Author Topic: {In My Head Pt IV}  (Read 371 times)

Offline Giani Di Luca

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{In My Head Pt IV}
« on: May 24, 2013, 02:54:04 PM »
 OOC: Please count this for the Main Event Battle Royal

{I Got My Speakers On Wrecked}

{Cut Scene}

We focus on an empty black canvas director’s chair in the center of the green room.  There is a large screen against the back wall with a picture of the Vegas skyline and a large SCW logo in the center.  On the arm of the chair is a bottle of Smart Water glistening with condensation.  Not long after we soak in our surroundings, Giani Di Luca swaggers onto the set wearing a white t-shirt with a big studded crown behind the picture of a stallion.  He is wearing a pair of dark blue jeans that are form fitting with tattoo design stitched on the outside in silver.  Of course, you can’t forget the ice on his wrist and the flashy diamond cross dangling from his neck, and his fresh white sneakers.  He sits down in the seat and kicks his feet up onto his other knee.  Before he even acknowledges the camera, he looks over to see Dean Lombardo walking in.  He is wearing a fine charcoal grey Italian suit with a deep red shirt underneath it.  He crosses his arms over his chest and stays only half way in the shot, looking at the camera through his dark sunglasses.  Giani looks back to the camera and holds his arms out at his side with a huge smile on his face

Giani:  Well, well, well… Look at what we got here!  It seems like Mr. Erik Staggs has wrapped up a nice little gift and laid it down at my feet.  He went on to book me in a match that might actually do my career some good.  He put me up against Thatcher Rex, even though it is only gonna be a mid card fight.

Dean leans down and whispers into Giani’s ear before stepping back to his stone-like stature.  Giani looks back at him for a second, seeming to be surprised at what Dean has said.  He chuckles out loud before turning back to the camera.

Giani:  Ey yo, Dino here thinks I’m givin’ T-Rex some props.  That’s so freakin’ funny.  That dude thinks he’s hot shit around here, but all he ever really did in SCW was get lucky one time against James Huntington-Hawkes the third.  Then, the guy who likes to talk about refs makin’ bad calls got nothin’ to say about how he cheated “Primetime” Matthew Kennedy outta the Roulette Title.  Listen up dawg… I’m comin’ for ya for real come Climax Control.  It’s on bro…

{End Cut Scene}

{I Got My Speakers On Wrecked}

{In My Head (Part IV)

The last few weeks have been quite relaxing.  Other than some promo work for King of the Deathmatch and Lord of the Rings, Giani Di Luca and the Queen of the Damned, Misty, have been fighting an inevitable war of passion.  The two are polar opposites, but just like magnets, they find themselves drawn to each other.  The war continues as Giani tears up the dance floor in an attempt to attract his usual type in Jersey Shore.  The red lights flash over him as alarms go off all around him.  He begins swaying his hips around with in succession with the spinning lights.  The crowd goes crazy as he comes to a sudden stand still.  His eyes scan the crowd slowly before he crosses his arms over his stomach.  He reaches down and slowly pulls his shirt off, showing his well oiled six pack.  He stops with the shirt just above his abdomen and begins gyrating slowly, letting his muscles ripple.  The ladies in the crowd go crazy as they close in a little bit.  That is when Dean makes his presence known, standing close enough to Giani to hold half of the crowd back.  He turns around, warning the rest of the crowd with a leather slap jack in his hand.  Giani grins before pulling his shirt above his head.  He pauses, again, giving the crowd a perfect Adonis-like pose before ripping his shirt off the rest of the way.  He turns around while spinning the shirt with his left hand while sliding his right hand down his glistening chest and stomach.  He pauses at the crown shaped belt buckle, promising the best show of these ladies’ lives, only to rip their hearts out by waving them off.  He holds his arms out to his side, waving the crowds in, shouting out above the music as much as he can.

Giani:  Come at me bro!  You can’t touch this swag!

