Author Topic: Veronica Taylor Vs Amy Marshall  (Read 1292 times)

Offline Mark Ward

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    • Hot Stuff Mark Ward
Veronica Taylor Vs Amy Marshall
« on: January 08, 2017, 06:39:28 PM »
 Post all roleplays for this match here.
Limit: One roleplay per week.
Good luck!

Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger, those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the LORD, when I lay my vengeance upon thee

*NOTE: No longer giving feedback, if you wasn't good enough, you wouldn't be here.
No longer doing show reviews, I already know we're that damn good!

Offline Amy Marshall

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    • Amy Santino
Veronica Taylor Vs Amy Marshall
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2017, 07:03:57 PM »
 8th January 2017
Climax Control 169
Laughlin, NV.

Just moments after Veronica Taylor vs. Aphrodite.

Justin: Winner of this match... Veronica Taylor.

The ref climbs back to their feet and helps Veronica to her feet, where she raises her arm in victory as music plays over the p.a. Veronica looks down at Aphrodite and gives her a barrage of insults, while she does this, she fails to see someone jumping the barrier and climbing into the ring behind her.

The person who appears to be Amy Marshall wearing her masks, she spins Veronica around and hits the Bad Girl before climbing back to her feet, where she smirks and indicates for the belt before climbing out of the ring and back over the barrier and through the crowd to backstage.

::: Backstage :::

Making my way through the crowd as quickly as possible, I keep looking back to see if security was following or if Veronica had come round and was chasing after me, although the thought of that was just ridiculous but anything can happen.  Taking one look back, I smile and disappear through some door.

Entering the backstage area, i barely have a moment to myself as Scott Oliver accosted me and right away asked a question…

Scott: Amy, please explain why did you attack Veronica.

Giving the answer a quick think, I answer…

Amy: It's simple. I refuse to sit back and one; have another quiet title less year and two; allow the mean girls and more specifically Veronica to tarnish any title in SCW.
I did it once before and i can do it again.

So if you are listening Veronica and if your cheap perfume hasn't destroyed what brain cells you have left. You are on notice. I am coming for you and i am coming for the Roulette championship.

Got it? good.

Feeling that I had got my point across, I walk away and continue my through the backstage area, where I eventually meet up with Joey in a quiet arena of the arena.  Taking a seat in front of the TV, I lean back relaxed.

“Enjoy your handy work?”

Joey asks with a smile.

Amy said with a one word answer.

“What now?”

“We wait… the Inception card is being announced this show and since no-one else is challenging for the Roulette title… looks like I’m number one contender.”

Amy shrugs.



Amy smiles and leans over and kisses Joey before returning her attention back to the TV, where the scene soon fades out as several segments are played before the next match of Chelsea Payne vs Celeste North.


11th January 2016
Las Vegas, NV.
Marilyn’s Café.

The scene opens inside Marilyn’s Café in the Tuscany Suites and Casino, where we see a busy restaurant during the lunchtime rush, where we hear a lot of talking between people, Kids laughing and the waiters and waitress reading off orders etc…  as the camera pans around, we see Amy, Jessie and Kate sitting at one of the tables with glasses of water as they waited for the waitress to arrive and get our orders.

“So how is the preparation going for your matches?”

Amy asks as she took a sip of water.

“Good. Though I think we should train together.”

Kate suggested, as Jessie raised her eyebrows.

“I hope you mean that.”


Kate asks.

“Have you seen Amy train? Yoga, muay Thai, empty stomach cardio, weights etc…”

“I don’t do it all in one session.”

Amy piped up defending herself.

“Can you show me some muay Thai moves?”

“Sure. But I hope you are prepared for when I’m kicking and punching. I kick and punch quite hard.”

Amy shrugs, as Kate looks to Jessie, who nods in agreement.

“So how about you Jessie… you ready for your match?

Kate asks.

“Hell yeah I’m ready. I can’t wait to get in that ring and kick some ass.”

“A little pumped up are we.”

Amy joked.

“What… I’m focused and ready. I’m not going to bring myself down. I am winning this match.”

Amy grins and nods as Jessie’s enthusiasm, as she sees the waitress come over.

