Author Topic: An Interesting Mix and Match  (Read 395 times)

Offline Nick Jones

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    • Nick Jones
An Interesting Mix and Match
« on: February 01, 2013, 10:13:14 PM »
 The scene opens up backstage at the Reno Sparks Convention Center in Reno, Nevada shortly before last week's edition of Climax Control was due to come on the air.  As the scene enters the backstage rehabilitation area setup by SCW, Nick Jones is seen laid out on a medical table as one of the members of SCW's rehab staff is checking on Nick, as she stretches out and rubs down his neck and shoulder area.  As this goes on, the door opens up and in walks "Hot Stuff" Mark Ward, who watches the scene from a difference for a few moments before he eventually very loudly clears his throat.  The noise draws the attention of both Nick and the woman as Nick turns his head while on the table to face towards the door.  As he realizes it is Mark, Nick leans up on his elbows and looks back at the woman.

Nick:  Don't worry about him.  Keep on going.

The woman, clearly realizing that Mark is ultimately the boss in this situation, turns and looks towards Mark.  Mark simply nods in her direction and she continues on with her work as Nick addresses his friend.

Nick:  So what do you want, limey?

HS:  Nothing really, just came to check in on you, yank.  Went to meet up with you guys back in the locker room and that big dipshit of a cousin of yours told me you came here, so I just figured I'd make sure everything was alright.

Nick:  Yeah, I'll be fine, but what the hell do you expect?  In case you don't remember, while I was busy trying to take care of YOUR dirty work, that cowardly, cheating little douchebag drove me head first through a steel freakin' chair.

HS:  Yeah, that one looked like it hurt.

Nick:  Ya think?  No shit sherlock.  Hurt doesn't even begin to describe it.  I'd like to see how your old ass would handle something like that.

HS:  Hey, I've taken more than my fair share of ridiculous moves at the hands of that rat bastard, the difference is I still managed to come away with a win.

Nick:  Is that supposed to be funny?  You and I both know I won that damn match!  I didn't even let that washed up old nobody hit a single one of those stupid moves on me while our match was actually going on.  Then I laid his ass out and put him down for the three count.  You, I and everybody watching all saw it happen and knows that's how it went down.  It was only after that cheating son of a bitch referee, who your buddy Christian probably paid off, deciding to take my victory away from me, that the spineless little shithead jumped me from behind to let him then be able to hit that move on me.

HS:  You won't get any argument out of me there, yank.  You know I think that match should have been yours, but it's too late to do anything about it now.  That bastard has quite the penchant for being able to steal wins that he never earned.  Even managed to do it against me twice before, so I certainly know how you feel.

Nick:  How I feel is like I have a never-ending throbbing pain going throughout my head and neck.  So if you'd excuse me, limey.

HS:  Whatever you say, yank.  Although just be clear, these ladies here are on the SCW payroll for rehab purposes.  I hate to have to break it to you, but they don't give out happy endings around here.

The woman rubbing down Nick's neck seems a bit awkward as she hears Mark's comments, but doesn't really acknowledge them as she continues on, while Mark just laughs at it.  Nick looks back towards Mark with a bit of a scowl on his face.

Nick:  As foreign as a concept as this may be to you, some of us don't need to pay anyone in order to get our rocks off.  I don't need some stupid whore to yank me off when I've got a fine little lady like Diana to take care of that for me.

HS:  Ah yes, Diana.  But I thought you said that you weren't paying for that?

Nick looks confused for a second as a smirk comes across Mark's face.  Nick then comes to a realization of what Mark is insinuating and quickly becomes annoyed.

Nick:  Oh, aren't you just sooooo damn funny.  Get the hell out of here, ya jackass!

Nick sits up, essentially pushing the rehab worker away from him in the process as he then reaches over and grabs a lamp off a nearby table.  Nick then pulls the wire out from the wall and heaves the lamp in the direction of Mark.  Mark sees it coming and quickly just steps out of the room and closes the door behind him, causing the lamp to hit the door and shatter into tons of tiny little pieces as Mark can be heard bursting into hysterical laughter on the other side of the door.  Nick looks off in the direction of the door as he simply shakes his head.

