Author Topic: A Day Out in London  (Read 1127 times)

Offline Nick Jones

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    • Nick Jones
A Day Out in London
« on: April 21, 2012, 08:48:45 PM »
 The scene opens up on the runway of a small private airport in London, England.  On it is seen a small private jet that has just recently landed, and is seen coming to a stop.  A few moments later, the door opens outward, going down into a stairway leading down to the runway.  After just a few moments, a few familiar faces appear, as SCW Co-President "Hot Stuff" Mark Ward emerges out of the plan, with Angelica on his arm.  As the two of them reach the bottom of the stairs, Mark turns around just in time to see the next two people to emerge from the plane, as SCW Heavyweight Champion Nick Jones steps out with Diana on his arm, and it is not long before he is followed by all of the members of his entourage, each given the responsibility of carrying not only their own luggage, but the luggage of the boss, the champion and their respective ladies.  As the emerge, both Big B and Tony seem to rather effortlessly carrying numerous bags a piece, while Jimmy comes out with just one bag on his shoulder, but his hands otherwise too occupied with his cell phone, as he can be overheard once again trying to cut another deal and is eventually followed by Max, who despite having only one bag that he's attempting to carry, seems to be struggling rather mightily with it.  As everyone finally gets off of the private jet, the door closes up behind them.  At that moment, Mark turns to his friend as he holds his arms up showcasing his hometown that surrounds them.

HS:  Welcome back to London, yank!

Nick looks around them for a few moments, looking up at the cloudy and damp weather they are experiencing and seems rather impressed by it, before turning back to Mark.

Nick:  Meh...  it's even less impressive than I remember it.  No wonder you spend so much time in the US, limey.

HS:  You might want to be careful how loudly ya say that around these parts, yank.

Nick:  I'm really not worried about it.  So what's our plan?

HS:  Well we've still got a week before the show kicks off.  We've got a few promotional appearances to take care of but beyond that, I have a few people I need to go see and I figured I could show you around this fine city of mine.

Nick:  Oh yipee, sounds like a real hoot.

HS:  What's your freakin' problem, mate?

Nick:  My problem is I'd much rather be at home in LA than in this rainy, miserable crap of a city, not to mention country.

HS:  If you stop your pouting and whining long enough to sit back and enjoy everything around you, I bet you'll find out you like it a lot more than you think.  Just remember that when you're in London, be like a Londoner.

Big B:  Oooo, that sounds like fun!

With that comment, Nick turns to Big B and shoots him a rather curious look, not quite sure what he's getting at.  Nick then shakes his head, moving on while turning back to Mark.

Nick:  I suppose if I'm going to be stuck here for at least the next week anyway, might as well give it a shot.  Let's go hit the bar.

HS:  Now you're talking.

Nick then turns his attention back towards all of the members of his entourage.

Nick:  You guys.  Go back to the hotel, get us all checked in and drop off the bags in the rooms.  I'll shoot you a text with where we end up if you guys feel like meeting up with you, otherwise we'll see you guys later tonight.

Tony:  Sure t'ing, boss.

Nick:  Good, now let's get the hell out of here.

With that, Nick and Mark both walk off with their women on their arms, as the entourage members get back to lugging along everyones luggage as the scene fades.

<hr width=50%>

The scene opens up back inside of a bar in the heart of London.  The bar seems to have a decent crowd, with a number of people up at the bar, having drinks and watching a variety of sports on the nearby televisions, while others sit at the table in order to do some eating as well.  At one of those tables is the recognizable faces of SCW superstars "Hot Stuff" Mark Ward and Nick Jones, seated along with their women Angelica and Diana.  As they sit there, Nick reviews the menu in front of him and seems less than pleased with what he sees.

Nick:  What the hell is this crap?

HS:  And what crap exactly would that be?

Nick:  All of this, the food on this menu is ridiculous.  You people seriously eat this garbage?

HS:  What's so wrong with the food on the menu?  It's mostly all of the same stuff you can get anywhere.

Nick:  Oh, you must be kidding me.  I mean... jellied eels?  Are you serious with this crap?  What the hell is that?

HS:  Are you kidding me?  You don't know what jellied eels are?

Nick:  Hell no, and I plan on keeping it that way.  That sounds absolutely disgusting.  You know what, I don't think I'm even hungry anymore.

With that, Nick throws his menu down at which point an extremely attractive waitress walks over to the table with a small pad in her hand.

Waitress:  Welcome guys... can I start you all off with something to drink?

Nick:  What do you guys have on tap?

Waitress:  We have...

Before the waitress can even start to list the beers on tap, Mark is quick to interrupt her.

HS:  Don't waste your time, I've got this.  The ladies will each have a glass of your finest red wine, and get a pint each of Stella for me and my friend here.

Waitress:  Alright, you've got it.  I'll be right back.

As the waitress turns and walks away, Nick watches her as she walks off for a few moments.  After a couple of seconds, Diana suddenly slaps him on the arm.

Nick:  What?!

Diana:  What do you mean "what"?  Do you think I'm blind?  You were staring at that girl's ass!

Nick:  What are you talking about?  No I wasn't.

