Author Topic: Dominant again  (Read 402 times)

Offline Amanda Cortez

  • SCW's tough and ticklish Biker Chick
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    • Amanda Cortez
Dominant again
« on: March 27, 2019, 05:58:48 AM »
It’s been a while since Amanda Has had her last wrestling match and she hasn’t missed much, especially not this endless training and all that stress. But one thing she has really missed was that cheering of the fans. So hearing that she was booked for the Blast of the Past tournament really had made her happy and also proud in some way. She has always loved her time at SCW and taking part in these tournaments has always been so much fun. She wanted to return to SCW and make a comeback, but she never found the time and so this is a great chance to meet some old friends again and to hear the cheering of the fans again.
But before coming back to the ring she has a lot of work to do and her main problem is becoming fit again in such a short time. Ok, after she had retired she still has done some sports, but, lazy as she is, not too much and now she has a little problem. But for Amanda problems don’t exist, she sees them as a challenge and they don’t worry her too much. After a few phone calls she eventually reaches her stepsister Casey, who works as a personal trainer. The former MMA fighter will be the best option as a trainer and she will be the only one who can get Amanda fit again in such a short time. The two had made a trainings plan and now Amanda is eased and confident, that she will look good in the ring.
And then there’s also the fact that she will have to perform in a tag match and she has had really good luck, because her partner will be no one else than the famous ex champion Jamie Staggs. She still knows him from her time as an active wrestler and she also knows that he had won almost every match he had done. And Amanda has also been pretty successful, so there’s nothing much that can go wrong.
Ok, now everything is cleared and the plan for the next weeks is fixed, but before she will start her training, she still has some other things to do. Normally she earns her money with making boat trips for the tourists and with working as a fetish model, but during the next weeks she won’t have much time for these jobs, even though she really loves them. So she is a bit sad that she has to cancel a photo shooting, because she really loves these shootings and they are easy money, but she has no choice, if she wants to have success in her match and success she wants to have.
It’s not that she really needs this success, but she doesn’t want to disappoint all her fans who still love her. Yes, she will give her best to make this show a really huge success. Now she has just finished her breakfast and is looking for some clothes that are good for a trainings match, but as she opens her locker, she is a bit shocked. Most of her old clothes she has thrown away and so she has a problem. But as mentioned before, Amanda doesn’t know any problems, she only sees them as challenges and this will be a very easy challenge. She just looks into the locker of her wife Rose, who has been an active wrestler a bit longer. And Amanda knows that Rose never throws away anything. Rose is about the same size as Amanda, so it’s not too hard to find something that fits. After some looking around, she finds a proper ring gear that also looks really sexy and she tries it on. It fits perfectly, only Rose’s boots are a little bit too small and so she leaves them away. The pretty young woman looks into the mirror and smiles as she sees how sexy she looks. She closes her eyes and dreams of her upcoming match and for a moment she even can hear the cheering of her fans. She is completely lost in thoughts, but then someone pokes into her sides and she jumps and shrieks. She wants to turn around, but before she can do anything, her wife Rose has pushed her on the bed and sits on top of her, pinning her down.

“Hey, hey …whatcha doing with my clothes?”

Amanda looks up to her wife, with a lovingly smile in her face, and then she starts to explain everything. Rose has no problem with Amanda taking her clothes, but she also loves this little game and it’s fun to dominate the smaller woman.
It’s not possible to stop Amanda’s talking after she has started, and so Rose tickles her ribs and Mandy starts to laugh in a cute and cheery way, but at least she stops talking. After a few seconds, Rose bends forward and gags her wife with a kiss and so Mandy is quiet, but then Rose breaks the kiss and smiles at her wife.

“It’s ok that you took my stuff, but you could have asked me.”

“Yes, you are right, I wanted to tell you, but you came back home earlier.”

With a tauntingly smile in her face Rose tickles Amanda again till the pretty redhead giggles and squirms.

“Well, we will talk about this later. But first you tell me everything and this time a little bit slower so that I will understand everything.”

And so Amanda starts to explain everything, while Rose still sits on top of her.

“Ok, now you know everything. I have a great partner and my opponents are Jessie Salco and Andrew Garcia. So there’s nothing to worry about. I can’t tell you how often I have defeated this Salco chick and with Garcia I won’t have to deal. This will be Staggs problem and I’m pretty sure that he will solve this problem with ease. He can defeat almost everybody in this company, so we will have a great win.”

In the meantime Rose has climbed down from Amanda and caresses her pretty leg.

“But don’t take it too easy. I wanna see you win. It’s not that it’s really important, but I know you and I know how much you love a win. Yes and I wanna see you happy.”

She smiles at Amanda and Mandy giggles.

“Aww, that’s so cute. But you don’t have to worry, we will win and I will be the one who wipes the floor with that Salco chick. I’ve done this so many times and I will do it again and again, haha, at least every time I have to face her in the ring.”

Rose looks a bit confused.

“And I thought that you like the people at SCW, but this doesn’t sound so.”

“I do like them, but this chick has trash talked so much about me. Damn, I hate such crap, but anyway, this time I will really shut her up. This fucking ugly bitch.”

