Author Topic: YOUNG MONEY VS DESPAYRE AND RAGE  (Read 1090 times)

Offline Mark Ward

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« on: September 29, 2013, 10:01:14 PM »
 Post your roleplays here! Good luck!

Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger, those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the LORD, when I lay my vengeance upon thee

*NOTE: No longer giving feedback, if you wasn't good enough, you wouldn't be here.
No longer doing show reviews, I already know we're that damn good!

Offline J2H

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« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2013, 11:43:06 AM »
 It's been a long time since SCW stars have found their way home, dotted around America, Canada and the United Kingdom, as yet, we don't have a star from the Caribbean islands. One more tour date and everyone gets to go home. Let's be honest, most of us would love to spend their time hitting many different islands, lapping up the sun, looking at the scantily clad people, but not James Huntington-Hawkes III...

JHHIII: I'm bored Simpson. I'm bored of this traveling.

Simpson, standing three feet away from James, as James lies in a hammock, secured by rope to two thick palm trees. James shades his eyes with his hand as just a pair of shorts sit on his skinny frame.

JHHIII: I think it's time we went home.

Simpson looks at James, a slightly quizzical look on his face.

Simpson: But sir, this is the true definition of paradise.

James rolls his head to the left, looking at his burly bodyguard.

JHHIII: For the poor people who spend their lives saving up for a trip like this, but I, Simpson, I am not one of these poor people who have to save up for anything. I can come here any time I want. I've been on this tour all the way through. It would be different if it was a vacation, but no, had to do all kinds of stupid things for the fans. I don't like the fans Simpson.

Simpson runs his hand over his bald head, looking in James' direction once more, the gentle breeze blowing a single drip of sweat across Simpson's face.

Simpson: But sir, they are the reason you are on television.

JHHIII: But sir, they are the reason you're on television.

James' mocking tone fills the air.

JHHIII: They are not the reason I'm on television, I'm on television because I am more talented than everyone on the roster. Everyone sees the belts on Giani and myself and think cause Giani is bigger, he is the better wrestler, but he's not, I work harder than Giani and no one sees it. They claim Giani is the better guy but there is no team without me in it! You give Giani any other partner and they won't be as good as we are.

A proud smile crosses James' face as he lays back, his arm moving behind his head as a makeshift pillow.

JHHIII: Truth is, I am better than most, I should be facing Kevin Carter for the title. Instead I'm having to face the guy with the teddy bear and the guy with anger issues, who has done nothing to earn a shot at me. Management should be ashamed.

A slight uncomfortable look crosses Simpson's face.

Simpson: But sir, Despayre was a pioneer in the hash tag campaign to get you to return to television.

An arrogant look crosses James' face.

JHHIII: Oh no Simpson.

James slowly shakes his head.

JHHIII: Despayre was a pawn in my plans. Just like Spike Staggs was, just like Odette Ryder was, just pawns because they were popular. I played them like a toothless cowboy plays a jug with three x's on it. I played them like a PS3.

Simpson: Without them, you may not have got the chances you did sir.

JHHIII: But I did, because I played them so well. I am an absolute genius Simpson.

Simpson: Sir, I'm not sure injuring Gabriel was a wise idea considering his replacement.

James sits up in the hammock, causing it to rock from side to side. James clutches the sides and holds on for balance. He tilts his head towards Simpson, looking unimpressed.

JHHIII: I was so sure that would get us the night off and leave Despayre playing with his little teddy bear and his big friend with a pea brain. Look Simpson, Rage doesn't scare me as much as you think he would. I mean he's been out of the game for a long time, he has nothing to offer anymore, just another of the old people who need to retire to give us young, up and coming talented superstars a change. SCW is full of old men who should have been sent to the fields a long time ago.

James swings his legs around, looking at Simpson.

JHHIII: These guys will never be as good as they used to be. They are just clinging on to their last remaining bit of star power, when they past their prime a long time ago. Rage is a perfect example of that. He stopped being relevant years ago and him coming back now is just sad. He thinks he's like the hulk or something, comes in throws stuff around cause his angry. I wouldn't be surprised if he's choke slammed his own mother because his dinner was cold or something. This is a guy who thinks being angry is the way forward, but he needs to step to the side so people like Giani and I can take our rightful place near the top of SCW.

A confident smirk crosses James' face, clearly as Rage is nowhere near to hear the youngsters comments. Thinking it would be a very different story if Rage was within a mile of James.

Simpson: You are taking this very lightly Master James.

JHHIII: I'm not. People see what that bald headed buffoon.... no offense Simpson.

Simpson: None.... taken.

The confused words fall out of Simpson's mouth as he focuses on James.

JHHIII: They see what that bald headed buffoon has done in the past, they see all his angry little matches where he does stupid and uncontrollable thing and think he's actually talented when the truth is, he's really not. He's just a chair swinging freak.

Copyright ECW sometime in the nineties....

JHHIII: A man who gets angry and throws things. Like we haven't seen that before Simpson. Companies have been built on angry men throwing stuff around. Rage is no different from any of them, and each and every one of those kind of people share the same weakness. They have all the attack but zero defense. They let their stupid emotions overtake them and leave themselves open for smarter people, smarter people like me, to rip them apart. They get so over ruled with anger and all that junk, people like me get to beat them. Everything bubble head has done, has been in the past and he's not as good as he was. This is not the early two thousands, this is time for a new generation like me to rise and put these old boys in to the retirement.

Simpson: A lot of people still see Rage as a threat


Simpson: The fans sir.

JHHIII: What do they know?

A disgusted look, followed by a slow head shake from James.

JHHIII: Proof that they wouldn't know talent if it walked up to them and slapped them in their faces. You could take twenty people who think they know about wrestling and they have an IQ of less than fifty between them. People like to live in the past but they need a real slap in the face from the younger generation, that should be lead by me. SCW hires mostly has been's, and not real young talent like me. Sounds like a wrestling company owned by Panda Energy.

Cheap but accurate....

JHHIII: Face it Simpson, these people know absolutely nothing about modern wrestlers. Take a look at the older wrestlers, people adore them, but they have like three moves each that the fans cheer for, and one of them for a certain guy is a leg drop that no one can kick up from!


JHHIII: And the guy has made a career out of it! Every SCW show, you see ten of them, yet no one gets pinned by them. That's the old guy mentality, and now they're all past their used by date.

Simpson: But sir.

JHHIII: Don't but sir me! He's old, he's past it, he's not good enough anymore. It probably takes him ten minutes to get out of a chair.

Simpson: But sir....

James fires an angry look in Simpson's direction, looking at the bigger man.

JHHIII: He's old! Deal with it!

Simpson: But Despayre sir, he isn't old.

And down come the walls of James' argument and way he planned to win the match. Simpson was right, as much as James was aged obsessed about Rage, no longer being as he once was because of his years, Despayre was the complete opposite. A youthful man, just a couple of years older than James, and clearly much more successful and experienced in the ring. Despayre was a more decorated champion and undoubtedly having a point to prove, especially after the attack from James and Giani on Despayre's tag team partner, and best friend, Gabriel.

James' face drops as he looks his bald headed servant. James run his hand through his hair and looks in thought. As if a light bulb goes off above his head, James smiles.

JHHIII: Yes, Despayre, the man who's gonna be so distracted by the fact that I ruined his friend, he'll look at me and probably cry or something, cause he's unstable in the head. Giani and I haven't been doing what we've been doing just for the sake of it Simpson. It's all part of the plan. We broke Gabriel physically, and we broke Despayre mentally. We knew how to deal with him. We knew how to deal with Gabriel. Gabriel was mentally strong, but physically weak. Despayre is surprisingly physically strong, but mentally....

James taps the side of his head with his forefinger.

JHHIII: Mentally weak.

The smile spreads wider over James' face.

JHHIII: Young Money doesn't just walk in to matches with our eyes closed. We look at our opponents and know how to take them apart. Christian Underwood made a mistake here by announcing our opponents so early, it gave us time to get inside their heads and show them we're not to be messed with. This is why we're not even seeing these two as competition, cause we're already in their heads, we're already know the result of this one.

A proud look crosses James' face as he arches his left eyebrow.

JHHIII: We've already got this one won before we even get in the ring with these two. There's nothing they can do.

Simpson: Synn may play a factor sir.

James quickly shakes his head with a short movement.

JHHIII: Synn might scare the hell out of everyone, but he doesn't get involved in matches. Synn isn't anything to worry about. He may look scary outside the ring but he's not scaring me.

Simpson: Even after you injured Gabriel?


Another thoughtful look crosses James' young face.

JHHIII: Yes, yes, cause he knows if he gets in the ring, the same thing can happen to him too. We can't get disqualified for nailing him with the chairs. The money shot takes down anyone.

Simpson: Is that what you're calling it sir.

JHHIII: I am, why?

Simpson stifles a laugh.

Simpson: In a certain genre of movies, that means something different.

James looks slightly lost.

JHHIII: I've never heard of it.

James scratches his head.

JHHIII: Doesn't matter, it's not important because I don't care, cause I'm gonna make that phrase more popular than ever before. I will make it so popular, everyone will be saying it forever and ever and ever. I have the ability to bring back anything and make it more popular than ever before. Just like I did with the tag team championships, Simpson. Since Giani and I have had them, they've been more popular than ever before.

An arrogant smirk crosses James' face.

JHHIII: It's just what Giani and I do. We don't follow popular things, we make things popular.

The camera moves closer on James' face.

JHHIII: And after we defeat the teddy bear man, and his giant friend, we're going to prove that Young Money is the best tag team the world has ever seen.

James lays back in his hammock as the camera fades out and this promo, brought to you by James Huntington-Hawkes III, ends.

Offline Jake Sullivan

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« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2013, 08:49:14 PM »
 It wasn't a very good night for the Seven Deadly Sins, and that could be putting it lightly.  One of their own was now out of commission and for an unforeseeable amount of time.  While most of the others were concerned about Gabriel's condition, there was one in the group who was showing a different emotion all together...the emotion that is a defining trait for the Sin of Wrath.


Synn, Despayre, Shane and Fantasia are all currently at the hospital with Gabriel, waiting to hear on his condition. They quickly left after the horrific attack at the hands of Giani Di Luca and James Huntington Hawkes...the third...collectively known now as Young Money.  The current tag team champions had viciously attacked Gabriel, expecting their cowardly act to keep their coveted tag team championships safely around their waists for a little while longer.  

Boy were they wrong.

All they managed to do was piss off an already angry Rage, thus causing Rage to take Gabriel's place in the tag team championship match in two weeks at High Stakes III.  If the thought of facing Brother Grimm before was scary enough, they need to think long and hard about what they've done, because the mood that Rage is in is not a good sign for Young Money.  Not a good sign at all.

