Author Topic: A Day To Remember/Moving Day  (Read 954 times)

Offline Jordan Williams

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    • Jordan "PS"Williams
A Day To Remember/Moving Day
« on: June 09, 2012, 02:50:30 PM »

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This is my last week of living here in Georgia. A place I’ve called home off and on since 1985. A lot of great memories here. At the end of the week, I’ll be moving to Morristown, New Jersey. My wife and kids are already there, already picked out the new house. I don’t blame Vanessa for wanting to be near her family, her family is close knit, definitely more close knit than my own. After living here with me for ten years, I suppose I can’t complain. Some battles aren’t worth fighting. Before the movers show, I decided to take one more visit to some old friends of mine.

The scene opens up to a shot of Austin Parker’s ranch around mid afternoon on a beautiful sunny day. We cut Jordan getting out of his Maybach and walking up the steps as Austin and Angel greet him on their huge porch.

Austin and Jordan shake hands as Austin says: “ How are ya bud?”

Jordan pats Austin on the back and says: “I’m doing great man.”

Angel then hugs Jordan and says: “Oh Jordan, its been so long since I seen you!”

Jordan: “Way too long, Angel.”

Angel: “Please come inside.”

Austin, Jordan and Angel make their way into the Parker residence and Jordan instantly gets a whiff of dinner being made.

Jordan sniffs the air deeply and says: “Oh! You’re making fried chicken!”

Angel grins and says: “When I heard you were coming, I knew exactly what to make!”

Jordan: “Outside of my grandmamma, you make the best chicken I ever tasted!”

Angel: “I know, you tell me every time!”

Jordan: “Its still true!”

They all share a small laugh as they walk into the den where they have a seat on the couch.

Austin: “So yer movin’ up north, huh?”

Jordan: “Yeah man to Jersey. I can’t fight Vanessa on this one.” he says with a small laugh.

Angel: “She told me she was getting home sick.”

Jordan: “Yeah, I guess it’s time a change of scenery. I hope the twins like it.”

Angel: “Oh they will. The twins will have no problems adjusting. The other two are to young to be impacted.”

Jordan: “Yeah, Jessica and Natasha have my mouth and ‘Nessa’s temper, so they’ll have no problems fitting in up there.”

Austin smiles and says: “Ain’ that the truth!”

The scene fades out as they continue talking.

The scene fades in to Austin and Jordan walking down the stairs to the basement.

Austin: “Ah had this put in a while back. Ah think yer gonna like it.”

Austin and Jordan arrive at a the bottom of the steps, Jordan walks into the room as a look of amazement covers his face.

Jordan: “Damn Austin, this is pretty nice, man. Seriously.”

Jordan walks further into the room to see a big screen TV, a nice long couch and a couple of matching recliners. Off on the back wall, there is a refrigerator. However, the amazement on Jordan’s face is for oak shelves, upon oak shelves of wrestling DVDs.

Jordan: “I’m not moving! I’m staying right here until I watch everything in your collection!”

Austin jokingly says: “Yer invited to bud.”

Jordan starts on one wall and starts scanning the vast collection. Jordan picks from the All Japan Women’s section, the Best of Manami Toyota vs. Aja Kong and throws it into the DVD player. Jordan and Austin sit in the recliners.

Austin: “Good choice, Kong was always my favorite!”

Jordan: “Real talk, Toyota is probably the best wrestler ever…Male or female. She is great.”

Austin: Yeah, ya could make that argument.”

Jordan: “But I was a Bull Nakano fan, I always thought she was hot!” he says with a laugh.

The first match that comes on is Toyota vs. Kong from the November 94 Tokyo Dome show.

Austin: “This is a great one, Ah’ve watched it a lot.”

Jordan: “I remember when I got to Japan to train, this is one of the first matches they gave to study. Then when I started my school, this was the first match I made every student watch.”

Austin: “The new ones?”

Jordan: “Naw, the guys who were about to graduate. The new ones wouldn’t know what to watch for!”

Austin: “Yeah, I was gonna say that. This is advanced wrestling right here.”

Jordan and Austin continue discussing random things about the match as it unfolds, but they also watch intently, like they’re watching it for the first time. Both cringe at devastating spots throughout the match. After a while, Angel walks halfway down the steps.

Angel: “Dinner, boys.”

Austin: “Okay, dear. Be there after this match…its about to end.”

