Author Topic: Ball. Game. (The Hangover...Jog)  (Read 945 times)

Offline Ace Baldwin

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    • "Amazing" Ace Baldwin
Ball. Game. (The Hangover...Jog)
« on: March 01, 2013, 11:48:07 PM »
 “It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves”
-William Shakespeare

Derek Daniels pushed the door open of his rented Vegas suite for the two weeks he and his partner, Ace Baldwin had rented leading up to Blaze of Glory II where Ace Baldwin would be taking on four other men for a golden briefcase in a reverse steel cage match, the winner? He would get any title shot of his choosing on any show. How is he preparing for this match? Well, thus far he’s downed about 14 or 15 beers, (20 if you ask Ace tomorrow, 30 if you ask him a year from now), got up on karaoke and butchered “Hotel California” and finally passed out during an interview with Ms. Rocky Mountains, albeit a drunk interview, Derek tried to cover for his protégé best he could, but alas, Ace found himself draped over the shoulder of his friend.

Ace mumbled some gibberish as Derek kicked the door shut behind them and walked over to the large futon couch that sat right in front of the huge glass window that overlooked the strip itself which was still as live as ever. Derek didn’t lay Ace down as gently as possible, he dropped him on the futon with a thump and Ace began laughing.

-“Amazing” Ace Baldwin:-
Haha…You…You had to pack me all the way back from the casino…Hahaha, you had to pack me back here, I guess that’s what managers are for though.

Derek grumbled, as he had also been drinking, not as much as Ace of course just in case they had to do this—get back to the suite alive and unharmed and indeed they were. He tossed Ace a pillow which landed on Ace’s face and a blanket as he walked over to the other window and shook his head.

Vegas had this thing of absolutely kicking your ass. Derek as well as Ace had been through many matches, many different kinds of matches maybe hundreds, maybe thousands between them. This city, always seemed to get the better of Derek who lived in Reno, but spent a lot of time in Vegas, he looked over at Ace who was already snoring and realized that Ace had a chance to punch back, he had a chance to beat not only this city, but also Kevin Carter, Blade Alexander, Tommy Staggs and Argento, all in one night, all in one place—at the Golden Coast Casino.

Derek looked blurry eyed over at the clock, it read 4 AM, and he shrugged and turned off a few lights before he walked over to his bedroom and shut the door behind him as Ace rolled over onto his pillow and pulled the covers over him as he was in for what he was sure would be a long, and well deserved sleep-in to sleep off the hangover he would sure have in the morning and to reverse whatever damage he had done the night before.

-Two Hours Later-

It was just in his grasp now as pushed Blade Alexander off the side of the cage. He had just done battle with Argento and Staggs on the outside, how he climbed, high. The cage he climbed was at least 40 feet high, if not more and each time he climbed the top of the cage seemed to get farther away. He tried to get to the top, but was grabbed by the foot by someone, they called his name…”Ace…Ace”…He looked down and it was Kevin Carter.

His ugly, badly dyed hair stuck out like a sore thumb and his ugly, grisly face looked as if it was in pain as Ace kicked the ugly fellow in the face and in the teeth a couple of times before he smirked down at him and then climbed up the cage a little bit more, he was just near the top, just within reach. The golden briefcase in the middle of the cage was his for the taking as his hand finally hit the top of the cage. He pulled himself to straddle it as he looked down to the briefcase, it was a long…Long way down, come to think of it, he was pretty scared of heights.

He looked back down the opposite side, outside of the ring to see Carter, Alexander, Staggs and Argento who gained on him with every second he sat at the top of the cage. He tried to force himself off the top of the cage, but now he couldn’t move. He tried to move his limbs but they wouldn’t respond to what he told them to do. That was weird, come to think of it, all four men who climbed the cage after Ace wasn’t fighting one another, no—they were fighting to get to Ace.

Ace looked dumbstruck for a second before he finally stood up on the top of the cage, if the only way was to get that briefcase would be to jump from the top of the cage and crash through whatever it was the briefcase sat on? Well—he would do it.