While the rest of the Seven Deadly Sins are with Gabriel, Rage elected to stay behind for a while and gather their belongings.  He would take their things back to their hotel and then meet them at the hospital a short while later, and Synn had agreed to call him if they heard anything on Gabriel's condition before Rage got their.  Rage had no objections to this, because seeing Gabriel unconscious would only infuriate him further and he might just do something stupid.  Not that he really cared at this point.

He is packing up the rest of their things when a familiar face walks up behind him, concern written all over her face.  Former three time Bombshell Champion and one half of the current tag team champions, Misty, stands behind Rage, at a safe distance of course.  Rage glances back to her and scowls, obviously not wanting to see or speak to her right now.

Misty: Any word on Gabriel?

Rage adjusts the strap to one of the duffel bags over his shoulder and lets out a growl.

Rage: And you give a shit, why?  Get out of my way.

Misty folds her arms across her chest, refusing to move.  While most people would be intimidated by Rage's size alone, she is clearly not.

Misty: I care because from what I heard, that was a pretty nasty attack.  I wasn't sure I would even catch you here.  I thought you'd be at the hospital with Gabriel.

Rage: Not that it's any of your business, but that's where I'm headed right now.  If you get out of my fucking way.

Misty: Are you always going to be this hostile towards everyone?  Can't you be nice just once?

Rage lets out a loud obnoxious laugh and takes a step closer to her.  He towers over her as he glares down at her, trying to intimidate her, but it doesn't appear to be working.

Rage: You really have no room to talk you know that?  Now, I'm not going to tell you again.

Misty: This isn't about me, Rage.  I just came to--

Rage: Bullshit this isn't about you, Misty.  You make everything about you!  You have no reason to check on Gabriel.  Unless...

The look on Rage's face grows darker and more menacing.  Misty finally takes a step back.

Misty: Unless what?

Rage drops all of the bags he is holding and glares at Misty.  His face begins to turn a dark red color as the anger builds up inside of him.

Rage: Unless you were expecting me to actually tell you how Gabriel is doing and you go and run off to tell your piece of shit boyfriend..

Misty: Excuse me?  Giani is not my boyfriend.  You clearly don't pay attention to anything.

Rage: You expect me to believe that shit?  You're a two-faced dirty bitch.  Everyone knows it.  For all I know, you and that Jersey douchebag could be playing everyone for fools.  You could have sent Giani after Gabriel.

Misty: Do you have ANY idea how ridiculous that sounds?  Giani can't stand me anymore than anyone else can!  And what reason would I have to send him after Gabriel?!

Rage smiles an evil smile and he doesn't believe anything Misty is saying to him.  Before he can even answer that question, a light bulb goes off in Misty's mind and her eyes widen in disbelief.

Misty: You've got to be kidding me, Rage?  You think this was some sort of sick ploy to get at--

Rage: Don't say her fucking name.  

Misty: Rage, she left!  I had nothing to do with this attack on Gabriel!  I'm sure if given the chance, Giani would have probably done the same damn thing to me!

Rage doesn't seem to be listening to a word Misty is saying.  He's taking one menacing step after another towards her until he has her backed into a corner, giving her a threatening look.

Rage: And I should believe a word you say, why exactly?  You've stooped so low as to have someone kidnapped before.  I wouldn't put this shit past you.

Misty: I'm telling you I had nothing to do with it!

In an attempt to defend herself, Misty shoves her hands into Rage's chest, but he doesn't budge.  He stands there, towering over her, looking like he could attack her at any minute.

Misty: I'm not playing some sick game, Rage!  This isn't some God damned act!  I came here to tell you how sorry I am over what happened to him and that I hope he's okay.  I'm furious that Giani and James did what they did, and personally I hope you and Despayre destroy them.

Rage: Other people might believe your bullshit, Misty, but I don't.  Everyone knows that you and Giani have been fuck buddies for a while now.

Misty throws her arms up in the air and lets out a frustrated growl.  She glares up at Rage, now almost as angry as he is.

Misty: ONE TIME! I slept with Giani ONE TIME and that was it!  You obviously don't pay attention to anything, because I all but ended it after that night, but just last week he sealed the damn deal!  There is nothing between me and Giani and there NEVER will be.

Rage lets out a loud boisterous laugh as he takes a step back, allowing Misty some breathing room.

Rage: Oh please, Misty.  Deep down, I'm sure you have some sick fantasy of playing King and Queen with Giani Di Luca.  Hell, maybe even get the Brat Prince involved somehow?  You don't have to lie to me.

Misty: For Christ's sake, Rage, would you shut the hell up?!  I came here out of genuine concern for Gabriel, and all I receive is the third-degree.  I guess I shouldn't be surprised.  You've hated me for years.  Why should things change now?

Rage: Well at least that is something we agree on.  You've always been a selfish backstabbing bitch, so why should anyone believe you suddenly had a change of heart?  

Misty: You want to know why, Rage?  

Rage: Not really, but I have a feeling you're going to tell me anyway.  

Misty rolls her eyes.  She looks around at the duffel bags belonging to the members of the Seven Deadly Sins, then looks back to Rage.

Misty: Family.  That is why.  My family is the reason that my eyes have been opened to the pain I've caused over the last year, and I'm doing everything and anything I can to prove to them that I can change.  That I have changed.  You would do the same thing if you were in my shoes, and you can't deny it.

Rage: Actually, I can because unlike you, I don't have a family.

Misty lets out a disappointed laugh.

Misty: Yes, you do.  They may not be blood family, but the Sins are your family through and through, and you'd do anything for them.  You are doing everything for them.  You're setting aside your war with Mark Ward right now to avenge what happened to Gabriel, because let's face it...He's like a brother to you.  

Rage: Don't try and compare me to you, Misty.  Our situations are completely different and I'm nothing like you...

Misty: Different circumstances, yes, but similar situations.  Rage, my grandmother's death was a huge eye-opener for me.  It made me see that I couldn't continue being the person that I was.  I need to be the person that my grandmother always knew I was, and that is all there is to it.

Rage: Good, go tell your fucking sob story to someone else.  It has nothing to do with--

Misty: You're angry...I get that.  Everyone gets that.  It's who you are.  Before Gabriel was attacked, all you wanted to do was get your hands on Mark Ward and take him out.  Now?  You're focused on Giani and James.  

Rage narrows his eyes and folds his large arms across his chest.

Rage: What's your point?

Misty: My point is that you're doing what your family needs you to do!  You're being the person that they need you to be right now.  You may not see it, but I do.  You have this harsh, angry exterior to you, but deep'd do anything for the Seven Deadly Sins, whether you want to admit it or not.  You may enjoy all those crazy stunts that has pulled time and time again, but when it comes down to it, if he or any of the Sins were suddenly gone from your life...Well, I'll let you just imagine how you'd feel.

Rage: You're really something else, you know that?  I have to admit, I'm finding this very amusing that you're on this sudden kick to not only change yourself, but everyone else also.  You're preaching to the wrong person, Misty.  Gabriel's condition now has nothing to do with his past stunts.  He always walks away from those...

Misty: What about when he doesn't?  How will you feel then?

Rage is suddenly left speechless.  He's never really considered that possibility before, but he suddenly narrows his eyes at her, not enjoying the thought too much.

Rage: Get the fuck away from me.

Misty goes to object to his ordering her away, but he doesn't let her.  He points to the doorway and continues to glare at her.

Rage: I said get the fuck away from me!  Gabriel is in the hospital because of that arrogant piece of shit, Giani and that spoiled little prick, James.  So don't you try and stand here and make me feel guilty about my feelings towards Gabriel's crazy stunts!  And unlike you, I'm not going to walk around apologizing and graveling at people's feet for their forgiveness.  

Rage starts picking up all the duffel bags again as Misty watches.  She continues to ignore his orders again.  Once Rage has all the bags collected, he sees that Misty is still there, and grits his teeth.

Rage: Seriously?  Why the fuck are you still here?!  You know doesn't matter.  I shouldn't even still be here wasting my time arguing with a bitch like you.  I've wasted enough time and who knows the chaos that Despayre has caused at that damn hospital.

Rage then brushes past Misty, walking out of the dressing area without another word.  Misty stands there, still concerned, but in the end she looks around the empty dressing room then turns and walks away.


The taxi pulls up outside the front entrance of the local hospital in Barbados.  Rage exits the backseat on the driver's side, and pulls some cash out of his pocket.  He walks up to the driver's side window and tosses the money at the driver, and growls at him.

Rage: You don't even deserve that shithead.  Next time drive faster when someone tells you to.

The driver starts collecting the bills then mumbles something in his native language.  Rage glares at him with a raised eyebrow.

Rage: The fuck you just say to me?

Driver: Have nice day!

The driver then quickly brings the window back up and speeds off, not taking any chances of pissing off Rage further.  Rage watches as the taxi disappears out of site and shakes his head as he walks inside.  As he approaches the reception desk, woman behind the desk clearly seems nervous as this large and very angry looking man is walking towards her.  He is stopped just short of the desk, however, by Shane Boswell calling out to him.

Shane: Oi!  Baldy!  Over here!

Rage looks to his left to spot Shane and Fantasia walking through a set of double doors.  The receptionist relaxes in her seat, thankful she doesn't have to deal with Rage.  Rage then heads over towards Shane and Fantasia, his expression turning more concerned now.

Rage: How is he?

Shane: He's conscious, thankfully.  Docs have been in and out since he got here, but we don't know the extent of his injury yet.

Fantasia: Synn and Despy are in with him right now.  

Rage's eyes widen in surprise as he hears this.

Rage: And how is Despy right now?  I was expecting to get here and find the place burned to the ground.  He hates hospitals.

Shane: He seems to be holding up alright for the most part.  I think his concern for Gabriel outweighs his fear of hospitals.

Rage: Where are they?

Shane: We figured you'd be here soon so we were just coming to find you.  He's still in the emergency room.

Shane and Fantasia then lead the way back through the double doors.  They turn down a couple different halls until they reach the room in which Gabriel is still being treated.  They hear Despayre's hushed voice coming from inside the room.  Rage doesn't even wait to step inside.  All eyes turn towards him, and although Gabriel is conscious, he may as well not be.  He turns his head slowly to look at his bald headed angry friend, and can barely muster a smile.

Rage: Christ, Gabe.  You look like shit.  

Gabriel goes to respond but Despayre immediately stops him.

Despayre: Shush you!  You need your strength for when we win our titles back!

Rage looks surprised and confused as Despayre says this to Gabriel.

Rage: Uh, Despy--

Before Rage can finish that thought, Synn steps in and interrupts him.

