Author Topic: Happy times, Sad times...  (Read 346 times)

Offline Blaque Hart

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    • Blaque Hart Bruce Evans
Happy times, Sad times...
« on: January 21, 2015, 07:38:28 PM »

***Ups and downs is the only way to describe the recent happenings surrounding Bruce Evans. For the first time since being a part of Sin City Wrestling in 2011 he has finally won a title. The Internet Championship made it's debut at Inception in Birmingham, England and Bruce out lasted eight other men to become the inaugural champion. With the happiness that comes from winning the title also comes the sadness of possibly ending his marriage of over twenty years with his wife. All in all the new champion was in a pretty upbeat mood this morning as the scene opens up inside of his home office in Calgary Alberta, Canada. Bruce is sitting at his desk drinking a cup of coffee and watching something on the flat screen television hanging on the wall directly across from the desk. As the camera moves it's focus from Bruce to the flat screen, we see that he is watching the Halloween Edition of Climax Control from 2012***

>[S.C.W. Climax Control October 28th, 2012]

Bo and Gabriel are stunned on the floor from the bad spill, but they fight on and start to get up when they hear a pounding and screaming.

Despayre: Let me out!! Please!!!

The fighting stops as suddenly as it started when Gabriel jumps up and starts looking around wildly.

Gabriel: Despy!?

Despayre: Gabriel!? Help!! Let me OUT!!!!

Bo too stops from his attack and just being who he is, shows open concern and looks around everywhere.

Bo: Where....?

And their eyes fall on the heavy casket and the pounding is coming from inside. Gabriel blanches.

Gabriel: Son of a BITCH!

And he charges for the casket with Bo right behind! Gabriel grabs the lock handles and twists them and throws the lid open and Despayre bolts upright in a seated position! His face is flushed and the marks of tear stains on his cheeks, as well as his nose running shows his hysterical reaction to not just over being trapped, but *where* he had been trapped! He looks at Gabriel wide-eyed and grabs him in a tight hug as Gabriel helps him out.

Gabriel: What happened!? How did you get in there!?

Despayre sucks in the oxygen, almost to the point of hyperventilating. he tries to calm himself and it takes a few tries before he finally chokes the truth out.

Despayre: His partner did it!

He says, pointing at Bo.

Despayre: He pushed me in and locked it!

Bo looks stunned that anyone would do such a thing, especially to a young man with open mental problems. Gabriel turns to look at him and the tag champion looks absolutely enraged at what was done to his 'little brother'. Bo shakes his head.

***With the camera now back on Bruce he begins laughing hysterically while slapping his knees. He claps his hand twice and the television shuts off. Zooming in on Bruce he instantly stops laughing and changes his facial expression to that of serious business. He looks down at his desk as the cameras zoom in on a close up of the newest title in Sin City Wrestling, the INTERNET CHAMPION, then back at Bruce who now has a cocky grin on his face as he rubs his hands together and begins talking***

BHBE: Well, looks like once again your's truly has lived up to his promise once again, and you are all very welcome!

***He looks at the Internet title and begins softly caressing it, with a huge smile on his face***

BHBE: See they all said he's too old. He's washed up. He doesn't have "IT" anymore, well my friends once again I have proven you wrong! Eight, count em eight other men, very legit and skilled men attempted the exact same thing, to become the first ever Internet Champion. Eight, count em eight other men failed at that attempt. And left standing in the end, when all was said and done, your's truly climbed that scaffold and he did it! Dammit after three years in this company with no titles he finally did it! Now I know what everyone's going to say now. They're all going to say that I won it only because one Mr. Gavin Stephens was attacked. Well, to that I say too damn bad. See Gavin was so focused on getting revenge on Bo that he forgot what was the more important of it all and his focus was non existent for the match. Gavin, you did it to yourself, you screwed yourself out of winning this title. Me, being the ultimate opportunist that I am, I picked up your broken pieces, put them back together, and hung on to that belt to do what everyone said I couldn't and I wouldn't. I don't care about how I won it, bottom line is I won it. Whatever little lover's quarrel you and Dreamwolf have going on, take care of it, and when you're good and ready this here title, it'll be ready to be defended if you're not a coward.