Nick:  I really hate that limey bastard sometimes.

Nick then turns and looks back at the rehab worker who is standing a few feet back from the table, as she looks to be in a bit of shock from what she saw just happen.

Nick:  What the hell is your problem?  Get back to work!

Nick then lays back down flat on the table as the woman slowly comes up again and continues to work on rubbing down his neck and shoulders as the scene fades.

<hr width=50%>

The scene opens back up later that week in Los Angeles at the now easily recognizable home of Nick Jones.  As the scene moves inside, we see the living room of Nick, where he is currently laying down across the couch watching television.  A few moments later, the front door can be heard opening and as it does, Nick lifts his head up from the pillow it was resting on that was sitting on the arm of the couch and looks off towards the front door.  He then calls off in that direction.

Nick:  Hey, you two, get your asses in here!

The scene pans around to show, as they are entering the room, the two individuals he was talking to were none other than entourage members Tony Capicelli and Big B Jones.  As they both walk in, the move over towards the couch Nick is laying on before eventually stopping a little bit away.  Nick grabs the TV remote and mutes the television before sitting up and looking towards both men.

Nick:  It's funny, but I sure haven't seen much of the two of you around lately.

Tony:  Wha'?  We's beens around.

Nick:  Of course you have been around.  You two live here for crying out loud.  But there's a difference between you being around and me seeing you around.  Capiche?

Tony:  What's it you's tryin' ta say?

Nick:  What I'm saying is it seems you two big mounds of stupid have been avoiding me.

Big B:  Why would we do that, cuz?

Nick:  Oh, I don't know.  Could it perhaps have a little smoething to do with the fact that the last time I saw you two for more than just a few seconds, which was two weeks ago on Climax Control, it was when you two were getting the living crap beat out of you by that old washed-up never-was Billy James?

Tony:  Waits one damn second...

Big B:  Yeah, we didn't get the crap beat out of us by nobody!

Nick:  Oh really?  Because if my memory serves, you two stepped in that ring with him one second, and the next were both laid out on your asses and out on the arena floor the next.  Isn't that about, right?

Tony:  He cheap-shotted us wit' one friggin' move.  We just wasn't given a shot to get him back.

Big B:  Right!  We would have put a beating on him if not for Christian showing up and making us leave.

Nick:  Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't know it should take so much time for TWO of you to beat up some old man who's smaller than either one of you.

Tony:  It ain't like dat.

Nick:  It ain't?  Seems to me like that should have been short work for you two, if you weren't such incompetent jackasses.

Tony:  At least we ain't da ones who's lost a match to him.

That comment immediate gets a very angry glare from Nick towards Tony, causing Big B to seem to get very nervous by the exchange that took place, as he quickly interjects and seems to try to calm things down.

Big B:  I think what he really meant was, that um... you know, that nobody expected that, uh...

Nick turns to his cousin and snaps at him.

Nick:  Shut up!

Nick then glares back at Tony as he continues on.

Nick:  I know what he meant, and it's exactly what he said.  Although let me remind you two dipshits of something.  While you two were busy getting smacked around in an instant and then dragged off out of the arena, I stepped into that ring, beat the hell out of the old man and won, yes that's right, WON that match.  It took the combination of a meddling co-owner, a shit-stain referee and a cheating coward of an opponent for that piece of crap to come away from that match with a so-called...

Nick raises his hands up, making quotes with his fingers in the process.

Nick:  "win".  Isn't that about right?

Big B:  Yeah, absolutely cuz!  You're totally right.  Isn't he right, Tone?
Tony:  Yeah, whateva'.  I guess dats true.

Nick:  Exactly.  Yet all it took was for him to stand in the ring with you two of you without any help or involvement from anybody else to knock you both on your asses.

Tony:  I'm just sayin'...

