Author Topic: Dropping Bombs... In Hiroshima  (Read 291 times)

Offline Kate Steele

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    • "The Nurse" Cynthia Warren
Dropping Bombs... In Hiroshima
« on: April 29, 2016, 01:12:59 PM »
 On Camera
Rose Productions Movie Studio
Los Angeles, California

The cameras are rolling and as they are we are treated to the sight of a blue haired Kate Steele standing in front of a camera. She has a wide grin on her lips as the Roulette Championship is slung over a shoulder. She isn’t alone as she is joined by her loving husband. The one and only Teddy (Todd) Steele-Warren. Teddy today is sporting an afro. He has a pick in the middle of his huge afro and has a headband that reads “I love Kate Steele”right around the base of his hair line. The two of them look at one another grinning as the camera zooms in on their face. Kate making sure she adjusts her championship as she takes a breather and grins before speaking.

Teddy: Damn let me be the first to say that it feels good to have gone Hollywood. I get to stand before all of you as Public Relations for my good friend Crystal Millar’s movie studio and with that means money. The blessing of using this studio for whenever I see fit and more importantly than that. It means you get to hear from me again and again. To the point you are going to feel like I am being shoved right down your very throat. Will you get annoyed?

Kate smiles as she nods her head in agreement.

Kate: Of course they will.

Teddy: But I have no qualms in running my mouth for the things that I love and adore, and the most important thing in my life right now is my loving wife. She is of course is your SCW Roulette Champion Kate Steele. Go ahead hun why don’t you take it away from here.

Kate grins as she holds her championship for the world to see as she nods her head and begins to speak.

Kate: You know last week in Nagasaki I made a decision for my career. I decided to align myself with a woman that I respect more than anything. A woman I go way back with and it seems like it got some negative attention from some people.Why is that? Because you don’t like her? Or could it be for the simple fact that none of you are going to take me seriously? That in itself is a load of bullshit. I am the very best submissionist in this company and I don’t know who I have to beat in order to prove myself. I beat like six other women just to get this championship. I made Veronica Taylor humble at the last supercard but apparently that isn’t enough. Apparently you all probably need much more than that.So that brings us to this week in Hiroshima.

Teddy is the one smiling as he nods his head with a wicked grin on his lips as he continues to speak again.

Teddy: Funny that the show was in Nagasaki last week and now we go to Hiroshima this week because WE ARE ABOUT TO DROP SOME BOMBS IN THIS BITCH! Look at my wife. 5 ft fucking 2… 110 lbs… And nobody in this division can out wrestle her. Repeat after me BEST SUBMISSIONIST ON THE FUCKING PLANET!! She is here to put on a wrestling clinic. She is here to tap all of these bitches out. It doesn’t matter who you put in front of her but I guarantee you that the result will be the same.

Kate: Thank you so much Teddy. Now I heard that people think… That being our favourite Crystal MillAR supporter in Tommy Knocks thinks that I will just get lost in the shuffle because of my newfound attitude. Well guess what? I will personally go out of my way to make sure you don’t think that. I will make it a habit to stand out and if you don’t want to happily give me your respect I don’t give a fuck if I have to personally take it! But by the end of everything you will respect what I do and you will acknowledge that I am exactly what I said I am. That message starts this week in the concept of this 6 women bombshell trios match. On one side of the ring you have the likes of myself and the Angel Clan going against Mercedes Vargas & Team Hero. Let me get started on the Angel Clan. The truth is I respect both of these women.

Teddy nods his head as he chimes in.

Teddy: That’s the truth! We do respect Lucy and Melanie. Decides the fact that both of these stupid cunts fell to the likes of our dear friend Crystal in the Blast From the Past Tournament. Despite the fact that Lucy probably has a broken back from the way Crystal drove her knees into that bitch and Melanie dropping the ball when she could have been SCW Bombshells Champion. This is their chance to be relevant again! This is their chance to get back into the fray, and now that my wife is wrestling alongside them. You can expect everyone’s favourite British Bombshell to carry them to success. It wouldn’t take much.

Kate waves her finger at Todd.

Kate: Before we get into the habit of disrespecting my teammates despite me actually agreeing with you on some of those comments. The truth is like I said before I respect both of these women. Lucy Seraphina was an outstanding Internet Champion and up until that match with Crystal she was practically untouched. She did a lot of things with the Internet Championship and I am a firm believer that her and Melanie together have the power to dethrone the likes of Keira and Roxi Johnson. Trust in me when I say that. Melanie did wonders with the Roulette Championship and she fought off many contenders. She won herself that big tournament featuring all of the bombshells on the roster while being a champion. That in itself is very impressive. She might not have gotten the job done but what she did was simply stunning. She got herself into two Bombshell World title matches in like a six month span and even a tag team title match a little while ago, and that’s because she always brings it.

