Author Topic: Traci Patterson & Mercedes Vargas Vs The Freakette  (Read 1323 times)

Offline Mark Ward

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Traci Patterson & Mercedes Vargas Vs The Freakette
« on: March 16, 2014, 10:19:31 PM »
 Post your roleplays here! Good luck!

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Offline The Freakettes

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Traci Patterson & Mercedes Vargas Vs The Freakette
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2014, 11:21:46 PM »
 "While you here do snoring lie, Open-eyed conspiracy His time doth take."
- William Shakespeare, The Tempest (Ariel at II, i)

A gentle breeze flows from the Southwest and through the pit area of Melbourne Australia where a new Formula 1 race season is finally underway. The crisp air tickles Felony’s bare shoulders as she looks on from the pit stall of Mercedes team driver Nico Rosberg while he tackles the twists and turns of the racetrack winding its way through the leafy environs of Victoria Australia’s largest city. This race is the dawn of a new era for F1 racing. Gone are the gas powered engines of old, replaced with new, high tech twin turbo powered V-6 hybrid engines. Many drivers and teams complained vociferously once the new rules were announced a year before, concerned the changes would be too radical and would lead to a host of unexpected problems to be overcome. Many drivers and teams quit shortly after the ground breaking announcement, determined to seek their fortunes elsewhere while mainstays such as McLaren, Ferrari, Renault, and Mercedes elected to ‘tough’ it out.

Felony Fontana, a longtime Formula One enthusiast would not be deterred by the heavy changes wrought forth by boss Bernie Ecclestone, especially after hearing early news from various teams during development.  Competitors, spurred on by reports from their omnipresent spies were complaining that the new Mercedes team engines were far more powerful than their own. So powerful were these engines, in fact, that they were dubbed ‘the Mercedes Monster’ by the likes of Renault and even Ferrari. Wanting to show support for her favorite race team, Felony took advantage of an offer to join them in the pits and flew to Melbourne to see firsthand, the early season favorites in action. Nearly two hours into the race and Felony has not been disappointed with her team car having built a 19 second advantage and adding to it with each lap completed. A brief gust of wind brought forth in the wake of a passing Ferrari prompted Felony to don her silver and black team jacket, a light satin windbreaker bearing the famous encircled three point star. She adjusts the visor of her matching ball cap to better field the brightness of the sun and, taking in a deep breath her mouth exhales the acrid fumes of burning rubber taken in by her nostrils moments before.

So intent is she on watching the race that she fails to notice a small crew setting up behind her. A tall, wiry young man sporting curly brown locks busies himself with a television camera, balancing it on a black, metal tripod. To his right another, heavy set man sporting a mussed dark brown coif with matching five o’ clock shadow fiddles with various pieces of sound equipment and standing in front of them a tall, comely blonde decked out in a beige blazer with neatly pressed, like-colored pants stands at the ready, a microphone held firmly in her right hand. She glances at the two men and holds her gaze steady while awaiting the signal that all is ready. The wiry young man stands up, adjusting a name tag reading ‘Billy’ on the left breast of his blue and grey flannel shirt and flashes a thumbs up in her direction. She then turns her attention to the heavy set man, who also stands up, aided by a stack of tires behind him and with a breathy huff, nods and flashes a thumb to his colleague.

“Good evening, I am Diane Desmond and I am reporting to you live from the pit area of the Melbourne Grand Prix. We are here with one half of the Freakettes, Felony Fontana who, in a week’s time will be challenging for the SCW Bombshell tag team championship along with her partner, Rock Rose”. She reaches out and taps Felony on the shoulder, finally drawing her attention from the race and onto her. Felony appears startled by the sudden realization that she is about to be interviewed. “Ms. Fontana, good evening, I am..,”

“It’s afternoon here,” she interrupts, turning to face the mud slinger. “Who the hell are you anyway?” She says, quietly sizing the other woman up. Diane, sensing the smaller blonde’s intent does not move but instead looks down her nose at her. The journalist is impeccably groomed, not a strand of her silken blonde mane seems to be out of place and while the woman is a good three or four inches taller, Felony has no doubt in her ability to handle the microphone wielding intruder, confident in her athleticism and training.

“My name is Diane Desmond and I am with the National Enquirer. We are here to talk to you today about your upcoming match for the SCW Bombshell tag team championship against Mercedes Vargas and Traci Patterson and we’d like to..,”

“Wait a minute..,” Felony interrupts for a second time waving her hands. “Since when do you guys care about wrestling, and even more important, since when do you go out in the field?” she demands, inching up into Desmond’s startled face. “Shouldn’t you be chained to a typewriter or something in a boiler room making stuff up?” More than once while growing up Felony has seen members of her family featured in periodicals such as this; from the time her father was sentenced to life in San Quentin for extortion and racketeering to the time her uncle Guido Fontana stood trial for the unexplained death of a newly appointed district attorney. Tabloid journalists have long had a nasty habit of following members of her family, even going so far as to follow her to school as a child and sift through their garbage and Felony wanted none of it. “I don’t have time for this shit”, she snaps.

Diane tries to explain her position but Felony, ever suspicious refuses to allow it, interrupting her at every chance. They argue back and forth the virtues and lack thereof of Diane’s profession while the race goes on, so wrapped up in their argument they are that they fail to notice a wreck no more than a hundred yards from their pit area. They wrangle verbally throughout, even as medics and firefighters whiz by them until finally, after several minutes of arguing, Felony tires of their presence and abruptly ends the would be interview, directing them away from the pit stall with a pointed finger and even sharper words,

“Get the fuck out!” she cries.

With a grievous sigh, Diane and her crew slowly begin to pick up their equipment and allow Felony to turn her attention back to the race. Glancing over her shoulder, past the busy pit crew the reporter spies Rochelle ‘Rock’ Rose leaning against a concrete guard rail chatting with another spectator. Unable to read lips she could not determine the subject of their seemingly amicable conversation but Rose appeared at least to be in a considerably better mood than her partner. Her eyes narrow and she watches them intently, promptly thrusting her hand up to signal her desire for the crew to stop what they were doing. Taking a step closer to Rose and the tanned, muscular young man wearing a cutoff tee shirt a smile slowly inches its way across her face.

“Hold up,” she says in a hushed tone while licking her glossy red lips. “I have an idea”. Still burning from the little blonde’s rejection Diane recalls her initial impression of Rock Rose, as being relatively simple minded and gullible and then quickly hatches an idea. “If we can’t go through her then we’ll just have to go around,” she says under her breath beginning the short trek towards Felony’s beefy partner. “Let’s see how you like this, you mouthy little runt”.

Felony resumes watching the race, a smile beaming across her sunlit face as an announcement exclaims the Mercedes has stretched its lead to a jaw dropping 23 seconds and is continuing to widen the gap. Despite the focus of her eyes however; her mind cannot escape the brief confrontation with the reporter as questions poured into her conscious thoughts, since when, and more pertinently, why would a notorious publication like the National Enquirer be interested in her upcoming title match against Traci Patterson and Mercedes Vargas? Shouldn’t they be concocting fake breakup rumors and other civilly liable stories about the Hollywood elite? Has SCW grown so much and so fast that nationally syndicated publications such as this have been forced to take notice? It makes no sense to her as she withdraws from the train of thought with a shaking of her head.

“What’s next, the Weekly World News?” she muses softly beneath her breath.

Throwing a cursory glance over her left shoulder Felony notes that the reporter and her stooges have left, but a blurry visage just beyond where they stood moments ago forces her attention and she spies the same reporter with her henchmen hovering in front of her friend and partner, Rochelle ‘Rock’ Rose. Immediately she takes a step towards them, determined to give them a taut piece of her mind, but another thought stops the young blonde in her tracks. Rosie is a grown woman, overgrown in fact and if anyone could take care of themselves it would be her. The image of Rose lifting the reporter and throwing her clear of the pit area brings a smirk to her face and she decides to turn her attention back to the race. With only six laps remaining and a margin now at 24 seconds, victory is all but assured for her Mercedes team and she wanted to be there to celebrate it with them instead of feeding the media trolls. Besides, Rosie isn’t dumb enough to fall for their lines.

“What kind of investigating do you guys do?” Rose asks folding her bulging arms across her chest as her tanned young friend excuses himself. “I mean, there’s not much to investigate. We’re booked to wrestle Traci Patterson and Mercedes Vargas for the tag team belts and, after we beat their asses, Geno starts lining ‘em up for us, so what’s to investigate?” she reiterates.

“We specialize in the supernatural and the occult,” Diane says in slight exaggeration. “Do you believe in any of that?”

“You mean like ghosts, alien abductions and stuff like that? Sure I do. Hey, if it wasn’t real then nobody would be seeing that stuff right?  But every damned time I open a magazine there’s some new story about Bigfoot. But I still don’t see what that has to do with us. We’re wrestlers, and I haven’t seen any ghosts or anything you know? I just work on my pump all day and beat people up in the ring. But I do have to ask you something; did that jet from Malaysia get trapped in the Bermuda triangle?”

