Author Topic: Bullshitting a bullshitter  (Read 426 times)

Offline London Underground

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Bullshitting a bullshitter
« on: February 22, 2019, 02:38:49 PM »
 I haven't stepped in to a bloody ring in a while, I've been too busy with my outside endeavours, and I can't say it's been a dull time. It's amazing how easy it is to do business with a bloke like Christian Underwood or with Mark Ward, they have expansive minds and know that my casino and sports bar can benefit them and raise the profile of SCW. See, me, Os, Charley and Kenz, as well as Dani Weston are on the ground level here, we're here most days meeting the fans while making money too and selling SCW on the public. It's not a shocker that ticket prices and demand have risen in SCW in recent weeks, it's because we play a part in creating demand just by not actually wrestling. Funny ol' world isn't it? Yet the agreement wasn't to end our in ring careers, we are still technically contracted to SCW to be called upon and on Sunday, that's happened, couldn't have happened at a worse time.

We have outside matters to deal with. Now if you was smart and saw Dani Weston's promo last week, you'd see something was brewing. Only thing I like brewing is a cuppa in the morning, so it's time to nip this bollocks in the bud...

Around a blackjack table sits Daniel J Morgan, Osbourne, Charlotte Elliot and Mackenzie Page, looking down at cards in front of them, strangely and slightly out of place, Nick George plays the role of the dealer, in front of the four of them.

"Mate, we have like fifty professional gaming people here, why the heck and I standing here being a card jockey?" Nick asks in a complaining tone.

Daniel, dressed in an immaculate black suit, white shirt and black tie, looks up from his cards, staring directly in to Nick's eyes.

"Because we don't really wanna give the game away, do we?" Daniel says in a soft but fair tone. "We're being watched by those two over there."

Daniel jolts his head to the left, and watches the group as four sets of eyes move towards where Daniel nods, to show two large men sitting at a table, looking across occasionally at the group.

"How do you know we're being watched." Charlotte asks Daniel as she looks at him.

"What two blokes go out to a casino, sit side by side drinking coke?" Daniel says with a blank face.

"A couple of blokes who like the company of other blokes." Nick fires back quickly.

"Nah, you've met Fenris." Daniel quickly replies. "Him and Ty would be sitting there getting pissed out their nut. They're Colton Jones' mob."

Mackenzie and Osbourne start to rise, but Daniel points towards the table.

"Park ya rears." Daniel orders. "No need to go introduce yourself to them just yet and let them know we know that we've ruffled their bosses feathers. Let's get this one straight in our minds here first. Charley, what do we know about the man himself."

"Own a shit ton of businesses up and down Vegas." Charlotte informs Daniel. "Doesn't like people moving in on his territory without warning, bit paranoid, launders money from business to business. People I spoke to seem to think he's a lot of front. He's got his fingers in so many pies, he might as well be a baker."

"Did you learn anything else from Jake, Nick?" Daniel asks.

"Just that he seemed to have had some failed deal with some triads, or Yakuza or something." Nick tells Daniel, sliding a card in front of him. "Some special fried rice lot. Went south over some land deal, and that's what's made him like a first time ganja man, para as fuck. That's probably why he's acting like some pissy little girl, wanted this land. Changes up delivery routes, but word has it, he's got something coming in at about nine tonight."

Daniel glances down at his watch, reading the time as eleven in the morning.

"What are we looking at number wise Kenz?" Daniel asks

"Always got three around him at all times." Mackenzie starts. "Can call on up to twenty others that can show up pretty quickly."

"And he's got two of his bell ends sitting right over there." Daniel muses. "So we're looking at being out numbered at any given time, against a guy who's a bit of a bitch confronted. He tried to send us a message with Lacey. It's time we introduced ourselves to him."

"I'll start by sending those two back in pieces." Mackenzie scowls.

"Nah." Daniel tells her. "If you can help it, you don't go in with the odds stacked that far against ya."

"Tell that to the people who come and blow their dough in here." Nick says with a sly look.

"That's different." Charlotte tells Nick. "They're not gonna get kneecapped for dropping a wad in here."

"Indeed." Daniel agrees. "Ok, we need to narrow the odds a bit here. We gotta distract him a little bit and give a nice firm warning of our own. Bullshit a little bit to get firmly plans in place. Failed moved with our Asian counterparts is the in. We need to make him think he's got a shit storm on two fronts, but we can't do a bloody thing while we got those two watching our every move. Now if we all walk off, they're gonna smell a rat, so we need to get rid of them, we need to do this in act."