He looked behind him once more to see the four men gaining on him, but it seemed to take them less time to climb the cage than the hour it took him, and the cage looked a lot easier for them to climb. He sighed and then he had second thoughts about jumping, what if he got hurt? What if something got injured and he wouldn’t even be able to cash the briefcase in when he wanted, a thousand thoughts ran through his mind as his opponents called his name, one by one as they climbed the cage, but they weren’t climbing anymore, yes they had heads of normal people, but they had bodies of snakes.

Ace hit himself in the head a couple of times, what kind of match was this? He hadn’t been told anything about snakes? That’s when his foot slipped and he fell from the top of the cage, the snakes called his name as he reached out for the title until…


He was splashed in the face by water as he sat straight up into some sopping wet blankets and pillows, and the alcohol which hadn’t had a chance to leave his system in the last two and a half hours he had been asleep instantly hit him as his head swam, he began to wipe the water from his face, as a figure stood over him. It was Derek Daniels, who didn’t look phased by the long night or morning out. He stood dressed in a hoodie and a pair of sweat pants, his hair was messed up from however much sleep he got as he grinned at Ace who winced at him.

-“Amazing” Ace Baldwin:-
What in the HELL is going on? Why did you splash water on me for? What the HELL are you doing up? We just went to sleep like…

He searched for his phone to look at the time but Derek was already ahead of the game as he sat down a plate of scrambled eggs and orange juice beside Ace.

-“Dynamic” Derek Daniels:-
Around two hours ago…I made you some eggs and orange juice, the eggs are extra runny, but you’re going to need the protein for our work out.

Ace looked over at the runny eggs and turned his nose up to them and reached for a bucket, a garbage can, anything to toss his cookies into, Derek was also prepared for this as he handed him a garbage can as Ace turned over on the futon and the noise wasn’t pleasant, but Derek wasn’t bothered by the noise of last night’s beer coming up and out into a trash can. Ace rolled over and held ,his stomach with a moan as Derek looked down at him.

-“Dynamic” Derek Daniels:-
What? Only like your eggs sunny side up? I’ll remember that next time I take you out and get you drunk, did you think all that was for free? Ace? Get up we have a run to make…HEY.

Ace had rolled over as he clutched the trash can and moaned as Derek walked behind the counter and brought out another pale of water, he tossed it in Ace’s face once again who sputtered and rolled off the futon and into the floor with the wet blankets and pillow. He put his face into the pillow, a muffled sound could be heard coming from it.

-“Amazing” Ace Baldwin:-
Leave me alone!

Derek smirked and ripped the wet blanket from him and then the pillow and tossed them both aside as Ace looked up to him, angry, but unable to do much due to his condition. He rolled over and clutched his stomach. Derek took a fork full of eggs and dished it into his mouth as he chewed; he took a swill of orange juice from the wine glass he had put it in.

-“Dynamic” Derek Daniels:-
Leave you alone…Heh, leave you alone eh? Let you sleep the day away while Kevin Carter and your opponents are out there training for you? Leave you alone and let that alcohol soak in some more so you can be lazy all day? What? You think I was going to let you sleep until noon? Get. UP!

Derek huffed as he pulled Ace up by the button down he had on from the night before buttons snapped on either side as Ace stumbled to his feet, his eyes wide from the strength Derek showed as Derek pointed to the bedroom where Ace had been sleeping. Ace threw his arms outward.

-“Amazing” Ace Baldwin:-
What?! What do you want me to do? Do some freaking jumping jacks? Want me to do a few pushups? Dude, this isn’t the army, you don’t have to be a drill sergeant to me, it’s cool, it’s just wrestling, and it’s just a match.

Ace huffed as he stumbled back down onto the couch and put his head in his hands as Derek watched him pitifully as he tossed his cookies once more into the garbage can as he looked up, his face almost resembling a cartoonish green as he looked up, his eyes weak. Derek leaned down and grabbed him again.

-“Dynamic” Derek Daniels:-
While you’ve paid your dues in dumps like MWA, you’ve been living soft for too long in Galveston and it’s about DAMN time you realized what you can do when you put forth the effort. I’m giving you five minutes to get a shower and get some running clothes on, you and I are going for a little jog.