“Sorry about the wait… what can I get you?”

“Can I get some Chilli Cheese fries, a philly cheese steak with some coleslaw and a chocolate milkshake.”

Amy ordered, as Jessie and Kate looked at her.

“What… I’m hungry. I kicked ass in the gym this morning.”

Amy smiled, as Jessie ordered.

“Can I get Marilyn’s prime rib with fries and onion rings and a diet coke please.”

“Can I just get a Grilled Chicken Sandwich and a diet coke please.”

Kate ordered.

“Sure thing.”

The waitress smiled and walks away, as everyone places their menu back in the holder.

“So how about you Amy, are you ready to prize the roulette title from Veronica’s hands?”

“I am… I’m ready for a fight and if she isn’t then tough shit for her.”

Amy grins.

“Good. No-one wants to see the Mean Girls with any gold.”

Kate shakes her head in disgust.

“Oh by the way… I never congratulated you on your engagement. When is the big day?”

Kate asked.

“Thanks. It won’t be till next year. I don’t want to rush into marrying Joey.”


Kate frowned.

“She rushed with Kevin and that didn’t end well.”

“I see.”

“We never married, but I had everything picked out etc… anyway moving on. I am not training tomorrow, but Friday I’m going to do some muay Thai training and a little yoga if you would like to join me.”

Amy suggested.


Kate smiled.

“Great. You are free to join us Jessie.”


“So what are you plans for tomorrow?”

Kate asks.

“Give Joey a little attention, go to the cinema and dinner.”

“You guys?”

“Listen to music… train etc…”

Jessie says.

“I’m not sure yet.”

And on that note the waitress comes over with everyone’s food before disappearing and returning with their drinks. Setting them down in front of everyone.  Kate, Jessie and Amy smile and say thanks. The scene fades out as everyone begins eating and drink their chosen food and drink.


13th January 2017

Dear Veronica,

Were you expecting an easy Inception? Ready to face off again Chelsea Payne, Aphrodite again… or maybe Evie Bang or Alexis Edwards. Or maybe just sit back and do fuck all like the Mean Girls usually do and have a bitching session with your coloring book and comedy video’s or interfere in a match that doesn’t even concern you. Unfortunately it won’t be the case now.  Now you have to pick up the roulette title and trudge to the ring with your silly little mirror and fake diamonds and get into the ring and do something. You have to face me like it or not.

Yeah go ahead and laugh… I don’t care because I will have the last laugh. As I said Sunday, I don’t want another quiet title-less year. I want gold around my waist and as you can see I wasn’t prepared to sit around and earn, plus no-one here was going to do anything about… so here I am.

So here is one question… not particularly aimed at anyone. Why the roulette championship? I chose this title because I thrive in any situation the roulette wheel throws at me… I just get on with this and kick ass. And while I prefer a Bombshell title match, I know that it won’t be happening for a while since Jessie has set her sights on the title and I’m not about to steal her thunder on this one. But the Roulette title has a few less restrictions, so I can do anything I like without major repercussions other than someone losing their title.

However, you don’t really care about the repercussion in how you win match, especially since how the herpes girls have returned or joined forces or whatever you want to call it and make the SCW halls “fun” again.

And yes… I just compared the mean girls to the herpes virus… and for record never had it. But I do here the virus lays dormant but now and again flares up. Kind of reminds me of the Mean Girls… disgusting, obscene, ugly, doesn’t go away and treatment very rarely works.


Sunday night and speaking of the mean girls… I know that I cannot escape from the possibility of being jumped by Mercedes and Delia during the match, as it’s pretty obvious that it is going to happen. But I can still win this match and overcome the odds. But the other thing that I should be able to overcome is your dire insults.

So let’s start…. Whale face?

What the fuck is a whale face? That is right up with being called an alien. Shit insult then shit insult now.

I’m a basic… I admit that I’m basic and proud of it. It’s not an insult that’s going to make me go away and cry.  Just an old insult now that nobody will even flinch at.