Synn: Joshua, I need to speak with Rage for a moment.  Shane, would you and Fantasia mind staying in here with Joshua and Gabriel?

Shane: Sure.  We were going to head back to the hotel and give Gabriel some breathing room, but we can wait a bit.

Despayre: I don't need a babysitter.  Angel and I can keep Gabriel some company.

Synn glances at his son, not completely sure if that is a great idea.  He looks at Shane, who shrugs in response as if saying the decision is up to him.

Synn: Joshua, I'm not sure that is such a--

Gabriel is clearly growing more uncomfortable and agitated as they speak around him.  Rage notices, and speaks for him.

Rage: We'll be right out in the hall, Synn.  I don't think Despy will go anywhere, so if Shane and Fantasia want to head back to the hotel, let them.  

Synn mulls it over for a few moments before he nods and looks towards Shane, then to Despayre.

Synn: I suppose Shane does have a point with Gabriel needing some breathing room.  Joshua, you stay right there while Rage and I talk.  We won't be long.  Try not to talk Gabriel's ear off also.  Okay?

Despayre nods his head, then makes the sign like he is locking his lips and throwing away the key.  Shane and Fantasia head off a few moments later, and before Synn and Rage disappear out into the hall, Rage looks over at Despayre.

Rage: And Despy, don't unplug anything either!

Gabriel manages a pain-filled chuckle as he glances over to Rage.

Gabriel: Thanks, baldy.

It's a hoarse whisper, but Rage hears it.  He lets out a bit of a laugh before walking out into the hall with Synn, wasting no time in voicing his agitation...rather loudly.

Rage: You haven't told him?!  

Synn grabs a hold of Rage's arm and pulls him forcefully away from the doorway.  Several nurses and doctors nearby glance in their direction.

Synn: Do keep your voice down, Rage.  We're in a hospital, remember?  

Rage: Is there a chance that Gabriel can compete in that match?  Because if the doctors think so, they're out of their fucking minds.  He's not--

Synn: His test results haven't come back yet, but I think it is safe to say that he will not be medically cleared to compete.  

Rage: Okay, then why haven't you told Despy yet?  He clearly thinks Gabe is going to get better.

Synn takes a moment to think about that.  He makes eye contact with one of the nurses, who signals for them to keep their voices down, and he gives her an acknowledging nod of his head.

Synn: I was waiting until we knew more from the doctors before I broke the news to Joshua.  He's never been open to the idea of teaming with anyone else other than Gabriel, so he's not going to be very accepting of this.

Rage: Yeah, but we're both Sins.  Why would he be against teaming with me?

Synn: Do you really need to ask that?  He's most comfortable in the ring with Gabriel as his partner.  They are a cohesive unit.  I'm sure when he finds out that Gabriel won't be well enough to compete, his first thought will be to skip the match all together.

Rage clearly doesn't agree with this as he shakes his head and scowls.

Rage: Gabriel wouldn't want that, though.  And we can't let those fuck heads get their way...

Synn: I am well aware of that, Rage.  Don't worry about that. The match will still take place with you as Joshua's tag team partner.  I will tell him soon, but until I do, please don't bring it up.  Thank you for not completely destroying those two earlier, by the way.

Rage: I wanted to, but when that jackass, Erik Staggs, threatened me with another suspension, I wasn't going to take my chances.  

Synn: Yet you're taking risk after risk of that happening each time you provoke Mark Ward?  

Rage's eyes narrow and his nostrils flare as Synn brings Mark Ward into the conversation.  He clenches his fists at his side also...the tell-tale signs that he still has it out for the Co-Owner.

Rage: Synn, why do you think people keep threatening to suspend me again if I go after Ward?  Why do you think he's continuing to avoid me?

Synn: Perhaps because he doesn't want to wrestle anymore?  He owns this company, Rage.  He needs to run this company like a normal boss does.  He can't keep wrestling every single guy who has a problem with him.

Rage: But he does...or at least he did until now.  He's a fucking coward, and he's too scared to face me.

A nurse then walks up to the two, looking at Rage in particular.

Nurse: Excuse me, could you please watch your choice of words and keep your voice down.

Rage snarls at the young nurse and she jumps back a few steps.

Rage: Lady, how about you stay out of this and do your fucking job?  You know, like taking care of my injured friend inside that room right there?  You've got more important things to worry about then my language.

The nurse hurries away, clearly afraid of Rage and his attitude towards her.  Synn shakes his head at Rage's display.

Synn: Rage, could you possibly manage to be nice even for a little while?  There is no use in getting into an argument about Mark Ward right now, because you're setting that situation aside for now while we focus on Gabriel.  Right?

Rage doesn't answer right away and Synn gives him a pressing look.

Synn: Rage...Tell me you're going to---

Rage: Don't worry about it, Synn.  I'm not going after Ward again right now.  I'll focus on taking care of Di Luca and Hawkes first.  I'm going to make them suffer for what they did to Gabe.

Synn: After I speak to Joshua, the three of us will need to sit down and make sure you both on our the same page.  As I said, he may prove to be a bit hesitant, but our first priority right now is being here for Gabriel.  The rest we will deal with later.  

Rage is about to answer when a loud alarm starts sounding off from Gabriel's room.  The look at each other nervously then dash back inside the room, afraid that something has happened to Gabriel and the second the step into the room, Despayre is trying to quickly get back in his seat, but they catch him red-handed after he has just hit some sort of emergency button.  They look at him stunned, and Gabriel has his hands over his ears, trying to drown out the screams of the alarm.

Rage: Despy!  I told you not to--

Despy: What?  I didn't unplug anything!

A doctor and several nurses come rushing into the room to check on the situation.  They immediately stop once they see that everything is fine, but one of the nurses walks over and silences the alarm, finally giving them all, particularly Gabriel, some peace.  Despayre places Angel on Gabriel's chest, then points at him accusingly as he sits back down in his chair trying to look as innocent as he can.  After making sure that Gabriel is comfortable, they once again leave the room as they all still wait for his test results to come back.

Want to know how Despayre reacts to finding out he has to team with Rage at High Stakes III?  Well, you'll just have to watch his promo for the answer to that!


Saturday- Turtle Rock Beach, Trinidad

We're just over a week away from High Stakes III, and the Sins have all made it to Trinidad.  Gabriel was released from the hospital before they headed to Trinidad, but the doctor had suggested he do no major traveling for a few days, like flying back to Las Vegas like he insisted.  Synn and Despayre (even Angel too!) had persuaded him to wait a little while before flying back to the states, and he had reluctantly agreed.  So he is taking the time to rest and begin the healing process, however long that may be.  And Despayre has been taking any opportunity he can to take care of his big "brother" and tag team partner.

Now is one of those times.  While Despayre is in Gabriel's hotel room, Rage is in his own, relaxing.  He's sitting on the sofa against the wall, with his leg propped up on the coffee table and a big bag of ice propped on his shin.  He's leaning back, just dozing off when someone starts pounding on his door non-stop.  He nearly falls off the sofa, as the bag of ice falls to the floor and he gets to his feet and heads over to the door, limping a bit along the way.  He looks through the peephole and growls before he opens the door, only to be met with a swift kick to the Rage family jewels!  He doubles over, but grabs a hold of the door frame then looks up at the culprit...his former tag team partner, Jamie Staggs!

Rage: Jamie?!  What the fuck?!

Jamie: Dude, that's for being a total ass biscuit!

Jamie takes it upon himself to invite himself inside Rage's room, shoving his way past him and into the room.  Rage regains his composure, though he is still feeling the effects of the kick to the nads, and he closes the door and turns around to glare at Jamie.

Rage: Excuse me, but what the fuck are you talking about?  I haven't even seen you, much less talked to you, in months!

Jamie: That's exactly my point scro!  You obviously don't have enough time to send a quick text to say "hey partner, how's it hanging?" or "what's up man?  How's fatherhood treating you?"  Nice to know you just dropped me as a friend.

Rage: I'm sorry, did you come all the way to Trinidad to throw some sort of temper tantrum?  I've been a little preoccupied, and you would know that if you watched any of the shows.  Chill the fuck out, would you?  Damn!

Rage limps his way back over to the sofa and picks up the bag of ice.  Jamie stares at him, a little baffled.

Jamie: Dude, really?  I didn't kick you that hard.  If you need to ice your balls--

Rage plops back down on the sofa, once again propping his leg up on the coffee table.  He glares at Jamie and places the bag of ice back on his shin/

Rage: You kick like a fucking woman, Jamie.

Jamie: What the hell happened to your leg?  If you're going to blame that shit on me...

Rage: For fuck's sake, Jamie, I wasn't going to blame this on you.  If you want to know what happened, maybe you should go find Despy and ask him.  Now, are you going to tell me what the hell you want or are you going to continue to waste my time?

Jamie lets out an obnoxious laugh and he goes into the mini-fridge and pulls out a beer.  Rage tries to stop him, but Jamie twists the cap off quickly.

Jamie: Thanks for the drink, bro.  

He takes a gulp, then leans against the dresser as he looks at his Raging Dicks former tag team partner.

Jamie: Those titles are still ours.

Rage: I'm sorry, what?  

Jamie: Dude, come on. The tag team titles!

Rage: Jamie, we haven't even been tag team champions in almost two years.  We lost them, remember?  

Jamie slams the bottle of beer down on the dresser, causing a bit to splash out of the top.  Jamie looks at Rage angrily.

Jamie: Yeah, don't freaking remind me!  

Rage: Jamie, what is your point?  I really have no patience to deal with your shit right now.

Jamie: Why the hell would you agree to taking Gabriel's place in this match, dude?

Rage: You're joking, right?

Jamie folds his arms across his chest and shakes his head.  Rage suddenly chucks the bag of ice at Jamie, nailing him right in the head.  Jamie looks at him shocked, but Rage doesn't give him the chance to speak.

Rage: Those assholes attacked Gabriel, Jamie!  They thought it would keep those belts around their waists, and I'll be damned if I'm going to let them get away with it.  Kittie would have done the same fucking thing if she could!  

Jamie: And what happens when you win, huh?  You'll be one half of the tag team champions with Despayre.

Rage: Hell Captain Obvious!  That's the fucking point!  Di Luca and Hawkes don't deserve the damn titles.  They belong to the Sins.  It should be Gabriel going into this match, but he isn't medically cleared to wrestle right now, and I don't even know when he will be.  You're acting like a jealous five year old or something, so just knock it off!

Jamie holds the side of his head from where the bag of ice hit him.

Jamie: Dude, did you really just throw a bag of ice at my head?  

Rage: Yeah, I did.  You and I both know I can do much worse than that, too.

Jamie: True but I think we also know that you're going to save that aggression for the douchebag and his spoiled little bitch.  

