Author Topic: One, Two, Gabriel's Coming For You  (Read 629 times)

Offline Gabriel

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One, Two, Gabriel's Coming For You
« on: August 22, 2012, 06:43:53 PM »
 Well Sunday was an up and down day,, wasn't it? Arse kicked truly by a new young group, seeing an opportunity in a federation with no heel group to stand up and jump in the spotlight, by attacking me. We had thrills and spills, and drama, and through all the bullshit, two words stood out to me, just two.... yours forever. Those two words took away from a shit filled night of me taking a beating from these Dreamz Chasers guys, to wondering where the hell the Sins were while this was happening, putting a whole host of doubt in my mind. Amazing what two words from this beautiful young lady can do for a man

"Gabriel, I'll take the bags" Odette tells me as we stand outside a hotel room door.

Yes, we made it to Bangkok

"Sweetheart please" I replied "They might have had their fun with me, but I'm ok"

I lied, I hurt like hell, Sean may look like he spends more time on his hair then training, but the little bitch can swing a chair

I looked at Odette, her normally bubbly exterior was gone and replaced with a look of concern. I dropped the two bags in my hand and looked at her, putting my arm around her shoulders, finally getting a peak at a half smile.

"I just want you to feel better" She mentioned in an almost whisper

"I feel fine" I said

And lied again, but here's the thing people. Me getting attacked by Alvin and the Chipmunks, doesn't take away from the fact that this lovely lady has had her own issues lately. She took the biggest title of her career a couple of weeks ago and instantly become every bodies target. I know how that feels. Without trying to knock NXT here, but Spike is the only member of the group to garner massive success over his career, he's the only one that can sit down with Odette and tell her how to roll with the punches. When I first took a title back in AWA I had Synn, I had Shane, I had Fantasia. I had people who sat me down and told me all about this. I know Spike is trying, he's a good guy, but until she believes she deserves it, she will worry. I can't let a silly little beating stop me from continuing Spike's great work. She needs to worry about the gold and not me

I lean down and kiss Odette on the forehead and reach in to my pocket, pulling out a key card and sliding it down the slot by the door handle. The light on the handle turns green and I pull down the handle, pushing the door open and reaching down for the bags. I grab the handles and pick up the bag, holding in a noise to show I was in a bit of pain.

"After you" I tell Odette, and pointing my head towards.

That beautiful smile fires back at me as Odette enters the room, a penthouse

What? I like penthouses

A huge open living area comes in to my view. Two long sofas in an L shape instantly catch my attention, as the sit behind a big table, in front of a forty two inch plasma TV. Turning my head, I see doors that lead to a balcony

It's gotta be a balcony, curtains open, I can see a balcony

Looking to the right, I see another door ajar, tilting my head, I see a giant, comfortable looking bed.

Oi you lot, this is not Fifty Shades Of Grey, don't be thinking what ya thinking, especially you Shane!

I walk in and put the bags near the door, kicking my left foot back to close the doors behind me. I watch Odette look around the room.

"Now this is a nice room you have here" She says with a nod of approval.

"I kinda got upgraded especially" I reply.

"Really? Why" Odette asks me, her sweet Australian accent filling the room.

I walk up to Odette, leaning down and putting my arms around her from behind as she looks out of the balcony door.

"Well I was hoping this would be our room this week" I say with a smile.

Odette turns around, while staying in my arms

"Gabriel" She starts "I think we should wait...."

Before she can continue, I put my finger to her lips, a fake look of shock on my face.

"Not for that young lady" I tell her, playing up to the fake shocked look "Get your mind out of the gutter"

Odette raises her eyebrow, unable to stop herself from smiling.

"My minds in the gutter?" She says, also with a fake look of shock on her face.

Odette wraps her arms around my neck, as I continue the look of shock.

"Yes" I say with a nod "My mother warned me about girls like you"

Odette smiles at me, pulling my head gently towards her and brushes her lips gently against mine, pulling back about an inch from my face.

"And what did your mother tell you?" Odette asks me

"I got my arms around a hot Aussie and you wanna talk about my mother, nu uh" I say with a smile.

Odette runs her hand down my chest and moves her head back a bit, a smile on her face.

"Besides" I start "There's this huge bed in that room, a sofa right there, I love being around you, so you take the bed, I'll take the sofa and I get to be around you more"

Odette smiles at me, running her fingers through my hair.

