Author Topic: Tag-Team Gold Is Coming Home To Blood Omen!  (Read 841 times)

Offline Kain

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Tag-Team Gold Is Coming Home To Blood Omen!
« on: April 19, 2013, 08:35:02 AM »
 I stood in the crowd, in Detroit, Illinois, draped in black, sunglasses covering my eyes, and watched as my wife was beating down on an opponent of her choosing.

In order to regain her instinct and fire, the aspects that made her completely dangerous, she threw an open challenge to any woman that dared to make a name for themselves at her expense. For the past couple of weeks now, she hasn't been training; she's been fighting. She's a fighter that's not to be messed with for any reason; she's very skilled and HIGHLY dangerous and her recent opponents found that out the hard way.

Ariel is more of a submissive, MMA fighter that knows just about everything I know. She and I fought in the underground circuit, after all; we both know how this game is played. You can do everything you can against either one of us and we will always find a weakness to expose and end the fight, whether it's by knocking you out or making you submit.

The opponent that she was facing now was feeling the truth as she screamed for her life. I watched, in mesmerizing awe, as my wife, Ariel, dressed in MMA gear of her own making, break her opponent's arm in half. In the world of underground fighting, there are no rules. Anything goes and this allows my wife to go to the extreme in every way possible. Injuries are bound to happen and I'm sure that Mark and Christain are well-aware of just how strong or good Ariel can be in the ring. Truth is, a fight like this is a perfect example of putting the entire Bombshell division on notice; Ariel will make her in-ring debut and things will NOT be so kind for the ladies in that division.

Ariel got out of her submissive manuever and rolled away from her opponent, rising to her feet. I looked into her eyes and saw nothing but malice, no signs of pity or even remorse. What I saw was part of the reason why I fell in love with that woman years ago.

It was dark, on this Saturday night. I already heard about the scheduled match that's happening for me, where Frost and I will be getting a major chance at regaining the gold and already have a few things to say about the matter at hand. But tonight, I wasn't focused on that. I was focused on Ariel.

She was breathing hard as she stepped away from the fight, a lot of cash in her hand. She and I made our living as fighters here and became millionaires out of it. We are financially set and I'm sure her opponent's backers are NOT pleased with tonight's result. But she didn't care. The crowd stepped aside for her as she made their way towards me. Once she stood in front of me, I took off my glasses and waited for her to recognize me.

At first, she didn't. She saw me, at first, as another man that she sees in her life, perhaps someone that could only touch her from a safe distance, but never have her. Then that look of malice dropped and it was replaced by love, as she fiercely kissed me and hugged me tight. She let go of me and someone screamed from behind. She didn't have to look, for she knew who it was. Her opponent, whose arm Ariel broke a second ago, came charging at her.

Without any warning ahead of time, Ariel whipped around and unleashed a sickening 360 tornado kick, her foot smashing directly into her opponent's face. She spun in the air briefly before hitting the ground, unconsciousness. The cameras were catching all of this, by the way, so it made me wonder if Misty was already worried about Ariel or she was being her true self, trying to laugh it off as mere child's play? If only Ariel could her hands on her...

She turned around and smiled, then she came close and whispered something into my ear, her words barely audible to me and to no one else.

I haven't lost the touch after all these years...

Then she took my hand and rode away from the crowd. I took one glance back at her opponent and shook her hand.

She wasn't lying. She was telling the truth and I, Kain, The King Of Kings, look forward to personally seeing the love of my life at work in the SCW.

I am so lucky to have her...

* * *

The King Of Kings is here and when he is speaking, you better pay attention!

You know, I normally don't say this for anybody, but Christain Underwood is a man that has earned my respect. He works hard, is confident, and makes sure to get the job done when necessary and actually brings it just about every time he is confronted by enemies or people who don't like him. So leave it to him to either make the situation a lot more interesting or twisting the knife in each of us and watches, with glee, as to how we all react.

As for me? Despite my respect for him, I harbor no love for triple-threat matches, especially with what I went through in the past. I was thrown into unusual circumstances and had to deal with partners that didn't stand out too well and didn't do their jobs properly. That's why I lost those fights. Today, however, it could be a different story. Although Frost wasn't on top of his game last time, he's shown that he made a difference and got the victory against The Forgotten. He's the one that won it for us, but most importantly, we acted like a TEAM. Like how we should've been against Ace Baldwin and Kevin Carter.

This time, Frost and I will take the opportunity and settle the score between us and those paper champions. Those titles are ours for the taking. They're merely holding it for us, polishing them and making us shine real good for us to get it back from him. Come to think of it, Thatcher Rex, whom I hope to clash with in the future, is wrong in a sense. Sure, the tag-titles may be the bottom rung, as far as championship belts go, but when any tag-team holds them in their possession, it gives people the impression that they are the best at what they do.