Rage: That's the plan, but you're really getting on my nerves right now.

Jamie once again picks up the bottle of beer and chugs what is left of it.

Jamie: Geez, relax bro.  I'm sorry.  I'm just giving you shit.  I'm actually looking forward to watching you kick their asses.  I wish I could be the one teaming with you, but least you get to team with Despayre.  

Rage:'s gonna

Rage rolls his eyes, not sounding very enthusiastic at all.  Jamie goes into the mini-fridge and pulls out two more beers, walking over and taking a seat next to Rage.  He hands him one of the beers, but Rage sets it down on the table.

Rage: Jamie, do you know how much I have to pay for these beers?  Quit drinking them damn it!

Jamie: Quit being such a pussy, dude!  What the hell is with that attitude about teaming with Despayre?  It's not like you two hate each other.

Rage: Let's just say it's going to prove to be a bit of a...challenge.  It doesn't matter right now, we'll get it figured out before next week.  We're all just taking the week to try and relax.  Fuck...I just realized, I don't think anyone told Kittie.  Have you heard from her?

Jamie shakes his head, and he doesn't appear to be thrilled that Rage brought Kittie into the conversation.

Jamie: Nope, and hell if I know where she is.  Those two assholes really did a number on Gabriel then huh?

Rage: If you saw the attack then you'd know.  But how long he'll be out is beyond me.  It all depends on Gabe and his how determined he is to get better.  Until then...he'll have to enjoy watching me get revenge for what happened.  He's lucky he's still walking.  After I'm through with Giani and James...they won't be as lucky.

Just then the door to Rage's room bursts open, and Shane appears, ready for a fight it seems.  Synn is just behind him, and the two look at Jamie and Rage sitting on the sofa and Shane raises an eyebrow.

Rage: You two could have just knocked you know?  What the hell is going on?

Shane: We heard shouting a few minutes ago, then things got really quiet.  We thought maybe Young Money were trying get rid of you, too.  

Synn: We didn't realize you

The way he emphasizes the word company is unsettling to Rage.  He leans forward and stares at the two, confused.

Rage: Okay, first off, those two wouldn't be able to hurt me if they tried.  Second, what the hell are you implying, Synn?  

Synn: Oh nothing...Nothing at all.

Synn smirks, and Shane can't help but let out a laugh.  Jamie jumps up from the sofa and chugs the rest of his second beer, leaving the empty bottle on the table next to Rage.

Jamie: Yeeeaah...This is my cue to leave.  Kick ass next week, dude!

Jamie then darts out of the room, nodding to Synn and Shane before he disappears.  Rage glares at them, and lets out a growl.

Rage: I'm two seconds away from booking a flight back to Vegas, you know that?  I'm about all out of patience!

Shane: As if you had any to begin with?

Rage glares at Synn, clenching his fist.

Synn: Well, we'll leave you alone then.  Remember the little chat you, Joshua and I are going to have in a few days?

Rage: Yeah, yeah, yeah...You don't need to remind me, because I have a constant reminder...

Rage pulls his pant leg up to reveal a large bruise on his shin.  Synn and Shane can't help but let out an amused laugh.

Rage: It's not funny!

Shane: Baldy is crying over a damn bruise...

Shane turns around and walks out of the room, shaking his head and Synn follows behind him soon after, closing the door behind him.  Rage takes in a deep breath, then leans back on the sofa and lets out a long frustrated sigh, before he closes his eyes and tries to relax and the scene fades to black.

**END FEED**  

Offline Christian Underwood

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    • Christian Underwood
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2013, 08:16:48 AM »
 The first RP period is over. All posts following this will be for RP period two.

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Giani Di Luca

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« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2013, 04:32:32 PM »

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Hazy… why can’t I see straight?  Where are those cigarettes?  I look around me and all I see are these flashing lights.  The last thing I remember is this club in Trinidad. I… I was dancing with this girl, drinking and having a good time.  It’s just an average night for me, but I can’t shake this feeling.  Three drinks has never affected me like this.  Oh God, I think I’m going to be sick.

”Are you going to be sick, Gi?”

Who the hell just said that?  Their voice is so distorted.  Could it be James?  Dean?  No, it sounded like a woman.  But it could have been a man, I just don’t know.  I just want to go home and sleep this off.  But I’m thousands of miles from home.  What hotel did I check in at?  I gotta look up and see who this person is in front of me, but I can’t shake this blur… this haze and these lights, I can’t see a fuckin’ thing. I hear Imagine Dragons playing.  I can feel every bass drum hit shake my entire body and I just want it to stop.

“I need a cigarette, dawg…”

As fast as I can think it, I am taking in a deep breath of this nicotine reverie… I didn’t even know I knew that word.  Hahaha.  Wait… that’s not a cigarette… Fuck!

“Who are you?  I can’t smoke this, I have a contract that… I can’t do this.”

”That’s the least of your worries, Gi.  You shouldn’t accept drinks from strangers.”

“You drugged me?”

Fucker!  As I blink my eyes, I can feel the chemicals coursing through my veins in a tingling sensation and my stomach drops to my feet.  A single moment of clarity induced by adrenaline allows me to see an ebony goddess standing in front of me.  She is laughing as she leans in for a kiss.  I turn my head slowly and her lips collide with my face as she leans down and kisses down to my neck.  I try to push her off of me, but she is far more used to this than I am.  In that short moment, I turn to see Dean sitting at a table with three equally fine ladies dancing for him.

“Dean!  DEAN!”

He sticks his thumbs up at me with a wide smile before everything turns back into a Skrillex music video.  You are so fired, dawg… I look back to the silhouette dancing in front of me, feeling her hands explore my body through my clothes.  I take a few steps back, bumping into someone.  I feel their hands shove me backward into the mental rapist standing behind me.  My eyes widen as I see him clearly for just a moment.  He is dressed in similar fashion to me, skinny jeans and a tight tattoo print Ed Hardy shirt with a diamond encrusted cross banging against his chest as he shouts at me with such a thick accent, I don’t know I could make it out even if I were sober as a judge.  I growl out as I swing with every bit of power I can muster… which probably wasn’t a good idea as I feel one of his teeth embedded in my knuckle even as I retract.  Blood squirts out of his mouth, and Dean starts to get up before three men grab onto my shoulders.

“It’s her fault.  She made me do it!”

”You cannot be in here no more!”

At least I have some kind of guidance out of here.  The pink lights flash over my face as my own sweat burns my eyes.  My body is on fire now and I can’t seem to do anything about it.  The crowds of faces all seem to blur together as they slowly part for my exit.  They stop their dancing to just stare at me.  Suddenly the purple lights come over me and I swear I am glowing.  I can feel my blood crystallizing within me and I need some sort of release.  I swing my elbow into one of the bouncers’ faces before chopping the other in the throat.  I toss my head back with all of my might and I crack the third bouncer straight in the face.  I have the strength of twenty men right now, and the speed of a cheetah.  I book it straight for the door, only to collide with the wall?  Damn that hurts.  I feel like I am in the center of a dogpile now as they keep coming.  What surprises everyone, including myself is how I get up, shaking them off with ease.  I kick through the door, but it shatters.  Hmmm, must have been a window.  Either way, I jump through it, hearing the screams from the outside.  I can feel the glass slice as I go through it.  I forgot I was on the upper floor of this club.


I stand up from the ground as I watch the glowing green sludge pour from my skin.  Hahaha I’m superhuman.  I always knew it.  I see the street with cars passing and I dart out into the middle of it and take off running at speeds beyond any kind of scientific explanation.  The lights blur and short out as I go, leaving total darkness in my wake.  Fuckin’ ace, dawg… I come to a stop, skidding pieces of the pavement forward as I do.  I look around me, finding that the darkness is not my friend.  I hear the honking of horns and I stand on the nearest car’s hood.  I can hear the man shouting at me from inside in a foreign language and I can’t help but laugh.  I walk up the windshield and onto the roof of the car.  I look around at the people cheering me on and I raise my arms up in the air.

“I can fly!”

I launch myself off of the car and I swear I can feel the wind pushing me along.  Everything is one giant blur as I speed along like a rogue bullet.  I can’t help but notice my skin is glowing.  Is it the moon, my altered state of mind, or am I on fire?  I can see the veins in my eyes throbbing as I come down on the beach.  I hear the throbbing echo through my mind as I crash into the sand, causing a catastrophic explosion as sand rains down all around me.  I sit inside of what almost feels like a crater.  I look around me, trying to figure out how deep I am.  I find the edge and I try to climb, but the sand only collapses under my weigh, sending me back into the hole.  I kneel down, ready to jump out.  I can fly, so why not?  As I feel the power coursing through my veins, charging me up, I glance up to see a face, and it isn’t one I really wanted to see right now.  I’m sitting here having a good time with these new powers, and he shows up to ruin it…

Spike Staggs:  You’ve really dug yourself into a hole now, haven’t you?

Me:  Of course I have, jackass.  But I’m more powerful than you now.

I feel my lips curl into the biggest smile I’ve ever smiled before, but then someone else comes up… Really dawg?  Ya killin’ my swag here!  Her pale face glows in the moonlight as her raven locks cascade down her shoulders, standing next to Spike with a stern look on her face.  She folds her arms across her chest as she simply shakes her head in the negative.

Misty:  What have you done now, Mr. Di Luca?

As she stares at me, I feel the powers lessen within myself.  I jump up, but I can barely levitate in the air at the edge of the hole.  I grip onto the edge to try pulling myself out, but another foot comes down on my hands, stomping down so hard that I crash down onto my ass with sand falling down on me.  I shield my eyes to protect them from the sand.  As I squint upward, I see Gabriel standing there next to Spike and Misty.  He has a sinister smile on his face as he reaches into his pocket slowly.  He fumbles around for a second, causing the panic to spread over me.  I feel the cold sweat pouring out of me as my heart pumps a mile a minute.  I look up to see Gabriel holding a deck of card.

Gabriel:  Is this your card?

Me:  What?

Gabriel:  Is this your card?

I squint up to see the joker card in his hand.  Before I can question it, he tosses card after card at me.  Like ninja stars, they slice at my flesh, causing surprisingly deep cuts.  A neon blue liquid pours out of the cuts, glowing as I try to shield myself from them.

Gabriel:  You took something from me, and now I’m going to take something from you… Your life!

I look around to see if anyone will stop this madman, but no one is budging.  Now I’m seeing Vixen, Jessie Salco, Mickey Carroll, Ben Jordan, and Jamie Staggs slowly walking up, one by one, staring down at me with the same look on their faces.  They all shake their heads as the cards continue to fly.  The Fool, The Lover, Death, The Chariot… Drake Green walks up next with that smug smile on his face.  Cocky bastard…  There’s James and Erik!

