Author Topic: Weighing In  (Read 987 times)

Offline Cookie S'Mores

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    • "Showgirl" Cookie S
Weighing In
« on: June 15, 2012, 08:17:25 PM »
 "Now here's a little something for you to chew on."

"Howard Taft
The famous mummy discovered and known as Hatshepsut
King Amalric I of Jerusalem
Nikita Khrushchev
Oliver Hardy
William the Conqueror
Grover Cleveland
Queen Victoria, Anne of England, and Catherine the Great"

"All historical and political figures. Oh, but if it's celebrities you're looking for. Well now that's a whole new ball of wax!"

"John Goodman
Kathy Bates
John Candy
Rosie O'Donnel
Queen Latifa
Gabourey Sidibe"

"Of course, if you want someone to relate to as far as professional wrestling goes..."

"Aja Kong
The Big Show
Gorilla Monsoon
Brodus Clay"

"The list just goes on and on. People throughout history, in both the political as well as the entertainment business that were not only known for their business savvy, powerful personality and frame of mind, and the ability to entertain (obviously referring to the celebrities?), but also that each one was seen by the eyes of those who looked at them as being, quite simply -- fat."

"Now people are probably wondering why I'm starting to talk about this tired, old subject again. Some might be wishing I'd stop talking about this for good. Well, to them I say if you don't like it, don't listen to it. This is simply who I am and I have a message I want the men and women of the world to know. And that is, you do not have to be pencil thin in order to be both beautiful as well as successful. Just so long as you're healthy, that's all that matters. People often look at people with meat on their bones and think things like diabetes and bad joints and the like are all we have wrong with us. It's simply not true."

Cookie stood up in the doctor's examination room and had just finished pulling her blouse on over her ample frame when there was a knock on the door and as it opened, her own personal physician, Alison Shu, stepped in and closed the door behind her.

"Well Cookie," Doctor Shu started, her eyes on the clipboard in her hand. "Everything looks just fine. You're in very good health and I think you might be pleased to know that you even lost a couple of pounds."

"I what?" Cookie asked, her eyes wide.

"She what?" Brandi Shotze also said with her arms folded over her own plus-sized bosom as she sat on the stool in the corner beside the examination table.

Doctor Shu smiled at both ladies and nodded, placing the clipboard down over on the counter top.

"Calm down Cookie." The doctor said with a good natured smile. "I know how happy you are with your weight, and well you should be, but it is just two pounds."

"You're a strange one doc." Brandi said as she leaned back and rested her arm up on the table. "Don't you medical junkies usually try to make everyone lose weight and stay that way?"

Doctor Shu chuckled as Cookie turned to her for the interest in the answer to Brandi's question caught her attention as well.

"Certainly not." The doctor said. "Oh I know a great many doctors try to stress that being thin is the healthiest thing that a person can do, but I have known a great many men and women with a little extra size to their frames and were a lot healthier than those a third their size. Personally, I'd rather indulge in a pizza with everything instead of a tossed salad. So long as it's done in moderation." Doctor Shu added with her eyebrows arched, looking at Cookie. "I had to throw that in, you understand. After all I am your doctor."

Cookie smiled as she picked up her purse, which matched her perfectly; bright and loud. She paused as Brandi also got to her feet and Cookie said, "Well, we can't take any chances. We best head to McDonalds so i can get those two pounds back." Cookie looked at her doctor and gave her a goofy smile. "After all, we're in training."

"Oh yes." Doctor Shu said as she removed her glasses. "I think you told me about that over the phone. A big match for you two this weekend?"

"You got it." Brandi said with a nod. "Got us a title match heading our way."

"Really." The doctor said with interest, looking from Brandi to Cookie, her actual patient. "You two aren't against each other are you?"

"Oh no." Cookie shook her head. "Nothing like that. We're teaming together. We made the finals of a tournament for the chick's version of the tag team championship."

"Ahh." Doctor Shu nodded. "Oh yes, now I remember where I heard this. My nephew and his friend were talking about nothing else but this big wrestling show over the weekend. They made such a fuss about going that my husband finally broke down and agreed to take them since their own parents wouldn't." She looked at Brandi and smiled sheepishly. "They're not fans like their kids are."

"Well, nobody's perfect." Brandi said with a nonchalant shrug.

Cookie smiled at her partner's rather blunt manner of speaking and she turned to the doctor and said, "There's a meet and greet before the show. Autographs, pictures, you know. We'll be there." She gestured between Brandi and herself. "If they go to that, tell them to let us know who they are and we'll treat them extra special."

Brandi nodded, "Yeah. Knocker Lockers on the house!"

