Author Topic: Rough Bumps #3  (Read 267 times)

Offline MarkusReeves

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    • Markus F'n Reeves
Rough Bumps #3
« on: June 17, 2016, 06:45:10 PM »
A tragedy on display, a sickness for all to see,

I will kill this part of myself that I hate

And that I see in you.

It was always mine anyways,

There's somethings you can't take away.

I choose not to feel a thing,

Sanctity a breath away.

Just a breath away.

-Blacken The Cursed Sun by Lamb of God

The scene opens up with Markus Reeves and Chad Lights sitting in front of microphone equipment. Both are wearing headphones and are prepared to do a radio show. The show is being recorded to use on Rough Bumps

Chad Lights: I’m here with Markus Reeves who is coming off a dominate performance at Sin City Wrestling’s “Into the Void” show. How was it wrestling in Japan for your return to wrestling?

Markus Reeves: It was really great Chad, I love wrestling in front of the Japanese crowd, and they just seem to have such a love for the sport that you don’t see in other countries. Japan really is my favorite place to wrestle of all of the places that I have wrestled.

Chad Lights: That’s good. We saw a segment on Rough Bumps where you are looking for a long lost son.

Markus Reeves: Well I didn’t really lose him; I gave him up for adoption. It’s not like the mother snuck off with him in the middle of the night and was never seen again.

Chad Lights: I stand corrected I’m sorry. How is the search going for your son?

Markus Reeves: It’s going pretty well. We are following up on a few leads that seem very promising. I’m optimistic that we will find him shortly.

Chad Lights: That’s really good to hear Markus. Now if you don’t mind me asking since we are on the subjects of your family. What were your parents like?

Markus drops his head and chuckles

Markus Reeves: You want to know about my parents?

Chad Lights: Yeah, might give the listeners a little more insight into what makes you, you.

Markus Reeves: Well, I didn’t know my biological father all that well because quite frankly he wasn’t around much.

Chad Lights: That’s really sad.

Markus Reeves: Not really, the guy was a total ass munch. You see he was married to another woman and cheated on her with his secretary and nine months later, young Markus came into the world.

Chad Lights: Wow the product of an affair.

Markus Reeves: Yeah, he used to lie to his wife and say that he was coming on business trips and would see me and my mom about once every six months or so and that went on for about four years. Then one day he came to visit on my birthday and blamed me and my mother for almost ruining his marriage which couldn’t be further from the truth. He told my mom that he wished that she had aborted me and that I’ll never amount to anything because I’m nothing more than a bastard child born to some unwed whore.  After that, I never saw him again even after finding out that former professional wrestler Joe Everyman was my half brother.

Chad Lights: I remember Joe Everyman from nCw, he showed moments of being really good…

Markus Reeves: But most of the time he was complete trash.

Chad Lights: Right. Did you try to reconnect with your father after the revelation of being Joe Everyman’s half brother?

Markus Reeves: Yes, I tried to contact him on several occasions after that but he never returned my calls or texts or anything. He was even at an nCw pay per view and I tried to talk to him but he wanted nothing to do with me. I think it pissed him off that his bastard child was better at everything than his planned son. After that I never tried to contact him, he could be dead in ditch somewhere and I couldn’t care less. If you are somehow still alive Joe Smith of Washington, DC, I hope that you see this or that someone you know sees or hears this. I’m so glad you weren’t in my life, I know my life turned out crazy but I know for a fact that I would probably be some ass kissing yes man like you and your fuck head of a son. The best thing you did was quit talking to my mother and getting out of my life, that way I could go out and become the man that I am today and instead of some generic jack off like you two are. Lauren Smith, I'm sorry I was such a burden on your life, even though it's not my fault that your husband's pullout game is as weak as new born fawn. I'm truly sorry that I messed up your little family because your sleaze ball of a husband can't keep his two-inch pecker in his pants and out of any chick that just happens to walk by.

Chad Lights: Jeez Markus don’t you think you are being a little harsh?