Me:  Save me!

JHHIII:  You got yourself into this mess, Gi.  You’re just going to have to get yourself out of it.

I look over to Erik, almost in tears now as I can’t stand being forced to look my demons in the face.  He crouches down and extends his hand down to me.  I weakly reach up to grab onto his hand, but he smacks it away with a cackle.  He stands up and pulls a clipboard out of his suit jacket, clearing his throat as he looks down to the paper.

Erik Staggs:  Dearly beloved.  We gather here to celebrate the death of Giani Salvatore Di Luca.  This despicable human being doesn’t deserve the time of day, as he brings nothing but destruction to himself and everyone around him.

Erik pauses in a sense of professionalism as he stares out along the crowd, all staring down at me disgust.  He straightens his arms out for a moment as he looks back down to the paper in front of him.  He clears his throat once more.

Me:  Stop!  Somebody help me!

Erik:  He has, in one way or another, brought pain to each and every one of us in attendance, and countless others with his reckless ways.  He has not yet been forced to reckon with the consequences of his actions.  We must bound together to end him once and for all.  So, without further adieu…

Erik reaches down and picks up a handful of sand.  He comes to the very edge of the hole as I stare up with tears clouding my vision further.  I move my lips, but nothing seems to come out until…


He simply shakes his head as a laugh comes over the crowd like a wave.  He gently tosses the sand onto my head, causing me to sputter frantically as it clings to my cheeks.  I begin clawing at the sides of this hole, trying to find something solid to grab onto as I continue to shout.


The anger masks my fear as I try to get out.  The glow of my blood has stopped now, and I feel nothing but the paranoia, fear, and rage coursing through my body now.  I am too late as the laughing people begin shoveling sand over me.  The more I struggle and tire myself out, the quicker they cover me up.  I can’t seem to stop what is coming, but I won’t stop fighting.  It’s not my style.  I continue to fight as it feels like solid concrete covering me up.  They cackle as they bury me alive.  I open my mouth to protest, but it fills with the white sands.  I can hear my growling muffled as they put the final touch on, blacking everything out.


The camera focuses in on Ms Rocky Mountains, dressed in her usual office attire, a white and black blouse with dress pants.  Her hair is tied back in a bun with a few tussles curled on each side.  She is standing on Turtle Rock Beach with several bystanders still hanging around in shock and awe.  Some point as we see police cars off in the distance.  The sun is beating down on them.

MRM:  This is Ms. Rocky Mountains live from Turtle Rock Beach with a web exclusive.  Reports came in about fifteen minutes ago that an SCW star was spotted passed out on the beach, naked.  We have just learned that this was one half of the SCW Tag team Champions, Giani Di Luca…

A picture of “The Italian Stallion” pops up onto the screen for a moment with his name spelled out in bold white letters before quickly fading back to Rocky.

MRM:  Witnesses said that they saw the star running across the beach with his arms spread out “like an airplane”  before falling down and crying, calling for help.  Reports soon came in that the star was seen brawling with a club patron of Club Zen Trinidad before jumping out of a second story window.  The story only gets more in depth as he got up and ran into traffic.  He jumped onto the hood of a car, stripping his clothing off as he jumped down and ran down the median.

We cut to see a middle aged ebony woman standing by with a shocked expression on her face.  She is speaking, but there is a moment where it doesn’t come through.  Finally, her thick Creole accent comes through.

Woman:  I talkin’ about a naked man runnin’ true da streets, tings was swingin’ and I just didn’t know what ta do.  Part a me wanted to stare cause it was the nicest lookin’ naked man I seen in my twenty seven years of the marriage, but whaddabout the children?  They can’t be seein’ that kind of ting!

We return to Rocky standing by, the sweat of her chest glistening as she stands in the sun.  She nods her head in response to an off screen cue before speaking once again.

MRM:  While this story has more twists than an M. Night Shamylan movie, it is unclear what charges will be brought upon SCW’s resident Party Boy, and whether or not he will be able to make it to High Stakes III right here on Turtle Rock Beach.  What will happen with the SCW Tag Team Championships?  Tune in this Sunday via the website to find out.  Ms Rocky Mountains, signing off…

{Fade to Black}

{I Got My Speakers On Wrecked}

{I Knew You Were Trouble}

”What a pounding headache… I need to lay off the drinkin’ for a bit…”

We fade into a jail cell containing Giani Di Luca.  The walls are a grimy, faded white that now appears gray.  He is sitting on a blue fitness pad posing as a bed, hunched over with his head in his hands.  He is wearing some stained white t-shirt and tattered jeans, likely retrieved from the lost and found.  He slowly shakes it from side to side, trying to get rid of this headache before it turns into a migraine.  He rests his elbows on his knees, almost as if he is trying to wake up from this nightmare.  Hopefully, he peaks his head up a bit to see if he were to finally wake up in his comfortable hotel suite, but alas he is still inside of this five by ten cell.  He stands up from the bed and begins to pace back and forth.  It is unclear if he is doing this to give off the impression of being crazy, or if his six hours inside of here had actually started to make him go crazy.  He pounds on the wall with both fists, letting out a growl before walking over to the glass door.  Leaning down to the small opening, he shouts out.

Giani:  It wasn’t me, I tell ya!

[i}”Ya mean it wasn’t your ghost white ass we saw comin’ true here, boy?”[/i]

Giani scoffs as if it were blasphemous for some fellow prisoner to say such a thing, but he is truly at a loss for words.  A guard comes by with a white and red fast food bag, sliding it through the slot before closing it again.  Giani watches as it drops to the floor.  Like a hungry rat, he picks it up and nearly rips the bag open.  He pulls out a greasy burger, scoffing at it before throwing it against the wall.  He is, for a moment, surprised at how slowly it slides down the wall and his tantrum seems a bit more justified.  He pounds on the glass door once again, staring out across the circle of people who would love for some malfunction in the fuse box controlling only the doors, just so they could ring Giani’s neck.  He furls his brows and turns away from the door.  He looks over to some chicken scratch on the wall, and a devious smile crosses his face.  He begins pacing back and forth, kicking the burger against the wall before stopping to stare at the toilet which was surprisingly sparkling clean.  He leans down and takes a sip from the nearby water fountain before leaning against the wall, trying to summon another super power of getting the fuck outta there somehow.  Much to his amazement, he hears the door click open, and he desperately flings himself around, looking to see Dean, James, or more likely Simpson standing there.  His face drains any color as his upper lip curls into a snarl.

Erik:  What?  You aren’t happy to see me?

Giani storms out of the room, refusing to even look at Erik.  He walks right up to the front desk for his discharge papers, not saying a word to anyone around him.  He signs the papers and then snatches them out of the officer’s hands before heading to the exit.  Erik rolls his eyes as he quickly catches up to Giani.

Erik:  Aren’t you going to thank me for getting you out of there?  You’re such an ungrateful little prick sometimes…

Giani:  Get the fuck away from me, dawg!

Erik:  I will definitely not be doing that.  You see… We had this wonderful match planned to bring some excitement to the Tag Team Championships which nobody gave a shit about before.  You have screwed with it, not once, but twice… TWICE!

Giani stops dead in his tracks, clinching his eyes as if he still had some sort of hope of escaping this nightmare.  His nostrils flare out to the size of saucers as he tries to control his temper, but this is a much more difficult task than it seems to be.  He storms off toward a corner shop causing Erik to chase after him once again.  As he gets inside, he sees Giani slam a lighter down on the counter.  He tosses a wad of bills at the man and snatches the lighter and a pack of cigarettes from the counter, shoulder checking Erik as he exits the store.  He flicks up two cigarettes, putting them both to his lips as he leans against the wall, lighting both of them with his red Bic.  Erik comes out to see this and just raises an eyebrow.

Erik:  Two?  Really?  Not even going to chain smoke them?  Just going to hit them both at the same time?

Giani:  Would you shut ya fuckin’ mouth, dawg?  I’m under a lotta stress right now.

Erik looks at Giani and his expression softens up a bit.  He nods his head, sighing as he takes a deep breath.

Erik:  Yeah… I should have been able to tell.  I mean, you are a champion, and you are actually being forced to defend it after six weeks of not defending it.  I’m sorry if I forgot how stressful that can be when I’m on the edge of insanity right now because you started a media frenzy!  So fuck your stress, Giani!

Erik snatches one of the cigarettes from Giani’s hand and takes a long, hard drag from it.  He gets a sudden look of regret before the nicotine starts to take effect.  He breathes a sigh of relief before looking back to the enraged Giani.

Erik:  People who have never heard of Sin City Wrestling before are getting painted a very bad picture right now, all because of your days on Fuhgeddaboudit.

Giani:  So I just doubled ya fan base by streakin’ across the beach.  You should thank me instead of tryin’ to lecture me like you was my father or somethin’…  I took out one of the sonuvabitches who coulda cared less about bein’ in this match and I replaced him with someone who was dyin’ for the chance to regain one of the tag belts.  I ain’t done nothin’ that wasn’t best for business.

Erik tries to argue his point, but somehow it seemed like talking to a brick wall, so he just shakes his head, taking another drag from the cigarette.  Giani rolls his eyes at Erik’s frantic display.

Erik:  You haven’t done anything that wasn’t best for you.  So tell me, how much fun did you have with the drugs?  Was it worth getting suspended for?

A sinister look comes over Giani’s face as he looks right into Erik’s eyes.  He places an arm over Erik’s shoulder, leaning in close to his face to emphasize his point further.  He tilts his head to the side as he speaks.

Giani:  When ya test me tomorrow, I’m gonna piss clean.

Erik:  How about when we do a cheek swab in twenty minutes, we’ll see how that turn out before talking about your immediate future with Sin City Wrestling?

Giani:  How about we see how hard I can repeatedly punch ya in ya rat fink face before ya eyes turn to jelly?  If I’m gonna be suspended after bein’ so loyal to you, I’m gonna make it worth my time.  Capiche?

Erik laughs, causing Giani to grip onto his shirt collar, lifting up a bit.  His eyes widen as he looks into Erik’s intrigued eyes.  Erik almost begs him to hit him, and Giani’s fist clinches at his side, ready to deliver.

Giani:  What’s so funny, dawg?

Erik:  I’m just thinking about how much of an ungrateful brat you are being, and how little you seem to care about your future.  You can’t expect partial treatment when no one even likes me, and I am your only lifeline in this company.  You saw how that worked out for Amy Marshall a few months back.  She mentioned cocaine on Twitter and they hauled her ass in within the hour.  You had SCW cameras rented out, so the drug test is more of a formality…

Giani lets go of Erik’s shirt collar and tosses his cigarette butt down to the ground.  He pulls out another cigarette and lights it as he paces back and forth in front of Erik.  A wide range of emotions run across his face as his lips move slightly.  He looks over to Erik, finally allowing his true feelings to shine through as the look of betrayal in the form of confusion and hurt are etched over his features.

