Author Topic: ● IN FOR A LONG K-NIGHT ●  (Read 296 times)

Offline GUY

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« on: October 06, 2017, 05:34:49 PM »


“Get back up Cadence.”

That voice echoed throughout the old building as Cadence found herself lying flat on her back in the middle of the ring. She had just been shoulder checked by a large woman. On the outside of said ring stood Cadence’s girlfriend and trainer, Jasmin Marquez. The very woman that was parking orders at her. Despite her lower back being on fire. Cadence rolled herself over and started to make her way to her feet. This large and very tall woman standing in front of her. Proceeded to grab a hold of Cadence’s hair and finished yanking her up to her feet. Cadence’s tiny frame being lifted off the ground for that brief moment as she was in the grasp of this larger woman.

t h e d y n a m i t i c b o m b s h e l l
J A S M I N ● M A R Q U E Z
“Fight back, Cadence.”

Seemingly on cue Cadence found herself delivering a stiff kick right to the large woman’s thigh. The leg of the large woman buckled for a brief second. Right away Cadence brought her foot up and connected with another stiff kick to the massive thigh. That larger woman released the hair of Cadence for that second. With the spare moment where she had the upper hand. Cadence turned and sprinted towards the ropes. She hit them with force and came rushing back towards. The moment she got within distance. The larger woman reached out and snatched a hold of Cadence’s throat. Before the blonde beauty knew what hit her. This woman lifted her up into the air with ease. Attempting to connect with what looked to be a chokeslam.

In one final attempt to avoid a move that was surely going to put her down. Cadence swung her foot forward and delivered a nasty stiff kick to the shoulder of the larger woman. This proceeded to cause the woman to loosen her grip on Cadence’s throat as she dropped down to her feet on the canvas. Cadence wasted no time delivering another stiff kick but this time to the woman’s gut forcing her to double over. Spinning herself around Cadence charged to the ring corner. Lifting herself up onto the second rope. By that time she got in position the larger woman was starting to rush towards her. With one fluid motion Cadence leaped from the second rope, floating over her opponent’s head, and hooking her neck to bring her down for her signature blockbuster known as “All or Nothing”. Cadence was quick to roll herself over and pin the woman. Hearing Jasmin shout from outside of the ring.

t h e d y n a m i t i c b o m b s h e l l
J A S M I N ● M A R Q U E Z
“Stop there.”

A very exhausted Cadence rolled herself off her opponent. Breathing heavy as she pushed herself up to her feet. By that time Jasmin had rolled herself in the ring. Cadence was doubled over a little bit sucking wind in. The woman serving as Cadence’s opponent proceeded to roll herself out of the ring and began to walk away from the ring. Jasmin took a few steps towards Cadence, the blonde finding it in her to stand up again. Putting both hands above her head trying to control her breathing.

t h e d y n a m i t i c b o m b s h e l l
J A S M I N ● M A R Q U E Z
“You really need to work on your cardio, sugar. You’re not as fast as you once were. You seem to be getting slower and slower as each week passes.”

t h e f u t u r e h e a d l i n e r
C A D E N C E ● C A R T E R
“I go for a run every morning and afternoon. You know this. My cardio is on point.”

t h e d y n a m i t i c b o m b s h e l l
J A S M I N ● M A R Q U E Z
“And I’ve also told you a couple different times. Being healthy and having good cardio is way different than having actual in ring cardio. You just refuse to listen to that.”

t h e f u t u r e h e a d l i n e r
C A D E N C E ● C A R T E R

t h e d y n a m i t i c b o m b s h e l l
J A S M I N ● M A R Q U E Z
“And there’s the typical response I get when you know I’m right.”