Nick looks at Diana, who is simply glaring at him and clearly not believing him.  Nick then turns back to the other side of the table, where Angelica is only glaring at him as well while Mark just shakes his head.  Nick then turns back to Diana.

Nick:  Ok, so maybe I was just a little bit.  But come on, it's not like I was going to do anything about it.

Diana:  Oh trust me, I could not be less worried about anything happening with you and her?

Nick:  What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Diana:  I'm sorry, was I not clear?  My point is you couldn't get that girl even if you wanted to.

Nick:  You have to be kidding me.  I managed to reel you in, didn't I?

Diana:  Maybe so, but let's be honest with ourselves, our relationship didn't actually start off on the greatest circumstances, it's not exactly like it was your great charm that got me or anything.  Besides, you're an even bigger jackass now than you were then.

Nick:  Hey, wait one damn second...

Nick then hesitates for a moment and looks to all of those sitting around him.  Mark gives Nick simply a shrug in response when he looks at him and after a moment, Nick seems to change his attitude.

Nick:  Ok, so maybe you have a point there, but I could turn it on anytime I want.  I mean hell, I'm not like that chump opponent of mine, Rage.  I can get laid any time I damn well please.

Diana:  It certainly helps that you have me around for that to happen.  I'm just not so sure how well you would do without me.

Nick:  I would be just fine, trust me on that one.  I'm turning down women every single night, because of you.  If I wanted to, I could have any woman I wanted whenever I wanted.  It's just too bad that I can't prove that, because of you.

Diana:  You know what?  Go for it.

Nick:  Excuse me?

Diana:  You heard me.  Let's see what you've really got.  A little wager between you and me.  You think you can get any woman you want at any time, so let's find out.  You have until we leave this bar to see if you can find yourself a woman who's willing to put up with your crap, for at least one night.

Nick:  And what if I do?

Diana:  Then you win the bet, and I guess I'll just have to deal with you having your way with your new friend for one night.

Nick:  And what if I don't?

Diana:  Well then I win the bet.

Nick:  Which means what exactly?

Diana:  Why would you worry about that?  It sounds to me like you already know you're guaranteed to win.

Nick:  Yeah, but...

Nick stops for a moment, clearly uncertain of what to even say next, before eventually continuing.

Nick:  You know what, fine.  Although you're going to regret this one honey.  Any time you want, when you realize what's about to really happen, you feel free to come on over to me and admit you were wrong, and we can end this thing right then.  Just make sure you admit to it before it's too late.

Diana:  Thanks, but I think I'll be just fine.

Nick:  Alright then, it's your loss.  I think I'm going to go have a little chat with that waitress of ours.  So if you'll excuse me...

With that, Nick gets up from his seat.  He stands them for a moment, straightening up his shirt and running his hands through his hair before then walking up towards the bar, where the waitress is just finishing grabbing the drinks they order.  Mark, Diana and Angelica than all proceed to watch Nick from where they are, as the conversation goes on for a few minutes.

Angelica:  So what do you think he's saying to her?

Diana:  I can only imagine.  You can't believe the crap that he says to me that he thinks qualifies as "smooth talk".

HS:  You'd actually be surprised, I think the man can turn it on when he really wants to.

In what could not be more perfect timing, just as Mark finishes making that comment, the three of them see the conversation Nick is having come to a quick end as they watch the waitress slap him straight across the face, the sound echoing throughout the entire bar so that they can hear it from their seats.  Nick is left holding his face in pain as the waitress storms off.

HS:  Or not... forget I said anything.

A moment later, the waitress storms over straight towards them and stops right at the table.  She then proceeds to take the drinks they ordered off of her tray and slam them down on the table.

Waitress:  Here's your drinks.  Someone else on the wait staff will be helping you out for the rest of the night.

The waitress storms off as the three of them can't help but laugh, despite the fact that they now need to wait even longer to place their food orders.

Diana:  Why don't you go help him out?  He looks like he's certainly going to need it.  Meanwhile the two of us can have ourselves a little girl talk for a change, rather than the same old crap you two are always talking about.

HS:  I don't know...

As Mark is beginning to say that, he looks over to Angelica, who immediately cuts him off.

Angelica:  Yeah, why don't you just go.

HS:  Well ok then.

With that, Mark gets up and grabs the two beers that just came for him and Nick from off of the table.  Mark then heads over towards Nick, who is now standing at the bar talking to another attractive woman.  However, Mark's timing is quite interesting, as just as he reaches the bar area by Nick, the conversation comes to a sudden halt as Nick is greeted with another slap across the face from the woman he was speaking to before she then turns and storms off.  Mark gets up to the bar right next to Nick who then turns back towards Mark, as Mark puts a beer down ont he bar right in front of Nick.

HS:  Seems like you're off to a great start.

Nick:  It just need to get back into the rhythm of things.  I'm just a little out of practice is all, it's been a while.  Besides, that chick was just a bitch anyway.

HS:  Which one?

Nick:  Oh shutup.

HS:  It's fine, I'm sure the problem was the two completely different women who decided to slap the taste out of your mouth in a two minute span, and had absolutely nothing to do with you.  Oh no, definitely couldn't have been your fault.