Diane’s face beams at the unintended confirmation of her impression by her subject, her pearly whites shining with a thousand watts of joy. She had hoped Rosie’s in ring persona was not as much of an act and that she would be more receptive to her presence and questions than her partner. With a single answer to one simple question, she has confirmed all of it and more. The imposing woman strikes the widely grinning reporter as the perfect subject; not terribly astute, gullible, and best of all, willing to speak. With a flick of her wrist she sets her crew to work. She and Rose look on as the pair hastily fall back to their previous location behind Felony, who pays them no mind as her attention is elsewhere and gather their gear. They haul the entangled mass of wires, stands and electronic devices to where their boss now stands with Rose and begin setting up. Setting her microphone down Diane turns to Rock and looks up at her.

“We’re investigating a possible connection between your opponents Traci Patterson and Mercedes Vargas and a new, worldwide cult that has sprang up in several European countries”, she tells her softly, her head bowed to feign the appearance of letting Rose in on something she was not supposed to be aware of. “I wasn’t supposed to let you know this”, she whispers. “But this could be dangerous. All I am supposed to be doing is asking you a bunch of questions about your opponents and leave it at that, but I feel you have the right to know”.

“Thanks”, Rose whispers, playing into Diane’s open hands. “I appreciate it and I won’t tell anybody”.

Suppressing an unwanted chuckle, Diane Desmond gestures for her workmen to hurry up while casting a sidelong glance warily towards Felony. Following their brief encounter Diane became certain that Felony possessed the smarts in her relationship with Rock Rose and she eyes her suspiciously, wondering if perhaps she suspected what was going on; but an announcement over the team radio indicating that the Mercedes has increased its margin even further and the ensuing cheers assures her that the little blonde is none the wiser. Regardless, it is not a chance she is willing to take. Brushing up alongside her companion Billy she leans over and whispers into his ear,

“The race will be over soon so we’re going to have to be fast,” she whispers. “Just follow my lead and keep the camera rolling no matter what. We may get some lucky bonus footage”.

Billy nods in understand and resumes his task of setting up the camera while his partner performs a quick, and a surprisingly unassuming sound check while Diane whispers into his ear. The woman stands up and nods acknowledgement of Billy’s signal that the equipment is now set up and ready to go. Taking the microphone into her hand, she pauses to adjust her coat and joins Rock Rose as Billy begins his countdown..,

“Ok, we are on in five..,




And go,” he says while darting behind his camera.

“This is Diane Desmond and I am standing here with Rochelle ‘Rock’ Rose, one half of the Freakettes as she prepares to take on the team of Traci Patterson and Mercedes Vargas for the SCW Bombshell tag team championship,”

“I’m actually more than half of the Freakettes,” Rosie interrupts to say. “Look at me then look at her”.

“Alright,” Diane revises. “I am standing here with two thirds of the Freakettes Rock Rose, who, in just over a week will be challenging for the SCW tag team championship and Rock; people all over the world have been asking how you are preparing for this match under the unusual circumstances”.

“What circumstances?” Rose demands. “I haven’t heard anything”.

“The circumstances I am speaking of are in regards to the cult purported to be run by Mercedes Vargas and her tag team partner..,” she pauses as her tongue slowly licks the anticipation from her burgundy lips. “The cult of Mercedes Benz”, she finishes.

“What the hell kind of cult is that?” Rosie cries. “That’s a damned car”.

“It is a cult that has been named after its founders,” Diane replies coolly.

“What the.., ok, Mercedes I can see, but who the hell is Benz?”

“Benz is Traci Patterson’s name in German,” Diane says, clearly reaching for straws hoping that she has read the behemoth correctly.

The tabloid threesome holds their collective breath as Rose ponders Diane’s answer, their gaze sternly on the square jawed brute of a woman as she runs the proposed scenario through her mind. A rumpled brow offers clear indication of her confusion as another question pops into her mind, a question Diane manages to anticipate.

“Mercedes Vargas hails from Argentina and speaks fluent Spanish. It is through this façade that Mercedes and Traci have managed to hide their ambitions from an unsuspecting public. My team and I only learned this a few days ago and with great risk to us by entering the inner sanctum of the cult”.

“I have another question for you,” Rose says, satisfied with the answer to her previous, unasked question.

“Go ahead”, Diane nods in approval, certain in her mind of the next question having noted Rock Rose looking quizzically at the rolling cameras and microphone. She elects to allow her to ask the question while preparing a response in the back of her mind. “You can ask me anything you want”.

“If you’re not supposed to be telling me this stuff,” she leans in whispering into the reporter’s ear. “Then why are you filming it?”

“As journalists..,” Diane pauses, ostensibly to clear her throat though actually to better word her response to the anticipated query. “As journalists, our first and primary allegiance is to the truth, and what better way to ensure that the truth is properly represented than by filming it?”

With a hefty shrug Rose nods her acceptance of the explanation given by the reporter and stands at the ready, prepared to answer what she expects to be a series of questions pertaining to her upcoming title match. Diane notes the capitulation and prepares her assault, first, by flanking her target.

“Rock Rose, how concerned are you leading into this match while knowing that your partner, Felony Fontana, is being actively recruited by the cult of Mercedes Benz?”

“Recruited?” Rose cries, “Since when?”

“Surely you have noticed her choice of apparel today?” Diane retorts.

“Well yeah, but she’s a sponsor of the team, ya know? Mercedes has always been her favorite car, ever since I knew her and way before I ever heard of Mercedes Vargas and Traci Patterson”.

“So you deny that she has any affiliation with this cult?”

“Whoooo! Fear the star baby!” Felony cheers loudly as it is announced that the Mercedes team has widened its gap to 25 seconds and is comfortably in control of the race. Rose and Diane look on as Felony holds a large sign aloft bearing the classic, sans circle three pointed star emblem of the manufacturer, an unexpected gift from the Gods.

“Well, no..,” Rose stammers. “I mean wait a minute! That’s not her team logo; it doesn’t even have the circle around it! Just what the hell is going on here, is that the symbol of that cult?”

Bowing her head to hide an ear to ear grin, Diane nods softly. Fish, meet the hook.

“Son of a..,” Rosie’s voice trails off as she stares through small eyes at her friend, jumping up and down and happily waving the sign before a trio of faltering Ferraris. Suddenly, Rose grips Diane’s shoulders firmly and shakes her into attention. “You gotta tell me everything ya know about this cult! You have to help me so I can save her!”

With the massive fish securely on the line Diane slowly reels it in with a story of her team’s infiltration into the cult’s headquarters where they spied ‘Mercedes Vargas’ and ‘Traci Patterson’ engaging in ritualistic gatherings, ostensibly for the purpose of brainwashing, incessant sermons coupled with forced meditation, humming and the prolific use of mystical altered states where subjective experiences are accepted more quickly than traditional constructive teaching. With each prevarication Rose appears to grow more and more in a stew; a chum line for a voracious shark. The journalist spreads the chum about, feeding Rose’s unease and secretly delighting in the mix-up mystification her story brings. Responsibility be damned, her job has nothing to do with the truth, as her editor once explained to her. Diane and her henchmen’s jobs is simply to draw in readers, in any way possible; to sell advertising space as Felony had not so delicately put it. Although she is astute and aware of how tabloid reporters operate, not even Felony can protect her blindside when the door is left open.

The victorious Nico Rosberg pulls his Mercedes Formula car into victory lane where he is promptly swamped by team members, press and track officials. Felony joins the group in helping to douse the winner in champagne unaware of the ‘interview’ taking place mere feet behind her, her attention fully absorbed by the triumph of her team in the race. Diane casts a sidelong glance past Rock Rose towards victory lane where she notes to commencement of the victory celebration and elects to close up shop before Felony has a chance to notice her presence and intervene.

“Rock Rose, I’m afraid that’s all the time we have for today, but if you..,”

“Wait a minute..,” Rose interrupts. “I need to know what I should do next.”

“My advice to you is..,” She leans forward into the behemoth’s chest with a whisper as her crew hastily packs up and says, “Do whatever it takes to save Felony”.

“Umm.., how?”

For the first time during the length of the interview Diane is unable to anticipate Rose’s question and is caught off guard. Although it is a simple enough question to anticipate, so wrapped up is the reporter in her goldmine of misinformation that she neglects to consider it and now finds herself at a loss on how to respond. Pausing while her mind races for a suitable answer she cannot help but to think of the story at hand and how she intends to approach the writing and, anxious for a reprieve she elects to go with the first thing to cross her mind, no matter how absurd. She breaks into a trot and begins pursuit of her crew while calling out to the thoroughly befuddled Rock Rose left standing in her wake,

“Find an exorcist”, she says. Pulling out her telephone Diane dials her cameraman Billy. “Billy,” she says in between huffs. “Get the editing truck ready, this can’t wait until we get home”.

“An exorcist”? Rosie muses, “What the hell do I need an exorcist for?”