Angel: “Don’t let the food get cold!” she says as she starts to walk up the stairs.

Jordan: “Oh trust me, we’ll be up there in like a minute!”

After the match concludes, they head up stairs to the dining room where Angel has a feast laid out on the table. There is a huge bowl of fried chicken, another huge bowl of salad, green beans, macaroni and cheese, a basket of buttery biscuits and a big pitcher of Iced Tea.

Jordan: “Oh great, regular iced tea! I’m glad you haven’t converted over to Passion Fruit Iced Tea like the rest of heathens.”

Austin: “Not while there is air flowing through my lungs!”

Jordan fist bumps Austin as they grab their plates. The scene fades out as Austin, Jordan and Angel fix their plates.

The scene fades in to Austin, Angel and Jordan walking into the den to sit down and talk after dinner. Jordan does that move when you ate too much and sit slowly.

Jordan: “Ahhhh…I’m about to pop!”

Angel: “There a few left overs, please feel free to take some.”

Jordan: “You don’t have to twist my arm!”

Angel: “So, how are things with the family?”

Jordan: “Pretty good overall…”

Austin bluntly asks: “How about with you Vanessa?” with a little sarcasm.

Jordan looks at Austin, a bit caught off guard; wipes his mouth and says: “Oh boy! I knew this was coming.” he says as he rolls his eyes.

Austin: “Why  the hell would you want to risk your marriage and children by getting from a god damn whore what you can get from your hand for free?” he says in a scolding tone.

Jordan thinks for a little bit then says: “I dunno…I mean I was drink and high…”

Angel: “High? What are you, still in college? Grow up already Jordan.”

Jordan: “It was Amsterdam. It was the first time I’ve smoked in a long time, so I wasn’t in the right mindset. I dunno, when I’m around Vanessa, I don’t think about cheating on her. When I’m on the road I don’t either, but there’s no safety net. Sometimes I resist, other times I can’t. It’s not like I go out looking for it to happen…it finds me.”

Angel: “This is no way to treat a women who has stuck by you through thick and thin! I am very disappointed in you Jordan, that you would allow these skanks to ruin your marriage!” she says as she points a stern finger at Jordan. Jordan goes to say something but Angel raises her voice and says “I am NOT done!” Jordan sinks into his chair. “You are being very selfish! All kids need their parents together, raising them, but you’re putting that in jeopardy, with your foolish cheating!”

Austin: “Do you even love your wife and kids?” he asks rhetorically. Jordan looks at Austin with a grim nod. “Its hard to tell, because if you did, these situations wouldn’t keep happening, man.”

Angel: “I know Vanessa very well, she’s a strong woman and she’ll overcome this, but this isn’t fair to her, or those kids.”

The scene fades out as Angel and Austin continue to give him a tongue lashing.

The scene fades in later the evening when Jordan is leaving. Jordan has a couple of plates wrapped in tin foil with left overs from the dinner. Austin has his arm around Jordan’s shoulder.

Austin: “Look bud, we only said those things, because we care. Family is the most important thing. She gave you another chance, don’t blow this.”

Angel: “You know how I feel about this, but all it was said with love.”

Jordan: “Thanks guys, I needed it. I mean, Vanessa has a temper and chewed me out, but you guys really laid into me back there. Like I said, much needed.”

Austin pats Jordan on the back and shakes his hand, then hugs Angel: “Thank you so much for everything you’ve ever done for me, Angel. I don’t know how things would’ve played out had I not met you. Ya’ll have meant so much to my personal and professional life.”

Angel: “It was my pleasure.”

Jordan begins to tear up a bit as he lets go of the hug and walks down the steps.

Austin yells: “Don’t be a stranger. Next time yer down here, come back for a visit.”

Jordan: “If I don’t get a lecture, gladly!”

Angel: “Then don’t do anything stupid!” She says with a grin.

Jordan smiles and waves goodbye as he opens the door to his vehicle. The scene fades as Jordan starts up his car and starts to drive as Austin and Angel wave goodbye.