He wraps the shirt around his neck like a towel as he begins moving once again to the beat of the house music.  He works his way ever so slowly across the dance floor.  Somehow, his ultimate goal was an epic failure.  He couldn’t seem to shake the pale beauty from his mind.  He works his way off of the floor, spotting the Queen sitting at a corner table.  She seems bored conversing with some typical juicehead trying to hit up on her.  With every little compliment he gives her, she rolls her eyes and sighs, looking over to Giani for some sort of help.  Giani has fun watching her attempts at fending off this “goth” variety of juicehead who basically looks like a ripped version of Edward Cullen.  Giani isn’t sure, but he might even be paler than Misty herself.  The music covers up Giani’s infamous obnoxious laughter as he just shakes his head.  Giani points over toward the bathroom with a big smile spread over his face.  She holds her hands out as if to say “What the hell?”  As Giani walks through the crowds toward the bathroom, Dean follows him.  Giani opens up the door and enters along with Dean.  Giani quickly turns around and just stares with a blank expression.

Giani:  Uhhh… What the hell are ya doin’?  I don’t need ya to hold it for me bro.  Hahaha!

Dean:  With everythin’ goin’ on, G… Ya just don’t know what people’s are capable of.

Giani:  I think I’ll be alright to take a p*ss on my own, dawg.  Go kick LeStat’s ass outta Misty’s business.  I ain’t amused by it no more.

Dean goes to argue with Giani, but Giani just puts his hand up in his friend’s face.  Dean’s eyes flare open as his hands clinch down at his sides.  He fights the urge to knock Giani’s head off, but ultimately he turns around and leaves the bathroom.  Giani walks through the squeaky clean and well lit bathroom.  He approaches the sink where there are two guys talking.  Their conversation is just one big blur of “Bro” “Dawg” “DTF” and “Yaknowhatimsayin’”  that Giani just doesn’t bother even paying attention.  He thinks himself above that these days, despite the fact that he is still at that level.  He walks up to the sinks and turns on the water.

Bro 1:  No way, bro… Are you Giani Di Luca?  That dude from that uhhh…

Bro 2:  That Sin City wresslin’ place, right?

Giani pauses washing his hands and he slowly lifts his head up.  He looks from each side, studying their atrociously white trash looks and he simply scoffs.  He looks back to the sink, shaking his head as he chuckles to himself.

Bro 2:  Ey, you deaf er somethin’ bro?  My friend asked ya a question.

Giani:  Yeah?  Well you and ya friend can go f*ck ya selves with ya poser ass 2006 K Fed get ups.  Capisce?

Giani had turned his head softly to look at the man who was talking to him last.  His eyes widened for dramatic effect.  He shakes his head before turning back to the sink.  He splashes water on his face, doing his best to ignore their chit chat until his ears pick up on something interesting.

Bro 1:  It definitely is, bro… Did you hear about what’s goin’ on in Sin City?  Some British dude offered money to take out anyone in his little clique.  Ten thousand dolla’s a head, dawg…

Giani flings excess water off of his hands as he takes a step back.  He tosses the shirt from around his neck to the sink, getting it wet with the running water.  His nostrils flare out as he holds his arms out to his side.

Giani:  Mothaf*cker’s!  I would love to see you try it. Come at me and see why the bounty is so high.  I’ll kick both ya asses all over this bathroom.  Who wants to make the first move?

Both men study the fiery Italian and contemplate his offer.  They looks to each other as Giani pounds at his chest.  One of the guys flings soap into Giani’s eyes as the other charges him into the sink, trying to crack his head into the mirror.  They didn’t count on Giani’s quick reaction as he flings one of them in the direction of the door.  The other one comes at him, but Giani picks him up off of the ground with ease.  He charges forward, Spearing both men through the door before slamming it shut behind them.  He fumbles around for the lock on the door, and he turns it as soon as he finds it.  He quickly walks back to the sink and leans down, splashing water on his face repeatedly to get the soap out of his eyes.  It stings a lot more than he would like to admit.  There is a pounding on the door.

