Author Topic: A new Goal  (Read 464 times)

Offline Amanda Cortez

  • SCW's tough and ticklish Biker Chick
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    • Amanda Cortez
A new Goal
« on: October 09, 2012, 05:40:17 AM »

Amanda's first PPV at SCW is over and it had been a huge success for the petite girl. It's not that it has been her first PPV in her career, but after her bad start at SCW this win has been really important for her, especially as it has been a title match and she and Laura are the new tag team champions now. It has been a really hard match and at the beginning it didn't look so good for the two, but then everything has changed and they could take the win, even though Trish has been really brutal in this match. Amanda's face is still swollen and one of her pretty eyes is almost closed, but after this win she doesn't care much. It's a low price for such a wonderful win and so it's ok for her, even though she won't be able to do some modeling for a while.
Now the two are in the plane on their way back to the US and they are in such a good mood. The plane has started and they just got their drinks and spend the time with talking about their match and their great success.

Yay, it's so awesome, I love my life. I must admit that I was a bit worried after she had kicked my ass so badly in the past and after I had seen her last matches. She is good and this time she has been so much more brutal than in the past. But anyway, she wasn't good enough to defeat us.

She laughs in her cheery way and looks at Laura, knowing exactly that Laura doesn't like it too much when she's so cocky, but this time she doesn't care about it. She has always been like this and so she won't change anymore.
Now she takes a sip of her drink and relaxes a bit. Amanda doesn't like it to be in a plane, but in some way it always makes her sleepy. She slips out of her shoes and turns around in her seat, so that she faves Laura, and puts her feet into Laura's lap, who begins to massage her in a gently way.

I know that you don't like it when I talk like this, but I have really seen us as the champions as we started in this company. It's not that I'm cocky or to big for my boots, but we are really the best and we are the only ones who deserve it to get this title. Look at the other teams, these stupid ghetto team Ass n Class and also at the former champions, they all think that they are so great and they do nothing more than some fucking trash talking and what do they do in the ring? Nothing, at least nothing important. Ok, Trish did some cool actions and for a moment I really thought that she would knock me out and make me submit, but then she was t able to finish it. Damn, that's really weak for a former champion.

Amanda laughs again in her cheery and friendly way. The tiny diva is in such a good mood that its really hard to stop her now. In the meantime Laura lightly tickles her toes and smirks as Mandy starts to giggle and to curl her cute toes.

Haha, if I had you in a grapple, then I would know a way to make you submit. You can be happy that the other divas don't use your lil weakness against you.

She continues to tickle Mandy and the cute girl giggles more and squirms in her seat. Laura smiles as she sees her friend and love in this situation, cuz the petite girl really looks so cute when she laughs and giggles and also cuz she knows how much Mandy loves it.

Hehe, that's right, but thanks God they don't know it, otherwise I really would have a problem to take a win here, even though I must admit that it's fun to submit I such a way and that I can live with it. Haha, but for my career it wouldn't best good, cuz the money I get for my matches would be much more less when I lose a lot. So do me a fav and don't tell anybody.

Laura nods and continues to massage and tickle the feet of her love and Amanda is so relaxed now. Her mood really couldn't be better and at the moment her life really is wonderful.

But anyway, for now we should see that we get home so that we can party a bit and celebrate our win. And then we will have a week free so that we can do a nice lil vacation. But then we must see what comes next. This bitch Trish really has been pissed as we took the titles from her and I bet that she wants to have them back and that she is out for revenge. This damn bitch has been so viciously and we really must be carefully.
But anyway, I'm not worried too much, we two watch our back and so I'm pretty sure that nothing bad will happen, even though I'm also pretty sure that she will try something. Maybe it will be a backstage attack or she will juz challenge us again, but in some way I'm sure that something will happen. But anyway, I think we are prepared, we could beat them once and so we can do it again.

Laura nods as she hears what Amanda has to say. It's good to see her in such a good mood and also that she's so confident. Amanda is a really cheery girl, but she's also very emotional and so she comes in a bad mood pretty fast and sometimes she's even a bit pessimistic and depressive, even though it doesn't take long and she gets over it.