Daniel rubs his chin.

"Act one is you two ladies." Daniel tells the girls. "I need the two out of here sharpish, but not with them in tatters or seductively, you do that, they're gonna know something ain't right, so get in close and come up with something that's gonna tempt them to follow you and give them the run around."

"Got it." Charlotte says as she rises to her feet.

Mackenzie follows her as the two walk towards the men.

ACT I - The distraction.

Now I know you wanna know what happens here, but this is where the story branches off slightly. You wanna know what happens in act one, you should probably watch my other promo.

Daniel, Osbourne and Nick watch the women walk towards the exit, quickly followed by the two men. Daniel looks up at Nick.

"See, easy like a Sunday morning." Daniel comments.

"Ok, what do you need me to do?" Nick says rubbing his hands together.

"Oh you Nicky." Daniel says with a smile. "You are gonna be the belle of the ball here because you get to do not one, not two, not three, but four things."

Nick rubs his hands together excitedly as he looks at Daniel and Osbourne. A wide smile crosses over his face as he looks at them.

"Ok, so what do you need me to do?" Nick asks. "Do I get to be like James Bond and infiltrate his lair and plant some super intelligent spy stuff in his office."

"Not exactly." Daniel says. "You're more on the phones."

"Plant a bug on his phone." Nick says with a cheesy grin. "Got it."

"No." Daniel says with a shake of his head. "I need you to reach in to your pocket and pull out your phone and call those two wannabe gangsters, the Chinese geezers and get them down here right away."

Nick cranks his head back, looking at Daniel with a look of surprise.

"Ying and Yang?" Nick asks confused. "Why do you want to get those two down here? Couple of wannabe posers."

Daniel winks towards Nick, a smile on his face.

"They wannabe gangsters, let's make their dreams come true...." Daniel responds.

ACT II - Creating an illusion.


The sounds of gunshots rain down as the cameras focus upon two men dressed in black inside the Golden Ring Casino, firing in to the air of building. The camera focuses on the two Asian men as people charge away, getting out of harms way. One of the men jump upon a poker table, kicking chips out of the way, sending them flying to the casino floor and scattering them across the table.

"This is my city now." The man on the table screams out. "No one can stop me."

He jumps off the table, firing the pistol in the air once more.

"This is a warning." the other man shouts out. "Anyone who tries to stop us from taking over Las Vegas will forever be buried in the desert."

Another man pushes over a card table before the two make a break off camera.

"And cut!" Daniel yells out.

The two men casually walk back in to the room, looking at Daniel, along with the people fleeing the scene. The camera moves back to see the room as just an old back room hidden somewhere in the casino.

"How was that?" One of the Asian men asks.

"Oscar worthy Ying." Daniel tells him. "You'll be on the red carpet before you know it."

Daniel looks around at the other people in the room, giving them a nod.

"Cheers all." Daniel tells them. "You can get back to work now. I appreciate the help and Os will pay you on the way out. Appreciate it."

The other Asian man steps forward as the crowd start to filter past Osbourne, the larger man handing out envelopes to everyone who passes him.

"What's this all about uh?" He looks towards Daniel, his eyes questioning the motives behind this. "When Nicky tells us he wanted gangster shit, we thought we'd have real guns, not in some smelly back room that smells like an armpit just acting."

"Well Yang." Daniel starts with a casual tap of his chin. "We are building an illusion to make people think that you two are proper geezers. Tonight when you do that other thing for me, you will have real guns, but you know the deal, no one gets shot, pistol whip if you must but no one leaks, you got me?"

"Yes, yes." Yang responds, looking towards his twin brother. "We know what to do, but we wanna get involved in some real gangster shit, not just a pissing contest."

"Do this for me, prove your worth and your future is bright with me." Daniel tells them, before putting his finger towards his ear, talking through a radio. "How'd that look from the security room Nicky?"

"Sweet as..." The voice of Nick George can be heard saying. "Those two boys make convincing triads or Yakuza or maybe even delivery boys, their range is endless mate. Changing the time stamp on this tape as we speak."

Daniel smiles, his cool looking eyes look towards the two Asians in front of him.

"Right, Nicky has given you the times, the details and what we want done." Daniel tells them in a soft voice. "We know this is to put the wind up Colton Jones, so lets blow it up his kilt."