Dean:  Ey yo G!  G!  You alright, kiddo?  Giani!

Giani:  Of course I’m alright, dawg!  I told ya I can take care of myself.  It’s gonna take a lot more than some scrawny little guidos with tribal tats to take me out…

Giani shakes his head as if he almost finds what happened to be funny.  He gets ready to return his face to the water, but through his blurry vision, he feels like he sees someone standing behind him in the reflection.  He turns around, but he still can’t see too well.  He doesn’t quite know what to do, but his pride won’t let him admit that he wants Dean in here now.  Instead, he puffs out his chest.

Giani:  Does some other dumb mothaf*cker think he got bigger balls than the last two?  Run this shit like some kinda Bathroom Battle Royal, for real dawg.

That is when Giani hears it… A soft whisper mimicking Friday the 13th creeps into Giani’s mind.  He tenses up a bit as he realizes there might be something more doing on than just an ass kicking attempt.  He backs up against the sink, trying his hardest to see the source of the sound is.  He is stunned further when he hears a light yet deep chuckle echoing throughout the bathroom.  He blindly swings his fist forward, only to hit nothing but air.

”Easy there, buddy.”

Giani:  You must think you’re hot shit tryin’ to take me out when I can’t even see ya.  That’s some cheap ass bulls*t!

”Oh, you mean the way you and Team Erik just love to mob attack people, sometimes when the lights are out?  That’s so much more brave isn’t it? *pause* But, to answer your question… I am not here to kick your ass when you are blinded.  I just want to talk…

Giani pauses for a moment, but he is no more at ease.  That voice… it sounds too familiar to him.  He thinks it over for a second as he grips onto the edge of the sink.  Then, it hits him…

Giani:  Spike?!

Spike:  Bingo!  Give the kid a prize…

Giani can hear the sound of a stall door creaking open.  Though he can’t fully see Spike, he is fully aware of his presence.  Spike takes a few steps forward as Giani takes a swing forward again.  Spike ducks the blow and catches the surprise left hook, gripping Giani’s fist.  He throws it down to Giani’s side and places a friendly hand on his shoulder.

Spike:  I told you I’m not going to fight you, Giani.  I just want to talk.  Now, if you hope to keep your vision, I would wash the soap out of your eyes.  I can wait a minute.

Giani reluctantly leans in and flushes his eyes out a few times.  With each flush, he stops and looks back to see Spike a little more clearly, and he is leaning against the stall door.  He gets his eyes as flushed as he possibly can, dealing with the residual sting as he turns back around to face Spike.

Spike:  You good?

Giani:  Other than lookin’ at ya wrinkly old face, I am.

Spike looks down at the ground with a smug smile on his face.  He chuckles to himself before returning his gaze upon Giani.  He studies Giani for a moment before he continues speaking.

Spike:  Yeah, well it couldn’t be half as bad as looking at Misty’s wrinkly old ass.  I mean, you would know the way you have your nose buried up in it.

Giani:  You’re just jealous that she’s startin’ to see that I’m more of a man than you could ever be.

Spike holds a finger up in the air as if he has something important to say.  He opens his mouth to speak, but pauses to let a very sarcastic laugh escape his lips, choking on his words because of it.  He rolls his eyes as a devious smile creeps onto his face.

Spike:  A ) You wish, amateur…  B ) The purpose of me trying to get you alone to talk wasn’t to argue about who is a better f*ck machine, because it’s obviously me.  I mean, the proof is that I have Vixen, and you have… Misty *shudders*

Giani:  Vixen is just an easy skank who was lookin’ for anybody to fill her up.  It coulda been any guy in SCW.  Misty is a real woman that you just couldn’t handle.

Spike:  Well, that’s debatable.  Now, we could have a pissing contest all night, or you can let me get to the point.  You know, the reason I flew out to New Jersey wasn’t to look at your gorilla face.

