Author Topic: Song's Singles match promo  (Read 317 times)

Offline Wong Fai Hung

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Song's Singles match promo
« on: November 04, 2016, 07:03:17 PM »
 Terranea Resort
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Off Camera

We see Song and LAW Chaos Champion Kenzi Grey wasting the day away in there resort suite. When Song’s phone starts to go off. Song sees that Kenzi is on twitter and has tag Song on a message.

Song: You trying to fight with me, it’s that tine of day?  *Song said with a bit if a playful attitude*

Kenzi peek over her phone at Song, hiding a devilish grin. "Me? Nooooooo! I don't want to fight" she chuckle deviously.

Song: hmm

*Song gets another alert*

Song: Okay it’s a fight, but let’s play nice now Nutty Buddy!

Kenzi Grey: "I'm always nice to you...Shatter Bunny!"

Song: Damn it Kenzi play nice!

*Song runs over to Kenzi giggling but checking to make sure Kenzi plays nice*

*Kenzi tossed down her phone and grab Song, tickling her down and kissing her, then sending her off with a smack on the butt. Song holds her butt while takes a few steps away.*

Song: So um Kenzi, what you want for lunch?

Kenzi grey: "Did you say what or who?" she says with a laugh

*Song goes and grabs a pillow and stands two feet from Kenzi.*

Song: I'm sorry, what was that?

*Song asks as she started to place the pillow is position to swing at Kenzi with it. Kenzi narrow her eyes at Song, grabbing a pillow of her own...

Kenzi Grey: "You heard what I said! Doing WHAT or doing WHO?!" I swing my pillow wildly at her, hoping to surprise her.

*Song steps back allowing the pillow to pass by. Song then throws her pillow at Kenzi in the face to distract her as she gently spears Kenzi to the Sofa.*

As Kenzi goes down, she wraps her legs around Song to hold her in place as she hit her in the face with her own pillow. "TAKE THAT!"

*Song sells the shot to her face and goes down releasing Kenzi in the process.*

Song: Thank you nutty buddy!

Kenzi grey: "I should thank you, for being Awesome Sauce!"

*Song gets up and sits on the sofa next to Kenzi*

Kenzi Grey: "I watched you sleep today...I just sat on the edge of the bed watching you. Every time you exhaled, I held my breath...I didn't know if you'd breathe again. I was so happy when you did!"

"I love you, soooooo much!"

*Song extends her arms out to give Kenzi a hug. As the two hug*

Song; I love you Kenzi, but don’t let Orchid hear you say Awesome Sauce.

*Song while giggling, Kenzi grins.*

Kenzi grey: "Good advice."

*It's warm sunny day in Los Angeles and Kenzi decided that this is as good a day as any to go for a walk along the beach, with her best girl of course. Since they started officially dating, Kenzi had kept things pretty quiet with the public. Song didn't care for cameras in her face and Kenzi didn't care for her worrying about cameras. Still, staying cooped up in resort all day wasn't fair either. They hit the beach, ice cream in hand, walking near the surf, barefoot. Song seemed surprised when Kenzi laced her fingers with Song’s as we walked, but Kenzi only smiled at her and gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

Kenzi Grey: "So, tell me about this big singles match you have in SCW? What's the deal with this Uriella Abbadon chick?"

Song: Uriella Abbadon is one half of the SCW Bombshell Tag team champions. The team is called the Angel clan and her partner is also a LAW star in Lucy Seraphina, I'm sure you heard of her right?

Kenzi grey: "Oh yes, of course I have. I was just wondering about Uriella. I don't know her at all."

Song: Well she is the lesser talented one, Like us as a team, there the great Kenzi and the lesser talented Song.

*Kenzi punched her in the shoulder playfully.*

Kenzi Grey: "I think not babe, but your point is well taken. So, do you think this is going to lead to opportunity when you win?"

Song: No it will not, you see the next SCW show is High Stakes VI one of there biggest shows of the year. SCW has already informed us and The Angel clan that come High Stakes VI we will face off for those titles. So if I can win this one on one match Alana and I should have some momentum, We won are last match as you saw vs. Azz n Class and they got a draw there last match so momentum is what Uriella and I are fighting for.

*Song answered as she put the ice cream close to her mouth to take a lick full. Kenzi reached over and hit the bottom of her cone, putting ice cream all over Song’s nose. She stops and glares at Kenzi and she lean over and lick it off...