Nick:  Whatever man, don't give me any excuses.  This shit happens and I don't really care.  All I'm saying is, just be a man and stand up to what happened.  Don't sit here and try to give me crap about it, and don't spend two weeks trying to avoid me.  Just get your shit together, learn from your mistakes and don't ever let it happen again.  Got it?

Tony goes to respond, but before he can even get a single word out, Nick is quick to cut him off.

Nick:  That was a rhetorical question.  Now shut up and leave me the hell alone.

Big B:  But...

Nick:  That goes doubly for you.  So if you'll excuse me.

Nick gets up from his seat on the couch and leaving the two of them behind, he walks out of the living room through the door into the kitchen.  Just as he walks through, he sees Diana sitting at the kitchen table while speaking on the phone, having a conversation that appears to just be wrapping up and that, from the tone of her voice, seems to made Diana rather unhappy.

Diana:  Uh huh..... yeah, whatever.... right...... fine..... yeah, see you Sunday..... bye.

Diana hangs up the phone and as soon as she does, she immediately turns towards Nick as he stands just a step inside of the door to the kitchen.  She shoots an angry glare at Nick that causes him to immediately try to step backward to head back into the living room, but she is quickly stopped by Diana calling after him.

Diana:  Where the hell do you think you're going?

Nick:  Um... nowhere.  I was just coming to see you.  So... what's up, babe?

Diana:  I just got a little phone call filling me in on some of the things that have been going around in SCW.  Particularly things involving you.

Nick seems a bit nervous as he slowly moves closer in towards Diana as the conversation continues on.

Nick:  Oh yeah?  What's that?

Diana:  Don't play dumb with me.  Don't think I'm buying that shit for one damn second.  So, it just slipped your mind, huh?  Were you ever going to tell me about that dumb whore?

Nick:  Dumb whore?  You're going to have to be more specific, there's a lot of those in SCW.

Nick cracks a smile as he attempts to lighten the mood, but Diana does not seem so amused by his antics.  He quickly gets more serious as he realizes she's becoming angrier.

Nick:  I really don't know what you're talking about.  Who the hell were you talking to?

Diana:  Don't worry about that.  Just know that it's someone that's very aware of what's going in with you in SCW.

Nick, seeming to have come to a realization of what's going on, has his expression quickly change.

Nick:  That dumb limey bastard!  Don't listen to a word he says, that stupid asshole is just pissed off because I threw a lamp at him!

Diana seems to be confused, clearly not having a clue what Nick is talking about, but he continues on as he seems convinced this information came from Mark.

Nick:  Listen, I'll tell you just the same as I told Mark, nothing happened or was ever going to happen with that useless bitch.  She was just there to help me out with my neck, like she's paid to do, she wasn't going to be involved in any endings, happy or otherwise, no matter what that stupid limey tells you.

Diana:  What the hell are you talking about?  It wasn't Mark that I was talking to.

Nick:  It wasn't?  Then who was it?

Diana:  It was one of the bookers you stupid asshole.  What the hell were you talking about though?

Nick:  Um, nothing, never mind that.  Just an inside joke between me and Mark that I thought he told you... so anyway, what did this booker tell you?

Diana:  What do you think, you dumbass?  He's a booker, he called about your match for this week.

Diana scowls at Nick, but Nick looks back at her completely blankly.  Seeing the look on Nick's face, Diana seems to suddenly calm down a bit.

Diana:  You really don't know, do you?

Nick:  Know what?

Diana:  About your match this week.

Nick:  I know I've got one, but I have no idea who the hell I'm facing.  What's the big deal, since when do you give a crap who I have a match against?

Diana:  It's not about who your match is AGAINST.

Nick:  Then what the hell is your problem!?

Diana:  You know about the mixed tag team tournament they have going on, right?

Nick:  You know all of those stupid, god awful matches they were wasting everyone's time with on last weeks Climax Control?  Yeah, so what about it?

Diana:  You have one of those matches this week.

Nick:  Bullshit.  I don't know what you're trying to pull here, but there's no way even these idiots are that stupid to piss away their biggest draw by throwing me in some nonsensical tournament.