And I'm also pretty sure that the bosses wanna see us in a rematch too. So the whole feud will prolly develop pretty fast, faster than we want it. I'm not pessimistic, but now Trish knows what she has to expect when she faces us in the ring and so she will be prepared too. That doesn't mean that we can't win again, but I think it will be some really hard work. I would prefer an easy win, but I know it won't be easy, but anyway, we will keep the titles and nothing and nobody will be able to stop us.

Amanda smiles at her friend and love, but then she becomes honest again. Trish isn't the only problem they have.

But that's not the only problem we have, there's something else. I haven't told you cuz I didn't wanna worry you, but a few days ago I met Necra. You remember, this stupid bitch who threw us out of the ring in our first match. Well, at first I wasn't really worried, but in some way she's really scary. She is so strange and weird and her friends aren't better. She even said that she wants to do something bad to us or tries to cripple us and such crap.
You know me, it's not so easy to scare me off, but she had success with doing this. You haven't seen her, her hand changed into a Skelton and her eyes were changing their color all the time, she's a real monster and I really don't wanna see her again, especially not in a  match.

The petite girl shivers a bit by this thought and its clearly visible that she is really a bit scared. Laura tries her best to comfort her and to make her feel good again. So she continues to massage her love and then she also tickles her toes a bit harder so that the cute girl really laughs. Mandy squirms in such a cute way, but now her good mood is back and she smiles at Laura in such a lovingly way.

Don't worry too much, I'm sure Necra will leave us alone and even if she doesn't. Well, then we will kick her ass too.

Now they both laugh and the rest of the flight is really relaxed. They spend the time with sleeping and eating and Laura tickles and teases Mandy from time to time. So they both enjoy their time and a few hours later the plane lands at the airport of LA. After getting their luck age they go to the parking lot and climb into Amanda's old jeep. Then they drive to her trailer home near the beach and there they spend the free week with surfing and laying around in the sun. It's really such a nice time and they both don't wanna go back to Vegas, but they have a match again and so they have no choice. They need some more training and they really have to get ready for their next match. So they pack their stuff and then they are on their way to the airport again.

Back at the arena Amanda checks her mails and what was going on at SCW. It doesn't take long and she sees the news that they got stripped of their titles and that Trish and Bianca are the champions again and ll this because Laura failed a drug test. At first Amanda couldn't believe what she was hearing, but then she sees that it's true. Now Amanda and Laura are in their locker room and discussing the whole thing. It has been a huge shock for them and they were both pretty much frustrated. Laura is really down and says that she never took drugs and Amanda believes her. She knows that Laura likes a few beer, but drugs? No, she never took them and never will do it. So Amanda tries her best to comfort her partner and love.

It's no problem Laura, I believe you. I know that you don't take drugs and I really don't know what went wrong here. Maybe they mixed something as they took the blood test or they wanted to mix it so that Trish and Bianca keep these titles. But anyway, don't worry too much about it.

Laura still isn't very much eased and looks at Amanda.

It sux that we lost after this match, it was so great, but anyway. And I know that it's also crappy that you got suspended for a while, but as I said, don't worry, we are still a team and I stick with you. And I really don't see a bigger problem. Ok, it has been a bad start, but look, we could defeat them with ease and we can do it again. We were the better wrestlers and we still are, so we will become champions again and this very soon. These fucking bimbos think that they are safe from us, but they aren't. We take a smaller break, or maybe even a longer, but then we come back and then we fuck them up completely. I promise that they will wish that we still would be the champions and that they wouldn't have to face us again. The last time they got their fucking asses kicked, but the next time we will destroy them completely.

Normally Amanda is really such a nice person and she really hates trouble, but this was a bit too much for her. She's not only disappointed, no, she's angry and pissed like never before in her life. She really has no clue what happened and she doesn't know who gave the bosses the hint to make a drug test or who manipulated the test result, but she's pretty sure that it has been one of these jealous bitches who don't wanna see two newcomers as the champions. Prolly she will never find out who it was, but these things changed her a bit. As said before, she's nice and friendly, but when somebody pisses her off she also can become viciously and this happened today.