Cadence just shot a slight glare in the direction of Jasmin. Course there was a small chuckle that left Jasmin’s lips. There was something about when Cadence got annoyed that made her laugh. She was such a sweet girl and barely let her attitude show, but when it did it seemed to be adorable. Then again there also might have been a tiny part of Jasmin that might have gotten a kick out of annoying Cadence. In that moment Cadence rolled out of the ring and started to walk over to her phone that sat on a bench.

t h e d y n a m i t i c b o m b s h e l l
J A S M I N ● M A R Q U E Z
“We’re not done here.”

t h e f u t u r e h e a d l i n e r
C A D E N C E ● C A R T E R
“I need to look at something real quick.”

t h e d y n a m i t i c b o m b s h e l l
J A S M I N ● M A R Q U E Z
“I think all your social media followers can deal with you not posting sixty photos a day. We’re out here trying to accomplish something and make you even better.”

t h e f u t u r e h e a d l i n e r
C A D E N C E ● C A R T E R
“Hush, it doesn’t have anything to do with social media.”

t h e d y n a m i t i c b o m b s h e l l
J A S M I N ● M A R Q U E Z
“Oh yeah. I believe that one.”

Cadence had began to ignore Jasmin as she lifted up her iPhone and unlocked her screen by tapping her passcode in. She was true to her word, her attention didn’t go to any social media account. It did however go to the notification that read “Sin City Wrestling” and had the email sign next to it. Tapping on the notification it brought up her email account and in that email it revealed just what she was going to be looking forward to in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia for the week. Her facial expression said it all, whatever she had just been told it wasn’t good news. Her nose scrunched up in irritation.

t h e f u t u r e h e a d l i n e r
C A D E N C E ● C A R T E R

Her frustration finally coming out in a verbal phone. Cadence proceeded to toss her phone down in her bag that sat there on the bench. Her facial expressions being consumed by that irritated look. Course her attitude was picked up on by Jasmin and just about everyone else that was in this gym. Sighing in sheer frustration, Cadence flopped herself down on the bench. Meanwhile Jasmin had rolled herself out of the ring and approached her a slight confused look on her face.

t h e d y n a m i t i c b o m b s h e l l
J A S M I N ● M A R Q U E Z
“What’s your malfunction?”

t h e f u t u r e h e a d l i n e r
C A D E N C E ● C A R T E R
“The lack of appreciation. That’s what’s a matter.”

t h e d y n a m i t i c b o m b s h e l l
J A S M I N ● M A R Q U E Z
“Oh c’mon now Cadence. People have lives. They can like a photo three seconds after you post one.”

t h e f u t u r e h e a d l i n e r
C A D E N C E ● C A R T E R
“Shut up. It has nothing to do with that, jesus.”

t h e d y n a m i t i c b o m b s h e l l
J A S M I N ● M A R Q U E Z
“Feisty aren’t we? Well, what does it have to do with then?”

t h e f u t u r e h e a d l i n e r
C A D E N C E ● C A R T E R
“SCW. It has everything to do with them and their clear lack of appreciation for me.”

t h e d y n a m i t i c b o m b s h e l l
J A S M I N ● M A R Q U E Z
“What are you talking about now?”

t h e f u t u r e h e a d l i n e r
C A D E N C E ● C A R T E R
“I am talking about the match they put me in for Climax Control. I’m being put a triple threat contenders match for the Bombshell Roulette Championship.”

t h e d y n a m i t i c b o m b s h e l l
J A S M I N ● M A R Q U E Z
“And this is a bad thing how?”

The little details that Cadence was giving was surely going to confuse someone. Jasmin’s eyebrow was arched up and that confused look on her face seemed to intensify. Cadence’s attitude was still very much there. More so with Jasmin questioning everything, but it was clearly a matter of just being concerned and trying to piece it all together.

t h e f u t u r e h e a d l i n e r
C A D E N C E ● C A R T E R
“It’s a bad thing because of who they’ve decided to put me in the ring with. Amy-Jayne and Alice Knight.”

t h e d y n a m i t i c b o m b s h e l l
J A S M I N ● M A R Q U E Z
“Babe, I don’t really follow the product. No offense. I don’t really know who either of them are and I’m not sure why being in the ring with them would be a bad thing. You’re going to have to catch me up to date.”