"I'll think about it" she informs me.

Odette turns away from me, taking my hand and leading me to the balcony. She reaches down and pulls on the handle, sliding the door open and stepping outside, taking me with her. She looks down at the city of Bangkok below us. My arms slide around her from behind, and she rests her hands on mine.

"Bangkok is beautiful" Odette says, her eyes darting around the life below.

"There's a lot of beautiful things in Bangkok" I tell her, my eyes only looking at her.

I know she can't see me looking at her, but I think she knows I mean her. I know most of SCW would give their right nut to be in the position I am now with Odette.

Odette reaches behind and puts her hand on the back on my neck, just looking at the city.

"We should go out and see some of this place" she tells me

"We should" I reply "but I know you're tired"

Odette turns around, leaning with her back to the rail of the balcony.

"I am not" She protests.

"You are" I tell her "Ever since Climax Control, you've been running around for me, trying to get me recovered. You've left me after midnight and been back by six in the morning, you're tired"

"I just want you feeling good" She tells me

I put my hand up to brush the hair out of her eyes.

"I do feel good" I tell Odette "Right now, I feel lucky, blessed and no amount of beatings can change that. I'm here in a penthouse with you. It makes me feel amazing"

Inside, it really did. I felt like the king.... sorry Kain, not trying to steal your thing, but right now, I feel like the King Of Kings. Like I'm unstoppable, like I wouldn't wanna be anywhere else in the world. I don't wanna be anywhere else in the world

I lean forward, putting my lips on Odette's forehead, holding my kiss there and running my hands down her arms. Odette leans in after a few seconds, putting her head on my chest. I move my left arm to her back, holding her against me as she puts her arms around me.

"I was scared when I saw what happened" She confessed in a quiet voice.

I run my right hand through her hair.

"I know" I reply quietly "But it's gonna take more then a few mid carders to put me out of action sweetheart"

Yeah, I went with sweetheart!

Odette sighs, her head buried in my chest.

"They couldn't take me one on one so they went with the gang thing, shows weakness, they don't have the balls to do serious damage to me" I tell her reassuringly

"And if they try again?" Odette asks, looking up at me

"Then the Sins will take them out" I tell Odette with a smile "I don't know if you saw the locker room in Singapore, but Rage and Synn was not very happy. Rage smashed up most of the stuff, Synn smashed Shane's mirrors, which made Shane flip out. Kittie found out what happened and swore revenge. Those guys attacking me, has put the Sins on a high alert, people need to fear, and I got a tweet from your boss too"

Odette lowers her eyebrows

"About what?" She asks

"It seems that Spike isn't happy about those lame arse guys attacking me, maybe because of us, and is happy to have NXT get involved. I'm guessing it's to protect you, but it seems these arrogant nobodies are getting under peoples skin and fast"

Odette smiles up at me

Fall for a NXT member and NXT have your back..... wait.... what?

I shake my head at my last thought, surprising myself at what ran through my head. Odette quickly picks up on it.

"Something wrong?" She asks me.

"No" I reply quickly with a smile "Far from it"

Odette steps back a little and I reach down a little, putting my arms under her legs and lifting her up. Odette instinctively puts her arms around my neck.

"Hey!" She says "Put me down! You're gonna hurt yourself"

Love lifts us up where we beloooooooong....

I stop and look around

Despy, is that you? Mind getting out of my head and stop narrating this for a second here?

I look around again.

Sorry, that was Angel

A smile breaks out on my face

Having a moment here Angel

I turn to face the door

Sorry Gabriel, Angel is such a hopeless romantic! No he doesn't need you to stand under her window and sing Mexican love songs, Angel!

A chuckle exits my lungs as I step inside, holding Odette in my arms and looking in her eyes. I look towards the L shaped sofas and move towards them, walking around the outside and sitting down, resting Odette on my lap.

"You could have hurt yourself then" She tells me seriously

"But I didn't" I say with a smile

Totally worth it

My arms rest around her waist as she keeps her arms around. Odette moves in and kisses me on the cheek, before scrambling off my lap and sitting next to me. I look at Odette, raising my arms.

"Why'd ya move?" I ask

"Didn't wanna hurt you more" Odette says resting her head on my shoulder

I smile as I run my fingers through her hair.

"You need sleep babe" I tell Odette

Yeah, I went there too

"I don't" The young Aussie protests through a yawn.