One day before the movers come, I have a special day today planned. I get to take batting practice and throw out the first pitch today for the Atlanta Braves game. I have a few friends in the organization, and since they knew I was moving, they did this nice gesture for me. I went to many games, but never have I took BP with players or threw out the first pitch. I always prided myself on being a natural athlete, no matter the sport. I did pretty well in all sports when I played. In baseball, our team won the All City Baseball championship two years in a row. We also won the state title my last year in high school. Not that I was a great player, but I had a couple of offers from lower level schools to play center field, but my heart was in track back then so that’s why I attended Florida State for track instead of UNC-Asheville on a baseball scholarship! Not just the track, but pound for pound Florida State has the best looking girls! But anyways, I’m getting sidetracked. After I throw out the first pitch, I get to watch the game in the owners box with team president Terry McGuirk and his family. So, this should be an exciting day!

The scene opens up to the locker rooms in Turner Field around 10 o’clock in the morning. The camera cuts to Jordan Williams putting on his personalized Braves jersey on. A member of the Braves PR staff is going over the day’s schedule with Jordan, who is listening intently with a huge smile on his face. Soon a man in his late thirties to early forties walks into the room where he and Jordan shake hands.

Jordan: “Jerry! Thanks for setting this up man. I really appreciate it!”

Jerry: “No problem man, with all you meant to Atlanta and the community, it’s the least we can do.”

Jordan: “Trust me man, this is too much!”

Jerry pats Jordan on the back as he says: “You think you can hit a few out the park today?”

Jordan: “I’ll try! Last night I was thinking no problem then when I was on the field a few minutes ago, I started second guessing myself. It looks a lot further away on the field!”

Jerry: “With your build, I think you can put a few out!”

The scene fades out as Jordan and Jerry walk to the field.

The scene fades in twenty minutes later. Jordan is on the field meeting the coaching staff and players. Jordan also is signing baseball bats, gloves and hats. After several minutes of doing that, Jordan grabs a bat and steps into the batting cage. Jordan winds up in his batting stance as he awaits a pitch from one of the coaches. The coach lobs in a hittable ball and Jordan whiffs on it!

Everyone bursts into laughter as Jordan says: “Damn that’s embarrassing!”

The manager lobs in another one, this time, Jordan makes contact, but hit’s a dribbler down the first baseline.

Jordan: “Damn!” as everyone shouts words of encouragement.

The coach throws another one in and we hear a loud crack of Jordan’s bat making contact with the ball as he hit’s a frozen rope into left-center field. Everyone claps as Jordan nods his head.

Jordan: “Okay baby, let’s go!” he yells out.

The coach throws the ball and an even bigger crack is heard as Jordan drives the ball to the center field warning track! Everyone claps as Jordan gets a serious look on his face as he winds up. The coach throws the ball and Jordan whacks the ball out of the ballpark for a homerun! The managers and players are ecstatic as Jordan, being a fiery competitor makes a nod to the coach to throw the ball a little harder. The coach complies as he has a smile on his face and tosses the ball with a little more heat and Jordan once again hits another homerun this time, center field-the furthest distance in the park! The coach this time decides to switch it up and throws a knuckleball at Jordan. As the ball dances through the air, Jordan tracks it with his keen eye and destroys the ball down the third baseline with a line drive home run!

Manager Freddie Gonzales yells: “Hey, we can use you! We can use you!”

Jordan gets a smirk on his face as the players and managers cheer him on. The coach throws another pitch, but Jordan fouls it off. Jordan homers on his next swing. After ten minutes of batting practice comes to an end and Jordan receives a standing ovation! Jordan high fives the players and coaches. Suddenly, franchise player, Jason Heyward comes from behind Jordan and hits Jordan with a shaving cream pie! Everyone starts laughing as Jordan takes his sunglasses off.

Jordan: “Thank god I had these on!”

The ball boy runs up to Jordan and hands him a towel. Jordan wipes his face as he talks trash with Heyward. The two share a laugh and handshake as Jordan walks off the field with Jerry.

Jerry: “He really got you good there!”

Jordan laughs as he continues wiping the cream off his face and says: “ Yeah, I wasn’t expecting that, but that felt great. I felt apart of the team!”

Jerry: “Yeah, these guys love to kid around and pull gags on each other. It’s fun being around them.”

Jordan: “This is what I miss about team sports man, the comradely!”

Jerry: “Absolutely.”

Jordan: “I mean its like this to an extent in wrestling, but you tend not to trust most of the boys.”

Jerry: “I hear ya man. When we’re winning, things are great. Only the special teams have that togetherness when you lose and that’s when you know you have some special guys.”

The scene fades out as Jordan and Jerry walk down the steps of the dugout and into the locker room.

