Author Topic: The Axe Shall Fall  (Read 273 times)

Offline MarkusReeves

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    • Markus F'n Reeves
The Axe Shall Fall
« on: July 08, 2016, 09:17:52 PM »
This abomination won't see the end of days
Sit throne of lies, torn
By the voice up high
Death was only a dream
Not devastating disaster
The rights of passage
The past we can't alter, fuck you, you
And the horse that you rode in on, just sit there
And be silent as the grave
You've come out this time, smelling just like roses
I sit there, watch, while I drink my wine

The weight of your sins and the evil beneath us
Will surely drag you down,
The axe shall fall
On the one-winged angel, breaking the spell
would you break this fall?
For he, who sins against his kind
The axe shall fall

The scene opens up with Markus Reeves sitting at a table with his daughter and fellow professional wrestler Miyoko Oshiro. The two of them sit awkwardly as Markus takes a drink of water and then tries to initiate conversation.

Markus Reeves: you want to talk about what happened on the Maury show?

Miyoko Oshiro: No not really.

Markus Reeves: Okay.

Miyoko Oshiro: Okay fine, did you really have to father him?

Markus Reeves: What's wrong with Todd?

Miyoko Oshiro: Nothing is wrong with Todd, it's who he is married to.

Markus Reeves: Yeah, I'm not really happy about that either but I don't really have any other choice. I said that I would be there for any children I might have and I am a man of my word.

Miyoko Oshiro: Have you ever had any planned children dad?

Markus Reeves: No, I don't believe I have. I lived a hard and fast life and I didn't ever really try and settle down. I basically just screwed around and I mean literally screwed around in just about every town I ever went to.

Miyoko Oshiro: Jesus dad you are just awful.

Markus Reeves: Was, I don't do that anymore. I mean if you look none of the children that have some forward are under the age of twenty-one.

Miyoko Oshiro: Maybe it's time for you to go to the doctor.

Markus Reeves: What for?

Miyoko Oshiro: To get the old snip so that maybe you can quit having bastard children all over the world.

Markus Reeves: Might be a good idea but I don't know if I can since I'm wrestling full time again.

Miyoko Oshiro: Well if that's the case maybe you need to start wearing condoms. God, I can't believe I'm having the talk with my dad.

Markus Reeves: Can't, I'm allergic to latex.

Miyoko Oshiro: They make condoms that don't use latex.

Markus Reeves: I'm allergic to goat skin too.

Miyoko Oshiro: Bullshit, I bet you aren't even allergic to latex either.

Markus Reeves: Well if we are being truthful no I'm not allergic to latex. I just said that I was so I didn't have to wear them, I don't like the way they feel.

Miyoko Oshiro: That's really messed up dad, I really can't believe what I'm hearing.

Markus Reeves: I'm sorry okay and I promise I won't have sex with anyone that you know. Are you still friends with Skye Sparks?

Miyoko Oshiro: Yes.

Markus Reeves: Damn.

Miyoko Oshiro: Are you serious? Were you really going to try and make a pass at her?

Markus Reeves: It was worth a try.

Miyoko Oshiro: You know that Skye and her sister are like half your age right?

Markus Reeves: Yeah and that's why I would be doing it. I need to meet younger chicks to make me feel younger.

Miyoko Oshiro: So this is because you have completely realized that you are old and it really bothers you.

Markus Reeves: Exactly.

Miyoko Oshiro: What about Kenzi Grey?

Markus Reeves: Can't.

Miyoko Oshiro: Why not?

Markus Reeves: Because I'm pretty sure I slept with her mother many years ago and I'm worried that Kenzi is another child of mine.

Miyoko Oshiro: Jesus Christ, is there anyone that you haven't slept with.

Markus Reeves: Diana Riggs.

Miyoko Oshiro: It was more of a rhetorical question.

Markus Reeves: I know but I did want to point out that I haven't slept with her.

Miyoko Oshiro: I guess since we are talking about this anyway is there anyone else?

Markus Reeves: The Queen mum. Now that I think about it those might be the only two I haven't been with.

Miyoko Oshiro: That's really gross.

Markus Reeves: I'm only kidding. There are a bunch more that I haven't been with. I'm just screwing with you. I keep forgetting to ask, how are things with you and your boyfriend?

Miyoko Oshiro: I broke up with him.