Nick:  Yeah, yeah... just keep on running your mouth tough guy.  You may call yourself "Hot Stuff", but after all these years, these ladies wouldn't want anything to do with you either, old man.

HS:  Yeah right, you keep on telling yourself that, yank.  

With that, Nick just glares at Mark and doesn't say another word.  He turns towards the bar and grabs his beer off of it, lifting it up and taking a sip.  After a moment, Nick then starts to have a hacking cough for a few moments.  He puts the beer back down and looks back to Mark once he's finished coughing.

Nick:  What the hell is that?

HS:  It's a REAL beer.  Not like that weak piss you yanks normally drink.  No wonder you can't get any women on this side of the pond, women around here are looking for more of a real man.

Nick's face starts to turn red as he's clearly getting quite frustrated by all of Mark's comments.  Nick turns back towards the bar, and goes back to his drink, staring at the TV above the bar and purposefully not even looking at Mark or acknowledging his presence.  That is, until after a few moments, a grin suddenly starts to appear across the face of Nick.  Nick suddenly seems to be much happier and with that, he turns back towards Mark and begins to speak to him again.

Nick:  You know, there's something interesting that just popped into my head. I was thinking about this the other night actually.  Haven't you wrestled in a London Street Fight before?

Mark stops for a moment and seems to be thinking over a few minutes, before shaking his head in response.

HS:  Nope, this would be a first.

Nick:  Are you sure about that?

HS:  Yeah... why?

Nick stops for a moment and seems to be pondering something.  After a few moments, the smirk on his face only grows when he suddenly snaps his fingers, seemingly coming to a realization.

Nick:  THAT'S what it is.  You know what, you're right.  You haven't found in a London Street Fight before, but you HAVE fought in a falls count anywhere match before, in London, that ended up out on the streets.  Isn't that, right?

The look on Mark's face suddenly drastically changes.  It becomes quite clear that Mark knows exactly what Nick is referring to, and seems to be rather unhappy about it.

HS:  Excuse me?

Nick:  Yeah, don't you remember?  That was back in GXW, it was a pretty big time pay-per-view match if I do recall.

HS:  What's your point?

Nick:  This match you have coming up kind of just reminded of it is all.  Who did you face in that match again?

The smirk on Nick's face becomes even wider, as he seems to already know the answer to the question, while Mark seems to get only more annoyed.  Mark sits there silently as Nick takes another sip of his beer, and after a few moments of no response, Nick opens his mouth to say something, but before he can get out a simple word is cut off by Mark.

HS:  Don't say it.

Nick:  Don't say what?

HS:  You know what.

Nick:  Oh, you mean who your opponent was?

HS:  Don't say it!

Nick:  You mean, don't say Beaut...

Before Nick can even finish the next word he was saying, Mark quickly grabs him by the collar of his shirt, pulling him in a little closer as he glares angrily into Nick's eyes.

HS:  I SAID... DO... NOT... SAY IT!!!

Nick laughs to himself while removing Mark's hands from his shirt.

Nick:  Alright, alright. Geez, no need to get your panties in a bunch.

HS:  That's just the last damn thing I need to be thinking about right now, alright?

Nick:  Fair enough.  I can understand that.

Mark nods his head at Nick, seeming to appreciate Nick letting it go.  The two then both turn back to the bar and grab their beers, each taking another drink down.  After they both put their glasses back down on the bar, their is a few moments of silence before another devious smirk appears across Nick's face before he speaks again.

Nick:  Didn't you lose that match?

Without saying another word, Mark gets straight up from his bar stool, grabs his beer and storms off away from the bar, as Nick bursts out into hysterical laughter.  As Mark walks off, Nick manages to call after him, while barely managing to speak through his laughter.

Nick:  What'd I say?!

Nick continues to laugh and turns back towards the bar, going back to his beer and checking out what's on the TV above the bar.  A minute or so goes by when suddenly Nick is approached by an extremely overweight and very unattractive woman who even appears to be missing a few teeth.

Ugly Woman: Hey there sexy.

Nick looks at the woman seeming rather unhappy with what he sees, being unsure of how to even respond to her.

Nick:  Um... hey.

Ugly Woman:  So your buddy over there said you were looking for a good time tonight, and you wanted that good time to be with me.  So how about we bring this party elsewhere.

Nick looks past the woman and sees Hot Stuff standing a bit off in the background, as he looks in their direction with a big grin on his face, waving towards Nick.

Nick:  That son of a...

Before Nick can finish his sentence, the scene quickly cuts out.

<hr width=50%>

The scene opens back up in the bar a little while later, where Nick, Mark, Angelica and Diana are now all back at the table in their seats, as their meals appear to have arrived.  The four are all eating quietly, all seemingly almost finished with their meals, before Diana seems to be done first, as she puts down her fork and then with that, starts to strike up a conversation.

Diana:  So Nick, I certainly understand you wanted to break for something to eat, but are you almost ready to start fighting off those swarms of hotties again?  I mean, I saw that last one who was all over you, she sure was something else.

Nick:  Very funny.

