Author Topic: And back again  (Read 351 times)

Offline Amanda Cortez

  • SCW's tough and ticklish Biker Chick
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    • Amanda Cortez
And back again
« on: April 05, 2017, 05:50:00 AM »
 â€œWhat the hell are you doing now?”

Pretty annoyed Rose looks at her wife Amanda. Everybody can see that she is really angry and this time she won’t let her wife get away with a simple excuse.

"I thought after all these years and all the injuries you got during the last years, you were done with wrestling and now I hear that you start it again. Damn, was that really necessary?”

Seeing her wife that angry makes Amanda feel guilty and she looks to the ground. She can understand that Rose doesn’t want to see her in the ring again. The last ten years Amanda has been so busy with traveling around, so that she almost had no time for her family, but since she retired, everything became better. Now the couple lives from Rose’s flower shop and that Mandy makes boat trips with the tourists. They don’t earn much money, but it’s enough and they are happy with their life, and so Rose is really disappointed. Even a tear runs down her cheek now.

“And I thought that you were happy with our life.”

As she sees Rose crying, she feels even more guilty and holds her wife close.

“But I am happy with our life. It’s all I want.”

“But why the hell do you have to start this fucking wrestling again?”

That’s a really difficult question and Amanda doesn’t exactly know how to explain it, but she has to.

“Well, that’s not so easy. I left the wrestling business and I never wanted to come back. To be honest, I didn’t miss anything, but last week a friend of me called me, Christian, one of the bosses at SCW. You know that he's one of my friends and this for such a long time and as he asked me, whether I would take part in this Blast of the Past tournament, I couldn't say no. It has been a spontaneous reaction, but he was really happy to see me back, so it would have broken my heart to say no.”

Still sad and hurt Rose glares at Amanda.

“But you can break my heart.”

As she hears this, Amanda is really shocked.

“Damn, why does it break your heart? I won’t be away for a longer time. It’s a onetime thing, just a few matches and then it’ll be over and I promise, that I won’t start wrestling again. I love you and I love our life, so I don’t need no wrestling to be happy. I just thought it could be fun. Oh, and I won’t leave you alone, you will come with you and you can watch my match.”

Still sniffling rose answers.

“But I don’t wanna watch it, I don’t wanna see you getting hurt or injured. Don’t forget, you’re a bit older than twenty.”

And now it's Amanda’s turn to pout.

“Damn, that was mean. Do you wanna say that I’m an old woman?”

“No, not pls, but with 32 it’s slowly time to do something else than running around in a wrestling ring. And don’t forget that you had had many injuries in the past. I don’y wanna see you end up in hospital.”

And then a smile comes into Amanda’s pretty face. She kisses her wife lovingly on the lips and runs her fingers through her long red hair.

“Don’t worry, I won’t get injured. I know that there are many younger divas than me, but the other people in that match are veterans too. So they must be about my age, haha, a match full of retirees. Shit, I feel so fucking old now.”

Amanda giggles.

“Damn, but at least I have no grey hair and my tits aren’t hanging.”

And now Rose has to laugh too. She loves Amanda’s cheery behavior and she never can be mad at her for a longer time.

“Nah, they aren’t hanging, they’re easy.”

But as Amanda tries to kiss her, she pushes her back.

“But don’t think that you will get away that easily. A kiss and everything is good …forget it.”

Amanda’s eyes widen and she looks to the ground.

“Damn, than I think, I’m doomed.”

And Rose winks at her wife.

“There you can be sure. I promise.”

"Oh shit, what do you have in mind? Do you wanna tie me to the bed and tickle me till I wet myself?"

Now Rose starts to laugh.

“Well, that sounds like a plan. But I think that would be too easy, especially as I know that you love such stuff.”

A bit worried Amanda looks at her wife. She knows that Rose can be sadistic from time to time.

“Huh …What could be worse?”

Rose looks at her wife, but she doesn’t answer. It’s really fun to watch, how the always curious Amanda slowly becomes nervous.

“Please tell me …”

And eventually Rose shows mercy.

“Ok, do you still remember these two couples who wanted to hire us for a boat trip last year.”

For a moment Amanda is quiet and swallows.

“Shit, yes …and they wanted to have their fun with me during that trip, Shit, these sadists …But you know that I said no.”

But Rose ignores Amanda’s comment. Well, they asked me again and they said it won’t be too bad for you, just a lil tickling from all of them and the rest like a normal boat trip.”

Violently Amanda shakes her head.

“Forget it, no way I’m gonna do this. They were sadists and they will kill me.”

And again Rose giggles.

“But nice sadists and I promise that you will like it too. And don’t forget that they will pay a lot of money, more that you get for your stupid wrestling.”

“Forget it …”

But Rose doesn't forget it.

“No way, no boat trip, no wrestling. It’s so easy.”

Amanda isn’t completely convinced, but she wants her match and she also doesn’t wanna disappoint Rose, and so she nods.