Markus Reeves: How come?

Miyoko Oshiro: Caught him screwing my friend from high school who came to see me.

Markus pulls out a knife and clicks a button and it opens revealing a seven-inch blade

Markus Reeves: You don't say?

Miyoko Oshiro: No its really okay dad, I already kicked his ass, you don't need to fillet him.

Markus puts the knife away

Markus Reeves: Are there any other prospects for you?

Miyoko Oshiro: No, I'm just going to avoid dating, for the time being, I'm going to focus on wrestling and that's about it, I don't have time to deal with these assholes that inhabit the Earth.

Markus Reeves: That's fair enough. When you were with him were you at least being safe?

Miyoko laughs and wipes a tear from her right eye

Miyoko Oshiro: Wait, is the king of not wearing protection asking me if I'm being safe?

Markus Reeves: Yeah, it's kind of what dads do.

Miyoko Oshiro: Yes I am because I don't really want my career derailed by some jackass who can't pull out.

Markus Reeves: Okay good, I'm glad you are learning from my mistakes.

Miyoko Oshiro: Wow I didn't even really notice that I actually am. I'm using protection because I don't want to have happen to me what happened to you. I guess I really owe you a big thanks.

Markus Reeves: You are welcome Miyoko. I'm glad I could actually be helpful to you. Are you going to be at the show on Sunday?

Miyoko Oshiro: I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Markus Reeves: Good, I'm glad to hear. I got a luxury box for you and your friends to enjoy the show in.

Miyoko Oshiro: Thank you again, dad. I love you.

Markus Reeves: I love you too kiddo. Ready to get out of here?

Miyoko Oshiro: Yeah

Markus and Miyoko get up and leave when Markus asks Miyoko another question.

Markus Reeves: What is Skye's sister like?

Miyoko Oshiro: I've been told she is a total nympho and a bitch who looks disinterested all the time.

Markus Reeves: That's hot.

Miyoko Oshiro: That's gross.

The scene fades to black

Fuck yeah, it's great to be back after having a few weeks off to charge my batteries and boy am I ready to kick some fucking ass. Now the last time you saw me I was tapping out to Kale Smith and that truly was an embarrassing sight. I keep kicking myself knowing that I lost to someone who basically did nothing by yell MAAAAAAATE like some fuck head with brain damage. No, that situation was super embarrassing and I don't plan on letting something like that happen again.

Now I just need to put that match behind me so I can focus on what really matters and that's the man they call Rage and the chance at getting my hands on what I came to Sin City Wrestling for and that's a little bit of gold. Now I said a little earlier this week on Twitter that I was going to come and take what I feel is mine and the wordsmith Rage came back with everything that he is worth and said that I ain't going to take the title away from him. You see that's what I love the best Rage, I'm glad that you aren't going to just allow me to take the title from you without a fight, instead I'm going to have to do what I do best and pose my physical will against you and forcefully take the title away from you.

Now go ahead and feel like you accomplished something because you beat sorry ass, Matt Spears, to retain your title.

Markus holds up his pinky finger

Just know that I have more fight in my little finger than Spears has in his entire fucking body. Just because you were able to go out and defeat him and because I lost to a mentally incompetent Australian doesn't mean that this match against me is going to be a walk in the fucking park for you. No, in fact, it's going to be worse, it's going to be Hell, it's going to be war. I realized since I got here I've been taking it on people, you know because for some fucking reason, I was trying my best not to offend people here or the fans that watch the show. Nah at this point I don't care about that anymore and if Christian Underwood and Mark Ward have a problem with what I say or how I conduct myself in the ring then I will invite them down to the ring and allow them to say it to my face. Don't get me wrong I'll probably disagree with them and I'll probably end up beating the shit out of both of them and then I'll probably get suspended but at this point in my life, I'm not going to change who I am to appease these little pussies.

