Author Topic: Blog This... Gothika Rp  (Read 378 times)

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Blog This... Gothika Rp
« on: February 07, 2015, 12:00:15 AM »
Gothika RP
Climax Control, 2/08/2015

Event: Sin City Wrestling’s Weekly Show, Climax Control
DATE: Sunday, 2/08/2015
Place: Cardiff, Wales
 Venue: Sport Wales National Centre  

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The Angels of the Fallen have succeeded in doing what they put their minds to, and grabbed a hold of the Sin City Wrestling's Bomshell Tag Team Championship Titles!!  They went through three of the top Bombshell Tag Teams in the company, and as soon as they stood atop the mountain that is the Bombshell Tag Team Division, their reign is already being challenged by The Mean Girls!  When they won the Number One Contender's Spot for the Championships, no one knows, but needless to say, The Angels of the Fallen are no pussies, and they're no cowards.  They will stand fast and take on any and all who try to oppose them!!  For now, the Vampyric Angel has sat back, letting everyone else in the group take center stage... But she's got a lot on her mind.  I wonder how she feels about the women who are trying to depose her and her tag team partner, Raynin?  Whatever the case, Gothika is sure to voice a lot of her concerns before the match begins on Sunday night at Climax Control.…  Let’s Find out what she has to say, shall we?...
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**********  WARNING!!  **********
The following are scenes from the daily lives of one half of the Sin City Wrestling's Newest Bombshell Tag Team Champions, Gothika.  They were not intended for the younger viewers of our audience.  They contain content which is extremely graphic in nature.  So graphic, they've even given me nightmares which make me hide under the bed and use a night light if I watch them for too long.  If you are squeamish, have a weak stomach, are faint of heart, or are eating, I'd suggest waiting until you have something to settle your stomach before continuing.  If you're easily frightened, then... well, you're a punk ass sissy and shouldn't be going any further.  If you do go further, be prepared to wet and soil yourselves.  You have to provide your own diapers and wet wipes.  \'tongue.gif\'  Parental discretion is advised.
**********  END ADVISORY!!  **********

*** An Except from the Online Blog of Gothika  ***
february 5, 2015
Stars align for me just right…

When we come upon Climax Control night,
The Mean Girls will experience quite a fright…
Veronia and Amanda shall experience the Fallen's might…
And they'll beg for mercy when they FEEL MY BITE!!

Bonjour Tout le monde,

What can I say my friends and fellow members of the Flock...  But we did it!!  Raynin and I did it!!  Oh, I have to say... it feels so damned GOOD to have a title around my waist once more.   Not just any title, but the titles that were originally brought about because of my friend and I...  These titles... These titles were brought into this company because we were one of the founding Bombshell Tag Teams... We were who everyone wanted to be!! We were the most dominant force, and the Powers That Be decided that there needed to be some way to have us prove it once and for all that we were just that!  And so... These titles were formed.  And since then, everyone has worked hard to try to tell us that we didn't deserve them.  They wanted to make us feel as if we didn't earn our chances to be right where we are at this moment!!  

So, every obstacle had been put in front of us to try and curtail our progress, and our rise up the ranks.  Everyone thought that we wouldn’t be able to do it.  They thought that we would be just another face in the crowd, and that we wouldn’t be able to come away from Inception holding onto the very items which we have coveted for so long now... The Sin City Wrestling, Bombshell Tag Team Championships.  They thought that since I had let go of the Bombshell Title that I would just sink back into obscurity and not go after what I have been craving for so long...  But what they have forgotten is...  with or without a title... I am one of the Champions that this company needs... The others are all in my group.  

You see...  When we say that being a Champion isn't just about holding a title... we mean it.  Being a Champion isn't about being the cleverest, or being able to trick your way to a title...  Because we've never done that... It's about having the ability and the skill to come out on top... respectfully.  It's about having the courage to push yourself, even when you're at your lowest.  It's about being able to step up to the plate and lead a company, not just cause you hold onto a title, but because it's the right thing to do.  Yes, we use violence to affect changes...  But it's not the violence of cruelty.  It's the violence needed for change!

Some see that is idiotic drivel… Others see it as little more than just another way of thinking… But we… we’ve turned it into our mantra… It’s our… raison d’etre…  We don’t just see ourselves as Champions because we hold onto the titles.  We carry ourselves as Champions.  When we are the champions and when we’re not holding the title belts, we still train ourselves as if we were striving to get them.  We push our minds, our bodies, our souls to the brink and past it, because that’s what it means to be a Champion.  To stand at the pinnacle and to look down upon everyone else who is striving just as hard as you, and to provide that…role model status.  