“Ok, you won. But only with safeword and you will be at my side.”

And Rose nods.

“Ok, deal …”

She kisses Mandy on her lips and smiles.

“In some way I knew that you will agree. You never say no if it comes to kinky fun.”

They both giggle, but then Rose wants to know what kinda show it will be and who are Amanda’s opponents.

“And now you must tell me everything.”

The talking about the kinky fun was really exciting for Amanda, so that she almost had forgotten her match, but now she starts to explain everything.

“Well, it’s the same as last year, where I could team up with despayre. This time my partner will be Ivan Darrel and my opponents are Jeremiah Hardin and Brandy Shotze.”

“Never heard of them …”

Amanda shrugs.

“Me neither, but I heard that they have been champions too. It must have been before or after my time at SCW. But anyway, they all held titles, so they must be good. I know the people there and they were all pretty strong, so being in a match with all these former champions will really be a challenge for me. In some way I like this idea.
I don’t know how long they are away, but they had enough time to train and so they will be fit and I won’t underestimate them. It’s a bit sad, that I never saw them perform in the ring, but anyway, I can’t change it and it also doesn’t matter. They are good, but I know that I can be better. I’m out of this business for a long time, but you know that I still train together with my stepsister Casey and so I still know how to fight. Ok, I gained a bit weight and my stamina isn’t as good as it has been in the past, but I’m still in a good shape and so I think that I’ll have chances. No, not only chances, I will win it and come into the next ground.”

Again rose looks a bit skeptically.

“Don’t worry, just this tournament and then I stop wrestling again. I don’t need all that stress again, even though I must say, that it will become interesting again. I’m really looking forward to meet all the people again. I don’t know whether they are still there, but Seeing Roxi, Keira and Amy Marshal again would be so great. Damn, I really loves these girls. But we will see.”

She has a warm smile in her face.

“I’ve been in so many federations during my career, but SCW has always been a very special place for me. It has been something like a home and even though I had some trouble and feuded, I still see most of the people there as my friends. Yes, they were really awesome and it has been always fun. Shit, it’s like a family meeting and I’m excited like a lil child who goes to school for the first time.”

As Rose sees, how happy Amanda is, she smiles and kisses her wife. Mandy’s good mood is really infecting.

“I think that I understand how you feel. I was just a bit worried, but as long as it doesn’t become such a stress like in the past, everything is ok. Go out there, have your fun and then we continue with our life.”

“I’m so happy, that you understand me.”

But then Amanda’s happy smile disappears for a moment.

“But I still need some training …”

She looks at Rose with pleading eyes.

“I know that you don’t like wrestling, but it would be awesome if you could come with me to the gym and train with me.”

Rose really doesn’t like to train wrestling anymore.

“Can’t you train with your sister Casey? She still does her MMA fights and sometimes some wrestling matches, so she’d be the perfect partner for you.”

But Amanda shakes her head.

“No, she’s stronger than most guys and she’s too violent. I’d prefer to train with you. You’re my wife and you must help me.”

Rose roles her eyes.

"Oh shit, why did I know that I'd get something to do that I don't like?”

“Because you know me for such a long time.”

Now they both giggle and then Rose stands up.

“Well, it seems that I have no choice. But if I have to do that crap, them I’m the boss and you do whatever I want. Deal?”

Rose holds out her hand and Mandy takes it.


And then Rose pulls Mandy up too and playfully slaps her ass, so that the petite girl jumps.

“Good. So get ready. Pack your stuff and then we go to the gym. We have only one week to get you in shape and that’s a pretty short time. So we have no time to waste.”

She doesn’t like that though, but Mandy knows that Rose is right, but she still hesitates and so Rose glares at her again.

“You wanted that match and so you’ll have to live with the consequences. I thought that you wanted to win that match and that you wanted to look good for the fans. So stand up and move your ass to the gym.”

And so Amanda leaves the room and disappears in the bed room, but then it takes really long and her swearing can be heard. Rose follows her and smiles as he sees Amanda standing in front of a mirror, her old wrestling clothes laying on the ground and she tries to put on an old pants, but without much success. She still isn’t fat, but sh has gained a bit weight and so everything is too small.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck …I can’t do that match, I have no clothes and I can’t wrestle naked. And I also can’t train without clothes.”

Carefully Rose approaches her from behind and squeezes her ass, so that Mandy jumps.

“Aww, I’d love to see you wrestle without clothes. That would be so hot. Hehe, then I might come back to the ring too. But now seriously, we can buy you some new clothes. And for training we will find something.”

And so she begins to help Mandy and after a while they find a shorts that isn’t too small and also a black sports bra that could fit. Mandy tries it out and even though it’s pretty tight, she manages it to put it on and she looks sexy as hell. Rose smiles and claps her hands.

“Wow, you look really hot …”

“But I feel like a fat cow …”

But Rose comforts Mandy.

“Nah, you aren’t fat. You are sexy and I could bang you right here.”

The smile comes back into Mandy’s face.

