Author Topic: And The MVP For The BFTP IS...  (Read 262 times)

Offline Crystal Zdunich

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    • Crystal Millar
And The MVP For The BFTP IS...
« on: April 22, 2016, 09:08:19 PM »
 Off Camera
Hollywood, California
Rose Productions Movie Studio

To say that Crystal Millar had that of an ego would be an understatement. Her ego was starting to get bigger and bigger, and after finding out the secret and weakness of her gorgeous best male friend she figured it would be best to exploit him to the point of blackmailing so that she could get what she wanted. A chance to put her very own production studio back on the map. A way to further her ego and more important a way to get back into the public eye. After all while it truly was a blessing to be the SILVER SCREEN QUEEN… She wanted more. She wanted to dominate every single aspect of the entertainment industry and this called for being the TELEVISION SCREEN DREAM!

So why not use Matt Stone in a way where she could have this over the top handsome Bachelor in a reality show where she could film him speed dating with all of these hopefuls in order to actually find himself a date. It smelled of ratings and Crystal was out to make sure the whole world knew that it was something HER studio was putting together. Crystal smiled as she walked up to a trailer on her studio lot. She smiled as the door had the name Matt Stone written on it.

Crystal wasn’t one to respect personal space after all she owned all of this so why bother knocking? She simply opened the door grinning as she yelled out at the top of her lungs inside the trailer.

“Oh Matty!!!! It’s awesome time. Are you ready to be apart of my brand new reality show? Are you actually finally ready to do something with your meaningless life? You do as you are told and I won’t tell the whole world of your silly little secret. Look I come with a gift. A big bag of M&M peanuts. You know you can’t help but be in my presence…” Crystal smiled as she slammed the big bag of M&Ms on a table as she crossed her arms waiting for her “friend” to reveal himself.

Soon enough the Straight Shooter walked towards the door, looking rather sharp in a dress shirt, black pants and a black vest. He also had a scowl on his face as he eyed the M&Ms. Peanuts, really? Who wanted a legume in their candy, yet that was the least of his worries at the moment. “This is so demeaning. I hope you're proud of yourself, I really do.”

Crystal could only open her eyes in amazement as she looked back at him. She pulled out her phone and hit a button as Matt’s voice came through from her speakers. “No, she sneezed.” Crystal quickly put her phone away as she looked back at him. “Oh i don’t see there being ANYTHING demeaning about it. You get to be apart of Rose Productions. You get to be apart of history in the making. What is there to fret about any of this? I mean the only bad thing about this is the fact that I won’t be one of the desperate whores that finds you attractive… After all i am a married woman…”

Crystal can’t help but chuckle as she shows off her wedding ring right in front of him. “But don’t worry even though you can’t find someone with an ass like mine or one with such beauty. You might actually find yourself a date and you will have me to think. Nice little outfit you have on but i think you need something that reads a little more Hilton. You didn’t think you were going to get off that easy after the way you just kicked my best friend to the curb did you? Oh no… There’s still so much more fun involved…”

“You record conversations we have?” Was the first of many questions Matt had for Crystal, and probably one of the many she wouldn’t have a straight answer for. “And if none of these women match up to you, why on earth would I be interested in them? This entire premise, I thought, was about finding someone for me, but apparently all you care about are ratings...and what do you mean I can’t get away with wearing this? I don’t need you to pick out my clothes for me like I’m some sort of 12-year-old mother.

That comment struck a nerve as she ripped Matt a new one. “JUST BECAUSE I HAD A CHILD WHEN I WAS YOUNG DOESN’T MEAN ANYTHING…” She found her composure as she took a long deep breath making sure to look deeply into his eyes. “Ok… I had some minor issues when I was young. I wasn’t accepted. People thought I was dorky among everything else but look at me now! Look at what I have. You see this movie production studio? It’s MINE! The money I have? It’s MINE! I got to where I am from learning from those mistakes, and maybe taking lot’s of money from my ex husband in our divorce but still it’s not easy being the greatest and most dominant wome… no WRESTLER in the world. It’s hard being me. You can wear whatever you want. Not like it matters since the focus will be on me on course…”

She grinned as she twirled around showing off her nicely and shapely butt. “So you ready to get this show on the road? You ready to see why I equal ratings? Don’t worry maybe if you had something on me or if you would have won that Madden game things could have been different. Please shut me up…” She said mockingly as she opened the door looking back at him. “Losers are free to go first…”

“That was a long monologue” Matt said as he walked passed her, not even giving her a second glance, he was far too annoyed at this whole thing that was going on. He thought about just turning and running from this whole thing, how degrading, basically being trotted out like a piece of meat for a bunch of admittedly unattractive people just so people can tune in to see that Crystal’s precious company is capable of producing more than one of her screaming movies. “So how long do I have to suffer through this?”