Kenzi Grey:  "What?! I saw an opportunity for me to gain some momentum and I took it!"

* She laughs and takes off running, knowing Song will catch her as she splashes in the water. Song Licks her cone again allowing Kenzi to gain a lead before Song takes off running after her. Song manages to catch up to Kenzi but Kenzi must had felt it as she stops and turns around as Song slows down Kenzi extends her arms and Song stops right in front her Enzi's arm that is holding her cone. Kenzi leans forward a bit and has her cone make contact with Songs nose again. Kenzi sticks out her tongue as she got Song. Song smiles back at Kenzi.*

Song: You got me.

*Kenzi put her arms around Song.

Kenzi Grey: "Yep, and you got me too Shatter Bunny!" *I kiss her and smile.* "I've never been happier."

Song; Me to Nutty Buddy, speaking of which you owe me a new Nutty Buddy!

*Song smiles at Kenzi as she takes her hand and they continue to walk the beach. Kenzi bring Song’s hand up and kisses it.

Kenzi Grey: "I want to be there for your match, but I'm going to be in Boulder that night." *I frown a bit, then shrug.* "I guess I'll have to see you right after."

*As they keep walking Song starts to swings her arm back and fourth forcing Kenzi to do the same since its the arm in which they are holding hands.*

Song: Hey if you want I can have Alana face time you or you can just watch it live thru a TV. My match is only the 2nd match so you should be okay and since you’re in the Main Event, I would be able to watch your match as well.

*The two keep walking along the beach, it felt good for Song to get some fresh air and take a walk with Kenzi. Song is enjoying herself as they see the Sun about to start setting. As beautiful as this setting is, Song couldn’t get her upcoming match off her mind. Song doesn’t care about the match as its nothing more but a throw away. Song wonders, what the fuck is the point when they asked to be booked against the other tag teams not a singles match.*

*Kenzi is honestly very happy that Song and Alana will get their opportunity to win the tag team titles, but still there is a bit of jealousy creeping in for me. Not that Alana will do anything to take Song away, but the fact that she will share something with Song that I cannot. I know that it’s just an irrational thought inside my head, but I’m powerless to control or stop it. I turn my thoughts away from the truly unfounded idea and try to stay positive, all the same.*

Kenzi Grey: “I know you two will make great champions together…I can’t wait to see it. I’m going to be so happy for the two of you!”

*Kenzi smiles and kisses his hand, hoping she can’t see that inside I’m already frantic over the idea. The thought that she’ll be happy makes me happy, the realization that it won’t be because of me is troubling.*

Song: Will lets not jump the gun, they beat us before, and I'm sure no one thinks we will beat them this time around either so, they’ll get to stay champs while the rest of the division keeps putting them over making them look like a million bucks in a division that was been boring since before they won the belts, they added nothing but wins in there record. No one talks about the bombshell tag team division, there is no hype at all, I guess that’s what happens when the champs are boring and yet unstoppable. Everyone has to suffer.

*Song turns to look at Kenzi*

Song: It doesn’t help that there are less teams now then before so the same match up happen over and over with the same results every time. To be honest it may be too late and Alana and I can’t save it even if we were to beat them for the titles.

*Kenzi feels like a shit head, as Song vents and for the first time doesn’t sound as confident and she had always seemed before. I didn’t like it…even though I wasn’t particularly keen on her enjoying success without me. I stopped and put my hands on her shoulders, looking her right in her eyes.

Kenzi: “What do you mean you’re going to ‘try’ to win and what’s this shit about them being ‘unbeatable? If I were Alana and I heard you talking like that I would kick your ass! You are in a position to win the title for a reason. Walking into a match with any doubt in your mind is like walking into a gunfight with a half-empty magazine. You’d be crazy to do that!” *I shake my head at her,* “That’s not who you are Song! You’re a strong, confident, abrasive bitch! That is what got you to where you are…that is what is going to get you what you want!”

*As the words come out, I realize that it was very wrong of me to be jealous and feel threatened by the possibility that she would go on to become a champion with Alana. Just like I had fallen for the ‘abrasive bitch’ that she was, if she didn’t continue being that person…the one who saw me as someone she wanted to be with, what would that mean for us? She needed to stay on course and it was my job to make sure that she did. I shook her by her shoulders.

Song: “Don’t talk like that again! You go out there and you take what they owe you…or you die trying!”