t h e f u t u r e h e a d l i n e r
C A D E N C E ● C A R T E R
“First and foremost. Amy-Jayne is nothing more than a freaking mooch. She sucks money out of Sin City Wrestling week in and week out. She gets paid to just be a pretty face and doesn’t actually have in any ring talent. Maybe that’s wrong of me to say for someone that’s still a rookie, but she’s complete garbage. Not to mention, she no-showed against me. I know that people try and play it off as something different, but it isn’t. In our first one on one confrontation. She was nowhere to be seen. And the two men running the company thinks that should be rewarded? They think that she’s worthy of being in a contenders match? People that don’t work hard just get rewarded? Meanwhile someone who does work hard like me was overlooked for a few months!”

t h e d y n a m i t i c b o m b s h e l l
J A S M I N ● M A R Q U E Z
“Alright, well in that case I can understand your frustration with the girl and the situation at hand. If that’s a hundred percent factual then by no circumstances or reason at all should this lady be considered for a contenders match. That would send the wrong message to people that do work hard. It would send the wrong message to people that are giving it everything they got between the ropes.”

t h e f u t u r e h e a d l i n e r
C A D E N C E ● C A R T E R
“Week in and week out. I see them both mocking people on social media or they’re backstage mocking people. They seem to be fed up with everyone and their mother demanding a title shot, but doing very little to deserve it.  Then they turn around and do the exact opposite to what they’re complaining about. It makes no freaking sense!”

A very irritated sigh left the young girl’s lips. Each moment she spent speaking about the situation she was going to find herself on Sunday. She became more and more annoyed. She became more and more upset. She became more and more frustrated. Jasmin stood there for a moment slightly shaking her head.

t h e d y n a m i t i c b o m b s h e l l
J A S M I N ● M A R Q U E Z
“Cadence, I warned you when I started training you that in this business there were going to be things that didn’t make sense. I warned you that there would be things that were unfair. I warned you that there were things that were going to get under your skin, but I also told you that you couldn’t let that be shown. This is a situation where you just have to ignore what’s happening. Then go out there to do your own thing. Make the most of it. And if it goes the way you mentioned. Sounds like the girl might not even bother to give a crap enough to show for the match.”

t h e f u t u r e h e a d l i n e r
C A D E N C E ● C A R T E R
“First of all I can’t help that I get passionate. I can’t help that I’ve let this become something that irks me and gets under my damn skin. You see where I’m at. You see where I’m at every off day I have. You see me working hard, you see me busting my ass, and you see me doing everything I can to get better. I’m the epitome of what they claim they want. Someone that works hard, someone that gives it their all, and someone who doesn’t ask for handouts. But obviously, none of that really matters. And honestly Amy-Jayne being in this match is just part of the problem. Alice Knight is the other half.”

t h e d y n a m i t i c b o m b s h e l l
J A S M I N ● M A R Q U E Z
“Why is she such an issue?”

t h e f u t u r e h e a d l i n e r
C A D E N C E ● C A R T E R
“Because as far as I am concerned, she isn’t worthy of this position either. This is her first match. Yes, her first freaking match under the company’s brand. Her first match is a gosh darn contenders match. Like what the hell? I signed my name to a contract back in May. I went the whole summer taking on match after match. Before I was finally given a title shot opportunity, just last month. I was on this roster for three and half months before I was deemed worthy of a title shot. And this chick is here at max three weeks, and her first match she gets is a contenders match for a championship?! That’s complete and utter bull!”

t h e d y n a m i t i c b o m b s h e l l
J A S M I N ● M A R Q U E Z
“Well maybe...”

t h e f u t u r e h e a d l i n e r
C A D E N C E ● C A R T E R
“No, stop. There’s no way to justify this. It doesn’t matter where Alice might have been. It doesn’t matter what she’s accomplished elsewhere. Doesn’t matter if her name was selling out shows in other venues around the world. Much like it doesn’t matter who she is or isn’t affiliated with. When you walk into a new company. You start fresh. You go back to the bottom and you prove just how good you really are in a new setting. And if memory serves me correctly, you’re the one that taught me that.”