Teddy: Ahem… She brings it although she doesn’t always come through in the clutch like my wife!

Kate: True that but she brings it nonetheless so you can’t argue that fact about her. She may not have what it takes to be clutch but she always makes it a habit to be in the conversation and for that much I respect. So while we are going up against the mighty Team Hero and Mercedes Vargas. I have faith in my partners. Both whom were in the Semis and finale of the BFTP. Hell Lucy had beaten me in the tourney so the respect is there. But do you want to know who I don’t fucking respect?

Teddy smiles as he looks right into the heart of the camera.

Teddy: Wait for it…

Kate: Team Hero… You can say they are a great tag team. You can say they are the absolute best. You can stroke their ego like they are the end all be all but let’s be honest here. Are being the longest reigning tag team in a division that’s barely alive. In a division where a lethal lottery is needed just to find them opponents really all that impressive? The division is absolutely dead as a doornail so no I can’t get behind everyone’s favourite wet dream like it’s important. The truth is they don’t even carry themselves as champions. If you were a casual fan who didn’t watch the product would you even know that they were the champions?

Teddy: Of course not! You want to know why? Because they are barely on the fucking shows! How is anyone supposed to respect this team when they don’t even give enough respect to the division to appear on the show?

Kate: The truth is they don’t… Come on… Step the fuck up. You guys are CHAMPIONS! You girls need to carry yourselves as such. Attend the shows in some shape or fashion to let everyone know you have the gold but instead you don’t give YOUR fans that and you should be absolutely ashamed in yourselves. What kind of champions are you that you don’t even give a fuck enough to show up. Whether it to be to scout talent or just to hang out but I have never once seen you in front of the cameras. I haven’t seen you at all and if you are at the show it’s only when you are wrestling. But God forbid it’s a Wednesday here comes Roxi Johnson showing all of this love for all of her BESTIES… With a million #WCW it doesn’t work like that. I think Roxi and Keira both have showed up for more for Women Crush Wednesdays than they have on a SCW show, and that’s saying something.

Teddy: And let’s stay on Roxi for a moment. Nobody in their right mind can be all that friendly. All I see in Roxi is just a female version of Despy. Just someone who goes all out of their way to be friends with everyone, but someone who goes through life in that matter must have something wrong with them. Or a God complex. They feel so needy they need to surround themselves with everyone? That’s a little ridiculous. But hey that’s Roxi Johnson for you.

Kate: But hey that’s Roxi Johnson for you. She’s the only reason why Keira has been a champion for so long. But Roxi deserves respect. Despite putting more eggs into the basket of trying to renew their wedding vows after what one year?

Teddy: Which is retarded by the way.

Kate: She is a hell of a competitor. She has won multiple championships inside of this company. Multiple time Bombshell Champion. Internet Champion and now a Tag Team Champion. She’s a triple crowner and she’s only one away from completing the grand slam. Which by the way is the very thing that I hold. So just keep that in mind and from there we go right to Keira Fisher.

Kate seems disgusted as she begins to speak.

Kate: Everytime I see Keira talking I feel like I need to spray disinfectant all over the place. All she seems to be is a fucking orgy waiting to happen. She’s just endless Roxi’s pictures. Endless pictures of herself in bikinis of teases and everything else. NOBODY GIVES A FLYING FUCK ABOUT ANY OF THAT! And who you are cuddling with. I do care about you as a wrestler and I see you being subpar at best. YOU ARE TOTES GONNA BREAK A BITCH! Really? No… I don’t think so. You should be happy that you get to be carried to a long title reign because I know it must be hard to remember your long forgotten Roulette Championship reign. The one you held for one month and three days… And look at me now. I already eclipsed that record. The fact is you are nothing and if you weren’t paired up with the likes of Roxi the truth is you wouldn’t even be relevant in this company. You would be a nobody not in an Alexis way. SHE actually has talent. You don’t have anything, but then despite losing which is what’s about to go down when you face myself and the clan. It will probably be something that you no sell anyway.

Teddy is the one to smile now as he begins to speak.

Teddy: It will be long forgotten by tomorrow. She won’t even acknowledge this match as a lost because she won’t say anything about it. That’s Keira Fisher at her best. She will only be looking forward to her wedding and you won’t even see her or Roxi on a show until their next match because that’s what they do. Get out of here with that nonsense. If one word could be used to describe Team Hero it would simply be OVERRATED…

Kate: And last but certainly not least that brings us to the like of Mercedes Vargas. Out of everyone in the company. Out of everyone on the bombshells roster you have Vargas and she is someone who will constantly throw herself into the mix because she practically appears on every single show. She let’s you know what she is about. What she wants, and as it currently stands she has the very thing that I am finding myself chasing afterwards. She has the record for the longest Roulette Championship reign. Mercedes Vargas you been it all haven’t you? Right in the middle of the Mean Girls with a very dominant Roulette Championship reign.