Diana:  Apparently they are, because you're in it, honey.

The expression on Nick's face suddenly changes to one of shock and annoyance, as he suddenly realizes that Diana is being completely serious.

Nick:  Wait... what?!?  Are you freaking kidding me?!?

Diana:  No, I'm serious.  You're in a mixed tag match, and your partner is that dumb whore Vixen.

Nick looks at Diana blankly for a moment before responding.

Nick:  Who the hell is that?

Diana:  Apparently she's the current Bombshell Champion.

Nick:  Whoop-dee-friggin-doo.  Sounds more like a reindeer.

Diana:  She is from Canada, so that might explain that.

Nick:  Just freakin' fantastic.  Listen babe, you don't have to worry about me being around some dumb canuck bimbo.  The only thing that bitch will be doing near me is standing on the ring apron, while I'm busy kicking the living crap out of whatever sorry bastard is on the opposing team, while the other dumb whore watches and cries.  All this Blitzen broad...

Diana:  Vixen.

Nick:  Yeah, whatever.  All she'll get is the benefit of riding my coattails to one victory after another.  She just happened to draw the lucky number of getting team with me, but that's where it begins and ends, I can promise you that.  There's no woman in all of SCW, or anywhere else in the world for that matter, who would ever be worth one damn moment of wasting my time with.

That last comment seems to make Diana happy as she gets a bit of a smile and her tone greatly improves.

Diana:  Well alright.  I guess you really didn't know anything about it and clearly wanted nothing to do with it, so I can hardly blame you.  Just do me a favor, and avoid being anywhere near that slut as much as possible.

Nick:  Not a problem babe, I'll be doing that for me just as much as I am for you.

Diana:  Good answer.

Diana then gets up from her seat at the table and walks over, giving Nick a quick peck on the cheek before continuing on out of the room, leaving Nick behind.  Nick watches and waits until Diana is clearly well out of range before he lets out a sight of relief and begins to talk to himself.

Nick:  Whew, that was a close one.  Now lets take a look and see what this broad looks like.  For Diana to get that pissed, this ought to be good.

Nick quickly pulls out his cell phone and seemingly begins to start using it to search as the scene ends.

<hr width=50%>

The scene opens back up backstage at the Cheyenne Campus of the College of Southern Nevada in Las Vegas, Nevada just before the start of this week's edition of Climax Control.  Standing in the interview area is SCW Reporter Ms. Rocky Mountains along with Nick Jones.

RM:  Hello SCW fans, I am Ms. Rocky Mountains and I am here tonight alongside one of the entrants in SCW's Blast from the Past Memorial tournament.  He will be teamed up with SCW Bombshell Champion Vixen, ladies and gentlemen... Nick Jones.  Nick, thanks for being here with me tonight.

Nick:  No problem, um...

Nick hesitates as he seems to be thinking things over, while Rocky can't help but laugh.

RM:  What's wrong Nick, can't come up with yet another new name by which to refer to me and my "ladies".

Rocky pushes her chest out a bit to make it perfectly clear what she's referring to, which can't help but grab Nick's attention for a few moments.  He eventually shakes it off while he looks back up to Rocky's face.

Nick:  Cut me a break here, I've been doing this for how long now, I was bound to run out of ideas eventually.  Madame Mammaries was always my favorite, what do you say I just stick with that one?

Nick looks to Rocky innocently while shrugging a bit and her reaction is to laugh while simply shaking her head at Nick and rolling her eyes.

RM:  Whatever floats your boat.

Nick:  Ok, sounds like a plan, Mams.  So, fire away.

RM:  Well I guess the first and most obvious question would be, how do you feel about who you ended up being paired with for this mixed-tag tournament?

Nick:  I think it's rather simple, I feel sorry for all the pathetic losers who were all already destined for complete failure the moment these teams were announced.  Everyone already knows full well that whatever team I was on was going to be at a significant advantage, but now you add on the best bombshell in SCW?  Nobody else stands a chance.

RM:  That wasn't exactly...

Nick puts up a finger to silence Rocky as he continues on.

