Author Topic: Hungry and determind.  (Read 312 times)

Offline Amy Marshall

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    • Amy Santino
Hungry and determind.
« on: April 17, 2015, 08:21:20 PM »
 5th April 2015
Glyfada Indoor Hall - Athens, Greece
Climax Control #111

… Raynin drags the hurt champion up with a handful of her falling mohawk. Raynin positions herself and lashes out with a martial arts boot to Amy's sternum! Amy staggers back, stunned and hurt, and Raynin lands another that sends Marshall right to the mat! Raynin pulls her up by the arm and lays her out with a short-arm clothesline. She pulls her up for a second but this time Amy ducks and attempts a straight jacket suplex, but Raynin drives the back of her head into Amy's face, breaking up the attempt! Raynin then goes for an Irish whip but Amy manages another reversal and sends her challenger into the corner. Raynin, however, runs up the corner and jumps off with a back twist into...

Adams: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!

Raynin with the cover!




Adams: She did it!

The crowd cheers as Raynin slowly removes herself from Amy, looking at the referee and Jacob raises her arm! Raynin pumps a fist in ecstasy as the crowd cheers!

Justin: Here is your winner, and NEW World Bombshell Champion -- Raynin!

The fans cheer as Jacob goes to deliver the belt to the new champion but Amy pulls the gold from the official's grasp!

Simone: What's this?

Amy looks forlornly at the title, then at Raynin -- and holds the title out to her. Cheers are drawn from the fans as Raynin nods and accepts the title and Amy grabs her arm and raises it herself!

Yes everyone saw that right, I raised Raynin’s arm in victory, but she totally deserved it after the epic fight that we had for the Bombshell title… Yes she won, yes I am angry… but only at myself and yes I will be cashing in my rematch, as I stated in my pre match interview earlier in the show.

Dropping her hand, I climb out of the ring leaving Raynin to celebrate, as I just want to hide away and drink my sorrows away at how poorly I defended the Bombshell title, as I head up the ramp, the crowd still cheering me, but I know that deep down they are laughing and calling me a loser.

Reaching the curtain, I take one last look back at Raynin, before disappearing, where I am greeted by a few friendly faces giving their condolences, but all I want is time by myself, however, in this place it would never happen. I trudge back to the locker room, however, following a little close behind is Scott Oliver.

“Do you think following me with get you a scoop?”

Scott Oliver stops realising he has been rumbled.

“Thought so… the only scoop you will get, is that… yes I’m upset…now go away.”


“But what… I’ve said what I needed to just before my match and those thoughts aren’t going to change, so run along… find Raynin… I’m sure she has plenty to say.”

I turn and continue back to my locker room, where I quickly begin to remove my ring gear and change into my normal clothes in preparation to leave the arena and head back to the hotel to shower and get drunk either in my hotel or find a bar still open.

The scene quickly fades on the naked back of Amy Marshall.


12th April 2015
Club ALCATRAZ - Milan, Italy
Climax Control #112

…Amy: "But I instead found myself more upset than anything else… I don't know why I wasn't angry or pissed off. I guess I accepted my fate and loss even before the match had started."

Amy shrugs.

Amy: "But I still fought to keep the title, I did my damned hardest not to the lose the title to her, but it wasn't to be. So what happens from here? I could go for the Internet title… become a grand slam winner… but that would deprive me of my rematch that I am owed… I have tasted bombshell championship gold and I want another taste.

I want to become a two-time bombshell champion and be part of that small elite group have held the title more than once.

And I would like to remind you Raynin, that I will be enforcing my rematch clause…

You hear that Raynin…

I am coming for you and that title… I am coming to take back what is mine."

Amy smiles as The boogie man by the hell freaks hits over the p.a once again, as Amy drops the mic and then makes the universal sign for the title belt to be around her waist. She then climbs out of the ring and heads up the ramp and to the backstage area.

Entering the backstage area, Amy feels the buzz of her cellphone from her back pocket, frowning and wondering who could be contacting her. Amy pulls her phone from her pocket and noticed a voice mail message and after pressing a few buttons, Amy listens to the message.

Hi this is Mrs Zelensky…

I am just making a routine phone call to see how you are, since I haven’t heard from you in a few months.

Please can you ring me back as soon as you are free?


Looking at the time, Amy knew that the therapist would be home relaxing or whatever therapists do, so there would be no point in calling.  However, it has been months since Amy has seen or even spoke to her and a lot has changed. Obviously the world tour, but the main thing was where Amy’s head is at in terms for her feelings with Gabriel and the very ugly break-up and the repercussions from it.

For Amy the feelings for him had dissipated and just disappointment and hate was left, however, in the process of getting over him, Amy got the opportunity to punish Gabriel… but not just from that backstage attack but also punishing him and humiliating him sexually.

And while that was fun, it may have screwed Amy up a little, as since then her sexual partners have increased, and while she hasn’t hurt anyone or herself, Amy began to wonder if she needed help before she does hurt someone or even have an ‘accident’.

Pressing a few buttons, Amy hit the redial button on her cellphone as the number she dials rings a few times before going to voice mail.  Waiting for the automatic message and the beep to come…


This is Amy Marshall, just to say I got your message and would like to organise a session with yourself soon.  I’m currently away on tour, but should be free with in the next few weeks.


