Author Topic: Not what I was expecting.  (Read 304 times)

Offline Jessie Salco

  • SCW's Heavy Metal Bombshell
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    • Jessie Salco
Not what I was expecting.
« on: March 27, 2015, 09:42:26 PM »
 It was a close match but the Mean Girls regained some of their momentum back when Delia and Mercedes defeated the Metal and Punk Connection when Mercedes pinned Jessie, Amanda Cortez also won her match against Kiera Fisher earlier in the night but the Mean Girls had a steep hill to climb if they wanted to recover from their disastrous night at Blaze of Glory.

That was the last thing on Jessie’s mind though, last week during the show she challenged the new SCW Bombshell Internet Champion Roxi Johnson to a title match at the next Supercard which Roxi accepted but the bosses have other plans for Jessie as this week Jessie was challenging Natalie McKinley for the SCW Bombshell Roulette Championship, both Bombshells had to have their wits about them going into this match as Mercedes Vargas had declared open season on the Bombshell Division but can Jessie look past that and when? And if she does what happens to her title match against Roxi?

Driving around Romania
Tuesday 24th 2015, 11:00am

Sometimes I wonder why the boys don’t listen to me more often.

I bet your asking yourself, why are we outside of Bucharest and with the other SCW superstars? Well it’s partly to avoid bumping into Steve (though from what I’ve heard he’s been back in America since yesterday evening, for what reason I don’t know but it can’t be good) but the other reason is the fact that Jake has been playing Total War: Attila.

Yes, I’m serious.

That game, despite taking place at the end of the Roman Empire AKA one of the biggest Wham Episodes in recorded history, has sparked Jake’s interest in Roman history and he’s been spending the past couple of days working out logistics and trying to figure out where the nearest Roman ruin in Romania, or Dacia as it was called back then, is.

You’d think that would be an easy task, nope, the nearest place is the ancient trading city of Histria, initially a Greek colony set up to establish trade with the local tribes it eventually got conquered by Rome in 30 AD before being destroyed by the Avers and the Slavs towards the end of the Roman Empire, the area was rediscovered by a French Archeologist at the turn of the nineteenth century and that’s where we’re going, problem is it’s a long trek to get there.

“You would think that a map in English would be easier to find in Romania.” Shane grumbled as he struggled to read the map and Jake drove along, I was on my IPhone in the back checking on Twitter and Facebook whilst the new Blind Guardian album played through the rent car’s speakers. “Does Bucharest not get many tourists or what?”

“Stop complaining and tell me where to go next.” Jake responded and Shane gave him an odd look.

“What part of “I can’t speak this language let alone read it” don’t you understand?” Shane asked as he shook his head. “Our GPS just had to get lost in the luggage, didn’t it?”

“I can think of at least ten worst scenarios than that just off the top of my head.” I sighed as I leaned back, we had tried running the place names through Google Translate via Jake’s tablet which was lying next to me but we gave up after the fiftieth spelling mistake. “Its times like these that I wish Aleksei was still on the roster, at least he could’ve given us an idea of where to start.”

“If we could understand his heavy accent.” Jake added as he shook his head, after a few moments of driving in silence the car started to slow down. “You have got to be kidding me?”

“Please tell me you’re slowing down because you’ve seen some crazy shit?” I asked as I looked up from my IPhone, we had no idea how far we were from Bucharest at this point and running out of fuel was the last thing we needed. “I could’ve sworn we topped up back in Bucharest.”

“You tell me, we just stopped off at the nearest place that looked like a gas station and took it from there.” Jake responded before checking his watch as the car slowly rolled to a complete stop, his eyes widened when he saw it. “Guys, its 11:26am, we’ve been driving for just under two and a half hours.”

“Seriously?” Shane asked and I checked the time on my IPhone to confirm whilst Shane leaned over for a better look at Jake’s watch. “Babe, what does your IPhone say?”

“The clock on the phone is a little faster than Jake’s watch but he’s right on the money.” I responded whilst making a mental note to fix that, blame the timezone, and I looked around. “I don’t see anything that looks even remotely Roman, I think we’d better just give up on it for today.”

