Author Topic: Bringing the NWA TV Title home  (Read 2019 times)

Offline Casey Williams

  • Freight Train Of Pain
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    • Casey Williams
Bringing the NWA TV Title home
« on: February 17, 2012, 03:32:14 PM »
  Scene 1-Return to former glory

The scene opens with Misty helping Spike Staggs back towards the locker room area after Climax Control. Spike is fuming. Casey Williams is following them, staring ahead with an angry look upon his face.  The entire time they are walking, Casey just takes deep breaths trying to calm himself down.  Spike looks back to Casey, and the guilt begins to get the best of him, so they remain quite all the way to their destination.  As they approach the locker room door, Casey lets out an angry growl kicks the door wide open, screaming in anger, and Spike calls out Justin Underwood, and has a confused look on his face.

Spike-“Justin Underwood is going to pay for that superkick to my jaw, that son of a bitch.  He is jealous that Casey and I won that match.”

Casey-“You mean, YOU won!”

After Casey says this, he throws his stuff down in the room.  He walks over to the locker and bounces his fist against the blue metal door, putting a giant dent in it before he rips it off the hinges. Spike pipes up again, trying to apologize for eliminating Casey from the match.

Spike-“Casey, it was an accident, okay?  I didn’t mean to toss you over, but with Kain in such a precarious position, I was trying to just get him over, and you went over too. I am sorry, bud.”

Casey-“Spare me your pathetic lies Spike.  You are lucky that you are my stable mate, and are facing both Hot Stuff and Justin at Blaze of Glory, and I am getting my title shot, otherwise I would just kick the ever living shit out of you right now!”

Spike has this flabbergasted look on his face as he raises his hands in the air in surrender when Casey told him this. Misty steps in between the men, trying to get them to calm down and focus on the upcoming show, Blaze of Glory.  She turns her back to Spike, as if shielding him from Casey when he gives her a strange look and takes a step forward, trying to move her out of the way.  She smacks Spike’s arm as Casey laughs at the two, pounding his fist into his hand, cracking his knuckles in the process.

Misty-“Stop it, both of you, right now.  We are the New XTremes, we should not be bickering between ourselves.  Don’t forget, Casey, you are getting that TV title shot at Blaze of Glory.  Take your aggression out on Gaeten LaValle.  Spike, focus your energy on defeating Mark and Justin.”

Casey-“You are absolutely right Misty; I should focus on Gaeten and getting that title from him. After I accomplish that, the sky is the limit on where to go from there.”

Spike reaches over and smacks Casey’s arm, causing Misty to become the flabbergasted one.  Spike steps right up to Casey, tilting his head back to look up at Casey.  Casey’s face twists into all kinds of expressions but they all convey anger as Spike breathes in his face.

Spike-“You got something you want to do to me?  I don’t care if we are friends, or stable mates.  You want to punch me in my fucking face, then just do it!  Do it ya big pussy!”

Casey cracks his knuckles again, hauling back his fist, but Misty stops him by grabbing onto his arm with everything she’s got.  She looks back at Spike with a curious, and worried look on her face.  Spike reaches up and smack Casey across the face.

Spike-“Come on, I thought you were the Freight Train of Pain.  You’re more like the little fucking engine that COULDN’T DO SHIT!  Why did we even pick you to join us?  You are a puss-see!”

Casey pulls free from Misty’s clutch, and he gives a full swing at Spike, then making direct contact with Spike in the nose, causing it to bleed all over the place.  Misty gasps and watches on as she prepares for a big fight.  Instead, what she sees is, while bleeding, Spike is smiling.  She looks at the blood flowing all over the place and she quickly searches for a towel.  Spike tilts his head back and laughs.

Spike-“THAT is what I need to see from you.  Prove to the world that you aren’t soft!  There is no way a softy is going to win the title.  Only an X-Treme!”

The scene fades to black as Casey storms out of the room, still pissed off with Spike.  He lets out another angry growl as he slams the door shut behind him.

Scene 2-Death of the old Casey

The bright afternoon sun shines down through the windows of Farwell Funeral Home for the wake of Casey Williams, not the “Freight Train of Pain” but the shell of his former self.  When friends, family, and former co-workers, as well as NXT Members Spike Staggs, Misty, and Jordan Williams walk into the funeral home, and see a mannequin in the casket, which represents the former persona that was a push over by so many people due to his large size.  All these people are there to pay respects to the man they once knew, but unbeknownst to them, that Casey walks in behind them.

Casey-“Hey Spike, how’s the nose?”[/i]

Spike-“It is fine.  I am just glad that I finally got through to you and made you understand what you need to do to stay on track, and not get derailed like you were since you were teaming with the recently departed Blade Alexander. I need you to focus on the task at hand, and that is proving to the world that you are the Freight Train of Pain, and why you earned that name. What happened at Climax Control and our altercation afterwards is all the fire you need to bring success to the New X-Tremes and that we all have each other’s back, no matter what.”

The camera catches a sinister looking smile on Casey’s face as Spike spoke.  He seemed very proud of what he had done to Spike, but the feeling was pretty mutual.  Despite the events of the other day, the two shake hands in a true display of friendship and team work.  Casey knew why Spike did what he did, and this was certainly not a lesson he would let go to waste.  That monster that Spike had planted in him was there to stay, whether anyone liked it or not.

The rest of the evening, people gathered around to say their goodbyes to the big softy they had come to know as Casey Williams, the imposter “Freight Train of Pain”.  Some dropped white roses into the open casket while others signed the Trinity.  Instead of the usual sobering tone of the evening, there was a feeling of joy.  At the end of the 2 hours of the wake, everyone departs from the funeral parlor and heads back to their respective homes for the night, gearing up for the funeral the next day.  