I’m jealous and/or a jealous Janis. May I ask who I am supposed to be jealous of and if you say you, Delia or Mercedes that’s just laughable. I have money, I am popular, I have an amazing career and I have a gorgeous fiancé.  Why would I ever beat jealous of some quarter dollar ratchet piece of shit like you.

Let’s see what else… I’m ugly. So what… not everyone wants to have surgery or Botox to look fake and act fake and pretend to be someone they aren’t.

Have I missed anything?

Regardless… you have no chance of getting out of the match with the roulette title in your hand.  You are unoriginal, you are boring and finally you are too damn predicable.  At Inception… you have absolutely no chance of retaining, I am walking away from this match as Bombshell Roulette champion, while you can go back to your cheap and tacky friends and kiss each other’s ass, bitch moan and think about what could and should have happened.

Inception… is where I will be back to winning way, while you walk away a bitter loser.

See you soon.


2x GRIME Champion (10/07/2021 - 05/12/2021 (154 days)) (20/03/2022 - 15/05/2022 (57 Days)
1x Bombshell Champion
2x Bombshell Roulette Champion
2x Bombshell Internet Champion
3x Bombshell Tag Team Champion
- 1 x w/ Necra Kane
- 2 x w/ Jessie Salco
~ First three time bombshell tag team champion.
~ 2nd ever Bombshell triple crown winner.
~ 1st ever Bombshell Grand Slam Champion.
~ 2015 Woman of the year.
~ 2015 Feud of the Year vs. Roxi Johnson
~ 2015 Match of the Year vs. Roxi Johnson.
~ 2015 Hall Of Fame!
~ 2018 Feud of the year vs Jessie Salco
- 2021 Year End Awards: Story of the Year:Masked member Rainbow/minority GRIME owner unmasks to reveal herself as multi-time champion and SCW Hall of Famer Amy Santino

Offline Amy Marshall

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    • Amy Santino
Veronica Taylor Vs Amy Marshall
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2017, 07:40:55 PM »
 I am very disappointed with you Veronica… I was expecting some witty retort or comeback or insult, but instead nothing but silence. Maybe you are just biding your time, gathering up information and see what I have to say, but personally I think you are just a scared immature empty headed bimbo. You are scared because I don’t fear you, you are scared before I don’t give a crap what you call me and you are scared that I am ready for any and all bullshit stunts that you and the rest of the mean girls might do me during the match.

And perhaps scared that I will be taking the Roulette title from you and crowning me as the NEW roulette champion.   You see Veronica your time as champion is over, a new champion is going to be crowned like it or not.

Silence maybe golden but a good old fashioned ass kicking says a thousand words.


Friday 13th January 2017
Hard Knocks Muay Thai.
Las Vegas, NV.

The scene opens inside Hard Knocks Muay Thai gym, where the gym is quiet sans Amy, Jessie, Kate and a few perhaps regular customers inside the gym.  With it being 10:32am, it would be quiet as people would be at work but for Amy, Jessie and Kate this was part of their work… keeping fit so that they can kick ass inside the ring.

With the camera panning around some more, it focuses on Kate sitting and watching and stretching as Amy punches, kicks, knees etc… the pads that are worn by one of the instructors of the gym, while Jessie who is a few feet away, pounds on one of the heavy bags nearby.

“It’s very simple this muay Thai training as you can see. It gives you more of a workout and more arsenal of moves for your wrestling.”

The trainer explains, as Amy knees the padding in the stomach area before throwing in some kicks to the padded rib area.

“And while Amy promotes this side of it, training regimens also include many staples of combat sport conditioning such as running, shadow boxing, rope jumping, body weight resistance exercises, medicine ball exercises, abdominal exercises and in some cases weight training.

Obviously not at the same time.”

The trainer continues as Kate and Jessie look at Amy.

“That’s why I do weight training and then muay Thai, but it’s up to you guys in how you do it and if you do it.  Just gives you another option instead of running, cardio, weight and anything else like yoga.”

Amy shrugs before delivering some punches to the pads.

“How often do you come here?”
Kate asks.

“I only just realised this place was here about week ago.”

Amy shrugs again, but it was true as she realised that she had to expand her views of Vegas from other than casinos, restaurant, shops and the usual gym.