Ace shook his head and stood up and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand as he stared down Derek and looked to him defiantly.

-“Amazing” Ace Baldwin:-
No, you listen here you has-been hack. I’m not going to be treated like this. I’m a star, and I can win that match with or without you, but if you want to be like this, and pull me out of bed after YOU took me out drinking all night, and YOU want to live vicariously through me with this match, well. I QUIT!

Ace stormed into his bedroom and slammed the door shut as Derek shrugged and sat down on the couch, he flipped some Sportscenter on the television and as calm as ever poked at his eggs with a fork before soon he was done and had drained the glass of juice before him. He could hear puking noises that echoed from the other room, he heard the shower run, he heard the toilet flush after some more puking noises. Soon the door opened and a tussled haired Ace came blundering from the room with a sweatshirt on, his hood pulled over his weary eyes and a pair of jogging pants and some tennis shoes. Derek smirked and crossed his arms.

-“Dynamic” Derek Daniels:-
In under five minutes too…I’m impressed, you really do want to win this match, you got fight kid. I’ll give you that, but it’s going to take more than fight. Come on…Sure you don’t want any food, or juice?

Ace shook his head and clutched at his stomach as he pointed toward the water he had in the pocket of his hooded sweatshirt as Derek nodded and walked from the suite, Ace reluctantly followed.

-“Amazing” Ace Baldwin:-
Where are we going?

Derek looked back at him as he pressed a button on the elevator and the ‘ding’ suggested that it had arrived, they rode it down to floor level and both walked through the lobby, where some folks were just dragging in to go to bed, Ace washed them mournfully and woefully as they would get to rest their heavy eye lids and sleep off a hangover, he was about to get rid of his the hard way.

Derek jogged in place for a moment, Ace mimicked his movements but he wasn’t as perky as Derek as the two took off in a jog down the street, Derek slowed for Ace, who still seemed to be getting his equilibrium about him as he ran, he had to pause several times for water, and to puke that said water back up, but Derek was patient as they ran. Derek was just ahead of Ace as he glanced back at him, Ace had his head down, struggling as he ran.

-“Dynamic” Derek Daniels:-
Come on, you going to pick up the pace? Your ass has been dragging , you’re leaving a trail. Come on, pick it up for me. One time, come on!

Ace gritted his teeth and looked up and pushed forward as he matched Derek stride for stride. This had all been a part of Derek’s plan. Take Ace out, get him drunk, get up him early and make him train, this, this is where champions were made, this is where the lessons were learned. Nobody gained anything from getting up to train when you got a good night’s sleep.

No, champions were made when you are too hung over to get out of bed and you get up and run anyway, champions were made out in the streets, not in the weight room. Derek had the credentials, even if Ace didn’t want to listen to them. Derek knew what it was like getting out to great starts, 25-0 in the EWE, 12-0 in the HCW and 15-0 in the EWF.

-“Amazing” Ace Baldwin:-
Where in the hell are we going? You didn’t answer me before, I wouldn’t be surprised if we weren’t running to Reno and back, you’re crazy.

Derek grinned back at him as they jogged, Ace had fell behind once more and Derek pointed at his temple a couple of times, Ace rolled his eyes and picked up his speed to pull even with Derek as Derek chuckled.

-“Dynamic” Derek Daniels:-
You’ll see, I figure a nice bit of fresh morning air will get your creative juices flowing, because you’re going to have to be innovative to win a match like this…Why are you so confident, let me into the mind of Ace Baldwin. You tell me why you think you’re going to win…

Ace lowered his head and thought for a moment before he lifted it back up and looked over to his manager and trainer before he nodded.

-“Amazing” Ace Baldwin:-
Because I see no competition when I look over the landscape of this match, there is a huge variable that I can’t control, and that is the cage and climbing up and inside the cage, also fighting on the outside, but that’s something I’ve proven I can do. I can go at it with someone on the outside, I can wrestle in the ring, I can survive, these other guys can’t…Kevin Carter can’t, Blade can’t, Argento can’t, Staggs can’t. I’m in this match for a reason, and that reason is to win, I deserve it. SCW knows it, that’s why they put me in this match, to prove I am the best, to prove I can go with the best up-and-comers SCW has to offer.