“Until you actually find someone, but we aren’t going to stop there. Oh no… We have to film your dates. I want to see you absolutely miserable. You know I take great pride in watching you suffer right? It’s like my favorite pastime…” She grinned as she closed the door behind her. The two of them walked inside of the studio, and Crystal changed into something a little more revealing showing off her curly legs. Her beautiful hips and of course that well-toned booty. Her eyes opened in amazement as she stood in front of a camera and someone yelled at the top of their lungs in the background.


Crystal couldn’t help but ham it up as she ran her fingers through her hair looking deep into the camera as there was a green screen behind her. “Hello everyone. I am the beautiful. The gorgeous. The one and only Queen of the Silver Screen and wrestling superstar Crystal Millar. You are watching the very first edition of Silver Screens & Canadian Dreams. The show where your’s truly will help a handsome aspiring wrestling heartthrob who I have personally taken under my wing of course…”

Crystal sure did love making Matt’s life a living hell, and she giggled as she kept going on with it. “We will try to help him find a suitable partner, so let’s give it up for the Bachelor himself. He hails from Ottawa Canada… I think but that’s not that important. After all it’s only Canada. Ladies and gentlemen. My protege Matt Stone!!!!” The camera is paused for a minute as a microphone is handed to Crystal and she quickly sprints over to a different part of the set where Matt is standing. She raises the microphone up to her lips as she smiles at him as the cameras begin to roll again. “Thank you so much for being part of this wonderful show. Please tell all of the viewers what brings you here today.”

Matt looked down at the microphone, then to the bubbly woman standing opposite him. He could just make this entire take unusable, but then he’d have to do it again and again and quite frankly, the less amount of time he spent doing this, the better off he was. “Let me tell you something Mrs. Millar, I’ve come here for one reason and one reason only, to find true love and what better place to look for that than right here with you as my wise guide?” The very fact that he said that disgusted him, but it was all in the vain of getting out of here.

“Of course that’s why you are here, and who would blame you then going to me for advice. After all I have seen my share of men… and women in this world. When it comes to dating I am the guru of love!” Stone thinks about commenting on that horrible Mike Myers movie, but elects not to. “So let the hunt for a woman that fits Matthew begin! We have searched far and wide, and our first hopeful comes from Montreal! Yes another Canadian. That should be right up his alley right? I give to you Jackie Pierre-Louis.” All of a sudden a slender blonde woman walks onto the scene in long heels.

The woman is a drop dead gorgeous bombshell, and she smiles as she looks at Matt from head to toe. “Oui Oui!”

“Yes, yes indeed. Welcome aboard Miss Pierre-Louis. How do you feel your date with Mr. Stone is going to work.” The woman looks at Matt with a grin on her face as she speaks into some random french. “Djkhdkdhbd” Crystal smiles in return as she looks right at Matt. “Did you understand anything she just said?”

“Of course I didn’t. Just because I’m Canadian doesn’t mean I understand a word of french. It’s a horrible language in which objects like tables and chairs are given genders.” Stone stops his rant, realizing that no one, including him for that matter, cares. “Do you speak english?” He asks the lady in quite a condescending tone.

“Si!” Crystal can’t help but laugh in return as she looks at the camera. “For those of you who may not know that was Spanish but here on Silver Screen & Canadian Dreams who knows what kind of people may try to throw themselves at our young Bachelor. Anyway we are going to go to a quick commercial break and when we return we will see how the date between the two of them went.”

As the cameras stop rolling Crystal walks over to the blonde grinning at her. “Beautiful job Sarah… Honestly just do whatever you can to embarrass Matt. He needs to understand that you don’t disrespect my best friend, and pigs like him are what is wrong with the world. The only bigger pig than him in my eyes is someone like Despayre…”

Crystal can’t help but giggle evilly as she looks at Matt. “To think that snot nose punk thinks all of the bombshells are supposed to just fawn over him. Crystal Millar doesn’t fawn over anyone unless it’s over herself of course. So Matty you starting to learn your lesson yet because I promise it’s only going to get much worse from here on…”

“My lesson?” He questions, looking across at her. “What I’ve learned is that all you care about is making yourself out to look like some sort of star, like you’re doing this whole thing to make yourself look like the top draw that everyone needs to tune into and that I need your help. If this is going to just be one giant exercise in humiliating me, why don’t we just skip to the end where my make-up is smeared, dress ripped off and I’m crying in the bathtub because the captain of the football team got a little too handsy with me on prom night?!”