Giani:  I fought for you.  I put everythin’ on the line for ya cause, Erik.  The reason I’m in this mess rests on ya shoulders, Staggs…  If you didn’t come at me for like a month, puttin’ ya little half-baked ideas into my head, I woulda been in line to take over Spike’s throne cause I was the only man in that group that could amount to shit.  I would be defendin’ the Heavyweight title against Drake Green instead of defending those worthless pieces of shit I got right now against a retard and a bi-polar piece of shit who deserves a shit belt.

Giani takes a few steps closer, the hurt shining through in his voice even more as he raises the volume a bit.  He threatens to go into a rage, but he keeps it in check for a moment longer as he continues his point.

Giani:  People would still like me if you wasn’t playin’ the devil on my shoulder, talkin’ shit about how you could take me to the top where I deserved to be, then stickin’ me with the tag titles for that raging dick, Kevin Carter, to go after the Heavyweight title.  And it is because of you that I ever even got involved with Misty.  So you might as well have put me in that bar last night and dropped the date rape drug into my drink and pressed a joint to my lips.  That bitch did it to me cause everyone hates me, and it’s all your fault!  My one and only fault is that I ever gave ya the time of day, Erik!  So why don’t ya go and fuck ya’self?  I’m done with you, and if you want me gone, then it just shows how much of a rat ya really are…

Giani turns away, refusing to even look at Erik anymore.  He walks off, shaking his head in dismay as he looks straight ahead of him the entire time.  Erik tries to come after him, so he cuts across the busy street in between cars, causing Erik to stop at the edge of the sidewalk.  He waves Giani off as he pulls his phone out of the pocket of his jacket.  He dials it up and puts it to his ear, waiting for a few seconds before speaking.

Erik:  Christian?  Yes, it’s Erik… I just wanted to let you know that I didn’t get the chance to speak with Giani after bailing him out.  I will try to track him down in the morning for that drug screening… Alright, I see.  We will nail that little bastard this time, I promise…

Erik hangs up the phone, seeming conflicted about the half truth he’d just told, slowly sliding the phone back into his pocket as we see Giani off in the distance.  We fade out.

{I Got My Speakers On Wrecked}

{Cut Scene}

We come focus in on the green screen to see the beautiful island of Trinidad with the High Stakes III logo in the middle of this spacious view.  Giani’s usual director’s chair is seen in the middle of the space with a chilled bottle of Smart Water resting on the arm.  Within moments, Giani comes strolling into the room.  However, something seems slightly different about him.  His hair?  No, that’s perfect like always.  His clothes?  Nah, they are mint with a black and silver tattoo printed shirt and a pair of studded, form fitting jeans, and the fresh white sneakers and the large iced out cross banging against his chest completing the look.  There is something in his eyes.  That usual cocky glare has been replaced by an absent, confused look.  His cocky smirk doesn’t seem to be enough of a disguise, as this innocent look in his eyes conquers all of it.  He sits down in the chair, kicking his feet up in an attempt to appear his usual arrogant self.

Giani:  Well, well, well… Looks like we got ourselves an excitin’ night ahead of us, don’t we?  Of course it is, cause I’m booked!  Hahaha…  Kevin Carter Vs. Drake Green?  Borrrrrring!  Roxi Johnson Vs Gothika?  Snore!  Max Burke Vs Steve Ramone, Roxanne Vs Amy Marshall vs Necra, Kain Vs Goth…. Are ya fuckin’ kiddin’ me?  THIS is a supercard because, and only cause, I’m on it.  James is greatness in trainin’, Rage has been missin’ for like ever, so nobody cares about him, and Despayre is too retarded to even realize what’s goin’ on.  Rage and Despayre don’t even deserve to share the ring with me and my protégé…

Giani stops to adjust himself awkwardly in his chair.  He takes a drink from his Smart Water, sighing for dramatic effect to sell his sponsor’s product.  He places it, logo facing the camera, on the arm of his chair.

Giani:  You two got a problem with me cause me and James took out ya boy?  Ya friend?  Ya “family”?  I hope ya bring everything ya got to the ring, cause I don’t wanna hear no excuses about how I caught ya off ya game.  I wanna take ya out at ya best so everyone can see that what I been sayin’ all along is true.  The Seven Deadly Sins ain’t nothin’ but a joke.  A parody of itself.  The greatest thing about ya is that your manager is Synn, who is too old to do shit anymore, so he parades a bunch of losers around as his “family”.

Giani looks deep into the camera, something seems to be missing in his voice as he speaks.  There is only a half-assed sense of sincerity as he seems more bored than anything.  He blinks as he pauses to gather his thoughts once again.

Giani:  Your group is nothing but a bunch of even more lame versions of Jamie Staggs.  Why people even pay attention to your asses is beyond me.  At least Jamie was crude.  Despy-poo?  You’re the worst of all.  You and a dumbass teddy bear run around on RC cars and cracking jokes that would make a kindergartener facepalm and groan.  I would love to see you snap, just so that I know that you ain’t totally full of shit like the rest of ya group who pretend to adore you.  Each and every one of them, includin’ ya tag team partner are secretly wishin’ you would get shoved back into that Canadian Hell Hole you knew as home ya whole life.  The bored looks in their eyes…  You know what?  I can’t do this?

Giani closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.  He stays there for about thirty seconds, gathering himself once again.  The cocky smile fades completely from his face as he leans forward.  He rests his elbows on his knees, and his hands on his cheeks, rubbing at the back of his neck before looking back up into the camera.

Giani:  All I wanted was for people to respect me.  From day one when I stepped foot into BACW, I wanted respect.  Nobody there respected me, even though I killed every single person they put in front of me.  All the “psychos” and the “loners” and the “punk/goth/emo/what-the-fuck-ever”’s that wanted to call me a Jersey Shore knock off with their own uniformed gimmicks, they fell down to my feet, one after another…  Yet I got no respect.  I came to SCW and joined up with the New X-Tremes.  I got no respect there.  I met every expectation thrown in front of me since I left the New X-Tremes, and even exceeded a few, but no one respects me, even with a belt, because it’s not good enough.

Giani sets his hands on his knees as he straightens up his posture.  He cracks his neck as he looks directly into the camera, allowing a moment for the viewers to really take in the sincerity of his inquiries.

Giani:  I prove myself time and time again, but nobody respects me.  I took someone who knew maybe two wrestling moves, and I turned him into a wrestler… a real wrestler.  We took out an icon in SCW because he lost his way and stopped caring about anything but a bitch.  Instead of finally admitting that I’m capable of anything, you still don’t respect me.  I’m startin’ to realize that respect is overrated, and I need to do what is best for me.  If you choose to respect people who are more concerned with the voices comin’ from a teddy bear, or tryin’ to cover up the rape job done on them by their manager as an initiation to the Seven Deadly Sins, then go ahead and respect them.  But don’t expect me to clap and cheer for these losers.  I’m gonna bring it Sunday, even if I am the only one.  But every suplex I dish out, every jab, lock, or grapple I do will probably get overlooked for a grown ass man waving around his teddy bear best friend, but it don’t matter to me no more… So, Rage?  Despayre?  If you’re still raw about what I did to your buddy, drop the elementary school pranks and antics, and bring real wrestlin’ to that ring, cause it’s the only way ya gonna stand a chance at gettin’ revenge for Gabriel… See ya Sunday, kiddos…

With that, Giani gets up from his chair, snatching his bottle of Smart Water up to take one last drink.  He sets it back down as he walks away, allowing the logo to be on the screen as we slowly fade out to a blur of static.

{I got my speakers on WRECKED!}



Offline Despayre

  • Beware the stare
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    • Despayre
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2013, 05:05:11 PM »

"He doesn't look so good."

Despayre's soft voice broke up the tense fog of silence that permeated within the small hospital room. He stood back against the far wall, near the window of the third floor so as to create for himself an illusion of security against the stifling enclosure of this room. It was a small hospital room, modest with just the one bed in it for the lone patient. It was that very patient that Despayre was referring to as he slept restlessly, his body and mind under the influences of the prescribed pain medication.


The young magician had been attacked brutally by the tandem of Giani Di Luca and his tag tam partner, James Huntington-Hawkes III, in a misguided plan to have their match against Sinful Obsession canceled or delayed, and thereby protect their cherished Tag Team Championship. Two steel chairs to the head in a conchairto maneuver started it, and it only went downhill from there with a follow up attack utilizing the chairs, and then a DDT onto the hard floor.

Now he was laying there in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, unconscious from the blessed effects of whatever drugs the doctors had put him on to help fight the surely agonizing pain he was experiencing. His head was bandaged, and his face a mass of bruises, discolored in shades of purple and blue. His neck, which had been compromised thanks to that double DDT, was secure in a brace.

"He doesn't look so good."

"I know, Joshua." Synn spoke quietly so as not to disturb the patient who was both a friend and like a second son to him.

He stood to Despayre's immediate right with a confidant and strong hand on the young twenty year old's slim shoulder to give him the illusion of security. Despayre had a crippling fear of hospitals, due to the traumatic past he experienced inside of the Broodmoore mental hospital for years on end. Setting foot inside of a regular hospital, even a simple doctor's office, threatened to unearth dormant memories that could unearth any number of reactions, possibly even violent ones as they all witnessed at least once. It was a testament to Despayre's love an adoration for his 'big brother' that he found himself inside of the Queen Elizabeth facility, struggling through whatever personal demons he had inside of his enigmatic mind, in order to be there for the man in the bed.

Synn continued, leaning down so as to whisper gently towards his son, "The examinations and treatments took quite a lot out of him, as did the pain medications."

"Is he hurt bad?" Despayre whispered, his soft, gray eyes never leaving the sleeping form.

"I believe so, Joshua." There was no sense lying to the boy, or trying to fudge the truth in order to protect him and his feelings. He had eyes, and despite his mental trauma and deficiencies, he was not by any means dumb. Synn heard the sniffle from him, evidence that Despayre was struggling through his emotions and not doing a very good job of it. The only other sign of his rising agitation and the battle he was holding within himself was how tightly he was holding onto the teddy bear in his arms.

Despayre lifted Angel up just slightly so that he could nuzzle the soft plush fuzz of the teddy bear's scalp with his own nose and he closed his eyes for a brief moment.

"The doctors are still running tests." Synn made sure to state, so as to give Despayre an outlet. "We won't know anything definite until they finish and get back the results."

Another sniffle, and Despayre nodded.

