Author Topic: Important Announcement  (Read 118032 times)

Offline Underground

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Important Announcement
« on: March 27, 2022, 02:47:11 AM »
Hello everyone. The SCU staff wanted to take the time to let everyone who is a part of the SCU roster know that we have decided to close the company down. We don’t want to just close it all of a sudden like most feds do. We have come up with a date as to when SCU will close its doors. The last SCU show will be Supernova 5 on July 10th, 2022. Supernova 5 will be on the same day as SCW’s Summer XXXTreme so all SCU stars will board the same day SCW boards the cruise ship. The last match will be the Mayhem Survival, after which SCU will come to an end and SCW will begin the annual Summer XXXTreme.

For those wondering why we would be closing, staff has been overworked and has been burned out for over a year. The quality of the show took a hit in order for us to keep it going. Even with the show getting shorter, the show has been late every week. We can’t keep doing it anymore but agreed to keep it going until Supernova.

If anyone wishes to leave early, we understand. Just let us know as soon as possible so we can update our rosters. Those willing to stick it out until the end will get booked as much as possible until we reach Supernova.

Thank you all,
SCU Staff