Author Topic: From The Mind of The Demon  (Read 833 times)

Offline Jake Sullivan

  • TAFKAR-The Artist Formerly Known As Rage
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    • Jake Sullivan
From The Mind of The Demon
« on: September 13, 2012, 06:58:17 PM »
OOC: I am not proud of this RP at all, but I don't have time to scrap it and write a new one, and I don't want to just no-show..I know it sucks.

”It has been far too long since I have been allowed this much freedom, and even now it is a constant battle…a constant fight to stay in control.  You see, the person that you all have been subjected to these last several years is nothing but a lie…A fake.  He was pretending to be someone he is not.  The Rage you all have witnessed since he first entered the wrestling world, and even before then, was not Rage at all.  No, he is simply who he has always been since he was born.  The Rage who has been in control for so long is actually Jake Sullivan.”

“Just who is Jake Sullivan, you might ask?  Even back during his days in GXW, he kept his past hidden.  He kept all the painful memories buried deep inside him, along with me.  You see, the part of him where he stowed me away, I was subjected to all those memories day after day after day.  It was as if they all played on repeat on a giant movie theater screen.  One after another, I watched the terrible things that Jake had gone through in his life on repeat.”

“Jake doesn’t speak about his family very often, if at all, does he?  No, the only time he even mentions them lately is in response to one of few people on that awful Twitter site.  The jokes that some people choose to make regarding Jake’s family is quite disgusting, but then again, those people don’t seem to care how disgusting or perverted they really are, do they?  No, they only continue to perceive themselves as funny, but just how many people are laughing?”

“And how does Jake respond to these so called jokes?  All he does is inform his followers that his family is deceased…six feet under.  Jake fills these people’s minds with lie after lie in hopes that it will silence them once and for all, but…and I ask this not only to you, the fans, but to Jake also, who at this moment is buried deep in the recesses of his mind fighting to get control once again…What has any of that accomplished?  What has anything that Jake Sullivan has said really done for him?”

“I will tell you what it has done for him.  It has brought one James Shark on to the scene here in Sin City Wrestling.  The sharp tongued, trash talking ignorant jackass who finds a weakness within everyone to exploit for his own personal gain. James Shark even uses made up stories against his opponents.  What is his ultimate goal by doing so?  The answer is quite simple.  James wants his opponents, or his targets for the week, to get riled up…to give his antics a reaction.  Most of the time he is successful.  He has even been successful with Jake.  However, that is all about to change.”

“You see, I am not Jake.  I am the person that Jake created when he was just a little boy.  I am the part of Jake that was created to deal with the anger issues he was beginning to have that he simply was too weak to deal with on his own.  I am the demon.  I am the one true Rage, and I am about to give you all a look into just who I really am, while giving you a glimpse at who Jake Sullivan is, because I have a feeling some people will claim we are one in the same.  But that is far from the truth.”

“There is one person that I want to pay close attention to what I am about to show you all.  One person, who I am expecting full well to make endless jokes about the information you all are about to be filled in on.  You see, Jake doesn’t want me to tell you all what I am about to tell you.  He is screaming and yelling at me at this very moment, fighting to take control, but he is failing miserably.  He is simply too weak.  He is not ready for this fight with James Shark, and he knows it.  If Jake Sullivan were to have control in that match, he would walk away the loser.  James Shark would defeat him.  There is no doubt in my mind about that.”

“But against ME?  James Shark cannot win.  He is the best at what he does, I will admit, but the difference between James Shark and I?  I do not fight with words.  I do not need to throw a bunch of insults at my victims…Yes, victims, not opponents, because when it all comes down to it, once we are in that ring the truth will be revealed.  The more powerful between the two of us is and always will be me.  Rage.  The uncontrollable demon that James Shark is so confident he will defeat.”

“I do not think James Shark will like what you all are about to find out.  Jake Sullivan’s deepest darkest secrets are about to be revealed, and he is absolutely helpless to stop it.  I am about to show you all just how I…Rage…came to exist.  And while it was for just a short while at first, I did in fact make appearances throughout Jake’s life to deal with certain situations.  You all will know my sole purpose for being created.”

“So sit back and enjoy the show.  Any questions you may have about Jake Sullivan are about to be answered, and you all will truly know the Sin of Wrath.  From the mind of the demon, I will lead you into the soul of Jake Sullivan.  It will not be a pretty ride, I assure you.  So if you have a weak stomach, or a sensitive mind, please turn and look away.  What you all are about to see could very well break your heart.”

“James Shark…here is yet another gift I give to you.”


Twenty Four Years Ago…
The Demon Rises

It’s the middle of the night in the Sullivan household.  Six year old Phillip Sullivan, the youngest of Marie and Michael Sullivan’s three children, is sound asleep in his bed in the room he shares with his older brother, Jake.  Jake should be sleeping too, but he’s not.  No, instead he is laying on his side, watching his little brother sleep.  Their seventeen year old sister, Ashley, whose room is just down the hall hasn’t gotten home from the party she went to earlier in the evening.  