Ying and Yang - obviously nicknames people - look towards each other slightly confused before looking back at Daniel.

"I have no idea what any of that means." Ying admits "But that bastard Jones got it coming to him. He is not a nice guy, not a smart guy."

"Goat sucker." Yang adds.

"Well that goat sucker is about to get the shit scared out of him." Daniel says with a calming tone. "He had one of his lot attack a member of my staff, I know it, so it's time to give him a reason to fear."

Back to the card table where Nick puts his phone on the table. Daniel look at him with a smile.

"Well that's one out of the four things you want me to do." He looks at Daniel with one raised eyebrow. "What the second?

"Os is gonna give you the number for Janet, the SCW make up lady and you're gonna give her a bell and ask for her to come down here right away." Daniel instructs him as Osbourne reaches for his phone, scrolling through numbers and placing it in front of Nick. "You're gonna tell her to bring all her kit, all her bells and whistles, all her movie magic make up that she's got. Then you need to call Jake and see if he know where Colton Jones is gonna be in say two hours."

"Why would I do that?" The confused Nick responds.

"Because your second job is you finally going undercover." Daniel tells him. "Super spies will have bugger all on you son."

ACT III - Planting seeds.

"Just one drink" the creaky older sounding voice can be heard saying.

The voice belongs to an old man standing at the door of a small private club, his clothes all dirty and torn, his eyes swollen above a big thick greying beard, shaded by an old hat. He looks at the man on the door.

"It is bad mister." The old man says to the bouncer. "These men, they come for money, so they don't trash my shop, I don't know them."

The bouncer looks across at a man sitting at a nearby table, listening to the story.

"They want protection money." The old man explains. "But I do not know these Asian men."

The man at the table looks towards the bouncer before clamping his eyes firmly on the old man.

"They say they are new and now they look after my shop, they beat me. Please mister, just one drink." The old man pleads. "I have money."

The man at the table nods to the bouncer, using his fingers to beckon the man in. The old man walks in the door.

"Thank you sir." The man says in a soft voice.

"Come and join me." The man at the table says.

The old man does as he's told, moving towards the table and taking a seat as a waitress moves towards him.

"Whiskey please." The old man says to the waitress.

"Do you know who I am?" The man opposite him says. "I'm Colton Jones."

"Yes Mr Jones, I know who you are." The old man says as a whiskey is placed in front of him, causing him to wrap his fingers around the glass.

"Then you know that no one walks up in to my area and takes money out of my pocket." Colton says to him. "So I would like you to tell me about these men."

The old man picks the whiskey up with a shaking hand and takes a sip.

"They were two Asian men mister." The old man says. "I just bought a small convenience store just about a quarter mile down the road from here, and they came in with weapons, baseball bats and smashed the store. They tell me if I don't want this to happen again, I must pay them money. They tell me they are new in town and taking over from the other people. I have not met the other people, so I do not know what they are talking about."

"I am the other people." Colton tells the old man. "I control this area."

"They say that they dealt with other people before and other people are not going to be around anymore so they're taking over." The old man says. "They demanded money right away but I told them I do not have so much money. I tried to tell them I speak to the other people first to confirm, but they know I lie, I do not know other people and they say other people will be dead soon. They here to.... I think say... screw other people like other people screw them. I do not know what these Asian men mean."

The old man picks up the glass, draining it of the whiskey.

"And then they smash my store and tell me there will be no other people to see soon." The old man says sadly. "Then they leave and I lock door and run till I see this place to drink."

Colton looks at the old man, slightly taken back by his words.

"I must go mister, I must clean up the store." He says as he places money on the table in front of him. "Thank you for letting me be here."

The old man stands and moves towards the door, tilting the brim of his hat towards and bouncer and heading out in to the fading sunshine, shuffling with his body curved as he walks around the corner and out of sight from the bar. Instantly he stand up straight as people walk towards him. He reaches across his face and starts to peel the beard off, revealing it to be fake and hands it to a passerby.

"Cop 'old of that will ya?" the man says as he hands the fake beard to the man. "Bloody thing was itchier than crabs."

The now revealed Nick George walks towards a black car and opens the passenger door and steps in to see Osbourne sitting in the drivers seat.

"Not that you're gonna ask, but I was fantastic, I was amazing, my performance of strange old broken English talking convenience store owner was the bees knees, the mutts nuts, the dogs bollocks." He says proudly. "There was not a dry in the house. I thought at one point they was gonna call encore. My compliments to Janet the make up lady, she is wasted in SCW."