Now, where do I begin with you Rage, maybe I'll start right there with your name, I hope to the Flying Spaghetti Monster that Rage isn't your real name because if it is, it quickly goes to the top as the stupidest fucking name I have ever heard and that includes my newly discovered son hyphenating his name to include his wife's name. Yeah, my son is such a bitch that he combined his name with his wife's name and even with him being that big of a bitch his name still isn't as fucking stupid as your name is. Now if it isn't your name it sounds like the kind of name that a silver spoon licking trust fund baby would choose as a nickname to try and sound more dangerous or to show the other kids that he is more than some spoiled little fuck, or maybe you just chose the name because you are fucking douche bag

Now while I'm on the douche bag thought you definitely have all the markings of a douche bag, from your shiny bald head to your six-foot long goatee to the tribal tattoos. Boy if you being covered in tribal tattoos is a sure sign of you being a giant fucking douche bag than I don't know what is. Hell with the look that you are putting on you are so very close to the douche bag hall of fame and trust me I have associated myself with my fair share of them over the years.

Now Rage, if you are looking to complete your douche bag look to the best of your abilities may I make a few recommendations. First, you have a great running head start at being the biggest douche bag I have ever seen with your bald ass head and your tribal tats. Now the next thing you have to add to your wardrobe to enhance your look is skinny jeans. Yes, Rage, that's right, skinny jeans are just for latte sipping hipsters anymore, they are the quintessential look for the raging douche bag in the year twenty sixteen. Now if you want to pull this look off you need to find the skinniest jeans you can find. I'm talking ones so tight that to get them on you will need fifteen sticks of butter and a crowbar and the only way to get them off is to have them removed by a doctor who is trying to perform surgery after you crashed your Mazda Miata after having a couple too many wine coolers. I mean jeans so tight that they will leave little to the imagination and when I say little I mean field mouse small.

Now before I get to far along I want to talk to you bout those tattoos, there is really only two kinds of people that get tribal tattoos. The two choices are that you got them because you joined a cult who also got similar tattoos and you did it to fit in. I mean this is a pretty good reason to get one, nothing like a whole bunch of fuck heads walking down the street showing off that they are all giant dill holes. The only other reason I can think of is a little more dark and sinister and I don't mean because you think that you are dark and sinister with all this seven deadly sins bullshit that you are talking about. No, I think it's something more like why most people get tattoos and that's because you are a giant ass clown who couldn't think of any better tattoo to get and yet still wanted to get a tattoo without getting something with some meaning.  Rage, I'm going to give you a round of applause for actually allowing someone and probably paying for them to give you the international brand of the douche bag,

Now there is only one more thing you can add to your ensemble to allow you in the douche bag hall of fame on the first ballot and that is adding the never fashionable old school Tap Out shirt. I don't mean one of those ones that you can find at Walmart, I mean one of the old ones that all of the mixed martial art fighters used to wear to the cage. If you can find one of those old ones and in good condition that would just be the cherry on top of your douche bag sundae.

Now there is one thing that I forgot to mention up until this point and its kind of an important one. Now I know for a fact that I'm an asshole, this isn't a secret at all but you sir Rage and I used the sir term very loosely because quite honestly you aren't one. Now it was brought to my attention that you have in fact power bombed a woman before. Now I don't know much about this situation other than it happened. I don't know if it was in a sanctioned match or if you attacked her outside of a match. Either way, it's a  super fucked up thing. If I had any respect for you and trust me I don't, it would be gone at this point. It's never okay to put your hands on a woman like that you dickless little fuck. Based purely on this information it will be my pleasure beating the shit out of you because someone who is willing to harm a woman doesn't deserve to be a champion. Hell, the only thing you deserve is the beating that I'm going to give you on Sunday and to be unemployed like Ray Rice and Greg Hardy. I'm going to enjoy beating you stupid, I'm going to do it for every woman that has been abused by assholes like you and I'm going to show everyone in the world what happens to people that abuse women.

Now I've thrown a little bit of shade towards you as the kids are saying these days but honestly this match isn't about that. This match is about me, going out and dominating you in ways that you can't imagine and me finally putting a Sin City Wrestling championship around my waist. You know there is nothing better than putting a gaudy gold belt encrusted with every gem under the sun on it around my waist on Sunday. You see Rage if you even so much a slip a little bit and I'll take advantage of it and I'll make you fucking pay for it. You see Rage, you have faced plenty of good wrestlers in your career but you have never wrestled anyone like me, you haven't wrestled someone who will actually be willing to die if it means winning the match. Take these last few days to prepare yourself for all-out nuclear war because I'm going to come and give you everything I have and I'm going to walk out of the show Sunday with the Internet Championship around my waist. See you Sunday fuck head.