Diana:  No, I'm serious.  I have to be honest, I'm starting to feel a little worried you may just dump me for her.  She clearly has so much more to offer.

Nick:  Oh yeah, you're just a regular freakin' comedian, aren't you?

HS:  Come on Diana, he's right, cut the guy a break.

Nick:  Thanks, Mark.

HS:  Of course, buddy.  It's not like it's your fault that the only woman in this entire bar that was interested enough in you not to slap you across the face was the ugliest toothless woman in this joint.

Nick looks clearly annoyed as all of Mark, Diana and Angelica all begin to laugh.  Nick shoots looks at all three of them before turning his attention back to Mark.

Nick:  Laugh it up, pal.  I'm not sure how amused you should be by the fact that the people from this little country of yours are nothing but a bunch of gigantic hideous broads.  Take a quick look around and you'll notice one thing, the hottest women in this entire bar, BY FAR, are the ones the two us brought here in with us.  And where are the from again?  Oh, that's right, they're from AMERICA.

HS:  And yet you found women here good looking enough for you to hit on that still shot you down.

Nick:  Yeah, well...

Nick's comeback comes to a quick stop as his attention is immediately grabbed elsewhere, as he's looking off towards the front door of the bar.  The fact that he stops speaking immediately grabs the attention of the other three at the table, who then turn to look where Nick is and proceed to stare on in shock the same as Nick.  As the scene pans around, it is then seen that Big B has just entered into the bar, and upon spotting the four of them, waves towards them and starts heading over.  As he gets to table side, all four of them continue to stare at Big B, who appears to be dressed from head to toe in what appears to be a costume of Pirates of the Caribbean's Captain Jack Sparrow.  As he reaches the table, he seems oblivious to the stares he's receiving from everyone.

Big B:  Hey guys!

After a few brief moments of silence in response, Nick eventually begins to speak, not even responding to B's greeting.

Nick:  What the hell is wrong with you?

Big B:  Who?  Me?

Nick:  No, the other moron dressed up like a freakin' pirate!

Big B then starts to look around, trying to figure out who it is Nick could be talking about, completely oblivious to Nick's sarcasm, before Nick gets his attention back.

Nick:  Yes you, you idiot!  Why are you dressed like that?

Big B:  Mark said when in London, be like a Londoner.

HS:  He's right, I did say that.

Nick:  And what the hell does that have to be with dressing up like that?

Big B:  Well I've never been to London before, but I know from that movie that the Jack Sparrow guy...

HS:  That's CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow.

Mark can hardly contain his laughter while Nick just shoots a glare at him, clearly displeased that he's only making matters worse with his comments.

Big B:  Right, my mistake, that Captain Jack Sparrow guy... he has a londonish accent.

HS:  You mean British?

Big B:  Yeah, that.  So anyway, he's got a British accent, so I figure that's the way all of these Londoners must dress, right?

Nick:  You have got to be kidding me.  You hang around with Mark all the time have you ever seen HIM dress up like that?

Big B:  Well no, but every time I see him he's always in America.

Nick:  We're in London now.  Does he seem to be dressed like that?

Big B:  We only just got here though, and Mark hasn't gone back to the hotel, so he hasn't had a chance to change.

HS:  You know he makes a valid point, yank.

Nick:  Will you shutup already?

HS:  Nah, this is way more fun.

Nick:  Whatever... as for you B, what about the fact that nobody else in this entire bar is dressed like?  Wasn't that some sort of clue?

After listening to that, B takes some time to look around the bar again to see how everyone is dressed, before eventually returning his attention to Nick.

Big B:  Maybe it's opposite day?

Nick doesn't even know to how respond, simply putting his face into his own hands without saying another word.  At that same time, Mark looks down at his watch and immediately starts to get up from the table.

HS:  I hate to break this up, because this is just way too much fun, but I just looked at the time and we're running a little late.  Nick, come on, take a ride with me.

Nick:  Where?

HS:  You'll find out when we get there, just trust me on this one.

Nick:  Fine, whatever.

Nick then gets up and at the same time both he and Mark pull out their wallets and each throw a wad of cash down onto the table to cover the meal and drinks. At that point Mark turns back to the two ladies still seated.

HS:  You two stay here, we shouldn't be too long.  In the meantime, we leave you in the extremely capable hands...

Mark then looks at Big B, who kind of just smiles back, before continuing to speak and correcting himself.

HS:  Let's call that the somewhat capable hands...

Nick:  I would just call it "the hands" and be done with it.

HS:  Fair enough.  Ladies, we're keeping you in the hands of Captain Jack Sparrow here.  We'll be back soon, you ladies have fun.

Mark pats B on the back and then he and Nick both walk away from the table, leaving Diana and Angelica, who just sit there staring with rather confused looks on their faces as they look at Big B standnig before them.  Mark and Nick both leave the bar as the scene fades out.

<hr width=50%>

The scene opens back up outside of a huge, very impressive looking mansion, where Nick Jones and Hot Stuff have just finished walking up to the door.  Mark then reaches up and rings the doorbell, as Nick turns to him.

Nick:  What is going on here?  Why did you drag me here?

HS:  You'll find out in just a minute, trust me.

