Author Topic: Lucky Charms  (Read 487 times)

Offline Candy

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Lucky Charms
« on: February 28, 2020, 11:58:35 PM »
 Whit dae ye pure techt Ah gab funay?

*The funny part? She understood exactly what he saying, even through the thick accent and dialect.*

CANDY: You use funny words. It makes me giggle. But I really need to focus on my upcoming match now that I found my pot of gold.

SCOTTISH GUY 3: Whit kin' ay match?

CANDY: A wrestling match!

SCOTTISH GUY 1: Ye arenae a wrestler. ye dornt seem loch a fighter’

CANDY: But I am! I’m one of the bestest! I’ve been a wrestler for a long time. I love it so much. 2 weeks ago I fought a good friend of mine in a big scary cage match. I even have some scars to prove it. My husband says they are my battle scars and I should be PROUD of them!

*She rolled up her sleeve to show where she had a few stitches on her arm that were healing from the match with Bella. All the guys hooted and hollered, wanting her to go on.*

CANDY: It was a hard fought battle that I won! And I’m a champion! It’s the coolest thing. Now, I’m in this thing called the Blast From The Past tournament. I get teamed up with some one random and fight other random teams. It’s so cool! I drew like the bestest partner I could have hoped for. Austin James Mercer. He’s a champion too! So we are, like, a perfect team! I’m so excited to team up with him. He was supposed to go on this hunt with me but I think he was busy. But that’s ok! I know we will have great chemistry in the ring. Even though I’m NO GOOD at chemistry! But that’s ok!

*The guys gathered around her seemed to be having a good time listening to her ramble on. Marcus had walked in at about this point and just stood near the door, watching her glow and talk.*

CANDY: And Our opponents this week… one of them is the person I beat for my title, her name is Sam.

SCOTTISH GUY 2: A lassie named Sam?

CANDY: Yeah! But she’s kinda nice. She beat me the first time we fought. We fought in a Garland Match. It was Christmas time and it was SOOOO much fun! So I was so excited when they wanted us to have a rematch. Then I beat her to win my championship! It was the bestest day in my career in a long time! I am so happy to be back in the ring.

SCOTTISH GUY 4: An' whit abit th' bloke?

CANDY: O’Malley? I don’t know who he is. But when I hear his name all I can think of is O’Malley the Alley Cat!  And I love cats! But not as much as I love doggies!

SCOTTISH GUY 1: Arenae ye woriat abit th' randomness ay thes match.

CANDY: NO WAY! That’s what it means to be the Roulette Champion! I never know what kind of match I’m going to be in. And I trust my partner out there. When you are part of a team it is SUPER important for you to trust the other person! I am SO EXCITED to enter this tournament!!! It’s going to be such a big thing. I just hope I don’t let my partner down.

SCOTTISH GUY 2: Ah dornt hink ye coods lit anyain doon.

CANDY: Thanks!

SCOTTISH GUY 1: Bartender! a pint fur th' quine!

*The bartender nodded and brought over a large glass of beer, Candy looked at it, her eyes wide.*

CANDY: That’s a LOT of apple juice!!!

*Marcus sprung into action, before she could take a sip, as the scene faded to black.*

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Offline Candy

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    • Candy
Lucky Charms
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2020, 11:59:27 PM »
 Scene 1: the plane trip over
Scene 2: the “scottish” leprechaun hunt
Scene 3: drinking with a scotsman? She understands them

Scene One: Travel Like A Champion

When: Monday, 2/24, time of day unknown
Where: On the airplane

*The scene opens up with Candy and her husband, Marcus, sitting in  their seats on a private jet that was on loan to them by their close friend, David Shane. They were the only passengers, aside from the puff of fur known as Fluffy. She was curled up in her own little seat, atop a silky and bright pink pillow. Candy watched out the window with wonder and amazement in her eyes.*

CANDY: It’s so cool to look out the window.

MARCUS: You have gone overseas on flights so many times… yet you are still so amused by it.

CANDY: Yeah! It’s so cool how things look so different from up here. It’s like they are ants!

*Marcus got a chuckle out of her enthusiasm. Sometimes, it’s truly the little things that make you happy. He reached over and held her hand.*

MARCUS: Have I told you lately just how proud I am of you?

CANDY: Every day.

