Author Topic: very small  (Read 392 times)

Offline Goth

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very small
« on: November 15, 2013, 01:08:31 AM »
 So that put him straight in his place!!!

Goth slams his hand on the table as he takes a breather, he has a wet towel around his head and some ice on his ribs. Clearly sore from the battle he went through as he sits down on a chair with the championship belt right in front of him.

I am sure that I will have a rest this week and take a breather for a change. I am really ready to heal some of my…

V: Goth??

A voice can be heard from the doorway as Goth turns around, he sees Mark Ward standing there with a big grin on his face.

What do you want??

M: What I want? I just wanted to talk about that rest for the week. Now that would not be right now would it? I mean just to think that we would have to disappoint all the fans that wanted to see THEIR world champion in action.

Goth stares in anger towards the owner as he grabs his championship belt and pulls it towards him

M: And to think about it, last week I heard a statement that got me to think. Nick Jones never got a rematch for that belt. It is only fair that a man that did would give him that title rematch for the gold now wouldn’t you agree Goth??

Goth grids his teeth as he slowly gets to his feet and confronts the owner, who remains standing there with a smirk look on his face.

M: And what were you thinking of doing about that Goth? I am sure you weren’t thinking about striking one half of the owners of this company now were you? That would mean you would lose that precious gold you have been fighting for so gallantly. I would hate to see someone else get that belt from you and you have to wait a whole year to get that rematch. Or were you having other ideas???

Goth reluctantly does nothing as he closes his fists for a few moments, but then relinquishes and walks away.

So another match, you sure love to keep me going don’t ya? But soon I will get what I deserve

M: Oh sure, you can have all the vacation when you want, just hand over that belt and you will be all dandy.

Goth grabs a chair and blasts it across a wall as he unleashes his anger and frustration over the match that Mark Ward just made.

I will get you for that Mark, mark my words… I shall.

The shot fades as Goth turns and realises that the owner has vanished.

Inner thoughts:

I have been here before, it is nothing new. It is only a marketing tool to wear you down, to be in the right place at the wrong time. But then again, isn’t that what we all signed up for when we started to do this? It is nothing new, it is all I could ever remember in this sport. To be pushed, to not be liked. To be hated, to be hated to draw that much money that you cannot be afforded to be off the cards…. I do the same too. Its all in business sense I suppose

Goth is the lifestyle that everyone out there cherishes to be, not to want to be but to have my success. It is all they ever think off, while I only care about the W. the gold, to please the woman that I get back home with. The money is already on my bankaccount, too bad kiddos I don’t share.

What is it in life that makes you want to think about all of this? Is it the greed? To a certain degree it is, isn’t it life that obvious to see the heroes beat the villains. To boo the villains if they do not do what you want them to do… to lose, to be mad and to strike back with vengeance… life has become so predictable and I am the cure to rid the world of the disease of predictability.

Only to make you cry….

The shot fades towards Goth as he sits down in his rocking chair, holding the belt across his lap and drinking a beer.

I know that the world wishes to see Nick regain the title after a year, what a story that would be huh? To have the comeback of a lifetime, only for what?? The marketing company to go wild on merchandising? The problem alone is that I stand in the way of the miracle comeback.

I know it isn’t your fault Nick, you have a right to have a beef with the company for screwing you over and over and over again. But so do I, that is your problem. My beef is that they don’t want me, they don’t need a freak like me as their champion. The man that runs another fed, the looks upon their faces when I would go away with their belt would be priceless when I show up on Insomnia. But the truth is, that would be too easy to get my point across. No, I prefer to stick it to them, to be the very best of their company and be a man of my own. So in that situation Nick, I am sorry to inform you, but you are going to lose… 1…2…3….

<span style="color:limegreen">First Ever Triple Crown and Grand Slam Winner and 2nd ever Grand Slam Winner</span>