Song: I get what you are saying but it’s too late. The division is not the same like hen I was here with Orchid. I cant blame the champs for not having more tag team in the division, as they don’t have the power to sign up talent but they can and should do there part in trying to recruit but they don’t, this company doesn’t take advantage of social media as they should. Even is we did win what are we winning, belts to a dying division?

*Song shakes her head a bit*

Song: We asked the bosses to book us in matches we told them to let us start from the bottom and work are way to the champs, Instead they book is in match in which the other team jobbed to us and bam we fight the champs again, makes no sense we should be fighting The Metal And Punk Connection or Justice League. See Kenzi those are the other tag teams, that is how bad the division has gotten, oh its worse thou cus The Metal And Punk Connection are trying for singles titles so now your down to just the champs, Elders and Justice League. I say it like that because I couldn’t even tell you what the hell ever happened to Team Technicolor. Makes me wonder why even have tag team titles there at this very moment. I guess I would feel different if I felt we earned a shot and not just given one after we lost to them last PPV, they keep us off the shows just so we can beg them to book us and let us work are way up, instead they give us a job match then say here fight the champs again, had booking been done right we should be facing the champs at the end of the year not two PPV in a row but hey booking is out of my control so I just do my job

*Kenzi hates when Song speaks of the business in this manner and shoots Song a upset look*

Song: Nutty Buddy don’t get upset with what I am saying as this is between us. When I get on camera I sell the hell out of the match, I do my job, I then get told before the match like we all do if were going to win or not. Not matter what they tell us Alana and I put on one hell of a show, but for how long can that last? I like SCW and there fans are great. They boo me on cue its great, if I sound a bit off trust me get a camera on my face, you see. I don’t let the fans know how I feel, that’s what Jon does and he is wrong for it. I know better and I will do my best.

Kenzi’s eyes widen in surprise at what she says. "Wait a minute! Are you telling me that in SCW, you get told who will win BEFORE the match? Then you into the ring...and you just win or lose based on what someone told you?"

*Song looks around to make sure there is no camera she sees none*

Song: There is no camera Kenzi we all know that’s how it works. that’s how all wrestling companies work even LAW, so don’t play dumb with me, Its not like this is an efed online were its based on who writes a better story on paper, this is real life and yes bosses tell us who wins.

*Kenzi arches one eyebrow at this, backing away from her.*

Kenzi grey:  “So…you mean to tell me that all the many months I spent chasing after this Chaos Title was just a bunch of bullshit?! Someone could have just said to me, ‘hey, tonight you are going to win the title’ and then I would have just won the title?!”

*I shake my head at her, posting my hands on my hips. *

Kenzi Grey: “People say that I’m crazy…but that…that’s the craziest shit I have ever fucking heard!”

*Song does not want to argue with Kenzi over this so Song just starts lying to her as much as she hates to.*

Song: No Kenzi, I'm just playing with you. I just wanted to mess with your head a bit, just sometimes you can be so easy to mess with.

*Song puts on a smile hoping she can just not talk about it and enjoy the sun setting, while enjoying the fresh air the beach has to offer*

*Though Song has changed her tune, I still feel like there is a joke here and I’m one of the two people here that aren’t in on it. In the end, all I can do is shrug my shoulders and keep my mouth shut. I didn’t know what was inside Song’s head, and maybe that was a good thing. It had gotten her into a position where she could become a champion, where as I had to enlist the help of someone to even get an opportunity. I wished Song the best of luck all the same in her match and the title opportunity afterwards. I wasn’t convinced that her heart was even in it…but she’d decide that for herself when the time came. Either way, in the end I would support her.*

*As the two continue to walk the beach front Song spots street hot dog vending cart strolling the beach and sees her favorite drink as its logo. Song starts running towards it yelling*

Song: RC COLA!!!! Here I come!!!

Kenzi: Hey wait for me!!

*Song blows her off and keeps running to the food vender. As song approaches the man we can hear Song yelling again.*

Song: RC Cola please!!!

Vendor: I’m sorry I don’t have any RC Cola.

*Kenzi finally makes her way to Song and has a worried look on her face as she just heard the Vender tell Song about not having RC Cola.*

Song: But the sign on top of your cart says RC Cola.

Vendor: Yeah, sorry about that, I just never changed the sign.

Kenzi Grey: Isn’t that false advertising?

*The vendor laughs at the two which pisses off Song.*

Song: Hey I’m just a small petite Asian girl with no strength; I am a weak little girl I mean just look at me. But then again.