“Much as I hate to admit it, Jessie’s right, even if we topped up on fuel again at the rate we’re going it’s going to be Sunday night before we even get close to the location.” Jake responded before we got out of the car, we were on a narrow road heading up a hill that was, thankfully, free of cars. “Okay, I know a bit of Romanian. I think I can call for a tow truck and a cab.” Jake added after thinking for a moment. “Jess, grab me my tablet, I’ve got some numbers to look up.”

“On it.” I responded before reaching into the car and retrieving the tablet which I passed on to Jake who proceeded to take shelter under a nearby tree to get out of the heat. “A few years ago I probably would’ve used this as an excuse to pass the time by making out.”

“A few years ago you were still a rookie being paid barely enough to buy off the McDonalds Saver Menu to make more experienced female wrestlers look good.” Shane pointed out as he folded his arms and I shook my head. “I guess you can call yourself lucky that SCW picked you up when they did.”

“Tell me about it.” I responded with a grin as I sat down on the hood of the car. “I still remember when Jake read the riot act to that one promoter one suggested that I secure myself a better position in the fed by letting him practice sexual positions on him.”

“You refused, right?” Shane asked and I nodded.

“I didn’t care if it meant being able to pay for hotel rooms without visiting the parent bank, I wasn’t about to go that far for my career.” I responded as I folded my arms. “Besides, I was still a raw rookie at the time and my matches sucked more than the Mean Girls do on a daily bases, in and out of the ring.” I added and Shane laughed at my joke. “Speaking of SCW, I’m not about to let my loss to Delia and Mercedes stop me from winning the Roulette Title.”

“Aren’t you forgetting something? A little segment you had with Roxi last week?” Shane asked and I ran my hand through my hair.

“I’m not sure what the bosses where thinking since I’ve said time and time again that I want to go after a title I haven’t held yet.” I responded as I folded my arms. “My best guess is that they had planned this title match since before the card for last week’s Climax Control was booked and didn’t anticipate my little segment but I plan to make the most of it and if I win I’ll cross the Supercard bridge when I come to it.”

“There’s also the fact that the last Roulette Title reign you had was one and done, thanks to Team Erick.” Shane added and I frowned.

“Yeah, Joanne was a really good wrestler and that put my chances of retaining pretty low, then add the fact that she was Team Erick and I was Team SCW….” I trailed off before shaking my head. “In a way this situation is similar except for the fact that the opposing faction is a Bombshell exclusive one and the likes of Joanne wouldn’t join them if they were holding her family hostage.”

“Don’t forget the “none of them can win a match cleanly” part.” Shane added and I nodded in response before I noticed Jake calling Shane over and I pointed Jake out to him. “Looks like Jake needs my help, this would be a great time to get the promo done.”

“I was just thinking the same thing.” I responded as I brushed a stray strand of hair behind my ear and Shane walked off towards the tree where Jake was hiding from the sun, now that I was alone I got started on my promo. “My track record against the Mean Girls has been a god damned roller-coaster ride and anyone who’s watched SCW over the past year or so knows exactly what I’m talking about, however I always bounce back from a loss no matter what and this week I get to bounce back in the best way possible, by beating Natalie McKinley for the SCW Bombshell Roulette Championship.”

It won’t be that simple but I know I can do it.

“I know from personal experience that trying to predict the length of title reigns is like trying to measure the length of a piece of string but don’t take my word for it, just ask Dying Breed! I’m pretty sure that Garcia’s finished licking his wounds by now, when he isn’t jerking off to those pics Amanda posts on Twitter that is, my point is that shit happens and reigns can end abruptly and that’s exactly what’ll happen at Climax Control.”

I added before grinning.

“I know your tough Natalie just from the mixed tag match we had back in England when you teamed with Simon and I teamed, unfortunately, with Steve Ramone, but this time I don’t have a jackass egomaniac holding me back and there won’t be anyone on the roster who will be able to stop me from earning my second Bombshell Roulette Title reign.”

I saw the boys calling me over and I decided to wrap things up.

“I don’t know what will happen to my challenge to Roxi for the Internet Championship at the next Supercard if I win but I’ll cross that bridge when the time comes, in the meantime Natalie you had better be prepared to fight and prove to SCW that the win over Mercedes wasn’t a fluke and that you can hold onto the title, this is SCW’s Heavy Metal Bombshell signing off, make it metal SCW Universe!”

I walked over to the boys as the scene fades.