Author Topic: Too-da-loo with a twist  (Read 1092 times)

Offline MiloKasey

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Too-da-loo with a twist
« on: January 12, 2024, 11:52:36 PM »
Well, here we are, entering into 2024 still the reigning SCW Internet Champion. Christmas came and went, as both myself and Carter spent our time in Las Vegas with Carter's mom, Joanna and gram, Joan, while my mum, Mora, sister, Brianna, brother-in-law, Grant and nephew, Riley all spent the holiday together. And it all went absolutely wonderful.

I don’t want to bore you with the details, but if we thought 2022’s Christmas was spectacular, that didn’t even hold a candle to this full on family celebration that they had had. They even invited the usual suspects of Ariana and Francisco. The door was always open to friends. Traditions were carried out, Christmas movies were played, food was wonderful and gifts were exchanged. And by the time the McKinney’s and Kasey’s had all parted ways, something interesting happened.

Mum and Joanna have become fast friends, sharing stories of their boys, much to mine and Carter's (mostly Carter’s) horror via text, phone calls and video calls. 4,663 Miles between them and the moms bonded with that whole distance.

We won’t get into New Years Eve. But it was sure as hell a whole lot better for the both of us...if you catch my drift.

ANYWAYS, 2024 and it’s time for things to come to an end.

Closing the Chapter: Farewell, Karen

The air was thick with a sense of something happening, and well that smell that one gets as Miles entered one of the local bars, a favorite greasy spoon place that he had found some time ago, the familiar scent of spilled beer and the low hum of conversations providing a backdrop to the unfolding drama. It had been several weeks since the explosive encounter with Karen Chapman, the infamous neighbor from hell, and Miles was hoping for some peace. Little did he know, fate had a surprising encounter waiting for him.

As he waited for his late night dinner order, Miles noticed a solitary figure at the bar, nursing his third drink as was evident by the 2 other empty glasses that sat next to the gentlemen. It was Hank Chapman, Karen's long-suffering husband. Miles hesitated for a moment, debating whether to approach or not, maybe a quick rush off to the loo, but it was too late—Hank had already spotted him and gave him a quick wave over.

Hank, worn and weathered, looked like a man carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. Despite his best efforts to avoid eye contact, Miles found himself drawn into conversation with the beleaguered husband.

“Hey there, Hank. How's it going?”

Hank sighed, taking a long drag from his glass, “Oh, you know, same old. Dealing with the aftermath.”

All Miles could do was nod rather uncomfortably, “I can imagine. Look, I don't want to pry, but is everything okay?”

Hank laughed almost bitterly, “Okay? No, Miles, nothing has been okay for a very long time. But you know what? Today's different.”

Intrigued, Miles pulled up a stool, sensing there was more to Hank's story than met the eye. And besides he wasn’t about to miss out on some juicy gossip about what was going on about the woman that had done nothing but detest him and Carter. Hank was a good man though, he worked hard to make sure that his family wanted for nothing. As the conversation unfolded, Hank began to share a tale of years spent in quiet misery, bound by a prenuptial agreement that kept him tethered to Karen's tumultuous world. The revelation, however, was a game-changer.

“She's been cheating on me, Miles. For over a year. I have had to deal with that bullshit for 15 years and well...I found out....actually I walked in on it, confronted her and her lover, and now it's over. I'm divorcing her.”

Miles’ eyes grew huge when he was hearing this as he was genuinely surprised, “I'm sorry to hear that, Hank. But, in a way, it sounds like you're finally free.”

Hank smiles sadly, “Free... that's exactly it. I've been stuck in this nightmare for too long. The divorce is happening, and we're selling the place. I'll be rid of her for good. Well, hopefully, not sure what the kids are going to want to do. But either way, I’m getting them out of the whole situation.”

Hank's revelation about Karen's infidelity and the impending divorce hung in the air as the two men continued their conversation at the bar. Hank had offered to buy him a round but Miles politely declined and opted for just water instead. Miles felt a mix of sympathy for Hank's ordeal and a tinge of relief that the Chapman drama might finally be reaching its conclusion.

Hank took another sip of his drink, staring into the depths of his glass. "You know, Miles, I never expected things to turn out this way. But maybe it's for the best. I can finally live my life without that constant chaos."

