Author Topic: Issue #76  (Read 320 times)

Offline Roxi Johnson

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    • Roxi Johnson
Issue #76
« on: February 26, 2016, 11:41:51 PM »
 Well, another week, another tough match against the Angel Clan. Clearly, they get better, every single time we face them. But, here we are, Team Hero, another successful title defense, the 4th successful defense. I think at this point we have proven that despite what people say about us, that we are for real. That in only a few short months, we can lay claim to the longest tag title reign in SCW Bombshell’s history, and we can, lay claim to being one of, if not the best tag team in SCW bombshell’s history. We are on the verge of greatness. It’s something that we’ve wanted since the day we won them. But, Keira and I are fully aware that the road will not get any easier, and I suspect we have even have a defense before we get to the next supershow. We know we haven’t seen the last of the Angel Clan. Not even close. We’ll be ready down the line when the time comes.

But then again, we’ll be ready for any challenge that stands before Team Hero. You can rest assured.

But now, the focus switches. Now it’s time for one of my favorite events in SCW. The Blast from the Past tournament. This is always an exciting time for me. I love to be part of this. Though maybe it’s just the competitor in me wants to win one. But it’s no easy task, clearly. I think I was a little spoiled the first time with Gabriel as my partner, Since we got all the way to the finals. That was awesome. But, each year, it seems I hit a road block, culminating last year with my partner not even bothering to try and help me. That, and Mercedes totally screwing me out of the win, but whatever. It’s on to this year and a whole new batch of folks.

Now, I’m not going to lie and say I wouldn’t have totally taken Despy or my good buddy Simon Jones as a partner, but I am more than happy to a have a huge mountain of a man like Casey Williams with me. I can get behind this. I have spoken to him, and he is ready. He is big, he’s strong, and we may a pretty good compliment to one another, with my speed and agility. We can present a lot of problems to our opponents, and I think, despite us maybe not being the favorites to win the whole thing… I think we’re going to send a few people out of this tournament, and be a real dark horse in this. Maybe we’ll go from playing spoiler, to being a real competitive team in this whole deal. I must say… I do like our chances gives what we’ve talked about, and given what each of us can do.

Our first opponents, are going to find that out, first hand.

{We open at an outdoor restaurant in Tampa. Roxi is seating with Christine as they wait on their food. Little did Roxi know that Christine and Keira conspired together to get Roxi out of the house to plan for Roxi’s Birthday party. Roxi was highly suspicious of this, with Keira being unable to keep secrets. Roxi took a sip of her water as she eyed Christine. Christine notices this, smiling nervously.}

Christine – What?

Roxi – Chris, you know you can tell me about what Keira is doing…

{Chris overacts by throwing her hands in the air shrugging.}

Christine – She’s training with Jenny. That’s what she told me she was doing.

Roxi – Why would she send you and I out to lunch if all she was doing was training?

Christine – It’s our birthday. This is our present.

{Roxi eyes Christine.}

Roxi – You’re sure?

Christine – Both you and I. It’s our birthdays. Both of us. We get to celebrate while Keira trains. She’s focusing on her match, while still being able to give us something nice for today.

Roxi – And why would Jenny be there?

Christine – Someone to watch, I guess. I mean, you know how Keira can get. Heck, last week she was pretty beat up. You said it yourself, she needs to relax sometimes.

{Roxi can’t help but agree on this.}

Roxi – Yeah…. Yeah I suppose you’re right.

Christine – It’s nothing Rox. Seriously. No need to be paranoid. We rarely get to go out together, or with Keira with us anymore.

Roxi – Yeah, I  just worry about you.

{Christine smiles, brushing some hair out of her face.}

Christine – I know you do. I know you look out for me, and the little one.

Roxi – How is… he? She? How’s the baby?

{Christine giggles.}

Christine – It’s going really smooth. A lot smoother than last time when I had the twins. Ten weeks in and it still feels good.

{Roxi can’t help but smile.}

Roxi – I’m glad to hear that. You know how much you mean to Keira and I. Especially now. I don’t want anything to happen to you. Treated like a princess, and protected like a baby. That’s you. Always.

{Christine blushes. The food makes its way to them.}

Christine – You guys always look out for me. Always make me feel special.

Roxi – You are special. You’re doing us, like the ultimate favor right now. You are the most precious thing to us.

{Christine smiles taking a bite of her food. Roxi begins to eat as well.}

Christine – Thank you. But… shouldn’t you be getting ready? Don’t you have a match too?

{Roxi sighs heavily.}

Roxi – Yeah, I do. I don’t know why I even signed up for the Blast from the Past tournament.

Christine – Don’t think you can win?

Roxi – No, It’s more than I want to focus on being tag champions with Keira. We’re so close to the record.  That’s an attainable goal right now. Keira and I make it to the next supercard, we’ll have the record. That’s really going to be what I wanted.

Christine – But… you know, now, you’re like the best tag team wrestlers. So this tournament should, like favor you, right?

{Roxi thinks about this for a moment while eating. She nods in agreement.}

Roxi – I suppose so.

Christine – I mean, isn’t Keira your partner?

Roxi – No. It’s a mixed tournament.