“I prefer to make you suffer...Let’s be honest if you were my position you would be doing the same thing would you not?” Crystal smiles as she stares deeply into his eyes. “Besides you look kinda cute following directions and of course I am the top draw. I just look like one. I am one it all comes with the territory of being a SILVER SCREEN QUEEN!” The “French Canadian” actress smiles as she looks at him.

“As if I would go for someone like that… How much am I getting paid for this by the way?” Crystal looks at the woman smirking. “Don’t worry my people will call your people but it’s nothing to worry about. At least you have me to carry this show.”

“Thank heaven for that” he said sarcastically, looking around at the crew people all focusing their attention on Crystal. “So how long are we expecting this vanity project of yours to last for? I’d really like to get back to not being around you all the time, if possible.”

“I don’t know I actually like you around. I think I should have you carry my coffee or something. Besides the more we hang out is the more I actually win matches. I must feel superior hanging around such a…”

“We are going to start rolling again… Everybody on the set!” A voice calls out in the distance. Crystal grins as she quickly runs over to the set as there seems to be a restaurant set. She motions for the two to sit down and Crystal stands in front of the camera again as it begins to roll.

“Hello everyone and welcome back to our show. Let’s see how the date went between the two. Jackie can you please explain how your date with our hot Bachelor went?” The “French Canadian” looks at Crystal before she takes the glass of water that’s on the table and uses it to throw right into the face of Matt. The woman begins to storm off as Crystal stands there with a wicked grin on her face. “Well Matt that didn’t go so well for you. How does being denied by such a beautiful woman make you feel?”

“Not good Crystal. Not good at all.” He says, watching the woman storm off, he might as well get something out of it. He turns back to Crystal. “I’m hoping the next one goes better.” God he sounded like a fucking puppet, didn’t he? But he had to just smile and go with it, unfortunately. He didn’t even know what was going on, really. Clearly he hadn’t actually been on a date with this lady, he had just met her for God’s sake. This was all just part of Crystal’s game.

“Oh I am sure it will… With me being in control of everything. Don’t you get it… You won’t find a date. Not now and not ever. This is what you get for treating my best friend like a piece of…”

Before she could even finish her statement that’s when a red haired woman walks onto the set. She smiles as she speaks in a strong Irish accent. “So is this where the casting is being done for this shitty reality show?” Crystal turned her attention to the direction of the voice and it’s one that she knew. One that was familiar to her. Standing right there was her ex husband’s recently divorced wife. Fiona O Dalaigh. The redhead smiles as she looks right at Crystal.

“Long time no see Crystal… Such a nice movie studio. You are so lucky that this studio didn’t become mine. After all I do believe it does fall under Williams owned property…”

“What do you want Fiona?” Crystal said disgusted as she hated being in the same room with this woman. The Irish woman just grins as she walks over to where Matt is sitting. “How much did she pay you to put up with her shit? I think I would have left the first time she screamed that she is a silver scream queen…”

“THAT’S SILVER SCREEN QUEEN!!! And I don’t even SCREAM!!! Just mind your business and run along there’s nothing to see here!”

“Actually I am interested in the Bachelor…”

“In sorry ass Matt? Who in their right mind would be interested in…”

“Shut it Millar… And you never answered my question. What does she hold over you that has you caught up in this crap?” Fiona looks around disgusted. “I can only see this going very bad, as in a horrible sitcom who’s boxset might end up in a Walmart bargain bin in like two months. You deserve so much better than that…”

Matt laughs at that, finding this to be quite an amusing exchange. He didn’t want to say anything though, thinking Crystal was just about to lose her mind, but really, she was going to do that whether he said anything or not. “I assure you there isn’t a dollar amount in the world that would put me in this chair, dripping wet from water just to put little hot shot over.” He didn’t want to say she was blackmailing him, but it was pretty heavily implied.

Crystal seemed uneasy as she looked back at Matt. “Excuse me? Don’t make me tell the whole world that…”

Fiona smiled as she leaned in closer and begin to shout out in response. “That you are afraid of the dark…”

‘Shhhhh no one is supposed to know that!” Crystal said angrily.