Markus Reeves: No I don’t, anyone would be pissed if their father walked out on them because he fucked up and didn’t want to face the consequences like a man. You see Joe, I’m going to be different, and I know I have fathered a bunch of bastards all over the Earth but if any of them come forward and we can prove that I am their father, I will do what you didn’t. I will try and reconnect to them if they want and if they don’t, I won’t bother them again. I’ll own up to my mistakes unlike a coward like you and I’ll be the bigger man and take care of my kids….all of them.

Chad Lights: Well that takes care of another episode of Rough Bumps, I’m Chad Lights and this is Markus Reeves. Tune in next week as we follow another day in the life of the one and only Markus Reeves.

Scene fades to black

Alex Rush, I’ll give you the respect that you deserve. You went toe to toe with me and even thought I destroyed you I’ll give you credit for making it a fight. Most people in your position would have noped the Hell out of there but you fought to the very end. I think you might just have a future in wrestling after all.

You see I’m a lot of things, I’m a billionaire, a philanthropist, and professional wrestler but there is one kind of person I'm even more proud of being and that is being a man of my word. A few weeks ago I said that I was going to steamroll through Alex Rush and that's exactly what I did. In fact, I guess I've been lucky since I returned to professional wrestling close to a month ago. I'   ve faced nothing but new people and I was hoping to get more of a challenge but instead I'll open up Climax Control 150 the same way I've opened the last couple of shows and that's facing a person that is new to the wrestling business and who has no fucking business facing someone the caliber of myself.  

Kale it’s really nothing personal, I’m just looking to reclaim a little of my old glory, I’m here to do two things, inflict pain on other human beings and let me tell you, I’m really good at it and if you don’t believe me, go ask Alex Rush or go ask Constantine. They will tell you that stepping into the ring with one Markus Reeves was the worst decision that they ever made and I’m sure if they could do it again, they wouldn’t want to tango with me.

The other thing that I'm here to do is win titles, at this point in my career, I'm just trying to add to my trophy room by winning titles from all different federations around the world. At this point, all you do Kale is stand in my way on my path to championship gold in Sin City Wrestling. Like I said before,   it’s nothing personal, it’s just business and unfortunately for you, you stand between me and getting a title shot.

Now no one ever has a one hundred percent chance of winning in this business but seeing that you do nothing but tweet I feel that I’m not far from one hundred percent. I know you weren’t here in the company when I started here so I’ll give you a little bit of history about myself.

I've been doing this thing for a very long time and I'm very good at what I do. I've wrestled all over the world and I've seen just about everything that you can see in the ring. There is absolutely nothing that you can do against me that I haven't seen before. You try and run me, you'll just tire out and then I'll beat you up like I beat up Alex Rush at Into the Void. If you think you have the balls to go and try a power game against me I can guarantee you that it will turn out poorly for you just like it did to poor Constantine. Now, I don't think you are stupid but in the off-chance that I'm wrong about that and you decide that maybe you just want to fight it out like a Rocky movie  I can guarantee with one hundred percent certainty you will lose a fist fight with me. You see Kale, I’m good at a lot of things in the wrestling ring but my bread and butter are unleashing my fists on some unsuspecting sap.

Now I know that you left Australia to come wrestle for Sin City Wrestling and I know that you are probably feeling a little homesick leaving all the dangerous animals and bugs and snakes at home but don't you fret Kale. I can be just at dangerous, just as lethal as anything in your home country. You thought you left all the dangerous shit behind you only to come to Sin City Wrestling and in your first match….you draw the most dangerous man in wrestling. You have been selected to fight, not wrestle the biggest, baddest man on the damn planet. You get to at the Climax Control 150…you get to meet destiny and count yourself amongst the many victims that I have claimed over the years and maybe in the future you'll be able to tell your grandkids about the time that Markus Reeves kicked your ass across the ring on his way back to the top of wrestling hierarchy. You tell your kids that you got your ass whooped by the greatest wrestler to ever lace up a pair of boots. Come, Sunday Kale, you are going to enter the ring with not just a man but a true force of nature. Something much more terrifying  than a tornado or hurricane or an earthquake. I’m a walking natural disaster and no I set my sights on destroying your world Kale Smith and there isn’t a God damn thing that you can do about it.