Author Topic: Proposition? Again?  (Read 1035 times)

Offline Anthony King

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    • Anthony King
Proposition? Again?
« on: September 14, 2012, 02:27:04 PM »

Brooklyn, New York.

It had been a while since the last time I was in New York, yes I was here recently for Star’s little get together or should I say freak party, but me actually visiting New York; meaning spending time with family and actually going out, it’s been a while.

I decided to come back out to New York, just so I could get away from the Cali drama for some time, I love me some Cali but going away for a couple days wouldn’t hurt.

I knew Anna was going to be busy the next couple of weeks with school starting back up, so I knew I wouldn’t be apart of her daily itinerary, which was cool and I respected the fact that she was trying to further her education.

Another reason why I wanted to come out to New York so bad was because my homie Ricardo had his own little gym; Ricardo was known as one of the best trainers in NY. I knew if anything this dude could help me prepare for my match at Violent Conduct, this match was important not only for me, but for Sean also.

I was kind of thrown in the match at last minute, I had my mind set on single’s gold but helping a friend out couldn’t hurt. Sean and I barely had time to spend around each other, our schedules mostly messed that up for us. But I wasn’t too concerned about Sean not bring his A game for our match, I knew the built up anger he had for Gabriel, so this match was definitely going to be intense.

DJ Williams was suppose to be Sean’s partner, but at last minute from my understand I heard DJ bailed, no one knew what his reasons of bailing were for but at the end of the day he wasn’t man enough to stay and finish what he had started. I’m pretty sure Sean would rather have me as a partner, then that loser. I don’t respect a man that bails on his crew, he knew what the situation was and he didn’t care, and for that reason I will make sure I catch his ass in the fucking ring.

It was a nice ass day out; the weather was cool which was fine with me. I had a couple runs to make, spent some time with a couple females. I had to go meet up with uncle Jamaal, my father’s brother. It had been years since I last seen Jamaal, the funny thing was I ran into him down at the Fish Market in Brooklyn, he had a couple words for me, asked me if I could come to his place.

I assumed he wanted some money, but I didn’t mind fronting him a couple dollars.

Pulling up to his neighborhood, I could tell this dude still stayed in the slums, it’s funny he would even reach out to me because my father and him don’t even get along, but I guess since I am the child in the matter then why would he need to be angry with me?

The driver pulled up at the end of the block, staring outside the window, I watched the kids playing up and down the streets. The females walking by with their shorts on, barely any clothes and all the dudes selling what the needed to get by on the block, did I miss this shit? Hell no is what I told myself, I could never come back to this lifestyle.

I waited for about ten minutes, finally he walked out of the end apartment and over to the car. I stepped out, white cup in hand, and leaned against the trunk part of the town car.

Sup Unk?
[Anthony extends his hand out] It’s been some time.

A very long time, when your father told me that you were wrestling again, I had to look you up and see how you were doing.

I just signed with this Indy promotion, the money cool and the competition alright.

I heard they got you flying to Japan. [Coughs] That should be interesting. [/color

I do what I need to do to survive Unk, that’s just how it is.

I remember when you were young, you use to be so afraid of flying and its like every time Niecey logs onto your twitter, your always somewhere in the air.

Niecey was my Uncle’s daughter, she was the only one I actually spoke to on a regular basis all because I never had an issue with her. She would tweet me from time to time on Twitter telling me how much she missed Madison and I and how badly she wanted us to come and visit.

I promised her before I left I would give her a couple dollars, just so she could have in her pocket incase she needed anything, but my question is to why I was here now?

Drake came to me with a business proposition and I was hoping I could run it by you?

Drake Paperelli ? Anthony’s facial expression quickly turned to anger. You know I don’t want anything to do with the fucking prick, especially after how he conducted his so called business last time.

I really don’t know what the business proposal is but I guarantee you it can make you a lot of money.

Fuck him and his money, that fool is smoking crack if he ever thinks I will work under him again.