Truth is though, that's ONLY for the right team, such as Blood Omen. Not Kevin Carter and Ace Baldwin. Turns out that the whole thing was a fluke in itself. It isn't just the fact that Frost wasn't up to his game that night, Kevin and Ace somehow got all the stars aligned and made it happen. This time, those tag-belts will no longer be around their waist when Hostile Takeover comes lurking around the corner!

That's what Hostile Takeover is going to be all about. Forget all the other championship matches that have been booked. Forget about the minor matches that will take place. This is the only match that everyone will want to lay their eyes on, because Frost and I are going to be weaving a tale of destruction and power that's so devastating that none of you will be left standing in our wake. After all, you DID see what happened to the Forgotten, right? They claim they would be able to beat us and move on, but Frost and I stood our ground! Frost and I, as Blood Omen, as a unit, as a team, we worked together to put away those punks and leave them lying in the dust! And now, because the tag-team championships are on the line, Frost and I are willing to put EVERYTHING on the line for our gold. Those straps that you both are carrying, Kevin and Ace? They were NEVER meant for you assholes; they were meant for the likes of Blood Omen!

Yeah, I know what you both are going to say. "We beat you and we are champions." You actually want to know what happened? It was nothing more but a FLUKE that enabled you to defeat us, nothing more but a stroke of luck on your side that night. On top of that, Frost didn't have his head in the game and wasn't focused as I was that night. Not that I'm placing any blame on him, just telling exactly like it is. BUT...if you think Frost is going to be off our game and that I'm the one that has to carry the load one more time, think again. Frost and I are back and stronger than ever. We should have gotten a rematch a week after our loss, but that didn't happen. This time, we have been given the opportunity and I'm telling you both, as paper champions, you WILL be surrendering those belts to us. You have NO RIGHT to be champions in this lifetime. Not now. Not ever!

What you accomplished that night was in the past. Today is here and I ASSURE you, Frost and I are not walking away until we emerge victorious at Hostile Takeover.

And already I can hear the taunts headed our way. "No way in hell you both are able to defeat us. We are better than you. We are champions because of that night." One victory over us doesn't mean that it's compeltely over for Blood Omen. Ask the Young Lions, who have tried in vain to destroy us and couldn't get the job done. Ask Goth and his last partner, Casper The Friendly Ghost, on how ruthless and powerful they've tried to be, and we defeated them time and again. DO NOT waste your time telling us that we are a joke for the rest of the world to see. Sorry, you little shits, but that's not the truth. The truth is, Blood Omen is being recognized as one of the greatest, if not THE GREATEST, tag-team combination ever invented in the scene. We aren't going away anytime soon...

So if I were you, Ace and Kevin, I suggest you both pray very hard to whatever god you bow to and cling on to any beliefs that apparently make you stronger every day in your life. Why? Because at Hostile Takeover, Kain and Frost, Blood Omen, will be focused and ready to slaughter the champions and the other challengers that also want the gold for their grubby, greedy hands. No one is safe that night, boys. Trust me when I tell you, things are going to get VERY ugly inside that ring. I'm going to do exactly what I do best every day; kicking ass and taking names!

If it means making you both bleed profusely, so be it. If it means breaking every bone in your body (and trust me, I know more than one way to skin a cat harshly!), so be it. Frost and I will do this and so much more, if only to gain the championship belts and bring them back home, where they belong.

Now, as for Goth and Brother Grimm...

I'll be honest with this other team. I've watched Brother Grimm from the shadows and he's an interesting one, I'll give him that. But the truth is, I honestly have no intention of knowing him personally, nor do I care about him either. However, he's a serious threat that will be taken into serious consideration, because he's done decently well. Hell, Goth may have more than a slim chance of winning this time because of you, Brother Grimm, but not by much. You'll give a good fight, Grimm, and fight to your last breath. But it won't be enough. You'll need more than your scary presence to get the job done against Blood Omen. For now, I'll leave it up to you as to how you'll respond.

And I'm sure that you'll respond in a nasty fashion and you know what? I look forward to shrugging off your threats, push away your idealogies, and respond with ferocity and anger in kind. Truth be told, Grimm, I have no time for games around here. What I do is for my benefit solely around here and I answer to no one. However, all of you DO answer to me, the TRUE King Of Kings, and all of you, yourself included, Brother Grimm, will acknowledge me and fear me. That's how the way of the world works, Grimm; either you submit to my power or suffer the consequences. It doesn't matter if you win today, I'll be winning the war in the future and annihilate all who oppose me.

I'm coming at you and your partner with everything I got, Grimm. It's simply a matter of time before you lose and be forced to go back to the drawing board. I hope you are prepared for the greatest loss to ever happen in your career, because our moment as Blood Omen is now!

