and opens the door.  Walking inside, she flicks on the light and then leans back against the door to close it.  “I miss you too…hang on, let me get this jacket off.”

Pulling the phone out of the pocket once more, she sets it on the bed where an image of Colton Myers can be seen.  He smiles as he watches Sam pull the jacket off and toss it to the side.  You can see his mouth move but still can’t hear anything as the Bluetooth earbuds are still in Sam’s ears.  She begins to laugh at the comment from him.  Finally, she is ready to relax and lays across the bed to pull the phone over and speaks once more.

“You know I wish I was back in the States but you know with this virus stuff,” she says slowly as she reaches up and pulls the earbud away from her ear, the volume now coming from the phone itself and we can hear the other end of the call.

“Sam I am worried about you,” says Colton.  “You are one of the people that really have to take care with this because of your diabetes.  You are taking care of yourself right?”

Sam looks away for a moment, her teeth lightly biting her bottom lip guiltily as she sighs.  “Well…” she begins only to sigh again as Colton huffs in a frustrated manner.  “Colton, you know that I have my fans that I sit with if I am not wrestling and well, most of them are kids which aren’t as contagious.  Besides, I washed my hands and sanitized I don’t know how many times tonight.”  She looks down at her hands and then wrinkles her nose at the scent of the sanitizer and the state of her dried hands.

“Sam darlin’,” the voice of Colton is heard as on the screen he is seen rubbing his hand over his forehead and brushing it through his hair.  “I want you to promise me that you will take more care of yourself if I ain’t there to take care of you.”  

“What about you darlin’?  How are you taking care of yourself up in Vancouver?  Vixen was saying that it is really bad there,” asks Sam, quickly changing the subject.  “Are you doing okay?”

Colton nods with a bit of a smile to acknowledge the quick switch that he waves a finger at which only makes Sam giggle slightly.  “Okay Sami, I got you.  But you know I only worry because you know, you are my girl after all.  And I am fine…stuck in my apartment here but at least I have things to do.  You on the other hand, what can you do?”

“I can go out for runs…I can prepare for next week,” says Sam with a smirk.  “And speaking of next week, guess who has a title shot against Kate Steele for the Internet title.”  She brushes back her hair and leans towards the camera where Colton can be seen narrowing his eyes and getting a thoughtful look on his face.  

“Let me guess…what’s her name…that Mercedes person,” teases Colton which earns him a glare from his girlfriend who reaches out for the phone and hovers a finger over the disconnect button which has Colton laughing.  “Okay darlin’ you win.  It’s you, isn’t it?”

“Yep lil ole me,” replies Sam as she leans back against the headboard of the bed.  “I don’t know how or why but I know that when I heard that, I got a bit of a thrill.  Do you realize that it is the only title I need to add my name to the list of grandslam winners in SCW’s bombshell division?  And I know I already had a shot at it and lost and I am sure that everyone is going to be rooting for Kate since it is in her home town and everything but I am going to give it my all and I am going there to win.”  The confidence of her comment is belied by the rather large yawn that escapes her.  

Colton looks at his watch the back into the camera of the phone.  “Hellfire darlin’, it’s like tomorrow there ain’t it?  You need to get some sleep.  Love ya Sami and will be thinking of you.”

Sam pouts sleepily and then smiles at the love ya comment.  “Love you too Camo, will be missing you more.”  Blowing a kiss to the screen, Sam reaches down and presses disconnect before throwing the phone onto the bed and then pulling herself to her feet.  She walks towards the bathroom where she disappears inside.  The last thing heard is the start of a shower and a soft hum from the bombshell as she tosses her shirt towards the bed from inside the bathroom.

<img src=>

Sam can be seen standing against the building in Reading where Climax Control was to be held.  Beside her is the poster that shows an image of Kate Steele and Sam Marlowe.  Not even paying attention to the poster, Sam looks at a tripod that has a cell phone attached to it.  Pressing the side of her head where her earbud is hidden by her hair, she notes the red light of the video function has flashed on and begins to speak.

“Kate or Diamond,” she says slowly.  “Here I am outside of the venue where we will be facing off against each other in the main event of Climax Control in a few days time.  I came here early to scout out the location because admit it, this is your hometown and have probably been here quite a few times.”  She begins to pace a bit, her body between the camera and the poster.  Stopping she looks into the camera again.  “I have to admit Kate, I am impressed.  I think that our match is going to really be something special.”

Sam leans back against the building once more and smiles.  “Oh by the way, congrats on winning the title at the supercard.  I will admit that I didn’t think that you would have come out with the win given who was in the match but still, you managed to pull it off and are once again the champion.  Credit where credit is due, you managed to come out on top in a match that had five other women wanting the title.  You definitely earned the shot and earned the win.”

