Author Topic: Redemption or repeat?  (Read 460 times)

Offline Sam Marlowe

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    • Samantha Marlowe
Redemption or repeat?
« on: August 02, 2019, 11:41:38 PM »
 A voice can be heard singing along with a country song that is playing on a laptop sitting on a table.  Panning around the room, a redhead can be seen, hair pulled up in a pair of long pigtails that curl down her back.  Sam Marlowe is dressed in a pair of daisy dukes that are worn but look comfortable and a Sam Marlowe tee.  Dancing around in bare feet, she is swiping at a new bookshelf that she has pushed against a wall near a papasan chair that is covered in pillows.

To one side, Colton can be seen, a ball cap pushed back to reveal dark mussed hair, a white tank top and dark jeans.  He watches as Sam tosses the cloth that she had been using to one side then turns to smile at him.

“I don’t know how to thank you Camo,” exclaims Sam happily.  “I’m not that handy buildin’ things like y’all can do.”

Touching the tip of the ball cap’s brim, he smiles with southern charm.  “Well ma’am, you know I am handy like that.  Considering that it is still standin’ and all,” he drawls before laughing.  “So why did you buy that bookshelf anyways Sami, you already got built in ones.”

Sam looks back at the shelves and then moves towards a table covered with books.  Picking up a few, she moves to put them on the shelf.  “I already have them filled and needed something for my Shakespeare volumes.  And I thought that I could make me a little reading nook.”

Colton moves to help her move her books.  “Aren’t you still working on your Masters?” he asks as he hands a book to Sam who takes it and sets it on the shelf.  She kneels down on the floor to sort through the books.

“I finished it,” says Sam slowly.  “And I have done my presentation of my thesis and now I am just playing a waiting game.  I hope that I will be getting my letter sooner than later.  Besides, now it is time to settle down and really focus on what is the most important to me right now that that is the Bombshell Roulette title.”

Colton raises an eyebrow.  “Don’t you think that with the natural talent you have, you are going to be able to get that title back,” he demands as he grabs more books.  “I was surprised that you lost it and didn’t think that you would have but now that you did, what was stopping you from getting it back?”

“I needed to recover from the loss and trust me, it took me a bit but then I found out that I had to present my thesis and then last week, I hunkered down and I prepared to fight for the right to face Mercedes Vargas with the title on the line again and this week that is exactly what I propose to do.  I am about to get into a match that could see me take back the title and should I do that, then I go to Summer XXXTreme as the champion for an over the pool ultimate X match to retain,” Sam says as she continues to almost obsessively put the books into order on the shelf.  

Colton moves behind her with the last book that he hands her then he squats beside Sam and puts a hand on her shoulder.  “What’s up Sami,” he softly asks.  “This isn’t like you, OCDish and quiet.  Hell, you are bubblier than a pyramid of cheerleaders at homecoming,” he adds teasingly which only has Sam turning to look at him with a goofy grin on her face.

“Just what are you on about Camo?” she teases back.  “Just because I see the positive all the time doesn’t make me OCDish!”

“Oh really, then why is Henry the fifth wedged between Henry the fourth part one and two?” he teases back which had Sam quickly checking then swatting at Colton that has him falling back to escape the swipe.  Sam can’t help but laugh at the look shot at her by Colton.  “There she is!”

Sam nods her head and rolls her eyes.  “You know that I am the kind of person that needs to think long and hard about what is coming up.  And when it comes to matches like this week’s, I just get in my head a little too much.  I know that Mercedes is one hell of a wrestler and the current champion and all the advantages are hers.  I have to beat her to take the title, she doesn’t have to beat me to keep it.”

Colton crosses his legs and leans towards Sam to take her hand and pull it towards him.  “Sam, did you know that ever since you started wrestling you have been doing things that not many others have?”  He hears a mumbled yeah and continues.  “I know that you tend to be someone that beats herself before even trying.  Answer me this Sami…can you beat this Mercedes Vargas?”