Amanda sits up, while Rose still caresses her leg.

“Hey, calm down. I can understand that you wanna take the win and look good in the ring, but there’s no reason to take all this personal. Just look at it in a more professional way.@

“But it is personal. She insulted me in the past and I don’t let a sore loser insult me, the great Amanda Cortez, the Goddess, SCW’s best wrestler they had, …”

Rose roles her eyes. It’s cute to hear Amanda’s stuff, but it won’t stop so fast and so she tickles Amanda’s foot and the endless talking has stopped and Mandy giggles.

“Hehe, I thought the punishment comes later.”

“Well, maybe we should start it right now.”

Again she tickles Mandy’s cute toes and and they both laugh. Amanda just looks so cute when she’s laughing and giggling, but then Rose stops again.

“But don’t worry, I’ll make sure that you will get it good later, but not before you have done your training. I don’t want you to be too tired.”

Amanda is a bit disappointed and wiggles her toes.

“Aww …”

“By the way, I thought that you wanted to make such a photo shooting these days.”

Now Amanda looks a bit sad.

“Yes, but I canceled it. Damn, that sucks, they wanted to make such a video clip with me.”

“Mmmh …that’s true. I hope you won’t get trouble and they will book you again.”

Amanda sighs.

“Hopefully, but I’m not sure.”

For a moment Rose thinks about the whole thing, but then she get’s an idea.

“Well, it’s true. For now your training is more important, but I think I just got an idea.”

Amanda looks up.

“And what is this idea?”

“Well, I could do this clip instead of you.”

And now Amanda starts to laugh.

“Oh God …”

Rose looks a bit offended.

“Hey, what’s so laughable? I look hot too.”

Amanda sits up and kisses her wife lovingly.

“Yes, you do, but do you really know what awaits you?”

“Well, prolly it’s more fun that your training. And doing such a bondage photo shooting isn’t very complicated. I’m ready for this.”

Amanda takes Rose’s hand and smiles.

“It’s not only a bondage photo shooting, it will be a little tickling video. Are you really sure that you will be able to handle this?”

Without hesitating Rose answers.

“I think so. Ok, normally I am the dominant one, but why not changing the roles? Probably it will be fun.”

Without a warning Amanda grabs Rose’s sides and tickles her and Rose screams out.

“Hey, that’s mean, stop it.”

And Amanda stops.

“And that’s nothing compared to what awaits you there. You will get tied down and they will tickle your feet as extreme as possible.”

For a moment Rose is a bit insecure, but then she shrugs.

“Well, I think I can stand this.”

A smile comes into her face.

“And then I might understand why you love it so much.”

Amanda giggles again and kisses her wife.

“Maybe, maybe not. But I must admit that I love this idea and the producers of this video will love it too. Haha, you will have your fun and I will have enough time to get ready for this fucking Salco chick.”

“Ok, then this is settled. So let’s get ready. I will come with you to the gym and we can train together. A little workout will be good for me too. By the way, when does the filming start?”

Amanda looks at her phone before she answers.

“It will be tomorrow. Start is at 10 am and it will prolly go the whole day.”

“Well, that’s good. So we can train together. Tomorrow I’m gonna do this shooting and you meet Casey again. So lemme call the producer.”

Rose takes Mandy’s phone and after a few minutes everything seems to be cleared, and Amanda wants to know everything.

“What did he say?”

“Well, he was a bit pissed that you canceled the shooting, but then it was ok for him. I’ll do it instead of you. I’m really glad, cuz we need the money.”

Now Amanda is eased too. She earns a lot of money with her modeling and so it is good that Rose can do this job now.

“Awesome …so everything is settled and we didn’t lose this job.”

She winks at her wife.

“Hehe, and maybe you could need some training too.”

Rose raises an eye brow.

“Whatcha mean?”

“Well, I just want that you know what awaits you. Hehe. And maybe I will discover my dominant side.”

For Rose all this is pretty new, but she’s curious and so she nods.

“Ok, we try it, but first we meet Casey at the gym.”

Amanda nods and then they both stand up and get their stuff. After a short drive, they arrive at the gym and the next hours they spend with a really hard training. Really exhausted they take a shower and drive back home. After a little dinner Amanda takes Rose by her hand and leads her to the bed room. Playfully she pushes her on the bed.

“And now comes round two, Haha, your training for tomorrow.”

Pretty fast Amanda has Rose tied to the bed and she look down to her pretty victim.

“Hehe, seems that I love it too to be dominant. Well, good for me, bad for you, Haha and bad for Jessie at our match. I’ll make sure that she won’t have so much fun when she faces me in the ring. She will regret that she ever came back and I’ll make her look like the sore loser she is. This fucking slut can’t make a step without stumbling and such a laughable person has nothing to do in a wrestling ring. She should act as a clown for the kids, but not as a professional wrestler. This is a disgrace, but anyway, I will stop this farce.”

With a sadistic smile in her face she looks at her wife and then the scene fades to black.


Huddle me, tickle me, I'm so cute

Records Amanda
Win: 20
Loss: 13
Draw: 1
Thrown: 0