“I think your friend should try this out.”

The trainer suggested, as Amy looks over to Kate.

“uh… sure.”

Kate stands up and gave her body a little shake down, as at first she begins to punch the pads, as Amy stood back and watches on as Jessie glances over a few times.

“Does Kate know what she has gotten herself into?”

“Oh, she’ll be fine. If she doesn’t like it, she doesn’t have to do it again. It was just an option of something different.

Amy suggested, as she watches Kate up her punches to kicks and punches.

“How are you liking it?”

“Good to let out your frustrations, but I think it will take some time to get used it and see the benefits.”

Kate says as she drives a knee into the pads.   

“It’s ok that you aren’t a fan.”


Kate shrugs apologetically.

“No worries.”

Amy smiles, as Kate steps back and smiles at the trainer before taking off the gloves.

“Thanks Renzo.  I think we are done. I’ll see you next week.”


Renzo smiles and nods, which Amy nods back, as he turns and heads toward some people who just walked into the gym. Meanwhile Amy removes her gloves, as does Jessie.

“What now?”

Jessie asks.

“The usual gym that I got to is only a few blocks away. You can do normal gym stuff.”
Amy suggested.

“Sounds great. Let’s go.”

Kate says with a smile.

“Ok, let me grab my bag and we can get going.”

The scene soon fades out with Amy packing away her gloves before picking up her bag, before making her way to the exit followed by Kate and Jessie, where they head to the gym and get a quick and hard work out done before heading to a cage and discuss a few thinks relating to Inception.


Tuesday 17th January.
Las Vegas, NV
Home of Amy Marshall
Time: 6am

The scene opens inside the home of Amy Marshall, where the morning dawn chorus was in full swing, however, inside the house was all quiet apart from a single lone clock ticking away as the camera continues through the house into the bedroom, where Joey is fast asleep while Amy stirs and slowly climbs out of the bed towards the bathroom.

Today her plans were to do nothing but relax and forget work and spend some time with Joey and maybe plan a little bit for the wedding.  Coming out of the bathroom, Amy returns to her bed, where she sits down.

“I thought you had a day off?”

Joey mumbles.

“I have. I just went to the bathroom.”

“Oh ok.”

“I could cancel the day off and go for a jog.”

Amy suggested, as she stands up but Joey grabs her hand and drags her back into bed, where he pulls her on top of him.

“How about we stay in bed all day?”

“We could but I need to do a few chores.”


Joey smirks, as Amy leans down and kisses him on the lips.
“Sucks to be adult.”

“Tell me about it.”

Joey smirks, as he rolls Amy onto her back and they proceed to kiss.  The scene quickly fades out before thing turn into a rated R promo.


The scene re-opens this time in a small café, where we see Amy and Joey sitting in the far corner chatting away, as they waited for their food to be brought to the table. Having spent the morning in the bedroom and then moving onto chores and then a little bit of shopping before heading to this café for some light lunch.

“So what’s Jessie and Kate up to today?

“Not sure.  Haven’t spoken to them for a couple of days. I was just letting them focus on their match and preparation.”

“Oh right.”

“I’m not going to interfere… I need to focus on my own match. But we will probably have a quick chat before the show goes live.”

Amy says as she sips on the tea in front of her.

“Are you ready?”

“Ready as I can be. A little annoyed that Veronica hasn’t said anything, but guess that can work in my favour. Anyway enough of work.  What else do you want to do today?”

Amy asks as she spots the waitress coming over with the meals of a cheese and ham sandwich and a mozzarella and pesto panini and places them down in front of them.

“Thanks.  How about movies?”

Joey suggests.

“Sure…. What do you want to see?”

“Assassins Creed? Or Hacksaw Ridge? Or Passengers?”

Joey reels off some movie ideas.

“Hmmm… Hacksaw Ridge looks good.”

“Good choice. There is a showing of it in about 45 minutes.”

Amy smiles and then bites into her panini.  The scene soon fades out as Amy and Joey continue to talk and eat, as they waste a little bit of time before the movie.


19th January 2017.

Come out come out where ever you are… earth calling Veronica.