I put my arm around Odette's shoulder, and he puts her head on my chest.

She's like me, fighting sleep, trying to be as awake as possible, but sleep will help her out. She has a lot of pressure on her now and I wanna be the one to take that pressure off her

I run my fingers through her hair as she can't help but to close her eyes

This sport isn't easy in the slightest, and moments like this, we need. I think I got Odette sussed out. I know I over think so much, but I know I have her figured out. Here's what I think, there's more feeling between us then either of us let on. She made the first move, and I know some put it down to booze, but no. I kinda knew from the moment I met this great Aussie woman that I wanted to be with her, long before the kiss, long before, but I know she finds it hard to say how she feels. No matter how close we are, no matter that we are in contact every day for hours, I know she will hold some feelings back instead of telling me straight and figuring out where to go from there. I can't deny I have amazingly strong feelings for her, so strong I think about her a lot, well, from the moment I wake up to be exact, but it's hard to say "Hey, I wanna be so much more then we are, I wanna do all I can in my power to make you feel good" because it will probably scare her off faster then anything else. I'm thought about it, hell, I'm thinking about it right now, but I need this woman in my life.

I look down at her, watching her breathing, her eyes closed.

I'd give up a lot to someday hear the truth, what she really feels about me, but I think she's protecting herself, maybe she fears losing me? Ah, if she only knew how I felt. Something magical could happen with us, hell, maybe it already is, we just don't know it, or won't admit it, in case it scares the other. It won't scare me off

Odette rolls her arm across me further.

Your forever.... that was said and I gotta take that at face value really, no hidden messages, just a woman that wants to be with me. I want the same, even if it may take a while to hear more about what she really feels. Looking at her now, can't help but wonder if forever is really long enough.

A smile crosses my face

Who'd have thought it? Me falling for a woman from Australia, growing up, living, breathing on the other side of the world that I did. What can I say, I'm just lucky to know her, proud to be in her life. Also great knowing there's so many jealous dicks in SCW right now, because out of the whole damn world, she's choosing to be on my shoulder right now. Speaking of dicks, I probably need to smack that McFarge guy upside the head.

I look down at Odette once more, her eyes closed, breathing steady.

Not tired, eh?

A wide smile crosses my face

Start of something good? Start of something amazing. I know I used to like to party till the early hours, but I can get used to this

I close my eyes, darkness filling my mind, but feeling happy, just knowing that Odette is close. My thoughts flash back clearer to the dream woman dreams.

Everything makes so much more sense now

I smile widely, linking my fingers with Odette's, and moving her closer with my other arm. I open my eyes just a bit to see her smile, lost in a dream. I close my eyes too, drifting off in to a world of my own.

I don't remember anything else.... well, not until the following morning

"Morning" Odette's sweet Aussie accent said, breaking the silence.

I opened my eyes to see her, laying on her back, her head laying back on my leg.

Not sure when that happened

I lift Odette's hand up, kissing the back of.

"Morning" I reply.

"How ya feeling?" Odette asks me

"Great, did you sleep well?" I ask her.

Odette nods and smiles at me

She so looks good in the morning.

Odette leans up, her arms around my neck, and pulls herself towards me, pursing her lips and moving closer to my face.

"Morning!" Despayre's voice is heard saying.

I look at Odette, both sharing the same expression of raised eyebrows.

"Morning Despy, Morning Angel" I say out loud

Odette moves her lips closer my ear.

"How did he get in?" Odette whispers in my ear

"You'd be surprised how clever he is at breaking in to places"

Despayre jumps over the sofa, holding Angel and landing next to me.

"Not interrupting anything, are we?" Shane's voice is heard saying.

Odette and I turn to face the door to see Shane Boswell, Fantasia, Kittie, Rage and Synn standing there. Odette sits up straight

"No" I reply to Shane

"Pity" Synn replies

I stand up and Kittie runs around the sofa, putting her arms around me and hugging me tightly.

First off, owwww, second off, this is not like Kittie. She's been pretty emotional lately, but hugging isn't something you'd associate with her

"How are you feeling?" Kittie asks me

"I'm good" I reply "Had a great person looking after me"

Odette stands up and Kittie throws an arm around Odette too. I look over at Synn, but Synn can only offer a shrug back.