“Oh but our beloved ex husband told me everything about you… You have a fear of being long forgotten… Or a severe fear of dogs…. Even the little tiny cute ones….”


“Or how about the best one. Crystal is really afraid of moths. I bet if I go get the one I have in a shoebox in my car she would really be…

“OK STOP STOP STOP!  Look I’ll do anything please just don’t tell anyone that… It would ruin me..” Crystal says with a panic. Fiona smiles looking at Matt. “Do you hear that? It would ruin her…I don’t know what she had over you but I would say you two are pretty even now.”

Stone steeples his fingers together, looking over at Crystal. “Excellent” He gets up off the chair, wiping some of the water off his face, unbuttoning the top button of his shirt. “Looks like my work here is done. Thank God for that. Make sure to edit that all together seamlessly, should make for a great pilot. I think.” He turns to Fiona. “Thank you for freeing me from that wretched woman. Now I’m not a genie per say, but if there’s something you want, it’s yours.”

“How about we start by letting me become your real date. It would be much better than anything she could ever put together…” Fiona smiles turning her attention back to Crystal. “And please don’t follow along unless you are just asking for us to reveal your secrets. “

Crystal growls as Fiona walks away hand and hand with Matt and the Latina can’t help but yell at them. “I can’t wait until you sneeze!”

Fiona stops in her tracks as she looks back at her before looking at Matt. “Sneezing? That’s disgusting and unsanitary...Trust me if I do anything like that around him. He has a right to kick me to the curb. That just sounds disgusting.” She looks back at him. “You ready to go dear?”

Stone smirks at Crystal, hearing that. “Get wrecked.” He says, walking away with Fiona, though something was bothering him. “Why do you have a box with a moth in it in your car?”

“It’s called a lie Matt... Just to get her going...Make her realize I got her in the palm of my hands…Take care Christina.” She says with an evil grin as she winks at Crystal before the two of them head out leaving Crystal to stand there with her hands on her hips. Crystal begins to get mad as she places her hands on her hips. “I MADE YOU MATT STONE! YOU HEAR ME… I MADE YOU!!!”

She watches as they walk out and one of her studio crew walks over to her. “Mrs. Millar what are we going to do about your reality show?” Crystal turns her attention to him just sighing.

“Just shut up…”

Is all she could say as one of her best male friends just left her to dry.  

On Camera
Filmed At Rose Productions Movie Studio
And The Winner Is!

The cameras come into focus and as they do we are treated to a podium. From the looks of everything it seems as if we are at an award show of some sort. Our cameras change over to that of Teddy Steele-Warren who is dressed to impress with a suit on. He is standing behind the podium with a what looks to be a fake “Oscar” in his hand. He grins as he leans right into the microphone and begins to speak.

Teddy: Everybody knows what it’s time for. We are gathered here today to announce the winner for the MVP of the Blast From The Past Tournament. Now without waiting any longer let’s get to it shall we? And the winner for the MVP of the entire tournament goes to none other than…

Teddy pauses for a moment before he begins to open the envelope. He smiles as he looks at the paper in his hand.

Teddy: And of course it wasn’t even a CONTEST… Ladies and gentlemen CRYSTAL HILTON-MILLAR!!!!!!

With that there is some fake applause that is being generated throughout the studio and that’s when Crystal slowly walks up onto the stage acting like a true prima donna. She is wearing a stunning black dress. Her hair is tied backwards in a little bun. She grabs the trophy from Teddy as she stands in front of the microphone and begins to speak.

Crystal: You know I have a lot of people to thank for being put in this position. Seriously I want to personally thank the SCW camera men for capturing my stunning face. The way he captured me flipping over Lucy was simply stunning. I caught the Blaze of Glory replay and it was so amazing that I even surprised myself with how agile I truly am. I just want to thank you all for using the right angles to show my dominance. I also want to thank my loving husband for supporting me, and of course Teddy here for presenting me with this award. Truly I am so blessed to have so many great friends in this business…

Crystal begins to smile wider than ever as she continues to speak.

Crystal: Ok so maybe I should be thanking all of those useless cunts that I had to step over to get to where I am at. Roxi Johnson… I love you too death but let’s face it you couldn’t dare measure up to me in the ring. To the likes of Melanie Gabrielle you finally got yours in the end. To Lucy Seraphina… Did you really think you were going to prove a viable threat to me in the end? The answer is nobody was ready for the strides that I had to make in the ring, and the only one I should be thanking is myself! Because it was my talent to brought me to the big dance! It was me who had all of the wrestling ability and I can’t help having a flawless record in the year. Seriously can anybody touch me out there in that ring? The answer is of course not because I am Crystal Millar. I am a SILVER SCREEN QUEEN!!!! And nobody in this company can come anywhere close to that….