As Diane disappears into the parking lot Rose frowns while turning her attention back to Felony. Her mind becomes entangled in a web of imagery courtesy of Diane Desmond; Imagery which depicts her partner walking towards her with a blank eyed stare while mumbling some incomprehensible foreign dialect, completely unaware of her predicament.

“I’ll save you Felony”.
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Offline Mercedes Vargas

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Traci Patterson & Mercedes Vargas Vs The Freakette
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2014, 12:02:05 AM »
 Saturday, March 22, 2014 ● 6 days after Climax Control
Los Angeles, California
6:15 PM Local Time

We fade in and find ourselves on a quick tour of the sounds, views, and the occasional landmark of a particular city. Taking a look at the locals and their way of life, it's obvious to those who live here where we are. But just so as to not to leave you completely in the dark, a hew hints. A sizable turnout at the skatepark as skaters practice their craft. One skater performs a kickflip and is able slide along the edge of the halfpipe before vaulting off and maintains his balance. A close-up view of a license plate before we frame a convertible rumbling through a scenic route. People gather near a food truck as a vendor serve tacos. And then there's an iconic white sign in capital letters – yeah, you know the nine letter one that's almost as famous as where we are – yes, this can only be Los Angeles. And the places, namely, are Venice Beach Skate Park, Mulholland Drive, and Hollywood.

The scene moves to show an exterior shot of one of a futuristic modern home nestled in the Santa Monica area of Los Angeles. As we head inside, we see a female hand holding a salt shaker above an acquarium. Placing fish food in her hand, she sprinkles it into the water as a school of goldfish begin a mad scramble for the flakes. She holds up a single flake between her index and thumb and hover it above the water as a greedy White Cloud minnow swims up and pick the food out of her hand before taking refuge behind a sandcastle decoration. Mercedes  watches as the fish gobble up the flakes. Jorge stands from a far.

“I think that goldfish gave me the evil eye.”


“They're suppose to be the snack that smiles back.”

“You watch too much TV, Jorge.”

Shaking her head, Mercedes turns away from the aquarium, placing the shaker on a dining room table. Jorge places his face against the glass, scaring away the fish as they scatter.

Jorge: Didn't Carmen say she would back by now?

Mercedes: She should be here any minute now.

The door opens as Carmen enters. Her eyes move slowly from left to right. Her black hair is down, part slightly to the left side of her face and we see that she is sporting a UCLA baseball cap, a navy blue pullover sweater with the UCLA Bruins logo on the front, along with jeans and Nike Air Force Ones.

Carmen: Quick! Is anyone celebrating St. Patrick's Day?

Mercedes: I don't know. I'm not Irish, so I don't care for it much. And plus it was five days ago.

Carmen: (with a sigh of relief) Good. I can finally rest in peace.

Jorge: How about UCLA? Pretty interesting where they were set up on Selection Sunday last week.

Carmen: I know, I know. It's crazy. It's what everyone is talking about these days. I'm almost sick of it, to be honest. How was that match in Chicago, Merce?

Mercedes: I really don't want to talk about it.

Jorge: That's because you lost. (laughing)

Mercedes: Shut up!

She quickly grabs the nearest pillow from the couch and throws it at her brother's face.

Jorge: Did I say that out loud?

He catches the pillow, still laughing.

Jorge: Well, excuuuuuuuuse me, princess!

Carmen: That's too bad, I almost feel sorry for you.

Mercedes: I sense a hint of sarcasm.

Carmen: No, I'm serious. Don't you have a match in two weeks?

Mercedes: Uh, yeah. But that's before I have to go back to Chicago tomorrow night for a match, then to Montreal, Canada six days afterwards, before that pay-per-view.

Carmen: Oh well, I just though you should know that there's a snowstorm that's supposed to be hitting the northeast soon. I hear it's going to be pretty bad.

Jorge: So much for hope springs eternal.

Mercedes: Just my luck.

•   •   •

Our scene fades out from here before fading in again. This time, Mercedes is alone, standing outside her cousin's home on the front steps.

"And so the Freakettes. I get it, just because Traci and I haven't face either of you before that kinda leaves us in the dark, I guess you can say. We don't know very much about you except in name only, so it gives you a superior advantage. Maybe so, girls, maybe so. But, you don't know about me either. You haven't face me before. Oh sure, it's one thing to watch tape and study, but it's another to actually be in the ring with someone, and you've never been in the ring with me before. You've never been in the ring with Traci before. Felony, I guess I'll start with you.”

“They say you only get one chance to make that first impression, but when I look at you, I'm not that much impressed with you. Sure, you may not be the brightest Barbie in the toy box, but looks can be deceiving, Fel. You want to know what the REAL crime is? It's that you and Rock have never held a title here in Sin City Wrestling, and why is that? I mean, look at you. You girls pretty much could rule the school, especially with that Adonis Gene Baton, Jr leading the way. With him by your side, why, The Freakettes would be household name instead of, well, what's the word...”

Mercedes waves her hand airly.

“An embarrassment?”

This is what one would call wasted potential, especially in a Bombshell tag team division that was anyone's for the taken. The outlook right now looked hazy at the moment with Azz N'Class making spatial appearances, the Fallen, has, well, fallen since Gothicka and Raynin's dominant reign once upon a time, and the short reigns of Misty – with Odette Ryder and Vixen in tow – weren't anything to write home about – unless, of course, you're a fan of these three Bombshells.

“Oh, where did it all go so wrong?"

She shakes her head in wonderment.

“Eight days away, Felony and Rocky. Eight days. I'll see you soon.

« Last Edit: March 23, 2014, 06:16:35 AM by Mercedes Vargas »

2x SCW Hall of Famer (Class of 2018, Class of 2022)
World Bombshell Champion (x2)
Bombshell Roulette Champion (x4)
Bombshell Internet Champion 
World Bombshell Tag Team Champion (x3; w/Traci Patterson (x2) and Delia Darling (x1)
World Mixed Tag Team Champion (x3; x2 w/Kain, x1 w/Goth)
Third Bombshell SCW Triple Crown Champion (6th SCW Triple Crown Champion overall)
First-ever and only 2x, 3x and 4x Bombshell Triple Crown Champion in SCW history (most ever by a female wrestler)
Second Bombshell Grand Slam Champion (4th SCW Grand Slam Champion overall)
SCW Year-End Award Winner: 2014 Feud of the Year (Mean Girls vs SCW Bombshells roster)
Queen for a Day winner (December 2 Dismember 2015, inaugural)

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Traci Patterson & Mercedes Vargas Vs The Freakette
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2014, 07:53:27 AM »
 The first RP Period has passed. Everything posted after this counts toward the second RP Period.

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Traci Patterson

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Traci Patterson & Mercedes Vargas Vs The Freakette
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2014, 06:30:58 AM »

Well it was fair to say that Traci and Mercedes shocked the world a couple of weeks ago when they upset Emma Rose and Joanne to claim the Bombshell tag titles. The whole week leading up to the match all Traci had heard was how they wouldn’t work but Traci know if Mercedes didn’t kill her they would win. Like Traci said she and Mercedes would never be best friends but they would make an effective team. However now they won it the question was how long could they hold onto it and could they survive facing the Freakettes?


As the camera came up it showed one half of the current SCW bombshell tag team champions Traci Patterson on a treadmill. The blonde had on some black training top, black pants and black trainers as she run on the machine. Her legs churning away on it like pistons pumping in a finely tuned engine. It was clear she was in a focus zone as she run. Moments later she stopped the machine and let out a sigh. She lifted up her arm and wiped it away from her forehead before letting out a sigh.

Traci Patterson
Well that the warm up done now let’s get going!

Traci turned around at this point and saw that the woman who had mentored her when she had first gotten to SCW was stareing at her. That woman was Laura Jackson who looked at her and lifted up her eyebrows.

Laura Jackson
Come on now you call that a warm up?

Traci looked at her and nodded at her as she eyed up the equipment that was in the room.

Traci Patterson
What I mean I run hard on their and I’m ready to move on what that not good enough for you?

Laura bluntly answered her question.

Laura Jackson
Listen how you get ready is up to you but I just think that a woman who is half a tag champion should be putting in a little more work into getting ready!

Traci Patterson
So you want to kick my ass is that it? Getting bored with retirement grandma!

Traci chuckled at her she knew Laura wouldn’t like that playful dig at her and Laura looked at her.

Laura Jackson
Well Traci why don’t you see if you can handle the classic warm up!

Traci rolled her eyes as Laura rubbed her hands together and then smirked. With that Laura looked on as Traci started to run on the spot. After a few moments Laura yelled out Star jumps. No sooner had those words left the lips of Laura that Traci started to do Star jumps. This process was repeat over the next 30 minutes were Traci running on the spot and Laura calling out work out thing she had to do. After it was over Traci looked at Laura and laughed at her.

Traci Patterson
That all you goy come on now I thought you were going to push me

Laura Jackson
You know what I’m wondering if you getting too cocky now you got a belt?

Traci Patterson
Hey like the song says it not being cocky if you can back it up and I’m known I can do that!

Laura Jackson
Ok Traci but I got to say let’s see how good you gotten while I been away!