The door to the hospital room then opened quietly and one of the nurses walked in, carrying a tray in her hands. No words were spoken, at least not yet, and she went about her business. She set the tray on the bedside stand on the left of the bed and she proceeded to begin an V drip, inserting the medication into the IV bag attached to the stand.

"If you don't mind my asking," Synn spoke up in a quiet voice but the tone spoke of a man that did not care if she did mind. "What exactly is that for?"

"Oh it's just something to help him relax and get the rest he needs to recover." The nurse answered amiably before she gently lifted Gabriel's wrist and went about checking his vitals.

Both men's eyes fell to Gabriel's form in the bed, and Despayre raised an eyebrow and looked up at his father and whispered, "How much more relaxed can he get? He's asleep!"

Synn looked down and held a forefinger to his lips in a silent gesture but he gifted the boy with a wink to let him know that he otherwise agreed with him. Neither saw the look the nurse 'shot' toward them, and if they did, both chose to ignore it. The nurse simply collected the remnants of the IV and picked up the tray before making her exit.

"Where'd Rage go?" Despayre asked from out of nowhere. "Did he go back to the hotel with Shane and Fantasia?"

Synn answered with a smile, "No, he wanted to get something to eat. Or in his own words, something 'edible' to eat." He gave Despayre a playful embrace around the shoulder and went on, "I imagine he doesn't' appreciate cafeteria food."

"What's wrong with cafeteria food?" Despayre asked in open wonderment. "I understand this hospital's cafeteria makes a mean grilled cheese!"

"And where did you hear that?"

"Overheard it from two of the nursing students in the hall."

Synn then asked, "Shall I take that as a hint that you're hungry?"

"A little." Despayre answered. He shrugged in indifference and held his forefinger and thumb together. "Not much, but a little."

"Could that be because you stole Gabriel's cookies?"

"I was doing him a favor!" Despayre reasoned quietly but with no less ferocity. "I mean, it's not like he could eat them in his condition!"

Synn asked, "If he couldn't, then why did the nurse bring them in for his meal?"

"Oh what do they know?" Despayre huffed. "Angel said no cookies until Gabriel's better!"


"Uh huh." Despayre nodded. "Withholding goodies will speed up the healing process."

"I'll have to remember that the next time you catch a cold." Synn mused, and Despayre's head whipped up to look at his dad through wide eyes.

"I mean it speeds up other people's healing!" He shook his head. "Not mine!"

"Ah, I see." Synn nodded and he slid his arm around Despayre's shoulder and steered him toward the door. "Come on."

"Where are we going?"

"To the cafeteria." Synn answered. "To see if what they say about their grilled cheese is true."

Despayre put on the brakes and went no further and he asked, "But what if Gabriel wakes up and we're not there? He might want a drink of water or a sponge bath from that one nurse or..."

"He'll be fine, Joshua." Synn insisted. "We won't be long. You need to eat and plus, I want to have a little chat with you. Just you and I."

"Oh?" Despayre narrowed his eyes. "Whatever it is, I didn't do'd it."

"Didn't do what?"

"Whatever it is that I did that I don' want you to know about." Despayre answered. "That's what I didn't do."

"I see." Synn nodded. "Then I suppose I'll settle for another topic of conversation. Now let's go."

"Hold on." Despayre turned and hurried back into Gabriel's room. Once at the bedside, Despayre placed Angel right at Gabriel's shoulder. He snuggled the teddy bear up against the pillows just right, then hurried back out of the room.

"There!" He proclaimed. "If Gabriel wakes up, Angel can take care of him!"

"Good enough." Synn said as he steered his son down the hall.

"Well, James, I guess yo really stepped into the proverbial ;pile this time, didn't you? You know, I've kept a close eye on you ever since you first set foot into Sin City Wrestling, and you know what I discovered? your actions have always been impulsive. Some might even call them reckless and foolhardy. I'd prefer to think of them as flat out stupid."

"I am willing to bet that you aren't even the one behind this little spectacle, attacking Gabriel the way you and Giani did. Perhaps it was Giani himself, maybe Simpson somehow put the thought into your head, but you? You've always been brash and blind to the world around you, but even someone as blind as yourself could not have seen what this end result would be."

"How did you think this was going to play out, if I might ask? Did you truly think Christian and Mark would simply cancel a championship match on one of their biggest tours of the year? Did you think that they wouldn't see a golden opportunity, if you'll pardon the pun, when it stared them right in the eyes? You took out one Sin member, thinking yourself safe, yet forgot there were more waiting in the wings. You forgot a man who's name is the personification of rage itself. And more importantly, you forgot the fact Gabriel has a best friend, a little brother if you will, who would go to the ends of the world to get even with anyone who hurt him."

"Hurt Gabriel you did, James, and now you are about to discover just how ominous the threats are at world's end. I only wish you were capable of comprehending the ramifications of what you have done. Of realizing just what you have unleashed on the part of Despayre."</color>

"Thank you." Synn said to the cafeteria worker as she handed him his coffee and he turned around to walk toward the table he had left his son at.

Despayre was currently engaging the aforementioned grilled cheese sandwich in an epic battle. He pulled a piece off and blinked in awe as the cheese seemed to stretch endlessly as he held it at arm's length and stared in wonder. He leaned over as far as he dared without falling from his chair and opened his mouth to try and catch the cheese when it ultimately broke and fell down to the floor.

"Aww!" He cried in dismay. "I thought I had it that time!"

"Problems?" Synn asked rather nonchalantly as he pulled out a chair and had a seat across from Despayre who threw the broken piece of the sandwich back onto the plate and glared at it.

"I think that thing's alive!" Despayre declared and he swiftly brought his fist down onto it in a sledgehammer blow. The impact rattled the plate and caused the few others who were making use of the cafeteria to turn their way and stare briefly. One look from Synn caused them to forget their interest and promptly turn away from any spectacle that his son might have been creating unintentionally.

"There!" Despayre nodded with satisfaction. "That should do it."


Despayre picked the broken piece off again and sighed as he started to eat. "Still wish they had tomato soup."

"Joshua..." Synn again tried to get his boy's attention and to focus on him.

"You can't eat grilled cheese without tomato soup!" Despayre looked at him and nodded with confirmation. "I mean, trying is like..."

"Joshua." Synn reached over and tapped him on the shoulder, breaking his concentration from the oddball topic that seemed to have captured his full attention.

"I was talking!"

"Yes," Synn nodded. "And I'm interrupting. I told you that I wanted to talk with you about something."

"And we were."

"Not about grilled cheese." Synn stated. "About something else. Something important."

"Uh oh." Despayre swallowed a piece of his meal whole. "What did Angel do?"

"Nothing." Synn smiled at his son's sense of innocence. There was little harm in playing along. "At least, not yet. I needed to talk to you about your match in Trinidad."

Despayre all but forgot his sandwich and he practically beamed in pride as he said, "Gabriel and I are going to win the tag titles again, huh?"

"Yes," Synn started to answer. "And no."

Despayre blinked and tilted his head to the side, not understanding. "Que?"

"I spoke with Gabriel's doctor, Joshua." Synn started to explain. He knew this was going to be delicate and he had to break the news to him as gently as possible. He went on, "When you were reading that book you found in the children's ward to Gabriel."

Synn stretched his hand out across the table and rested it on Despayre's forearm.

"Joshua, Gabriel is not going to be well enough to make it for the match."

Despayre did not respond, not at first. He watched his father like a hawk, waiting for the inevitable punchline, but not seeing one, he decided to improvise one for himself. He smiled and waved his free hand at Synn and said, "You're so silly! Of course he will! Gabriel knows how much this match means to Angel!"

"I know. And he would compete if he could." Synn shook his head. "But he can't."

This time there was no smile on Despayre's face as he stared at Synn. He took a deep breath and could only ask, "What do you mean?"

Synn shook his head and realized the best way to explain this, the only way, was to just come clean and be open. He said, "Gabriel has a bad concussion, Joshua. He's very lucky that's all that resulted from those steel chair shots. It could have been worse. much, much worse."

"I know." Despayre said meekly, hiding his hands in his lap as he was prone to do when he felt tense. "But why can't he wrestle with me?"

"The problem is his neck." Synn said. "The doctors said when James and Giani DDTed him into the floor, they compressed a vertebrae in his spinal column. It's not as bad as it could have been, but it's still quite painful and if he doesn't take the time off to heal, it could end up doing him quite a bit of harm. The doctor told me already that he won't release Gabriel to compete for the show."

"Oh." Despayre looked down and without glancing back up, he shrugged his slim shoulders. "So we have to postpone until he gets better?"

This was where Synn knew things would get sticky. If there was any one thing that his son was, it was fiercely loyal. To him, their friends, but especially to being Gabriel's tag team partner. Only one time was Despayre ever pressed into pairing with another male wrestler, way back in the Asylum Wrestling Alliance, and the end result was disastrous to say the least.

Synn answered, "No, Joshua. I spoke with Mark and Christian, and as its a championship match, it has to go on as scheduled."

"But it can't!" Despayre protested. "Not if Gabriel's hurt! He can't wrestle and I can't do it by my lonesome!"

"And you won't have to." Synn said. "They found you someone else to team with to wrestle James and..."

"No." Despayre said with a startling amount of finality. Synn extended his hand to again take his forearm but Despayre pulled away and shook his head. "No! Gabriel is my partner!"

"I know, but..."

"I don't want to be in that match if I can't team with Gabriel!"

"Joshua." Synn said and looked about at the stares being drawn toward them before looking back at his son. "Keep your voice down. We are in a hospital, after all."

Despayre looked around and for the first time, noticed that the select few people, visitors and hospital staff on break, were watching with unabashed curiosity. He opted to respond in his own, mature way: by sticking his tongue out at the onlookers.

"Joshua!" Synn hissed, trying to calm the storm before it could be unleashed. "That is not being very nice!"

Despayre slowly turned to look at his dad with wide eyes and he said quite candidly, "For someone named Synn, you're being awfully concerned about someone being 'nice'!"

Synn almost had taken a drink of his coffee when he stopped, the Styrofoam cup almost having reached his lips but his eyes were locked on the young man seated directly across from him. He was surprised. Caught well off guard as that was perhaps the first time that Synn could ever recall that Despayre had sassed him in any way, shape or form. He was such a gentle soul that it seemed almost unthinkable for him to do or say anything that would be considered remotely disrespectful. This was truly a first, and Synn was unsure how he should feel -- or react.

Despayre sat back heavily into his chair and folded his arms defiantly across his chest, his food all but forgotten.

"So who do they want me to team with that's so important?"

"There you are!"

The bellowing voice caused even more heads to turn to see where it had originated from and the stares became much more prominent at the sight of the rather large and imposing figure of Rage stalking through the cafeteria, holding in his hand a large, brown sack with the McDonalds emblem printed on it.

