Author Topic: La Belle Province, and a visit to the Maritimes...  (Read 921 times)

Offline Max Burke

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La Belle Province, and a visit to the Maritimes...
« on: February 27, 2013, 08:24:14 PM »
 Saturday, February 23rd

Montreal, Quebec
Café Bar Métropole at Montréal–Trudeau

Trevor Irons: Did I ever tell you much I despise airports?

Max Burke: Can’t say that you have... in the last 5 minutes.

Aleksei Koji:It’s actually like 3 minute. Have a beer friend. Relax. I thought you were zen now?

Trevor Irons: I’m trying Aleksei, but the people here are so rude. I thought all of you Canadians were supposed to be friendly, and welcoming.

Max Burke: Quebec does not count my friend. They don’t want to be Canadians, and honestly... the way I have been treated over the years here... I could care less if they finally separate.

Aleskei Koji: That’s harsh. You love everyone Max.

Max Burke: Except the majority of the province of Quebec. 9 times out of 10 you run into a prick. God’s honest truth. You ask anyone that’s not from here. They treat the rest of Canada like we don’t belong in the (sarcastically) “Belle Province”. One thing helps to block them out while we wait.

Trevor Irons: Yes?

Max Burke: One good thing that comes out of Montreal is Molson. Cheers!

Max extends his bottle out, and the three clink their bottles in a toast. They all share a laugh, and some smiles even though they are stranded in Montreal currently.

Trevor Irons: Cheers!

Aleksei Koji: I’ll drink to that!

Max Burke:You’ll drink to anything Koji!

Aleksei Koji: Ha! Very true my friend!

Max Burke: We do have a reason to celebrate though.

Trevor Irons: Congrats Aleksei!

Aleksei Koji: Thanks boys. Big day tomorrow.


Sunday, February 24th
Antigonish, Nova Scotia
Antigonish Arena
Backstage ACW LIVE!

Max Burke: Great job out there Aleksei. You had them in the palm of your hand.

Aleksei Koji: Thanks Max. I was actually nervous. New surroundings and all.

J.J. Dixon: He’s right Aleksei. You did wonderful out there. We’re going to make a fantastic team. You’ll be great as the head of the tag division. I have 100% faith in your abilities and decisions.

Aleksei Koji: Thanks J.J. it’s nice to feel appreciated boss. Thanks again for bringing me on board.

J.J. Dixon: It’s my pleasure Aleksei. You boys have a good rest of the night. Trevor, Max... good luck at your shot at Blaze Of Glory. I’m rooting for you too.

With that, J.J. Dixon excuses himself, and leaves the room. Max tosses a can of Alexander Keith’s to both Trevor and Aleksei. Max cracks his open, and takes a deep swig.

Max Burke: Ah, I love being home for a visit. I got to admit, Frost looked really good out there tonight. He showed a helluva lot of guts out there tonight. He’s got serious skills.

Trevor Irons: Yeah, that was a huge win against Vixen. He looked really, really good.

Aleksei Koji: I have to admit it, you guys are right. I’m glad I brought you guys along for the trip. It was an excellent opportunity to scout him one more time before Blaze Of Glory.

Max Burke: Definitely. He did show a few weaknesses though.

Aleksei Koji: You better have been taking notes my friend.

Max Burke: Of course boss. I jotted a couple of things down. Made a few mental notes too.

Trevor Irons: Yep, me too boss.

Aleksei Koji: Really? I caught you sleeping during his match.

Trevor Irons: What? Me? No.

Max Burke: Trev? Really?

Trevor Irons: I was not Max! I was meditating.

Max Burke: You sure?

Trevor Irons: I was!

Max Burke: I heard you snoring...

Trevor Irons: He’s lying! I was meditating. I was picturing our match at Blaze Of Glory. I have it all mapped out.

Max chuckles as he takes a drink from his beer. He shoots a knowing look in the direction of Aleksei, and then to his partner.

Max Burke: Really?

Aleksei plays on with this new game of teasing Trevor.

Aleksei Koji: Go on...

Max Burke: Well?

Trevor is obviously scrambling for an answer that he doesn’t have.

Trevor Irons: I uh... I’ll write it all out, and give it you guys later.

Aleksei rolls his eyes, and takes a swig from his beer.

Aleksei Koji: Good thing I’ll have a copy of the match before we leave tonight.

Max Burke: I love studying tapes boss. You’re always a student of the game.

Trevor Irons: Oh knock it off. Stop making me look bad. We’re both going to study some more tape. I promise. I’ve got ideas too. I came up with this cool new double team move!

Max Burke: Okay, I’ll give you that. He told me about it earlier Aleksei. Don’t know how he dreamed it up, but it’s pretty cool. When we get back to Vegas we’re going to run through it a couple of times to get the timing down.

Aleksei Koji: Good, good. Let’s get out of here, and back to the hotel. We’ve got an early flight. Need you two well rested if we’re going to pull this off on Sunday.

Max grabs the 12 pack of Keith’s, shoves it under his arm, and follows Aleksei and Trevor as they leave the Antigonish Arena into the dark, cold night.

Next time, our heroes will return to Vegas to focus on the historic night that will be Sunday, March 3, 2013. Will the Lions come up short, or will the Lions pounce, and slaughter their prey? Stay tuned on their journey to the Sin City Wrestling Tag Team Championships!