Osbourne shakes his head as we now go back to the table where Nick puts his phone once again back on the table.

"I really don't know what the bloody hell you're planning here." Nick says genuinely confused. "But I get this horrible feeling I shouldn't put my phone back in my pocket."

"Your instincts are correct." Daniel tells him. "One more call to find out where good old Mr Jones will be at eight thirty tonight."

"Is there another call for my forth part here?" Nick asks. "Saves me keep waking up the dog."

"No." Daniel says with a smile. "Part four for you is when me you and Os go and introduce ourselves to the man himself..."

ACT IV - Bullshitting a bullshitter.

The sounds of pulsating nightclub beats blast through the speakers as flashing nights and lasers light up the dance floor of an undisclosed nightclub in Las Vegas, Nevada. Daniel J Morgan, Osbourne and Nick George stand amongst the crowd. Daniel looks towards Nick.

"You sure he's here?" Daniel says shouting above the music.

"Yeah, Jakey boy said he's here and I think he's angling for a job in our mob." Nick tells Daniel. "You reckon he's clocked us yet?"

"The second we walked in the door." Daniel says with a smile. "He's probably sitting in the VIP area wondering what the hell to do."

"I think we should go show him." Daniel tells Nick. "We don't wanna be sitting in here allowing him to muster his army."

Osbourne nods in agreement and the three move towards a roped off VIP section. Two bouncers stand either side of the rope. Nick moves towards the smaller one.

"'Scuse me mate." Nick says as the man leans down.

Without any warning, Nick plants a headbutt on the man, knocking him down. As the other man moves towards Nick, Osbourne cuts him off with an elbow to the nose, sending him down.

"Nicely done chaps." Daniel says with a complimentary tone.

"Does that get me a pay rise?" Nick asks, raising his eyebrows.

"What do you think?" Daniel asks seriously.

"I think..." He trails off. "I think there's someone over there we wanna say hello to."

Nick points his head in the direction of Colton Jones sitting at a table, women either side of him, with two guards either side. Daniel steps over the velvet rope and walks towards where Colton is distracted, talking to the two women, quickly flanked by Nick and Osbourne. Daniel stands in front of Colton and takes a seat, quickly noticing a pile of money in front of him.

"Looks like someone's won the pools there." Daniel says looking Colton in the eye, just glancing a nod towards the money as Colton looks up and across the table at Daniel. "I think it's time me and you had a little chat, don't you."

His two guards move towards Daniel but Nick and Osbourne raise their shoulders.

"Tell ya chimps to stand down." Daniel tells Colton. "It's a smart thing to do."

Colton raises a hand and the two guards step back. Daniel looks around the women.

"Ladies, I know it's rude to just interrupt without an introduction, so my name is Daniel, and I'm the fella that has somehow pissed in your hosts cornflakes." A pointed finger moves towards Colton. "And I'm sorry to do this, but me and your genial host here have some matters to discuss, so if you wouldn't mind."

Daniel points a thumb away from the table and Colton nods at the women, confirming for them to leave. Daniel looks at an empty glass near him and takes a nearby bottle out of an ice bucket and pours it in to the empty glass. Daniel puts the bottle back and picks up the glass, taking a sip. His face wrinkles up as he puts the glass on the table.

"Two hundred quid for a glass of something that tastes like gnat piss." Daniel says with disgust.

"I could blow you away right here." He says firmly, clearly not in the mood for Daniel's small talk.

"No you couldn't Col, you don't mind if I call you Col, right?" Daniel says tilting his head. "Ya know what? I don't care. You can't blow me away, beating up on barmaids is more your speed, isn't it?"

Colton looks around at his guards as Daniel looks in front of Colton, spying a thick cigar. Daniel reaches over and picks it up, putting it between his lips. Daniel raises a hand towards Osbourne who steps forward, flicking a lighter out and holding it under the cigar as Daniel puffs. Daniel takes it between his fingers and blows smoke across the table at Colton.

"Cuban, not bad." Daniel admires. "and yes, I know what you ordered you silly little boy and I know your game. Scare off my staff, make it look dangerous to work for me, just to send a message. Well the message I got was you rather beat up women, then chance ya hand at me, you hide behind your army of what, twenty four and send them out to beat up on women."

"That's more than what you have." Colton replies smugly.