Cookie barked in an un-ladylike fit of laughter before she composed herself quickly enough and shook her head at Brandi. "Somehow i don't think that'd be the best idea."

Doctor Shu opened the exam room door with a smile and stepped back to allow first Brandi, and then Cookie, to leave the room. on her way out and shutting the door behind her, the doctor asked, "What's a Knocker Locker?"

This match wouldn't be easy, and not just because the opposition was two very tough and qualified femme fatales of the wrestling ring. It was also because one of them was a very close and personal friend in Odette Ryder. Odette had lately been one of Brandi and Cookie's regular 'party buddies' who would go out with them to wherever the Vegas nightlife took them, be it a tasteful nightclub that Cookie tended to prefer, a honky tonk that Brandi seemed to favor... or one of those places where men stripped for cash or wrestled naked in the mud -- which all three seemed to enjoy!

Both Carly Athens and Odette were two of the most accomplished women in the SCW's Bombshell division. Both had all the tools it would take to make their way to the top of the ladder, be it in singles competition or for the newly established tag division.

Not, of course, that Brandi and Cookie didn't have the very same tools to establish their careers above all others. Both Mark Ward and Christian Underwood, if you'll pardon the pun, were anal about whom they hired as active competitors -- especially in the Bombshell division. They would not stand for any WWE-esque divas in their promotion. They wanted women -- athletes and fighters in every sense of the word.

Cookie and Brandi certainly fit that bill. Some seemed almost surprised that the two 'Party Girls' rose to prominence together in the tag ranks to advance so far in the tournament. They shouldn't be. Unlike Carly and Odette, Brandi and Cookie have teamed together regularly from before this tournament was ever even a thought with the two big bosses.

They had quite the advantage as far as teamwork and experience, together. They had the advantage in size, and certainly strength. There was no reason for the two 'Terrors of the Chippendales' to not be the favorites for any gambling on the results of 'Into the Void'. They had all the tools it would take to walk away as the inaugural Bombshell Tag Team Champions.

To bet against them, to coin both a Vegas and gambling phrase -- would be a fool's bet.

"Just one more, ladies."

"If that little twerp calls me a lady one more time I'm gonna sit on his head and fart my worst." Brandi scowled as she held the pose beside Cookie and the SCW photographer kneeled down and took a few more rapid shots with his camera.

Cookie kept still but slid her eyes to the side to look at Brandi who simply stared ahead. Cookie murmured low, "You never know. That might turn the guy on enough to propose marriage."

"Not after that lunch we just had." Brandi said below her breath with a hand massaging her stomach. "Man, how the hell did I let you talk me into a Mexican buffet?"

"Me?" Cookie feigned innocence at her partner. "You weren't complaining when that hot waiter asked how he could serve you and you asked him for..."

"Alright! Alright!" Brandi waved Cookie off with her hand. "He let us stay, didn't he?"

Cookie leaned in close and smiled, "And he didn't charge you for your margarita."

Brandi turned to Cookie and gave her a cocky smile. "We have a date tonight."

Cookie jetted out her bottom lip and her eyes were wide as she turned back to the camera, "Well! I won't wait up."

"Alright." The photographer said. "We're all done ladies."

The man turned and started to take his camera to the table to inspect it and Brandi reared back to take aim at him and follow through on her threat but Cookie managed to grab her arm before any damage could be done -- cameras were expensive after all.

Outside of the SCW offices, Cookie and Brandi stepped into the Las Vegas streets and Cookie immediately slipped a pair of shades on over her eyes and popped open the umbrella to shield her from the sun's rays overhead. Brandi, likewise, put on her own shades and slipped a baseball cap on her head. She wasn't about to walk around the city on a sunny day with an umbrella for God's sake!

Brandi turned and looked around before she finally said to her partner, "Feel like hitting up a bar? Get us a beer?"

Cookie turned to Brandi and gave her 'that' look. "We said no more beer before the show, Sunday. We have to keep our heads clear so we have the best shot at winning. You know as well as I do that Odette and Carly won't be an easy team to beat."

"Fine." Brandi almost sulked.

Cookie then turned to her and asked, "How about hitting that Bistro we passed. We can have a pastry and wine."

"Wine?" Brandi asked her in a sarcastic tone of disbelief. Cookie nodded and Brandi finally succumbed and shrugged. "What the Hell? I'll try anything once."

The two women started walking down the street.

Cookie said, "Twice if you like it."

Brandi said, "Three times to be sure."

Cookie finished, "Oh how I pity that waiter."
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 08:33:20 PM by Christian Underwood »
Thin may be in...


But fat is where it's at!