Author Topic: What's a title change between friends?  (Read 412 times)

Offline Brandi Shotze

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    • Brandi Shotze
What's a title change between friends?
« on: July 26, 2012, 09:59:03 PM »
  A local honky tonk bar in Tenessee, Garth Brook's "Ain't Going Down Till The Sun Comes Up" blasts through the speakers, filling the room with country twang. The saloon doors open up and Cookie S'Mores is seen walking in, looking around at the scene around her. Cookie raises her eyebrows, as she looks at men and women, dressed in typical cowboy attire. Cookie walks over to the bar, looking at the barman and waiting for his attention to turn towards her. As the man turns around, he's seen to be in his mid twenties, with long hair and muscular arms.

"Hey, can I find Brandi Shotze here and can I have your phone number?" Cookie asks with a smile

The barman smiles back and points to the corner of the bar. Cookie turns around and sees Brandi Shotze about to take a shot on the pool table. She pulls back the cue and slams it hard in to the white ball, sinking the black in the right middle pocket. Brandi raises her arm in victory as a man walks past, placing a fifty dollar bill on the table. Brandi picks it up and puts the money down her cleavage.

"Fucking sucker" Brandi mumbles to herself

Brandi smiles widely

"Who's next to pay up?" Brandi asks a crowd before her

A mumble amongst the crowd is heard, but no one steps forward for the challenge. Brandi shrugs her shoulders and walks over, picking up a beer from a nearby table. She turns around to see Cookie standing looking at her

"Cookie?" Brandi says slowly

Brandi approaches Cookie

"What the fuck are you doing down here?"

Brandi hugs her tag team partner. Cookie wraps her arms around Brandi for a few seconds

"I come down here to find you" Cookie says "You've kind of gone a bit of the grid a bit lately"

Brandi scratches her head and puts her arm on Cookie's shoulder, leading her away to a quieter part of the honky tonk. Brandi points at a seat at a low table and Cookie nods, taking a seat. Brandi sits opposite her, waving to a waitress, putting two fingers in the air to signal for two beers. The waitress nods and walks away. Cookie puts her hand under her chin, waiting for an explaination. Brandi crunches her face a little.

"The voice came back" Brandi says

"The TV show?" Cookie replies

Brandi shakes her head

"That one that tells me to hurt people for real. It came back in our last match, when we had a tag title shot, it told me to do some bad things, I had to stop myself" Brandi says slowly

"Thought that was the point of wrestling?" Cookie says with slight concern

"It was but it's not working as well as I want. Only time it really shuts the fuck up is when I'm on the booze." Brandi replies

"You can't be constantly drunk" Cookie says

"Why not? It's awesome" Brandi replies quickly

The waitress returns to the table, placing the two beers in front of the duo. Brandi picks ones up and takes a drink.

"I thought about quitting" Brandi says

Cookie laughs out loud.

"you'll never give up drinking!" Cookie says with a laugh

Brandi closes her eyes

"Not that, giving up drinking, very sobering thought but no, not drinking Cookie, wrestling" Brandi says, slight fear in her voice at the thought of giving up drinking

"What?" Cookie says surprised

"Yep, wrestling." Brandi says seriously

"I thought it was every rednecks dream to kick ass and get paid for it" Cookie says, her tone turning a little more serious

"It is but you know, it's not that I mind not getting booked every week, it means I'm high on the call list for promo events, I like that. I like being home more then running around California and Nevada, but I fear I will hurt someone, I fear the next opponent I have, I may hurt"

Cookie looks slightly uneasy

"You're not gonna like this" Cookie says, as uneasy as she looks

Brandi stops drinking and stares at Cookie, her eyebrow raised

"Well?" Brandi asks slowly

"It's against Carly and Odette for the Bombshell tag team titles"

Brandi puts her beer down on the table, running her fingers through her long hair

"Dirty Country, eh?" Brandi says with a strange smile heading across her face.

"Not the reaction I expected" Cookie replies

"I like Odette, it's the other bimbo I don't like, trust, or anything like that, she's way too quiet, almost loner. I get the feeling me and her will get in to it"

"So you're over the whole stable thing?" Cookie asks

"No, no I'm not, I feel cheated in that sense. She knew about the first ever all female stable in SCW and she pissed on that to join them lot? No, I'm not happy still and not all over that. No heads up, no change of plans, just walked away to join those guys. Not happy, but that will drive me to take those titles. We'll call it compensation for that action"

"Either way, we gotta get back to Vegas, you gotta get ready for this match, we have to keep those voices under control so we can walk away with those titles. It will be a big thing for us to have the titles, and show SCW we're not just here to make up the numbers. We can send out a clear message to the whole of SCW with this one" Cookie says, allowing herself to get slightly excited.

Brandi drinks deeply from her beer bottle.

"Sounds good, eh?" Cookie says with a smile

Brandi nods in agreement

"It would be nice but what happens if I hurt the wrong one? What happens if the voice returns and I can't seem to control it? I could put Odette in hospital or worse. I mean really put her in the hospital for a long time"

Cookie picks up her beer, taking a sip and making an unimpressed face as she puts it down.

"Well, we'll have to make sure that doesn't happen." Cookie replies

"How?" Brandi asks

"Handcuffs" Cookie replies with a wink.

Brandi nods with approval

"You kinky bitch you!" Brandi says loudly "I knew there was a reason I liked you"

The two pick up their beer bottles and knock them together.