"What do you take me for Col? Some kinda mug or something?" Daniel says looking seriously yet calmly at him. "I mean what kinda prat do you take me for? I mean it's been days since you decided beating on a woman, a good honest woman just trying to put food on the table in a good, honest, clean way, not like us two bastards, I'd rip that gold tooth out your head to flog if it wasn't a fake for some money, but she is a good hardworking woman, scratching a living, that now has medical bills and having to miss work because you wanted to scare my staff off? It's been days and this is Las Vegas and you know what Las Vegas has more than anything else?"

"Tourists." Colton bluntly answers back.

"Well give that man a cookie cause ding, ding, ding, he's got it right." Daniel says sarcastically. "Tourists, British tourist that come over here to lose money in a casino for a week, to check out the nightlife, and you know what's funny? Customs just lets them walk right through cause they're British and about to lose some dough. Now there's a couple of flights from London a day, how long do you think it would have taken me to take your twenty men, and double that with my number of men in two days?"

Colton looks towards his guards slightly uneasy.

"I mean, how many British accents are in this very club right now?" Daniel questions before lifting the cigar to his lips. "So don't give me that bollocks about how many people are hanging on to your prunes right now."

"Did you come here to show that you passed your drama class?" Colton asks smugly.

"Oh that's a good un." Daniel admits. "No I came here to make you slightly more knowledgeable about me. I mean you think you know someone, right? I mean I know more about you than you do about me."

"Is that so?" Colton asks.

"That is so Col." Daniel says. "Like I know you had some problems with some Asians a while ago. You don't fuck over the Asians and would you Adam and Eve it, they're back in town."

"How would you know that?" Colton asks, trying to keep a tough guy facade.

"I asked around after they paid me this visit earlier." Daniel tells him as he reaches for his phone. "This is from my security camera."

Daniel holds his phone up, playing the footage shot earlier at the casino. Daniel looks towards Nick, who is trying to hide a smile and looks back at Colton before pulling the phone away and putting it back in his pocket before taking another puff on the cigar, blowing smoke in Colton's direction.

"So I did some digging and found out they seem to hate you more than you hate me for stepping in to the area and taking some land that you wanted." Daniel says with a smirk. "You probably didn't even know these guys were back."

"I knew they was back!" Colton snaps as Nick and Daniel share a look. "But looks like they want your businesses too."

"Well, maybe they do." Daniel says with a shrug. "Or maybe I can just find them and explain to them that you're a common enemy that needs to go. I mean you can do the same and see who they hate more, but I'm more informed of things than you are. I mean right about now, I hear they're hitting your booze truck."

Colton looks towards his guard who quickly pulls out his phone and makes a call. Daniel leans back in the chair and waits. The guard nods his head towards Colton.

"Asians." the guard mutters.

"You see, I'm very well informed." Daniel brags "So here's the thing, you come at me again, you come at my staff, you come at my casino, if any of your greasy slippery friends come within a mile of my casino, I will be talking to these guys and I will be making a deal with them, rather than hunting them down and giving the lizards a takeaway and I'll be coming after you."

Daniel's phone buzzes and he looks down, seeing a selfie of Ying and Yang in front of a burning truck. He looks up at Colton.

"In fact if you even breathe in my direction again." Daniel warns. "You won't be taking me down brick by brick, I'll be turning everything you own in to dust. I don't give a fuck who's dirty politicians bed you're in, I don't care how much china you move through Vegas, I don't give a monkey chuff who's palm you grease, or what mobsters you know, you've got yourself in to this sticky situation, and I will make sure you drown in it. Now I'm an eye for an eye man so you step out of line again, I'm gonna get ya like a shit storm in a phone box. In the meantime."

Daniel reaches over and picks up the money from the table.

"This should cover my barmaid's medical outlay." Daniel tells him. "Remember, shit storm in a phone box. Lean on me mate, and I'll snap ya fingers right off."

Daniel stands up and drops the cigar in the expensive drink and stands up, turning to walk away. Before Nick follows, he looks at Colton.

"Say alright to ya daughter for me." Nick says with a friendly smile. "Hope she's still getting her hail Mary's in."

Nick and Osbourne catch up with Daniel as the scene fades.

ACT V - The epilogue

Twenty four hours have passed since Daniel, Nick and Osbourne had made their presence known. Daniel and Charlotte sit in Daniel's office when a knock on the door can be heard.

"Come in." Daniel calls out.

