Author Topic: The Next Action Hero?  (Read 294 times)

Offline Lyah Lindberg

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    • Lyah Lindberg
The Next Action Hero?
« on: November 27, 2015, 02:57:20 AM »
 Minneapolis, Minnesota

Lyah Lindberg had just finished up an autograph session, her first signing alone as a member of the SCW roster. The turn out was better than the bombshell expected, but it was finally over.

Lyah stepped out of the building and out into the chilly day in Minnesota, which is typical for November. She's making her way to her rental car when she hears a voice call out from behind her.

Voice: Miss Linderg, Miss Lindberg.

Lyah turns around, looking around and points to herself.

Lyah: Yo, homeslice, you talkin' to me?

The man in the suit chuckles, as he catches up to her.

Man in Suit: Well, I've never been called homeslice before, but yes, I was looking for you. My name is Jerry Lineart. I'm actually in the film industry and I wanted to ask you-

Lyah opens her eyes, shaking her head aggressively.

Lyah: Whoa, whoa, holdup man. I'm not in the adult film industry. Why don't you just call it porn like a normal person? Anywho, that isn't me. I wrestle for SCW.

Jerry Lineart: I know who you are, Miss Lindberg, and what I was going to say was that I would love for you to audition for a role in an upcoming film I'm working on. We have a few titles right now, but it is an action film and it will be straight to dvd, but you would be perfect in the lead role. I'd like to invite you to come audition for it. Casting calls are in Mid-December. I know it would be your first film, but everyone starts somewhere. I think this would be good for your career as well. You wrestle, and in this movie you would be kicking a lot of butt if you get the role. This could be the perfect partnership. What do you think?

Lyah: I...really don't know what to say. If you haven't noticed I'm not necessarily the most...normal person in the world? I'm awkward at times, at least that's what I've been told. If casting calls are in December, can I take a week or two, look at my work schedule and think about it? Is that coolio?

Jerry can't hold back his chuckle at the blonde's odd choice of wording.

Jerry Lineart: You have quite the interesting vocabulary Miss Lindberg, but sure, that would be fine. Remember, this is a great opportunity for you. I really hope you consider it.

He pulls a business card out of his jacket pocket and hands it to her. She brings it close to her eyes, squinting to read it.

Lyah: Dude, holy small print.

Jerry Lineart: I hope to hear from you soon.

He offers a handshake and Lyah shakes it awkwardly as she then hurries to her rental car, feeling a little flustered about the entire ordeal. This is something she can't wait to tell Drake, but it would be better to talk about it in person.


Labell's Restaurant

Lyah Lindberg is seated at a table for two, in one of her favorite restaurants, Labell’s. The usual, laid back, dressed like a tomboy Bombshell is instead wearing an elegant black dress, with her makeup done and expensive earrings hanging from her ears. In her hand, she’s staring down at a letter she discovered on the bed she and Drake share upon returning from Minnesota for an autograph signing. She hasn’t seen Drake in a few days. She reads the letter out loud.

Lyah: Business all day, but tonight is yours. Meet me at Labell’s at 7 for dinner. I’ve missed you. Oh, and wear something nice. Yours, Drake.

She tucks the letter in her purse and looks around.

Lyah: Yeah, well its much for 7.

She scans around the dimly lit, high end restaurant again. From across the large room she can see Drake coming through the dining room, squeezing through tables. His hair is combed to the side and his beard is almost pointy. He is wearing a dark blue suit and an open collared white shirt. He smiles as he sees her and as he makes his way to the table, he leans in to give her a kiss. As soon as they touch lips, Lyah pulls away, smirking.

Lyah: Late as always, but you look handsome so I guess you’re excused.

Drake takes his seat across from her at the table.

Lyah: I haven’t seen you in days, dude. It feels like forever.

Lyah takes a small drink from the glass of water she had ordered at seven while waiting for Drake.

Lyah: I have so much to catch you up on, but first...what the heck have you been up to without me? You weren’t as text-itive as usual? Is that even a word?

She chuckles.

Drake: I know, I’m sorry. I’ve just had a ton on my mind.

He leans over the table.

Drake: But I missed you.

Lyah: I’ve missed you too. Let me see your phone.

She holds her hand out, to Drake’s surprise.

Lyah: Dude, let me see it. Here, you can see mine.

She pulls her phone out with her other hand and holds it towards him.

Lyah: You can see all of the steamy texts that I was sending to Hot Stuff….

She cracks up, and pulls her phone away, laughing.

Lyah: Chillax, I was just joking. But, yo, the autograph signing was incredible. Can you believe how many people came out to see a living, breathing, bathroom break?

He looks at her with a smile.

Drake: Just because some dumb bitch said something to you on Twitter doesn’t make it a reality. You’re not a bathroom’re Lyah effing Lindberg.

Lyah: Yeah...that’s me.

The two place their orders, and as the waiter walks away, Lyah looks around the restaurant, before returning her gaze to Drake.