Well, I think it won't make much sense to try to find out who caused this drama, so we should better focus on our goals. I mean it's enough of playing nice, now we will show them who we are and we will make them pay for this betrayal. I don't know whether Trish and Bianca have to do something with this, but they will be the first ones who will pay and I promise that it will be a really height price. But they won't be the only ones who pay, the rest of this fucking roster will pay too. Slowly the whole thing here goes on my nerves.
It's not that I really need this fucking title, but I hate it to get screwed and this happened. And I also don't understand how the bosses could believe this crap. I always thought that they were pretty cool, but it seems that I was fucking wrong. They are bloody motherfuckers, juz like the rest of the company. Fuck, this really goes on my nerves. I don't need this title and I also don't need this fucking job. Normally I juz would say, let's leave here, but I hate the way they treat us and I would say that it's time to fight back.
We already showed them that we can defeat these wannabe champions whenever and wherever we want and if these two really were the best team, then I must say that there won't be anybody who can be dangerous for us.

Now Amanda really is in rage. She has her small fists clenched and growls and now she really looks pretty dangerous. Laura looks at her love and is a bit shocked. She has never seen her like this, but now she sees that Amanda is really honest with her plan of running riot at SCW. At first she has been a bit insecure, but then she changes her mind and is willing to follow Amanda on her path of destruction.

You're right Mandy, we will show them that it's not so easy to stop us or to get rid of us.

The two continue to talk a bit more about their plans and about how to continue as Amanda's cellphone rings again. Amanda looks at it and then she sees that she just got a new mail from SCW staff. Pretty curious Amanda opens the mail and as she reads it, her jaw drops down. She just reads that she will be in a tournament for becoming the no.1 contender for a title and that she will face Cassie Banton and Vista Kills. For a moment she's really speechless and so Laura takes the phone and reads the mail too.

Well, it seems that at least you will get the chance to show who we are. It seems to become an interesting match and your chances to get gold aren't too bad. And my fucking suspension seems to las a bit longer, I have no match.

Amanda really feels sorry that Laura has no match and puts her arm around her shoulder to comfort her. It's sad and she's also a bit angry, but she's also happy that she can show that she's one of the best wrestlers in this company.

Damn, it really sucks that they still didn't book you, grr, I could kill them. But at least I got a match again. I was already worried that they wanna get rid of both of us. But anyway, I'm not really happy with the way the things go here at the moment, but at least it seems that we don't get ignored completely and I hope that they will book you too soon again.
Ok, it's cool that I will have the chance to go for a title, but it's a singles title and that's not exactly what I want, I want the tag titles and I could run riot when I see that these losers who got their asses kicked the last time we met them I. The ring, get the chance for a title again. Fuck, that sux.

Laura nods, but now it's time that Amanda focuses more on her next match than on the missed chances from the past. Amanda knows that she is right, but she's very emotional, and so it's pretty hard for her to forget all the crap that happened. But eventually she manages it to bring her thoughts to her upcoming match.

But you're right, I really should care more about my next match against Vista Kills and Cassie Banton. This will be a great chance to come back into the title hunt, even though I must admit that I'm not really worried. Look, how nervous I have been as we had to face Trish Newborn and the. It has been so easy to take the win. So why shouldn't this be so different now? I mean Vista is the person whom they all expect to win and prolly I should be worried a bit, but you will see, I will defeat her too. Ok, she had had many wins in the past and she really kicked some asses, but I think now it's time to stop this winning streak and why shouldn't I be the one who stops her? I think my chances aren't that bad.
About the other girl I can't see much, I haven't seen her in the ring before and I also have never heard from her, but they all say that she's dangerous too. Damn, should I be worried again? I don't think so. You can call me cocky or to big for my boots, but I would call it self confident, cuz I know what I can do in the ring. I might not be the best wrestler in the world, but my skills are good enough to defeat most of these bimbos and I also have so much inning experience. I do this fucking job for years now and I had had enough wins so that I really have all reasons to be self confident.

Now Laura laughs a bit as she sees Amanda's cocky behavior. Sometimes it goes on her nerves, but this time it's really cute and she loves it to see Mandy in such a good mood.