Nick:  Find out what?  That I'm here to see some rich guy I don't even know.

HS:  I can promise you that you know him, now stop worrying about it.

With that, the door in front of them opens and standing behind it is the very familiar face of Hot Stuff's own father, former Co-Owner of WWA, GPW, GCW and GXW, Mark Ward Sr.

HS:  Hey pops!

Hot Stuff and Mark Sr. then both move in towards each other and quickly hug one another.  As they finish, Mark Sr then turns to Nick.

Mark Sr:  Hey Nick, glad to see you made the trip out with my boy here.  It's been a long time.

Nick:  It certainly has. Great to see you Mr. Ward.

Mark Sr:  Oh please, call me... you know what, I like the sound of Mr. Ward, feel free to stick with that.

Mark Sr laughs to himself based on his last comment before stepping out of the way to allow his visitors in.  Hot Stuff walks into the door, immediately follow by Nick as Mark Sr.  Closes the door behind him.  Nick looks around, seeming rather impressed by the house that he's in.

Nick:  This is a hell of a house you've got here Mr. Ward.  

Mark Sr:  Thanks, Nick.  As I think you can see, at this point I've got more money than I know what to do with, which is exactly why after we closed down GXW I realized I might as well get an early start on retirement.  Now it's time to see if my boy has the chops to pull off what I succeeded at for so many years.

Nick:  Well he's lucky he's got me there to make that task a little easier on him.

Mark Sr:  Now that's the spirit.  Why don't you guys come on in, sit down for a while.  You don't need to run off anywhere do you?

HS:  Sure thing pops, we'll be there in just a second.

Mark Sr. walks off towards the living room area while Hot Stuff holds back for a minute, motioning for Nick to stay back with him.  Once Mark Sr. is out of ear shot, Hot Stuff turns to Nick with a rather surprised look.

HS:  So what was that all about?

Nick:  I don't know what you're talking about.

HS:  This "Mr. Ward" crap.  Since when are you so damn respectful?

Nick:  When do I ever have a reason to be?  I'm no idiot, and I know damn well if it wasn't for the fact that your dad just so happed to be co-owner of GXW when our little bet got called in all those years back, the fame, fortune and success I've had throughout my career never would have happened.  If there's one guy who I actually feel deserves my respect, your dad is it.

Hot Stuff seems rather taken back by that, clearly not expecting that sort of response.

HS:  Well I'll be damned.  Fair enough.  Let's go grab a seat.

Nick and Hot Stuff proceed to follow Mark Sr. into the living room, where he is currently seated on one of the couches.  Hot Stuff and Nick then proceed to walk over to the other couch directly across from it, and each plop down.

Mark Sr:  So how's everything going with SCW?

HS:  Things are going great.  This international tour has been unreal, and it's great to top it all off with our biggest show yet taking place back home.

Mark Sr:  Glad to hear it.  Sounds like things are moving around really nicely for you guys.  I mean, you don't have the kind of worldwide success that every one of my companies did, but there's plenty of time for that still.

Nick:  Don't even think twice about that one.  With each day that passes with me as champ, the company just rises to higher and higher levels.

Mark Sr. smiles at that comment, before turning to Hot Stuff to direct his next question.

Mark Sr:  He's as modest as ever I see.

HS:  You have no idea.

With that, before the conversation can continue any further a loud crashing sound is heard coming from the kitchen area, which appears to be located just one room over.  Both Hot Stuff and Nick seem to be caught off guard by it, as Mark Sr. just shakes his head while laughing.

Nick:  What the hell was that?

Mark Sr:  Oh, don't worry about that.

A voice is then heard calling in from the kitchen.

Voice:  Sorry about that Mark, I'll pay for that.

Mark Sr:  Don't sweat it, just get your ass in here.  And grab us four beers while you're at it.

Mark Sr then turns back to Nick and Hot Stuff, who seem curious about the whole situation.

HS:  Who was that?

Mark Sr:  It's an old familiar face you ought to remember.

Hot Stuff looks to his father rather confused by this comment, as Mark Sr just smiles.

Mark Sr:  You'll see.

Mark Sr then turns back towards the kitchen, and at that moment the kitchen door swings open and out steps another familiar face, this one with four bottles of beer in his hands.  A closer look reveals him to be one of Mark Sr's former Co-Owners of both GPW and GCW, Craig Suchodolski.  Craig walks in and puts the beers down on the coffee table in front of all of them, and Hot Stuff immediately gets up off the couch, hand outstretched to shake Craig's.

HS:  I'll be damned, I never would have expected to see you here.  Great to see you!

Craig:  Great to see you too.  It's been a long time.  Yeah, it's been a long time since I've been out here, but I was talking to your dad last week and he mentioned you guys were going to be in town putting on a show, so I figured it was as good of an excuse as any to make a trip out to catch up with your old man and finally check out what you guys have going on with SCW.

HS:  Oh, that's great.  You definitely have to make it out next Sunday, it should be our best show yet.  For starters, I've got myself a little match of my own, which I know how much you always loved to see me smack people around in our GCW days.  This time some punk named Kain.