Flash back
March 12th, 2010.
Compton, Los Angeles.
11:35 PM

The bitches were flying out the club; guns were blazing and the fights outside in the parking lot wasn’t slowing down. I watched Madison hop in the backseat of her Escalade, screaming for my attention but I motioned for her to go on. I had to make sure Anna was out of harms way to, The Pussy Shop was always known to being shot up, I remember the owner closed the strip club down numerous times but would always reopen thinking the outcome would be something different.

I wasn’t scared though, this shit was normal to me. Being 19 and being forced to evacuate a club because Negroes have a hard time getting along, no one was aiming for me so I definitely was trying to make some more money.

I ran towards Madison’s car, dropping a roll of 100’s in the backseat, she reached out and hugged me as she motioned for the driver to drive off, I ran back towards the club, the police had already arrived but I wanted to make sure Anna was still okay, the owner had built on a secret room where the workers and including himself could run to if they ever ran into a problem.

25 Minutes Later

Anna was alright, she was in the cell hiding with the other strippers. The police already apprehended their subjects but still were walking around asking questions about how the whole drama went down, luckily for me and Anna we weren’t staying to get involved with that shit, here in Compton snitches usually get dealt with quick so I made sure to keep my name out of those policemen mouths.

Anna had pulled the whip around to the front; before I could get in I felt a hand grab a hold of my arm, with a quick instance I snapped back almost tackling the dude to the group but noticed it was Drake standing there.

You still have that mentality huh?

You just never know in this type of environment, you see people out here shooting and fighting over some bitches. Anthony shakes his head. What can I do for you Drake?

I’m impressed with the amount of money you’ve been bringing it, this side hustle we got going on is paying off great.

I could tell Anna was trying not to be nosey, but with her cracking the window I knew she wanted to know what was going on. I turned and kissed her on the cheek, telling her I would catch up with her later. She smiled as she rolled the window back up and drove off out of the parking lot leaving Drake and I standing there.

The ladies are bringing in a lot of money, and that’s a good thing but I think you need to work a little harder, and I know just the cliental that could help us reach those numbers.

Let me remind you that it’s you that needs this extra money, not me. I come from money and it’s the greed inside me that makes me do this, that makes me want more. If I wanted to though, I could quit at any time and not look back at any of this mess.

That is true, but you definitely would be pissing off a lot of your clients. I think you should just hear me out and see where it goes, once I finish setting these deals up, you could be bringing in at least $10-$15 grand a night.

That money sounded nice though.

What is this extra shit I had to do?

You already escort, but you only have female clients which pay well. But what I’ve noticed from other people I’ve worked with that men clients pay extremely well and a lot more then the females.


So you telling me that you want me to be on some gay shit, you want me to go against what I believe and stick my fucking dick in some dudes mouth, you got to be kidding me Drake.

That’s where the money is.

Off the real, no homo bruh. You should of never came at me with no crazy shit like that, like you for real ? Anthony pulls the blunt that was hanging in his ear, underneath his hat. I’m gay dawg and have no intentions of going gay for pay either, I have to say no.

It was kind of weird that Drake would even ask me that was he gay? Was this some little sick fantasy of his? I didn’t know but I damn sure didn’t want to find out either, I never had a problem with Drake because the dude was a good business man, he made a lot of people money.

But now I’m starting to figure out the type of shit he got people involved with just to get that money.

After him coming to me asking me to go gay for pay, this blunt was well needed.

Flashback End

Brooklyn, New York
Present Time
2:00 PM

Just hear him out.

I knew my Uncle had some shit up his sleeve, I was already pissed that he brought the dudes name up and plus that was two years ago when I worked under dude. I lean down towards the window and reached in grabbing the half smoked blunt I left on the car seat, inside was the lighter which I grabbed so I could light the blunt up.

After a couple puffs, I passed the blunt to my Uncle who started to hit it also. After about 5 minutes, a black Denali pulled up beside my car. The door swung open and Drake stepped out wearing a black suit and shades looking like fucking Will Smith from Men in Black, I couldn’t help but laugh to myself. Drake walked over greeting my uncle by shaking his hand; he then turned and looked at me, acknowledging me with a wink.