Miles nodded in understanding. "Sometimes, it takes a storm to clear the air. And who knows, maybe you'll find peace on the other side of all this."

Hank managed a small smile, appreciating the sentiment. "I sure hope so. But, uh, there's something else I wanted to talk to you about. It's about Keith."

Miles raised an eyebrow, suddenly more attentive. "Keith? What's going on?"

Hank hesitated for a moment, as if contemplating whether to share the information. "He's been struggling, Miles. More than I realized. All the drama with Karen and his siblings—it's hitting him hard. I'm worried about him and it feels like he may be hiding things from me. I know I haven’t been around a whole lot but-"

Concern etched across Miles' face. "I've noticed he's been going through a rough time. But...what can I do to help?"

Hank sighed, grateful for Miles' offer. "I talked to him, after that last blow up. He talked highly of you and I think he connected. I know there is something more. Keith... he's been acting out, and he’s been getting into some serious trouble at school."

Miles' expression shifted from concern to a deeper gravity. "What happened, Hank? Is there anything I can do?"

Hank took a deep breath. "I just needed someone to know. Maybe, even after the move, if he knows that you can keep an eye out for him. I'm doing my best, but I can't be in two places at once. And with all this chaos, I don't want Keith slipping through the cracks."

Miles nodded solemnly. "If he’s up for it, I’ll see what I can do, Hank." Before Hank could continue on, Miles phone came alive with a tone, “Uh, pardon me for a moment Hank...I should take this.”

And that call that would jolt him out of the bar, snatching his food on the way out and back into the unfolding complexities at Turnberry Towers.

Unwelcome Shadows

The neon glow of the Las Vegas Strip cast long, unsettling shadows as Miles rushed back to Turnberry Towers. The call from the Las Vegas Police had jolted him, leaving a sinking feeling in his gut. The night air, usually filled with the distant sounds of the city's revelry, now seemed eerily silent.

As Miles approached the Towers, he could see the flashing lights of police vehicles and ambulances, a stark contrast to the usual serene atmosphere. He parked his car hastily not even caring if it was illegal or not, heart pounding, and rushed towards the scene.

Anne Thompson, the President of the Towers Association, stood near the entrance, her expression a mix of concern and frustration. Miles hurried over, his mind racing with worry for Carter.

"Miles," Anne's voice carried a tension that matched the atmosphere.

“Anne, where is- is he-?”
"He’s ok, Miles. I got there just after everything happened. He’s over there speaking with the police right now."

She would point ahead as Miles caught a glimpse of Carter with a blanket over his shoulders, speaking with the few officers, his face dirty, sweaty and in Miles’ eye he looked scared. Miles pushed through the crowd, calling out Carter’s name, the uniformed police officers stopped Miles at first. Mrs. Thompson told them who he was and they let him through. There, on one of the concrete barriers, sat Carter, looking visibly shaken.

But the minute the young man saw Miles coming towards him, he stood up and was engulfed in Miles’ arms. The police gave them both a moment as Miles helped Carter sit again and Miles dropped to his knees beside him, a mix of relief and concern flooding through him. "Love, are you okay? What happened?"

Carter managed a weak smile, his eyes reflecting the ordeal he'd just been through. "I'm okay. Just... I was getting home and next thing I knew some guy tried to jump me. I managed to fight them off."

"What were they after?" Miles asked, his gaze shifting from Carter to Anne, who had joined them.

Anne sighed, her frustration evident. "We're not sure. It looked like a random attack. But we're working with the police to review security footage."

And as if on cue the police, along with the head of security make their way over to them with an iPad in hand. “Mrs. Thompson, we have something that you may wanna see.”

She excused herself from Miles and Carter to see what they had needed. Miles watched for a moment before his attention returned to Carter, who was now being examined by paramedics. The adrenaline that had fueled his fight had given way to a palpable exhaustion.

"You did good, love," Miles said, his voice a quiet reassurance, wrapping his arm around pulling him close and placing a kiss on top of his head, "I'm just glad you're okay."

Carter managed a wry smile, "Yeah, well, they didn't know who they were messing with."