Lyah: So, I might have some more big news. God, I feel like I’m making this all about me. I’m like one of those snobby, rich bitches now. Promise, I’m not, but hey, if the heel fits, wear that shit, right?

Drake shakes his head.

Drake: What are you going on about? Just say it already. And don’t might be my favorite topic of conversation.

Lyah: Well, I met some pretty cool people at the autograph signing, in Minnesota of all places. Apparently its a hot spot for business people. Anywho, I was offered the role of replacing Ronda Rousey in the Roadhouse remake since I’m so much more badass than she is now.

Drake and Lyah share a laugh as she gets serious now.

Lyah: No, but seriously, I was offered the chance to come audition for a role in some B-rated action movie. I ran into the right people, and they said they were fans of my work. Dude, I could be the next you...only blonde and hotter.

She laughs and reaches across the table, grabbing Drake’s hand, giving it a soft massage.

Lyah: Do you think I should even go out for the role? I’m wondering if I do it, one, will I look stupid because I’ve never acted a day in my life, and two, what if I actually somehow, miraculously get it? I don’t want people to think I’m only getting these opportunities because of you.

She takes another sip of her water.

Lyah: You’ve been here before, auditions, people in your ear. What’s the word? Should I do this?

He leans back in his chair, taking a sip of his diet coke. He stares at her for a moment with a look of deep thought on his face before cracking a smile.

Drake: I think you should do it. Who cares if you end up looking like a total dork. Why not?

Lyah: Yeah? Maybe I’ll email them back tonight when we get home then. Think about it ‘Some Ass Kicking Movie’ starring Lyah Lindberg, straight to DVD in June 2016.

Lindberg smirks at her own, cheesy humor.

Lyah: Enough about me, what’s been up with you Mr.Champ? Business is always busy, but you really have been quiet. Still been thinking about your brother and Max? I know winning that title again was emotional.

Their food is brought to them, and Lyah shamelessly wastes no time digging right in, and successfully getting alfredo sauce on her chin after just the first bite. She wipes it off, laughing, awaiting Drake’s answer.

Drake: I haven’t really thought about it to be honest. Barry’s got some Under Armour thing going on for me so I’ve had to sign lots of stuff lately. It’s been pretty exhausting to say the least.

He takes a bite.

Drake: I’m just looking forward to watching you kick Alexis in the face.

Lyah: You have no idea how ready I am for that. Besides Hot Stuff, she’s probably the one person I truly can’t stand in SCW. She’s such a smart ass little bitch. I want her title.

She takes another bite, before continuing.

Lyah: Speaking of that, my training has been good while I was gone still. I connected with that guy you suggested. He told me that you did a good job with me, but that I lacked the speed I should have. I had to remind the asshole that I nearly had my kneecap shattered. He was more arrogant than you as far as training goes, but I learned a decent amount.

She eyes up the food on his plate.

Lyah: Sharing is caring, can I have a bite?

Drake laughs and then slides his plate toward her.

Drake: Sure. But he’s right. Hangman is probably one of the best trainers in the country. You are slow. And the kneecap shouldn’t be an excuse.

Lyah looks up at him with a shocked look on her face.

Drake: Sorry. I might be your boyfriend but I’m still your trainer. Don’t let a couple autograph signings and a straight to DVD action movie go to your head. You’ve got a lot of work to do.

Lyah sits the fork down and slides his plate back over, not taking the bite she had requested.

Lyah: Dude, you aren’t serious, are you? I’ve been busting my ass. I don’t make excuses, but if I have any flaws in my game, its because of you. You’ve been my trainer from day one, and you never mentioned my speed being an issue before.

Her eyes pierce him, almost as if she’s attempting to stare a hole right through him.

Drake: You’re right. It is my fault. We didn’t focus on it because there were other more pressing issues but you’ve fixed them now. You want to be the best?

Lyah: I do, but Drake, we are teaming up at the next SCW show. Teaming up in the ring or out of it takes a certain level of trust. I have to know I can trust you to tell me when I’m epic-ly failing at something. I thought that Hangman guy was being an asshat, and now you’re telling me you agree with him?

Drake: I do. But Lyah, if you want to be the best...if you want to make Alexis tap out and take her belt...then you’ve got to keep working. Your game is never perfect. There is always something to work on. Why do you think I have a ring thirty feet from where I sleep?

Lyah: Because you have an obsessive personality and focus more on work than enjoying life most of the time?

She says with no hint of sarcasm at all, for once.

Drake: No. It’s because I make it my life to be the best at what I do. I don’t just talk about it. I see greatness in you Lyah. More than you probably think...but it doesn’t come without a cost. Nothing does.

Lyah: Fine. I want to be great. I don’t want to let you down this week.

She relaxes a little, seeing his words for what they are instead of a personal attack now.

Lyah: I’m not some liability in there, I’m trained by YOU...I should be the best Bombshell on the entire roster with a little more experience. How about this week, we kick the crap out of Alexis and Goth, and then afterwards, we hit the gym just for shits and giggles. I want to be the best.