Laura eyes turned towards the ring that was in the building. Laura slipped into the ring and sat on the second rope to create space for Traci to enter. Traci slowly got in since she knew that Laura was a veteran and she knew Laura would attack her without warning. Traci got in keeping her eyes on Laura as she walked over to one of the corners still looking at Laura who smirked an walked over to the opposite corner to Traci.

Traci Patterson
So how are we going this? I mean just so I know.

Laura Jackson
We start and see where it goes!

Traci Patterson
Umm ok.

With that Laura walked out to the middle of the ring and mentioned to Traci that she wanted to tie up with her. Traci again slowly edged forward and hooked up with Laura. Finally the pair started to fight to get an edge finally it was Laura who got it and put Traci into a side headlock.

Laura Jackson
So tell me champ who you got next?

Traci didn’t speak as she was trying to work out how to take down her mentor. She finally got her arm around the waist of Laura before lifting her up in the air and dropping her straight down on her back. Laura let go of Traci on impact. Traci then turned around and grabbed Laura arm looking to lock in an arm bar.

Traci Patterson
Well I along with Mercedes I’m set to take on a team known as the Freakettes and they are made up  are kind of unknown to be honest.

Laura pulled herself across the ring and soon reached the ropes. She grabbed hold of the bottom one and Traci let go of the armbar. After she did she rolled backwards and stood up waiting for Laura. Laura got up and looked up at her.

Laura Jackson
Why the hell don’t you know about who you are facing I mean I thought I taught you better than that?

Traci Patterson
You did but even with Katie and her ability to find a ton of info on everyone she came up with their names and that is it. I mean there a woman called Rochelle Rose who looks like she has taken every kind of growth substance legal or not and shoved into her body. She like twice my size so that it’s going to be strange being in a match where I’m not the biggest person in the match and there is some woman called Felony who basically isn’t the sharpest knife in the draw from what I heard so.

Traci then charged at Laura who caught her with a drop toe hold. Traci head bounced off the mat and Laura quickly grabbed her leg locking in a half Boston crab.

Laura Jackson
So you know who you’re facing the question is now how are you planning to attack the duo?

Traci Patterson
Well to me the best course of action is to focus on keeping Rochelle out of the match her size is such that if either one of us spend a lot of time in the ring with her we will be in trouble.

Traci then put her hands down on the mat and started to push up. Laura tried to increase the pressure on Traci knee but Traci size was just too much and she flicked her leg out of the grip of Laura sending her mentor into a nearby corner. Laura head hit the buckle and she stumbled back. Traci saw this and blasted her in the back of the head with a stiff clothesline that dropped the Tattooed Beauty down. Traci then flexed her leg clearly taking to get the feeling back into her leg. Laura slowly got up and Traci smirked as she did. She then picked up Laura and held her up in a vertical suplex position before finally dropping her. Traci then got up and lent against the ropes as she watched Laura finally move by nipping up to her feet!

Laura Jackson
So what happens if Mercedes hate the plan?

Traci Patterson
Well I would then suggest that take out Rochelle knees I know that a lot of people do that with me because of course if I don’t have my legs then most of my power is gone so I would suggest the same thing why what would you say?

Laura let out a chuckle as she heard that it seemed like she was impressed with her young protégé’s views.

Laura Jackson
You are coming along nicely and that sound like a pair of great plans. I’m sure you and Mercedes can carry on cementing your place as the second best tag team in the history of SCW!

Traci Patterson
Ok then since I think I know in your mind who the number one team is! That person in the number one team can buy us lunch.

Laura Jackson
Well I guess you earned it come on!

With that the dup exited the ring and headed toward the changing rooms and moment later the screen turned black.

Final Words

As the camera came up once again it showed Traci Patterson sitting on a chair in the locker room. She was in her ring gear of a black top, black shorts and black boots. She was stareing at the Bombshell tag title that was sitting on the lap. She looked up at the camera and then spoke.

Traci Patterson
You know a lot of people questioned if I was ready to be a champion. People questioned if I deserved the chances I was getting because I was just too green to get them. To those who choose to say that I hold no ill will to you. At the end of the day 95 percent of people who said that don’t know what it like to be in the ring. I have said it before and I said it again I’m not the one who asked to be put into the position I have been that is up to the people in charge. I just going to wrestle I’m not one for politics.

Traci leant back in her chair and put the title back onto her shoulder.

Traci Patterson
I’m just a wrestler who wants to prove herself and of course tonight I can do that again.  It’s going to be me and Mercedes showing that we are not just some flash in the pan team. We are the team that is going to dominate for a long time. You ladies want to say that me and Mercedes are at a disadvantage because well we don’t have a lot to go on and your right but you know what at the end of the day given the little bit I seen of you I just can’t believe you haven’t done anything I mean you seemingly have the most tools to be successful but have done nothing with it.

Traci then got up and looked at the camera one last time.

Traci Patterson
So tonight you are going to see why I am the champion in this company and you are not because tonight it’s not going to be the freaks that rule it’s me and Mercedes!

With that Traci walked off screen clearly wanting to go get ready for the match as she did this the screen turned black.

End of RP
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Traci Patterson & Mercedes Vargas Vs The Freakette
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2014, 07:47:50 PM »
 The brightly lit ball room of the Sheraton hotel in Long Beach, California finds itself crowded with wrestling fans seeking the opportunity to mingle with their favorite wrestlers as the SCW holds its annual pre-super card meet and greet. The walls are lined with fold up display tables, each of them bearing an assortment of paraphernalia ranging from autograph photos to authentic title belts; all for sale with the proceeds benefitting the Make a wish foundation. Many of the SCW stars are seated behind their own tables, taking the time to chat and pose for pictures with excited fans while others mingle among them, weaving their way through the maze of displays. Seated at a table nearest the doors, save for the ticket collectors who sit patiently at the entrance to ensure that each attendant has their credentials; Felony Fontana chats with a pair of eager young women while her partner, Rock Rose looks on into the crowd anxiously.

Her hazel eyes dart back and forth, rapidly scanning each individual they gaze upon in search of someone in particular. She spies the erstwhile son of her manager, Goldenboy Gene Banton Jr. as he chatters with a pair of buxom blondes. Rosie allows the briefest of smiles to cross her face as Junior is slapped across the face by of the young women who quickly turn and leave him in dejection. She reads his lips as he wonders softly ‘How is a guy supposed to get laid here?’ Shaking her head she continues scanning the room, craning her neck to see past a pair of heavyset older men, one chewing impatiently on a cigar with his friend puffing on a pipe while they casually peruse the latest copy of SCW magazine.

“So how did you get that bruise on your forehead?” One of the young fans asks of Felony.

“Oh God..,” Felony begins, pausing to roll her eyes. “Rosie and I were at the Melbourne Grand Prix last week and, after our team won the race I go to victory lane. I’m celebrating with everybody when suddenly Rosie is flying through the crowd. She dives into me and knocks me off of the podium and then picks me up and carries me off rumbling something about a cult”.

“Oh come on!” the fan cries in disbelief. “You can’t be serious”.

“I wish I wasn’t, but after getting me back to the hotel, she then tears my jacket off of me and then spanks me for 20 minutes straight”. Felony pauses to cast a sidelong glance to her disassociated partner and continues, “Finally, she stops and asks me what my favorite car is, and I tell her, I like Mercedes and damn if she doesn’t start spanking me again”.

“You’re bullshitting us!” the fan says curtly. She turns her attention to Rock Rose and decides to go directly to the source, “Rosie, did you really do all of that?” she asks.

“Yep”, Rosie says. With a short grunt she pushes herself away from the table and rises to her feet, not paying any attention to the two fans as she steps out from behind it. “She’s been brainwashed and, one way or another I’m gonna get that thing out of her. And then, when I’m done with that I’m gonna beat the living hell out of Traci Patterson and Mercedes Vargas for doing this to her”. Rosie rumbles off disappearing into the crowd leaving the stunned fans in her volatile wake.

“Whoa, heavy..,”

“That’s also why I’m sitting on this pillow today,” Felony adds jutting her thumb to her seat. “Never let it be said that the Freakettes aren’t aptly named”.

Dejected but not deterred, Junior looks on wistfully as the two women depart the room and then slides his hands into his pockets. He notices a small, plastic cylindrical vial. Removing the vial he notes a tiny amount of green liquid corked inside and frowns. He raises his eyes towards the while and gold ceiling hoping to jar his memory and recalls telling his childhood friend Mike and Billy about this meet and greet event, telling them about the women likely to be in attendance. Mike handed him the vial advising him to slip it into a woman’s drink, saying it would ‘free up her inhibitions’. He referred to the vial as a ‘Spanish Fly’ and added with a wry grin ‘if you can’t get laid with this you’re either dead or a virgin for life’. Rolling the tube between his thumb and index finger Gene smiles.

“I’m gonna get laid one way or another”, he says to himself.

