Author Topic: Champion vs Champion...Who will win?  (Read 481 times)

Offline Sam Marlowe

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    • Samantha Marlowe
Champion vs Champion...Who will win?
« on: September 13, 2019, 11:28:23 PM »
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How can I say this without seeming to be full of myself… I guess I just have to put it out there…I did it!

At Summer XXXTreme, I regained the Bombshell Roulette title and now I am the one that everyone underestimates or rather overlooks me.  I am the non champion that just keeps her head down and is the workhorse of the division.  You hear Mercedes talking about no one but herself even trying to overshadow the loss by talking a big game.  You have Bobbie Dahl talking about how she is ignored and why bother…the Eeyore like depression that is hiding a rather slow boiling anger that might just explode at any moment.

That isn’t me though.  I mean sure, I can’t claim to be the best or that I am someone that is unbeatable.  I just go out to the ring and I win when it comes to big matches against strong opponents that seem to think they are unbeatable.

Guess what is happening this week…St. Bart’s.  Another big match against a strong opponent…And guess what I am going to be doing in that match…

Act one Scene one:  There is no place like home

Philip Marlowe can be seen standing near the arrivals gate at Hobby Airport.  He watches as the passengers arrive from Vegas, his eyes lighting up when he sees a familiar redhead move through the crowd into the open area.  He moves towards her and when Sam Marlowe sees him, she smiles as she reaches for the headphones that are hanging from her ears.

“Daddy!” she calls out before she is snatched up by her father and spun around in a bear hug.  Laughing at her father’s antics, Sam holds tight before she is set on her feet.  “Y’all have no idea how glad I am to be home for the tour.”

“Your mother is very happy that you decided to stay at the house while your wrestling in the Caribbean.  Although I have to say that she isn’t as happy that you are wrestling in the Caribbean what with the hurricanes and tropical storms that are messin’ up the area,” says Mr. Marlowe as he falls into step with Sam as she heads towards the luggage carousel.  “I have to admit, it does worry me too.”

Sam spares a quick glance at her father while they stroll along the hall.  “You know that the company wouldn’t put us in any danger Daddy.  I admit that a lot of people are going to be talking about the tour being in a danger zone but you know that we need to be ready to help in the islands if we need to.”  Sam slips her hand into the crook of her father’s arm and hugs it close before continuing to speak.  “I promise you that I will be careful…”

Philip nods with a stern concerned look.  “I hope so Sami,” he says seriously.  Overhead, the speakers call out flights and boarding calls as the pair make it to the carousel and wait for the luggage to arrive.  

As they stand there, people can be seen to point and whisper. The crowds seem to move closer as they continue to whisper.  Finally, someone taps Sam on her arm to get her attention.  She turns to see a small girl tugging at a curl that she is wrapping around her finger.  Crouching down to the girl’s height, Sam offers her a small grin.  “And who are you?” asks the Bombshell Roulette title holder.  

Behind her, an older teen can be seen caught between trying to look cool and fanboying.  “Don’t mind my little sister,” he says as he slouches slightly, his hip cocked out and arms crossed.  “She’s a fan without a filter,” he adds only to draw a glare of anger from the young girl.

“You were the one that told me to come over and talk to her,” grouches the girl.  “You said you would give me five dollars to get her attention!”

The teen flushes angrily and mutters as he moves towards the girl.  “Yeah I told you to come over but it is because I know you are a fan!”

Philip and his daughter share a glance as Sam straightens up and looks at the two siblings before moving between them.  Her father moves to the side.  “Listen, it is okay,” offers Sam as she puts a hand on the shoulder of the teen and her other over the shoulder of the girl.  “Why don’t we get my Daddy to take a picture for you guys?” offers Sam to the pair who share a look then begin nodding happily.  The teen moves to put his arm around Sam as the girl hugs her from the other side.  The teen fights to pull out his cell phone that he holds up trying to get the three of them in the lens but just can’t quite get it.  Philip offers a hand and the boy hands off the cell before moving to stand beside Philip.

“Just point and press the button on the screen,” says the kid who moves back to join Sam and his sister.  The flash from the smartphone lights up the trio who break apart as the teen takes his phone and checks out the picture, moving it down to show his sister who giggles happily before rushing Sam once more for another hug.  Seeing this, the crowd breaks out in applause that Sam acknowledges before the screaming beep of the carousel starting gets her attention.  Stepping away from the crowd, she watches as her luggage can be seen moving to the opening of the carousel.  Watching as the large leather bag slides down the ramp of the luggage carousel, Sam reaches out and pulls it from the belt and then setting it on its wheels, she and her father move away and head for the exit, Sam stopping for one more wave to the fans before she and her father exit the airport.

