Author Topic: Thanksgiving...a day early  (Read 455 times)

Offline Sam Marlowe

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    • Samantha Marlowe
Thanksgiving...a day early
« on: November 29, 2019, 11:44:59 PM »
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I am the Bombshell Roulette champion and I was entered into the matches to try for a chance to challenge for the Bombshell Championship but I am not going to join that small group of women in the six pack challenge at December two Dismember.  Now most would be upset with that but for some strange reason, I am thankful that I am not.

Don’t get me wrong, I was disappointed by this loss.  I also am disappointed that I won’t get another chance to possibly face Alicia Lukas as champion.  However, if I was to let this loss weigh me down, I would be no better than some other bombshells whose egos can’t take the losses they do.  

So I am going to the supercard as the Bombshell Roulette champion and I am going to defend MY title against Candy and I am going to retain that title and that is going to be my Christmas present to all my fans.


Act one Scene one:  

The sounds of laughter can be heard coming from the kitchen of Sam Marlowe as a pair of redheads can be seen working side by side while opposite them sitting on a barstool at the breakfast bar is another redhead, a large glass of wine in front of her.  Sam looks up from the sink where she is preparing vegetables for some kind of dinner.  Her father is standing over a large bird that is resting on the counter in a roasting pan.

“Princess, where do you keep the sage?” demands her father as he is opening doors of the cupboards.  “This bird needs it for the stuffing.  And don’t tell me you don’t have any because no child of mine would forget the secret Marlowe stuffing recipe.”

“Philip, you know that Samantha is too busy to really cook what with her wrestling and travel and the like,” offers Vanessa Marlowe with a twinkling smile at Sam before she sips at the wine.  

“Don’t be silly Daddy,” says Sam as she shakes her hands then reaches for a towel laying on the counter.  “I wouldn’t be caught on turkey day without it!”  She moves to a second cupboard and pulls out a spice bottle of sage that she hands off to her father before heading back to the sink.  

Philip opens the bottle to add the spice to a pan full of bread cubes that are mixed with onions, sausage, and small pieces of celery and carrot.  Setting it to one side, he then tosses the mixture together before turning to the bird and waggling his eyebrows at his wife who only shakes her head.  Taking a handful of stuffing mix, he stuffs the handful into the bird.  Vanessa takes another sip of the wine before toasting her husband with a rather saucy ‘here’s to being stuffed’ comment.

“MOM!” says Sam shocked at the comment.  

“What Samantha?” queried her mother who offers Sam a quick questioning look.  “Did you not think that I could have a risqué comment given that your father did actually give me the very easy set up line…or action as the case may be.”

Sam can’t help but laugh nervously.  “I don’t think I have ever seen you be like that…all jokey,” she comments.  “You usually are rather…proper.”

Philip nods as he moves closer to Sam to nudge her with an elbow.  “She’s getting a bit laid back in her old age,” he teases which has both women shooting him a look.

“Thousands of comedians out of work Philip,” begins Vanessa.

“And you’re trying to be one,” finishes Sam with a giggle which is greeted by a ‘hrumph’ from her father.  He returns to stuffing the bird as Sam and Vanessa share a smirk.  

“So Samantha, how will you be celebrating the holiday this year?” Sam’s mother asks.  “Your father and I are here with you for Thanksgiving but you did say that you are leaving Friday.  Are you sure you don’t want to come home to Houston with us and have a family dinner?”

“I so wish I could Mom but I am heading out to the show for Sunday and I decided that I was going to drive out to Primm.  This is the going home show before the supercard and I have a non title match against Mercedes Vargas and she isn’t going to be making it easy on me.  But if I want to get ready for my title match at the supercard, she is probably one of the best opponents I could have for the tune up match.  She and I have this great rivalry going and well, she is the one I need to beat to say that I am ready for my title defense,” offers Sam as she once more dries her hands on the towel.

“Is that why you invited us out here before thanksgiving and planned this whole dinner thing?” asks her father as he stuffs the last handful of stuffing into the bird before folding the skin over it and then putting his hands in the air as he moves to the sink.  “Turn the water on for me will ya?”

Sam turns on the faucet and starts it running for her father and leans one hip against the counter.  “Well I knew I couldn’t get out to Houston and we are always together for the holidays and since Cyn married Monte, it has kind of gotten a bit difficult for me back home…”  

Sam’s voice trails off as her father, his hands clean, puts an arm around her and half hugs her as Vanessa nods slowly.  “I don’t see why you and Monte don’t get along Samantha.  Cynthia’s husband has been nothing but a blessing.”

Sam and her father share a look before Sam’s dad speaks up as if his wife hadn’t just spoke.  “Why don’t we set this thing to cooking and head over to your television and see if we can’t find something to watch Vanessa.  I am sure Sam has some things to do to get ready to head out Friday.”

Vanessa looks ready to argue but Philip moves to her side and holds out his hand.  Taking it and her glass, Vanessa gets down from the stool and is guided out of the room as Sam moves to cover the turkey and slides it into the oven.  Shutting the door, Sam straightens then hears a squeaky ‘PHILIP!’ from the other room followed by a low laugh.  Shaking her head, Sam moves to the bottle of wine and pours herself a small glass which she raises in the direction of her parents.

“Happy thanksgiving,” she calls out softly before heading towards the doorway and disappearing through it.

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This Sunday is the going home show and I am in a match against my perennial rival Mercedes Vargas who I am sure will be giving everyone her usual statistics about our history.  She will give the stats, a tale of the tape and then proceed to try to put me down as not as great as she is.  That seems to be her modus operandi week in and week out when she is in a match.

I get that she is a legend in this company.  A hall of famer…a multiple time champion…former record holder of some of the Bombshell Roulette title’s longest and toughest records in the history of the belt.  However, when it comes to records and this title, she has dropped to second place, somewhere that she hates to be and that is behind me.

Many is the time she has brought up how she has beaten me…she has of course.  But she never seems to highlight that I have beaten her too.  She is always tootin’ her own horn to the exclusion of all others because no one in her mind is as great as she.  I will be the first one to admit that she is as tough as she says she is.  But that doesn’t make her unbeatable and that doesn’t mean that I am a challenge she can take lightly.

To remind her that I have beaten her before would just be giving her something to scoff at as per the usual tactics she uses so I am going to put it bluntly and hope that she realizes I ain’t going to be blowin’ smoke up her derriere.  This match at Climax Control isn’t going to be easy for her, nuh uh.  This match is going to be a fight and this match is going to be a match that I am going to take as serious as a heart attack.  I ain’t going to be easy to beat and I am coming for the win.

With it being Thanksgiving and all, I want to let everyone know what I am thankful for.  Firstly, I am thankful to Mark Ward and Christian Underwood for giving a country girl like me the opportunity to wrestle here in SCW.  And I am thankful for the bombshells and superstars of SCW for being the best wrestlers in the world…in my opinion of course and finally, I want to say that I am thankful the most for the fans and if not for them, I wouldn’t be who I am nor would I be wearing the Bombshell Roulette title.

So Primm Nevada…Climax Control is comin’ your way and so am I.  Happy Thanksgiving to one and all.