Looking across the room he spots a pair of young women leaning over a table next to the ticket checkers. They appear to be chatting with one of the wrestlers but their bodies obscure his view. Not that he minds however; as one of them, a blonde standing on the right appears to be in very good shape, her taut buttocks filling out her snug fitting blue jeans as she leans over the table engaged in conversation. Her friend, an equally aesthetic brunette clad in a blue, loose fitting tee shirt with matching athletic shorts also leans over the table giving Junior a two for one special. Cradling the little tube in the palm of his hand he makes his way towards the table, stopping briefly to purchase a bottle of water from a vendor.  Next, he stops behind a standing rack featuring vintage wrestling periodicals, one even featuring his father on the cover and then looks nervously about trying to make certain that no eyes are upon him. The crowd, to his relief, appears to be wrapped up in their own business and Geno quickly uncaps the bottle and pours the contents into it. He watches as the vial empties as droplets into the water. He replaces the cap and then shakes the bottle vigorously, holding it to the light to ensure that the mixture is completely dissolved. Satisfied, he resumes his trek towards the table.

Approaching he notices the previously unidentified wrestler to whom the two women were talking with, the blue eyed blonde Felony Fontana, also a protégé of his father. He takes note of Felony’s soft blonde tresses which cascade gently down her back, framing a pair of lovely blue lenses set atop a short, child-like nose and braced by a perpetual smile. Although the idea had crossed his mind many times, he could not bring himself to make an attempt on her. Not only was she also managed by his dad, her partner, Rock Rose was considerably bigger and meaner than he. For the time being Felony was off limits. But for the other two women however; it remains open season.

Junior, always one to make an entrance, announces his arrival at the table by leaning against it with a heavy sigh. His trademark smirk is firmly affixed on the pair of fans as he nestles himself as close as possible to them while setting the water down on the table.

“’sup babes?” He says, his voice flowing with self-confidence. “Wanna see my swag?”

Behind him Felony bursts into a cackle, snickering nasally. Shaking her head she smiles at Geno.

“Hi, Junior”, she says in between guffaws. “Meet Trish and Melissa, ladies this is Gene Banton Jr. my manager’s son”.

While Junior begins his rapport with the ladies, Felony leans back in her chair, grateful for the brief respite. Her eyes lift and begin to lazily scan the room in search of her partner, but despite being the biggest and the loudest person in the room Rosie is nowhere to be seen. With a sigh she clasps her hands behind her head and decides to watch Geno make an ass of himself yet again when she spies the bottle of water out of the corner of her eye. Leaning forward she reaches for the water and snags it from the table twisting the cap off.

“Thank God,” she says softly while bringing the bottle to her lips. “I’m so parched”.

Junior meanwhile has removed his shirt and flexes his tanned and toned body for the young women. Standing before them he playfully bounces his pectorals and says with a grin,

“Go ahead, you know you want to”.

“Touch them and I’ll kill you”.

The subject of the threat, a young man, slight of build, and no more than 130 pounds and no taller than 5’5” shrinks away from the menacingly scowling Rock Rose. Moments before he had inadvertently bumped into her and being nearly foot shorter than she could not help but to find himself face first into her hulking chest. Initially he reacted with surprise, staring directly into that same chest which she now bounces before him.

“I – I’m sorry”, the little man stammers while continuing to shrink away from the behemoth. “I’ll leave right now”. Quickly adjusting his rectangular, metal rimmed glasses he turns and starts to leave but a beefy paw on his bony shoulder stops him in his tracks.

“Wait a minute”, Rosie says gruffly while spinning the fan back around to face her. “I got a big problem that maybe you can help me with”.

“S-sure”, he replies nervously, his eyes scrambling to locate the nearest exit. “Anything you want, just ask”.

“I need to find the smartest man in this room. I mean, he needs to be a God damned genius”.

“Umm, ok”, he says, turning around to scan the room in earnest. “Let me look”.

Working their way through the crowd of fans and wrestlers his eyes pass over several notable figures including Christian Underwood and Scott Schriener, Mark Ward, Spike Staggs, Synn and plenty of others, but none who appear to fit the bill. Continuing the search he spies a row of wrestlers, both current and former seated behind folding tables hawking stacks of wrestling related paraphernalia and just beyond the door he spots a young man seated behind a table with slicked back dark hair, a cheap, clip on tie fastened to the neckline of his black ‘Beware the stare’ tee shirt and sporting a pair of horn rimmed glasses, the lenses of which seeming to be on backwards making his eyes appear three to four times their normal size. Mr. Self Help has entered the building.

Turning around the fan taps Rock Rose on the shoulder. She turns to face him as he gestures in the direction of Mr. Self Help. Seated beside him behind the table is his teddy bear ‘Angel’, who has his own seat and cell phone shaped candy dispenser. With his hands clasped together on top of the table in front of him, Mr. Self Help appears not to notice the fans gawking as they pass by, or the little boys preparing to pelt him with a spit ball. In fact, he does not seem to notice anyone at all, his unguided gaze seemingly everywhere. Finally a fan recognizes him and approaches to request an autograph and he turns to his ‘associate’ to request something to sign it with. He reaches into a scattered pile of Crayola crayons and promptly signs.., the table. The fan asks him to try again, this time reaching down to guide his hand to the photo, which he signs ‘To my favorite patient, get well soon!’, - Mr. Self Help.

“That guy’s a genius?” Rosie frowns.

“Oh absolutely!” the fan cries, lying through his teeth, desperate to make a break from the ill-tempered mastodon. “I mean, look at his glasses. Only smart people wear glasses, right?” he suggests hoping that she actually believes the cliché. “With glasses like his he has to be the smartest of them all”.

Without another word Rosie breaks from the skittish wrestling enthusiast, stomping across the floor towards the table of Mr. Self Help and his associate. A sea of fans parts as she blows through them, her gaze firmly locked onto Angel and Despayre. Arriving at the table she frowns upon noticing Mr. Self-Help’s attention directed elsewhere; namely the table where his hands are once more clasped before him as he examines a sheet of paper with various markings and etchings, all in crayon. She watches in bemusement as he fumbles with his right hand about the top, searching for his blue plastic cell phone candy dispenser. Locating the object he brings it before his eyes and presses a nonfunctional button.

“Excuse me,” Rosie says in a surprisingly soft tone of voice. “I need your help, really bad”.

“Yes, my dear, of course”, he says in a faux British accent while setting the phone back down. “You’ll have to accept my apologies as I was busy checking my library..,” he pauses and leans over towards Angel. “Oh, yes of course! I mean my itinerary”. Finally directing his gaze onto Rock Rose, well, not onto her, more or less past her but close enough; he smiles. “Now then, why do you seek professional treatment?”

“It’s not for me”, she begins. “It’s for my friend Felony. She’s been brainwashed by a cult led by Mercedes Vargas and Traci Patterson and somebody suggested I find an exorcist. You gotta help me doc!” she pleads. “I have to do an exorcism and I don’t know how”.

“I see..,” he replies, reaching up with his right hand to stroke a non-existent goatee. “While I do not specialize in exercising I can sympathize with your plight”. Once more he appears to be interrupted by the teddy bear and leans over as if to get an earful. “Exorcism?” he exclaims loudly enough for a pair of passersby to stop and gawk. “I don’t even know what that is let alone how to fix it, maybe pushups?” he suggests, dropping the accent. He turns to the bear and engages in a brief conversation which ends with his jaw agape. “When did you get a license to practice exorcism?” he cries out. “Night school, really? Hey, next time you go to night school let me know, I want to go too”. Turning his attention back to Rosie he beams. “You’re in luck,” he says. “It turns out my colleague Dr. Angel has a degree in exercising and is willing to help your poor friend. Excuse me for one moment please so that I may prepare”.

Picking up the candy dispenser, err.., cell phone Mr. Self-Help rapidly punches a series of buttons and places the device to his ear. “Gertrude,” he says to nobody on the other end. “I need you to cancel my appointments for the rest of the day. Dr. Angel and I are going to exercise a patient,” he pauses as if listening to some odd request. “No,” he says, rolling his seemingly gigantic eyes. “You may not have the rest of the day off”. He hangs up and rises to his feet grabbing Dr. Angel. “Very well, lead us to the patient”, he says triumphantly.

Rosie stomps off into the bowels of the convention hall as Mr. Self-Help attempts to follow. His trek is cut short however; by a rack of calendars and then a shelf of books which somehow jump into his path causing him to trip and fall over them. Upon hearing the crash of the merchandise Rosie turns to see him sprawled out on the floor and returns to the scene. With a groan she reaches out and pulls him back to his feet.

“Thank you,” he says adjusting his eye glasses. “I’m afraid my eyes aren’t quite what they used to be and these glasses simply aren’t powerful enough. Would you be a dear and help guide me to the patient?”

“I can do better than that,” Rosie grunts and then hoists Mr. Self-Help onto her beefy shoulder beginning the trek now in earnest. Quickly the wrestler turned doctor reaches beneath the pseudo desk to grab somebody else’s travel bag and slings it over his shoulder.

Mr. Self-Help drags his cell phone from his pocket and dials his secretary Gertrude.