Jamaal told me you were going to be in town today so I had to make sure I was able to catch up with you.

Why are you in NY? I thought you lived in Cali.

I have businesses all over America King, you should know that I’m not a one man state.

So you got your whores running around America tricking for you, how much of the percentage do you get to keep now?

That my friend is confidential, only between my business partners and I.

You still taking advantage of the young crowd or have you given up that portion of the business?

My work is between my business partners and I, but since you decided to bring up work, well continue talking about it then I’ve decided to offer you a business proposal.

I got out of that lifestyle a while ago, and I’m pretty sure what you want me to do is the same thing you wanted me to do back in 2010, and the answer is still now.

Silly boy.

Who the fuck you calling boy? I’m a grown ass man now Mr. Drake Prep – or whatever the fuck your last name is, I’m a lot smarter now and I’m not afraid to knock you on your fucking ass.

I can sense the attitude is still there, you can remove yourself from hood but you could never remove that hood from yourself.

Man fuck this, I don’t need this.

I handed my Unk the envelope with money inside, I turned and jumped into the car motioning for the driver to drive off, I couldn’t stand to be around them two any longer.

During that time in 2010 I didn’t have access to any money, not even my trust fund. I had money in the bank but not enough to support the lifestyle I indulged in. I wanted to make more; I was greedy for more which led me to the lifestyle of escorting.

It was never something I was proud of, it was more of a last resort type thing but the money was great. There was never a time I walked out the house broke, my clients were all the same and the money was flowing in like crazy.

I remember Drake approaching me that night after the shooting asking me to sleep with men, he even brought me an offer for $2,000 to let this doctor blow me and me fuck him with a toy. I wasn’t down; it wasn’t something I was into.

But damn! I could have made $2 grand that night in just a heartbeat. I’m pretty sure that gays pay more, but my pride wouldn’t allow me to stoop that low for money, especially if I didn’t need it.

For some reason I knew I would see Drake again, during that time Drake knew all my secrets, he knew about the money I had coming to me. He even knew about my career when I first started out in wrestling, I even let him manage me for some time but once funds were being misused I had to let him go. I never held anything against him though, he did help me a lot growing up especially when my father wasn’t around, and Drake helped me learn the streets.

I had to leave anyway, I needed to get to the airport so I could get ready and catch my flight out to Japan. I had a match to prepare for and I didn’t want all the side distractions fucking my head up.

I was nervous, I was angry, and most of all I was ready to hop in the ring and finally showcase my skills. I said it before, even though this is more of Sean’s battle, I knew I had to be there for support.

I had his back even if DJ didn’t, I wasn’t going to let the members of NXT or Gabriel and Despayre ruin our chances at becoming the Tag Team Champs. I’m pretty sure Sean was more focused then it, so much anger built up that I knew at Violent Conduct he was going to unleash all that anger.

I really didn’t know the status of DC and what would follow after Violent Conduct, all I did know that next Sunday the world would have new Sin City Wrestling Tag Team Champions and would have to put up with their former champions taking time away from the ring after the lost they will endure.

I was honored that Sean asked me to be his partner, he needed someone he could rely on, he needed someone he knew wouldn’t drop the ball and come out aggressive and that’s exactly why he chose me.

I wanted to make sure Madison was already at the airport, I pulled my phone from my pocket, and pressing #2 on speed dial calling her. After a couple rings, she finally answers.

I hope you’re on your way, the flight leaves in a half hour.

I’m on my way now sis, I had a couple things to take care of but I should be there shortly. Anthony coughs. I got some shit I need to tell you.

I’m not interested in hearing any bad news, so if that’s the shit you need to tell me then you might as well tell someone else.

You can take the news how you want to take it, but I just think its funny.

I couldn’t help but laugh before telling her the story; I felt it was so funny that I needed someone to tell it to, the whole ride there to the airport we just talked and talk.

Damn Japan, here I come.

Scene fades