Twenty minutes later, the car with Sam and her father pulls up into the curved circular drive in front of a large house where the door opens to reveal Sam’s mother who offers a frosty smile as she is joined by Cyn Marlowe who smirks.

“Well if it isn’t the champion,” sneers Cyn as she stands on the top step of the entrance.

“Howdy Cyn,” says Sam, her smile fading only slightly as she is greeted by her mother with air kisses and a pat of a half hug.  Cyn moves in to add her own air kisses but stays out of hug range.  “Glad to see you,” adds Sam which causes a crack in the veneer of superiority.

“So how long are you staying here for Sami?” asks Cyn.  She tilts her head quizzically in a condescending way.  Her father glares as Sam sighs.  “What?  I wanted to know in case we should be making plans for Sami with all of the society things that we have scheduled Mother,” says Cyn.

“Oh don’t worry about me,” answers Sam as she moves to the back of the car and pulls out the suitcase to set it on the drive.  Sam moves to follow her father and mother who have moved into the house.  Once inside, Sam takes in the familiar entrance then heads for the stairs.  “I am going to head up to my room,” she calls out before climbing the stairs.  Behind her, Cyn follows, her smirk widening as the pair arrive outside of Sam’s room.

“You know Sam that Montgomery is going to be here often,” says Cyn as she rushes into the room to fling herself on the bed covered in a white duvet.  Sam watches as Cyn crumples her blankets as she gets comfortable before lifting the suitcase onto it, forcing Cyn to curl up her legs quickly.

“I am sure Cyn that I ain’t all that worried about your husband,” answers Sam, the words forced from between clenched teeth.  “As long as he keeps to himself we won’t have a problem.”

“You mean as long as he doesn’t let you throw yourself at him,” responds Cyn with a glare.  “He told me you keep throwing yourself at him and you are jealous of our marriage and…”

Before Cyn can continue, Sam holds up her hand and stops her.  “Listen Cyn, I don’t know what you want to believe and right now, I don’t really care.  After what you and Monte did to me I do NOT want to have anything to do with him or you if you really must know.  I am only here between island hopping for SCW.  Moms promised me that I wouldn’t have to worry about renting something with home being close to where we are scheduled to be.  And that means I am only here for a couple of days a week.  So your husband is safe and you won’t have to worry about me at all.  Now Cyn, I just flew in and I had a rather early flight so…”

Sam moves to the door and opens it to usher Cyn out.  Sam’s older sister slowly gets to her feet and moves across the floor to the door before stepping through.  She turns to say something but Sam slams the door in her face and turns away to begin unpacking as she mutters to herself.  “Like I am in any way shape or form going to deal with Monte!”

Sam opens the luggage and pulls out some clothes that she carries to the walk in closet as the scene fades out.

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Alicia Lukas, a champion’s champion in her own mind.  And I would have to say that when she says she is a strong champion she would be right.  She stepped into SCW and from day one proved she was everything she said she was and more.  I will wholeheartedly admit that she is a fierce competitor.

But I do have to bring up something that seems to stick right in my craw and that is the fact that when she first came to SCW, she seemed to think that us Bombshells were excuses and none of us were women wrestlers and worthy of her time.  I beg to differ with you about that Alicia and I don’t know if you still think that or have you learned to respect us Bombshells?  Because I remember offering to step into the ring with you one on one to prove that Bombshells were just as powerful and just as much of a wrestler as you are.

Back then I bet I wasn’t even on your radar was I?  No, the names I heard you talk about were Crystal and Mercedes and Roxi.  Names in this company that are hall of famers, multiple time champions, icons in our world.  Not once did you even mention my name in that exalted company.  And I sat back, defending my title over and over again until I lost it then I began the climb back to contention then won back my title.

And Alicia, I have heard the questions.  Why hasn’t Sam Marlowe given up the bombshell Roulette title and moved into contention for the Bombshell Championship and you know, I could lie and say that it was because I didn’t think that I deserved more than the Bombshell Roulette title, languishing in the mid card ranks.  Truth is Alicia, I do deserve a shot at the title.  But while I am fighting for and defending my title, your title will be safe.  

Although I do have to wonder, what will it say about my chances to face you for your title in the future if I beat you this week?  Will me beating you earn enough respect from you to have my name on your list of people you want to face for that title of yours?  If I beat you, will you give me a title shot?  Or will you say that I have to wait until I lose my title first?  