"I think we need more then handcuffs though" Brandi says casually

Cookie raises her eyebrow

"Now who's the kinky bitch?" Cookie says with a smirk

Brandi raises her hand

"Never claimed to be anything else" Brandi replies

The two knock their bottles together once more as the scene fades

A parking lot is seen, and a pick up truck with paint scrapped down the side. The camera moves around to the back of the truck to see the tail down and Brandi sitting in the back of it, with a couple of empty beer bottles down the side next to her and an unopened six pack next to her. She takes one out and unpops the bottle cap and tosses it near the empty bottles. She takes a huge gulp and looks down the camera, talking in her redneck twang.

"I find myself in between a rock and a hard place here, see I got told I get a chance to get back in the ring and bitch slap some bitches, then I find out one of them is Odette Ryder."

Brandi sighs

"I struggle to find the motivation to hate you Odette like I do with so many. I know I say hate, but when I get in the win, I wanna look at every opponent like they've just fucked my fella or something, I wanna hate in the ring, I want that motivation to drive myself forward to hurt people and to win matches but you're so damn sweet and cutesy and all the rest of it, it's hard to really wanna beat the shit out of you, it's hard to wanna talk about beating the shit outta of your pretty self, but well, something in me thinks you owe me Odette, that you owe Cookie something. Remember when you first came here, remember when you knew no one, and just seemed to hit it off with me and Cookie? Remember those days before people started swarming to you like flies around shit? Remember those conversations we had?"

Brandi pulls the beer bottle to her lips, taking a gulp before lowering the bottle and wiping her mouth.

"I remember them well, the talk of the all female stable Odette, remember that? Yeah, I do. I remember well and what happened? You pissed off to join that band of losers without even a word to us. You left us without a word, and joined them, why? Why Odette? Why? You walked away from us, I don't like that. Is it a surprise that I have not exactly been overly friendly like before, since then? You walked away, is that who you really are? Are you really that person who leaves friends behind to hang around with the New XTremes? Thanks for that Odette, is that what friendship is to you? Ride along until something else comes along. Fucking disappointing girl. What get's me, is that you never even came to us to talk to us Odette to mention it, to explain why, hurts a little, it feels like bullshit"

Brandi closes her eyes for a second, taking a deep breath

"Look at what you've surrounded yourself with. You have a woman who used to be a big fish in a small pond, that is now struggling to swim in this bigger pond around bigger sharks, you have a seven foot guy who, although has had a title or two, has lost as many as he's won and a leader who has been signed to this company for months and not had a single match at all. He spends more time hyping that fucking NWA bullshit, then being in the fed that actually pays him. This is what you've walked in to, this is what you've ditched us to the side of the road for.... This shower of shit, who have done fuck all as a stable since they formed. Misty went, Jordan went, it's just constant rebuilding to still sit there and do fuck all. That makes me and Cookie so loved, we so appreciate that. I like Casey, Spike and Vixen on a personal level but this is business and on a business level, these guys have done nothing. You coulda been part of the first female stable, started a trend, instead you stepped in to a stable too late to save."

Brandi takes another gulp of beer, finishing the bottle and placing it next to the empties

"I think you owe us Odette, I think you owe us at least an explanation on why you joined those guys, a heads up would have been nice but an explanation would be great. Thing is now, something came over me when we had our first match against each other. I never wanted to worry about championship titles, they make you do crazy things like turn on people, they corrupt people, force them to damn near kill themselves to win, hold on to, or lose them, but when I got that close Odette, that close to holding that title, so so close, it made me want it. Made me wanna say to hell with all the bullshit tags that come along with it and just take the damn gold. You was the better person that night, you, but this time around, it's gonna be slightly different, because I want the gold. I wanna be somebody, I want the fame. We'll be even after I take your title Odette, very even.

Brandi pops off the cap from another bottle

"I wanna talk about your partner now Odette, but erm, who is she? She's hardly been vocal, do you even know who she is? I mean she turns up, fights, looks like a complete bitch face and fucks off again in to the shadows. Time to show your face Carly so I can leave a hole in it. Sounds harsh, but it's not. I don't like you, never have, probably never will. There's something about you that makes me wanna punch you repeatedly in the face over and over, just something about your face."

Brandi takes a mouthful of beer.

"Being as you have that face I wanna punch, the title I wanna wear, I might as well punch you in the face and take that title. I mean it's there so I might as well do and take it. I just simply don't like you. It looks like it you smile, you're break your face or something, but have no fear, I'll break your face for you. I don't mind, I got a couple of strong hands and a bad temper, I think I can fuck that face of yours up a little bit without too much trouble. It's brilliant, they pay me to do this shit."

Brandi smiles

"I know you're a little southern girl, so you should be getting ready for that good ol' Southern ass whooping I'm about to bring your way girly. Not just any kinda whooping, that southern asswhooping and then some. I'm not playing games Carly, I'm gonna go out there and stomp the shit outta you Carly. Mostly because I don't like ya, but also cause I want that title, and I want to be noticed, and I wanna hit that cruise a champion. I will hit that cruise as a champion, I want it so bad Carly, so bad, I don't really give a flying fuck if you get hurt or not. Actually couldn't care less if you get hurt or not, really couldn't, so this is where I think you need to get ready Carly, get your affairs in order, write a will, be ready for the fight of your life because this one is not gonna be for the faint hearted"

Brandi stops for a second

"Odette, I'm sorry, Carly, I'm not so sorry, I will be taking the titles from you, Odette, you're invited to the after party, Carly, you're not. New tag team champions, The Party Girls...."

Brandi raises the beer bottle zz


Cookie appears from behind the pick up truck.

"Ready to head back to SCW?" Cookie asks

Brandi nod as she jumps off the truck, picking up the unopened beers and putting her hand on Cookie's shoulder as the scene fades out