*Song super kicks the vendor in the face knocking him to the ground.*

Song: If I had you believe that then that would be false adverting bitch.

*We hear police sirens in the background as a beach patrol officer has just witness Song assault the street vender. Song pushes Kenzi very hard*

Song: Run!!

*They start running and cut between to buildings. They run across the street to a hotel parking lot, they cut thru the lot reaching a busy street. While hearing sirens in the background they wait for terrific to clear before running across the busy street. Still barefoot the two walk nut a sidewalk leading to a small street that leads to there resort suite.*

*Two hours later Song gets a phone call from the Elders new medical doctor Dr. Rebecca Weaver. Song takes the phone call.*

Song: Hey Dr. Weaver, how’s it going?

Becky: Fine, how are you?

Song: Peachy!

Becky: When can I meet with you for a check up before your match?

Song: Friday works for me.

Becky: Okay should we meet in L.A.?

Song: That’s were I’ll be Dr. Weaver

Becky: Okay Friday morning it is. Eyesnsane will be there as well for his. If you two like I would love to take you two for lunch, my treat.

Song; Sure, Eyesnsane and I would like that.

Becky: great see you then

*Friday morning, Song wakes up and sees Kenzi is still sleeping. Song sneaks out the bed to not wake her. She takes a shower to get ready to leave for her check up. Alana has set up limo to take Song to Eyesnsane hotel suite to meet with the doctor. Afterwards they will all be going for lunch.*

*Lunch scene Palm Restaurant Downtown Los Angeles. Song, Eyesnane, Ted and Dr. Weaver in sitting in a booth.

Ted: Nice place.

*Song looks at Ted with a mean stare, Ted looks back at Song confused.*

Ted: What? What I do?

Song: You have your camera with you?

Ted: Always why what’s up?

Song: Turn it on.

*Ted goes to his bag. We see a waiter show up with there order as Dr. Weaver had place a unique healthy cruise for them ahead of time so she doesn’t miss her flight back home. Ted pulls out a small camcorder and turns it on.*

Camera On

*We see Song wearing a t shirt that says “Hey SCW why no Elders Shirts”?  We see Dr. Weaver sitting to her left wearing a white dress. Both ladies have there hair on ponytails. Dr. Weaver has ordered Wasabi and Panko Crusted Ahi Tuna Steak for everyone. The restaurant is packed with people we can see a handful of waiters around with tray of food or drinks passing by. Song looks right at the camera lens.*

Song: So this Sunday I get to get in the ring with Uriella Abaddon one on one.

*Song smirks for a second before going to a straight face*

Song: That’s cool, I prefer tag team matches but I can dig it. The only time we faced off was for the Bombshell titles. Not only did the Elders fail but it was you that pinned me. Sure you had my number then but you won’t this Sunday. CC 164 will be different. No tag team, no help just you and me. Know make no mistake about it, I plan on crushing you but… there is a but each month you pick a day to sell limited wear. Of your "Air Angel" brand. You say you pick a day to sell limited wear which then goes to a charity of a fan's choice.

I respect that, I really do. Therefore I respect you, but in the ring I plan on having one hell of a match while still wearing you out to win this match. Yes part of me wants to take the chair Jon Dough used on Ben Jordan and beat you with it, but the truth is the part that respects you won’t allow me to do that.

Lucy you on the other hand I…. Sorry that’s in due time. So Uriella Abaddon back to you, back to how I need to even out this lead you built on the Elders. This Sunday the better half of your team Lucy is outside. Hell last time I saw her out there sure I got pined but Alana was beating her ass out there.

You see what you did was made one thing clear. I said then that Lucy was my target, clearly you took exception to that and proved that to me when you hit your Control Crisis and got the three count. Well sweetie I have received your wake up call and know you will see just how awake and alert I will be this Sunday.

This is the just a preview of what the fans will get to see at High Stakes VI. You say you want tag teams to show up and the Elders came. You said that yourself, Elders failed to take the tiles the first time. Now I get to correct that wrong and the Elders will go to High Stakes VI with the momentum with Elders having two wins to what is a draw and you’re soon to be one on one defeat.

Like I said, it took a pin fall and your charity work to respect you but you got it. So with that, I will say this once again. I will crush you, but not before us having a kick as match. Be prepared to get your stamina tested and then lose due to not being able to with stand my endurance.
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