Derek nodded and turned a quick corner around the block as Ace followed him; while Ace had been talking Derek had turned up the tempo and started to jog faster. Ace hadn’t even noticed he ran even faster until sweat started to bead down his forehead. Derek glanced back to him.

-“Dynamic” Derek Daniels:-
But what if…What if you fail, what if Blade Alexander can hang with his high flying abilities and shocks you, what if Argento is too powerful for you, what if Staggs shocks you in his return, what if…What if Kevin Carter just wants revenge on you, and maybe he doesn’t have to win the match, maybe he just wants you to lose it, because of the way you made him tap in the middle of an SCW ring for the first time in his career. What then? Do you hole up in a corner like you did in GIW and not fight your way out?

Ace sneered over to Derek and began to run faster, this time he pushed the tempo on Derek and pulled ahead as he looked back to Derek.

-“Amazing” Ace Baldwin:-
Hole up? No, you see losing isn’t an option, not anymore. You know as well as I do I got complacent in the GIW because it was a sinking ship, I could see the end was near and I wanted out, the SCW is booming, it’s alive more than ever and I want to be the face of this company and there is only one way to do that, and that is win. I will repeat it…LOSING IS NOT AN OPTION. This match was made for this, this match has Ace Baldwin written all over it, I know it, the fans know it and there will be no Cinderella story for Blade or Argento or Carter, or even Staggs. The slipper won’t fit because it’s not a slipper, it’s a wrestling boot, and it’s not one size fits all, it only fits me. It only fits on my foot, because my foot is that of a giant, and I’m going to squash the rest of the competition in this match.
Derek smirked as Ace had pulled ahead by a couple of feet, even though he had no clue where he was going at the moment. Derek slapped his hands together once before he looked ahead to Ace and then pulled even with him to turn a sharp right.

-“Dynamic” Derek Daniels:-
Yeah, but you’ve backed a man like Kevin Carter into a corner, and I’ve seen men like him in a corner. I don’t care about the redundant shit he comes out and mutters about you each and every week, I could care less about how many interviews he does, how he claims to be the best. Men like that in a corner, is dangerous. Let’s face it, he is your biggest competition in this match, he is the man you have to beat, he is the one who is gunning for you. Do you think Argento wants this match more than him? Do you think Staggs does? How about Blade? Have you heard anything from them? I’ve heard a quip from Argento, and that’s it. It’s all been you and Kevin Carter jawing at one another like two heavyweight fighters. The question is do YOU want it more than Kevin Carter? Right now, if you don’t pick up the pace, it doesn’t look like you want that briefcase, or you don’t want that match…Am I right…Or am I wrong?

Ace had fallen behind by quite a margin as Derek had picked up into a light sprint, this wasn’t a jog anymore, it was more of a race, it was to test Ace, to see if he would fold because Ace had been known to be soft before, he had been known to crumble, known to back off of pressure situations, and known to—let’s face it—choke.

-“Amazing” Ace Baldwin:-
I want it…

Derek jogged on ahead of Ace and turned a corner, he was a full couple of feet in front of Ace who had his hood pulled over his head, his eyes weak and watched the passing pavement underneath his sluggish feet.

-“Dynamic” Derek Daniels:-
I can’t hear you from all the way back there, Carter has been screaming it from the mountaintops that he is going to win this match…How about you? Where have you been roaring from? The bar? The karaoke machine? The couch?

Ace looked up and tore the hood from the top of his head and lengthened his long stride to bring himself within a step beside Derek Daniels. This ‘race’ meant a lot more than just training, it was physical and it was metaphorical, did he have what it took? Could he win the big one, for the second time in his career.

-“Amazing” Ace Baldwin:-

Derek turned around and ran backwards, jogging with ease as he did as Ace couldn’t catch him, Derek stared at Ace as he did.