***Bruce claps his hands twice again and the camera focuses on the television turning back on. It shows the return to the S.C.W. of Kain. Focusing now back on Bruce the camera catches him not looking too thrilled or impressed by the return of the former superstar. He claps his hands two times again and the television shuts off again***

BHBE: Kain, Kain, Kain! Quite the athlete let's be honest. I give credit where credit is due and you Kain are no fluke. I know it, and the world knows it. Former two time Roulette Champion. That's something to be proud of, and it's not something to sneeze at. But this is a new time, a new era, and I am the man calling the shots right now sir. I welcome you back, but let's face it, it's about what you can do now, not what you've done then. So you decide to make your return at Inception, and interrupt my title win, who in the hell do you think you are? Do you think you scare me? Do you think I'm just gonna curl up into a ball and shake and shiver because you're back? Hell No! Kain, it's two thousand and fifteen and this is the year of the Blaque Hart. The year of me building on to my legacy. The year of me running things, calling shots, Kain it's the year of me dominating Sin City Wrestling. Now I understand that you've probably been sitting at home keeping up with the goings-on and you like so many across the world were just too damn impressed with what I've been doing since my comeback. I understand. But if you want to be a part of the success that is me, like I told Gavin I more than welcome you too to try and dethrone me. Kain, I ain't going no where and you know where to find me. Feeling froggy? Jump boy jump!

***Bruce begins smiling as again he turns on the television by clapping his hands. On the screen now is a preview for Climax Control from Scotland this weekend. As the preview for his match pops up he pays close attention. This would be the first time in his career that he teams with a female. It'll be he and Veronica Taylor against Despayre and Amanda Cortez in the opening of the Blast from the Past Tournament. The camera focuses back on Bruce as he is seen looking at a photo of Kimberly with a look of sadness and regret on his face.  He shoves the picture into one of the drawers and looks back into the camera***

BHBE: Now here we go, it is time for another tournament known as the Blast from the Past. It's all about the luck of the draw, and in the end the winners get what we are all in this business for. A chance at the top titles in the company. The World Title and the Bombshell's Title. Now Kimberly and I, we thought she'd be the first female I ever teamed with, guess we were wrong. Things didn't quite work out as we have planned. But that's the way the ball rolled and shit happens. This weekend I team with a woman for the first time ever in my career, and she's a woman I could really care less about but she'll do nonetheless. She's proven that she has what it takes on more than one occasion to be a champion in this company and she knows what she's doing in that ring. Veronica Taylor, we don't know each other well but this Sunday I am calling on you to be on your "A" game so we can get this victory and advance. We have something in common Veronica, we're both not very well liked by the fans or the others in the back. We both don't give a damn about that and we both know that all that matters is being the greatest at what we do. See I know you and Amanda are friends, hell you're both in the same stable, but in this business friendship is put to the side when it comes to becoming a champion, the leader of the pack. I know you want to be the Bombshell Champion just as much as I want to be the Heavyweight Champion. So this Sunday, me and you in Scotland we will work together to get closer to achieving those goals. This Sunday I want you to forget about your friendship with Amanda and the fact that she knows what it's like to hold that Bombshell title and you don't. Sunday Veronica ya gotta figure out what's more important, a friendship? Or being at the top of the ladder looking down on all the others. Don't let me down...

