Author Topic: A reaction to talk  (Read 894 times)

Offline Laura Jackson

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    • Peter Siddorn
A reaction to talk
« on: April 20, 2013, 08:16:27 PM »

The following is from Tattooed

The video starts to play and we see Laura Jackson leaning against a wall while she talked on the phone. She had on a red Tampa Bay Buccaneers Jersey, blue jeans and black boots she let a sigh as the phone rested on her ear.

Laura Jackson
You know what at this point I wonder if Revis is even worth it for all the crap the Jets have pulled. Well they may have to look at getting something like Miller or Rhodes at 13 if not a DT!

Sally looked up and saw the camera looking at her. She seemed annoyed as she moved the phone away!

Laura Jackson
What the hell do you want can’t you see I’m in the middle of a personal call!

Out of the shot the cameraman answered the question that had just been posed to him.

We just wanted to get your reaction to the comment that were made by Becky Jones!

Sally just rolled her eyes and slipped the phone back to her ear.

Laura Jackson
Look I got to go some fat guy with a camera wants my opinion on something so just to make sure it’s Wednesday for the podcast? Awesome speak to you soon! Bye now!

With that Sally pushed a button and ended the call. She then put the phone into her pocket before she looked at the camera.

Laura Jackson
You know I heard and read people see me as a cry-baby for being unhappy about who I am facing in recent weeks in terms of being put in the rookies in with me! Now why this upset me is they are using me to test how someone is. I’m not a lab rat that you can use to do this nor am I someone who rests on who their friends are to get by. What am I is a serious wrestler and I will say that word again wrestler. The one thing I have always tried to do is face the best as it will make me better. Steamrolling a rookie does nothing for me or my career? Hell part of me wonder if this is some grand scheme of Christian to have it where I feel so fed up I quit this place for another fed!

Amanda then started to laugh and just shook her head.

Laura Jackson
Alas Mr Underwood is mistaken see what he failing to see is he is going to lose a war because he doesn’t have the competitive edge we have in Team Erik. I mean how can I not get better when I’m working out with the likes of Misty our brilliant bombshell champion. The Fallen who are the only team out there that have been able to work out the code of beating one of the great tag team of all time myself and Amanda Cortez the Tattooed Goddess or even the goddess of the past the all powerful Necra! See this is why I enjoy being on team Erik it makes me better and help get me ready.

A fire lit up in her eyes as she spoke about that.

Laura Jackson
Now that out of the way let move on to Miss Jones! She is meant to be a quote stiffer test for me. However that is a much a step up in a challenge as taking a burnt out car and trading it in for a car that has no wheels. Nothing changes just the face and the name! Becky you say I have been riding Mandy coattails I wouldn’t be where I am if not for her. I don’t ride shit little girl I was busting my ass and having killer matches long before Amanda came into my life. Now she does have more success than me she is a former bombshell champion and I have never held that belt but believe me when I say if you asked Mandy she would say that I am her whole reason for all that is either in front of her or around her. It’s not being arrogant or cocky it because we work hard to be the best we can be. Now you maybe a bounty hunter and you maybe someone who think they can handle someone like me but you will find that out isn’t the case

Sally got a smirk on her face as she paused for a moment.

Laura Jackson
Becky you may have fired the first shot in this war but in the end the only shot that matter is the one that ends thing and I going to fire that bullet right between your eyes. So Becky you want to fire guns and talk shit go ahead because at the end of the day I’m winning this match and there is nothing you can do about it!

With that Laura walked off from the camera shot. So would she be as good as her word? The answer would come next Sunday night

End of RP

OOC Not my best but wanted to get something up so
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