Listen, I am going to open and honest Alicia and tell you that I respect you like no other.  You have come into this company, point blank informed everyone that you would take the top title and proceeded to do that.  No one can take away from you how strong of a champion you are.  However, I am just as strong of a champion.  I guess we will be seeing just who is the strongest on Sunday.

So good luck Alicia, may the best champion win.

Act One Scene Two:  Life is a beach

Sam Marlowe can be seen walking along the beach, the sand white and reflecting the Caribbean sun.  Dressed in a two-piece bikini and silky sarong with a large floppy sunhat covering her face and silvered sunglasses covering her eyes, the redhead looks comfortable and relaxed.  Nearby, a woman and a cameraman follow along the beach waiting to approach Sam.  When she stops as the warm breeze tugs at her hat and curls, Sam is joined by Pussy Willow and the cameraman.  He begins to film the pair of women as they watch a cruise ship sailing by.

“Sam I was wondering what you might be thinking,” begins Pussy.

“About what?” asks Sam dreamily.

“Well first off, how you might be feeling about regaining the title.  I know I asked you at last week’s Climax Control but you really didn’t give me an answer,” says Pussy before noticing that her friend doesn’t seem to be paying attention.  “Sam?”

Sam starts slightly then offers her friend a sorry smile.  “I’m sorry Pussy, guess I got a lot on my mind this week and I really have to mind who’s talking to me,” offers Sam.  “What was it you asked?”

“I was asking how it felt regaining the title for a fourth time,” answers Pussy.  “After all, everyone was saying that you wouldn’t pull it off and then you did.  Do you realize that once again you can start adding to your record?”

Sam nods as she watches the horizon.  “Yeah, once more I am the Bombshell Roulette champion and do you know what?  No one has really given me the credit for winning the title again.  Oh sure, they talk about how I am a strong champion but they are better…”

Pussy rolls her eyes.  “Oh I know, listening to Mercedes Vargas like she is some sort of wrestling bombshell goddess for crying out loud.  You have accomplished just as much as she has when it comes to the Bombshell Roulette title,” states Pussy.  “But did she congratulate you on the win?  No, just talked about you like you were a bargain basement her.  And if that isn’t all, what about this week when you are main eventing Climax Control in a champion versus champion match against Alicia Lukas.”

“Funny you should mention that Pussy.  I know that Alicia is one heckuva wrestler and when push comes to shove, she is the Bombshell Champion.  Which technically makes her the woman to beat in this company,” offers Sam.  “Now if look at her stats on paper, she is another Mikah because she is strong and she is unbeatable for the most part.  But this is the first time we will be facing one another in the ring.  I mean sure, she is double tough but she is beatable.  And since she is being compared to Mikah, I do have to remind her that there was one bombshell that knocked Mikah off her perch when she was dominating all the other bombshells.”

Pussy smiles.  “That’s right, you toppled Mikah to end her first reign when no one else could.”

“Now this week, I am facing Alicia Lukas who is a challenge but just like when I faced Mikah, I am going to do the same thing to Alicia and that is beat her for the one two three in the middle of the ring,” vows Sam.   “She has probably talked about being champion and that no one she has faced has beaten her to date.  And she is right to say that she is that dang tough.”

Pussy stops and moves in front of Sam and gives her a curious look.  “I know you are respectful Sam but you can’t just sit back and let her talk her talk and walk all over you.”

Sam laughs softly as she pulls the sunglasses from her eyes to give her friend a wink.  “Who said anything about letting Alicia walk all over me Pussy?” asks Sam with soft menace in her voice.  “I am going to be going into that match with my head held high, my eyes wide open and my confidence up and there will be no way that I am going to be letting Alicia Lukas get the better of me.”

Pussy nods slowly then moves to watch the horizon with Sam.  “I am sure you are also going to be interested in the triple threat match for the number one contendership for your title too?” Pussy demands.

“Of course I am interested in it Pussy,” replies Sam with a side-glance at Pussy.  Suddenly Sam looks down at the sand then sighs.  “I will be watching that match quite closely because all three women are definitely going to be fighting to face me and I will definitely be scouting them even thought I have already faced Bobbie and Kate.”  

“True, and you really haven’t faced Sierra Williams so she might be the one to watch,” offers Pussy.

Before Sam can respond, a ringtone and vibration can be heard coming from the cellphone that is hanging from Sam’s wrist.  She smiles apologetically as she looks down to see the caller ID.  Seeing it, she excuses herself and moves down the beach as she hits the number and calls it back.