"Are you ok Kat?" I ask

Kittie nods

"Just happy for you guys" Kittie replies

I look over Kittie's shoulder to Rage, looking for an explanation to Kittie's emotional state. Rage just roll his finger around his head in the universal sign of crazy. Kittie breaks away from me and Odette and takes a seat on the sofa.

"Nice room Gabriel" Synn comments

"Yeah" Rage grumbles "I'm the heavyweight champ and my room is a shit hole compared to this"

"I paid extra for this one" I reply

"Gabriel" Despayre says slowly "Why was Odette here when we got here? Did you guys have a sleepover?"

I look Synn, who curls the left side of his lip downwards

"Yeah Gabriel" Synn says

Thanks a bunch arsehole

"We had a sleepover Despy?" I reply

"And you didn't invite me or Angel?" Despayre says disappointed

"We will for the next one" I quickly say.

"How about tonight?" Despayre says bouncing on the spot.

Thud! Walked right in to that

"Erm..." I reply

"You should" Odette says "You should go to Despys sleepover tonight"

I look at Odette, mouthing the words "thanks a lot"

"You're invited too Odette" Despayre says excitedly.

I look at Odette with a big smile on my face


"Good! It's settled then. We'll have a sleepover right here in this room, cause it's big!" Despayre says.

I look around at the room, taking a seat. Odette sits next to me.

"So why are you lot breaking in to my room?" I ask

"I came to check on you" Kittie says

"I came to catch you in the act" Shane replies

"I came because Shane made me" Fantasia adds

"I came here cause Angel said you might be horizonal dancing, and I've never seen that before" Despayre throws in

"I pretty much came here for the same reason as Angel" Synn adds with a devilish smile

"And I came here to tell you to..." Rage starts.

Rage stands up, reaching in to his pocket and handing a currency note to Despayre.

"Get your ass up, cause I'm gonna hit you two with a fucking truck!"

"Swear jar!" Despayre yells out.

"I just gave you money!" Rage grumbles

"That was for the A word. I put prices up for the F word" Despayre says casually.

Rage grumbles before reaching in to his pocket and handing Despayre more money. Rage looks back at me and Odette

"Well, come on, I've been looking forward to this for a long time" Rage says with a big grin.

Odette grabs hold of my hand, squeezing it tightly. I turn and move closer to her ear.

"Don't worry, his smile scares me too" I whisper to her.

"What was that?" Rage yells out

"I said lets do it" I say looking in Rage's direction

I turn back to Odette

"Don't worry, I won't let you get hurt" I whisper

The scene fades out

The wind blows gently though a small car park in Bangkok. A small crowd is seen gathered near the door of a huge truck with a container on the back. To the left of the truck is cardboard boxes, stacked about six foot high and twelve feet long.

That's a shitload of cardboard

I look to my right, feeling Odette Ryder's fingers locked tightly in mine, I look down to her and whisper.

"You don't have to do this you know" I saw quietly.

Her soft eyes stare in to mine as she steps in front of me, placing her left arm around my waist.

"I want to do it" she says hesitantly "I think"

"Babe" I start "You don't have to, I mean it was all fun and games and then things changed with us, you became my girlfriend...."

Ok, first time I've used that term to her, let's look at her reaction...

A wider smile crosses over her face

"I like that" She says inching closer to me.

Ok, you can see this but in my head, there's a video montage going of fireworks and people doing happy dances. Timing is everything, you can't just go blurting out that you've liked someone since you met them, cause it's all about timing! I guess I got the timing right with the girlfriend thing. Either that or she passed Despayre's "Gabriel application form"

"Me too" I say with a wider smile.

I learn down, my lips inches from Odette's, but Rage's gruff voice stops them, just millimeters from each other.

"Am I gonna hit you with a fucking truck or are you two gonna give us another type of show" He says roughly.

I break away from Odette's arm around me, turning to Rage.

"You can hit me with a truck" I tell Rage

Rage scoffs

"She ain't getting out of it now you two are together" Rage replies in a low tone.

Together, I like that, never gonna tire of hearing that.

Odette grabs my hand with both of hers

"It's ok" She tells me "I'm ready to do it"

Just looking in her eyes, I know my girlfriend.... yep, love saying it, thinking it etc.... is nervous here. I know she's a little daredevil with her bikes, but this is out of her comfort zone. Bike tricks are out of mine, so I know she's nervous, I've never done this trick with someone else, let alone someone I lo.... like so much.