Christine – Oh…. Still, you are an amazing wrestler, so you can just work with just about anybody, right?

Roxi – I try to. I mean, my partner and I don’t really know each other, but that’s kind of the idea, isn’t it? Be in this, and work with someone random, and see how far you can go, right?

Christine – I guess… I’m not sure of the rules.

{Christine giggles as Roxi shakes her head and giggles too.}

Roxi – It was more me thinking out loud, you silly goose. I know you don’t know everything. But I think Casey and I can make it work.

Christine – See, that’s the spirit.  I know you’ll do great.

{Christine raises her glass to toast Roxi. Roxi obliges.}

Christine – To you. And all you’ve done for everyone.

Roxi – To you, for being so amazing.

Christine – Happy birthday.

Roxi – Happy Birthday to you too.

{The two clank glasses and share in the drink of water.}

Roxi – I am very happy I do get to spend your birthday with you.

Christine – Me as well. You guys mean the world to me, and I love you for it.

Roxi – We love you too. We’re going to take care of you. I promise.
Christine – You don’t need to worry about me so much.

Roxi – Yes we do. You are carrying our baby. Without you, Keira would be still wondering if she had what it took to be a mom. And I know she’s going to be great.

Christine – You guys are getting lots of practice.

Roxi – I know, Tasha, Misty, you and Amy are so wonderful to let us get the practice in.

Christine – You guys are naturals. I have no doubts this baby will be in a loving family.

Roxi – We will have plenty of wonderful godmoms too.

{Roxi smiles at Christine.}

Christine – Aww… thank you.

Roxi – You deserve it. After all you’ve done for us.

Christine – It will be my honor.

Roxi – Keira really needed this. I hope her training goes well. She’s been pushing herself way too hard.

Christine – I’m sure she’s fine. When are you going to train?

Roxi – When we get home. I will be more than ready for this match.

Christine – Which girl are you wrestling first?

Roxi – Oh…

{Roxi remembers.}

Roxi – This woman Twisted Sister.

Christine – Like the band?

Roxi – Yes, but, she’s…. really insane.

Christine – Ever wrestled her before?

Roxi – Yeah.

Christine – You beat her, right?

Roxi – Let’s just say there was a chainsaw involved.

{Christine gets a worried look on her face.}

Christine – Chainsaw?

Roxi – Don’t ask me why it was under the ring. But it was. Thankfully, no one was hurt.

Christine – Now I’m worried.

Roxi – I’ll be okay. I promise.

Christine – Please be careful.

Roxi – You know me… always careful.


Yeah, I clearly remember Twisted Sister, and I clearly remember the chainsaw. No need to be reminded there. I know exactly what I’m up against. My intention is not have any more lives endangered by this raging lunatic. Hopefully, they don’t hide another dang chainsaw under the ring this time, and some semblance of a wrestling match can take place. I’d hate to think that SCW is trying to get ratings or something with that stunt. But then again, I highly doubt they would just LET Twisted Sister put one under there. I mean, she does not look like a trustworthy person guys.  I know not to judge a book by it’s cover, but when it’s cover has “insane” written on it’s cover… maybe you might want to give it some thought.

None the less, Twisted Sister obviously doesn’t mind violence, so, if that the route we’re going to take, I’m not afraid to just straight up fight her, tooth and nail, and to the end if needed, but it’s more important to me that this match happens, and there aren’t ridiculously unsafe things going on, in or out of the ring during it. I intend to do what I am capable of, and that is beating Twisted Sister. Defeating her and Joshua and moving on with Casey in the tournament. Casey and I have worked this out, and each of us, will hold up our end on the bargin. I don’t think  Joshua and Twisted Sister have ever discussed strategy, or… anything for that matter. What we have, is a team, facing two individuals. Being a finalist, I know how important it is for the two people to be on the same page. Casey and I are, and we’ve never even teamed together. I’ll be surprised if Twisted Sister even tags Josh in, or vice versa. I wouldn’t want to slap that hand. You never know what it’ll have on it.

In a fair, one on one fight, I know I can beat Twisted Sister, and I have full confidence that the monster I’m teaming with, can take down anybody, let alone Joshua. We’re going to refine our gameplan each week. Be at the top of our games. And we’re going to give this everything we have.

I will let Casey handle Joshua, and I will handle Twisted Sister. It’s she wants to get nuts… we can get nuts!

I am excited, upbeat, and ready for all this.

And yes, yesterday was my birthday, and I am so happy to have shared it with all of you. I can never thank SCW enough for giving me this platform, and the opportunity to become who I am. I will always give you my best in return, and try to make you proud. Another round of the Blast from the Past tournament, and Roxi Johnson, a year older and wiser, and more importantly, better, will give  you the show you deserve.

I will see you guys there..

{The meal finishes as Christine stands up, and as she does… a crook runs by, snatching her purse! Christine is shocked as Roxi looks angry. She quickly pulls Christine away.}

Roxi – Are you okay?

Christine – Y… yeah…

Roxi – Stay here.

Christine – Roxi, don’t.

Roxi – I’ll be right back. No one is going to steal your purse.