Ashley used to be there for Jake all the time.  She was always being the caring protective big sister she was supposed to be, but the past couple of years something had changed with her.  Something had changed with the whole family, and being the middle child, Jake was stuck right in the middle where he simply did not know what to think or do about it all.  Phillip was too young to understand, and their parents would not subject the young boy to the troubles within the family, but they were unsuccessful at preventing the same thing with their first born son.

Two years earlier, during a family outing on the Fourth of July, Jake had witnessed what would be the first of several heart breaking and confusing events.  What he thought was a happy family was anything but, and the fact that the father he looked up to was sneaking behind his mother’s back was proof enough.  Who was this blonde woman his father was kissing behind that tree?  Who was she, and did she know he had a family?  Did she know what she was ruining?  Those thoughts were definitely too mature to be running through a then eight year old’s mind, but he was helpless to stop them, and Jake was shocked at his reaction to what he was witnessing.

While his mother was going to check on his sister Ashley and his brother Phillip, Jake had run off on another part of the stadium they were at for tonight’s fireworks.  He saw his father go that way earlier, and had decided to try and find him.  And while he found his father, his perception and respect for the man had changed forever.  Gone were the days where he looked up to the man who worked so hard to take care of and provide for his family.  

As he stood several feet away from the tree, all he could do was stand frozen in shock as his father and that blonde woman were wrapped in an embrace, kissing and nearly fondling each other.  For a split second he wanted to cry, but he was surprised at how quickly the sadness over the situation had vanished, and a newer much more unfamiliar feeling washed over him.  Rage.  Hatred.  At that moment, he no longer loved and respected his father.  No, he hated the man and wanted nothing more to do with him, or that nasty witch he was with.

That was one of the memories Jake laid in bed thinking about.  The next memory was the memory in which the love for his mother had vanished.  It was a memory, and a daily occurrence all at once because after what he had witnessed with his father, his eyes and his mind were suddenly opened to the terrible possibilities.  Jake was no longer blind to the lies his family was leading each and every day.

The second memory playing through his mind as he lay there wide awake, was the first night he found out that his mother was exactly like his father…No, she was like that blonde haired mistress of his father’s.  His mother was a homewrecking whore of a woman who didn’t give a damn about her children or what she was subjecting them to.

”Wow, where did that thought come from?” He thought to himself as the memories flooded through his mind.  Not only were the memories running through his mind, but down the hall, they were playing live in his parent’s bedroom.  


Startled by the voice he suddenly heard, Jake moved his eyes to look around the room.  He couldn’t get himself to move, so he just laid there frozen.

”I’m inside your head, kid.”

“Huh?  Who are you?” Jake says quietly so he doesn’t wake Phillip.

”You know who I am, Jake.  You are the reason I am here, right?  I know how scared you are right now.  I know how alone you are feeling right now, and I’m here to help you.  You just need to let me take control for a little while, and I promise, I will handle everything.  What do you say, kid?”

Jake rolls over on to his back and looks up at the ceiling.  He turns his head to look at Phillip for a second, before looking back to the ceiling. “What do you mean?  Take control of what?”

”**laughs** Oh Jake, you may only be ten years old, but I know you are smarter than that, aren’t you?  You’ve witnessed so much the past couple of years and you have grown beyond your years, I know.  I truly feel sorry for you, because you are not as innocent as young Phillip over there.  Your family has been so careful not to let anything harm that fragile mind of his, but what about you?  They have not tried to correct the damage they have done, have they?”

Jake frowns in the darkness and tries to fight back tears, and lets out a pathetic sniffle. “No.  Phillip is their favorite.”

”Sadly, young Jake, I cannot argue with you on that, but I can help you make them see the error of their ways.  You just have to let me.  Can you do that, kid?”

“I don’t know.  What are you going to do?” Jake asks nervously.  He can hear a loud parent’s bedroom down the hall, and he covers his ears with his hands.

”You know what I’m going to do, Jake.  You know what has to be done.  If you didn’t, I wouldn’t be speaking to you right now, would I?  You don’t need to be afraid anymore, Jake.  I can fix everything, but I can’t do anything until you allow it.”

A few tears now run down Jake’s face as the reality of what is going on sinks in.  He’s so confused, and he doesn’t know what to do.  Maybe he should just go tell his mother?

”Do not think about doing that, Jake.  Your mother is one of the reasons why I am asking you to give me control.  Did she or did she not recently call you an ‘ungrateful little shit’?  No loving mother would ever say that to her child, Jake.  She must pay for everything she has said to you…for everything she has done to you.  I know you can hear her in the other room.  Doesn’t that make you angry?”

Jake shakes his head furiously. “No…it makes me sad!  Why doesn’t she love Dad anymore?  Why doesn’t Dad love her?  Why isn’t Ashley home?!  She should be home right now!”

On the other side of the room, Phillip lets out a little squeak, as he rolls over in bed but stays asleep.  Jake looks towards him nervously, wiping the tears from his eyes.