-“Dynamic” Derek Daniels:-
I can’t hear you…Did you say something? Did you want to quit? Want to turn in for the day? Want to go get comfy on the couch again? COME ON, YOU WANT TO GIVE IT UP?

Ace bounded forward and forearmed Derek out of the way and sprinted up and away from him, he tossed his head back and closed his eyes as the end of the street was just meters ahead, Derek sprinted after him, the two probably looked rather silly as they raced down the streets of Las Vegas, but neither cared at this point, it was the competition that drove them.

-“Amazing” Ace Baldwin:-
I SAID I WANT IT…I will win that damn briefcase and I will climb that cage and I will hold it proudly over my head, and I will dare any other man woman or child in the SCW to take it away from me. I’M the man. This is MY time, and I’ll prove it, once and for all…

Ace yelled this back at Derek as he ran into a parking lot and across the street, he dropped to his knees and huffed and puffed, sweat poured off him as his sweat shirt was soaked with it, he waited for Derek to catch up, and when he did he had a smirk on his face as Derek nudged Ace with his foot and Ace looked up to him, about to ask him what he wanted, but when Ace looked up, he could see where they were running too, what the goal was the whole time, the place Derek wanted to drive Ace.

The Gold Coast Casino.

This was where it would all take place on Blaze of Glory II, right here in this casino, wrestling fans in a mere few days would pile in to watch the outstanding card. Ace looked up at Derek with a smirk and nodded. Derek jerked his head toward the Casino as people filed in and out, even at this time in the morning, this was the city that never slept, it was Vegas, it didn’t matter, but Ace did take note of a few familiar SCW ring crew as they were hauling things into the giant ball room where the card would take place.

Derek offered a hand down to Ace, he took it and Ace got to his feet as the two walked in. Signs were already up, some paused to look at the flyers and posters which featured the superstars and bombshells of the SCW, they walked into the ball room to see the ring already set up, not draped with a skirt just yet on the apron, and many chairs being sat out. Ace looked around as Derek chuckled.

-“Dynamic” Derek Daniels:-
It’s not Madison Square Garden to say the least, but this…This can be your Madison Square Garden, it doesn’t mean you can’t make this place something special…

Derek had lucked out and caught EWE on a hot run, TV deals, good money and a couple of events in Madison Square Garden was the payoff. Ace’s dream was to wrestle there, and Derek knew it.

Ace walked over to the ring and sat down at a chair at ringside, he saw the pieces of the cage sat up against the wall, he knew that the cage would either be his downfall or after the match perhaps the best thing he’s ever seen in his life. Ace brought the water bottle from his pocket and took a swill as Derek leaned on the apron.

-“Dynamic” Derek Daniels:-
I wanted you to see this place, before it was filled with rabid wrestling fans, before it’s decked out in all of its SCW glory, and I want you to remember something, remember that it all starts here…Remember all of those time’s you’ve failed in big matches? Tell me about them.

Ace leaned back, there was more failure than he could count on one hand, he looked to Derek and leaned back in the chair as he savored his water.

-“Amazing” Ace Baldwin:-
I had a chance in the GIW to win a match that would give me a title shot at the biggest show of the year, and I squandered it away in the final minutes against Madison Seton. That’s when I felt like I couldn’t win the big one anymore.

Derek nodded and had his arms crossed as he looked to Ace and hopped up to sit in front of him on the apron. Ace looked down at the floor with his fingers interlocked in a ball between his knees as he looked up to Derek.

-“Dynamic” Derek Daniels:-
So you lost to Madison Seton…What else? She was a very accomplished marital artist, and you never tapped out in that match if I’m correct, you merely passed out. What else?

Ace counted the times in his head again, he had to relive these moments in the building where he hoped to squash these moments forever, to turn a new page to begin a new chapter which would lead to championship gold.

-“Amazing” Ace Baldwin:-
I beat Alioth Starre who wasn’t 100 percent for the GIW Undisputed Championship, and I lost it a month later in a four way to Tony Miranda, a guy who isn’t great in the ring, but he gets the job done to say the least, he took my title, and that’s about the only legitimate thing he did while in GIW, but I never got another shot at the belt after that.