Christine – Please be careful…

Roxi – Wait in the restroom for me. Just in case.

{Christine silently nods as Roxi leaves and chases after the crook. Ducking into an alley, the crook takes a moment to catch his breath, thinking he made a clean get away. He turns, heading further into the Alley when Roxi lands in front of him in costume.}

Roxi – Can’t go 5 minutes, and enjoy the scenery without someone like you, screwing it up.

{Roxi grabs the crook by the collar and tosses him into a dumpster.}

Roxi – You need to apologize to the nice lady. And give it back!

Crook – Please! I didn’t mean any harm!

Roxi – This isn’t what you need to be doing kiddo. Especially from a nice lady like her. For that….

{Roxi simply knees the crook in the junk. Dropping like sack of potatoes, Roxi slaps the zip ties on him, and brings him out of the alley, and zip ties him to a street lamp. Roxi takes the purse back.}

Roxi – Now, if I ever catch you taking purses, or anything from anybody, ever again… that shot will seem like a love tap. Got me?

Crook – Please! I’m sorry! I understand.

Roxi – Good. I’m glad we understand each other. I want you to make some strides in life.

{Roxi pats the crook on the head and leaves him for the police. She flies back to the outdoor café, and sets the purse down as the onlookers watch.}

Roxi – Does anybody know whose purse this is?

{One of the customers retrieves Christine from the rest room as she comes back out and sees Roxi in costume, but plays along.}

Roxi – Here you go, Miss.

Christine – Thank you for getting it back for me.

Roxi – All in a days work Ma’am. You have a wonderful day.

{Roxi flies far enough away that she’s out of sight. She quickly transmits back to a safe area and changes back into her regular clothes and runs back to the café where Christine is standing with her purse. Roxi gives Christine a tight hug.}

Roxi – I couldn’t find him, and… Hey, you got your purse back!

Christine – It’s okay. Lady Bedlam got it back for me.

Roxi – Great. I’ll have to thank her if I ever see her again.

Christine – Me too.

Roxi – You ready to go?

Christine – Yes.

Roxi – And Keira already took care of the bill. Excellent.

{Roxi and Christine walk back to the car, and get in, driving back to the condo.}

Christine – Thanks Rox.

Roxi – I wasn’t about to let anyone take your purse love.

Christine – You didn’t have to do that.

Roxi – It’s my job. You know, superhero and all.

Christine – You two go risk your lives for everyone. You had me worried there. What if he had a gun or something?

Roxi – He didn’t.  And even if he did…. I would have handled it. Trust me. The real question is, are you okay?

Christine – A… A little shaken up, but… other than that I’m fine.

Roxi – I didn’t mean to cause any unwanted stress.

Christine – I always worry about you guys. But… I know what you guys need to do. And why you do it. It just …. I just hope then you guys settle that part down when you have this baby.

Roxi – We’re going to do our best. We may just take time off. But, who knows, we’ll cross that road when we get to it.

Christine – I just don’t want you guys to have something bad happen.

Roxi – I’m not sure what the future holds. But we’re going to do our best to make sure nothing bad happens for now. That’s all we can control.

Christine – I hope so.

{Roxi keeps one hand on the wheel and rubs Christine’s shoulder.}

Roxi – Well, at least it was a little exciting on your birthday, right?
Christine – Yeah… I guess so. Didn’t think you’d have to be in costume today though.

Roxi – Birthday or not, a superheroes work… is never done. Always have to be ready for anything.

Christine – Right. Well.. at least, no more surprises right?

Roxi – Not from me.

Christine – Well, let’s go check on Keira, see if she’s finshed her training so you can start.

Roxi – You got it.

{The two continue to drive until they reach the condo, and they enter and head back to Roxi and Keira’s place. Roxi walks in the room with Christine and sees everything.. Streamers, balloons and a huge banner.}

Christine –
{Keira transmits behind Roxi and hugs her from behind}


Roxi – I.... Oh my.... goodness...

Keira – Happy you. Happy biiiiirthday....toooo you. Happy Biiiiirrthhhday, my love Roxi....Happy Birthday....tooooooo youuuuuuuuuuuu

Roxi – I... don't...

Keira – Don’t

{Roxi covers her mouth, shocked and surprised}

Keira – WHat do you think, my love?

Roxi – I can't believe you did this for me...

Keira – I had some help...

Roxi: You did?

Jenny – Yo!

{Jenny comes out of the bedroom, holding her present to Roxi}

Roxi – Jenny? You helped wih this?

Keira – Yea. But...I had help to keep you busy...aka another Birthday Girl

Roxi – Well, this party should be for Christine too.

Christine – It is. Hell, I was the one who gave Keira the ideas

Roxi – I can't beleive you guys would do this for me.

Keira – We love you, Roxi. Now and Forever

Roxi – I can never thank you all enough for this.

{Roxi begins to cry.}

Keira – Don't cry, baby. I love you with all of my heart

Roxi – I'm not crying because I'm sad. I'm crying because I'm so happy.

Keira – Well, the day is yours and Christine's. Dig in

{Keira shows a huge cake for the two and alot of food and candy. Roxi and the rest begin to dig in as the scene fades.}
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