“It’s me again, I need you to make a note for me to buy more powerful eye glasses please,” he says. “In fact, buy the most powerful eye glasses you can find”. Hanging up he pops the top open and shakes out some tiny, gelatin gummy bears. He hands one to Angel and offers another to Rosie, “Do you want a gummy bear?” he asks. Rose ignores him and continues onward leaving Dr. Angel and Mr. Self Help to themselves. Despy glances about the hall as he is carried through a throng of wrestling fans on Rosie’s shoulder, bouncing up and down. “Hey, you know, this is kinda fun, like a carnival ride”.


With Trish and Melissa having departed in a huff following a stinging slap to the face of the Goldenboy he finds himself alone with a surprisingly amorous, and highly off limits Felony Fontana. He looks on bemusedly as the blonde seats herself on top of the table, kicking her shoes off. She playfully rubs her bare feet against his still bare chest tweaking the nipples of his pectorals between her toes and giggling. His mind races as he tries to fend off her frisky toes, desperately searching for a clue as to what may have happened to her. Initially he had come to the table she occupied for the purpose of slipping one or both of her guests a sip of water laced with the Spanish fly given him by his friend.

The Spanish fly, as he learned acts as an enhancer of the female libido (damned chicks need all the help they can get) he recalls. Originating from the emerald-green blister beetle found in southern Europe where the male beetles secrete a naturally produced chemical to stimulate the female into having sex. The liquid produced irritates the urogenital tract producing an itching sensation in sensitive membranes. This feverish feeling is believed to increase a woman’s desire for intercourse.

Looking down at the bottle Gene promptly notes that it is lying on its side with the cap off, though he did not have the opportunity to offer any to Trish and Melissa. His eyes grow wide with terror once the realization hits him that Felony drank the water intended for them. Placing his hands on Felony’s shoulders to hold her steady he looks her into the eyes and asks,

“Felony, did you drink this bottle of water?”

“Of course I did silly,” she coos reaching up to run her index finger along his trembling jaw line. “I was thirsty, and now, I’m horny. So what do you say sexy? Let’s ditch those clothes and climb up on this table”.

“Umm, no.., thanks,” he stammers. “I’d rather live and Rosie’s pretty mean, you know?”

“Rosie is a pussy cat,” she says while embracing him to nibble on his earlobe. “Besides, when she gets back we can have a threesome!”

“R – Really?” he gasps. For as long as he could remember, his father had warned him of the potential consequences were he to get involved with any of the women under Gene Senior’s tutelage; this aside from the possible repercussions of Felony’s larger than life partner Rock Rose. With Felony climbing all over his mind begins to weigh the pros and cons and he quickly comes to the same conclusion that any 19 year old male would reach when propositioned by an attractive female, “Hot damn! I’m really gonna get laid!”

Felony lies down on the table and gently pulls Junior by the hand. Fumbling with his belt Gene places a knee onto the table top and begins to climb up only to be rudely interrupted by a metal folding chair colliding with the back of his head causing him to crumple to the floor unconscious.

With a huff, Rock Rose sets Mr. Self Help down to his feet and drops the chair to the side. Adjusting his glasses Mr. Self Help looks on with a curious shrug.

“Not my preferred method of treatment, but effective nevertheless,” he says.

“Felony,” Rosie says breathlessly. “I got you some help,” she gestures to Mr. Self Help and Dr. Angel. “And we’re gonna get you cured of that brainwashing by Mercedes and Traci”.

Felony looks on in confusion as Mr. Self Help steps forward extending his hand, “Have no fear young one,” he says resuming his faux British accent. “I am here to help those who cannot help themselves. I am Mr. Self Help and this is my associate Dr. Angel”.

“Young one..?” Felony demands quizzically, scratching her head.

“Felony shut up,” Rose demands. “We’re going to help you if I have to beat your ass all over this room to do it”. She then turns to Mr. Self Help and Dr. Angel, “What do we need to do first?” she asks.

“Despy leans in closely, listening as Dr. Angel explains what is going to be needed and why. As the bear goes over the details of the procedure Rose grabs Felony by the shoulders, lifting her off of the table and over Gene Junior’s prone body and sets her down beside them.

“I love it when you do that to me,” Felony purrs. “So strong and forceful; treat me like a piece of property”.

“Shut up or you’re going over my knee”.

“Excuse me..,” Mr. Self Help chimes in. “If we are to rid the patient of her possession we need to find a quiet place to perform the exercising”.

“I know just the place”, Rosie says while hoisting her struggling partner over one shoulder and then laying Mr. Self Help and Dr. Angel over the other. “Let’s go and get this exercise over with”.

“Exercising?” Felony demands, while struggling in her partner’s iron-like grip. “God damn it you shaven Bigfoot, put me down! I wanna screw not exercise!” Dejectedly Felony braces her body against Rose and looks on at the confused crowd following them, albeit at a safe distance. “I don’t believe this,” she mutters. “I’m as horny as all get out and she’s taking me to a gym”.

While the crowd follows along, quietly exchanging rumors and gossip between themselves, Mr. Self Help consults with Dr. Angel, pausing every other moment to jot something down on a steno pad in crayon. Rosie stomps through a narrow, dimly lit hall and takes a right turn climbing a set of stairs, ignoring the escalator beside it. Reaching the top of the steps she then makes a left turn and meanders through another narrow hall passing by several marked doors until she reaches one marked ‘Janitor’. She opens the door and then sets the trio down before beginning to clear out the collection of brooms, dust pans, mops and assorted chemicals.

“Umm.., this isn’t a gym,” Felony observes dryly. “This is a broom closet”.

“Shut the hell up and get your little ass inside”, Rose booms.

The group enters the cleaning storage with Rosie closing the door behind them. The group cautiously approaches the closet but is careful to maintain a discreet distance from the door. Several reporters extend their arms holding microphones towards the door while others take notes and spread rumors. They stand by quietly hoping to get something from the group inside the room but are only privy to a series of thumps, bumps and the occasional groan as they appear to set up shop. Rosie’s voice is the first to be heard from within,

“Does anyone have a light?” she asks.

“Ooh kinky! I’ve never done it in a broom closet before. This should be fun”.

“I do not know if..,”

“Shut up!”

“Excuse me madam?”

“No, not you doc, I’m talking to the dumb blonde”.

“Dumb blonde..?” Felony cries. “If I ever get my hands on the asshole who taught gorillas to speak..,”

“We need some light in here”.

“What do you mean you’re a doctor and not an electrician?”

“Look, I don’t care who it is but will somebody please have sex with me?”

Suddenly the door is thrust open with an angry looking Rock Rose poking her head out. Glaring at the assemblage of fans, onlookers and reporters she snarls,

“I need a damned flash light..,”

“and some Vaseline!” Felony adds.

“Shut up!” She barks and then turns her attention back to the curious throng. “Get me a light or else!”

A middle aged man sporting a head of thin grey hair emerges at the front of the mass and hands her a small, blue .99 cent flashlight. Rose snatches the light from his hand with a grateful nod and disappears back into the room with the door slamming behind her.

Flashlight in hand Rosie is finally able to shed some light on their predicament. Looking at each of the group in turn she first notices Felony tweaking her breasts, and then Mr. Self Help calmly puffing away on a bubble pipe with Dr. Angel dressed in a purple cloak and accented by a string of Rosary beads, a crucifix and a bible. Mr. Self Help casually reaches into his travel bag and removes a pair of candles which he then lights with a match.

“Hey..,” Rosie demands upon noticing the candles. “Why didn’t you put those out in the first place?”

“I was busy looking for a flashlight,” he replies before returning to his bubble pipe.

“We need to set the patient on the floor in the center of the circle,” He says setting the pipe back down. While Rock Rose occupies herself with the task of setting an amorous Felony in the center of the floor Mr. Self Help pulls additional candles from his travel bag and proceeds to set them about the floor in a circle surrounding the blonde, who now lies on her back with her hands roaming about her body contentedly.

“Mmmmm…,” she moans while running her hands along her bare midriff.

“We need to hurry,” Mr. Self Help announces lighting the final candle. “The patient is slipping!”

The trio quickly holds hands; completing the circle around the patient as Mr. Self Help repeats the words said to him by Dr. Angel,

“Deus, cui proprium est misereri semper et dimittendi, ut hunc fámulum tuum recipere, peccati compedibus astricti, a misericordia tua bona venia”.

“What the hell did you just say? You’d better not be cursing me out!”

“Excuse me, but are you the doctor here?” Mr. Self Help demands.

“Umm.., no sir,” Rose replies demurely.

“Then kindly refrain from any further outbursts until the ritual has been completed, thank you”.

Felony arches her back, and, body trembling she swings up into a neck bridge her moaning growing louder. Ever slowly her hands travel south down her toned, heaving stomach towards her cut off blue jeans only to be intercepted time and again by Rock Rose.

“Exi ergo, ímpie, exi infelix, exi cum omni fallácia tua: quia Deus voluit templum suum esse debet”.