Teddy: She even had a very great Internet Championship reign.

Kate: And held the Tag titles on numerous occasions. That in itself is very impressive, and just like Roxi you are just one title away from being a Grand Slam winner. There’s just one thing though the title you are looking for is the Bombshell World Championship, and the last time you pursued that title you were the biggest choke artist. But seeing as you do like choking you won’t mind me wrapping my arms around your neck and choking you out with my Triangle Choke. But hey Vargas has a chance to challenge for any title in the company considering she won that battle royal back in December. And yes I was in that match so she might very well use it on anyone she wants but if you beat me in this trios match. That could line you up for another shot at the Roulette Championship. Honestly you can do whatever you want it’s not like it really matters but the fact is when it comes to an SCW ring you haven’t pinned me. You haven’t submitted me, and away from this company you know what happened the last time you and I fought off against one another.

Kate smiles wickedly.

Kate: But bring it on Vargas. I have no problems showing everyone in this company why I am destined to be the greatest Roulette Champion of all time by wiping the floor with you to prove my point. You can live in the past of what you did and how great you are but I live in the present. A present where I am dominating bitches in the ring. Where I am beating the hell out of everyone that comes in my way. Where I am choking the life out of everyone who thinks they can rise up to me. Do you think you have what it takes to stop me in my tracks? Do you have the power to actually make yourself useful? Can you get over the hump. Can you go on to do what you did in every other division as you go for the SCW Bombshell World Championship? One thing is for certain Vargas. Your stock is dropping. You lost against Salco and now you have to get it back. You have to get it all back and I currently stand in your way. Do you have what it takes to get past the likes of me? To be honest I don’t think so. At Climax Control you will hear the Siren’s Song.

Teddy: You will follow it to it’s end. Consider it a Death Sentence.

Kate: You will be Ship Wrecked, and there isn’t a thing you can do to stop it. See you in the ring Vargas. Don’t step up unless you are ready to get choked out…

With that Kate raises the title high into the air as her husband kisses her on the cheek and we fade out on this image.

Off Camera
Hiroshima, Japan

Kate Steele and Teddy found themselves arriving at their hotel in Hiroshima. Kate couldn’t help but having an evil grin on her lips. This week had been one of the worst one’s on an emotional and personal level for the Warren family. Kate and Teddy’s band didn’t like the way that the two had conducted themselves as of lately more importantly than they didn’t like the way that Kate Steele had seemingly become power hungry. Teddy and Kate had made their way to their hotel room and they had thrown their stuff onto the bed. That is when they got a knock at their hotel room door. Teddy walked over to the door and answered it and standing on the opposite door was none other than Cindy Warren and Jimmy Warren. Teddy offered a long sigh as Jimmy walked into the room. Teddy opened his eyes in amazement as he looked back at his brother, before moving eyes to his sister in law.

Jimmy: Dude… I think we all need to have a little chat.

Kate’s eyes opened wide up as she turned her attention to him.

Kate: Why hello Jimmy! Yes I feel so excited that my in laws would travel all the way from North Carolina just to see me in action in Japan! Why thank you so much for intruding on our hotel room. It’s so nice to see you!

Kate said sarcastically as she shook her head in disgust.

Kate: Seriously what the hell has gotten into you? Since when do you act so damn disrespectful in seeing your family? Let alone how are you going to act so fucking rude? I would have thought you would have a little more class than that.

Jimmy: Well did you ever think this is the way that we have to act when we see that our family are acting like a bunch of tools lately? Especially you being the biggest of them?

Kate opened her eyes in amazement as she got right in her Brother in law’s face.

Kate: Excuse me? What did you just say to me? Todd you better get your brother because I swear on everything I am going to slap the living shit out of him if he disrespects me again.

Jimmy can’t help but grin as he looks down at Kate.

Jimmy: So pathetic… Always trying to hide behind your husband when you can’t defend yourself.

Teddy opens his eyes as he offers a long sigh.

Teddy: Dude what the hell is your problem? You really need to watch how you talk to my wife. She didn’t do anything to you. Yet here you are traveling all the way to Japan just to see us. Seems kinda petty just to come here to troll the both of us. Really fucking petty.

Jimmy and Teddy exchange looks with one another but eventually Cindy begins to speak as she tries her best to keep the peace.

Cindy: Everyone just needs to stop! We didn’t come here to start any trouble. As a matter of fact the real reason we came was to check on you guys. You don’t seem like yourselves lately. Especially you Kate. We were right there with you when you won the Roulette Championship but ever since you did you seem to have gotten this big head and I know that isn’t you Kate. I know deep down that’s not what you are at all. Then to top it off I see that you and your band might be splitting off from one another. What’s going on? Do you need someone to talk to?