He stares at her.

Drake: Then prove it.

Lyah: No pudding for me until we win that match. Is that proof enough?

He tries to keep a straight face but he can’t help but laugh.[.i]

Drake: It’s a start.

Lyah: Good, then I’m definitely eating my heart out tonight. Gimme that plate back!

Lindberg laughs as she pulls Drake’s plate back towards her as the two share a laugh, ready to finish enjoying their dinner date.




"Dude, can you believe it? SCW's official bathroom break, me, is in the main event of Climax Control this weekend! I'm flippin' stoked. Since it's the main event, I would think you guys would stay in your seats...I mean you have to. Drake Green is also in the match. Who wouldn't want to watch the record setting champion beat up some dude named Goth?

That wasn't really me taking a shot at or starting beef with Goth, because he's more than proven himself here, but cmon its Drake Green! Not only is he the best asskicker in SCW History, but he just so happens to be my boyfriend and  know he's going to totally kick butt in this match.

A match like this, is all about chemistry, anyways. I may be new to wrestling, but I have the most amazing trainer, Drake of course. Not only do I live with my partner, I train with him, I wrestle with him daily, and we pretty much do everything together. How the heck can a put together team like Alexis and Goth compete with that? They won't have near as much chemistry as us. We have more chemistry than Bill Nye the Science guy! Let me ask, who has more chemistry than Drake and I? NOBODY[.b]...oh my god, I'm killing myself, do you see what I did there?

With Alexis' poor attitude, do you think anyone not in her little group would want to team with her anyway? She seems like she's mad at the world 24/7 and she's pretty frickin miserable to be around. I wouldn't blame Goth if he didn't show up, I know I wouldn't if I had to team with the little brat.

Hey yo, ALEX, since I know you love being called that, I think its cute that you have been trying to paint me as some little blonde-haired, stuck up, pretty girl since the moment I stepped foot in SCW. You refuse to do ANY research and see that I'm not the girl you portray me as. Just because I'm dating Drake now, and living a pretty good life, doesn't mean I don't relate to a struggle. I was homeless, after being shipped around from one foster home to the other. My parents didn't think I was worth a damn to keep, and hey, that isn't a cry for sympathy, it's the truth. But you don't see me acting like my life is horrible everyday like you do. I don't call myself a NOBODY, to me that's a cry for attention, its almost like you're standing there shouting out LOOK AT ME, I'm ALEXIS and I'm a NOBODY..please pay attention to me!

Listen Lex, when we were backstage a few weeks ago, face to face, and I could barely breathe because your breath smelled like buttcrack, I proved you wrong. You thought I would just back down, and be intimidated, but I wasn't. I stood nose to nose with you and I let you know that I'm not the one to be pushed around.

You like to brawl, but this isn't a no DQ match. You can't fly, so I have that advantage on you because that's a big part of my arsenal. And I'm a good technical wrestler because duh, Drake again....but you won't be wrestling Drake, and I won't be wrestling Goth, it'll just be you and me when its our turn.

I don't want Drake to beat Goth, Drake has enough wins in his career. I want to shut your mouth, Alexis. I want it to come down to you and me. I want to get the Lyah Lock on you in the middle of the ring, and I want to prove to you that I'm worthy of a shot at the Bombshell Internet championship. This is my chance, my moment, and I'll be damned if I'm going to let you take it from me.

All everyone hears about from you is a curse word here, and a I'm better there, but what gives you any advantage over me? You have a LITTLE more experience than me. That's it. We're the same height, I'm 10 pounds heavier which means I'm probably stronger than you, and I've proven to be a tough ass bitch. Not only did I nearly get my kneecap shattered in my first match, but I still fought that match and won. I rehabbed when most would have given up, and I made it to one of the biggest companies in the world. Since making it here, I haven't been pinned or submitted. I might not be the best Bombshell here, and I never claimed to be, but last I checked your name wasn't Mikah either.

At the end of the dizzay, I know what this is about, Lex. This is about spotlight. For as much as you claim to be a nobody, you want everyone focusing on you. Well guess what? They will be at Climax Control because I'm going to beat your face so bad, they are gonna be like NOBODY ever looked as black and blue as this girl!

I really hope we get the chance at the end of the match to decide the outcome. I didn't lose the fall in my last match, the three way in the tournament, and I don't want to be outside the ring when the match is decided this time too. I either want to break your arm and make you give up, or I want you to beat me. I'm not arrogant but I don't think you can beat me, not because you aren't talented enough, but because I want nothing more than to prove to the world that I'm more than Drake Green's girlfriend, I can wrestle and I've busted my butt to make it this far.

Climax Control is only days away, and when that day finally arrives, Lyah Lindberg will truly arrive. Bathroom break no more after this match, bitches.

And Alexis, one more thing, keep underestimating me. Your lack of confidence in what I can do only makes you open to getting lazy and falling victim to this little blonde bombshell. And this bombshell is ready to explode all over you BIOTCH!"