Amy hangs up and places her phone back into her pocket, as she stands on the spot for a moment, wondering if talking about her sleeping around would help, instead of going to rehab.  Letting out a small sigh, Amy returns to the canteen area to watch the result of the show.


Tuesday 14th April 2015
Malaga, Spain
Cerveceria Los Gatos

The scene opens up outside the Cerveceria Los Gatos tapas restaurant, where we see Amy walking up to the building with Kris in tow.

“As promised Tapas and a few drinks to celebrate.”

Amy said with a smile.

“Thank you.”

Kris said, as he takes a seat and picks up a menu.

“That’s alright… you deserve this, since I know how down you are feeling.”

Amy places a hand on Kris’ shoulder as reassurance.

“Again thank you… so anything here catches your eye?”

Kris asks.

“Why not order a little bit of everything.”

Amy suggests, as she looks at the menu, as a waiter comes along.

“What can I get you?”

The waiter asks in broken English.

“Two beers and a little bit of everything from your tapas menu. Thanks.”

Amy smiled, as the waiter takes the order and disappears off back inside.

“So how does it feel to be Internet champion…can’t claim to be a nobody anymore.”

Kris shrugs.

“Eh… I still have to wonder if anyone noticed that I won the Internet title Sunday.”

Amy shakes her head.

“They have noticed and you made an impact, it may not seem like it… but you have.”

Amy continues to try and get into Kris’ head that he is someone, not a nobody, as the waiter brings over the two beers and the first few tapas dishes.

“Thank you. Looks delicious.”

“I haven’t noticed people noticing me and realising I’m here.”

Kris picks up the beer and takes a sip before picking up the bit of chorizo and popping it into his mouth.

“Kris if you were a nobody, I wouldn’t be here talking to you or even hanging with you.  You are someone… just have to stand up and shout a bit louder. You’ve already proved yourself in the ring… what else do you want?”

Amy continued, though she felt she was just talking to a brick wall.

“To be somebody.”

Amy lets out a sigh and shakes her head, as she picks at the food in front of her.

“I give up. So this is your night… what else would you like to do?”

Amy asks as she pops an olive into her mouth.

“Just hit some bars, one with a pool table.”

Kris suggested.

“Do they Spanish play pool?”

Amy queried.

“We can find out when we visit the bars around Malaga.


Amy nods, as the waiter returns with more lovely looking tapas food.
“I hope you are hungry.”

Amy chuckles, as she looks at the size of the dishes, as the scene fades out, as Amy and Kris begin to eat the tapas food before them and drinking their beers, as they talk about Amy, Kris, Climax Control and various other topics.


Friday 17th April 2014

Ah yes… the obligatory top champions against their main rival match… hey it’s the first time I’ve been in one of these matches and I quite like it, however, while it’s a novelty for me, I am not going into this match star stuck or whatever, I am going into this match with one purpose.

Send a message to Raynin…

Gabriel and Andrew can do whatever the hell they like to each other, but I only have eyes for Raynin and the Bombshell title and as I said I want to send a message to Raynin. So far I’ve said it with words from my pre match interview to what I said last week inside the ring.

And from judging by last weeks show… I got my rematch.

So where do I go from here in this match?

Well firstly…

Raynin… go ahead brag all you like, yes you backed up your words with actions… but you only temporarily broke my heart but you never put me down and out. I am here and ready and waiting to take you on again, I have no fear and you don’t scare me… so you can talk about death warrants and putting me away in some deep dark grave… but I will still come back because I have the hunger and determination not to be put down.

Our match two weeks ago was the talking point of the show throughout the wrestling community, on dirt sheets and on wrestling forums… we put on a great show and we can do that again, but this time I will ignore the fact that we are in a tag team match and treat this as a singles match.

And instead of me coming up trumps… you will be on the losing this time around, as I plan on making a point that anything can happen… just like your win a few weeks back.

I am not taking away the fact that you kicked my ass. But things could change and this time around, we will be swapping places and it’s me kicking yours and getting that upper hand as we move closer and closer to the Supercard.

But as I said anything can happen, so we will just have to watch this space…

Oh and Raynin… see you Sunday night…


2x GRIME Champion (10/07/2021 - 05/12/2021 (154 days)) (20/03/2022 - 15/05/2022 (57 Days)
1x Bombshell Champion
2x Bombshell Roulette Champion
2x Bombshell Internet Champion
3x Bombshell Tag Team Champion
- 1 x w/ Necra Kane
- 2 x w/ Jessie Salco
~ First three time bombshell tag team champion.
~ 2nd ever Bombshell triple crown winner.
~ 1st ever Bombshell Grand Slam Champion.
~ 2015 Woman of the year.
~ 2015 Feud of the Year vs. Roxi Johnson
~ 2015 Match of the Year vs. Roxi Johnson.
~ 2015 Hall Of Fame!
~ 2018 Feud of the year vs Jessie Salco
- 2021 Year End Awards: Story of the Year:Masked member Rainbow/minority GRIME owner unmasks to reveal herself as multi-time champion and SCW Hall of Famer Amy Santino