Sam puts her hands into the pocket of the leather jacket she is wearing.  Pulling one foot upward, she sets the heel of her cowboy boot against the wall, her toes tapping slightly in a nervous tic sort of way as she gives the camera a thoughtful look.

“I am sure that you are getting all cocky and thinking up the best things to say about me in a razer sharp promo of some kind that will build me up then tear me down.  The whole ‘omg you were a great champion but since losing the Roulette title you have gone downhill’ speech that each and everyone has said about me.  That seems to be the promo of the day when it comes to people facing me.  Yeah, I have had a bad year so far and really no wins yet in twenty twenty.  I bet you think that if you tear me down enough, I won’t even bother to show up for the main event and the title shot.  Hellfire, I bet you think I don’t even deserve it given my record.  You would probably be right about that.  Yeah, I have a bit of a losing streak going on but instead of taking my ball and going home or reinventing myself or renaming myself because I can’t deal with the shipwrecks that were caused by my own mistakes, I just keep coming out and keep doing what I do best and that is let my talking be done in the ring.”

Sam smiles at the camera as a soft breeze blows her hair across her face.  Sam reaches up to tuck the blowing curls behind her ear as she continues.

“Don’t you think that it is getting a little old Kate?  I mean how many times do I have to hear it.  Mercedes says it, Bobbie has said it, Jessie Salco…the list is endless.  You are just another person piling on to it.  Not original at all if you ask me.  I mean yeah, I suppose it is a good tactic if I was someone who fell for it.  But I am to the point Kate that I am immune to it.  So, I am a loser, so what,” Sam offers.  “It isn’t like there are winners and losers in a wrestling match.  Oh my god, if I am honest, I could care less about this title match as a do or die need to win situation.”

“That is the difference between us Kate.  You see this as something you have to defend and if you don’t win, you will need to do something else to somehow justify a chance to ‘earn’ yourself another title shot.  Win or lose, I am not going to change who I am for a title or a win or a shot.  I guess you can say that I am more about giving my all for this company and these fans.  I haven’t changed since I joined this company and I haven’t done anything that I need to feel shame about.  I haven’t gone out to intentionally injure people.  I haven’t done half the things that others have done to get where they are today.  What you see is what you get with me,” offers Sam as she pulls her hands from her pockets and motions to herself.  “By the way Kate, can you please tell Diamond all about this little chat I am having with you considering that you seem to not be yourself from time to time.”

Sam nods as once more she puts her hands in her pockets as she gets thoughtful.  “I can’t tear you down Kate, you have been rather undefeatable lately.  You have nothing to be sorry for in and out of the ring.  You have your husband and you have your title and you have a winning streak to be envied.  So, bravo Kate, you seem to have it all.  To say that you can be beaten seems almost to be impossible wouldn’t you say?” demands Sam as she bites her bottom lip.  “Know what I really wonder though Kate?  I wonder why you need to talk yourself up like you need to put everyone down.  I have seen you do things that most people would be impressed by and trust me you have been impressive.”  Sam sighs and then looks at the camera with a serious look on her face.  “I am going to say here and now that I really don’t know why I was given this shot if you are so impressive…”  

Sam stops for a moment then her hand moves out of her pocket to hold up one finger to demand a momentary pause.  She begins to wave her finger as she speaks once more.  “I think I got it Kate.  I think I know why I was given the title shot at Climax Control.  Truly there are only two real reasons that I could be given this shot.  The first…Management wants to hand you an easy win in front of your hometown because if they didn’t and you lost your title, they wouldn’t know what to do with your possible response to the loss…would another personality make their way to the surface?  We have you Kate…and this Diamond person…what next huh?  Nah…they wouldn’t do that to you would they Kate?  You need someone that could be competition and you don’t see me as that do you?”  

Sam ponders slightly, her finger waving a bit faster.  “Maybe Kate, it is because I have earned it.  You see, I come out to the ring and give it my all.  I don’t have to prove that I need to earn my shots, I go out to that ring every time I am booked and give it my all.  I have bled in that ring for SCW, I have done everything in the ring for SCW…I am someone that is loyal to SCW,” offers Sam in a no-nonsense voice.  “My title shot is given to me because management has faith in me to go out to the ring and give one hundred and ten percent in any match that I participate in. How many bombshells can say that they have devoted their careers to SCW to the exclusion of all else?”

“So I am sure Kate that you will talk all about how much you have been on a winning streak and how much you deserve to be champion and how much this homecoming is going to feel so good when you beat me in the ring to retain your title.  You talk a great game and all or Diamond does I am sure.  All I can tell you is that this week, I am coming for a shot at the title and win or lose Kate, you are going to know that you earned your win…because that is what I am fixing to do…make you earn it,” vows Sam before she reaches up and then presses the button on her earbud to stop the recording.  

Moving to the tripod, she looks at the cellphone and then presses play as she walks away listening to the promo she cut, a smile breaking over her face as she picks up the tripod and walks into the venue.