The scene fades into a shot thirty minutes later as Jordan is surrounded by Atlanta media members to talk about him throwing out the first pitch. Jordan is still wearing his Braves jersey, blue jeans and white Adidas.

Reporter #1: “Are you nervous?”

Jordan: “Absolutely! I never been so nervous in my life!”

Reporter #2: “Are you going to get any practice in?”

Jordan: “I’m going to try. I’ve watched plenty of people make this pitch and it doesn’t end well. I just hope not to embarrass myself!” he says with a smile.

Reporter #3: “We seen you out there taking BP, you looked pretty good. Did you use to play?”

Jordan: “Actually, yeah, back in high school, Westlake High, I see ya baby! We won the All City Championship! Then won the state title.”

Reporter #4: “Did you get any scholarship offers because you were crushing it out there.”

Jordan smirks then says: “Yeah from UNC-Asheville and Kennesaw State for baseball. But I wisely took my track offer at Florida State.”

Reporter #5: “Will you be throwing from the mound?”

Jordan: “Absolutely! That was a request. I wasn’t going to throw if I couldn’t throw from the mound. Like I said, hopefully I reach the plate and don’t one hop it to the catcher!”

Reporter #6: “You are one of the more iconic Atlanta sports figures in history. You’re up there with Michael Vick, Deion Sanders, Dominique Wilkins and the great Hank Aaron, how does it feel to be grouped together with those athletes?”

Jordan: “It’s an honor. I mean, those guys are legends and made a huge impact on the city, I don’t think I had the impact they had but its very humbling to be considered in their class.”

Reporter #1: “So are you wrestling anymore?”

Jordan: “Yes, I wrestle out in Las Vegas for this promotion for my friend, called Sin City Wrestling. Plus, I still do tours of Japan.”

Reporter #2: “So nothing nationally?’

Jordan: “No, but Sin City Wrestling is growing by leaps and bounds and eventually they will become a force nationally. Their going to make their mark in the wrestling business. They have a lot of great young talent there and they have a bright future.”

Reporter #3: “Have you had any thoughts of opening a wrestling promotion?”

Jordan: “Naw… I had a school around here for years, that’s about as close as I’ll come to running anything in the wrestling business. I’m either a talent or I’m in the ring training people. I can’t deal with all the politics and BS of the business side of things…I wasn’t wired that way.” He says with a huge smile.

Reporter #4: “So, are you doing anything of significance in this Sin City Wrestling?”

Jordan: “Absolutely. We have a big show next week and I’m challenging for the Heavyweight Title.”

Reporter #5: “How much longer are you in Atlanta?”

Jordan: “Unfortunately for a few more days. But this city will always be home. I don’t care if I live here or not. I will always list Atlanta as my home.”

Reporter #1: “What are you going to miss about the city?”

Jordan: “Everything. The people. People are so friendly in the south then they are up north.” he says as everyone laughs. “It’s true, you can stand in line and make a friend here. Up there, you stand in line and you’re lucky if you don’t make it through the line without slapping the hell out of the guy behind you!” Everyone laughs again. “But seriously, I’m going to miss everything. I’ll still come down here and do the charities that I’ve been working with for years, that’ll never change. I’m apart of this community forever.”

The reporters ask a few more questions about tonight’s first pitch as the scene fades out.

The scene fades in later on in the evening as Turner Field is at capacity for the game. Jordan is standing near the Braves dugout as the announcer comes over the PA system.

PA: “Ladies and Gentlemen, throwing out tonight’s first pitch is a world-renowned, legendary wrestler and Atlanta sports icon, MISTER JORDAN WILLIAMS!!!!!!!!!!!”

The fans of Turner Field erupt into cheers as Jordan walks onto the field. Jordan waves to the crowd with a huge smile on his face as the cheers get more deafening. Jordan walks up to the pitchers mound and shakes the pitcher’s hand. Jordan waves again as he is handed the baseball. Jordan waits for the catcher, Brian McCann to get in position as he concentrates on the target. McCann squats into position and opens his glove up and gives Jordan the nod that he’s ready. Jordan nods back and gets in his stance to pitch. Jordan, who is taking this a little too seriously; throws the ball, and it travels to McCann with good velocity. The ball paints the left corner of home plate as McCann makes a nice catch as the crowd come to their feet with a standing ovation! Jordan takes a deep breathe and then smiles as he walks towards McCann. McCann hands Jordan the baseball as the crowd is still clapping. The scene fades as Jordan waves to the crowd one more time as he walks off the field.