Derek shrugged and then hopped off the apron and opened his arms and looked around, Ace watched him as he paced back and forth on the mat around the ring that had already been laid down.

-“Dynamic” Derek Daniels:-
You know what I have to say about all that? Do you know what I think about all the times you’ve failed, all the championships you should have won, but didn’t?

Ace put his hands atop his head and leaned back again, he was sure Derek was about to berate him and belittle him some more, like a player to a coach he just looked to him, helpless and ready for some kind of direction no matter how harsh.

-“Amazing” Ace Baldwin:-
Let me guess, I sucked, I should have done better, what was I doing wrong? I couldn’t get the job done? Let me guess, you would have never been in that situation anyway? Tell me.

Derek smirked laughed, chuckled even at Ace and his antics but he stopped his stride right in front of Ace and swept a flyer off of the ground and held it up to Ace and pointed up to the three letters in bold, white font across the top.

-“Dynamic” Derek Daniels:-
Read me that? What does that say? What are those letters? Does it say MWA? Does it say GIW? Does it say EWE? Does it say WWER?
Ace shook his head as he took the flyer to find his face in the crowd of SCW wrestlers that crowded the poster and gave a crooked smile.

-“Amazing” Ace Baldwin:-
No…It says SCW.

Derek nodded.

-“Dynamic” Derek Daniels:-
Yeah, it says SCW…And what is your record in SCW, how many big matches have you won here, in this federation…How many?

Ace looked up to Derek and held up three fingers and Derek nodded and put his hands behind his back as he paced again as Ace answered.

-“Amazing” Ace Baldwin:-
Three matches...And one of those against a guy who is going to be in this match with me.

Derek pointed to Ace.

-“Dynamic” Derek Daniels:-
But that’s it, it doesn’t matter how you got here, it doesn’t matter how you started, what matters if how you finish. This business is cutthroat, it’s a ‘what have you done for me’ business, and what you’ve done lately is strung together a few wins here and there, what you’ve done is given this place a legitimate guy to get behind each and every week. You said it best a couple of weeks ago, it doesn’t matter what Kevin Carter did in WWEEERE or whatever it was called, what matters is the SCW, and in SCW, you can make or break your legacy with this match. You win, and you skyrocket, you lose, and you start your new legacy here. If I know you, and I know what you can do, young fella’, well, you will be the one on the top of that cage and celebrating with that briefcase in your hand. To hell with the past, because you are the future, you are the present, and least of all. You are Amazing. I know it, the fans know it, and soon Alexander, Staggs, Carter and Argento will know it too.

Ace slapped his hands together and stood up and fist bumped Derek as he looked around and slapped the apron a couple of times, he was fired up, ready to wrestle right then and there as Derek slapped him on the shoulder.

-“Dynamic” Derek Daniels:-
What say we get this run in back to the suite, get a quick bite to eat and nap this hangover off, and then hit the gym tonight?

Ace nodded.

-“Amazing” Ace Baldwin:-
I’m ready.

And he meant that more than ever as the two exited the building and back into the Las Vegas street where they began their run back to where they were staying.


Game day…

Hearts raced…

Wrestlers paced backstage and awaited their names to be called from Gorilla position.

Many could be found in a corner, taping up, maybe in their locker rooms listening to music, but one wrestler had found his way into a room where he wanted to be alone, but as he stumbled around in the dark, his hands had clasped around something that was unusual, it wasn’t a light switch, a rail, a mop or a broom.

The light flickered on to find Ace Baldwin, already in his ring attire as he stood in the small storage room, hidden away from the wrestlers and the people as the florescent light above flickered on and off, he had a vest on with Ace down the sides, his ring attire sleek and fitting, his boots laced up, but something was different in his attire, as it was mere hours away from the event, Ace, in his hand held a golden briefcase. He looked up, his eyes not visible as the light casted a shadow as he held up the briefcase and flashed a grin.