Mr. Self Help reaches into his travel pack at the behest of Dr. Angel and rifles through the bag in search of a vial of holy water. He is unable to find any however; and instead resorts to an unopened bottle of Sprite.

“Ohh..,” Felony moans. “Douse me again baby”.

Mr. Self Help does as is asked of him while gently setting Dr. Angel’s crucifix down on Felony’s stomach. Now sweating profusely Felony lies back down prone on the floor. Looking over towards Dr. Angel, Felony reaches out with a mischievous grin and grabs the bear turned doctor.

“Such an adorable teddy bear,” she coos, nuzzling it close to her cheek.

“Are you man enough to do me since Rosie ain’t?”


“I do believe the exorcism has been a success,” Mr. Self Help exclaims.

“There’s only one way to find out,” Rosie says leaning over her partner.

“Felony, what’s your favorite car?”

“MMmmm..,” she purrs clutching the teddy bear tightly, “Hummer baby”.

“Holy shit, she’s cured!”

Suddenly a knock on the door interrupts the excitement from within the closet. Rose abruptly opens it up and steps outside making sure that it is shut behind her. She glowers at a single, beanpole of a man, all decked out in a suit of acne and accented by food stained brown dress pants, a sky blue dress shirt untucked and topped off with a tangled mop of curly dark hair.

“What the hell do you want?” Rose demands with a scowl.

“Greetings Ms. Rose,” he begins thrusting a microphone into her face. “I am Bradley Copperton with SCW Insider magazine and I am looking to get your thoughts on your upcoming match this weekend for the Bombshell tag team championship against the team of Mercedes Vargas and Traci Patterson”.

“You picked one hell of a fucked up time for an interview, but it’s all good, I managed to save Felony so go ahead and ask me your damned questions”.

“Err.., ok,” Bradley replies unsure how to react. “I suppose the first question should be the most obvious one; what, exactly did you save your partner from?”

“Let me tell you something,” she growls. “Mercedes Vargas and Traci Patterson are nothing but a couple of two-bit goons who tried to brainwash an innocent little girl like Felony to join their stupid cult. But the jokes on them, I cured her and now, I’m coming after Traci and Mercedes and when I catch them I’m gonna tie that damned cult into a knot and shove it down their throats”.

“Cult..? What cult?”

“The cult of Mercedes Benz,” Rose replies. “It’s named after Mercedes and Traci, only it uses Traci’s name in German which is Benz”. With her attention focused on the reporter she fails to notices as Mr. Self Help and Dr. Angel discreetly excuse themselves and leave the scene.

“Umm..,” Bradley stammers, his mind thrown for a loop at the highly unusual answer to his question. “Mercedes Benz is a car company”.

“It’s a cult masquerading as a car company,” Rose corrects, or so she believes. “They’re using their vehicles to brainwash unsuspecting people, but I caught on to their act and I mean to put a gruesome end to it this Sunday”.

“Rock Rose, if I may..,” Bradley begins determined to correct the sour faced beast. “Benz is not Traci Patterson’s name in German. It is the surname of Dr. Karl Benz, the man who invented the automobile. And Mercedes wasn’t named after Mercedes Vargas,” he explains patiently. “It was named after the daughter of Gottlieb Daimler with whom Karl Benz formed the car company with back in 1926”.

“You’re full of shit!” Rose spits. “I just took part in an exorcism to rid Felony’s mind of the evil spirit of the cult of Mercedes Benz. You’re making this crap up to save them, ain’t you?”

“No, actually I..,”

“I don’t give a damn!” she thunders. “Look, there ain’t no saving them now, alright? There’s no safe house, no secret hiding spot and no cultists. This Sunday it’s just me and them and I’m gonna rip their damned arms off and beat them over the head with ‘em. You can talk all you want about the tag team titles but this ain’t about no titles, this is about revenge, pure and simple, got it?”

“Alright, so how about your partner then?” he asks. “After such an experience she can’t be in the best of condition to wrestle such a match, how do you intend to look after her?”

“By stomping them into the damned ground,” she seethes. “This interview is over so beat it before I beat you. I gotta go check on Felony”.

Rose abruptly turns her back to the newshound and opens the door where she finds Felony lying on the floor with a note affixed to her chest written in crayon. Grabbing the piece of paper she holds it to the light overhead, the switch having been flipped by Mr. Self Help as he left and reads it aloud,

“You owe me $2.00 for services rendered, signed Mr. Self Help”.

Closing the door behind her she leaves Bradley Copperton holding the mic while sporting a furrowed brow. Still anxious for something newsworthy he leans against the door and listens an as he notes voices emanating from with the confines of the closet.

“Now, what the hell was that about a shaved Bigfoot?”

“What do you think it was meathead? Would you prefer Rhinoceros?” Felony fires back. “Listen stupid, I have never been so horny in all my life and you weren’t even man enough to yiiiee..,”

Felony’s short-lived tirade ends abruptly with a squeal followed by the sounds of heavy handed thuds smacking against flesh echoed by the sound of Felony’s approval.

“Now…Oww! That’s… Oww! More…Oww! Like it!”
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Offline Mercedes Vargas

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    • Mercedes Vargas
Traci Patterson & Mercedes Vargas Vs The Freakette
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2014, 12:00:28 AM »
S|C|E|N|E| 001

Our scene opens on Mercedes's pen moving swiftly across a diary page as the words formed by it matches her voiceover.

MARCH 22, 2014
WEEK 5 ? Day 33

Dear Diary,

Haven't had time to write lately, let alone breath. Can you blame me? It's been one city after the next that I completely forgot that we were in a new year. See, that's how bad it's been.

I guess the rest of 2013 wasn't so bad in SCW. Sure I lost the Roulette Championship to Amy Marshall a week before Thanksgiving and I lost the rematch to her at the final pay-per-view, but I ended the year on a high note on the last Climax Control of the year.

Oh, and I still haven't been pinned or submitted since I set foot in SCW.

So, anyway, we ring in the new year, and 2014 sees me once again become the Bombshell Roulette Champion for the second time. Always nice to begin the new year making history. And, of course, just like my first reign, I had a pretty good run with the title. That is, until Necra took it – in a ladder match. I don't know about you, but it seems to me as if she's been one very lucky girl. Have to say, she's living quite the charmed life.

February though was a pretty interesting month. It's where I began my Southwest tour, and it was quite enlightening.

Political map of the United States with San Francisco, California highlighted. Calender pages fall showing the passage of time. February 23. We see a dejected Mercedes exiting the confines of War Memorial Gymnasium after falling short in her title match with Necra on the fifth Climax Control of the year. As we return to our map, the icon moves away from California to Las Vegas, Nevada, where she lost out in another match for another promotion.

Lady Luck wasn't on my side in Vegas that night either.

More calender pages fall as a week goes by and we're now in March as the date “March 3” appears on the screen and a return to our map shows that we're now in Phoenix, Arizona, where Mercedes suffers, yup, you guessed it, another heartbreaking defeat, this time in a tables match. The scene fades on her among the wreckage of a broken table which was set on fire and which she was sent through by her opponent.

But things began to pick up eventually...

A week passes, March 9, and it's the next Climax Control from Bakersfield, California and our last mention of SCW for the time being. Mercedes is seen with Traci Patterson as referee Jasmine St. John hands the pair the Bombshell Tag Team Championship after their upset of Vixen and Emma for the titles, just five weeks after they won it at My Bloody Valentine. We leave this scene with Traci holding out her hand to Mercedes, who reluctantly shakes her hand. After a short visit to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania resulting in a win the same night, the tour picked up the following night in Tucson, Arizona and another win and then we see her upend an opponent to win a battle royal four nights later in Eugene, Oregon to end this week.

As we return to our map one last time, Glendale, Arizona is highlighted now, her second trip to the state in a week. The night ends with her winning a three-way dance and being handed a singles title for her efforts. Exhausted, we see her United Airlines flight out of Phoenix, now a another title richer.

So, like I said, it was a crazy tour. Eight cities. Five states. Three weeks. Two titles. And one very tired Argentine Assassin.

It's later that night. Chicago, Illinois. Mercedes staggers into her hotel room and doesn't get much further than the edge of the bed before she turns in place and falls backwards and is asleep.

You know, looking back, I'm surprised that I was able to survive the entire ordeal. But just when I thought I was out...

Six days later. March 23. We see the iconic towers of Chicago, Illinois before we cut to a Porsche 911 cruising down the freeway. Another day. Another match. Another city. We move along to the driver's side where we find Mercedes singing along to some Gloria Estefan. She pushes the accelerator as the speedometer climbs. 60...80...110.

They pull me back in.

The west coast of Lake Michigan comes into view and our scene fades on Mercedes driving with the sunrise coming up behind her.

Such is the life of the weekend warrior.

Mercedes writes the final touches to her entry before closing her journal and we fade.