“Ok, if you say so …But Now the wrestling boots. I can’t find them.”

Again Rose helps her with her search, but this time she also has no success.

“Are you sure that you still have them? If I remember it right, then you have thrown away a lot of your old stuff.”

They search a bit longer, but then Amanda has enough.

“Maybe you’re right ….So we have to get some new ones, but not now. Let’s go to the gym first.”

It's pretty warm outsides and so Mandy puts on some flip flops. A last time she looks into the mirror and shakes her head.

"I feel like an idiot or like a granny who tries to put the clothes of her teenager grandchildren. It’s a bit laughable.”

As she hears this, Rose licks her lips.

“But you’re a really sexy granny.”

“Shit …I’m not old.”

Playfully Amanda slaps Rose’s ass and then the two leave and drive to the gym. Still not very motivated Amanda starts her training. Her wrestling moves are still good and she still is very fast, but her stamina isn’t the best and so she becomes exhausted pretty fast. After some cardio, some weight lifting and some training in the ring, Amanda sits in the middle of the ring and doesn’t want to move anymore.

“Fuck, I have enough. That crap kills me. Everything hurts, I’m tired, I’m hungry …and I don’t want anymore.”

Rose stands in front of her and tries to motivate her.

"C'mon, just a lil bit longer and then we go out for dinner. And don't worry, tomorrow it will be easier. You'll get used to it again.”

Now she reaches out her hand and wants to help Mandy up, but Amanda ignores her.

“There will be no tomorrow. Tomorrow I’ll spend all day in bed.”

That wasn’t what Rose wanted to hear and she grabs Amanda by her ankles. With a quick movement she flips her around and seconds later Amanda is in an ankle lock. Rose laughs out.

“You really need more training or your opponents will wipe the floor with you. And now try to get outa this hold here.”

Amanda struggles a bit, but knowing that Rose would never hurt her, she doesn’t try it too hard and this makes Rose really mad.

“You really should try a bit harder.”

But Amanda doesn’t and so Rose begins to tickle Amanda’s foot and immediately the petite girl laughs and screams.

“Shit ..that’s not fair …Please, lemme go ….”

But Rose doesn’t stop. She even tickles Amanda harder and giggles as her wife begs for mercy. But eventually Amanda taps out and Rose lets her go.”

“You’re so cute when you laugh and scream like a lil school girl. Hehe, this is really fun. It was a good idea to join you with your training.”

Amanda pouts and rubs her foot.

“I can imagine that you had your fun, you sadist.”

“Aww, but I know that you had your fun too.”

Amanda knows that Rose is right, but at the moment she only points out her tongue and flips Rose the bird. And Rose only shakes her head.

"Stubborn like usually. But anyway, if you don't stand up and continue your training, I'll tell all your opponents how ticklish you are and then they know how to make you submit.”

Again Amanda points out her tongue.

“Mean bitch …”

But at least she stands up and the two can continue their training. Now Amanda tries a bit harder and even though her stamina isn’t the best, she makes it pretty good and at the end of the day she is really confident, that she will win her match. And now she is also more motivated again. But for now it’s enough and the two take a shower together. Amanda has been a bit tired and exhausted, but as she stands under the shower, all naked and together with Rose, she doesn’t feel tired anymore. And as Rose helps her washing her back, it is over. Really fast she turns around and wraps her arms around Rose. Their lips meet and the kiss becomes passionately and then they start making love.

The next morning, pretty early, Amanda and Rose get woken up, as the door of their bedroom opens and Amanda’s stepsister Casey enters. She looks down at the two sleepy young women and shakes her head. Then she pulls away their blanket, so that the two are completely awake.

“Hey, time to stand up.”

Amanda opens her eyes and glares at her sister.

"What the fuck are you doing here? You can come back later, but now leave us alone.”

But Casey ignores that hostile comment and sits down on the bed.

“No way. I heard that you have a wrestling match again and so I thought that you could need some help with your preparations.”

“I don’t need no help. Just lemme sleep and everything is good.”

Casey shakes her head.

“Forget it. I know that this match isn’t easy and that you need some training. And what could be better than training with someone who’s still active. So get your ass outa this bed, make a breakfast and then we will see how we get you fit again.”

Amanda sits up and rubs her eyes. She knows that Casey is right and that she will be a great help.

“Ok, you’re right. That match really won’t be easy, especially as all my opponents are former champions. It’s a onetime appearance, but I still wanna look good in the ring. All these people at SCW and also the fans mean a lot to me and I don’t wanna disappoint them. I’ve been their Goddess and I love them, so I really have to give my best. Nobody shall say that I’m lazy or that I disrespect them. So I will train with you. Just gimme a few minutes so that I can have a coffee before we go.”

Now Amanda stands up and makes them a coffee. After a small breakfast she gets ready and then the three leave and go to the gym again.


Huddle me, tickle me, I'm so cute

Records Amanda
Win: 20
Loss: 13
Draw: 1
Thrown: 0