The scene fades into a shot of the owners box where Jordan is sitting with Jerry, and Braves team president, Terry McGuirk and his family. Jordan is sipping on a beer, eating a hot dog and a box of popcorn. After Jordan finishes his beer and hot dog, McGuirk’s sons, Jacob and Connor; who are in their early 20s sit next to Jordan and get autographs on their Jordan Williams action figures, t-shirts and replica wrestling belts from the GCW days.

Jacob: “We want to thank you for doing this, this is awesome meeting you.”

Jordan: “It’s my pleasure.”

Connor: “So, what’s the worse injury you ever had?”

Jordan: “Knee injuries, torn ACL on both knees...”

Connor: “At the same time?”

Jordan: “Oh no! That would be a horrible. Naw, they were a couple of years apart, but I had a setback on my last ACL in rehab on my left and they had to do micro fracture surgery, so that was bad. I was depressed then. Cause it seemed like I was never going to get healthy.”

Jacob: “Do you get a lot of women throwing themselves at you?”

Connor elbows Jacob and says: “Jacob! You’re stupid!”

Jacob elbows Connor back as Jordan laughs, then says: “No, it’s cool man. I get asked that a lot, but yeah. It’s hard at first to turn them down, but eventually you build a tolerance up to them.”

Jacob: “I wanna be a wrestler, could you train me?” he says innocently.

Connor: “Stupid, he closed his school down remember?”

Jacob: “Idiot!”

Jordan: “I would if I did have my school open, but I know a good guy, I’ll give you his number before I leave, I highly recommend him. No he’s a drill sergeant, he doesn’t play games. So if you’re serious and you really have a passion for the business, he’ll train you, but if you’re there to dick around, he’ll throw you out.”

Jacob: “I really wanna wrestle.”

Jordan: “Okay kid, I’ll give you his number.”

Connor: “So do you have a wrestling room where you keep all the belts and stuff that you won over time?”

Jordan: “No, I don’t have a room, but I do have all those types of things put away in boxes…”

Connor cuts him off with: “Why? I’d have a shrine built!”

Jacob laughs and says: “Douche bag!”

Jordan: “I never got around to building a room for that. I definitely have a lot to display.”

Jacob: “So when are you and Hot Stuff going to tag again? You guys were my favorite team!”

Jordan snickers then says: “That’s a good question. The thing is, I don’t know. We’ll see.”

Connor: “What was the biggest crowd you wrestled in front of?”

Jordan thinks for a second and says: “Uh…Rio De Janeiro. We did a two consecutive nights of 250, 000 people. That was insane. At some point, it becomes impossible to watch a show, but those fans were crazy.”

Jordan continues to talk to Connor and Jacob for a few minutes, entertaining them with road stories. They walk off admiring their autographed collectibles. Its now the top of the eighth inning and Jordan is munching on some popcorn and drinking another beer. Team President, Terry McGuirk sits down next to Jordan.

Jordan: “Thanks again, Terry for a wonderful evening. I will remember this one for the rest of my life.”
Terry: “Like we said, it’s our pleasure. You’ve helped us with numerous charities, helped us raise tons of money over the years. It’s only fitting we do this for you. Not to mention, your long history in the city.”

Jordan takes a sip of beer then says: “Man, this is right up there with everything I accomplished. It was a fun night!”

The scene fades out as Jordan and Terry continue talking.

The scene fades in at Jordan’s house late at night after he gets in from the game. Jordan is sitting in his huge California King sized bed on his laptop on Skype and sipping on Grey Goose bottle. Jordan is talking with Shannon, the girl he met in London around the last super card.

Shannon: “That was so awesome you got to do that today! I wish I could’ve seen you!”

Jordan takes a sip from the bottle and says: “I wish I had my family there.” he says in a deflated tone.

Shannon: “Aww, I would’ve been there for you, mate!” she says cheerfully.

Jordan just nods as he takes another drink.

Shannon: “Why are you sad?”

Jordan: “I’m not sad, I’m just tired. Anyways, you wanted to tell me something. What’s up?”

Shannon: “Well…“ She pauses for a few moments. “I’m pregnant…”

There is dead silence as Jordan stares off into the wall.

Shannon: “So…”

Jordan takes a long drink of vodka and just stares at the laptop.