-“Amazing” Ace Baldwin:-
I found myself looking to get away, as always from the hoopla and all of the hype leading up to this event, I didn’t want to be in the back and have to lay eyes on Kevin Carter slurping down a mega gulp before the match, or Argento stretching out. I wanted to get into my zone, my place before this match, a place many wrestlers don’t like for me to go, because it means a win for me. I found this small storage room off to itself, so I brought my Ipod, I brought my Beats by Dre, but you see they aren’t on, and playing because I am locked into something else. This little gem I found laying around back here, so I figured I’d get a little alone time with it.

He held up the briefcase in front of him with two hands, just before his eye-line as he looked at its golden color, ran a hand over the front and the casing as he sat it down on the table in front of him and then nodded.

-“Amazing” Ace Baldwin:-
I figured I’d get a little alone time with it, but it should be the other’s who need alone time with it, for it’s going to be them who won’t be walking out of this arena, this match, this card with the briefcase in their possession, you see, it’s going to be mine. It’s that simple. This match is mine to lose, and let me tell you why, because of the losers I’m placed in this match with. Let’s start with the first person who won’t be going home with this briefcase…Tommy Staggs, the returning…Whatever he is.

He sat the briefcase back down on the table before him, but he didn’t take his hands off of it as he kept letting his hand run over the golden casing as he looked up from it.

-“Amazing” Ace Baldwin:-
Who? Who the hell is Tommy Staggs? He’s supposed to be returning and maybe I’m not getting the memo here. Is he supposed to be good? Is he supposed to be a threat? Is he supposed to come down and expect to win this match without training, without explaining why he’s going to win? Maybe he’s giving us the silent treatment, maybe he’s already mad that I’m going to be walking out with the briefcase, maybe he saw my name on the card and decided, meh, I better not show up, especially if Ace Baldwin is going to be there. If only everyone had that attitude they wouldn’t be so disappointed and have to make excuses, like someone else I know in this match. Regardless, Staggs, if you do show up. I hope you don’t expect to win, I really hate to disappoint people, unless you’re a prick like Kevin Carter, then I’ll wallow in your tears.

Ace smirked from under his hood as he turned the briefcase over and played with the clasps at the top and pondered the thought of opening it. He unclipped both sides before he peeked in with a smirk on his face.

-“Amazing” Ace Baldwin:-
Most say it would be bad luck to sneak in and touch, feel and even look at the briefcase, I say I don’t believe in luck. I don’t believe that my destiny just floats away from me because I slipped in here and accidentally found this briefcase. My destiny isn’t hinged on because I just looked in and saw this contract, with a bunch of mumbo jumbo and with a signature at the bottom to sign my name on the dotted line. The fact is, my skills outweighs my luck, I know I’m the best, and I’m not the best because I’m lucky, it’s not like I’m going to lose because of bad karma, because the fact is. Not only can the other four men in this match stop me from winning this match. God himself with all the forces on earth couldn’t come down from the heavens and stop me from winning this match, the fact is I am the god of that ring, the others in this match are just peons.

He looked into the briefcase once more to make sure the contract is still in there, to make sure he didn’t lose it in the floor, or to make sure that he wasn’t just dreaming. He hadn’t dreamed it, he was sitting there with it already in his possession, but it was just a foregone conclusion.

-“Amazing” Ace Baldwin:-
Who do we have next? Ah yes, another fellow who won’t be walking out the winner in this match. Blade Alexander. I’ve had one notion of Blade since I’ve stepped foot in this company, and one of those notions is that Alexander is one of those elist type of people, who doesn’t deserve that label. We talk about a guy who comes out covered in tattoos and guy-liner who thinks he is some great high flyer, but all he does is complain about things, in fact on Twitter he clamored about how SCW creates the worst match times, I guess because SCW doesn’t just copy what mainstream wrestling does, I assume. He claims he is a one man wrecking crew, yet I don’t even see him having a chance in this match, and it looks like a one man wrecking crew would be a favorite in this match, but you aren’t Blade because you are what you wear, and how you look, and seeing you look like garbage, that’s exactly what you are, and will forever be in an SCW ring…Garbage, and even though it was my least favorite chore growing up, I’m going to take out the trash, and I’m going to enjoy doing it…

He smirked and he picked the briefcase back up and held it in his arms, almost like a child as he turned his neck from side to side as he spoke. He tossed his hood off of his head to reveal his eyes with a wink as he held the briefcase.