As the paramedics finished their assessment and assured Miles that Carter would be physically fine but to take it easy for a day or so just to be on the safe side. After a few moments, the police along with security and Mrs. Thompson walked back over. “Carter, I know you are still shaken up but is it possible that you could look at something and perhaps confirm what I think we are seeing. I know it may be difficult but...”

“Just show me.” Carter let out holding out his hand, as they turned the iPad over to him and he and Miles watched what happened together. The first shot shows Carter pulling into the garage in his bug, we see two figures, one the male figure already hooded up and he’s looking and seeing where the second figure is pointing. The second figure is a lot shorter, and doesn’t even bother to cover their head. Medium-short hair, blonde. The ire of Miles raised quickly.

“I know that head of hair anywhere.”

And just then that person turns and the camera catches her face in Black and White HD.

They had nothing to lose, nothing to gain and the mastermind behind a vicious attack, and if Miles were a betting man, he would label the guess as to who was their co-conspirator.

“Stanley to all, putting a B.O.L. for a female, 40 years old, estimated height of 5’ 3”, 165 pounds blonde medium-short hair and goes by the name of Karen Chapman. Arrest on site.”

Old Opponent, New Twist

The scene opens in Miles Kasey's living room. Miles is seated on a comfortable couch, surrounded by the warm glow of dimmed lights. The SCW Internet Championship rests beside him, a testament to his recent triumphs.

He smirks, a confident gleam in his eyes. "Peter Vaughn, my old nemesis. It's been a journey and a half since the last time you and I faced off in that ring. It has been a path of growth, of learning, and most importantly, a journey of winning."

The camera zooms in, capturing the intensity in Miles' gaze.

"Back then, Peter, no matter what we have gone through, you had my number. I won't deny it. But times, as they say, have changed. Look around, Peter. Since the last time we have crossed paths, I have built a kingdom, a small one maybe but the beginning of something amazing. Between here and being invited to the Go Gym, it’s where I've honed my skills, where I've transformed into the SCW Internet Champion."

He lifts the championship belt, the gleaming metal reflecting the room's soft light.

"I'm not the same Miles you faced before. Some might say that I have evolved. And somehow, by many’s surprise, I've become a champion. And Peter, you seem to be holding on nice and tight to that Roulette Championship. BUT when we step into that ring once again, this coming Sunday, it won't be the same story.”

“You see this time, things are very different. You are no longer a stooge and the cleaner and I have seemingly started to grow-up. Maybe it’s because of everything that 2023 brought. Maybe it’s because while you were in the background, being your dominate self, I was thrown into the spotlight and suddenly a contender not only to what is now MY Internet Title but I even had shots to the very championship that J2H just relinquished and now us and the 6 other lucky saps are now battling for.”

“And not going to lie, bruv, the situation that we find ourselves in probably is one for the ages. The champion simply didn’t want to be a champion anymore but he’s not leaving, he’s just tired of being a target. Could you imagine if one of us did that? If suddenly we had no desire to be who and what we worked so damn hard for, and just give it up? What would that say about that particular division? I have never said it out loud but it cheapened the whole damn thing with a tournament and instead of the winner facing who was, it’s just handed to us.”

“So this is how I’m looking at it, I have a lot to prove against just about every man in this tournament. Minus Carter. ....and minus Austin after the hell we just put each other through. After everything I don’t see it being much of a struggle for me; it'll be a statement. A statement that Miles Kasey is no longer the underdog; he's the top dog. He is the one to beat."

The room seems to pulse with Miles' determination. He leans back, placing his free arm on the top of the couch and scratches his chin, contemplating what he wants to say next.

"I respect what we've been through, Peter. I respect the battles we've waged. But this time, I'm not just looking for a win. I'm looking for dominance. I'm looking to show the world and, more importantly, show you that I've ascended to a level you haven't seen before. In other words, mate....I plan on winning the whole fuckin’ thing."

He places the championship back beside him, the room returning to a momentary calm.

"So, SCW Roulette Champion, Peter Vaughn...brace yourself. The SCW Internet Champion is coming, not to defend his title but to make a statement, a statement that echoes through the SCW corridors. It’s been a warning that I have been giving all along. Get ready for a Miles Kasey who's not just ready for a fight; he's ready for victory. Elite 8 is where you get off on this journey, mate. I got me a bloody championship to win."

The screen fades to black, leaving the living room in a quiet anticipation.