Giani rolls his eyes with a “Psssshhhhhh” escaping his lips.  He raises his hands up to his face and lowers them down until they are pointing at his toes, as if pointing out some very obvious flaws in Spike’s argument.

Giani:  I thought with you givin’ everybody the big f*ck you in ya last promo and by burnin’ the Team SCW shirt in the ring a couple weeks ago, you was leavin’ this war.

Spike:  I am, but…

Giani:  But… ya think it’s a mistake that I’m teamin’ with Erik cause we’re goin’ down.  When will you Team SCW f*cktards realize that Team Erik ain’t just about talk anymore.  Erik owns the majority of the company, and he’s got the Bombshell Division on lock down.  Not to mention, he’s got the biggest male star on his side.

Spike takes a few quick steps forward, getting close enough to Giani so that he can study Spike’s serious expression.  Spike’s eyes are wider than usual as his cold blue eyes stare deeply into Giani’s.

Spike:  I could give a sh*t less about who owns what.  As of June 1st, I will be retired.  If Erik screws up the company like he obviously will, Vixen is already in BACW and I have connections to other wrestling companies and Derek Thorne, Odette Ryder, Jessie Salco, and Jamie will have jobs no matter what.  That isn’t my concern here.

Giani:  Then if ya ain’t gonna kick my ass, and ya ain’t tryin’ to get me to switch teams, then why are ya here?

Spike:  I’m here because I take some responsibility for what happened between us.  By some, I mean very little, but still some.  I talked up the benefits of joining the New Xtremes, and I brought you over to SCW.  I took you out of your comfort zone before you were ready for the pressures of performing in the Las Vegas spotlight.  I guess I feel like it’s my fault you are such a colossal ass hat now.  For that, I’m sorry.

Spike pats Giani on the shoulder.  Giani shakes his head, as if denying Spike has anything to do with how he has become.  Spike nods his head to let Giani know that he is very obviously right.  Giani shoves Spike’s hand off of him and tries to brush past him when Spike shoves him back in place.

Spike:  You have been duped by Erik.  He is doing exactly what you accused me of doing to you.  He is using you and he will drop you the second he gets what he wants.  I grew up with him, so I know what I’m talking about.

Giani:  If that ever happened to you, it’s cause you are a big disappointment.  You do big things, and then ya give up.

Spike:  I do what I have to do.  Everything has a greater purpose.  It’s just saddening to me that you can’t see the forest for the trees.  I guess I gave you credit for being smarter than you really are, because Erik has his spell on you, and he’s got it on strong.

Giani:  He made me see how full of sh*t you really was.  Because of him, I’m on my way back to the fast track.  I’m gonna be King of the Deathmatch next week, people are takin’ notice of me.  All they ever saw me as was ya back up muscle.  With Erik, they see me as a powerhouse.

Spike’s eyes widen.  He blinks slowly as if he is trying to hold back laughter.  He takes a step back, shaking his head as he turns around, rubbing his temples.  He turns back around a few seconds later as Giani glares at him.

Spike:  They don’t even see you as back up muscle now.  They see you as an ass licking, brown nosing, pompous rich asshole who only WISHES he could actually do something.  I know better, but you look way worse than you ever did in NXT.  I know what Erik did to get you to turn on me.  He played on your emotions because he saw you were getting frustrated with staying in the background.  Everything I ever told you, any piece of advice I ever gave you… He gave it to you while playing on your weakness.  Emotion is a powerful motivator.  But the sad truth is that whether Erik wins this war or he loses it… he is the captain on a sinking ship.  You are just going to be one of the loyal crew members who goes under with him.

Giani:  I KNEW you was gonna try to change my mind.  Call it what ya want, but you are still followin’ Team SCW’s effed up progeganda.  Even though they spit in ya face cause they used YOU up and they was done with ya.  You’re pathetic and I ain’t got time for this.  I got a real woman out there waitin’ for me.

Spike:  Now hold on a minute…

Giani walks over toward the urinal to take care of the business he originally entered the restroom for.  He brushes past Spike and lets out a steady stream as Spike continues on.