Now, for Goth...

Where in the world should I start with you....

For the longest time, you've been completely obsessed about me. I haven't said a damn thing to you. Want to know why? It's because I've put you behind me. You've lost to me, time and again, and I've destroyed you and your pathetic world each time. And now you come back on the air, airing your troubles and sorrows about this whole situation, getting more and more angry about me.

Goth, you need to wrap your head about one thing; my world doesn't revolve around you. It never has been and it never will be. Yet I have to deal with this madness because of you. Because of you, Goth, the one who insists on determing a winner in all of this, I must undertake this journey of darkness to defeat you. Last time, that didn't happen. I'm sure you'll agree with me on this, but our war is far from over. You still have to pay for your crimes against me. Remember now? The crimes on you betraying me, taking away everything I once had at the Asylum Wrestling Alliance organization. Every sin you've committed against me, Goth, will be paid back tenfold. It won't be this match, I assure you. A day will come when you and I will meet, one final time, to discover the truth about us, the truth that we all knew in the first place....

That I was and will always be better than you. That you will acknowledge me as the King Of Kings, my title, MY RIGHT, and that you are nothing but a mere shadow of your former, powerful existence.

This match, Goth? You care nothing for the titles. You care nothing for your partner, the Brother Grimm. You care for nothing but my destruction, which will ultimately be denied. Instead, what you will be granted with is a bitter pill for you to swallow, more dark bruises and wounded pride to be earned throughout the match. You are not going to like Hostile Takeover, Goth. You are not going to enjoy the fact that Blood Omen is going to do everything within its power to take away the tag-team championships from the paper champions. Most importantly, I'm going to be taking any and all chances from you on ending me that night. I'm going to make you BEG for more, because you want me that badly day and night. Hell, I feel sorry for your worthless bitch, Sapphira, because you think about me more than you think of her!

And speaking of that worthless bitch, Goth, did you not like it when Ariel got in her face and beat the living hell out of her last time? Did you not like it when Ariel got involved? You need to look at your woman, Goth, and tell her that she has NO RIGHT to be part of the mess that SHE dragged herself in. She got what she deserved, Goth, and should Ariel cross paths with Sapphira again, she will end her for me. I don't even have to tell her to do anything, Goth, because she'll do it in a hearbeat.

This obsession that you have for my wife is sickening at best. You will NEVER touch my wife. You will NEVER lay a finger on her. She does not crave, desire, or want you at all. Do you not understand that? In fact, shouldn't your worthless bitch be enough for you? I guess it's no surprise, Goth, since you amuse and torture other women to the delight of yourself and at the expense of Sapphira. Isn't that true, Gothic One? Isn't it true that only you care about yourself and only want what's best for you? Of course it is! Goth doesn't care about Team SCW. Goth doesn't care about SCW in the first place! All Goth cares about is making himself #1. Fuck everything else that the world offers you as long as it benefits you, right?

While everything I do benefits me, at least I don't keep my wife out of everything. She and I share everything together. You don't and that's one of the many reasons why you are a failure, Goth, why you are not someone that I need to worry about as much in the end. Truth is, Goth, you did this to yourself. By airing your grief to the world, you forced Christain Underwood to step out of the shadows and force his hand. I saw you smile after his speech, because it got you exactly what you wanted.

Or so you thought...

No, Goth. It only landed you into more trouble. You continue to dig a hole that you'll be buried in. It won't happen at Hostile Takeover, "friend", but I will bury you in the future. Instead, what will happen is me inflicting some of the worst pain you'll ever feel one more time. I assure you, Goth, Hostile Takeover will be one of the worst nights in your career. Hostile Takeover will not be a day of rejoice or celebration for you and your twisted, insane mind. No, Goth, that day belongs to Blood Omen, where Frost and I will put ourselves on the forefront of the battlefield, risking life and limb to obtain what's rightfully ours, what you never really cared about; the SCW tag-team championships.

I've moved on from you, Goth, but you keep coming back into my life. It won't be at this PPV, but I assure you, Goth, I'm going to do everything in my power to destroy you. Mark my words, I'm sure you'll get away and run like the coward you are in the end. You'll come into this match, beat me up, get a lot of cheap shots, and then run away. That's fine. But at Hostile Takeover, I'll be winning the championships with Frost by my side. I'll be the one reaping all the rewards. And when that day comes, the time for us to fight each other alone, I swear to you, Goth, you will pay for everything you've done against me. You will acknowledge me as the TRUE King Of Kings and you will bow to me and my superiority.

Until then, I'll be satisfied enough with another victory over you at Hostile Takeover!

For I am the Kain, the TRUE King Of Kings, and I...have spoken!

SCW Accomplishments
X1 SCW Tag-Team Champion
X2 SCW Roulette Champion
X1 SCW Internet Champion