MARCUS: Good, because I don’t want you to forget. You don’t give up no matter what. And it pays off. You took that devastating fight between you and Bella, and you turned it around to win in such a brutal match. You were scared, but you never backed down. And even when you were having issues with Malachi, you still are making it your mission to befriend him. And I think that is wonderful.

CANDY: I do too! We are gonna be besties I JUST KNOW IT!!! Especially after I get him a super special souvenir while we are in Scotland.

*He looked at her, his curiosity grew*

MARCUS: What special Souvenir?

CANDY: I’m going to get him a leprechaun's pot of gold!!!

*He looked confused for a second, then it dawned on him.*

MARCUS: A leprechaun?

CANDY: YEAH! I invited my Blast From The Past partner to join me on the hunt. It will be a great team building exercise. Don’t you think?

MARCUS: A hunt for a pot of gold, from a leprechaun, in scotland… with your Blast From The Past partner? That sounds…

*He looks at her and sees the excitement in her eyes. He can’t bring himself to correct her and explain that she was mixing up Ireland and Scotland. So he just smiled and spoke softly.*

MARCUS: That sounds perfect. You haven’t exactly had the best luck with tag team partners here in SCW. First there was Chris Crippler, who lost the match for you guys and then yelled at you.

CANDY: He was a meanie. I feel bad that Bella is teamed up with him.

MARCUS: I say that’s karma. But that’s just me. You did good with Bella as your partner a few weeks ago… in the match at least.

CANDY: Yeah, the after was bad.

MARCUS: So I think it is a great idea to do some team building before going into such a big tournament. You guys are shoe ins to win it all, very high on people’s prediction list.

CANDY: REALLY??? People think we are gonna win?

MARCUS: A Lot of people do.

CANDY: Well, we are both champions, so it makes sense. I’m really excited about this, and to work with him. And I even get another chance to work with Sam. She’s really good in the ring. I can’t WAIT to get to Scotland and find that gold!!!

*She squirmed in her seat, overly excited. Marcus grew a smirk on his face… as ideas were flowing wildly through his mind. The scene faded to black*

Scene Two: Scavenger Hunt!

When: Wednesday, 2/25, early morning - about 7am-ish
Where: Their hotel room in Hamilton, Scotland.

*The scene fades in to a shot of a bedroom in a hotel in Hamilton, Scotland. Marcus was sound asleep on his side of the bed as the sun shone softly through the window. From the other room a loud… and I mean LOUD… screech was heard. Marcus sat up in the bed, startled, as an overly excited Candy ran in from off screen and jumped on the bed with something in her hand.*



*He looked around, concerned.*

MARCUS: What’s going on? Are you ok?


*She hands him an envelope. He grins, as he finally realizes what is going on.*

MARCUS: What’s this?


*He opened the envelope and pulled out a folded up piece of paper that looked “old” and “ratty” like a map. There was also a small card with it.*

MARCUS: Well… it seems like you are up for quite a scavenger hunt. There’s a clue here. You should read it.

CANDY: OK! It says “Candy,  I hear ye want me pot o’ gold. The greatest sight you’ll ever behold. To find the stash... you will have to dash… and find me Lucky Charms.”

*She lowered the card and looked confused.*

CANDY: I don’t get it.

MARCUS: Well… where would you find a leprechaun’s lucky charms?

*She thought for a minute and ran out of the room excited. She ran back in with a box of Lucky Charms. She ripped it open and dumped the entire box out on the bed. There was another card in there.*

CANDY: I FOUND IT!!! It says “You found me lucky charms… yer a smart young fella. How about you find your clue in the lobby mixed in with somethin’ yella”.

MARCUS: Sounds like the next clue is in something yellow in the lobby?


*She ran off into the other room and came back out about 10 minutes later. She was wearing head to toe bright pink camo, the darkest pink covered in pink glitter, of course. Her hair was down in pigtails and a matching bandana on her head. She had a holster that had a few things in it. Marcus, who had no clue she even had this, couldn’t help but chuckle.*

MARCUS: Wow that’s some bright camo

CANDY: It’s my hunting gear! You can’t see me, can you?

MARCUS: Well, to be honest, you can’t exactly miss all that pink and glitter.

*She grinned.*

MARCUS: And I gotta know. What is that in the holster.

CANDY: My supplies! I have a baggy of Lucky Charms in case I need some bait! I have a few cans of Red Bull, in case I need a boost of energy. And of course a few chocolate gold coins in case I need them.