When the next day comes, everyone gathers together again at the Edgewood Cemetery, the same people who showed up at the funeral parlor the night before show up to say goodbye to their memories of the man they respect, but also know that the old Casey is in a better place.  The past does not have room for the new monster who has been born into the now.  They take their seats as Casey stares down at the big hole in the ground.

Pastor-“I would like to thank everybody for gathering here to pay their final respects to Casey Williams, the man who was formally teamed with Blade Alexander and Ryan King during his tenure in SCW.  Casey would like to say a few words to everyone.”

Casey-“Thank you Pastor!  As you guys know, I am not much of a religious man, but there are times that it is necessary to do things that one isn’t used to doing.  Like saying goodbye to my old self in such a graphic manner, but it needed to get done so everyone will see me for who I am today, and not the man I was.  Yeah, I have been a career killer, and will continue to end those careers of those who get in my way.  That is the only aspect from my past that will still be a part of me because that is my future too.  If I may, I would like to recite Psalm 23, which goes as follows:

The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
He leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul:
He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name' sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil: For thou art with me;
Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies;
Thou annointest my head with oil; My cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the House of the Lord forever.

Casey pauses for a moment, taking a look around at the crowd who has gathered to mourn the Casey of yesterday.  He takes a deep breath, doing his best to get rid of this old person who has held him back for far too long.  As he does so, a sort of fire ignites within him and he flips over his Eulogy paper before tearing it in half.  He throws it behind him and looks at each and every person in attendance as he continues on.

Casey-“What that means is that things about to change.  You think that you have seen the pain and destruction I have caused was bad, you just wait until you see the destruction I cause to Gaetan and everyone else in my path to the top. People throughout the years have looked at me as a freak because I was always big for my age, until they felt the pain that I would inflict upon them.   After that, people would be careful what they would say to me, because they knew I would kick somebody’s ass.”

As soon as Casey finishes speaking, he tears the cover off of the casket, and by doing so, knocking all the flowers that were above it off.  Then he kicks the casket over, knocking the mannequin of himself onto the ground, and tears each limb from the torso, as well as the head, and tosses each part into the hole in the ground, spits on each part of the mannequin, grabs a handful of dirt, and throws it down the hole.  The scene fades as Casey shouts “See you in Hell!”.

Scene 3- Showing the Frenchie who is boss
The scene opens with Casey Williams using the leg press machine at the gym with the maximum pounds on it, he finishes his last set with ease when he sees the camera man and decides to call out Gaetan LaValle, while cleaning the machine.

Casey-“Gaeten, so we finally do battle. You may talk about how you don’t hate me, but after we do battle, you will hate me.  You want to know why.  I will be defeating you, and taking that title that you hold most dear away from you.  I don’t care that I am the only person that you have faced that is not Chris Fury in the last year.  It only shows that he was a failure compared to you.  I have seen tapes of your promos, which aren’t all that impressive, but you, like me, are a much better wrestler than a speaker.  We both let our actions speak louder than anything we may say. You know that I caused people immense pain and caused them to retire, or come back as a shell of their former self, kind of the way I was from the December to Dismember show until last Climax Control. “

Casey then takes a sip of water, crushes the bottle after it is empty, throws it away, and goes to the bike, gets it set for a 45 minute bike ride and continues to speak.

"No matter how small and fast a train might think it is, when it is headed straight for a much bigger, stronger, pissed off train... It will be CRUSHED!  That is not a threat, but a promise.  I do not care about that little ass town you come from up on that island off the coast of Canada.  I don’t care that it is a French owned island, or that it can fit in Nashua 14 times.  All I care about is that title that you hold.  You talk about how you were picked on because of how small you were, and how you, like me with me being too big, rose about the hate, and did what you had to do to get noticed as a success.  I give you credit for bringing prestige back to that title, but I will bring that title to a whole other level that you thought was impossible to reach. You may say I am on the Crazy Train because I was on a losing streak until my last match.  Spike and I proved that NXT is the elite class of SCW, and will prove it at Blaze of Glory, when I win the NWA TV Title, Misty regains SCW’s Bombshell title, and the NWA Cruiserweight title, followed up with Spike Staggs and Jordan Williams beating Hot Stuff Mark Ward and the returning Justin Underwood.“

Casey then gets off the treadmill, cleans it off, returns home.  He goes to take a shower, and calls out Gaeten one last time after cracking open a can of Bud Light.

”Don’t take my respect of your success for softness.  I am going to make a name for myself by defeating you soundly, and in doing so, make myself a household name in NWA.  People know me in SCW, and respect me enough to stay out of my way.  I am going to make my rounds in NWA, and show the rest of the wrestlers in the other organizations involved with NWA what the “Freight Train of Pain” is all about.  You are nothing more than a risk, with all those high flying moves you do.  I will show the world that David doesn’t always beat Goliath, and anything you may say to me isn’t something I have not already heard before. We will show the world that we are better than what people made us out to be when we were growing up, showcasing why we are great competitors. We may not see eye to eye, but we are going to steal the damn show, setting the bar up high for the guys and girls following behind us.  As you saw in that last match, that despite my losing 3 matches in a row to that point, I came back for more, like Five Finger Death Punch talked about in the song I am currently using as my entrance song, ‘Back for More’.“

Shortly thereafter, Casey goes to get a room temperature bottle of water from the kitchen, and goes into his bed room as the scene fades to black.


SCW Title's held (and reign)
1x Roulette title reign from 05/20/12 to 8/02/12
1x Tag team title reign (w/ Jordan Williams) from 3/18/12 to 4/29/12
Hall of Famer class of 2020