Crystal stands there and she begins to look around as she can hear some “staged” voice being yelled out from the crowd.



Crystal can only scoff in return as she shakes her head in utter disgust.

Crystal: What about him?! The fact is Despy got played. Nothing less and nothing more. He served his purpose and just like a tampon he got used and tossed aside, but yet everyone is quick to defend him like he is the best thing since sliced bread! Everyone is quick to run to his defense and it’s getting me sick to my stomach! What has he done to warrant himself so much respect, and why is it that all of these bombshell bimbos in this company want to fawn over him like he’s the only thing that matters. I call him out on his shit. I tell it straight up and all of a sudden everybody wants to come down on me like I am the bad one here.

Crystal grabs the back of her hair as she let’s her hair drape down to her back. She shakes her head in utter disgust as she continues to speak.

Crystal: It doesn’t matter if they are among the biggest cunts in the company all the way to the nicest bombshell everybody just wants to throw themselves at his feet to protect him and they want to throw themselves at me ready to rip my head off. The only thing I have to say to any of that is just bring it. If you want to jump at me FINE go ahead! It makes it easier to knock all of you back down like you are fucking bowling pins. And trust me I am not one to back down from any of it. I am out here to throw strikes and I will always hit my mark. Keep lining up, and keep being put back down. It actually makes me smile because I can basically force you all to bow before me and worship me like the Queen that I know I am.

Crystal can’t help but crack a grin that’s wider than before.

Crystal: But I get it… It’s like everybody want’s to love Despayre and everybody hates CRYSTAL… It’s whatever to me but you are hating me because I told Despy that I carried him? You all saw the supercard did you not? You all saw the way I flipped over that Lucy bitch and drove my knees right into her back. I won that match and took what I wanted for myself. But yet people are quick to come down on me, but that is what’s so messed up about all of your mentalities in this company. All of you bombshells have your heads up your asses, and nobody wants to step until someone else steps first. It happened basically when every single Bitch rises in this company but I am doing it for the right reasons. I am not out here like Delia Darling trying to take the Mean Girls to another level.

Crystal shakes her head in disgust as she keeps on talking.

Crystal: Trying to take them to a next level and in the moment she loses the belt and loses all sorts of relevancy she comes to me begging me to make sure that the bombshells accept her in the locker room. Accept her and the likes of Mercy Vargas. Bitch please… Get out of my face with that nonsense. Or it’s not like I am showing up to shows drunk like Mikah. Happily promoting the fact that she rather be in NYC or California or wherever the hell she want’s to be and in the moment she becomes a double champion. Instead of being a dominant bitch. She is quick to try to throw the Roulette Championship in the garbage. Go bombshells you all go for trying to rally up so hard against a person who would rather treat SCW property like shit. Not give a fuck about anything or this roster and yet come down on ME for speaking my mind about the little poster child of this company…

It’s such a messed up mentality and my job is to not look pretty. Trust me I already know I look amazing. Or trying to paint myself as a model. No if I wanted to have a failed wrestling career but model I would walk in Veronica Taylor shoes, but I am Crystal Millar. I AM THE GREATEST AND MOST DOMINANT BITCH in the company today! And you all use the word Bitch at me like it’s a bad thing but the truth is I embrace it because I know what I am, and know what I am about.

Crystal keeps on grinning as she takes a breath and keeps on speaking.

Crystal: But run my name right into the dirt. Do what you must because it’s totally the cool thing to do but while you are at it let it be known that I told everyone since day one. I was in it for the SCW Bombshell Championship shot. It was my ticket. My Golden Ticket, and if I had to go through that mixed garbage to get here. Guess what that was my ticket right straight into Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, and as soon as I got what I wanted I was done with Despy but everyone is making this bigger than what it needs to be and if you want to believe that “BLEEP YOU” I am tired of getting shat on and disrespected BY ALL OF YOU.

While I busted my ass to get this future shot. I had to watch Melanie Gabrielle. A bitch I had beaten a Bitch I had beaten in a tournament get something I was still working hard to get! The mentality in this company is so messed up but I am here to change that philosophy and it starts right with Mikah. Tommy… Tommy knocks sweetie I truly hope you are watching because at Climax Control you will of course be forced to eat crow once again because I am not losing to Mikah! You hear me?! I refuse to lose to that Bitch a third time. So Tommy EAT CROW! Eat that CROW

Crystal paces back and forth as she grabs the microphone and continues to speak her mind.

