Author Topic: Life's a beach sometimes  (Read 446 times)

Offline Traci Patterson

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    • Traci Patterson
Life's a beach sometimes
« on: March 07, 2014, 07:29:49 PM »

Traci outfit
Katie outfit

As the camera came up it showed a perfect looking white sand beach with clear blue water in front. It seemed a perfect beach day and for Traci Patterson it was a chance for a rare day off as she had been training really hard recently and she just need a day where there was no worries no stress just a day where she could be a normal person well as normal as you can be when you are the side of Traci. She laid back on the towel and just enjoyed the sun moments later a couple of wolf whistles were heard and a small chuckle escaped the lips of Traci as she heard that. She then turned and saw her sister Katie walking towards her. She had a looked on her face of disgust as she walked over to her sister and passed her sister one of the coke can in her hand.

Traci Patterson
Ok how many guys tried to hit on you then?

Katie Patterson
Six you think that they never seen a woman in a bikini before. Didn’t help went I got challenged by one of the guys girlfriend to a fight.

Traci Patterson
You need me to kick her ass for you?

Katie Patterson
No I told her that she wasn’t interested and she let me leave.

Traci Patterson
Oh well you know what let’s just forget about that now and let us enjoy the sun!

With that Katie nodded and took her place on the towel that was next to Traci. She then reached a nearby bag and pulled out a pair of sunglasses putting them on her face before lying down on it. However no sooner had she done this but she had her phone go off. Traci let out a sigh as she looked at her,

Traci Patterson
I thought I told you not to bring your phone this is meant to be where it’s just us two enjoying the beach!

Katie Patterson
I know but I just bought it along just in case we had a call from mom.

She reached into the bag and sat up starting to go so she could see why it had gone off. She then looked at her sister and kind of half laughed.

Katie Patterson
Well I just got a text about your next match so do you want the good news or the bad news?

Traci Patterson
Well I guess I should I get the good news first

Katie Patterson
Well the good news for you is that you are going to be getting another title shot? This time you are going to be taking on Emma Rose and Joanne Canelli for the bombshell tag titles!

Traci Patterson
What so bad about that I mean really I’m happy to be getting a shot at the tag titles!

Katie Patterson
Well your partner is going to be Mercedes Vargas! So are you still excited.

Katie then turned the phone to Traci as if to show her that she wasn’t joking about all of this.

Traci Patterson
Really they are going to do that to me! Fine if that how the card are dealt then I’m more then happy to play with them. I may not like her but I know that Mercedes is one hell of a talented wrestler I mean you don’t become a two time Bombshell champion by not having talent so yeah it’s not ideal but you know what if she can be as professional as I can be then we could have one hell of a shot.

Katie seemed surprised that her sister was being so cool about a woman she knew that she didn’t like.

Katie Patterson
Are you sure that you can put your feeling towards her to the side I mean she hasn’t exactly be that nice to you in the past.

Traci looked at her and she seemed to be shocked that she was saying this.

Traci Patterson
Like I said if she can put her hate towards me to one side we have got one hell of a shot. I mean I like Emma I always feel like if ACW didn’t fold like it did that she could have been a main stay of the women’s division and she has managed to carry that over to SCW and I mean Joanne is probably the person I have faced off with more times then I can remember and whether is it as a partner or a foe she is one tough woman but like I said if me and Mercedes can go long enough without ripping each other throat out then I got to say that I can’t see how we don’t walk out with the titles!

Katie half-hearted answered her sister as she said that.

Katie Patterson
Well if you say so but I got to say that you are going to be a lot more forgiving then she is. I don’t think she is going to be able to stand facing off with Joanne and Emma!

Traci Patterson
Well if snaps then that’s on her because at the end of the day I don’t care if I got to team up with Satan if it means I can get a belt to call my own!

Katie Patterson
Well you want to get training for the match then? Now you know you are competing for a title?

Traci Patterson
Listen I told you were going to be spending a day at the beach as we need a day off so we are going to enjoy it! So now switch off the phone and we can enjoy the sun.

Katie chuckled as she did this and then turned to her sister.

Katie Patterson
And that why I love having you as a big sister.

Traci Patterson
Yeah yeah I’m great now less talking more relaxing.

As Katie put the phone away the duo returned to enjoying the sun however the question did remain and troubled her the rest of the day could she survive teaming with Mercedes inly time would tell and with that the screen turned black!

End of RP
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