Nick:  Hold on now Mams, I wasn't finished.  Really just think about this, you are talking about the man who holds the record as not only the longest-reigning SCW Heavyweight Champion in history, but the one and only TWO-TIME SCW champion.  Then you combine that with the current reigning Bombshell Champion and tell me, who the hell stands a chance against a pairing like that?

RM:  That's a fair point you make there and surely when looking at it like that you would seem to make a formidable team, but I was more referring to the potential issues between you two on a personal level.

Nick:  What are you babbling, Boobs?

RM:  I thought it was Mams?

Nick:  Whatever, same difference.  What personal issues though?

RM:  Well you are aware that she is not only a member of NXT, but...

Before Rocky can get out another word, Nick is quick to cut her off, as he looks quite frustrated by what is apparently news to him.

Nick:  Are you shitting me?  Well that's just fantastic.  It's one thing to get stuck having to compete along with some dumb bimbo, but it's one who hangs out with a bunch of life-long losers?  Maybe she learned a thing or two from watching me and The Supremacy beat the crap out of her buddies back at NXT, and will see this teaming as an opportunity to get the hell away from those chumps.

RM:  I would highly doubt that, given the other part of this situation.

Nick:  What are you talking about?  Stop with the cryptic nonsense already.

RM:  I would have thought you would already know this.

Nick stares at Rocky blankly as she tries to gauge any sort of reaction from him before continuing.

RM:  I guess you don't know.  You see, Vixen is currently in a relationship with Spike Staggs.

Nick does not say a word at first, simply dropping his head down into his hands and keeping them there for a few seconds.  Nick then starts to smack himself upside the head before eventually turning and banging his head against the wall.  Nick finally stops all of that and turns his attention back towards Rocky.

Nick:  Seriously??  SERIOUSLY?!?

RM:  Yes, how did you not know this?

Nick:  Oh, I don't know, maybe because I don't waste my time worrying about the love life of wastes of life who shouldn't even be allowed to be janitors for this company, never mind actually wrestlers?

RM:  But what about the fact that Spike...

Nick:  Let me just stop you right there Mams.  Last time we saw Spike and I in the ring, his sorry bunch of losers had just gotten their ass beat in a stable verses stable match with TWO of our men still left standing.  That's what the real Spike Staggs is all about.  So you know what, maybe this is an opportunity to Prancer...

RM:  You mean Vixen?

Nick simply rolls his eyes at Rocky, not even acknowledging her correction as he continues on.

Nick:  ... to finally learn what a real man actually is.  While she stands on that ring apron, staying out of my way, she can get the closest seat possible to watch me beat the hell out of, well, whatever nobody loser is unlucky enough to have to face me in that ring tonight.

RM:  Your opponents for tonight will be Giani Di Luca and Faith.

Nick:  Wait a second, isn't that Gi... whatever the hell his name is, the guy who just got his ass beat by that freakin' Bieber wannabe at the last supercard?

RM:  I suppose you could say that.

Nick suddenly bursts out into a fit of laughter as Rocky looks at Nick strangely, clearly not quite as amused as he is.

Nick:  Oh, that's just great.  This is getting better by the second.  So she'll get to watch me lay a beating unlike she has ever before seen on this Staten Island piece of trash.

RM:  Actually, Giana is from New Jersey.

Nick:  New Jersey?!?  What the hell kind of loser is from Jersey?!?

Nick stops for a moment, turns and looks into the camera, staring at it completely silently.  After a few seconds go by, Nick turns back towards Rocky and continues on.

Nick:  The point is, Donner...

RM:  Vixen!

Nick:  ... is going to learn a real lesson in that ring tonight.  She'll learn the kind of trash she's wasting her time with and how her little man is nothing but a two-bit no-talent hack.  She will be lucky enough to get to spend just a little bit of her time around a real man, and a winner.

RM:  What about the fact that Spike is the one who defeated you for the SCW Heavyweight Championship?

The expression on Nick's face quickly changes one to anger as he stares straight into Rocky's eyes.

