Author Topic: My (bloody) Time.  (Read 418 times)

Offline Amy Marshall

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    • Amy Santino
My (bloody) Time.
« on: March 29, 2013, 12:43:16 PM »
  Two weeks ago

17th March 2013
Estadio Brígido Iriarte
Caracas, Venezuela

Two weeks ago on the very first night of the South America tour, Amy, Roxanne and Necra picked up a big win against Karin Koji, Faith and Becky Jones as Amy hit her Bad Girl finisher on Faith and pinned her.

It was also the week where things began to pick up in the war between Team Erik and Team Mark with dirty tactics being employed as well as seeking new talent to join the teams.

As the Sister of Light returned from the ring, Pussy Willows was there waiting for them to appear from behind the curtain.

”Can I get a few words regarding tonight?”

Amy shook her head before speaking.

[/color=red] Well looks like my prophecy came right; I showed up and embarrassed you Faith… I pinned your sorry ass after breaking your face with the Bad Girl.  You are nothing but a fluke Faith and I showed that out there tonight.

So who is better now?

Me bitch.

As for you Karina and Becky… you two did most of the work inside the ring and you were very tough competitors and you hit damn hard. I guess I was wrong about you Becky but I still think you are a fuck up.

As for you Karina well… I still don’t know much about you other than you are tough.  But if we do come across each other in the future I know it’s going to be a hard fought match. [/color]

Amy, Roxanne and Necra then walked away back to the Team Erik locker room to clean up and catch the rest of Climax Control.


Thursday 28th March 2013
Clínica Javier Prado
Lima, Peru


The scene opens up inside the busy waiting room of the Javier Prado clinic in the centre of Lima, where we see Amy sitting in the corner of the room looking at her cell phone as she caught up on the news of what is happening back in the states.

As an office door opens, everyone looks up and towards the approaching nurse with hope of him or her being next, however, they were quickly dashed.

“Señorita Amy Marshall”


Esta manera, por favor.(This way please)

Amy stands to her feet and follows the nurse into the small office and closes the door behind her.

“Usted está aquí para un examen de sangre?” (You are here for a blood test?)

Asked the nurse.

“Estoy” (I am)

Amy said in her best Spanish.

“Qué es lo que estamos examinando para buscar?” (What are we testing you for?)

The nurse asked as she sat down at her desk.

“Las drogas… más específicamente de cocaine” (Drugs… more specifically cocaine.)

Amy explained.

“Ok. Tendremos una muestra de cabello así.” (Ok. We will need a hair sample as well.)

The nurse said, as she wrote down some notes.


Amy smiled nicely, as the nurse prepared the equipment for extracting blood.

” Esto puede sonar como una petición extraña. Pero se puede hacer dos extracciones de sangre. Una vez que sus registros y las mías, pero también uno para mi jefe?” (This may sound like a strange request. But can you do two separate blood draws. Once for your records and mine but also one for my boss?)

Amy asked with a small frown.

”¿Por qué?” (Can I ask why?)

The nurse frowned and tilted her head.

“Mi jefe es un jackass sobre un comentario que he hecho la semana pasada. Sólo quiero mostrar que estoy libre de la droga.” (My boss is being a jackass about a comment I made last week. I just want to show him that I am drug free.)

The nurse shrugs and nods accepting the explanation, as she produces two vile’s and a small alcohol wipe.

“Por favor Brazo” (Arm please.)

Amy removes her light jacket to reveal a sex pistols tank top as she then holds out of her arms.

“Gracias” (Thank you.)

The nurse then wipes Amy’s arm with the wipe before picking up the needle and placing into the vein. No sooner had the needle went in, blood appear as the nurse quickly connects the first vile, which quickly fills up as the nurse replaces it with the second vile.

The second vile then quickly fills with blood, as the nurse then removes the vile and needle before placing some cotton wool over the minute wound on Amy’s arm.

” Cuánto tiempo antes de que yo obtenga los resultados?” (How long before I get the results?)

Amy asked.

“Unos pocos días. Nuestro hematólogo está lejos en este momento, pero regresa mañana.” (A few days. Our Haematologist is away at the moment but is back tomorrow.)

“Genial, ¿hay alguna posibilidad los resultados pueden ser enviados por correo electrónico?” (Great, Is there any possibility the results can be sent by email?)

“No sé, voy a ver y, a continuación, dejar una nota para el hematólogo.” (I don’t know, I will find out and then leave a note for the haematologist.)

“Gracias” (Thank you.)

The nurse smiles before leaving the room to find out if it is possible to email the results, meanwhile back inside the office, Amy grabs a bit of medical tape and places it over the cotton wool, before grabbing her jacket and sliding it on and sitting down in a nearest chair.

A few moments past before the nurse returns and sits back down.

“Podemos los resultados por correo electrónico. Podemos poner la nota en con el pelo y muestra de sangre.” (We can email the results to you. We can put the note in with the hair and blood sample. )

“Gracias, aquí está mi dirección de correo electrónico, y nuevamente gracias por esto.” (Thank you; here is my email address and again thank you for this.)