Spike:  I’m not done with you yet, Giani.

Giani:  Why?  You wanna tell me I’m great some more and then tell me I should turn my back on the only person who ever stuck their neck out for me in SCW?  Save ya bulls*t Spike.

Spike:  Careful there, shake it three times and you’re playing with it…

Giani scoffs as he zips up his pants.  He walks past Spike once more, bumping into him on his way to the sink.  Spike brushes off his shirt as he looks innocently toward Giani.

Spike:  You could be so much more than this.  I’m sorry I failed you, Giani.  I really am sad that things are the way they are right now.  I guess that was my whole point.

Spike’s eyes lower in his own regret.  Giani finishes washing his hands and dries them off with some paper towels.  He tosses the used up towels into the trash can before turning to Spike. For a moment, his own sentiments get in the way as he feels bad for how things happened as well.  He walks up to Spike, and the two exchange an apologetic smile.  Giani extends his hand for a sort of silent peace treaty.  Spike accepts, but pulls Giani in for a hug.

Giani:  Bro… it might have took some time, but I’m climbin’ the ladder to the top.  You wasn’t wrong to believe in me.  I just can’t believe ya took the time to fly out here to make amends with me.

Spike:  Oh, it wasn’t completely selfless.  I had another reason for coming out here.

Spike pats Giani’s back as they separate from the friendly embrace.  Giani smiles as he looks right into Spike’s eyes.

Giani:  Oh yeah.  You come for some side action with the hottest sksnks in the country?

Spike smiles a guilty smile.  He shrugs his shoulders and then lets out a bit of what could be nervous laughter.  Giani joins him in the glorious laughter.

Spike:  Not exactly… See… haha, I came out here to… HAHA!  You’re gonna love this one, kid…  I came out here to… kick your ass for ten thousand dollars!

Giani’s laughter slows down as Spike’s innocent smile turns a bit sinister.  Giani chuckles, waiting for Spike to admit that he was joking, but that moment doesn’t come quick enough.  A heavy feeling enters Giani’s gut as he heads for the bathroom door.  He tugs on it, forgetting he locked it and Spike just smiles as he slowly approaches.

Giani:  But… BUT!  You said you wasn’t here to kick my ass!

Spike:  No, no, no… See, I said I wouldn’t sink so low as to kick your ass while you were blinded by soap.  Call me what you will, but I’m not a liar…

Giani goes to protest it when Spike cracks a fist to the side of his face.  He goes for another swing, but Giani sinks down to the ground.  He quickly crawls between Spike’s legs, but Spike grips his ankle.  Giani wiggles until his shoe slides off, and Spike loses his grip.  Giani stumbles up to his feet, but Spike giggles, enjoying the chase.  He runs at Giani, tripping his up so he hits his chin on the edge of the sink.  With Giani stunned, Spike stomps him a few good times.  He continues stomping as he reaches over and pulls the casing to the towel dispenser off of the wall.  He brings it crashing down on Giani’s head, busting his forehead open.  Spike picks him up off of the ground as water begins overflowing in the sink and the floor is slippery. Giani tries to escape again, but he falls down, his entire body getting slick from the water.  Both men grunt as Spike slams him forward into the long mirror against the wall, shattering it.  Giani swings, but Spike doesn’t relent.  He flings him back into the stall doors.  He dashes forward, but Giani ducks out of the way.  He pulls a fire extinguisher off of the wall and cracks Spike over the head with it.  Giani spits blood from his mouth in disgust, spitting a tooth out as well.

Giani:  You can never defeat the King.

Spike:  If you make it to the tournament, that is…

Giani goes to swing the fire extinguisher again, but Spike ducks down.  He wraps his arms around Giani’s sides, taking him over with a Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex.  He raises Giani’s head up by the hair.

Spike:  I said you could be a somebody in this sport, but only because I’m leaving it.  I am better than you, and I will be until the day I die.

Giani:  DINO!!!!