But let's come back to these two bimbos. I doubt that their skills are better than the ones of Trish and Bianca, so I really wonder why they put them into this tournament. I mean is every rookie allows to take part in it? Anyway, we will see what happens at the show.

Now Amanda starts to laugh a bit.

The whole thing was meant as a gift to me cuz I got stripped of the title too, but they will see that this gift isn't for nothing. I deserve this match and I prove that I deserve it. They will see that I can take any title I wanna have and that I defeat whomever they throw in my way. I don't care whether its Vista, Cassie or any other of these bimbos here, I beat them up all. They will see that none of them will have a chance against me and that I'm the only one here who deserves it to be in a title match. Haha, and then we will see, then it's time to destroy the champion and to crown a new one.

Amanda laughs again and her good mood is really infecting, so Laura smiles too, but then she becomes honest again and looks at Amanda.

I really hate it to interrupt you or to stop you and in some way you're right, you are a good wrestler and I think that you have really good chances to take the win, but please do me a favor and don't underestimate your opponents. And don't forget that it's a triple threat match and in such a match everything can happen. So please be carefully, cuz I wanna see you leaving the ring as the winner.

Amanda smiles happily as she hears this. She bends forward and kisses Laura lovingly on the lips, then she winks at her.

Don't worry about it, you will see me leave the ring as the winner and I don't underestimate them. I know that such matches can be dangerous, but I can handle this. I will take care that nothing bad will happen and don't forget that I have enough experience for such matches. I make it the way I usually do in such matches, at the beginning ill try a bit to stay away from my opponents so that they can weaken each other and then I come and attack. Then I juz have to try to throw the stronger opponent out of the ring and pin the other girl. I think that this plan should work good, at least it worked pretty often in the past, so I think I really can be confident and you see the future champion right in front of you.

Amanda laughs again in her cheery way and poses in front of Laura. Sometimes the petite girl really can be so cute and funny and Laura laughs too. She almost forgot her own trouble and all her thoughts are with Mandy and her upcoming title hunt. Then she looks at Amanda and winks.

Ok, champion ...or shall I call you Goddess?

Thats exactly what the cocky tiny girl loves to hear and she has a broad smile in her face as she looks at Laura she's still posing and looks sexy as usually and she also knows this. Amanda really is a cute little Goddess and most people love her and nobody is mad at her cuz of her cocky behavior.

Well, I would never demand. This, but when you suggest it, then you can call me Goddess if you want, I like this, hehe ...

Laura smirks again as she hears this. She still watches Amanda pose and only shakes her head.

Ok, my Goddess ....

Then, without a warning, she grabs Amanda by her wrist and pulls the smaller girl down to her. Amanda struggles a bit, but she was taken by surprise and pretty soon she finds herself laying over Laura's knees. Amanda is a cheery girl and so she giggles, but then Laura slaps her ass a few times, not hard, but so that Amanda shrieks. Laura winks at her struggling friend.

Oh ..oh, that's not the way a Goddess acts like ...

But Amanda doesn't care, she giggles and shrieks and struggles with her legs while Laura slaps her cute ass. Then Laura gets a better idea, with a quick movement she grabs Amanda by her ankles and traps them under her arm like in a headlock. With an evil smile in her fave she begins to tickle the bottoms of Amanda's cute feet and now the petite beauty really laughs until she's completely exhausted. It doesn't take very long and Mandy begs for mercy and so Laura lets her go. She pulls her up, so that Amanda sits on her lap and kisses her lovingly on the lips.

Ok my cute lil Goddess, what now?

Amanda still giggles and slowly she recovers.

Damn, that was mean ....but it was fun too. Hehe, and now you turned me into a real Goddess, the Goddess of love ..hehe ...But you're the only one who sees me like this, for all the others I'm the Goddess of War and the future champion of this company.

She kisses Laura again and this time the kiss really becomes passionately, then the scene fades to black.

Word count: 4143


Huddle me, tickle me, I'm so cute

Records Amanda
Win: 20
Loss: 13
Draw: 1
Thrown: 0