"About time!" Rage snarls "I've been waiting weeks for this"

"Well you go get in the truck and don't move the thing till I give you the thumbs up" I instruct Rage.

Rage slams a huge open palm down on my back.

"Ok" He says with an evil grins "And if you survive this, we'll talk about how to rip the heads off those Dreamz Chasers"

Rage laughs

"Still can't take that name seriously" He says walking off chuckling to himself

I turn to Odette, looking at her seriously.

Alright buddy, no soft soap melting here, tell her you lo.... like her too much to let her put herself in danger here

I run my hand down the side of her cheek, brushing her hair off the side of her face.

"I don't want you doing this" I tell her as firmly as I can "I don't want you getting hurt. I think without me even saying it, you know how I feel about you, I think you've known for a while but never let on that you knew. I don't want you in harms way"

A slight smile crosses her face

"Remember when we first spoke about this?" She says, her Australian accent strongly showing through "And you promised me I would be ok, and you'd take care of me?"

I think she may have me here

"I do" I replied

"Well I was going through a rough time, with trusting people, after, you know" She says to me.

I nod at her

"But when you promised me I would be ok, I believed you" She says with a sincere look on her face "So I want to do this cause I know you will keep me safe"

She has a way with words, and I know she meant it. She really trusts me, which is not something I'm overly used to. I mean outside the Sins, people know my history and think I just want everything they have for the sake of it, people think my greed will over rule me. They don't trust me because they're always on guard around me. To know this woman trusts me, and wants to be with me, regardless of the less than stellar past I have.

"I will keep my promise" I tell her seriously

I lean in to kiss her, but the horn on the truck is heard. Rage puts his head out of the window.

"When you two are done making eyes at each other, can we get started?" He yells out "Some of us have other places to be!"

I roll my eyes and smile

"Ready?" I ask Odette

Odette nods at me and I turn to the patiently waiting crowd.

"Hello and welcome" I start, holding Odette by the hand "How we all doing today?"

The small crowd cheer.

Hmmmm, they must understand me here..... or maybe this is like another war film where the English and Americans speak English and the Germans speak, ummm English. Never understood that. If you're a German, talking to a fellow German, in a war film, why are you speaking English and not German.... focus Gabriel, focus!

"Today we have a special trick and a very special guest or two to help me along with this one. Not just any special guests, two SCW champions at the top of their divisions. Sitting over there in the truck, we have SCW Heavyweight Champion, Rage!" I say with a point in Rage's direction.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2012, 06:49:11 PM by Mark Ward »


Offline Gabriel

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One, Two, Gabriel's Coming For You
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2012, 06:45:18 PM »
 Rage puts his arm out of the truck window and the crowd cheer his presence.

"Can you hurry the fuck up?" He yells back

I look back to Odette and to the crowd.

"And this beautiful lady is SCW Bombshell Champion, the wonderful Odette Ryder"

The crowd clap and cheer and Odette waves at them with her free hand.

"This is how it's gonna go down people, Rage in there has been dying to hit us with a truck for a while, now is his chance. Odette and I will be standing in front of those boxes. The boxes are there for safety reasons, to slow Rage down and not give him a concussion or whiplash. You see, he has no hair to cushion any blow to the head" I say with a smile

"Fucking heard that" Rage yells out

I smirk and continue

"The theory is Odette and I will walk away fine from this, and Rage will be less angry for about thirty seconds. Are you ready?" I ask the crowd?

The crowd cheer

"Come on, we can do better" I say

The crowd cheer slightly louder and I look down at Odette, her breathing visibly quicker.

"Let's do it!" I yell out.

The crowd cheer as Odette and I turn around. I look down at her taking her by the hand.

"Are you ok?" I ask her

Odette nods at me, not saying a word as we stand next to the wall of boxes. I put my hand on her hips.

"I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. I swear" I tell her softly "Nothing is ever gonna hurt you, I won't let it."

Odette lifts her hand, grazing my cheekbone with her fingers

"I know you won't" She whispers

"When this is all done, we're gonna go find a nice quiet place to relax, just the two of us and forget there's a world around us" I tell her "Then we'll go kick the living daylights out of those Dreamz Chasers and that chick who thinks she crazy, but she's not"

Odette smiles

Love that smile

"Before Rage starts moving that thing. I know it's been a few days and I haven't said anything about it, but you said yours forever" I whisper softly in her ear

Odette nods at me, not sure what to expect

"Forever's not long enough" I say with a smiles.