Crystal: Because I am not going to stand there and let this chance pass me by. You expect me to be Casey at the “BLEEPING” bat?! Take a third strike while standing there looking at the opportunity pass me by? BITCH PLEASE… Like total BYE FELICIA!

Not like I would be batting anyway. I played varsity softball. I WAS AN ALL AMERICAN PITCHER Hell I still am the Pitcher. I am the one gunning all of these bitches out. I am the one throwing the strikes controlling the tempo of the game. Just because I didn’t swing at Despy Mikah want’s to throw a fit because I was sooooooo mean… All boo hoo… Last time I checked this was a wrestling company not how many girls can boost that little piece of shit’s ego but you want facts Mikah. The first time we fought one another it was because I was added into a supercard match at the very last minute all because I beat the number one contender in Vargas. Which by the way you beat HER not me. So there’s that… The second time we fought it was in the middle of a WORLD TITLE tournament! When the company was doing this big tourney in order to find somebody to face you! They decided oh hey random draw let’s give Crystal a shot and then it was me and you one on one.

Did you beat me… Yes you did I won’t deny that you did make me tap out to that Cupid’s Chokehold, and it was that match that burned me out. I couldn’t go on to win my following match in the tourney to Melanie. She ended up winning the whole thing and I don’t have no qualms about that.

But that lost only made me better. It only made me stronger and while you went on to define a new level of dominance it’s not like I was out there letting that lost affect me. You probably don’t watch DBZ but I felt like a true Saiyan. The more I get beaten. The more I get put down to my lowest is the more that I get stronger in the long run and have the ability to rise back up and fight much better than I have ever before.

While 2015 didn’t end in the way that I wanted it too it only shaped me up for 2016, it only led to the very birth of the SILVER SCREEN QUEEN! A woman who hasn’t been beaten this year! Who has beaten every single challenge that has crossed her path. The likes of Keira who I had never beaten before. Her ass got beat by me. Vargas who was considered the Queen of a battle royal I was never in got her ass beat by me. The likes of Melanie who I never beaten got beat as well, and I drove the point home that I was for real when I beat Lucy who hadn’t really been pinned or submitted that much in this company, but guess what?! I did that… I beat them all! And with a record that’s at 6-0 for this year I am not going to let my 7th be the unlucky number.

Crystal shakes her head with a disgusted look as she spits straight venom into the camera.

Crystal: So in our match I plan to finish what I started and I plan to show everyone in this company that I have what it takes to beat you. I show everyone why I am the number one contender for the SCW Bombshell Championship and when everything is over with. People will know that nothing will stop me from getting what I want. As far as you go Mikah. The way people hold you up like you are the almighty end all be all. You will be nothing more than an afterthought. Just another hash mark in my win column. Sucks to be you doesn’t it.

Crystal looks at her custom made trophy as she holds it upwards.

Crystal: Japan you better watch out because I am coming! I will be bigger than Godzilla ever was! KONNICHIWA BITCHES!!! Your’s truly has arrived, and if you don’t know me by now. Let me remind you. I am the SILVER SCREEN QUEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I have arrived, and nobody will ever bring me down. Not a hotwire. Not Despy, and certainly not Mikah. This is my moment, and I will make the very best of it… See you then!

With that there is some fake applause being generated across the studio and we fade out on this image.

Off Camera
Phoenix, Arizona
The Night of Blaze of Glory

Crystal’s match had just ended and The Silver Screen Queen was heading back to the bombshell locker room. As she was heading towards it her husband Jonathan Millar quickly ran over to her and embraced her into a long passionate hug. Crystal had tears in her eyes as she couldn’t help but wrap her arms around him in return. Crystal started to break down as Jonathan looked down into her eyes.

“You did it hun… You finally did…” He smiled as he held her tighter than before. She sniffled in return as she looked back up into his eyes wiping the tears out of her own. “It’s about time I start getting what’s mine and it’s something that I deserve. Do you know how hard it is to have been doing this as long as I have and to constantly come up short. Do you know what’s it like to not have hold a World Championship for five years?”