Shannon: “Look, I know this just happened and…”

Jordan cuts her off and says: “Of course you’re pregnant.” he says as he covers his face with both his hands. “You should’ve let me leave.”

Shannon: “I didn’t hold a gun to your head and make you fuck me.”

Jordan grabs a pillow from Vanessa’s side of the bed and puts it over his face.

Shannon: “Do you hate me or something?”

Jordan takes the pillow from over his face and says: “No I don’t hate you…I hate myself! God damn!!!! I have the perfect wife, the perfect kids and I just fucked it all up!”

Shannon: “I… uh…I’m sorry…”

Jordan: “I should’ve stayed retired. Every time I’m on the road, I do something I regret. It never fails. Just imagine if she knew how many times I cheated on her, she’d literally kill me on the spot.”

Shannon: “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have pressured you since we didn’t have protection.”

Jordan: “It is what it is…Shit, I might be living with you soon.”

Shannon perks up just a bit and says: “Look Jordan, I didn’t want this to happen, I wasn’t thinking in the right mind frame, neither were you. I’m not a home wrecker, I just like you a lot for some reason…I can’t explain it. I think about you all the time. I haven’t been the same since you left, so if things were to go to hell with your wife, I’m not going to say no.”

Jordan: “Please Shannon, don’t wait around. I want to be with my wife. Its not fair to you. We’ll figure out a plan with this baby, I guess. I really, really…I mean really like you. We do have a connection, I’ll admit it, but I want my family more. I do. I’m sorry.”

Shannon begins to tear up and her voice cracks as she tries to talk.

Shannon: “…Okay, well I have to go.”

Jordan: “Okay. Give me a couple of days to process this shit and I’ll get back at you. I’m not in the right frame of mind right now anyways. We need to discuss a plan for this kid.”

Shannon just nods her head, then says: “Bye.”

The scene fades as Jordan shuts his laptop and he sinks in the bed.

Today is moving day. Finally getting all this stuff out of here and up to Morristown, New Jersey. Apparently, Vanessa has some cousins or something that have a moving company and offered to move our stuff for free. I may have a lot of money, but I’ll never turn down free shit! Still don’t trust her family, so I’ll be keeping my Desert Eagle on me.

The scene opens up to an early morning view of Jordan’s house. The movers have the truck opened and have already begun moving the boxes and furniture. Jordan and his extremely loyal and over protective accountant, Max are standing in the driveway leaning on Jordan’s Maybach drinking coffee from Starbucks and eating cake donuts. Jordan kept his favorite coffee up and  is drinking from it.

Max: “So, this is it, boss.”

Jordan: “Yep, finally leaving my home. I called this house-home for ten years man. I remember when Vanessa told me she was pregnant with the twins, I ran and bought this damn house. It was the first time I lived in a house on my own. When I moved out and went to college, I was living on friends couches and then piece of shit apartments to pretty decent apartments…to very nice apartments. Then to this bad boy…I’m sure going to miss it. Lots of memories.”

Max nods his head then says: “I’m surprised it sold so quickly.”

Jordan: “Yeah, I knew this producer in Atlanta and once I told him I had a recording studio in it, he jumped at the chance to buy it.”

Max: “How often did you use that studio?”

Jordan: “Honestly? Not much. Vanessa’s friend-who thinks she can sing, used it more than me, but I always kept putting in the latest equipment in it. I guess I was just throwing money down the drain, because I never did get my money worth.”

Max: “Remember when we made those two songs for the school?”

Jordan: “Yeah, that was great man. I had a shit load of fun doing that.”

Jordan takes a bit of his cake donut then washes it down with a swig of coffee.

Max: “So you these guys are related to Vanessa somehow?”

Jordan: “Yeah, second cousins or some shit. I dunno. I think they’re here to spy on me.”

Max laughs as he drinks his coffee and says: “You’re paranoid, boss!”

Jordan: “Shit, I don’t trust these mother fuckers. That short one was looking at me crazy.”

Max: “Oh come on!”

Jordan: “Ol’ wanna be Jersey Shore bitches.”

Max just laughs as he takes another drink.

Jordan: “Look man, I know you moved here from New Hampshire to train and dreams to be a superstar wrestler but you ended up being my accountant. Now, that I’m moving, I still need you to be my accountant. I trust no one else with my money.”