Craig:  Yeah, your dad was telling me all about it.  Sounds like it should be a hell of a match.  Hopefully all of those hours sitting behind a desk instead of inside of a ring hasn't slowed you down at all.

HS:  I assure you, that's really not a concern.  Unlike you and my pops, I make sure I can continue to fight my own battles, be it from behind the desk or in the ring.

Craig:  Fair enough, although don't be surprised if sooner or later you realize you're better off letting someone else do that for you.

HS:  Maybe one day, but for now this is still a lot of fun.  Besides, I always have a little backup if I need it.  Which actually reminds me, we've got one half of our main event right here.  Craig, I don't know if you remember, but this is...

Craig:  Nick Jones... yeah, I remember him.  Good to see you, Nick.

Craig reaches his hand out to shake Nick's, but Nick is still seated on the couch.  Nick seems to rather reluctantly stand up off of the couch and rather weakly shakes Craig's hand in return.

Craig:  Great to see you again, Nick.

Nick:  Yeah sure, whatever.

Craig just seems to ignore Nick's dismissal, while Hot Stuff immediately shoots a dirty look in Nick's direction because of it.  They all sit back down as they continue their conversation.

Craig:  So what's your match?

Nick:  While I wouldn't expect you to have a damn clue what's going on, I'm the reigning SCW Heavyweight Champion.

Craig:  Ah, very nice.

Nick:  That's right... and I'm facing this little punk by the name of Rage.

Craig:  Who?  Never heard of him.

Nick:  Exactly, welcome to my life.  I've got this endless list of no-name losers trying to make a career for themselves by trying to take me down and get my title.  Of course, they all fail miserably, and this Rage loser is going to be no different.  The guy undoubtedly has a few screws loose and he pretends like I'm supposed to be scared of him because of it.  For weeks now every match he's made in this little tournament these dipshit owners threw together...

Nick hesitates for a moment, looking at Hot Stuff with a smirk across his face before continuing.

Nick:  He keeps sending comments in my direction.  Nonsense about how he's coming for me and I should be scared and blah, blah, blah.  The same crap I've heard a million times before from other no-name losers just like this one, and just like it hasn't before, it won't make one damn bit of difference once we step in that ring next week.  The truth is once he steps into the ring with me, the only person running scared is going to be him.  I've already sent three different so-called "main event" wrestlers from this company running off with their tails tucked between their legs, never to be seen in SCW again.  

Craig:  Wow, I'm impressed.

Nick:  Good for you.  So as I was saying...  this Rage clown is a nobody.  The only reason he's getting this shot is because it was a tournament full of life-long losers.  They needed this tournament to begin with because any wrestler in the company worth a damn to begin with had already challenged me, lost and went running away with their pants soaked in piss.  So basically, he's nothing more than the best of the worst.  I sure as hell don't have anything to be scared of, and this nutjob is only fooling himself with this utter nonense.  Come next Sunday, I'm going to embarrass that clown in the middle of the ring for all the world to see, and I don't care if every one of his stupid little sinning buddies comes out to help him, it's not going to make one damn bit of difference.

HS:  Just as long as one of them isn't Despayre, right?

Nick:  Who the hell was talking to you, limey?  

Nick then realizes who he made that comment in front of, and turns towards Mark Sr to see him leering at Nick rather unhappily.

Nick:  Sorry.

Nick then turns back towards Craig to continue his rant.

Nick:  So as far as Rage goes... wait, what the hell was I saying?  I mean, beyond the fact that he sucks and I'll kick his ass, there was something else.

Mark Sr, clearly having heard enough of Nick's rambling on, grabs his beer and stands up from the couch and quickly interupts Nick as he raises his glass.

Mark Sr:  Good luck to you both in your matches and for the success of the show overall.  Cheers!

With that, Nick, Hot Stuff and Craig all stand up, grab their beers and raise them up to cheers.  They all clink their glasses together and then start to drink as the scene fades.

<hr width=50%>

The scene opens back up outside of the front door of Mark Sr.'s mansion just as Hot Stuff and Nick are leaving.  Just as the two men step outside the door, they are just finishing saying their goodbyes.

Mark Sr:  Alright guys, good luck and we'll see you at the show next week.

HS:  Sounds great.  Looking forward to it.  Later pops... good seeing you Craig.

Craig:  Same to you Mark.  And you too Nick.

Nick:  Great to see you, Mr. Ward.

Nick then turns to Craig and just shoots him a look, saying nothing to him before he and Hot Stuff both turn and walk away.  Mark Sr. then closes the door behind them and just as he does, Hot Stuff stops in his tracks and slaps Nick right across the back of his head.  Nick quickly spins around to look at Hot Stuff while grabbing his head.

Nick:  What was that for?

HS:  What the hell is your problem?

Nick:  What?!?

HS:  You were acting like a complete jackass to Craig the entire time we were there.  What was that all about?

Nick:  Oh... that.  What do you want me to tell you?  I don't like the guy, never have.

HS:  Why not?

Nick:  I don't know, it's been that way since the day I met him.  The guy just rubs me the wrong way.  He's just... well, kind of a jackass.