Kate raises an eyebrow as she looks deeply into the eyes of Cindy. She takes this moment to look back at Teddy who just shrugs his shoulders in return as she begins to share her heart.

Kate: First of all… The shit with the band it’s because River is a little bitch. She needs to understand that it’s MY BAND and if it wasn’t for me she and the rest of the band wouldn’t be where they are right now. But threatening to kick Todd and I out of it or threatening to leave is a little ridiculous. Just because I have a busy schedule doesn’t mean I can’t fully commit to the band. I always give everything I have into everything that I do. The band is no different. But telling me that I don’t know what music is. Telling me that I am a below average musician is just stupid. I AM THE FRONT WOMAN OF THE BAND FOR A REASON!

Teddy: I agree and me being a drummer doesn’t mean I don’t know music. So what if I want to eventually pursue a rap career. I am the best drummer that they will ever know. What River really needs to do is to take her head out of her own ass. Learn that even her shit smells sometimes before trying to jump down on Kate and I like we did something wrong.

Kate: So in a band all anyone ever remembers is who stands center stage. Who is the voice in the midst of the band, and that’s me. If they don’t like that fact then they can go somewhere else for all that I care. I am tired of giving into the demands of what the world wants from me. I am tired of doing what everyone wants me to do. I am my own woman and I can make my own decisions. If they don’t like that… Well they can go fuck off then.

Cindy shakes her head offering a long sigh to Kate.

Cindy: Seriously Kate? So that’s how you are going to view things now? I thought you were much better than that. I honestly expected better of you and this is not the way that a future mother should be acting. What do you think Juliet is going to think when she hears her mother saying things such as that?

Kate: I am advising you to get out of my room right now. I really don’t want to do something I am going to regret.

Cindy: No you are going to hear me out Kate. You told me you wanted to do your best to be a mother. You couldn’t wait for this adoption to go through. Granted it actually did get approved so now it’s just the waiting game with more paperwork to be filled out among everything else but the way that you are going through things is absolutely ridiculous. You aren’t being a role model for Juliet at all. Hell you aren’t even being yourself for as far as I am concerned. Acting disrespectful. Talking down on the world. This isn’t you… I really think you are letting Crystal get to you and as long as you stay by her side you know she will never let you get past her right? She’s going to hold you back, and you will forever be in her shadow.

Teddy get’s in Cindy’s face as he stares down into the eyes of your blonde.

Teddy: I don’t appreciate the way you are talking about my friends when they aren’t here to defend themselves and don’t you ever question my wife’s ability to be a mother. Just because you couldn’t hack it in the wrestling world and you were too busy being worried about those who aren’t your family in the hospital that’s on you, but Kate is the real deal. She has her own band. She has a championship and has all of the wrestling ability in the world.

Kate: And you know damn well that when it comes to Juliet I WOULD never do anything to her or be a bad example for her. NEVER! That’s not who I am… If you are worried about Crystal Millar you shouldn’t be because the moment she tries to find herself holding me back is the moment that I will step all over her to get to where I want to get. Just keep that in mind. You leave Juliet out of this though because this has nothing to do with her.

Cindy shakes her head as she continues to speak.

Cindy: But that’s the thing though Kate… With a kid. They become involved in everything and the moment she does something it’s just a reflection back on who you are as a person. Do you want people to come down on you for what you are doing? Do you want it all to go away? Then maybe you should think about her before you go down the path that you are going because once Juliet comes into your life. You can’t ignore when people approach you about things. This is how the parental life goes and you just need to learn how to deal with it. I am not trying to break you down but I am here so that you could understand that you should think everything through before rushing into things. I know who you really are Kate. Please for the love of the family and for everything turn away before it’s all too late. I just don’t want you to do something stupid.

Kate: Is that supposed to be a threat?

Kate says as she places her hands on her hips.

Cindy: It’s not a threat Kate… It’s just something I am telling you because I love you as a bigger sister would to their little sister in law nothing more than that.

Teddy looks at everything as he can see his wife seething as he looks back at Jimmy.

Kate: Don’t say anything to me… Seriously just don’t…

Teddy: Jimmy I think it would be best if you would leave right now. Seriously just go…

Jimmy: Alright little bro. Catch you at the arena on Sunday. Kate just calm it down girl. You know we only felt like we needed a heart to heart because we lov

Kate screams back at the both of them in return.

Kate: GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you not understand me the first time I said it?!

Cindy: Take care honey… Just think about what I said.

And with that the other Warren family takes their leave as Kate is left to think to herself in her hotel room. Todd begins to comfort her and we leave on this image.

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