-“Amazing” Ace Baldwin:-
That leaves our man Argento, as one of the men who won’t be walking away with this briefcase, and his name is Argento. Argento is an interesting cat, he’s like one of these basketball players who get off the bus, and they look good, they look like they start on the team look like they are going to dominate, yet when he gets out on the court he’s as soft as a pillow, baby soft. That is Argento. He doesn’t even have a big bark, I watched his promo, thought I would be scared, thought it may send a few waves of intimidation out, but no. I was disappointed, and not taking this papa’s boy seriously. It must be nice coming from a nice breed and pedigree of wrestling family, because the fact is I grew up with a father who hated wrestling and thought I should do something more with my life, it must be nice to be handed all these gifts, and for you to piss them all away by racking up the losses, like you’re going to be racking up the losses after this match. Hell, just quit. Better yet give me your father’s address, let me send him some tapes of a real wrestler, and if he’s dead, he’ll roll over in his grave if he realizes what I’m going to do to you…I promise, you don’t stand a chance.

He laughed as he held the briefcase over his head as if he was already celebrating the win as he pointed to where the camera was placed as he tossed his head back and laughed.

-“Amazing” Ace Baldwin:-
And finally…Finally. I feel this match is between two people…Kevin Carter and Ace Baldwin. You see, unlike Kevin I can give credit where credit is due, he is a talented wrestler, he can go blow for blow with me, he can wrestle, he can fight and this match is made for a guy like him, and if I wasn’t in this match, he may have had a chance…But he doesn’t, he doesn’t because I’m in this match and I am the better man, over Kevin Carter. You see, I beat Carter fair and square and all he did was whine about it for two promo’s straight, I beat Kevin Carter, not only beat him but I made him tap out, clean in the middle of the ring and then he stood up and proceeded to cut the worst promo I’ve ever seen someone cut, and the fact is you lost, and the fact is you thought you won the match. Maybe I knocked you stupid, maybe it knocked what little piece of sanity you had left away from you, but the fact is.

Ace motioned for the briefcase he held above his head.

-“Amazing” Ace Baldwin:-
Maybe you can cut a promo after this match about how amazing I am, maybe you should cut a promo about how once again you come up short, which I hear is a problem for you, according to Amy Marshall. The fact is you sit there two weeks ago and cried and slung mud at me about how the only way I got ahead in GIW is by banging Aspen Chaud, or whatever you said, and then proclaimed your greatness because of what you have done in another federation, what an idiot, that’s all I can say, an idiot. I’ve beat some people in my day, I’ve defeated some douchebags, I’ve beaten some assholes, I’ve made wrestlers eat crow because they’ve claimed greatness and I’ve beaten them easily, just like I did you. Let me tell you something Carter, and you listen and listen good. I am the best wrestler, you have ever been in the ring with, so when we go out tonight, don’t be awestruck, you should get down on your knee and you should beg me not to hurt you and not to embarrass you again.

He didn’t have a smile on his face anymore, he didn’t have a grin, he looked deathly serious ahead, and then looked up to the briefcase and kissed it before he sat it back down.

-“Amazing” Ace Baldwin:-
So when you quit, and when you do this world a favor and you’re dead and gone, hopefully sooner rather than later, just remember in the back of your mind, as you’re on your deathbed, or when my foot is on your throat during this match…Thank me, thank me for being the best wrestler you’ve ever seen, thank me for not crippling you, and thank me…Thank me for winning this briefcase, because the fact is if you won it, you couldn’t get the job done, KIDDO.

He shrugged it off as he looked back at the briefcase and then ahead as he flipped his hood back up and then smirked.

-“Amazing” Ace Baldwin:-
But maybe it isn’t because I’m bigger, better, or maybe it isn’t because this is destiny. I’m going to win this, because I am simply…Amazing.

He nodded to the briefcase and slammed the door behind him as the screen faded to black.

All out of bubble gum....


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