Come out from under that bridge of yours.


Worth a try… anyway… while you are silent, I am not going to take this match lightly and take you lightly. You are still dangerous even without your ugly little crones interfering, but I am more dangerous, hungrier and more of a threat than you can imagine. I want gold back around my waist and I will do anything to get some wrapped around it.

I am going to fight hard and if I need to bleed hard.

Veronica if you haven’t figured it out by now I am putting my body on the line to take the roulette championship from you no matter what is thrown at me. I will become the new roulette champion and there is nothing you can do about it.

See you Sunday.


2x GRIME Champion (10/07/2021 - 05/12/2021 (154 days)) (20/03/2022 - 15/05/2022 (57 Days)
1x Bombshell Champion
2x Bombshell Roulette Champion
2x Bombshell Internet Champion
3x Bombshell Tag Team Champion
- 1 x w/ Necra Kane
- 2 x w/ Jessie Salco
~ First three time bombshell tag team champion.
~ 2nd ever Bombshell triple crown winner.
~ 1st ever Bombshell Grand Slam Champion.
~ 2015 Woman of the year.
~ 2015 Feud of the Year vs. Roxi Johnson
~ 2015 Match of the Year vs. Roxi Johnson.
~ 2015 Hall Of Fame!
~ 2018 Feud of the year vs Jessie Salco
- 2021 Year End Awards: Story of the Year:Masked member Rainbow/minority GRIME owner unmasks to reveal herself as multi-time champion and SCW Hall of Famer Amy Santino

Offline Lament Broom

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    • Veronica Taylor
Veronica Taylor Vs Amy Marshall
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2017, 11:36:55 PM »

The scene opens up right inside of the Mean Girls clubhouse where we see Angelica and Veronica Taylor sitting on the sofa. They are sipping on glasses of champagne. Dressed to the nines both of them  The bombshells roulette champion is wearing a purple top, black skirt, black Louboutin high heel pumps, and a black Gucci bag. Sitting next to her is her long time best friend and co-founder of the Mean Girls Angelica. Who was dressed in a black tight-fitting dress, silver high heels and a silver Gucci handbag? She and Veronica look at the camera crew they have invited inside the Mean Girl's clubhouse for the first time in history, the SCW cameras have been allowed into this club house. It is not normal for basics to be allowed inside of the clubhouse and to be around the Mean Girls. Soon enough Angelica and Veronica Taylor look at each other with a smirk before speaking in their bitchy tones giggling.

Veronica Taylor: Greetings basics, basics, whores, ratchet bitches, sluts, and losers. This is Veronica Taylor your bombshell roulette champion your Queen. Yes, your queen like look at me I am amazing and hot. Unlike, the rest of these basics I am actually beyond all of you every last one of you.  Why? Because I am Veronica Freakin Taylor. And next to me is my off my homegirl the woman who I have been talking to and working this out with for awhile well shes not the only one but the return of the Mean Girls couldn't have happened without the lovely Angelica.

Angelica: And I am also above all of you. But yes none of you morons like Celeste, and the other bombshells saw this coming. But really the SCW Bombshells they cried like they always do and the biggest crier Amy Marshall. I mean has she always cried. I mean Amy thought it was cute to attack you from behind but tonight she is going to get a taste of First class style.

The Cuban beauty smirks before rolling her eyes in disgust.

Veronica Taylor: Now, Amy Marshall typical disgusting punk basic. Like look at you I have not seen an uglier punk chick well since Kate Steel. Like ugh! Seriously I know were trying to tell the fans that yes you too can be something but really you can't really they can't be anything more than losers.  Which is what they are. See Amy I am the one who ended your tag team title reign not once but twice. I am the one who pinned you and slowcow and I am the one your jealous of. Face it who wouldn't be jealous of me?

Angelica: I am not, but its okay love ya anyway.

Veronica Taylor: It's okay love ya too but anyway tonight is going to be the night of the Mean Girls, because I am going to walk in Bombshells Roulette Champion and walk out with my title sorry bout it.[/color

Veronica Taylor, and Angelica blows an arrogant kiss as the scenes fades to black.