S|C|E|N|E| 002

Tuesday, March 25, 2014 ● 5 days until Blaze of Glory III
Chicago, Illinois
7:15 PM Local Time

We open our scene with a view of glossy hardwood flooring. As we follow a trail to the main corridor, the camera pans up to show a closed door and a plaque sign next to it, with white letters/border, mounted on a steel post. The sign reads “Group Therapy Session. 2-nite. 7pm.

“I'm a mess. Really, I only came here because this was the last place I can turn to. They said sharing your feelings helps cope with the pain.”

Open to a small room where we find a therapy group session in progress. There are six individuals here. Just six, including the counselor. The counselor, a bispeckled man with a receding hairline, nods in understanding as a red head continues her story.

“I guess it started when I was five, maybe six, I can't remember. My parents were never around when I needed them, and I was lucky if I saw one or the other. Then it finally happened when neither of my parents even cared about me at all. So it's something I've adopted. I've got serious abandonment issues. My son, I leave him everywhere. The mall. At soccer practice. Inside the mini-van. I don't what to do anymore.”

Her voice breaks before she finally loses it and begins crying uncontrollably as the rest of her fellow clients looks on in apathy. She turns away from the group and one of the other women gets up from her seat and consoles her, stroking her hair and leading her out of the meeting. The counselor has seen this scene one too many times as he shakes his head.

Counselor: It'll be OK, Carla. We're here for you. Susan, let me know when she's alright. Roland, what brings you here?

Roland raises his sunglasses over his head at the question.

Roland: Why am I here? People think I'm a jerk, and I don't know why. I'm an honest person, so when people want my opinion, I tell them.

Counselor: Why do you think that?

Roland: Beats me. Like this one time, this woman was wearing a Guess shirt. So, I told her, “implants”. Boom, I get slapped in the face. My wife was trying on some jeans, right? So she tells me, does it make her butt look big. Well, seeing as she always wanted to lose weight and signed up for a class, but never lost a single pound because, you know, apparently you had to show up, what do you think I told her? Come home from work one afternoon, I find my stuff in the yard.

Some of the other girls are shocked, the guys shake their head. The counselor looks up from his clipboard.

Counselor: And, uh, Mercedes, you've been quiet since the meeting started. Tell us, what brings you here?

Pan to Mercedes with a lost look on her face as she pauses eating a Wheat Thin from a bowl place in the center table, now left with just crumbs.

Mercedes: Oh, I'm here for the Wheat Thins.

She pops it in her mouth.

Mercedes: And I read a study that the benefit of going to group therapy is beneficial if you don't say anything, or something like that. But please, continue. I'm enjoying these stories. Your life, my entertainment.

Kurt: Come on, I know you got a story.

Mercedes: No, I 'd rather not share. It's quite embarrassing.

Counselor: No, please enlighten us.

At this point, Carla and Susan returns to the group and take their seats.

Mercedes: Well, what do you want to know? I'm a model and a professional wrestler. I've been wrestling for five years now.

Roland: Pro wrestler, huh? Now, what's a pretty girl like you...

Mercedes:...doing in a place like that? I don't know. I just like beating people up for a living.

Kurt: I'm sure you do. After all, we all know that wrestling isn't real, right, people?

Mercedes: Well, it's still real real to me damn it. How about I invite the group to see just how wrong you are?

The crowd gets emotional before the counselor take over.

Counselor Alright, settle down. Let's get this back where this should be. Mercedes, why are you here today?

Mercedes: Honestly, I have a tag team championship defense for a company I work for this weekend in Long Beach, California. And, uh, I've got this big problem.

Mercedes reaches for an envelop underneath her chair. With great care, she opens the sealing and pulls out an 8X10 picture of The Freakettes in a Charlie's Angels pose. When she reveals this to the group, they seem a bit intimidated.

Roland: Who's the hot blonde?

Kurt: That's a whole lotta Rosie!

Carla: Is that guy on something?

Mercedes: Meet The Freakettes – the hot blonde is Felony Fontana, Rock Rose is the American Gladiators reject would likely be the one on something, and the clueless guy – or maybe that Photoshop touch up made it that way, I don't know – is their manager Gene Baton, Jr. Quite an impressive trio, no?

Mercedes passes the photo around.

Mercedes: Yeah, so, this match has the tag titles on the line and these three seem to be a cohesive group. I have to admit, I feel a little intimidated by them. What do you think I should do? I'm open to any suggestions.

Carla: Enlist in Witness Protection.

Kurt: Move to Mexico.

Counselor: Seek therapy.

Mercedes takes these helpful advice in stride as she takes back the photo, smiling and nodding.

Mercedes: This is great advice from all of you. Actually, no.

Mercedes stand up now as she becomes animated moving her hand around.

Mercedes: I came for therapy. All I see is some manic depressive who is probably better off jumping off the Sears Tower (pointing at Jeff, then looks at Roland), a Grade-A jackass who needs to go to sensitivity training and learn a little something called tact (looking at Roland) Scatterbrain over here (look into Carla's direction), I don't think you deserve to have kids in the first place. Your best bet is Child Protective Services.

Carla begins crying again as Susan shakes her head at Mercedes.

Mercedes: And you! (pointing at the counselor) What do you know about counseling anyway? I bet you've lost enough in your life already, hair not withstanding. Rogain can't help you and neither can anyone else. You're a sad, pathetic little man who probably works another job at the library! How about you grow a pair and take control of your life!

A tense silence follows as each person helplessly stare, their hurt outlook evident. The counselor raises a pen, clearing his throat.

Counselor: Sorry, Mercedes. I don't think we're going to be able to help you out of this one.

Mercedes feels a sense of relief as she looks into the faces of her fellow patients.

Mercedes: Well, I think I feel better already. This is nice, getting my feelings out there. Sharing is caring, haha. I'm feeling a little Carol Burnett.

She stands to her feet with a calm resolve.

Mercedes: I'm so glad we had this time together, just to have a laugh or sing a song. Seems we just get started and before you know it, comes the time we have to say so long.

Pointing at her watch, she grabs her envelope and returns the photo inside of it subconsciously as she nervously backs away towards the rear door.

Mercedes: It's been nice meeting all of you. Same time next week?

The rest of the group watches her leave in stunned silence. Kurt covers his face with his hands. The counselor, perhaps even more weirded out than everyone here forces a smile.

Counselor: Wheat Thins, anyone?



S|C|E|N|E| 003

Friday, March 28, 2014 ● 2 days until Blaze of Glory III
Chicago, Illinois
8:25 PM Local Time

We fade in on Mercedes siting in front of her laptop computer as we see her through the lens of her webcam. In the background, we notice she's returned to her hotel room for the day. A female housekeeper is busy changing the linen.

"48 hours. No, not the movie. I'm talking about, well, forty-eight hours. As in two days from tonight, yours truly, the Argentine Assassin, Mercedes Vargas, will be rolling into SoCal for Blaze of Glory III from the Pyramid Gymnasium in Long Beach, California. And I, for one, cannot wait until me and Traci get in the ring with our opponents come Sunday. Because we're going to be sending back He-Man and Princess She-ra back where they came from. Now, Rocky, I guess you can say this pay-per-view is somewhat of a homecoming for you, so for that I say welcome home, because even though Venice Beach is less than forty minutes away, the loss you and Felony are going to be in for is going to be felt, well, close to home. Not sure if it's going to be worse than your visit in the state pen, Fel, but trust me, you'll get over it."

Feigning a concerned look, she pushes back a few strands of hair, and then reaches for her tag team championship.

"You can probably break me like a toothpick, but you can't hit what you can't catch. I've face better than you, and a lot smarter, too. So Rock, I hope that you take your vitamins, drink your protein shakes, and say your prayers, because a prayer is all you've got if you think you're going to wrestle these titles from us. Felony, apparently, I'm sorry to have to say this, but you are going to be in a world of hurt come Sunday, especially if Traci gets a hold of you. If you haven't seen her work yet, trust me, you are going to be in for a painful reminder. So, am I worried about either you or Rock? Nope. This isn't false bravado or arrogance. It's confidence. And you're going to see a whole lot of confidence when me and Traci walk out just the same with our titles, and leaving the two of you, and Geno, disappointed.

Don't be surprised, girls. I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know."

« Last Edit: March 29, 2014, 12:31:52 AM by Mercedes Vargas »

2x SCW Hall of Famer (Class of 2018, Class of 2022)
World Bombshell Champion (x2)
Bombshell Roulette Champion (x4)
Bombshell Internet Champion 
World Bombshell Tag Team Champion (x3; w/Traci Patterson (x2) and Delia Darling (x1)
World Mixed Tag Team Champion (x3; x2 w/Kain, x1 w/Goth)
Third Bombshell SCW Triple Crown Champion (6th SCW Triple Crown Champion overall)
First-ever and only 2x, 3x and 4x Bombshell Triple Crown Champion in SCW history (most ever by a female wrestler)
Second Bombshell Grand Slam Champion (4th SCW Grand Slam Champion overall)
SCW Year-End Award Winner: 2014 Feud of the Year (Mean Girls vs SCW Bombshells roster)
Queen for a Day winner (December 2 Dismember 2015, inaugural)