Sitting there on the bench. Her eyes shifted up into the direction of Jasmin’s looking her right in the eyes. The fire and the passion was very clear in Cadence’s own eyes. She was downright annoyed with the situation at hand and it fired her up maybe more than any other match that she had ever gone into before. However it didn’t fire her up for all the good reasons, but instead all the bad reasons and reasons that might end up blinding her when it matters the most.

t h e d y n a m i t i c b o m b s h e l l
J A S M I N ● M A R Q U E Z
“You’re right I did. And truth be told Cadence, I don’t know what else you want me to say about this situation. It isn’t right. It’s unfair in a lot of ways. Does seem like some favoritism is being shown. But at the end of the day, you’re only left with two choices. You either deal with it and prove them wrong about you. You go out there and make sure that you’re the one that takes the contendership. Or you just choose not to deal with it and be done, but I know that you’re not a quitter.”

t h e f u t u r e h e a d l i n e r
C A D E N C E ● C A R T E R
“No, I’m not a quitter. But I can tell you that each week that passes by. Each week that I see this stuff taking place. Each week that I see all this bull go down. It makes me start to believe that HE was right about SCW.”

t h e d y n a m i t i c b o m b s h e l l
J A S M I N ● M A R Q U E Z
“Wait what? He? Who the heck is He?!”

Cadence didn’t seem to engage in that question. She stood herself up, snatching her phone out of her bag right along with an all white towel. Placing it around her neck as she started to walk away from Jasmin. Based on that action alone, it would have appeared that she was done with today’s workout. Jasmin stood there looking more confused now than ever with her hands on her hips and looking in the direction Cadence had walked off in.

t h e d y n a m i t i c b o m b s h e l l
J A S M I N ● M A R Q U E Z
“Cadence, you know damn well you heard me!”

She had called out to the blonde beauty once again. Yet Jasmin was met with the same response in the sense that Cadence didn't have anything to say. She didn't so much as even bother to look back at her. Cadence found herself disappearing into the shower room. Over the course of the next few days, she was going to find herself feeling bitter and frustrated, but at the same time when Climax Control did take place she would have a platform to get all of that out of her system.


It was exactly four eight hours until Sin City Wrestling would be taking over Australia with a special edition to Climax Control. It was going to be a night all about contenders. All night long matches would be held in order to name contenders for championships. A match was scheduled to take place to name a number one contender for the Roulette Championship, the World Tag Team Championships, the Bombshell Internet Championship, the World Bombshell Championship, and even the Bombshell Roulette Championship. Needless to say it was going to be a night where a lot of lives could change for the superstars on the roster. Not to mention, it was going to be a night that the fans of SCW didn’t forget. History making in some aspects.

In that being said at the request of a particular superstar. An official SCW camera crew was on hand. With the cameras finding themselves opening up and beginning to film. There was one person that the entire focus was on. That person just so happened to be the woman that referred to herself as a Future Headliner. Yes, that’s right the focus was on Cadence Carter herself. In her true form, wearing a belly shirt, yoga pants, and her snapback hat turned backwards. Her pink lips curled into a smirk when she realized the attention was on her. At the same moment she began to speak in an attempt to keep everyone’s attention and on this particular day, it was going to be for a good reason.

t h e f u t u r e h e a d l i n e r
C A D E N C E ● C A R T E R
“Ladies and Gents. Boys and Girls. Dogs and cats alike. We’re all here today, because I have something important to say. I think it’s something that you guys are going to want to hear. After all you’ve supported me all this time and I think no matter what in the end you’re going to continue to support me. That being said I’ve got a few things I need to get off my chest as it refers to this Sunday Night’s Climax Control. I am sure at this point. Everyone already knows that ya girl, Cadence is going to be involved in a Triple Threat match for the number one contender spot for Bombshell Roulette Championship. Yes, the very championship I competed for at Violent Conduct just a few weeks back.”