***Bruce pauses for a brief moment before he continues***

BHBE: Now Amanda, little Miss Amanda Cortez. Two thousand and twelve you got to get a taste of what it feels like to be at the top of the most powerful females division in all of this business. You Amanda know what it's like to be a Bombshell Champion. For two months you held on to that championship and you dominated the division, defending that title week after week after god damn week. Proving at the time that you were the ultimate, the best, the cream of the crop. Don't you wanna see you're friend have that same orgasmic feeling? Don't ya? See Amanda you know what that feeling is like, it's like no other in the world right? So since you've already had your ultimate climax, don't you think it'd be nice of you to let your friend get that same feeling? Not asking you to throw the match or anything, but just for a second, if only just one second think about poor little Miss Veronica Taylor, your close dear friend and fellow Mean Girl never having the chance to be the Bombshell Champion. Just for one little second Amanda think about your road dog, you're down for it all, your ride or die bitch finally getting to experience that feeling of royalty and success. Now like I said Amanda, not asking you to throw the match, but for a second, think about your girl, your "bff" and what getting a chance at the top title in your division would mean for her. Now ya say ya don't care about me and ya don't know much about my matches, and I'm a loser. That's fine, trust me I won't lose sleep at night over those comments. But, and I say this with pride Amanda, right now I am in the prime of my career, and I see things in a different light now. Your opinion of me means little to nothing to me. Your whole "Mean Girl" facade means little to nothing to me. All I ask is that this weekend at Climax Control that you think about your bond, your friendship, your commitment to poor little Veronica and the fact that you've had that belt and she hasn't.

***Bruce winks into the camera at Amanda and laughs a little. He then picks up a photo from his desk. The camera zooms in on it to show that it's a Christmas photo of Despayre and Angel in matching ugly Christmas sweaters. He looks at it, shakes his head in disgust and disbelief before putting it through the paper shredder under his desk***

BHBE: Poor little weird little strange little possibly not on the same page with the rest of the human race Despayre. What can I say about that very different, very awkward, very ummmm how can I say this without sounding f***** up? Ummm damn f*** it dude is just a f****** retard. I hate using that word because it's not right, and my mom told me not to ever use it but damn I think I used it for the right reasons in this case. Hey Despayre, remember me?

***Waving into the camera and smiling he pauses, letting out a little chuckle***

BHBE: Yes, it's me Despayre, I guess you can call me uncle Brucie. It's been a while, it's been a very long while. But I'm sure even you, with that mental incapability of your's will remember what happened to you the last time we were around each other. See let me tell you a little story. It was over two years ago when you and your partner at the time, current Heavyweight champ were tag team champions and challenged me and my unlikely partner and rival at the time for those belts. Sure, ya won, ya walked out still champions, but you Despayre also walked out scarred for life. At least that's the feeling I got. It was me who scared the shit out of you by locking you in that coffin, it was you pounding and crying and begging to be let out. Just shows you that I only care about myself, and your well being means absolutely nothing to me. I've throughout the years done my part and given to the Jerry Lewis telethon and I'm sure some of that has gone to helping you, so my conscious is pretty good at the moment, but now here we are two years later and things are fixing to be the same. I don't hate ya kid, I really don't. Matter of fact I kind of like ya, or at least I feel sorry for you. See it's not your fault you were given the hand you were dealt, it's not your fault you've been surrounded by the "family" you're surrounded with, and it damn sure ain't your fault little buddy that Sin City Wrestling put us in this match. Like I said earlier this tournament is luck of the draw, you can't pick your partners much like in life you can't pick your parents or surroundings. Bottom line is this Despayre, you're a good guy, a bit out there but still good. You're admired by fans all the world over, and that little bear of your's.... he's... well he's cute. But, this weekend I start my journey to the biggest prize in this industry, and you, you're standing in my way. So at Climax Control, live from Scotland, you and that little mean little bitch Amanda, you're going to have to be exposed of. Sorry Despayre, and oh yeah give Angel a kiss for uncle Bruce!

***Bruce lets out a little smile before continuing***

BHBE: Ya see S.C.W. you have awoken a sleeping giant. Sure I'm not that big in stature but ya know what I mean. This tournament is all about proving that you are the absolute best in the game, and starting this weekend at Climax Control I plan on doing just that. I don't give a damn who you pick as my partner, who we have to go up against, in the end I show the world why Blaque Hart Bruce Evans is the legend that I say I am. This Sunday I show you all why when I made my return, I made it to finish off my legacy and adding that S.C.W. Heavyweight Championship will be the last of that legacy. Scotland, you're in for a treat, for this weekend you will be privileged enough to see the Franchise Player, the ICON, the LEGEND that is.... Bruce Evans...

***One last time Bruce claps his hands together twice as the camera pans over to show his match from Inception where he takes the Internet Championship down. The camera then reverts back to Bruce who begins rubbing and kissing the Internet title as the scene fades to black***

The Franchise Player</font color>