Jonathan shakes his head sighing in return. “I wouldn’t really know… I was never the top champion of a company. Only a tag team or a hardcore champion at best, but I can’t think of a person who deserves this more than you do babe because you won that match. I know it sucked hearing people talk about Despayre over and over again. How he won you all of those matches leading up to the finale tonight but you won that tournament out there. You put the nail in the coffin and you have a reason to be all smiles tonight. So congrats on a job well done…”

Crystal’s eyes open wide up as she looked right back into the eyes of her husband. She grabbed him as she planted a wet sloppy kiss right on his lips. “Fuck Despayre you think I give a damn what people are saying about him? Yeah I get it he helped me get to where I am at and I respect that but at the same token. Tonight was my night. Tonight was the night where I won us shots at the World Championships and he has no one but me to think about that. And I could have sworn somewhere that if he didn’t like you getting involved in our affairs he would have some words with you?”

Jonathan nods his head as he looks back at his wife. “I do recall something like that although that in itself sounds stupid. Could have been the way one of your matches was labeled but still why should anyone care on what I do for my wife? Is it wrong for a husband to see their wife exceed at something that she is excellent at? Is any of it wrong? The answer is NO… You are my wife. You are my business and if I want to get involved. Guess what I have a damn right to do so. That was part of the reason why I married you. Two becoming one, and me being there for you when you need me the most…”

“That’s exactly how it should be and if people don’t understand the concept of marriage then they could fuck off… Despy is so full of himself…” Crystal said with disgust as she looked back at her husband. “I don’t have a clue why everybody fawns over him like he’s God’s gift on Earth. Yes I know when the teams were first announced I was happy to have him as a partner but that’s only because he was one of the only superstars who I felt was competent enough to be my partner. It ends right there and I will make it a point to make it known he was nothing more than a partner, and that’s where I draw the line. All of these other cunts can hold him up like he’s some kind of God, but why get so wrapped up over an idiot with a teddy bear? When I can have someone with an English accent…”

Crystal can’t help but grin as she continues to speak to her husband. “Why I can be married to the man of my dreams. A man who loves to do the things that I do. A man who dressed up as Tuxedo Mask knowing that I adore Sailor Moon like none other…”

“And for the woman of my dreams I am willing to go the extra mile for a woman who would dress herself up as a pokemon just to make me happy. Who was able to put up with me and my baggage. It doesn’t get any better than that and despite us both going through some brutal divorces we have made it together. We have let our love for one another overcome everything else and for that I love you so much.  You are my everything Christina Millar…”

“Ahem… pronounced Miller....” Crystal says with a wicked grin as Jonathan places a single finger over her lips.

“Woman you don’t have to tell me how to pronounce my name… I think I know how my name works, but you are everything. Even when the whole world hates you I will be the single beacon of light who will continuously cheer you on because I love you and nothing. I mean nothing will ever change that…”

“Jonathan just shut up and let’s kiss again…” Crystal grins. The married couple is about to kiss again and that’s when we can hear a loud voice yelling at the both of them.

“WHOAAAAAAAA WHOAAAAAAAAAA WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA…Wouldn’t it be better for the both of you to go get a room. I mean come on. The show isn’t even over yet, and you two just wanna tie your tongues right in front of me? Damn man damn...You can’t do that kind of shit in front of me…”

Standing in front of the married couple was none other than Todd Warren or better known to the wrestling world as Teddy Steele-Warren. The husband of the current SCW Bombshell Roulette Champion Kate Steele. Teddy smiled as he stared deeply at Crystal. Crystal looked back at him offering a long chuckle in return. “And there’s nothing wrong with public signs of affection. Maybe you and your wife should do that a bit more.”

“Nah we are good. We don’t have to slobber on one another just to show each other that we love for the other. Besides I just thought I stand here and enjoy the show, and I personally wanted to congratulate you on your win tonight. For the first time we saw somebody actually take it to Lucy Seraphina and the way you finished that match you made a statement tonight. A statement that you are by far the greatest Bombshell on the roster…”

Teddy was all smiles that is until someone nudged him and the blue hair could be seen next as it was at shoulder length. The Roulette Championship wrapped tightly across her shoulder as Kate Steele stood there with a grin on her face. Teddy looked at her before he brought his attention back to Millar. “Well best that’s not named my wife of course… Who by the way has been absolutely bored since making that talentless hack Veronica Taylor tap out earlier in the night…”

“It’s not like anyone didn’t see it coming though. Honestly you put damn near the best submissionist on the roster in a grounded match against a bitch who is all about her modeling career. What did the company think was going to happen? It doesn’t matter who it is. Once I get my Siren’s Song on them it can only lead to a death sentence and they become shipwrecked…”

Crystal grinned as she looked at the married couple in front of them as she turned her attention to her own husband. Jonathan smiled in return as he nodded his head as Crystal walked over patting the title on Crystal’s shoulder.