Nick:  Is that how you want to play this, Tits?  Let's look at the facts, shall we?  While I was reigning as SCW Champion, that lifetime-loser Spike was too busy running around off in NEWA, not proving himself to be worth a damn thing here in SCW.  Yet all the sudden, one day, he just gets handed an SCW title shot.  And what happens?  Oh, that's right, I beat his sorry ass, that's what happened!  That right there should have been the end of it.  Guy gets his shot, he losers, we move onto the next challenger.  No, no... that's apparently not the way it works when you've got good ole Christian Underwood on your side because next thing I know, I'm turning around and told I have to defend MY title against Spike AGAIN.  What happens from there?  I am ROBBED of MY championship and I, as the former champion, do not even get a rematch!  That proves it all right there.  If this company wasn't such a corrupt joke, he never would have been champion in the first place and certainly wouldn't still be champion today.

RM:  That seems awfully interesting coming from you, given the numerous issues others have pointed to that have created advantages in your favor due to your relationship with SCW's other Co-Owner, your long-time friend "Hot Stuff" Mark Ward.

Nick:  Oh, give me a break.  When the hell has Mark EVER done anything that has had any sort of impact on the outcome of one of my matches?

RM:  Well let's see, there was...

Nick:  Exactly!  Never!  Meanwhile, Christian will dig up any cheating scum he can find who are willing to screw me over.  Guys like Spike or that washed-up old loser Billy James never would have had a chance in hell of winning those matches if it wasn't for Christian's involvement.  Whether you, or anyone else, likes it or not, the fact remains that if it was not for that power-tripping son of a bitches involvement in those matches, neither one of them would have stood a chance against me.  I mean, can you really deny that?

RM:  Perhaps you could say that, but that would have more to do with the fact that Christian was trying to make the matches more...

Nick:  More likely for his buddies to win?

RM:  No, I was going to say more fa...

Nick:  Stop right there.  Let's just keep this simple so we don't have to hear any of your excuses.  Yes or not, did Christian make decisions that had an impact on this matches?

RM:  Yes, but...

Nick:  No buts!  Next question, did Christian's decisions intentionally make the odds less in my favor?

RM:  Sure, but that was more because...

Nick:  See?  There you have it!  It's undeniable!  The ONLY reason I lost those matches was because of that chump of a so-called boss.  So the point remains is that Comet...


Nick:  ... will finally see what it means to have a REAL talent who actually EARNS his victories is like.  Unfortunately for her, I've already got myself a real woman, an amazing woman, all of my own.  So while no doubt, by the time my partner there is done learning all of this and I'm finished carrying her to a victory, she'll be want me all for herself, but she's going to have to learn that's never going to happen, no matter how desperate she will surely be for it.  On the flip side, there is something positive she can take out of all of this, as even if she isn't good enough for me to waste my time with, maybe it will at least finally make her realize what a waste of time hanging around with a loser like Spike is.

RM:  Ok then, those are some... interesting thoughts.  Anything else regarding your opponents for tonight?

Nick:  What more is there really to say?  The poor bastard who's going to be stuck stepping into the ring with me can't even beat one of the SCW's joke gimmick acts.  I mean let's be real here, the guy got beat by the modern day Doink, it's pathetic.  As far as the lady, what's her name?

RM:  Faith.

Nick:  Yeah, whatever.  It doesn't matter who she is, because the only thing she can have "faith" is in the fact that she won't even get a chance to step in the ring.  She'll simply have a front row seat to watch her partner get beaten at record pace in the center of that ring.

RM:  You seem to be awfully confident, considering that there are a lot of factors that come into play when you're talking about a combination of a tournament, that involves mixed-tag teams, and are based on a lethal lottery system.

Nick:  None of that matters once I'm standing in the center of that ring.  I have every reason in the world to be confident, as it's well deserved.  After all, you know how this goes by now: it ain't braggin' if you back it up, because Mammys... I'm not cocky, I'm just the best.

Nick pushes the microphone away from him, turns and storms off as the scene fades to black.