Pausing for that brief moment. That was a little painful for her to bring up. Deep down Cadence wasn’t over that loss and it might be a long time before she was ever over it. However it was in the past and she did need to look forward to the future. In fact the future was facing her just two days from now.

t h e f u t u r e h e a d l i n e r
C A D E N C E ● C A R T E R
“I can tell you right now as far as I am concerned there’s a lot of unfinished business between myself and Samantha Marlow. Therefore I don’t see myself coming up short. I don’t see myself not walking away with this number one contendership when Climax Control comes to an end on Sunday. But at the same time folks, I feel the need to be honest with you. I feel the need to not be fake and not to hide behind some ill-informed logic. Because despite what some of you might have heard or might have been told. When it comes to this actual match for Climax Control. I’m not the least bit excited for it. As a matter of fact when it comes to this match. I’m actually quite disappointed and I’m quite disappointed. You see my opinion is my own opinion and I get that, but in my honest opinion. Amy-Jayne and Alice Knight have no business being part of this Contender's match. They’ve got no business whatsoever competing for a championship, let alone a contenders match. The fact that they are is what disappoints me and is what frustrates me like you wouldn’t believe.”

Looking right at the cameras. For a brief second that bubbly attitude that she was known for having wasn’t featured across her expression. Instead, the sheer look of disappointment and frustration was there. There might even have been a small amount of shame in her face. Needless to say Cadence was driving home her point fairly early.

t h e f u t u r e h e a d l i n e r
C A D E N C E ● C A R T E R
“Now before people get bent out of shape and start assuming. By no means am I the type of girl to stand here and say that the number one contender’s spot should have just been given to me. By no means am I the type of girl to say that I should have just been handed a shot at Samantha Marlow and the Bombshell Roulette Champion. That’s not me at all. As a matter of fact I am someone that hates handouts. I firmly believe that no matter what it is in life. If it’s a dream or a goal of yours to be something, to have something, or to accomplish something. The only way you’re going to get it is by putting in the work. Giving it all you got until you’ve accomplished that dream or goal. I want to be a champion one day. I want to be a champion under the Sin City Wrestling brand, but it’s only going to happen if I put in the work to make it happen. However at the same time when it comes to this match. I feel like I should be in there with people that deserve this opportunity. I feel like I should be in the match with people that work just as hard as I do and people that are just as passionate as I am. I shouldn’t be in there with Amy-Jayne and Alice Knight whom, let’s be real shall we? They’re just getting a hand out. They’re just being given something without properly earning it.”

For a brief moment Cadence stood there shaking her head about to back up the statement that was coming out of her mouth at that moment. A statement that people would agree with, but also one people would disagree with.

t h e f u t u r e h e a d l i n e r
C A D E N C E ● C A R T E R
“And you see it’s situations like this why people don’t respect Mark Ward and Christian Underwood. You know I can name time after time where I saw Mark or Christian mock a member of their roster on twitter for demanding title shots or for demanding things without deserving them. They seem to be so annoyed by it. They seem to hate it. They seem to want to make SCW mean something and have proper structure, but they always end up backing down when they book trash like this. Please gentlemen. Tell me what has Amy-Jayne done to deserve a spot in this match? Because the last time I checked. You two had to hire a stunt double to actually go forward with the match with me a few weeks ago. And why is that? Well, that’s because Amy-Jayne decided that she didn’t want to show up and do her job. The job that she signed on for and put her name to the contract. Yeah, she decided to no show. Not only disrespecting the company, but disrespecting me and disrespecting the two of you. Why do you do about it? You reward her by putting her in this match? You reward her by giving her a chance to possibly earn a championship match? Are you guys just not paying attention or is there a lack of common sense going on?”

