Author Topic: You have got to be fucking kidding me.  (Read 299 times)

Offline Jessie Salco

  • SCW's Heavy Metal Bombshell
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    • Jessie Salco
You have got to be fucking kidding me.
« on: January 22, 2015, 10:30:54 PM »
 Steve’s match against Power Play was hard fought but unfortunately Power Play won the day after Connor was pinned by J2H, Steve has been pretty quiet since then not making much noise on Twitter or Facebook aside from his reaction to his partner in Blast from the Past III.

Who was his partner? None other than the Bombshell Champ and Mean Girls leader Delia Darling who knocked out Steve’s team in the Semi-Finals of last year’s tournament, that combined with his hatred of the Mean Girls left him unhappy with his predicament but he would have to put that aside as they were facing J2H’S wife Melody Grace and the newcomer Travis Nathanial Andrews in the first round of the tournament this week on Climax Control but can he do it?

The Scottish Highlands
Thursday 22nd January 2015, 11:00am

What can I say?

Well I can say a few things, like how Jason is a massive fucking hypocrite for taking Power Play’s side when we used their tactics against them or how fucking useless Connor Murphy is but that doesn’t change the fact that we lost to Power Play and on top of that Jessie lost NXT’s only titles during the Metal and Punk Connection’s title defence.

At least they lost it to The Fallen, I swear to god if the Mean Girls find a way to beat The Fallen at Blaze of Glory I’ll retire from wrestling and open up a hot dog stand in Queens!

I’d like to say that I shouldn’t focus on the Annoying Bitches as I like to call them but I’d be lying, this week is the first round of the third annual Blast from the Past Tournament and wouldn’t you know it? I’m in one of the teams that are competing this week! And I’m teaming with Delia Darling, the fluke Bombshell Champion and Mean Girls leader.

Shoot me now.

When I said on Twitter that I’d rather team up with Odette again than put up with Delia I meant it! Say what you will about Ms. Backstabbing Bitch 2014 but at least Odette has proven on multiple occasions that she is a great wrestler, Delia on the other hand? If I had to count the number of times she’s won via underhanded tactics I’d miss the tag team match because I’d still be here counting!

But as much as I’d rather not spend more than five minutes in a ring with Delia I’d rather not miss out on a pay check so yeah, that’s not gonna happen.

Basically I needed an excuse to get away from it all and clear my head and since the first Climax Control of 2015 is in Scotland, a place I’ve always wanted to visit, I figured “what the hell” and decided to go on a hike around the countryside with Sophie, Charlotte is with us despite being a couple of months into her pregnancy at this point since she was tired of being cooped up at home.

“Okay girls, smile for the camera.” I said as I got my IPhone out and held it steady whilst Sophie and Charlotte stood in front of the ocean, damn that’s an amazing view, and I took the picture. “Never thought I’d be thankful towards Mark for anything other than signing my pay checks.”

“Yeah but to be fair, Mark’s the biggest prick on the roster who isn’t an active wrestler.” Charlotte commented as I showed her the picture and showed it to Sophie as well. “He used to be tied with Marty for that spot until Marty left last year.”

“I don’t know why Matthew employs Marty at his wrestling school, I mean the only time that guy’s been in a ring was when he accompanied his clients to the ring.” I commented with a shrug as I pocketed my IPhone. “By that logic I should employ you as head female trainer if I ever decide to open up my own wrestling school.”

“Well, on the bright side they’d still be better wrestlers than the Mean Girls.” Charlotte joked as she folded her arms and I frowned. “Oh right, you came out here to try to forget about your partner.”

“Let me put it this way, I would’ve been ecstatic to have any other Bombshell, even a rookie one, as my partner in Blast from the Past, well aside from the other Mean Girls that is, but Delia? If we win I have to put up with that snobby bitch for the rest of the tournament!” I responded as I took a seat on the ground. “And I’d rather not be the Mean Girls’ first male member?”

“What about Holly Wood?” Charlotte asked and I shook my head.

“Holly may be a guy but, well, you’ve seen the way he dresses so it’s kind of debateable if he counted as a Bombshell or not.” I said as I shook my head. “At least he’s separated from the Mean Girls and has become a ref.”

“And I bet the Mean Girls are just thrilled whenever he refs one of their matches.” Charlotte commented sarcastically and I grinned at that. “Anyway I’m getting hungry and I saw a gourmet burger place when we were in that town down there, meet you there?”

“I’ve never been one to say no to a burger, I’ll meet you at the bottom of the hill after I’m done with my promo.” I told them and Charlotte nodded before leading Sophie down the hill and leaving me alone to conduct my business.

“I’ll keep this short and sweet, Connor Murphy is a useless idiot and Jason is a hypocrite for taking Power Play’s side when we used their own tactics against them, in short, nothing new.” I commented as I rolled my eyes. “But I’m not done with J2H yet, well more specifically his gold digging wife! This week SCW’s lethal lottery system has teamed her up with a newcomer, Travis Nathanial Andrews, in the opening round of Blast from the Past III, I’d like to say that I’m happy with my partner but that would be the biggest lie since Comcast started putting out those anti-net neutrality adds!”

Before I address my opponents though…..

“Delia, I just want to get this out of the way, I don’t like you, at all, the Mean Girls are a cancer to the bombshell division and the sooner that group is put out to pastor the better! That said I am willing to work with you if it means winning this tournament but just so we’re clear you are, AT NO POINT, allowed to even suggest giving me a make-over, I like my look the way it is thank you very fucking much!”

And now onto the opponents, first up is Melody.

“You know, if it weren’t for the Mean Girls, well for starters the Bombshell Division would be in a much better place, Melody Grace would likely win SCW’s unofficial dumb blonde award! I’m seriously convinced that the only reason she’s married to J2H in the first place aside from the fact that she’s a gold digger is because she became mesmerized by numerous shiny objects belonging to J2H! That said I’ll let Delia deal with you if it comes to it!”

Then again I’ll have too due to SCW’s anti-man-on-woman violence rules, anyway next up is someone I can actually fight!

“Travis, obviously I know jackshit about you because, well, you are making your debut this week, hell of a time to make your debut kid! That said, is Travis Nathanial Andrews your real name because when I look at a title like “Mr. TNA” professional wrestler isn’t the first thing that comes to mind, it’s porn producer and/or actor and honestly it wouldn’t surprise me if there was a porn star with that name! Unfortunately for you Travis I’m here to make sure that your debut isn’t a successful one!”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

“I hate the fact that I have to team with Delia for the tournament but you know what? I’ll make do and who knows? Maybe I’ll actually lead our team to the finals! Melody and Travis may stand in our way of that now but they won’t be standing around for long as they’ll soon remember that there’s nothing to fear but fear itself and no one to fear but “The Fearless One” Steve Ramone even when he’s reluctantly teaming with Delia!”

I started walking down the hill as the scene fades.