Sam looks up at him, her eyes lighting up with a fire of determination.  “Of course, I can beat her Colton!” Sam exclaims with confidence.  “I have done it before and will do it again this week.”

“That’s my girl!” states Colton as he levers himself off the floor.  Reaching down, he offers Sam a hand to rise.  “And since we got all this work done and I built you a bookcase, your payment is dinner.  And I am a very expensive date.”

Sam is helped to her feet and then looks at how the pair are dressed.  “This dinner date have a dress code?” she asks.

“You better believe it.  I figure steak since there couldn’t be any place here in Vegas with authentic Texan barbeque,” he states with a slow chin rub as he thinks about it.  

“There is one place that you could find that and it is right here,” offers Sam.  “Tell ya what..I do have some brisket in the fridge.  Why don’t we go shopping and grab some fixin’s and stay in tonight for barbeque here? Just let me grab some shoes and we can go to the store.”

“I like how you think Sami,” replies Colton with a wink.  “You had me at brisket.”

Sam facepalms as Colton moves towards the door after swiping the keys for Sam’s car out of the bowl near the door.  “Hurry up Marlowe, I can hear the brisket callin’.”

Sam quickly steps into a pair of sandals as Colton heads out the door.  She slams the door behind her while calling for Colton to lock the door.

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Here we go again Mercedes.  You with a title and me chasing you to try and take it away from you.  Now before we get anywhere in this discussion, I have to tell you that you have been strong in the matches you have been fighting lately.  You have been living up to your hype and I have to say that I respect that. You have made a name for yourself but setting another record that needs breaking.

With that being said I have to tell you Mercedes that I know that this week I am fighting an uphill battle but those odds aren’t that hard to overcome because you know what…I am someone that needed to get a few things straight.  And I did so let me tell you what I have come to realize.

I think I was getting complacent as champion.  Oh don’t get me wrong Mercedes, I was defending that title to the best of my abilities but I was dividing my attention at the wrong time and that allowed you to get the drop on me and take my title.  No excuses but you were the better woman when you won the title and you knocked me down a peg or two.

It was a wake-up call for me and trust me when I tell you, I needed it.  Now you will probably be talking a great game about how you beat me and that you will be beating me again at Climax Control.  I don’t think you need another boost in your ego, it is quite the size already.  And everything you hype is true but not everything you believe is.  Like how you are going to beat me again this week in the title main event.

And it gets even better Mercedes because it has been announced that at the supercard, the title will be on the line on the Sun Princess in a fatal fourway over the pool ultimate X match with Kate Steele and Bobbie Dahl being added to the match.  And I am sure you are going to be saying that you are walking in the champion and walking out of that match drier than a bone with the belt.  And if you do that, you will be getting ahead of yourself.  After all this week you are defending the title against me one on one.  Which is going to mean something completely different because after this week, I will be taking back the title and it will be me that is the champion going into Summer XXXTreme.

Now I am sure you are asking yourself how I could possibly be making a claim like that when you beat me at Into the Void.  Well, let’s take a look at that shall we?  Last time I lost a title to you, I was given a chance to take back my title within a month of losing it and I took back the title.  I am sensing some déjà vu here Mercedes.  I lost the title to you and it is less than a month since that loss and oooo, do you think that history might repeat itself?

Actually, one can’t tell what could happen any given day in Sin City Wrestling.  I could walk into that ring and have the night of my life and still lose.  Or I could fluke a win and take the title that I will have to defend at the super card.  Whatever happens Mercedes, just know that I am coming for that title and I am bringing all my passion and I am going to take the belt back.

So I am going to wish you luck Mercedes although you will probably say that you don’t need it because you are a four-time Bombshell Roulette champion.  Well, maybe or maybe not…all I know is that come Sunday, I have something to prove and I will do it by beating you and becoming a four-time title holder too.  See you at Climax Control.