Hot Stuff can't help but laugh at that comment from Nick, which only seems to confuse Nick.

Nick:  What's so funny?

HS:  Oh, nothing.  It's just that while I could see how SOMEONE could feel that way.  I just wouldn't exactly expect that someone to be you of all people.

Nick:  Yeah, well it is.

HS:  Well I'll tell you what.  You two guys are far more alike than you could ever possibly imagine.

Nick:  Whatever.  I seriously doubt that.

Hot Stuff can't help but laugh again, which seems to confuse Nick only more.  Hot Stuff then walks off towards there car, with Nick following behind clearly not quite getting it, as the scene fades.

<hr width = 50%>

The scene opens up backstage inside of the bar where Mark and Nick were seen earlier, just as the two are returning back from their trip to the house of Mark Ward Sr.  With it now being even later, the crowd at the bar is bigger, which also means more women are now there.  With that, Mark quickly turns to Nick.

HS:  Listen yank, I'll go check on the ladies, you go hit that bar and go try to win yourself that damn bet.

Nick:  Sounds like a plan.  Definitely a much more appealing crowd here now for sure.  Time to get serious about this.

HS:  That's the spirit, I'll meet you over there in just a few minutes.

Nick heads straight to the bar and immediately tries to strike up a conversation with a woman while Mark pushes through the crowd in an attempt to get back to the table where they were seated at earlier with Diana and Angelica.  As he gets through there, he sees the women are still indeed sitting there, along with Big B who is still dressed up as earlier but now has a chair pulled up closely on either side of him, each occupied by a woman who are up very closely to Big B.  Perhaps even more interestingly is the fact that these two women are the same ones who earlier that day slapped Nick Jones across the face for his attempted come-ons.  Mark sees this and stares completely shocked for a moment before shaking it off and leaning in close towards both Diana and Angelica.  He speaks quietly to the two of them, so Big B and the women sitting next to him at the other side of the table can't hear.

HS:  What's with this?

Angelica:  You think we know?  Trust me, we're just as confused as you are, and we've been staring at this for the past half hour at least.

Diana:  It really is mind-boggling, but on the other hand, REALLY hilarious.  Where is Nick, he just HAS to see this.

HS:  He's too busy about to get shot down by some other chick over at the bar.  How about we just let him never know about this one.

Diana:  Fine... why don't you just ruin all of my fun.

HS:  You'll survive, but I'm not sure he will if we tell him.  So how did this happen anyway?

Angelica:  After you left, the waitress was just getting off duty and came by to complain to us about you two.

HS:  Us two?  What did I do?

Angelica:  Who knows, she was just on a roll.  Then B tried to respond and of course said something completely idiotic, she thought it was hilarious and thought the costume was supposed to be funny too, and decided to sit herself down next to him.

Diana:  Yeah, and then like a minute later the other woman comes by to say something about Nick to the waitress.  From there her and the waitress start going back and forth trashing Nick, which that was a real riot, and B actually attempts to defend Nick but manages to only insult him even worse, the two women find it hilarious and they've been pretty much vying for his attention ever since.

HS:  So you're telling me, the formula for B's success is having a cousin everyone hates and acting like a complete moron?

Diana:  Pretty much.

HS:  Go figure, it sure sounds a lot easier than some of the crap I used to go through.

Angelica:  I can vouch for that.

HS:  Well you ladies keep your eye on this and let me now how it goes, I'm going to check and see how your little bet is working out for you.

Diana:  I've never been so confident of a sure thing before.

Mark chuckles in response to that before turning and walking off towards the bar.  He heads in Nick's direction and as he gets over there, casually walks up to a spot at the bar right behind where Nick is, making sure to not interfere or interrupt, but getting close enough to hear what's going on.

Nick:  Come on baby, I'm Nick Jones... SCW Heavyweight Champion.  I'm a superstar back home, what do you mean you don't know who I am?

With that, the women Nick was talking to doesn't say another word, but simply lets out a sigh and turns away, going back towards her friends.  Nick then turns back to the bar and grabs his beer, clearly knowing Mark is standing right there but not wanting to look in his friends direction.

HS:  You've really sunk to that level, huh?

Nick:  What are you talking about?

HS:  Trying to use the SCW Champion line?  I mean, come on, are you serious with this crap?

Nick:  Oh kiss my ass.  These stupid London broads are getting on my last nerve, at this point I'll try anything just to get this stupid bet over with.

At that moment, an attractive woman comes up to the bar right next to Nick.  Nick turns to her and immediately smiles and begins to talk with her.

Nick:  Hey there honey.  How do you feel about a man with money?

The woman takes her drink and throws it straight in Nick's face before turning and walking away.  Nick turns back around only to see Mark trying to contain his laughter, but mostly failing at doing so.

Nick:  I'm glad you're so amused.

HS:  So I've got to ask, did you mean for that to rhyme?

Nick:  I hate you, I hope you know that.

HS:  You love me and you know it.

Nick:  The sad part is, you may have given me the one possible means of winning this bet earlier.

HS:  What are you talking about?