Odette reaches up and puts her hand behind my head, kissing me passionately. I pull her closer, my arms around her back. Rage's voice can be heard in the distance.

"Fuck this" He yells out "Ready or not, here I come."

Rage pulls down on the trucks horn and smoke pummels out the the top of the truck. Odette breaks away from the kiss as the roar of the engine fills the air. I put my hands on her shoulder, just leaning her back against the wall of boxes and turn to stand next to her as the truck begins to move. Odette reaches her hand towards me, gripping my hand firmly. The truck barrels towards us, growing bigger as it gets closer. As it gets within five feet from us, I spring round, standing between Odette and the truck. Odette grabs me, her arms behind my back and holding me so tight. The truck barrels in to us and through the boxes, sending the boxes flying in all directions before coming to a stop. The crowd look around, a quiet hush. I whisper to Odette.

"Are you ok?" I ask

"My heart is racing" She tells me, slightly breathless.

The door of the truck opens and I stand on the steps leading up to the top, my arms in the air and the crowd cheering.

Genius should be my middle name

I jump down to the floor, my hand up to the door and Odette follows me out on to the steps. I step closer and Odette puts her arm around my neck, and I put my arm under her legs, lifting her down. She kisses me on the cheek and I put her down. Taking her by the hand, we bow to the crowd's applause.

"Gabriel" She says to me "What happened to Rage?"

I smile innocently towards the container on the back of the truck.

THUMP! A hand crashes against the metal container from the inside

"How the fuck!" Rage yells out! "Gabriel! Let me out of here magic man or I'm gonna kill you when I do get out of here!"

I smile at Odette, causing a smile across the young Aussie's lips. My arm moves around her shoulder and she moves in to put her head on my chest.

"Ladies and Gents, thanks for coming out. Be sure to catch Climax Control this week, live from your home city. I promise you, it's gonna be action filled" I tell the crowd

Odette and I start to walk away from the scene.

"What about RageFace?" She asks me

"We could just leave him there" I reply

Odette shakes her head at me. I turn back to the crowd.

"Hey, could someone let Rage out in about fifteen minutes?" I yell out

Odette and I walk away as the scene fades out

From the balcony of my hotel suite, I sit with my feet hanging over the ledge, looking down at the city below, and up at the night sky. I breath deep, it's been a long day, I've been hit by a truck, bit by a certain bug and well, been one of a week long roller coaster ride. The camera moves in on my face.

"So this is the part where I talk about the match, my troubles and everything in between, and you know this week has given me a lot to think about and a lot to talk about. This match was not quiet what I had in mind, I wanted a match where I can get at Sean Williams, but it's not all bad, I get to team with my little bro and a very special lady, the two people I want at my side to see this up close and personal. Now Despayre has no idea at all what has happened, and I think we should leave it at that, for now"

A smile crosses my face

"So let's start with little miss weak link, Carly Athens. Now Carly, I'm not gonna waste too much time talking about you and your little crazy act. I'm not buying it for a damn second. I'm gonna give you an advanced warning, playing crazy and pissing off Odette, is not a wise move. Haven't you seen that you're not good enough to be in Odette's shadow, let alone think you can stand a chance of taking her title. You're not even second best when it comes to bombshells and when returns happen, you won't even be in the top five. Go running to Rage if you like but the truth is, you only latched on to him because he is a champion, no other reason. Sorry big fella, she wants part of your fame because she can't have her own. Carly, you need a reality check, here it is, you're just not good enough to take the bombshell champion"

The wind blows across me, blowing my hair across my face.