Amy writes down her email address down on a piece of paper before handing it to the nurse.

“Eso está bien. Espero que usted obtenga los resultados que usted necesita. Y aquí están sus muestras.”(That’s ok. I hope you get the results you need. And here are your samples.)

Amy picks up the small packet, which contains a sample of blood and hair.

“Gracias” (Thank you)

Amy stands to her feet, where she shakes the nurse hand before making her way out of the office and towards the clinic exit with a small smile on her.


Well it appears that Mark has realised that keeping the top talent off TV and having a main event of Magni and Vixen was a bad idea.

What was also a bad idea, was taking my comment on twitter literally – if that was two or three years ago I wouldn’t of had seconds thoughts of taking it, but now I am in a good place in life and I did say I was tempted but I never acted on those words… however, I had a better temptation and that was my very endowed fiancé.

However, I am not going to apologise for my comments I made nor do I feel bad for those people who have lost loved ones to cocaine as they should of tried harder with putting them in rehab or something.

But here is a fun Amy fact for you idiots out there – I died for two minutes after I over dosed on the drug.

Anyway less of this stupid drug talk and get to the main point of why we are here.

The number one contendership for Misty’s Bombshell title.

And my opponents: - Laura Jackson, Becky Jones and Roxi Johnson.

Firstly… Roxi Johnson.

Now, I knew a Roxi Johnson from another company and I am totally unsure if you are the same person or totally someone else, but I am going to approach this from two angles. The first angle will be if you are the same Roxi Johnson from NCW the other angle would be you’re a total stranger and made an idiot of myself.

Anyway going with my first angle first…and this will probably be short and sweet but its worth a shot.

Anyhow… the first point being is that we never faced each other inside the ring, I had been in the same ring with your husband Ricky but never you, which is quite sad and you know what else is quite sad… is that you never won anything because you either couldn’t hack the competition or you were knocked up.

Such a shame really… when you did actually wrestle and not cry off you were such talented wrestler and perhaps the most underrated wrestler at the time in NCW – unfortunately you were outshone by the likes of Zelda, Kelly, Rayne and Ayla and many others.

Anyway moving on from those sycophant spoiled brats and back to you – You see Roxi, I am not going to allow you to progress in this match, you may already have this winning mentality but its going to come to a screeching halt as I walk away from this match victorious.


IF you are the Roxi that I don’t know then that applies to you as well.

And speaking of the second angle of not knowing you… well to be honest you still haven’t got a chance in this match.

So to Laura Jackson next…

My fellow Team Erik rebel.

I am going to be honest here Laura – Its pretty obvious that Mark wants some internal bickering between us but lets not give him the satisfaction and when all is said and done in the match lets shake hands to show a little unity.

What do you say?

In spite of this, what happens during the match will be totally different, you and I have one thing in common and that is we have only won gold in the tag team division but nothing in single competition and so we have to push hard in this match to win and get at least one shot at Misty.

Unfortunately, There is one spot and that spot belongs to me. This the case of who wants it more and guess what I want it more because single titles have eluded me with only one world title to my name.

Shit excuse I know… but it will be proven inside the ring on Sunday night.

And so to the main threat in this match…

Becky ‘Ragdoll’ Jones.

The only person in that match that doesn’t need to prove herself to anyone and god knows why Mark put you in this match… maybe for incentive for the rest of us, but we don’t need the incentive of beating you, the incentive is wrapped around Misty’s waist.

You see Rebecca… if we go back to the beginning of this tour… Necra, Roxanne and myself beat you, Faith and Karina… this shows that your return to the ring was an epic failure… yes I know I pinned Faith but hey I still beat you.

So technically I am the only one in this match that has the upper hand and has your number, but you won’t see it as that way and call the win a fluke and that Faith was an easy pin anyway and that she made a stupid rookie mistake.

But I don’t care as a win is a fucking win and I am going to make damned sure that you won’t be Bombshell champion again.

You were a boring chump er… champ and you need to move aside for someone more fresh and that isn’t you.

Sorry girls but I will be the one victorious not even a former boring champion.

Watch out Misty I am coming for your title.


2x GRIME Champion (10/07/2021 - 05/12/2021 (154 days)) (20/03/2022 - 15/05/2022 (57 Days)
1x Bombshell Champion
2x Bombshell Roulette Champion
2x Bombshell Internet Champion
3x Bombshell Tag Team Champion
- 1 x w/ Necra Kane
- 2 x w/ Jessie Salco
~ First three time bombshell tag team champion.
~ 2nd ever Bombshell triple crown winner.
~ 1st ever Bombshell Grand Slam Champion.
~ 2015 Woman of the year.
~ 2015 Feud of the Year vs. Roxi Johnson
~ 2015 Match of the Year vs. Roxi Johnson.
~ 2015 Hall Of Fame!
~ 2018 Feud of the year vs Jessie Salco
- 2021 Year End Awards: Story of the Year:Masked member Rainbow/minority GRIME owner unmasks to reveal herself as multi-time champion and SCW Hall of Famer Amy Santino