Hot Stuff then looks straight at Nick, who he sees staring off in another direction.  Mark then turns to see where Nick is looking, only to see that Nick is staring at the ugly woman that Mark sent over to him earlier.  Upon realizing what Nick is thinking, Mark's expression suddenly gets much more serious as he turns back to Nick shaking his head.

HS:  Come on, yank, that was just a joke.  You can't do this to yourself.

Nick thinks about what Mark has said for a few moments before nodding his head.

Nick:  You know what, you're right.  That's a line I'm not willing to cross, regardless of some stupid bet.

Just at that moment, Diana goes walking past the two of them at the bar, seeming to be on her way to the ladies room.  As she walks by, she throws one quick comment out in their direction.

Diana:  Uh oh, looks like someone is going to lose our little bet.

Diana keeps on walking, and Nick's demeanor quickly changes.  He then turns back to Mark, seeming very annoyed by the whole situation.

Nick:  One way or another I'm going to win this damn bet.  So if you'd excuse me.

Mark shakes his head in disbelief as Nick walks past him and heads straight towards the extremely unattractive woman who he shot down earlier who is standing further down at the bar.  As he gets right next to her, he moves in close but then can't seem to keep it up, as he immediately takes a step back before speaking.

Nick:  Hey there hon... swee... you.  

Ugly Woman: Well hello again, sexy.

Nick:  So sorry about our little interaction earlier.  It was nothing personal but there was whole weird thing going on with my friend over there.  He was feeling real down in the dumps and I don't want to make him feel worse by having him watch me pick up such a, umm.... special... lady like you.

Ugly Woman: I understand, you're a good friend.

Nick:  Thanks, but since that's all been cleared up, why don't we get back to where we were.  How about me and you get out of here?

Ugly Woman: Sorry handsome, but you missed your chance.  This fine looking lady here already found herself another man, so you're too late.  Oh look, here he comes now.

The woman turns and motions towards an extraordinarily drunken man who comes stumbling over to them before coming up next to her and putting his arm around her.  The man in question happens to be none other than the former undefeated tag team partner and cousin to SCW's Sxxxy Shane Boswell, Matt Grove.  Matt then looks Nick up and down through squinting eyes for a moment.

Matt:  Hey... don't I know you?

Nick looks at Matt seeming absolutely dumbfounded by what, as he just stands there for a moment as he shakes his head in disgust.

Nick:  Un-freakin-believable.

At that moment, Matt suddenly notices Hot Stuff standing just a little further down the bar, apparently having moved in closer to listen in on the conversation Nick was having.  Given the recent turn of events, Mark seems to be quite amused by the whole situation as Matt spots him and calls over to him.

Matt:  Oh, hey cuz!  What are you guys doing here?

HS:  We've got a show in town next week.  The better question is what the hell are you doing here?

Matt:  I... well, I am... I'll be damned if I know.  I don't even remember how I got here.

Matt laughs to himself, as Nick and Mark just look at him, not quite sure what to think of this situation.  It's only just a moment later they are joined by another man drunkenly stumbling over, this one being Matt and Mark's cousin and SCW superstar, Shane Boswell.  Shane stumbles right up along side Matt, putting his arm around him.  It then takes a few more moments before Shane suddenly notices Mark standing right in front of him.

Shane:  Oh, hey there cuz.  And hey... um... Mick?  No... Vick? Um... hey man!

Upon seeing Shane in his drunken state, Mark and Nick seem to be much more understanding of the situation.  At that point, Mark turns back to Matt.

HS:  Never mind, consider the question answered.

Matt:  Um, ok... cool.  You guys want to join us for a beer... or 10?

Nick:  Yeah, we'll pass thanks.  We have some, uh... other stuff to do.

Matt:  Oh ok, cool... later!

Nick and Mark both turn towards each other and roll their eyes before turning and walking away.  The two of them walk further down the bar until they are out of viewing distance before settling back in at a new spot.  At that point, Mark turns his attention back to Nick about the outstanding question.

HS:  So forgetting that whole disaster for a moment, what's your plan for this bet now?

Nick:  My plan is simple... the quickest and easiest way to end this.

With that said, Nick then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a wad of cash.  At that moment, Diana comes walking past again, on her way back to their table and sees Nick with his cash out and stops in her tracks, shooting him a rather disappointed look.

Diana:  You can't possibly be serious.

Nick:  Hey, there were never any rules put in place for this bet.

Diana:  But that's an all new low, even for you.  Come on, let's just get out of here and just head back to the hotel.

Nick:  I'm not going anywhere until I've got someone coming with me.  I am winning this damn bet.

Diana:  Someone will be coming with you... me.  Just like you said, we never set any rules.

With that, a smile comes across Diana's face as she reaches into Nick's hand and pulls the wad out of cash out of it.  She then takes it and puts it down the front of her shirt before taking him by the hand.  Nick seems confused for a moment, before suddenly getting it and smiling.

Nick:  Well then, why don't we go win me that bet?

Diana:  Sounds good to me.

Nick and Diana walk off together as Mark simply watches on, laughing to himself at what he saw unfold.  Mark then grabs his beer and heads back towards the table as Nick and Diana walk out the door of the bar, leaving for the night as the scene then fades to black.