Spike:  Did you forget that you locked the door, smart guy?  I’ve got you all to myself now…

Spike uses all of his might to force Giani’s face down into the toilet.  He bobs his head up and down, getting a sick thrill out of this as he feels the water splashing with Giani’s struggle.  Spike flushes the toilet to allow him a few seconds to breath.  Giani grips the side of the toilet, bucking back as a banging noise is heard on the door.

Dean:  I’M COMIN’ G!

Spike laughs at the struggles of Dean as well as Giani’s.  Giani seems to almost be begging in an indistinguishable manner which delights Spike even further.  The bowl fills back up and Spike holds his head down in it, watching the blood mix with the water in a beautiful display of crimson delight.

On the outside, Dean cracks the door, but still can’t get it in just yet.  He continues to bang his shoulders into the door as hard as he can, struggling.  Misty has joined him at the door, seeming to be worried as well.  She gives the door a few good kicks to aid Dean, but it is one final shoulder butt to the door that cracks the door open.  Dean and Misty charge into the bathroom to see Giani gasping on the ground.  He is staring up at the ceiling, trying to speak, but he doesn’t have the breath yet.  Dean looks up  at the ceiling to see a missing ceiling panel.  Misty pulls off as much toilet paper as she can, pressing it against Giani’s forehead.  Once the shock fades, Giani gets an angry look on his face as he sputters.

Giani:  Sss…Ssspuh… Gah!  F-f-f*ckin’ Spike Sssstaggsss…

Giani points up at the ceiling as he slowly sits up.  Everyone else looks confused as club patrons file into the restroom to try seeing the mayhem that led to the door being busted in.  Dean helps Giani off of the ground as the men and women begin whispering amongst themselves, pointing at Giani.  With the little strength he has, Giani flicks his fingers from under his chin.

Giani:  Fuhgeddaboudit!

Misty follows them out of the bathroom as they walk across the now empty dance floor.  Her eyes follow the edge of the balcony until she rests them on the raven, spiky headed man leaning over the edge with a big, bright smile on his face, waving at her and Giani.  She scowls at him as they make their way to the exit door.

{I Got My Speakers On Wrecked}

{This promo is sponsored in part by Smart Water… "Hydrate Responsibly"}

{Cut Scene}

We come back inside the green room to see Giani Di Luca sitting in his usual spot with Dean standing just a few feet away from him with his arms crossed over his chest.  Giani has a busted open lip and a black eye.  His hair is a major mess, and water is still dripping down his face.  He doesn’t look very happy about the attack he just endured as he just sits there silently.  He slowly looks back at Dean with a grimace upon his face before turning back to the cameras.

Giani:  Was that the best you could do, bro?  Blindside me after someone already blindsided me, and you still couldn’t take me out?  That’s weak, dawg.  Just know that my brain is like an elephant’s… I never fuhget!  I got ya number, Spike Staggs, and I know the perfect way to send ya into retirement…

Giani stares into the camera with an intensity in his eyes that rivals any other glare he has given anybody before.  He throws his hand back at Dean, much like a child throwing a fit.  Dean pulls out a bottle of Smart Water from off screen and places it in Giani’s hand.  Giani turns the label toward the camera and pauses there for a moment before taking a refreshing drink.  He flips the sports bottle cap down and sets the bottle next to him before leaning forward.

Giani:  Now, I got a little somethin’ else to be discussin’ here.  An annoyin’, full of himself, geriatric, know-it-all, self-righteous sonuvab*tch…

Dean:  Erik Staggs?

Giani’s concentration is broken as he begins chuckling.  Dean cracks his stone-like facial expression with the corner of his mouth raising into a cocky smile.  Giani shakes his head and rolls his eyes before returning back to the camera.