For a brief moment Cadence was showing a little bit of attitude to her. It was rare that this side of her came out, but it was starting to come out more and more as of late when it came to expressing herself. There was the mindset that insulting the boss's intelligence wasn’t going to do her any favors.

t h e f u t u r e h e a d l i n e r
C A D E N C E ● C A R T E R
“Trust me gentlemen. I’m not out here to slander your name or out here to be like others in the company showing a complete lack of respect, but instead I am trying to be the voice of reason and get the two of you to open your eyes up a little bit. Amy-Jayne couldn’t be bothered to show up to work to take me on in a match. What makes her qualified for this type of match? And on top of that you’ve giving her a basic freebie by putting her in this match that she didn’t deserve. Of course someone that’s all about glory, but not about doing the work to get there is going to show up and be part of it. Truth be told though, the moment Amy-Jayne was in violation of her contract she should have been handed her papers. Told to never come back and SCW would be clean of one more leech. They would be clear of one more person contributing to weighing this company down. But then again at the end of the day, what do I know right? I’m just some gal that’s been in wrestling little over a year and happens to work for you. My words, my opinions, and my thoughts when it comes to trying to make SCW a better place are overlooked because apparently I’ve got no idea what I am even talking about.”

She rolled her eyes for a brief moment. Now Cadence knew there was a slight chance that she was overreacting a little bit. There was a chance that she was wrong, but at the same time what she was seeing right now made her only see things in one light. However maybe now that she was speaking up and trying to do so in the best way possible, that it was going to be a situation that made people open their eyes and start to look at things from a different angle.

t h e f u t u r e h e a d l i n e r
C A D E N C E ● C A R T E R
“That’s just one of my gripes. The other being Alice Knight. Could you enlighten me? Could you inform me? Could you please tell me what it is that Alice Knight has done to deserve a contenders match of any kind? Because from what I’ve established. Miss Knight is brand-spanking new to our roster. What I’ve established is that Miss Knight hasn’t had a single match under her belt yet when competing for SCW? What I am beginning to understand is that Miss Knight is being handed - yes, that’s what it is. She’s being handed a contenders match in her debut match. But there’s not a reason for why this is happening.”

With her gaze on the camera Cadence proceeded to lift her eyebrow in a very questioning manner. Seemingly at this point questioning every decision that was made when it came to the match that she was set to take place in.

t h e f u t u r e h e a d l i n e r
C A D E N C E ● C A R T E R
“I take exception to this for a couple of different reasons. First and foremost, I take exception to it because I signed my contract for Sin City Wrestling in May of this year. For three and half months, I was put in match after match. Sometimes I did well and a picked up a win. Other times I did poorly and I ended with a big fat L. For those three and half months, I did everything that I could to build a foundation for myself and to show you guys what I was capable of. Something that I didn’t have a problem with. Like I already said I’m all about hard work and proving myself, but I take exception to it. Because I was put in that position and showed what I could do before I was ever given a true opportunity at gold. Meanwhile on day one this girl is just being put in the spotlight and that’s disrespectful to me. Heck, that’s disrespectful to every woman on this roster. Former champions and even the legends that paved the way for this division. Basically what you’re telling me and every other woman on the roster is that you don’t care about the hard work we’ve put in, you don’t care about how much we’ve proven ourselves, and you don’t care what we’ve done when you guys have a new pet project that you’re firmly behind after signing them that they’re literally more important than anyone and anything else. Honestly, that’s just a slap to all of our faces.”

Those eyes of hers were starting to fill up a little more with passion in them. Each word coming out of her mouth made Cadence sound like a woman that was bitter, but also made it sound like she was a woman that was trying to express concern. Her love for what she did and her love for the company was there, even if she didn’t like the way that things were being handled at this particular moment.

t h e f u t u r e h e a d l i n e r
C A D E N C E ● C A R T E R
“Now truth be told Mark and Christian. I believe that the two of you are legitimate good guys. I don’t believe for a single second that it was your goal to disrespect the entire Bombshell division. I don’t personally believe that you guys set out to disrespect me in any way, shape, or form. Instead what I believe is that the two of you were excited about a new signee and in being excited for that new signee you made a mistake by putting her in a match that she didn’t deserve to be in. But at the same time Alice, this kind of makes me wonder what type of woman you are. You should be able to see that this was a mistake. You yourself should be able to see that this isn’t right nor is it fair. Therefore you should have been the one to speak up. You should have been the one to say that you didn’t deserve to be in this match. You should have been the one to say that you actually want to prove yourself around the company. But that’s not what happened. Instead you decided to take the match despite the obvious and because of that. It makes me have a complete lack of respect for you. Because in taking this match in light of everything. That tells me that you’re okay with a handout and it tells me that you don’t have any respect for anyone that was here before you.”