Max: “Okay, that’s fine, we can have our meetings over the internet. They have this thing called Go To Meeting…”

Jordan cuts him off and says: “No, I want you sitting next to me in person pointing this shit out so I can understand it.”

Max: “That’s impossible, unless I fly there, that’s going to be expensive to do once a week.”

Jordan: “No, move up to Jersey or New York or something.”

Max eyes light up, then says: “Really? You want me to be close?”

Jordan looks at Max with a perplexed look on his face then says: “Yeah, but not like that. I don’t want you living with me. Pick out an apartment, I’ll cover your deposits and you can be my full time accountant. Besides, you have that law degree, right?”

Max: “Yes!”

Jordan: “You can be my lawyer too. My lawyer now is flakey. I don’t trust him, but I do trust you.”

Max has a look of a little kid on Christmas morning. Max then gives Jordan a huge hug. Jordan, being caught off guard by this, spill some of his coffee.

Jordan: “Easy man, you’re making me spill my mood for the day. The less I drink, the more pissed I’ll be!”

Max is so thrilled that he starts dancing. Jordan stands there laughing as Max continues to dance horribly.

Jordan: “Calm down…before I change my mind!”

Max quickly stops and gets serious: “Right, I just got carried away. This is tremendous news!!!”

Jordan: “Hey, its not like I asked you to marry me or something!”

Max gets excited again and says: “No, ITS EVEN BETTER THAN THAT!” he yells!

As been previously stated, Max idolized Jordan for many years and moved from New Hampshire just to train with Jordan. Since Max wasn’t that good, once Jordan found out Max had a degree in accounting, he hired him to do the bookkeeping for his school. Then that lead to him doing his taxes, then keeping books for Vanessa’s health clubs, becoming an integral part of Jordan’s life.

I was asked to film a promo for SCW so, before I packed up all my things, I did…

The scene opens up inside Jordan Williams’ gym in his home. Jordan is sweating profusely from having an intense workout session of lifting weights, jumping rope, squats, and running five miles on the treadmill. Jordan takes a long drink of water from his large bottle, with water falling down his sweat covered tank top. Jordan finishes his drink, grabs a white towel and climbs into his wrestling ring in the behind him.

Jordan wipes the dripping sweat from his head and begins: “Hard work….sacrifice…blood…sweat…tears…That’s what I’ve done for the last 17 years. Nothing was given to me in the wrestling business, I earned it.” he says as he leans on the ropes. “I’ve had a lot of ups and downs. But it built my character…it built me into the wrestler and man who stands before you. From all the bloodied lips, to the torn ACLs, to the broken bones, I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Wrestling isn’t just my job, its my life. It’s defined me and will continue to long after I’m dead. The journey to becoming the best at what I do is what’s driven me all 17 years of my career. Not money, not fame; none of that. Being the best wrestler in the world is what I strive to be.”

Jordan walks over to the turnbuckles and sits on top of them.

“A couple of weeks ago, I won a four way match to become number one contender for the Heavyweight Title. Some think, had Nick Jones not interfered, the outcome would’ve been different. I call bullshit on that!” he yells. “I would’ve won either way. Bo and Rage are formidable opponents…but, I am better than the both and had Nick not stuck his nose in there, I would’ve won clean eventually. Nick said he wanted to face me. I have to admit, the man has balls. He wanted to face me. Hey, if you want to be the best, you got to beat the best right? Let’s face it Nick, I’m the only one…you know and everyone knows it, who poses the only threat to beat you. So, instead of running from it, you embraced it. I admire that.” he pauses for a moment, then says slowly: “However, it was the biggest mistake in your life” Jordan gets a smirk on his face, then continues. “You are the franchise guy here. This is Nick Jones’ promotion. When you think top SCW wrestler, you think Nick Jones. You’re the undefeated juggernaut. So why would you want to put that at risk, by wanting to face me? That’s fine, because your title reign and undefeated streak will come to an end at Into the Void…it’ll be history. They added Rage and Bo to the match to make sure everything is clean. So when you lose, you’ll have a built in excuse. I don’t need Rage or Bo there to enforce things to beat you. The clock is ticking, Nick. It’s almost over. Just remember something Nick; your retarded echoes can’t help you. My old buddy, Hot Stuff can’t help you. God almighty himself, can’t help you. Why? Because I’m too good for ya!”

The scene fades as Jordan climbs out of the ring.

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