MARCUS: Well, sounds like you are prepared. Are you taking your title belt with you, for luck?

CANDY: No way! Leprachauns are sneaky and could steal it from me! Wish me luck!!!

*She kissed him on the cheek and bounced out of the room, happy as a clam.*

MARCUS: Time well spent. Now… I hope she doesn’t get herself in trouble…

*The scene fades to black as he reaches down and shoves a Lucky Charms marshmallow in his mouth.*

Scene Three: I LOVE SCOTLAND!!!

When: Friday, 2/28, evening - 6pm area
Where: A local pub

*The scene fades up with Candy sitting at a table surrounded by tons of Scotsman in a local pub. She held up what looked like a small plastic cauldron, probably left over from halloween, that was filled to the brim with what looked like gold coins. She was in the middle of telling a story to the locals.*

CANDY: So then!  The Leprechaun was protecting this and he had to see if I was pure of heart to get the pot of gold! And ya know what… I TOTALLY WAS!!! So he just GAVE it to me! Now, I can make Malachi happy!

*The men in the bar cheered and held up their beers, then chugged em down.*

CANDY: You guys are so nice! I like Scottish people! And you talk kinda funny.

SCOTTISH GUY 1: Whit dae ye pure techt Ah gab funay?

*The funny part? She understood exactly what he saying, even through the thick accent and dialect.*

CANDY: You use funny words. It makes me giggle. But I really need to focus on my upcoming match now that I found my pot of gold.

SCOTTISH GUY 3: Whit kin' ay match?

CANDY: A wrestling match!

SCOTTISH GUY 1: Ye arenae a wrestler. ye dornt seem loch a fighter’

CANDY: But I am! I’m one of the bestest! I’ve been a wrestler for a long time. I love it so much. 2 weeks ago I fought a good friend of mine in a big scary cage match. I even have some scars to prove it. My husband says they are my battle scars and I should be PROUD of them!

*She rolled up her sleeve to show where she had a few stitches on her arm that were healing from the match with Bella. All the guys hooted and hollered, wanting her to go on.*

CANDY: It was a hard fought battle that I won! And I’m a champion! It’s the coolest thing. Now, I’m in this thing called the Blast From The Past tournament. I get teamed up with some one random and fight other random teams. It’s so cool! I drew like the bestest partner I could have hoped for. Austin James Mercer. He’s a champion too! So we are, like, a perfect team! I’m so excited to team up with him. He was supposed to go on this hunt with me but I think he was busy. But that’s ok! I know we will have great chemistry in the ring. Even though I’m NO GOOD at chemistry! But that’s ok!

*The guys gathered around her seemed to be having a good time listening to her ramble on. Marcus had walked in at about this point and just stood near the door, watching her glow and talk.*

CANDY: And Our opponents this week… one of them is the person I beat for my title, her name is Sam.

SCOTTISH GUY 2: A lassie named Sam?

CANDY: Yeah! But she’s kinda nice. She beat me the first time we fought. We fought in a Garland Match. It was Christmas time and it was SOOOO much fun! So I was so excited when they wanted us to have a rematch. Then I beat her to win my championship! It was the bestest day in my career in a long time! I am so happy to be back in the ring.

SCOTTISH GUY 4: An' whit abit th' bloke?

CANDY: O’Malley? I don’t know who he is. But when I hear his name all I can think of is O’Malley the Alley Cat!  And I love cats! But not as much as I love doggies!

SCOTTISH GUY 1: Arenae ye woriat abit th' randomness ay thes match.

CANDY: NO WAY! That’s what it means to be the Roulette Champion! I never know what kind of match I’m going to be in. And I trust my partner out there. When you are part of a team it is SUPER important for you to trust the other person! I am SO EXCITED to enter this tournament!!! It’s going to be such a big thing. I just hope I don’t let my partner down.

SCOTTISH GUY 2: Ah dornt hink ye coods lit anyain doon.

CANDY: Thanks!

SCOTTISH GUY 1: Bartender! a pint fur th' quine!

*The bartender nodded and brought over a large glass of beer, Candy looked at it, her eyes wide.*

CANDY: That’s a LOT of apple juice!!!

*Marcus sprung into action, before she could take a sip, as the scene faded to black.*

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