Like the snap of the fingers Cadence’s direction changed. At this moment she was speaking directly to a woman that she was going to be in the ring within a few days and it sounded like she was going to get it all off her chest at this very moment.

t h e f u t u r e h e a d l i n e r
C A D E N C E ● C A R T E R
“Maybe because you’ve been elsewhere and because you’ve been champion elsewhere that you think it’s okay to just walk into this company with that mindset. However newsflash sugar, it’s not okay. And none of us care about where you’ve come from. None of us care about where you came from. None of us care about what you did before. None of us care what accolades you might have. All of that goes away when you came to SCW. It’s like a blank page and now you have to write a new chapter to your career. Way things should work around here is you have to earn your spots. You have to prove your worthy and you have to give respect to get respect, but sadly those values aren’t put forward which is why you’re in the position you’re in and it’s likely why you think the way you think. A mindset that’s going to eventually lead to problems for you, Miss Knight. See disrespecting this entire division is just going to gain you enemies and those enemies are going to eventually want to split your wig.”

That serious nod of hers came from her head. If anything those words came off as a warning more than anything. Something that Miss Knight might have be looking forward to the future.

t h e f u t u r e h e a d l i n e r
C A D E N C E ● C A R T E R
“At this point Miss Knight there’s nothing that can be done about the situation at hand. The two of us are going to be in the ring with each other on Climax Control. Amy-Jayne might be there, depending on if she decides to show up or not. But the fact does remain that the two of us are going to see each other and when that happens. I am not going to be talking. Nah, I’m not going to be venting about how you’re unworthy of this spot. I’m not going to be talking about how you don’t deserve this opportunity. In fact not a single word is going to come out of my mouth. Instead you’re going to have to deal with a woman that’s going to be out for blood and you’re going to have to deal with a woman that’s going to lay it on real thick. All for the chance of becoming the number one contender. Sure, I know that I might not have the experience you do. But at the same time I also know that I am going to put your back against the wall regardless. You’re going to be forced to actually prove how good you are in your first match. And I hope for your sake that you don’t come in their slackin’ cause if you do. I’m going to expose your fake ass. Not only am I going to expose you, but I am going to make Mark and Christian jump off the Knight train right away if you slack for even a second. So for your sake I hope you’re smart about this situation and I hope that you’re actually focused on what matters. Don’t look too far into the future cause that will certainly be your downfall.”

Once again the words that came out of the Los Angeles native’s mouth was making her sound more and more like she was warning Alice. Not that it was a bad thing, it did appear like it was solid advice. At the same time though it was showcasing just how much that Cadence actually believed in herself, even when everyone else didn’t seem to do so. Nodding just a little bit, Cadence let her eyes focus on the cameras once again as she spoke.

t h e f u t u r e h e a d l i n e r
C A D E N C E ● C A R T E R
“Sunday Night... You don’t need to be worried about winning the match. You don’t need to be worried about becoming the number one contender to the Bombshell Roulette Championship. Nah, the only thing you need to be worried about is catchin’ these hands. Cause I promise ya girl. Your in for a long K-night.”

Once those words came out of her mouth, Cadence offered a little wink towards the cameras as it appeared she drove the final nail in the coffin. In everything that she had just said, she had made it known that she believed what was coming out of her mouth and she let it be known that she was a woman that was not going to back down from her beliefs. Without another word said Cadence exited the view of the cameras leading to them fading to black. Those words were the last thing that the fans had to hold onto and it would make their interest in the match increase that much more. In the end someone was going to crowned the number one contender, but the question on everyone’s mind is who was it going to be.