“Great job in doing that… Honestly I am very proud of you. You do know that Kate? Since the days of me mentoring and training you back in that school in Las Vegas. I am glad to finally see you stable and doing what you do best, and in my eyes. I couldn’t have thought of a better person to pick right up where I left off before that stupid Keira cunt decided to cash in on me. I know you will restore honor to that championship and I hope you hold it for a very long time…”

“Oh I plan too and what I did tonight is only the first step in what I plan to do with this belt. IF I have my way I am going to hold this belt for a very long time just so I don’t have to hear about Vargas and how long she held the title, and how I am chasing her. I am getting sick and tired with that nonsense…” Kate snicked in return as Teddy grabbed his wife holding her tightly. He looked at Kate planting a kiss on her forehead as he slowly turned his attention back over to the Millars.

“It’s such an amazing feeling knowing that you are married to the best wrestler in the company. Honestly I love my life but let’s get all the small talk out of the way. Crystal you know for a fact that my wife and you go way back as well as you and I do…”

She smiles as Teddy grins. “Of course. Who else am I going wreck shop on in video games or when it comes to talking about sports? Such a shame your Jets don’t come anywhere close to the greatness of my Lions…”

“Whatever you say Hilton which is why my Jets have at least won a Super Bowl… How many times has your Lions even got to the big dance?!” Crystal begins to frown as Jonathan begins to get upset as he yells at the both of them.

“FOR CHRIST SAKES stop talking about your trashy American Football. If you want to talk about a real sport and real football. We can talk about soccer…” Kate however has to chime in as she replies in return.

“Oh we can definitely talk about that… Chelsea LET’S GET IT!!!!”

Jonathan’s face begins to turn red as he rips her out a new one. “WHO GIVES A DAMN ABOUT CHELSEA… THAT’S WHY BRADFORD CITY RIPPED RIGHT INTO THEM 4-2 BECAUSE YOUR TEAM SUCKS….”  The two English people stare daggers into one another as Crystal tries to keep the peace.

“Whoa Jonathan calm down… No need to get so damn wrapped up in soc… excuse me FOOTBALL… But none of us really want to fight one another. So go on Todd what’s up. What was on your mind?”

Todd smiles looking at everyone. “Well as I was saying we go way back. No doubt about that, and I think it’s time that we start working on a partnership with one another. There’s no doubt in my mind that you Crystal are on the rise. It takes talent to be undefeated this year. To be beating everybody that has been placed in front of you and Jonathan you are a great manager. I don’t deny that but Crystal it’s time to start thinking about taking your career to the NEXT LEVEL…”

Crystal’s eyes open wide up. “To the next level?”

“YES… A way to make that ego get bigger than what it already is and what I am thinking is a partnership. Pairing you up with my wife here. It would be like you that veteran. The best in the business. The future World Champion along with a woman who you took under your wing who is building herself up to be the best submissionist in this company. It would be like a two women power trip, and on top of that letting me be your agent…”

“My agent?”

Teddy smiles in return. “Yes your agent… Getting you everything you need. The respect you deserve. Making sure you are a star and everybody knowing that you are a star.”

“So Teddy what you are saying is pretty much a mouthpiece…”

“If you want to call it that then sure but just keep in mind that a man like me who goes through so many transformations with his hair can only put in the best when it comes to you. I mean look who I am married to. On a weekly basis I have to deal with the many different shades of Kate’s hair!”

“Hey MY HAIR HAS BEEN BLUE FOR A FEW MONTHS NOW!” She snickered in return. Crystal however just took it all in as she looked at Teddy. “So let’s see someone who is going to build me up. Who is actually going to acknowledge me as the Queen that I know I am and is going to shout to the entire world about me? You know what Teddy seeing as we are great friends and we do go back. You have yourself a deal…”

Crystal extends her hand out to Teddy and Teddy can’t help but grab it in return. The two shake their hands passionately as Teddy begins to speak. “Good I am happy you made the right choice. I see this taking off on let’s say the first Climax Control after the break?”

“Sounds like a plan to me… It should be a pleasure Teddy, and Kate please keep looking as lovely as you normally do. Come on Jonathan let’s get going. We have some celebrating to do…”

With that Teddy and Crystal just look one another in the eyes. The Millars head in the opposite direction leaving Teddy to smile to himself.

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