The smiling face of Dani Weston walks in to the room.

"You wanted to see me boss?" Dani asks.

"Yeah. wanted to do this before me and Charley cut those SCW promos for the upcoming matches." he says pointing to the cameras. "But you're off to see Lacey later, correct?"

"Right after work." Dani replies

Daniel reaches in to the desk drawer and waves Dani towards him. Daniel nods for her to walk around the desk as he pulls out the wad of requisitioned bank notes from the night before. Dani's eyes widen as she sees the amount of money. Daniel quickly drops the money in to a plastic bag and hands it to Dani.

"Tell Lacey that should cover any medical bills and missed wages and not to rush back to work." Daniel tells her.

"Whoa...." Dani says shocked.

Daniel raises a finger to his lips and points to the door.

"I'll leave you guys to cut that promo." Dani says as she quickly makes her way to the door.

Daniel nods to the cameraman as Charlotte sits on the nearby sofa, waiting her turn. The camera focuses on Daniel sitting behind the desk. Daniel shuts the desk drawer and looks down the camera.

"This has not been the most ideal week to get a phone call from the boss to say pack ya bags and head to California. Not the best time at all." Daniel admits "I coulda done without it but you know, show up when needed. Now Charlotte has been fairly active lately, Mackenzie has put in an appearance on SCW and SCU TV but me, thought it was plain sailing until that call came in and a voice at the end of the phone said Daniel, it's time to freshen up the show a little, it's time to get ya in the ring and then they tell me it's against Hitamashii.... two I's, not one, two."

Daniel holds up two fingers.

"It's bloody ironic don't ya reckon, I return against a man trained by the bloke my trainer beat in his last every match." Daniel says with a smirk. "And the fact is when ya look at the bare bones Hitamashii, it's hardly been a top start for you, hardly been all fire and hype, has it mate? It's been substandard rubbish where you clearly needed a better trainer to step in and up your game a little bit, teach ya a few more tricks than you know. I mean I don't get it looking at you to be honest, I mean Gabriel and Odette have always banged on about different wrestlers with different cultures and all that crap, and to them, Japan seems to produce a ton of top boys around, but I just don't see why they don't end up in SCW."

Daniel leans back in his chair.

"Honestly, the explosion of Japanese wrestling seems to have past us by." Daniel says firmly. "You had that Shinjiro bloke who popped his head in the door from Honor with the hype that pissed off as soon as he saw he wasn't that special and now we're lumped with Shinjiro light with you. It's bloody amazing that the big boom came from Japan and you whimpered your arse through the door offering little. Not an understatement to say the Brits run SCW, or there wouldn't be a tour heading that way taking us back to blighty, but you're like one of those snake fireworks mate, no spark, no flame, no bells and whistles, just something that ends up resembling a dog turd. Pretty much sums up your career in SCW so far."

Daniel smiles.

"You would think me being out of the ring would be a worry for me, but no Hitamashii, you are perfect for my return to the ring because you're basically universal cannon fodder mate." Daniel says confidently. "Any ring rust I might have won't even be noticeable in the ring against you, because you won't be able to get anywhere near me. You're style is painful, you move around the ring like a wounded tortoise."

Daniel taps his finger on the desk.

"It's making me wonder if I should even get on that plane, head on to Long Beach to face you." Daniel says with a shrug of his shoulders "It's a long way to go for five minutes work to beat up a Jap, get back on a plane and be back in the Casino before the rush, probably before the end of the show but hey, if Christian wants to see me show up and pay me for a few minutes of my time, who am I to argue?"

Daniel waves his finger at the camera.

"But you Hitamashii, you're gonna wish I never got on that plane, that I never felt like beating on someone for five minutes." Daniel says firmly. "Well that just your tough luck ain't it mate, cause I will be there, I will be walking out victorious and I'll do it in such style, they'll be throwing me in a champion match because they will see what side their bread is buttered and you Hitamashii can go back to showing up in the opener. Anyway, I think I've said enough about you. I'm gonna throw this one over to Charlotte where she can talk about her bestie."

Daniel looks over at Charlotte sitting on a nearby sofa.

"Bestie my arse." Charlotte says with a hint of venom in her voice.

And if you want to see that, yep, head on over Charlotte's promo now, where like a jigsaw puzzle, these two promos fit together nicely....
« Last Edit: February 22, 2019, 02:40:53 PM by London Underground »

Twitter: @DanielJMorganEE