Giani:  Nah, the person I’m talkin’ about is Thatcher Rex.  T-Wreck, dawg… I know ya don’t listen to yaself talk, cause if ya did then you would never talk again.  And ya tweets are twice as bad, bro.  Ya sit there and try to one up me with ya broke ass comebacks, but the fact is that you got nothin’ on me.  Nothin’… You never beat me, yet you sit in front of ya little computer screen and tell the world how ya gonna whoop my ass “six ways from Sunday”?

Giani adjusts himself in his chair, becoming more amused with the subject at hand.  Even though he tries to hide it, a smile creeps over his face.  He tries his best to control his laughter, so he stays silent for a second while he tries to get it out of his head.

Giani:  First off, who says that anymore?  My grandfather used to say that.  I’m expectin’ this guy to start tellin’ me how groovy he is, or how neato his finisher is, hahaha yaknowhatimsayin’ bro?  It’s twenty-thirteen now, not nineteen-sixty.  If ya gonna try to act like you don’t belong in the nursin’ home, maybe try to learn some of the new slang, dawg.  Seriously.  And second… you can only dream of takin’ down the future King of the Deathmatch twenty-thirteen.  Everyone on Twitter, whether they love me or hate me… they laugh every time you say somethin’ about beatin’ me cause they all know it ain’t ever gonna happen.  Never.

Dean:  Kiddo, you ain’t no trash talkin’ God yaself.  When ya read some mothaf*cker their rights, you gotta make sure they can’t come back atcha.  Ya dissin’ on Rex for trash talkin’ on Twitter, but you do it like all damn day, son.

Giani looks back at Dean as if he were shocked and appalled that he interrupted the most important part of his “show”.  He glares back at Dean who holds his hands up innocently.

Giani:  Yeah, and when I pay a bodyguard, I don’t expect to get jumped in the freakin’ bathroom either, dawg.  TWICE!  But I leave you to ya job, now leave me to mine.  Plus, I can do all the talkin’ I want cause I’m on my way to bein’ the best wrestler in the world, bro.  I’m on the rise while Rex is on the fall, on his way back to the trailer park in Helena, Montana to drink his moonshine and ride horses up to Brokeback Mountain or whatever the f*ck they do in the middle of God’s Blind Spot, USA.  I back up every single thing I ever said I would do.  Only times I didn’t was with that ghetto ass crack ho Faith and the time Hawkes cheated to defeat me.  Otherwise, all I do is win.  So I got the right to talk a little shit cause I know that no matter what, I’m gonna back that shit up.

Giani is done snapping at Dean and he turns back to the camera.  Dean concedes by bowing his head and gesturing with a hand for Giani to continue.  He looks highly amused as he adjusts the sunglasses covering his eyes.  Giani nods his head, as if he knew that everything he just said was fact rather than opinion.

Giani:  Rex and his Tom and Jerry Twitter remark can get f*cked.  He can talk about all the old ass cartoons he wants to justify how he’s gonna defeat me, but the fact of the matter is that this ain’t no cartoon.  Coyotes kill Roadrunners.  Cats kill mice.  Rabbits and ducks don’t chase each other around with sledgehammer sized mallets, and there ain’t no sponge who lives in a pineapple under the sea, bro.  This ain’t a cartoon, it’s reality.  In this reality, I’m gonna whoop ya ass, plain and simple dawg.  Whatever match we get, I’m gonna rock it, and I’m gonna outsmart you and ya gonna wish ya doubled up on ya arthritis meds.  Come Sunday, we’re gonna see who the better man is, T-Wreck… and the better man is ya King… The Reflection of Perfection… The Italian Stallion, Giani Di Luca.

Giani takes one last sip from his Smart Water bottle, making sure he plugs the logo on the bottle one last time.  He slowly gets up, holding onto his back a little due to the earlier attack from Spike.  He hands the bottle back to Dean, and he exits the green room.  Dean pats him on the back before pressing a button on the wall that turns everything to snow before fading to black.

{End Cut Scene}

{I got my speakers on, speakers on, speakers on… I got my speakers on wrecked}

« Last Edit: May 24, 2013, 02:55:10 PM by Giani Di Luca »