Rage said, "I went up to Gabe's room to bring you guys something to eat and they told me you guys came down..." rage stopped his rant mid-sentence, looking back and forth between Synn and a defiant Despayre. Just because he was large and frightening, it didn't detract from his natural instincts and intellect and Rage asked, "What's going on?"

Synn didn't answer at first. He didn't need to. Like his Sin of Wrath counterpart, Despayre too was vastly underestimated when it came to brains. True, he had the mental capacity of a toddler, but he was still quit sharp when it mattered. He looked at Synn who shared a brief visual exchange with Rage, and then looked at the big man himself. Something in Despayre's eyes flashed heavily and he stood up immediately and before either rage or Synn could react, Despayre kicked Rage right in the shin as hard as he could!

"SON OF A...!" rage roared and everyone watching from the relative safety of their tables flinched as Despayre took off!

"Joshua!" Synn called after him but the boy didn't answer or turn back.

Rage gritted his teeth, bent at the waist and holding his throbbing shin tenderly with his hand. He glanced up at Synn and snarled, "I take it you told him!?"

"Yes, I told him." Synn nodded. "He took it better than I expected.

To that statement, Rage could only look at Synn in wonder and annoyance.</color>

"Now Giani, I hope you don't think I forgot about you and your role in all of this. As I said, I suspect you had a hand in crafting this little attempt to protect your tag title reign, and well you should have. The conclusion of any match you might have against Sinful Obsession was but preordained. Everyone knew well that in Trinidad, Despayre and Gabriel were about to become two-time Tag Team Champions. You cost them that prestige, and now, Despayre is about to cost you much more than a mere title reign, and he's got quite the backup in order to do just that."

"You should pick your friends more carefully, Giani, because once James is out of the picture, then it's just you against the world, and right now the world is looking quite bleak for Young Money and the gold they hold around their collective waists."

"Where were you before you were most fortunate to be paired with the so-called Brat Prince of Sin City Wrestling? You were so highly touted to being one of the future superstars of this company, and right here you are, saddled down with someone like James Huntington-Hawkes for a partner, and dare I suggest, friend? That was your mistake to make, and ever since then, you've been making one right after the other. It culminates soon, Giani Di Luca, when you're forced to answer for your crimes against Gabriel."

"Whether you were behind the crafting of this deed or not, the end result is still going to be the same. You played a role, and now your body, much like your championship streak, will be broken."</color>

Much to their surprise, Despayre had not returned to Gabriel's room as they had expected. When they arrived and found that he was not there, admittedly all feeling left Synn and he felt as if his stomach had plummeted to the bottom of his feet. Where could his son be, and what could he be doing? He knew that his mental health was in a perpetually fragile state, and nobody knew when or if he might lose his self control. Inside of a hospital, the potential harm to be caused was seemingly endless, and Synn knew the boy had to be located as soon as possible. Given his fear of facilities such as this, it was simply too dangerous of a situation for him to be left alone, frightened and annoyed as he was.

The only level of security he felt was the knowledge that he had to be somewhere in the hospital, waiting or hiding. He would never leave these walls, as both Gabriel and Angel were still within. So the logic was that he had to be somewhere close. So with a discreet word to the head nurse on Gabriel's floor to alert him should Despayre return while they were searching, Synn and Rage went off on the proverbial hunt.

Surprisingly, it was Rage who discovered where the little guy had run off to. Somehow, Rage had it in his head an idle thought of how Despayre liked to drown his sorrows, and where he had the best chance at doing just that.

Rage opened the door to the rec room of the children's ward of the hospital and smirked in satisfaction. Seated there on the floor with four children in their hospital pajamas, was Despayre. His eyes, like the children's, firmly glued to the television screen and the episode of Tiny Toons Adventures that was playing on DVD. A quick text to his father, and soon enough Synn walked in and joined Rage at his side, watching.

Synn went to make a move to interrupt his son's television viewing, but again Rage showed surprising sympathy and he reached out and grabbed Synn's arm, keeping him still. Rage shook his head in the negative and held up a forefinger to stall his mentor and manager.

They waited patiently until the credits started to roll. Before another episode came on, Despayre pushed himself up to his feet and turned around. he showed to reaction to Rage and Synn standing right there. Instead, he simply brushed past them and said matter-of-factly, "I'm not teaming with you!" And left the children's ward.

Rage and Synn shared a look and turned to hurry off after him before they had to hunt him down a second time.

They found him seated in the waiting area of that very floor, huddled in a corner far away from any other visitors or patients. He huddled back into a cushioned chair, and looked positively miserable as the two men approached. They each took a seat near him, but not so close so as to risk suffocating or agitating him.

"Why don't you want to team with me?" Rage asked.

Despayre had his knees drawn up against his chest and his arms wrapped around his legs. he glanced up and stared coldly at rage and said, "Because you're not my partner. Gabriel is!"

"Joshua," Synn started too say. "I told you already. Gabriel..."

"Can't wrestle!" Despayre interrupted hotly. "I know! I just don't get why they're making the match go on and why they're making me team with him!"

"Hey! I'm sitting right here!" Rage said with his brow narrowed.

"Well there's a solution to that, isn't there?" Despayre questioned and Rage could not have reacted more surprised had he been struck physically. This was completely unlike any way Despayre had acted in the past. Gabriel's injury and his status in the sport was really affecting him.

"Joshua." Synn said quietly, but with firm authority behind his voice. "We are going to discuss this, but this new attitude of yours is going to stop. Now."

"Or what?" Despayre frowned. "You going to spank me?"

"Hardly." Synn said and in answer, he reached into his jacket pocket and took out his cell phone.

"I don't think you're supposed to..." Rage started to say but Synn held up his hand, cutting off his protest.

Synn proceeded to dial  and then turned the phone around to show it to his son, having purposely left off a single digit in the long distance number.

"Do you recognize this number?" Synn asked.

"Sure!" Despayre answered. "It's mom*GASPS!"

Despayre leaned back in his chair with wide eyes and mouth wide open, pointing at the phone and the ramifications.

"You wouldn't!" He cried. "You'd tattle on me!?"

Synn just stared at Despayre without saying anything, and Rage watched back and forth between them as if he were witnessing the most fascinating of spectator sports. The end result of this little show down was a foregone conclusion as Despayre snapped his fingers and flinched.

"Oo! Well played!"

Back up  in Gabriel's room in the hospital, Rage and Synn watched quietly as Despayre walked back out of the bathroom with a fresh pitcher of water and set it down carefully on the bed stand beside the still sleeping Gabriel. Despayre then fixed the blankets that had been upturned slightly and he sighed softly before returning to his father's side, his eyes never straying from the sleeping form of his best friend and 'big brother'.

Synn placed his hand on Despayre's shoulder from behind and leaned down to whisper in his ear, "I do not mean to manipulate Joshua, and I apologize if it sounds as if that is what I am trying to do, but you asked me once why you should team with Rage for this match."

Despayre could only nod.

"There's your answer." Synn let go of his shoulder and pointed past him and to Gabriel. "Don't do this for me, or for SCW. Don't even do it for Rage. Do it for Gabriel."

Rage folded his arms over his chest and leaned over to Despayre who glanced up at the bigger man. Rage locked eyes with him and said, "I know you don't want this Despy..." He shook his head. "But we can't let Giani and James get away with what they did."

Despayre sniffed back what he felt could be a fresh break in his emotional wall and turned back to look at Gabriel. he shook his head and said quietly, "No. We can't."

Synn nodded, a slight smile on his face. An obstacle overcome. He patted Despayre on the shoulder and said, "Visiting hours are about over Joshua. Go grab Angel and we'll head back to the hotel until the morning."

"`Kay." Despayre whispered and he walked over to the bedside and picked Angel up. he turned to walk back to Synn and Rage when he paused. He looked back at Gabriel and a tear slid down his pale cheek and he returned to the bedside where he proceeded to pick up the corner of Gabriel's blanket and he tucked Angel snugly down into it.

Without another word, Despayre returned to the door frame of the room, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.

"Despy...?" Rage questioned, but before he could say any more, Despayre reasoned...

"Gabriel needs protecting." Despayre looked to the two men with misty eyes. "Hospitals have creepy crawlies under their beds too, you know."

It was perhaps the truest testament to the love and loyalty that Despayre had for Gabriel; to be leaving his most beloved friend and emotional security with him for 'protection'. Rage put a hand on Despayre's back and escorted him from the room. Synn took one last look at the sleeping Gabriel and shut the light off before closing the door behind him.

the soft light over the head of the bed gently illuminating the teddy bear tucked into the covers at Gabriel's chest.</color>

"I hope you don't mind something a little bit different, but I asked my dad if he'd let me do this instead of him."

"No. This isn't Synn. And it's not Angel, either, although truth be told he's not happy with me for doing this without him. No, this is me... Despayre. My friends call me Despy. My family calls me Joshua. Giani and James? You two can call me the kid who's about to go and tear you both apart for HURTING MY BEST FREND!!!"

"I don't care about winning the Tag team titles. I really don't! Because if I can't win them with Gabriel, then it's just not the same! But guess what? I'm going to win them! I'm going to win them with Rage, and the only reason I' doing this is just to hurt your pride as much as you hurt Gabriel's body! No, I tell a lie. I'm going to hurt you two even more! having the titles taken away from you is just going to be the salt rubbed into the wounds I want to open up on you two!"

"Giani thinks he can handle me just because he's bigger than I am, but guess what? he's wrong! Uh huh! Before he won these titles, what was he doing? Oh that's right. He was losing a match to his own partner, the same brat who Angel pinned! What do you think that says about Giani's chances of staying on top of anything that doesn't revolve around his partner's heiney?"

(For the record, Angel suggested I say that and I still don't get it! Anyway....)

"I'm going to hurt you Giani. So you're bigger than me, so what? I've wrestled guys bigger than you and guess what? they didn't win. I did! And I'm gonna win again! Uh huh! Nobody does to my best friend Gabriel what you two did and gets away with it!"

"And the same goes for that little Miley Cyrus wanabe, James Whateverhisnameis! I thought I liked you but I don't. Not anymore! You're just dang lucky I finished all those Skittles and Cherry Coke you sent me or else I'd have returned them with the most scathing letter you ever read! Anybody who's ever watched your matches with Giani knows he's the reason why you're doing anything right now. So it really won't matter which of you I beat. When you lose, and you will, you're going to see I was telling the truth. Without Giani, you have as much chance of winning as you have at winning a Justin Bieber look-a-like contest! So there!"



"Was I too harsh?"</color>

"A teddy bear does not depend upon mechanics to give him the semblance of life. He is loved - and therefore he lives."