You see, we don’t put others down…  We have training sessions with other wrestlers.  Raynin has donated time at her personal training facility to wounded warriors.  Darknyss feeds the homeless, and runs clothing drives.  I donate to half way houses…  We lift as we climb.  I volunteer my time to the underprivileged children at the orphanages in my home town, and I’m a Big Sister in the Big Brothers and Big Sisters program at my home town.  We’ve opened dojos and give free self defense lessons to women in the community centers back home… We give back to others in need!!... WE LEAD BY EXAMPLE!!

But to you… Veronica Taylor… we’re a joke.  To you, Amanda Cortez… We’re meaningless and worthless…  When in your heart of hearts… you secretly want that which we have worked so hard to obtain… not just in name but by action… And that is to be called Champion.  Amanda… you protest that you don’t want to wear a title belt, and yet… yet instead of backing away from the challenge to prove that you don’t want it, you will step into the ring against my partner and I.  Why?  Because your word has no honor!  You give falsehoods under pretenses which we all hold no merit!  And so…  we see the example which you will set once more…

We know what  you say about us behind our backs… to our faces..  You say we’re freaks…  You say we’re strange… You say that we’re fat and ugly, and disgusting, and yet…  We all know that you’re just voicing your own fears and how you see yourselves…  We have no qualms about who and what we are…  We have accepted ourselves… Can you say the same?  Your words wreak of self remorse and self hate… and so you want to hold the titles to try to give yourself self worth…  to try to prove to your  self loathing selves that you’re worth something… that you should be treated with some modicum of respect, even though you have no respect within you… not even for yourselves…  But we’re the ones who are at fault in your eyes.

But you know what we are... We are weirdoes.  We're freaks, and we accept who we are with a grin and a smile.  Why do I say that?  It's because we have known that we are for a long time, and we accepted our strangeness and we have reveled in it.  We're not like the Mean Girls, who can’t look in a mirror and pick themselves apart with a fine tooth comb and a magnifying glass.  I drink the red…  I indulge in the life force of others, and I bathe in the suffering of my opponents, and drink it in like the finest vintage of wine.  It’s a trait that most call disgusting, but to me… it’s simply a part of me.  My friend and partner is not quite sane in the head, and she has the most violent of mood swings…  And yet, she’s my friend.  I’ve accepted her, crazy an all.  True, we may have a violent streak, but that's just who we are.  It's a part of us.  We're obsessive.  We're extreme.  We're fanatical.  Some say it's just a little bit, but we know it's more than that.  It's way more than just a little.  But to do what we do... you have to be more than just normal.  You have to be more than just a little bit crazy and obsessive to put your minds, bodies and souls through the kinds of punishment that we do.  I mean think about it.  Every day, we push our bodies to the extreme.  We drag ourselves through the muck and mire, we make ourselves bloody and sore, and for what purpose?... To be able to do a little bit more.  To be able to go a little bit further.  To be able to climb just a little bit higher, and to soar just a little bit farther than we did a a moment... even a second ago.  We do it to be more than what we were.

And why do we do it?  Why do we see a big tire and go out to try and flip it?  To become better tire flippers?  Hell no!!  Why do we go and see a heavy weight and try to lift it?  To become better weight lifters?  Well, yes, kind of, but it's more than just that.  Why do we go out and see someone perform a move, or we dream up a move, and we just have to try and perfect it?  So we can be more than what we once were... So we can be better... stronger... and faster than we once were.  So we can be more than just... human.  My friends and I... we torture our bodies so that we can become Champions!! And that's just what we have done!! We have pressed ourselves into becoming that ideal which we have striven to become!!

We have succeed in becoming physically what we have always been in our hearts…  And win, lose, or draw at Climax Control, we will still continue to be what you could never be in your heart of hearts…  We will continue to lead this company, with our without the belts… We will continue to inspire our fans, and increase the Flock while all you females can do is flaunt your bodies to try to sway the crowd your way.  But this I will promise you… At Climax Control, you will stand against a group of hungry beasts waiting to stop you from what you are trying to take from us!


You see…  Mean Girls…  Being mean doesn’t make you a champion… It just makes you pathetic.  And once Climax Control comes… I will enjoy crushing you under my boot heel…  You will FEED MY NEED!!
Au Revoir Tout le monde!!
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 …  END OF FEED  ...  
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***  Word Count, 2257  ***

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