”Don’t you see, Jake?  Your parents never loved each other.  Not at all.  Even when they conceived your sister, then you and Phillip.  Their so called ‘love’ was never real.  Ashley is coping with it the only way she knows how…with drugs and alcohol.  She is destroying herself because of the pain your parents have caused.  While she should be here for you, comforting you, where is she?  She’s at some party getting high and drunk and being taken advantage of.  Your protective older sister has left you to be the protector, hasn’t she?  You are now expected to watch after young Phillip and shield him from the pain you two have been subjected to the past two years.  I know you don’t want that, do you?”

“No.” Jake replies as he shakes his head.

”Do you want to protect your little brother, Jake?  Do you want to protect him from the pain that you feel right this moment?”


”No, you don’t.  You want him to feel the same thing you are feeling.  You want him to know what it’s like to be scared…alone…confused.  You want him to cry like you are crying right now.  I have a solution to that right now.  I have a way to traumatize your younger brother, just like you have been, and I have a plan to take care of your family.  Will you let me do it, kid?  You know you want to.”

Jake again looks over at his little brother, confused and unsure of what to do, but hearing another noise coming from his parent’s room erased all the doubt in his mind once and for all.  He sits up in his bed, looking towards the door.

“Okay,” he says.

”Good boy, Jake.  Now, close your eyes and let me handle this.  This won’t hurt a bit.  I promise.”

Jake suddenly flung backwards onto his back.  His eyes rolled into the back of his head, and his body twitched and convulsed for a short time, before it just…stopped.  His eyes shot open, staring at the ceiling, and he looked around, an evil smile appearing on the young boys face.  He sits up, and turns to stare at his brother, cocking his head to the side, before he lets out a slight sadistic sounding laugh.


”That was the very first night that Jakey boy decided to let me out to play.  Jake doesn’t want to admit it, but even though I was in control that night, everything that happened…everything that I did…was his fault.  He still feels guilty about everything that happened, though I’m sure he will try and tell you people otherwise.  You see, he wants you to just look at him as this constantly angry guy, but there is so much more to him than that.  There is me…the dangerous side.”

“You see, that night after I took control, several things went down.  First, poor innocent little Phillip witnessed exactly what Jake had witnessed just a couple of years prior to that night.  I sent him into their parents’ bedroom, and the poor kid got quite the viewing like Jake did, only their mother tried to comfort little Phillip, and screamed at yelled at me, believing I was her first born child, but I just laughed at the whole situation.”

“Then dear sister Ashley returned home after a long night of partying.  She was so intoxicated and who knows what drugs and alcohol she consumed that night she couldn’t even explain how she got home.  Poor Phillip was upset about that as well, but the story gets better.  Oh so much better...”

“The last to arrive home was dear old Dad.  He reeked of his whore’s perfume, but he didn’t seem to care.  He waltzed upstairs to see what was going on and only made the situation that much worse.  The parents argued.  Phillip cried even louder and Ashley stumbled into her bedroom and finally passed out, just barely making it to her bed.  Now, what did I do?  **laughs I’ll tell you what I did.”

“While the parents were too busy screaming and yelling at each other, I took advantage of the situation and walked downstairs to find some…supplies.  The situation just had to be handled.  I couldn’t allow this to go on any further even though deep inside his mind, Jake was suddenly begging me not to.  Poor kid was too young and fragile to fight for control, though and had to sit back and watch as I did what I did...I set fire to that happy home.

“That was when Jake realized just how dangerous I really am.  His naïve ten year old mind never thought I was going to bring any harm to his family, but I did.  I decided to give control back to poor Jake at the hospital, but by that time it was too late.  He thought his family was dead…yes, thought.  I knew they were still alive, though they didn’t deserve to be.  They still don’t, but that is not what matters right now.”

“What matters right now is heading into Tokyo with only one objective…Making James Shark suffer just as much, if not more than poor Jake Sullivan’s family.  Violent Conduct is such an appropriate name for what is going to take place, and poor James Shark is letting his confidence get the best of him.  Poor James Shark cannot comprehend just what is going to happen to him just ten days from now.”

“James Shark is too busy voicing his confidence all over Twitter to really focus on facing me.  He’s too busy getting people who are not even affiliated with Sin City Wrestling involved in this fight to see just how serious I am.  He thinks I am scared.  He calls me a pussy.  I am anything but!  James Shark is delusional, and at Violent Conduct the reality will hit him and it will hit him hard.”

“My actions speak a hell of a lot louder than my words, and James Shark will realize that in ten days.  This isn’t about winning to me.  I couldn’t give a fuck if I win a match against James Shark.  To me, this match is about pure hate…pain…and suffering.  I’m only focused on beating the shit out of James Shark and proving to him just what I am capable of, because he doesn’t seem to realize that.  He doesn’t seem to care, but he will.  Oh, he most definitely will care after this match.”

“I’ve got a lot of pent up aggression just waiting to be let out, and James Shark will make the perfect punching bag...a punching bag that bleeds.  Win or Lose...James Shark is gonna get hurt.  THAT is a fucking promise.  See you soon Sharky boy."