Author Topic: Prince of Puff Pow (Matty Mallow)  (Read 1857 times)

Offline Kandy Kaine

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Prince of Puff Pow (Matty Mallow)
« on: November 03, 2023, 03:19:06 PM »
The scene opens up to a shot of Matty Mallow inside of a six sided ring. He is across the ring from his trainer, Jamie Staggs. For the first time ever, Jamie looks determined. Matty finds himself nervous as the two beging to circle one another inside of the Staggs Dungeon.

Jamie: Remember, you're fighting a brawler technician. What do?

Matty thinks, but doesn't let it deflect his concentration on Jamie, who lunges at him. Matty narrowly ducks out of the way.

Matty: I punch him in the dick?

Jamie: Only if you wanna be a looooooser. Remember, that's a DQ in a regular match. Boy have I learned that one

"Ya gotta wait until the ref isn't looking."

The voice peeps over the ring apron as we see "Shorty" Devin Tyler standing there by the ring steps. Matty chuckles, giving Jamie the chance to jump in and engage in a tie up.

Matty: Dang it!

Jamie: Come on, I only got a few minutes of serious left in me.

Matty tries to pull away from Jamie, but the trip is too tight. Jamie sends Matty into the corner. As he charges at Matty, Matty rolls out of the way and grabs onto Jamie for a German Suplex. Jamie nails him with an elbow to the side of the head and then drops down with a Snapmare into a Rear Choke.

Jamie: You can be better, scro. Use your instincts.

Matty puts his leg over the bottom rope and Jamie breaks the hold. Matty gets up and gives himself some room to breathe.

Matty: I got this. A good defense is the best offense here.

Jamie: The Prince of Puff Pow wants to come at the king.

Matty charges Jamie, who throws him through the ropes and right at Shorty's feet. Shorty gives him a playful kick before helping him up. Jamie charges with a dive through the ropes. Matty catches him and they both go down.

Matty: I thought we were just going for moves Justin Smith might use.

Jamie stays laid on the ground next to Matty. He is breathing a bit harder now as he looks up at the ceiling lights.

Jamie: Expect anything from another newbie. Yeah, that's it. I definitely didn't fall back into my own style. You believe that, right?

Matty: No.

Jamie: Yeah, me either.

The two sit there for a moment longer, considering getting back to the training.

Matty: Am I even good enough to wrestle yet? I mean, I'm so fresh out of training.

Jamie: Kandy isn't the smartest, but she has good intuition when it comes to wrestling. She picked you.

Matty: Yeah because I'm cute as a button. Her words.

Jamie: You do have a charming smile. Wait a minute, I didn't mean that.

Matty shows off the smile and enjoys the compliment. He then sits up and crawls back toward the ring, pulling himself up by the apron. He rolls back inside of the ring, and Jamie soon follows. They begin the circle again.

Matty: I'll have to really dig deeper to wrestle against someone like Justin. He's bigger than me. He's got more experience than me…

Jamie: Casey says he's a big softy on the inside.

Matty: But it's the outside that's gonna wallop me if I don't shake these nerves! He's the Tarrytown Tormenter.

Jamie lunges in, but Matty spins and nails a loud chop to Jamie's back. Jamie winces and this allows Matty to jump on Jamie's back, clubbing until Jamie lifts him into a Fireman's Carry.

Jamie: Yeah but you're in Vegas now, son! We've seen some of the most brutal matches in the history of… like ever. Ivan and Andrew train hard, so I get why you're nervous. But trust your instincts, just like Kandy does.

Matty: I'll try. It's just… just… I thought Kandy's attitude of positivity would rub off on me. I thought I could be nice and people would like me the way they like her.

Jamie helps Matty up as a gesture of good faith. However, he pulls him in for a Short Arm Clothesline.

Jamie: But you're not her. You just got to graduate from here much sooner. That's not for nothin'.

Matty gets up and rests in the corner for a timeout. He holds up the T with his hands. Jamie settles into the other corner as Shorty watches.

Matty: He's trained with Hall of Fame Casey Williams.

Jamie: And you've trained with Hall of Famer Spike Staggs.

Matty: For a week when you got the flu… Forget it. Cancel my match. I can't do it

Jamie: Nope. Even if you go out there and get your ass whooped, you're going out there. Comprendo friendo?

Matty feels his nerves for a moment before nodding his head. He rubs his hands together and charges at Jamie who side steps Matty. Matty stops the collision and jumps into the air and Jamie scoops him up into an Electric Chair position. However, Matty brings him down into a Victory Roll and Shorty mimics a one count before Jamie kicks out. They get back up and Matty sighs as they tie up again.

Matty: I did my research on him, but I still don't feel prepared. He's a former baseball player who grew up in Tarrytown. But even though he's new, he took time to perfect his skills before signing. Oh God, why did I do this?

"Because you are ready to learn."

The camera turns over to see Kandy standing there. Matty's eyes light up as he bounces a little. Jamie takes the opportunity to nail a Belly To Belly Suplex.

Matty: Oof… but… I graduated already.

Kandy: You've gotta learn how to take a win just as much as you hafta learn how to take a loss. No matter what, you will be back to fight another day.

Matty: Not if I get got in the process. This guy is a mean green fighting machine.

Jamie: And you're the Prince of Puff Pow.

Matty tries to come up with something to combat that, but he's stuck.

Kandy: Just remember to breathe, then strike. Breathe…

Kandy takes in a deep breath as she focuses on Matty.

Kandy: … then strike…

She exhales slowly as she kicks at the air. Matty trips Jamie up and goes for a Camel Clutch. Kandy claps wildly.

Matty: I did it. I really did it! Puff, Pow!

Kandy: Now just bring that to the ring on Sunday and you'll do fine. Don't give up without a fight.

Matty: I won't! I…

Jamie is able to bring Matty over on his side and moves over to an arm bar. Matty uses his awareness for another rope break.

Matty: Yowzers! At least I'm getting trained by a former SCU Champion to be able to have a fighting chance. I'm starting to feel pretty good about this now. I think Justin might not have it as easy as he thinks with a young buck rookie like me.

Kandy: That's the spirit! Puff Pow!

Matty: Puff Pow! I'm gonna just keep going!

The camera sticks around to see Jamie and Matty get up again to circle as the scene fades.