"Now let's talk about these people, the ones who will win lamest stable name ever award, Dreamz Chasers. Are one of you morons dyslexic or something. Dreamz is not a word you morons, Dreamz Chasers make absolutely no sense, just like you bands of misfits. You see, when you guys decided to make me your number one target, you made one hell of a grave mistake. Congratulations you bunch of bitches, you got the drop of one of the Sins, congrats, well done, give yourself a clap, a huge round of applause, one got one of the Sins, but you got a lot more to deal with now. All you've done is started a shit storm that you will not recover from"

I flick the hair out of my eyes

"DJ, you were the one that surprised me the most, I guess I expected more from an SCW original, I expected more then you teaming with people below you but whatever floats your boat gangsta. Here's the problem DJ. You might have punked out, run away for months, and come back and people liked it. I've been busting my arse from day one and people loved me. Now all those people that liked that return now can not take you seriously, not only because the stupid name of the group, not only because you have a pissant like Hawkes in there, but because you let Sean Williams get you in this group. The fact of the matter is Mr bad ass, is that this group, is not gonna last five minutes, this group, is not gonna ever be remembered for anything other then a stupid name. You're a joke now, not even a very funny joke, just a joke and you brought it on yourself. Do you even understand the shit you've just brought on for yourself? Do ya? Well, let me tell you, your new found friend has done what he can to piss us off in the past, regardless that the useless son of a bitch is indeed a real life bitch to the leader of the group, he attacked Rage a while ago, he then gets you lot to attack me. Do you really think you're gonna get away with this?"

I smile while bowing my head.

"If you think that, then you musta been smoking that same shit Sean does. You've allowed Sean to put a target on your back, give him someone to hide behind, give him someone to do his bidding. It's not a good position to be in DJ. On Sunday, I'm gonna show you it's a bad place to be, I'm gonna show you that your actions last week, will be the worst thing you've ever done. I'm hunting for you and Ashton, DJ."

I pause for just a second

"Now Sean Williams. They say you should never meet your heroes and well, they was right. I tried to base my high flying set on you, then I met ya and good god, it was disappointing. Let's talk rebirth, shall we? You went from high flying future legend, reborn in to an annoying little douchebag who can't see past his own nose. Rebirth only works if you better yourself and believe me, you've done a lousy job at that. I see why you went for me, the guy you just couldn't beat but Sean, I think people know the real reason behind your attack on me. You know while you've been running around living your life without Synn, I have been there. I think people know this is jealousy that you lost Synn when he started focusing on me and Despayre, turning us in to the best damn team known to man."

I laugh a little

"Your own niavity makes me laugh Sean, you think you have Synn's heart? Is this what it's all about? Trying to prove you're better then me, to give you favor in Synn's eyes? By beating on Synn's best friend is not winning you favor Sean, I can assure you of that. If you'd have only seen Synn's reaction to it, I think if you woulda been anywhere near, he'd have took your head clean off your shoulders. Is your mind really messed up, that you think Synn would side with you? That I will be outcasted from the Seven Deadly Sins tin favor of you? I think that funny stuff is getting to you Sean, messing with your mind"

A serious look crosses my face.

"I know I've ripped the piss out of you for your drug use Sean, it's why you wanted me to explain everything to you, but none was done out of malice, more concern. You would have made the perfect sin of Gluttony. Now you hear gluttony and think it's food based. Nope, it's about over indulgence, like over indulging in life, like you do. Then I took a closer look, a look at you and saw that these little gateway drugs will stand against you, would ruin the group from within. This whole thing was about me trying to get you to have a look at yourself before you ended up dead in an alleyway with a needle sticking out of your arm Sean. This was about me saving you from that. I was just about your age now when I met Synn and he turned me from a no good crook, in to a man worth millions, a man with some direction, I wanted to do that for you Sean."

I look directly down the camera

"I wanted to save Despayre from being attached to a guy with a bad habit, that will more then likely end up in some gutter, I wanted to save you. You said to me before your little attack you have a son of your own. Don't you see for his sake, you needed saving? If I had a son, any bad shit would go out the window for me, anything to see that kid grow up"

I shake my head in disappointment

"You rejected it and thought this was the way to go. You're an idiot Sean, you live in your little world, with your rose tinted glasses and think everything is fine. You think that you will live to see one hundred, think that Synn will run off with you, think you're a good influence on your friends, your family, but lets cut that away, cause that's absolutely shit. Is there one person in your life you've EVER had a positive effect on?"

I pause again for a few seconds

"So you decided the attack was the way forward after hearing something you didn't like, bravo Sean, I'm sure you're the first to ever think of that. It's made a lot of people angry Sean and lit a fire under me that I've never felt before. You may feel reborn, but you've now created a monster. I'm coming for you Sean, I'm coming for you DJ, I'm coming for all of you"

I look seriously down the camera.

"Believe that!"

The camera fades out
« Last Edit: August 22, 2012, 06:46:19 PM by Gabriel »
